How is the name Said translated from Arabic? Name meaning, character

Meaning: happy, upward, hunter

Meaning of the name Said - interpretation

Among eastern names, Said occupies one of the leading positions. From Arabic it is translated as “happy”, “lucky” and promises its owner an excellent fate. The Koran tells us that this name is a family name for the descendants of Muhammad's daughter - we are talking about Fatima.

Years later

Little Said is a real generator of questions. But he never asks in order to soon forget the answer. The boy absorbs all the information, analyzes it, processes it and remembers it. He is endlessly curious about everything that happens around him. Parents should often take their children to children's museums, zoos, botanical gardens, oceanariums and dolphinariums.

Wherever a child can gain new knowledge, he will be simply happy. Various puzzles and mosaics are suitable for development. From the very first years, a child can be enrolled in all kinds of clubs and sections - for him it will only be a joy.

Since childhood, Said has been growing up as a very curious and observant child. Absolutely nothing escapes his inquisitive gaze! Parents and Said have a difficult time, especially in the so-called “age of why,” which ends for this child almost in high school. He is interested in everything, every day he will strive to learn something new, like a sponge he absorbs all the surrounding information. During his school years, such a nature will only benefit him. Boys with this name make excellent students.

In his youth, Said is a guy who manages to do absolutely everything. He plays sports, art, keeps up with his studies, and helps his parents around the house. You can leave him younger brother or a little sister - Said can easily cope with looking after the baby. He is distinguished by his emotionality and lack of restraint, but never wishes harm to anyone.

The mood changes dramatically, but you shouldn’t put pressure on the guy or demand different behavior. He will calm down himself and also ask for forgiveness for his words and actions. Those around you should be as patient as possible with these outbursts of emotion.

The owner of this name is simply physically unable to hide his emotions. “What’s on the mind is on the tongue,” this is about Said. At the same time, he is prone to violent expression of his feelings and sudden changes in mood. He either rejoices like a child over an insignificant trifle, then suddenly
will abruptly change mercy to anger and then the one who is nearby will be in trouble. And then, with the same ease, he will ask for forgiveness, as if nothing had happened.

While maintaining his emotionality, Said nevertheless becomes more restrained and thorough. He still does a lot of things at once and shows up everywhere good results. Such a person is rarely a careerist or thinks about the prestige of his job. He does what seems harmonious to him at the moment. Doesn't strive to climb to the top and achieve tremendous success. He considers internal balance to be the most important.

Said's life partner should be an extraordinary girl, capable of understanding and accepting his difficult nature. In addition, she should be easy-going and share the interests and hobbies of her chosen one. Said, as a rule, is not interested in stay-at-home women. He needs someone who strives to live her life brightly and richly, a girl with a broad outlook, a rich imagination and a cheerful, carefree disposition.

Said gets along with children very easily. Even other people's boys and girls are drawn to him, not to mention his own. He is able to find a common language with his offspring with positive speed, since he himself is a rather spontaneous nature. However, it is forbidden to play pranks in the presence of Said - he may get angry!

Character of Said

Perseverance, the ability to work on one thing for a long time, patience - all this can be attributed to strengths. Said rarely gives up halfway through his work. If he starts something, he strives to achieve it best result, reach the end. He never promises too much, he always thinks several times and only then gives his word. He is responsible for what is said, so he can rarely be reproached for anything.

He has good organizational skills, which help not only in the profession, but also in everyday life. He makes a wonderful friend, ready to help at any moment. But you definitely shouldn’t abuse this quality: Said quickly realizes that he is being used and simply disappears from the horizon.

Said's ambitions rarely concern his career or earnings. He is more aimed at self-development, spiritual and intellectual growth. This can often become a stumbling block in a family that needs to earn good money. Another significant disadvantage is that a man with this name can put business before people.

If he becomes a teacher, he shows harshness towards his students and demands the almost impossible from them. This quality can partially manifest itself in everyday life. The owner of the name Said exudes strength and power, and is not without attractive magnetism. First of all, this is a practical man who sees the world as quite realistic and considers it only from the point of view of the possibility of implementation own plans. He has powerful energy, calmly follows the path of fulfilling his desires, he may be inconsistent, but he always moves towards a certain goal.

Said's fate

This is a person who will receive a lot of opportunities to realize his talent. He will be able to live a bright, eventful life. Said is lucky to have friends and family - he is always surrounded by wonderful people who are ready to help. It is unlikely that there will be serious upheavals in the fate of this person. And he endures smaller troubles steadfastly, with a smile, always keeping his face.

The character of this person is quite comfortable, you can always come to an agreement with him: an attack of anger is followed by enlightenment. A man knows how to ask for forgiveness if he was wrong, strives to correct his mistakes. Said is a man of duty and word, strict, uncompromising. But inside him hides a sensitive soul, which he himself may be embarrassed about, so he prefers external seriousness. A man of duty, he is as good as his words. This is a direct, open and honest man, scrupulous, which is not easy for those around him. Said prefers to be authoritarian, has high standards for himself and expects the same from others.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Said is able to work in any field where there is no need to bear serious responsibility for the result. Usually chooses middle positions for himself and does not strive to manage or become the owner of his own business. He earns money for his basic needs, which are small. It is unlikely that he will work double shifts in order to increase his income. Not ready to sacrifice for the sake of earnings free time dedicated to hobbies.

The owner of this name prefers professions where he will be his own master. These are various administrative, consulting areas, own business, financial sector. He is attracted to politics and public leadership positions. It is possible that Said will have a hobby profession that requires precision and accuracy (carpenter, glass blower). He can also find a vocation in the field of a writer, composer, and also find the use of his own determination in sports.

Marriage and family

A woman who will be next to such a man must combine almost incompatible qualities. It should be light, simple and wise at the same time. Wisdom in in this case is to correctly read your husband’s mood, adapt to him, balance between all family members and bind them together into a single whole.

Said is not too demanding in everyday life; he can forgive a woman’s laziness. But he wants his companion to also have some talents and boldly realize them. He will be very worried if his wife starts earning more - serious quarrels may arise on this basis. He loves children, allows them to play pranks, finds a common language with their friends. But he does not accept outright hooliganism: he can shout and, in extreme cases, use force.

Sex and love

Said falls in love with simple, cheerful women who are not inclined to inflate every problem to the scale of tragedy. He likes easy-going laughs that forgive him emotional outbursts and attacks of aggression. But he won’t definitely choose a silly girl as a mate, even if she is very beautiful and meets all the other requirements. When it comes to sex, Said is a very passionate, bright man who constantly works on himself and improves his skills. He likes it when a woman admires him, and therefore she gets more attention.

From a young age, Said is very attached to his family and strives to please his relatives. He is very responsible from the very beginning early age, and his parents know that they can count on him. Said prefers to understand any situation, does not postpone anything and does not forgive. He has an analytical mind and an excellent memory, on which he places high hopes, which helps him study well.


With age, he may have problems with joints and suffer from headaches. Because this man strives to lead healthy image life, then all illnesses are pushed back as far as possible. He is reluctant to go to doctors - he needs to strongly trust the specialist, so from possible options always chooses the best doctor.

We can say that this is not a tolerant person; any discrepancy between his own canons and the understanding of the right path on the part of other people makes him impatient and irritable. For example, he will not get a dog simply because he needs a friend.

For Said, a dog is a guard. Said is an active man, he will not sit idly by, he lives life to the fullest, actively participates in what interests him. However, the downside to all his ambitions is that the result can be outbursts of suddenness and anger. Injustice makes him beside himself with rage and provokes him to aggressive behavior.

Interests and hobbies

All the hobbies of this person occupy such a large part of his life that they can be transferred to the category of main activities. Can get carried away with anything: from horse riding and collecting stamps to skydiving and hand-to-hand combat. Over time, he accumulates more and more skills, so he becomes very interesting person and an extraordinary personality.

For Said, all the details are important, and he cannot act until he has calculated and thought through everything. He may develop an obsessive tendency towards precision, punctuality and hygiene. Emotional intimacy is very important to him, so he is likely to be very attached to his family and his loved ones, even acting possessive towards them. He will not tolerate betrayal, jealousy, and it is extremely unlikely that he will be unfaithful to his wife.

The name Saida has Arabic, Muslim roots and means happy or marked with a star of happiness. This is a derivative of the name Said. Said's angel day is not celebrated, since it is not listed in the Orthodox and Catholic calendar of saints.

  • Signs of the zodiac, suitable name– Aries, Leo;
  • The planet that patronizes Saida is Jupiter;
  • The color that attracts luck and prosperity is red, purple;
  • A flower that nourishes health is the tulip;
  • A tree that imparts strength and energy – sycamore;
  • Amulet stone – chalcedony.

Saida's childhood and adolescence - the main features and behavioral characteristics

Little Saidushka is an obedient and inquisitive child. Since childhood, she has been distinguished by her love of creativity: painting landscapes, writing poetry, selecting music, modeling clothes for dolls - these are the young craftswoman’s favorite activities.

This temperamental and proud child can grow up to be very selfish if there are no brothers and sisters around. She is not used to sharing parental love with anyone, borrowing toys or treating her to sweets. A little later, the girl will show herself as an unconditional owner in relationships with men.

During her school years, Saidochka manifests herself as an erudite child, with a good memory and a broad outlook. She can easily perceive information and transform it into a store of knowledge, on the basis of which she will create her own opinion about the surrounding reality.

A girl named Saida has been well brought up since childhood; she has high moral values ​​accepted in society. But she is not without ambition, her own views on life and some independence.

During her studies, she is passionate about the sciences that are closest to her. The remaining subjects will be studied superficially by Saida. But thanks to her ability to speak beautifully, use visual memory and imagination, she is successful in school.

The matured Saida is already a freedom-loving girl who has her own independent point of view, she does not care about the opinions of others. She is in no hurry to choose a profession, does not want to follow in her parents’ footsteps or choose a practical specialty for which she will certainly be in demand.

During this period, a rebellious spirit awakens in her and Saida hurries to choose a difficult, untrodden path where she can realize her originality and artistry. This person is not used to being submissive to fate or to the influential people of this world.

Often such individuals live interesting life by selecting original way self-realization. Saida is energetic, competent and practical. Already in her student years she can take up her career. She finds it difficult to sit idle in one place and wants to constantly change her life for the better.

A girl named Saya has one peculiarity: she does not know how to be far-sighted and plan her actions for the future. She wants to live one day at a time, enjoying moments of happiness here and now. This fact may be decisive in the fact that Saida is not inclined to become a high-ranking leader, a famous politician, or organize her own successful business alone.

But this talented girl can successfully realize herself in the field of theater, culture, music, and art. She is capable of being a high-quality imitator of something good and necessary, able to notice all the subtleties and nuances of the assigned task. This gives her a chance to become a rare specialist in a narrow profile. A famous jeweler, designer, choreographer, planner - her qualities will be in demand in many areas.

Options for the fate of adult Saida: profession, personal life and health

Over time, Said becomes an accomplished person, recognized in certain circles. Whatever specialty she chooses, it can often be related to the musical or theatrical field and require a creative, non-standard approach to business. Just what causes a storm of emotions in her and relieves her of the everyday routine of an ordinary person.

In adulthood, this girl awakens great reformer and idea generator. The period when she can be offered promising job in the field of innovation. Despite her being somewhat dreamy and immersed in her ideas, Saida is a person determined to achieve a specific result, and can show herself well in a new area.

Love or professional fulfillment

The beauty's personal life does not remain on the sidelines. There are always many fans around Sai. If she rushes to get married, then it is advisable that this person be older, more experienced and wiser than her. He needs to suppress the temperamental and obstinate Saida with his calmness, restraint and stability. nervous system. In addition, this man must be loyal or indifferent to the often unfounded jealousy of his wife.

Despite her age, Said is still full of youthful maximalism. When she is offered to officially get married, she is able to quickly make a decision and not torment the groom with various trials. But it will be very difficult for the spouse if he is not ready to accept her possessive nature.

With a kind, flexible and non-scandalous husband, Saida can live a happy and long life. Her family will not be considered particularly representative, but it will be pleasant and comfortable for relatives and friends to stay in her house.

Saida's family life is full of pleasant joys and surprises. After all, she is such an entertainer and there is never a dull moment with her. She is ready to come up with an original holiday together, to master new look sports It is pleasant for those around you to watch any activities and antics of this friendly family.

In addition, Saya is a good mother and housewife, she has deep family traditions, she knows ancient recipes for various delicacies, and will be able to quickly cure children of illnesses using alternative medicine.

Talents and health

Saida is an elegant person who sometimes requires going out into the world. She loves to attend premieres of plays and attend social events. She quickly manages to create a relaxed, positive image, maintaining a light but interesting conversation. She has refined manners and a progressive outlook on life. This creates a very positive impression and attracts those around you.

Little Saida’s health is no different from that of her peers. She also gets colds and catches seasonal viruses, but these go away quickly and without complications.

In adult life, Saida tries not to notice the problems of her own body or fight the disease on her own. But sometimes such an attitude towards oneself can provoke the appearance of a chronic disease associated with the bronchi or respiratory system.

Talented women named Saida

  • Saida Rametova – theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan;
  • Saida Medvedeva is a producer, screenwriter and director of more than a hundred scientific and educational films for popular Russian channels, the head of her own production company, more than eighty of her works are recognized as highly professional and awarded national awards in the field of cinema;
  • Saida Al-Hurra - royalty of Tetouan, after the death of her husband the king, she ruled for a long time in Islamic state, controlling the entire Mediterranean coast, later became the wife of the famous king of Morocco, was a very capricious, vain and freedom-loving lady;
  • Saida Menebi is a famous poet from Morocco, a teacher by profession. English language, had progressive revolutionary views, was distinguished by courage and particular audacity in her statements.
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You may be indiscriminate in shaping your own image. By and large, where do you go? quality is more important and the convenience of clothing, rather than the correspondence of its style to fashion today. The only rule that you should probably adhere to is to make sure that your suit does not destroy the impression of you as a person deserving of all trust. After all, this is exactly the impression you should make.

Compatibility of the name Said, manifestation in love

Saida, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in such forms that they can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it will be the only thing that will tell you at the right moment. right decision. Try to “hear” him.

In the distant past, people, naming their born children, tried to put some special meaning into the name, to charge it with energy higher powers and make it a kind of talisman. Many of the ancient names have not only survived to our time, but have also organically taken root in many cultures. One of these is male name Said.

Name meaning, character

This name is Arabic in origin. But they give it to boys in many Muslim cultures. This version of the name is the most popular, but there are also similar options: Saud, Saad, Saadat, Asaad, Saadi, Saduddin, Masud, Sadullah. They all have similar or identical translations into Russian.

In addition to sonority, beauty and sufficient hardness of sound, the name Said has a very good meaning. Its meaning in translation from Arabic is “happy.” This name suits an active person with a strong character, who likes to take on difficult but interesting things for himself, and who is not alien to the spirit of competition. Such people always get their way. If a boy was born under the sign of Aquarius, Scorpio or Capricorn, then this name will suit him especially well.

Friendship and love

From an early age, the boy is sociable, but he does not allow everyone into his circle of confidants. Usually Said has several trusted friends who appear in childhood or adolescence, remaining for life. This person does not like conflicts with others, and resolves all disputes through diplomacy. At any age, communication with him leaves those around him with a feeling of calm, balance and harmony.

So the name Said fully justifies its meaning - its bearer often looks happy and contented. True, passions and contradictions may rage inside, but no one except those closest to you will be privy to them.

Said's love relationships are not easy. Being deep and affectionate by nature, he quickly becomes imbued with feelings and surrounds the girl with tender care. In return, he expects an equally strong response, or at least gratitude. But if Said receives neither one nor the other, he becomes depressed and withdraws into himself. If the relationship does not go smoothly, he is sincerely sad or jealous. IN family relationships He tends to suppress his wife. For one who bears the name Said, the meaning of “happy” will come true if he manages to find a soul mate who will accept this contradictory character as he is.

Profession and success

Since childhood, Said has been active, full of energy and resourceful. He likes to learn new things and try himself in different areas: study, sports, creativity, study foreign language. True, parents should not allow their son to take on several things at the same time - otherwise overwork is inevitable, followed by irritation and apathy.

The fate of the name Said endows a person with the ability to resolve conflicts peacefully, smooth out contradictions and reconcile those at war. With such abilities, you can succeed in any business where high-quality communication is necessary: ​​from a teacher to a diplomat. The professional activity of a businessman or scientist will be no less successful. The lucky name Said reveals its meaning in interesting, active activities aimed at creation. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s solo or team work.

What does the name Said mean?

This one has happy name There is also a feminine version, formed by adding the vowel sound “a” to the end of the word. This naming is very beautiful and melodious. It means “happy”, “lucky” and is suitable for an active, open, sociable girl born under the sign of Aquarius or Leo.

Saida quickly grasps new things, shows interest in music and dancing, and loves to make an impression. She always studies in detail the business she takes on, even if at first it did not arouse her enthusiasm. For this reason, she is able to achieve success in any chosen activity. But most of all, professions where she can show her natural artistry will suit her.

Saida: love and friendship

Adoring attention since childhood, she literally blossoms when in the company of people. Saida likes to impress and conquer. She is the soul of any family holiday, friendly or corporate party. People are drawn to her, sometimes without understanding why.

IN love relationships she is often proud and jealous, which means: the name Said creates a difficult fate for its owner. On the other hand, this girl has good taste and will certainly choose the best life partner. The perfect couple she will find a calm, patient person who will help her smooth out the contradictions in her character.

You can notice a lot of similarities between the names Said and Saida. Derived from the Arabic word for “happy,” they will certainly give their bearers a bright individual character and a life full of events.

When a child is born, he must be given a name. But not everyone knows that only the right choice will help you find yourself and bring your own piece into the world. Among the numerous names there are Slavic, Jewish, Mongolian, Indian, Arabic and so on. We will talk to you about the name Said. It was initially believed that it was of Turkic origin, but this version has recently been refuted. Now they claim that Said has Arabic roots and means “happy” or “blessed.” There is also a slightly different translation - “hunter”. What kind of qualities does the person called Said have? The meaning of the name is characterized by a certain number. In numerology, each of them shows the characteristics that a particular person possesses.

The number of the name Said is eight. Main feature People with this number are determined. From early childhood, little Said sets himself certain tasks, which he strives to accomplish, despite the difficulties. Due to their increased sense of purpose, the owners of this name are quite demanding of both themselves and others. This already begins to manifest itself from the school period. It is at this time, which is characterized by an eight, that he tries to surround himself only with those children who meet his requirements.

But if in adolescence this does not cause any special complications, but later such a person may have problems, since not everyone likes overly demanding people. However, these are not all the traits that Said possesses. The meaning of the name endowed its owner with prudence and rationality. He makes his decisions guided by logic and cold reason. He will never act under the influence of emotions. All his actions are calculated to the smallest detail.

When characterizing this name, one cannot fail to mention the professional areas most suitable for Said. He is endowed with an excellent analytical mind, excellent natural intuition, which helps him find a way out of any, even the most When choosing a profession, it is these qualities that Said must take into account. The meaning of the name suggests that he will feel excellent and can work as a teacher. He can do something scientific activity. Such people make successful politicians.

As for the female version, it has completely different characteristics. But at the very beginning it is necessary to say what the name Said means. The answer is completely different from the meaning of the male version, since it means “happy.” Such girls are active and very mobile. They are quite friendly and sociable with all the children. From early childhood, girls show curiosity about everything around them. Perhaps this helps them achieve high performance in school. With age, they clearly express scrupulousness in business and organization. These qualities help you achieve a lot in life. Not least on the list of characteristics is Saida’s communication skills.

The name makes some differences for persons whose birth occurred in certain time year.

So, for example, autumn girls with a similar name are distrustful. They have self-control and calmness. They are difficult to anger or lose their temper. But those who were born in winter period, have an explosive nature.
