Combination of colors in the interior (57 photos): successful and beautiful options. Cool cheat sheet on color combinations Color combinations in curtains table

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Choosing the right color palette has important when decorating any room. So we’ll talk about ways to combine colors in the interior and the effect of color on a person’s mood. Let's also see how the table of color combinations in the interior can help independent planning room design.

The color scheme is an important component of any interior.

It is necessary to know not only the meanings of each shade, but also the ability to correctly combine tones. To apply optimal color combinations in the interior, a color wheel and a design table are used.

Before we learn about the options for combining shades, let's learn about their meanings in our lives. According to psychologists, they can have an impact on our mood and even emotional state.

The color that gives you a cheerful mood and warms you with warmth is yellow. Green is considered the color of cheerfulness, freshness and health. Lilac tones symbolize renewal, and blue has calming properties. Orange is ideal for the living room as it symbolizes joy and cheerfulness.

You should not use a significant amount of brown tones when decorating a room, only in combination with others, as it causes depression. You should not overuse red, which has a stimulating effect. Light grayish tones are more suitable for an office, as they indicate composure and rigor.

Designers have presented and formulated several concepts related to shade combinations. The table located here was created taking into account standard views on using the palette.

You can use the following combinations:

  • red shades look good with white, golden and very dark tones;
  • pink can be used with coffee, reddish and chocolate;
  • beige combines perfectly with salad tones, as well as pink;
  • yellow looks with white and green-brown;
  • Red, beige or gold will suit burgundy;
  • for blue you can choose purple, white or blue;
  • brown is complemented by green, blue and beige.

When working on a solution, don't forget about incompatible colors. Black and purple don’t look good at all; such a tandem will only visually reduce the space. It is tasteless to combine burgundy with dark green. You cannot use gray with orange and green. Milky and beige shades do not suit black at all.

Useful information! Companion colors from the table must be selected individually in each case.

What is a color wheel?

In addition to the table of color combinations, a color wheel is used in the interior. With its help, the most suitable solutions are selected. The circuit is divided into two components - cold and warm. The latter option includes shades such as yellow, brick or orange. And the cool part is blue, purple and green.

There are 10 variations in the circle. The colors of the main group are red, yellow and blue.

Three approaches to the perfect color combination

The color combination table in the interior is based on three important approaches to combining the color palette:

Color palette of color combinations: options for interesting combinations

The table allows you to identify what color combinations can be used in the interior. Photo original ways presented on the website. Particular attention should be paid to the relationship between coloring components and shades.

Color combinations in the kitchen interior: photos of stylish ideas

By the way, the kitchen area will have rich, deep and colorful shades. Interesting option yellow-blue palette in nautical style. Cold colors relax, reduce appetite and add freshness. And warm color palette stimulates the digestive system, increases appetite and invigorates.

When choosing a palette for the kitchen, achromatic interiors are rarely used. These are grey, white and black. This option can be smoothed out with a rich accent.

In chromatic designs, the palette is a combination of several shades. First you need to figure out the base tone, and then think about a suitable environment of shades. For the kitchen you can offer the following options:

  • monochromatic color combinations involve the use of shades in one color scheme. All effects are produced by varying the intensity of the selected tone. To create a monochrome environment, choose a color and match it with three tones. Accents with contrast are used to liven up a monochromatic design;
  • adjacent gamut - a combination of two or more colors that are located next to each other on the color wheel. For example, green and bluish, yellow and orange;
  • a contrast scheme involves the use of combinations of tones opposite in the color spectrum. It can be green and yellow. In such an interior, the contrast should be smoothed out with softer tones;
  • A three-color interior involves the use of three shades that are equally spaced on the color wheel.

Harmonious color combination in the living room

The colors for the living room are chosen taking into account the preferences of the owner of the room. The main thing is to maintain a harmonious combination of colors.

Preference should be given to those design options that meet certain parameters:

  • The monochrome combination looks good. This does not mean that the interior will be boring. After all, more than 40 shades can be distinguished in one color. For example, the color wenge in the interior is used for furniture and a combination from pink to purple is used. A similar design can be seen in the photo;

  • The design in three colors looks good;

  • to select colors from the color wheel, place an equilateral triangle on the circle and you will see the appropriate solution;
  • You can decorate the room in light colors. A mint tone, a shade of vanilla or sand will do.

Useful information! Terracotta shades are considered joyful and sunny. This color palette includes brown, carrot, brick and dark yellow tones.

What color palette is suitable for the bedroom?

When working on a combination of colors in the bedroom interior, keep in mind that you cannot use more than seven shades. The best option is to choose two basic shades, for example, for the floor and walls, and all other items are selected according to tone, but can be darker or lighter.You can choose classic design for the bedroom. In this case, coffee, beige and milky tones are used.

Terracotta, white and gray shades are suitable for the style. To decorate a bedroom in Mediterranean style Turquoise, blue, sand and yellow shades are suitable. Provence style involves the use of pink, green, blue and gray shades.

This article contains information about how to ensure harmonious design internal space in residential, public and commercial interiors. The color combination table has been supplemented practical examples and advice from specialized experts. The comprehensive application of this information will help to obtain the desired result with minimal time and financial costs.

Read in the article

Special definitions, concepts, technologies

Radiation in the visible wavelength range has a strong impact on humans. The features of the psychological impact are discussed in detail below. But it is enough to imagine the color yellow to create a feeling of warmth and improve your mood. There is nothing surprising. This shade is associated with affectionate sun rays, which create a joyful and comfortable atmosphere.

Color can cause positive and negative reactions. Some contrasting combinations look harmonious. Others, of similar shades, clearly do not correspond upon close examination. In order not to get lost in guesswork, you need to turn to the experience of specialists. The use of professional techniques is available to anyone. You just need to familiarize yourself with them in detail and examples of practical application.

Color wheel, table of color combinations in the interior

This picture shows a specialized tool. It is used to check color combinations in .

Color Features of impact, associations Recommendations for use in design
RedStimulation of activity, physical activity, aggression.Use carefully. It's possible negative impact on the psyche, blood pressure. Careful use increases the energy of the room. Suitable for decorating a sports hall.
YellowWith sufficient intensity, it improves well-being and vigor. Associated with warmth and positive emotions.Its use helps to concentrate, so yellow is quite suitable for a business office. But excessive energy saturation is not best characteristic For .
OrangeThis combination of yellow and red incorporates the characteristics of two colors. Cheerfulness, pleasant sensations, warmth are the main characteristics.Softer impact compared to the previous two colors. Even with a large percentage of orange shades in the interior, they do not evoke negative emotions.
BlueSky, ice, purity, calmness.Suitable for meditation room, study. In order not to make the interior too cold, it is necessary to add warm shades.
BlueThis respectable color is associated with reliability and the absence of anxious thoughts.Bedrooms are decorated in these colors. The corresponding shades will be useful for creating marine motifs in a children's room.
GreenThe freshness of nature, spring awakening after winter sleep.Shades of different intensities have different effects. Dark green color is suitable for decorating solid interiors. Light colors create romantic rooms.
VioletLuxury, nobility, wisdom, mysticism. Strong calming effect.This color is not recommended to be used as the main color. Dark colors can have a depressing effect on the psyche.
PinkRomance, optimism, lack of complications and negative emotions, sweet tastes.Pink color is used in children's and. Experts recommend not consuming too many sweets.
WhiteWisdom, simplicity, purity.It goes well with any other colors and enhances them when used as a background. White color visually increases volume. Therefore, it is ideal for small rooms.
BlackNobility, severity.In large quantities it has a depressing effect on the psyche. Visually “reduces” volume. It is used to create accents on individual interior elements.

Professional approaches

The simplest option is to use shades of the same spectrum range.

The second approach, “harmonious,” is to use similar colors. To check, use a color wheel.

The next traditional approach is contrast.

Softened shades are used here so that the contrast is not excessive

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Application of professional techniques

In this table, an experienced specialist combined color combinations in the interior with certain psychological parameters. Below are examples of interiors and comments. They highlight features that you should pay attention to. special attention.

The necessary psychological impact is enhanced by a special one. At first glance at these massive simple parts, it is clear that they are capable of performing their functions for a long time.

Examples of color combinations in the kitchen interior: photos and projects

Experts attach special importance to the correct design of this room. It is used daily. Here it is necessary to create a harmonious atmosphere without flaws.

This combination of colors combined with the dining room (pictured) was specially selected:

  • green – freshness;
  • white – purity;
  • red – energy, stimulation of digestion;
  • orange – beneficial effect on the psyche;
  • yellow – warmth.

To check different options it is convenient to use computer models in the format

The following list contains topical tips from experienced designers. They will help you avoid making mistakes when forming the aesthetic parameters of the interior:

  • Very difficult to create harmonious interior with the simultaneous use of more than 3 colors. If you have to work with such a wide palette, use halftones, soft shades.
  • They start by choosing the main color of the decorative ceiling, floor. “Drawings” will be created on these bases. The main background should be between 705 and 80%.
  • If you use a neutral color for the base, it will be easier to choose shades. It is much more difficult to find a harmonious combination for bright red than for pure white. Colors of the kitchen interior in the “Japanese” style: black, white, red and gray Imitation of the sky using suspended ceiling

    If the height of the walls is too high, there is a desire to make the room more comfortable. Large lamps “reduce” the height of the ceilings, which are mounted on longer pendants than in a standard situation. In overly large rooms, orange and other warm colors are used.

    They “expand” narrow ones with small patterns and designs, light colors in cool shades.


    There is no single solution for all projects. So, if the entire apartment is created in a single color scheme, the interior will turn out to be too boring. On the other hand, by decorating all the rooms differently, you can disrupt the overall style.

    To eliminate these and other errors, you should learn how to use. With the help of universal graphic editors and specialized programs, it is not difficult to create a realistic project of the entire property on a certain scale. It can be viewed from different angles, enlarged, reduced. The most complex experiments will be performed quickly and accurately. Be sure to take into account the recommendations of professionals to eliminate mistakes in the process of creating harmonious interiors.

What could be more important than harmony? After all, translated from ancient Greek language, harmony is coherence, proportionality and order. Therefore, all this must be present in interior design. The right combination of colors and their shades plays a huge role in design. Every experienced designer knows that the color scheme is most important factor formation of a person’s perception of the world, therefore main task is to choose the right color palette. After all, each color is individual, therefore, working with it should have an individual approach. In this article you will find everything that concerns color harmony, and most importantly, you will learn what rules must be followed when combining different shades.

Stylish interior in the right shades

Color, as you know, plays a huge role in decorating rooms, color scheme and creating a single color plot. Therefore, by changing the color scheme of, for example, your room, it will acquire a completely different appearance. The room may change beyond recognition. For example, space can visually increase or, conversely, decrease. Therefore, it is extremely important to be able to correctly combine the palette to create any interior.

In order for you to feel comfortable in the space you create, it is imperative to choose a color scheme that reflects the entire essence of your character. Therefore, the choice of color palette should be approached carefully and thoroughly, and also take into account a number of features that, to one degree or another, influence a person. Only by following all the rules you are guaranteed to be satisfied with the result.

First, you should decide on your desires: do you want to create a festive mood or, on the contrary, choose calmer, warmer colors, smooth lines for peace and relaxation. After the decision has been made, you should proceed to the most important thing - choosing and choosing the right combination of colors.

Let's talk in more detail about color

It's no secret that all colors and their shades are divided into warm and cold. Orange is considered the warmest color. The coldest is blue. This is evidenced by an experiment conducted under special conditions, which revealed that people who were in an orange room complained of cold much less often than those who were in a blue room.

Successfully combining orange with others is not so easy. All this is because it does not have cold shades, as a result of which it is suitable only for a narrow range of colors. Orange goes best with yellow, cream and peach.

The color blue is usually associated with coolness and water. All shades of blue are more conducive to rest and relaxation than shades of yellow. After all warm colors, on the contrary, they are conducive to activity and fun. And therefore, many may think that warm colors do not go well with cold ones. But this is absolutely not true. It is on this combination that many design ideas are built.

Blue- an indicator of reliability, strength and confidence. Having a series in my head fresh ideas, creating a light and relaxed atmosphere using this color will not be difficult.

How to combine different colors without disturbing the overall harmony

If you want to visually expand the room and make it more comfortable, you need to combine cold shades with warm ones. Meanwhile in various rooms we want to feel different. For example, in the living area you want comfort and tranquility, in the dining room or kitchen you want to create an environment that has a beneficial effect on pleasant communication and a good appetite.

In the bedroom, we want to relax and take a break from the everyday hustle and bustle. If your goal is to get a noble interior that will be the personification of tranquility, pay attention to the gray color and.

Combination of gray and white in the bedroom - a classic of the genre

Let's talk a little more about the bedroom. In order to get a better night's sleep, you need to relax well and fall asleep quickly. To do this, experts advise using shades of blue and other cool colors. But on the other hand, it is also believed that it is the red color that gives people more strength and energizes them.

From here, only one conclusion can be drawn: the most important thing is that you like the chosen color, so that it in no way hurts the eyes or burdens the decor, otherwise you simply won’t be able to stay in the room for a long time.

If it’s difficult for you to choose the right shade yourself, you can resort to the services of a designer who does this intuitively, or use special tables where you select optimal combination flowers in the interior. Considering your wishes and fashion trends, using this table you can choose the ideal option for yourself.

Let's consider several approaches to choosing color solutions

  1. The first approach is to select the tone of the desired color. That is, the color can be more or less saturated. Don’t be upset if the desired color doesn’t seem so expressive to you, and the room seems faded. Don't rush to add brightness to the colors. It’s better to complement the room with contrasting details.
  2. The second approach is to select several colors that would fit perfectly together. The result is an ideal, harmonious design. The most important thing in this approach is a sense of proportion and healthy sense.

If such abilities are not yet as well developed as those of designers, then you can use this picture, which clearly shows the optimal combination of color palette:

The most mysterious organ human body- this is the eye. After all, he is able to distinguish up to one and a half million shades. Some people do not attach due importance to colors and their shades. But this is their delusion. All this happens inside us, and our brain reacts to every color.

Each color leaves its mark on our well-being, behavior, emotional state. Therefore, you should be more careful about some unfavorable colors. Let's talk about them.

  • For example, the color red most often contributes to the development of anxiety and nervous tension;
  • Be careful with purple and black. They can visually make your room smaller;
  • Brown color can put you into a state of melancholy or depression;
  • Blue color, as mentioned above, is associated with cold. Therefore, it will be very difficult to create comfort in a room where only blue shades predominate;
  • Gray color will never give joy and fun, but only the opposite - a sad mood and despondency.

But don’t despair, because there are many other colors that can be safely used in the interior. Colors that give a feeling of happiness, joy, create comfort and coziness. Here are some of them:

With the help of beige and warm shades of yellow, you can easily create coziness and comfort in your room. Decorate the interior using these tones and you will create a calm and romantic atmosphere in the interior.

Green and yellow also promote relaxation, uplifting, and calmness. Ideal for the bathroom turquoise, which is the personification of freshness and purity.

The blue color is very calming, promotes good rest, and sometimes even induces sleep. Therefore, most often in bedrooms, this color is used. But in offices and where vigor and freshness are needed, it is not recommended to use blue.

Orange and yellow colors give extraordinary energy, good mood, encourage people to communicate and give a feeling of warmth, which is important in cool rooms. In addition, yellowness has a positive effect on the mental activity of the brain, causing it to work more productively.

The first associations with yellow are summer, sun and beach. And such sensations cannot but cause a storm positive emotions. Therefore using this combination flowers will always put you in a summer mood.

The best color to go with yellow is blue

White color is generally considered neutral. But if there is too much of it, unpleasant sensations may appear that irritate the eye. However, if an experienced designer gets down to business, then you don’t have to worry about anything.

Gray color promotes performance. It is good to use both at home and in offices and work areas. If you use black correctly, for example, add some accents, you can end up with a very elegant design;

Colors in the interior are of key importance, try to do it so that you feel truly comfortable in it

Red color can lift your spirits, give you vigor and emotional excitement, while pink is conducive to calm, tenderness and relaxation.

If you are afraid to overdo it with pink and do not want it to become the dominant shade in your interior, use upholstered furniture, light and sheer curtains, beautiful decorative pillows and other decorative elements in rainbow colors.

From everything we have read, we can conclude that each color is individual and good in its own way. Therefore, in order to create the desired coziness and comfort in the room, it is necessary that you like the chosen colors and do not cause the slightest discomfort.

For the rest, our tips on how to get the optimal combination of popular shades will help you.

Choosing a color scheme is one of the most important stages in creating an interior. Color will affect your perception of the room and your attitude towards it, and your mood while you are in it. Color can also help adjust the shape of a space, expand or narrow it, raise ceilings, or make large furniture “invisible.” Let's talk about what colors can be combined with each other in the interior.

What colors go together in the interior?

I talked about the basic rules for using color when creating an interior: I recommend starting with it in order to at least understand the terms. Now let's talk about the types of color harmonies - useful diagrams choosing colors that complement each other.

It is important to say here that any colors can be combined with each other in one space, but the greater the divergence from standard schemes, the more effort will have to be made to achieve harmony. The same scheme can look completely different depending on the choice of shades and amount of color, so why complicate your life?

Monochrome harmony

The simplest approach is to choose one color and use it to its fullest. Of course, in different shades (mixed with white, black or gray) and in combination with achromatic colors. Note that if you have white walls and ceiling, a light wood floor and, for example, a blue sofa, this is no longer monochrome harmony. Light wood is a bleached yellow or yellow-orange color. But if the sofa is brown, obtained by darkening yellow, the room will be monochrome.

This harmony has a high risk of being boring, so it is used mainly in hallways and corridors or small rooms such as a toilet, bathroom, laundry room. It can also be found in very minimalist interiors. However, if you use many shades, it can get quite interesting.

Caption for the picture

Polar Harmony

This harmony is made up of two colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel. These colors are also called contrasting colors. It is believed that a combination of contrasting colors is perceived by our eyes in the best possible way, we find it very harmonious. However, it is important to apply this harmony according to certain rules. Of the two colors, one should dominate; it can be used in a wide range of shades - from the lightest to almost black, including the brightest and purest color. The second color will be complementary: take a limited spectrum (light or dark shades) and use them in doses.

There is important rule: Be sure to use shades of the mixture of colors to build a connection between them. For example, in the polar harmony of blue and orange, mix these colors in different proportions. When mixed, for example, in a 1 to 1 ratio, you will get a dark brown color that you would not achieve by simply darkening the orange.

Mixing polar colors

In all the photos below there is a polar harmony of blue and orange.

Harmony of close colors (related)

For related harmony, select 4 colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. The only exception is the segment from yellow to red-violet; here it is permissible to take all these 5 colors. Give each of the close colors its role: one will be dominant, the other will be secondary, and the remaining two will be complementary.

Just as in polar harmony, the dominant color can be used in the full spectrum from light to dark, the secondary color can be used excluding bright and pure shades and is noticeably less in quantity, and additional ones are very limited. For example, in the harmony indicated below, for example, yellow may dominate, while green may be secondary. Then, for example, we will see yellow-green as a very light light green, and yellow-orange as dark brown.

Classic triad

The triad is the most complex color scheme, but also the most frequently used: such interiors turn out to be both balanced and interesting to perceive. For a triad, three colors are taken, located equidistant from each other on the color wheel, as if at the corners of an equilateral triangle. The same approach: colors are arranged according to importance, one always dominates, the rest are used sparingly.

As for mixing colors with each other, this is important point in a triad, but there are two approaches:

Option 1. Use shades of a mixture of dominant and secondary and shades of a mixture of dominant and tertiary, but additional colors do not mix.

Option 2. Mix additional colors into one color and then mix it with the dominant one. This mixed color can be lightened and darkened, diluted with gray, like the main and secondary colors.

You can choose color harmony without fussing with paints using this program.

Below we have collected examples of how you can combine colors with each other. It doesn’t matter what shade is your favorite in the interior - yellow, green, orange, purple - you can choose a successful combination for any room.

Red and purple shades

Blue and cyan color

Green in combination with other colors

We renovate to last for decades and choose colors carefully. Therefore, more often you will find light, neutral interiors, where brown or gray is added to beige. But don’t immediately say that this is a boring trio. They are universal. And by pairing them with one spectacular color, you will get bright interior and you won’t be moping when there are nine months of bad weather outside.

Combination of gray color in the interior

It is considered a neutral color and signifies prudence. How does it make you feel? “Gloomy and dreary,” you say. Not at all. Thundercloud, river mother-of-pearl, morning harbor or wet stone are just a few shades that come to mind. Many designers and decorators consider gray to be white's more elegant brother. It fits into any style and its undoubted advantage comes in many shades. Choosing a shade of gray is not easy, but it will suit both the living room, kitchen or bedroom, and can be combined with a large number of colors and finishing materials.

What to combine with?

Gray and yellow. At first glance, the colors are different and contradictory, but they get along well. If you make gray the main background in the room, adding yellow accents. Yellow will highlight the gray, and gray will balance the yellow, preventing it from overloading the interior.

Combination of beige color in the interior

Also neutral and belongs to the brown range. It expresses calmness, a craving for comfort and is always associated with classics.

What to combine with?

Beige and red. As in the previous pair, one color (red) will play an active and assertive role, and beige will be a calm and restrained background. Together they will create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.

Combination of brown color in the interior

This is tradition and conservatism. Brown is associated with confidence, nature, reliability, durability and will make the space noble. For example, chocolate shades promote psychological balance and calm. But brown visually reduces the area, so add white, milky and beige colors to it.

What to combine with?

Brown and lavender. Easy lavender color will highlight warm brown shades well. The main trick is to choose a not too active and bright lavender tone.

We put together the living room like a puzzle and put together different pieces: sofas and armchairs, coffee tables and lamps. But where to start if you don’t know where to start? Start with the sofa. Besides the bed and table in the kitchen, this is the most used thing in the house. And here gray comes in handy. Stylist and designer Emily Henderson in her book “Style. Thousands of tricks and tricks for decorating any interior” (take note of this book, you won’t regret it) advises choosing a gray sofa of a simple and comfortable shape if you are confused about “which one to get.” And by rearranging or moving items a little, you will get a completely new room.

Advice. Also note the gray wooden furniture. The calm gray shade of the cabinets will hide them if the walls match them. Traditionally, we choose a white ceiling, but a gray one in the living room will not reduce it at all, but will seem higher, as if going into the sky.

The art of receiving guests is to make them feel at home. Gray is the ideal color for both small and large kitchens. It can be both warm and cold, thanks to the many shades it can become both a background and a rich accent.

Advice. If you paint the walls gray, then choose warm shades for the flooring and furniture. It is better to avoid beige, or rather a beige-yellow shade. If the kitchen has little light and a small meter, the color will appear dirty and create a stuffy impression. Take a closer look at shades close to yellow.

Noble brown tint usually used in kitchen furniture. An undoubted advantage is that the kitchen will not go out of style for a long time, but keep in mind: massive dark cabinets will reduce the space, so make the walls in light colors. And if you choose brown for the walls, then the opposite rule applies to furniture, textiles and household appliances It’s better to do it in light shades.

The place where we spend the most time at home and, ironically, we don’t see him the most, because we sleep. But still, colors should create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. The simplest and safest option is a light beige or brown color scheme. But still take a closer look at the gray.

Gray, like black, suits almost all colors: blue, light blue, green, yellow, brown, pink. bright accents will look great in a gray frame.

Advice. The gray color of walls or textiles will be no less calming than classic white or beige combinations.

But no matter what color you choose, there is no one that is the most harmonious and the right combination in the interior. Just as there is no law that specifies prohibited or permitted colors. Of course, you can use the Luscher method or the “seasonal” approach (there is such a thing) to choose colors, but only your inner craving or rejection of a certain shade will help you create your own, most harmonious palette.

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I recently resumed my drawing and painting lessons, and I want to tell you about color combinations. In any situation when it comes to color, there are good and bad combinations of shades. Whether it's a manicure or clothes, a drawn card or even a home renovation, it's always important to choose a beautiful and interesting color combination.

With regard to clothing, this is even more important, if you can paint your house and your favorite bedroom in any shades you like, and invite only loved ones there, then clothing is the most important social tool that allows us to form the first opinion about each other, and therefore we cannot allow your clothes said the wrong thing about you. How to choose good shades and find interesting pairings? What are the rules about this? How to choose any tones with shine?

A little theory

The easiest way to choose the right shade is to use a color wheel. It is divided into 12 sectors and represents the primary colors. Also, each sector is graduated from light (in the center) to dark (along the edge). What can we deduce from this circle?
  1. White harmonizes with absolutely any tone and makes it brighter.
  2. Black will help dilute any ensemble and at the same time give it depth.
  3. Complementary and similar color neighborhoods are visible.
  4. You can derive triads, tetrads and squares.
What is a complementary pair? These are colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. Red and green, blue and orange, purple and yellow. In order not to miss, it is best to choose shades that are equal in lightness and saturation - equidistant sectors from the center.

This good combination, and most often it is used by many clothing lines - they produce the same models in complementary shades, and then if you buy a purple blouse, you can always choose a pistachio skirt to go with it (and vice versa).

Similar pairs- those that stand next to each other on the color wheel. Such pairs are often found in architectural compositions. Surely you have seen when a house is painted light lemon, and the architectural elements - slopes and cornices, balustrades and architraves - are green. This solution is also found very often in accessories - for example, it is much easier to find yellow shoes with orange trim than yellow ones with blue or purple.

Triads, tetrads and squares are patterns that are drawn according to a special shape on the color wheel. For a triad it is a triangle, for a tetrad it is a rectangle, and a square speaks for itself.

Look at different color wheels to understand the principle, and you will never go wrong in choosing the right shade.


Neutral colors are called black, white and gray - they go with almost everything and look good together. However, it should also be taken into account that a person dressed in black or gray from head to toe is bad manners; monochrome outfits have long become a sign of bad taste. In the summer, it is appropriate to be dressed in white from head to toe, but here accessories can help maintain brightness - a bag, shoes, bright decorations and details.

Any combination gray must be well balanced. As a rule, fabrics or accessories of a pure gray shade are rarely found on sale; most often the color has a cold or warm undertone. Accordingly, when choosing color combinations with gray, you need to look at:

  • to the warmth of gray;
  • on the warmth of the selected color;
  • on the lightness of two shades and their compatibility.

Warmth of Gray

Gray can be warm or cold.

Warm shades are best combined with warm tones - yellow, orange, red, pink, crimson.

Cool gray looks perfect if you add blue, lilac, green or blue to it.

Warmth of the chosen color

Even yellow can be cold. It is best to choose those paints whose temperature corresponds to the main temperature of the color. Warm yellow and cool blue look good with cool gray.


This is the position that the chosen color would occupy on a stretch from darkest to lightest. It is best if the gray does not compete with his partner. Can't choose? Choose the brightest shades or pastel colors, but it’s better to refrain from dark ones.


Warm colors on the color wheel range from yellow to violet. This is a pleasant range that lifts the mood and gives a feeling of warmth and light. However, choosing color pairs is not so easy here. Naturally, when I talk about the proximity of red or yellow, these are those combinations where the color I indicated is the main one (that is, it predominates visually).

The best combination of red is with white, blue and black. These are pure shades that were worn by kings and queens; this range (without black) is represented on the Russian tricolor and the flags of other states. Use pure shades, and then you can definitely be confident in your choice.

The combination is interesting burgundy color with shades of blue and gray. In general, any berry tones will suit burgundy. But it is better to choose green tones with a cool undertone.

Great combination brown with beige - you get a pleasant chocolate combination. Shades of cocoa and coffee, tea and milk, pastries and ivory - many color combinations with brown evoke thoughts of desserts.

Naturally, warm tones go well together - brown and light orange look great together, and the combination of red, orange and yellow was once ultra-fashionable.

Want to add some flair to the combination? Try complex tones. Combine brown with plum, beige and blackberry, warm inky and cool turquoise. Yes, don't forget about the combination of brown and mint color. The combination of mint and chocolate evokes thoughts of entertainment, pleasure and relaxation.

Do you like extravagance? Add some accessories in a deep shade - for example, cobalt blue will set off orange or pink well, and turquoise looks good against shades of yellow and green.


Cool colors are those from green to purple. These are shades of grass and water, cool and refreshing, they bring peace and tranquility. If you want to use cool shades in the interior, then it is best to give preference to bright, clean colors, the compatibility of which is very high with other colors.

The best combination for the home is dark blue with white and red. Moreover, red should be a highlight, there should not be a lot of it, but it’s better not to skimp on blue.

My favorite shade is turquoise, also called turquoise and Tiffany's favorite shade. Turquoise color goes well with the most different shades. You can choose warm pink and rich orange, which can beautifully set off the turquoise color. An interesting combination of turquoise shade is obtained with coral - the reddish-red palette emphasizes the turquoise color well.

It's also worth trying the combination blue with cold yellow and light green tones, and blue will help to shade the green tones. In general, the combination of green with yellow and blue is classic for spring and spring holidays, so try to find your own solutions in this color scheme (and don’t forget to look at the color wheel).

Try to pay more attention to the combination of green with other colors - this year the Panton company announced Greenery as the shade of 2017, so it would be a sin not to acquire a couple of green wardrobe items and buy some emerald jewelry for home. By the way, beautiful combinations You can choose colors with green online - the color palette will be created automatically.

Do you want to make interesting combinations? purple? Try light cool colors - lilac, pink, green. Don't like deep purple? Try lilac and lavender, and don't forget lilac.

Different ideas

Can't figure out the combinations yellow with other colors? Check out original and classic schemes of matching shades.

Cool combination of yellow and lilac with purple, combination pink color with yellow - this combination of lilac and yellow with purple will be remembered by absolutely everyone.

Looking for beautiful schemes based on brown with others? Save these schemes for yourself - if the table is always at hand, then you will be able to match all the tones to brown.

Remember that the combination of orange and black is sultry and hot!

And here are schemes for combining pink with other shades and red with other colors.

Do you want to create a palette in cold colors? Then the combinations lilac color with cool tones - blue, emerald, blue and gray are at your service.

Now you know about color combinations almost as many as professional artists, which means that you will definitely be able to choose any color combinations - whether for the perfect wardrobe or for a wonderful renovation!
