Olga what names are suitable for marriage. Origin of the name Olga

Have you ever met someone with whom you immediately connected?

Or maybe you have a friend who is dearly loved, but not at all the person with whom you would discuss business?

Typical cases for each of us. And all because the sum of the numerological meanings of the names of people entering into some kind of relationship gives a strong vibration of one or another property, which determines the nature of these relationships.

Below is the compatibility of the name Olga with the most common male names in accordance with the numerological meanings of the names:

Olga + Alexey = 6!

Olga + Alexander = 1!

Since the number '1' is the number of intelligence and leadership, this is a strong combination aimed at gaining power. You will excel in the field of thought, with both of you equally determining the direction of the search. Any kind of entrepreneurship that is headed by two is very favorable smart person. Two smart heads, when united, can come up with many valuable ideas. Yours creative possibilities will find worthy application in various organizations and companies. Any group of philanthropists will be rewarded if the two of you take the reins. Learn, invent - these are also favorable areas of activity for you. You yourself are able to implement your new ideas and methods into practice, because together you cope well with such tasks.

Olga + Anton = 5!
This combination suggests hyperactivity and adventure. You are always aware of all events and in constant motion: make new friends, master new experience. Your relationship is built on such a shaky foundation as change - you change activities, place of residence, ideas... everything in general, because the 'five' symbolizes change in one form or another. However, since this is your connected vibration, an exciting and adventurous life awaits you together. This relationship will not be marred by monotony. Thrift? No, it’s not typical for you either: even without a symbolic bank account, you will always be able to have fun; you won’t save money for a two-week vacation in some boring place. You will be lucky in all activities related to commerce, as well as with words, spoken and written.

Olga + Artem = 6!

This couple is destined for love and happiness in full measure. A wonderful home, a successful marriage, grateful children growing up in an atmosphere of comfort and human warmth. Both of you will be happy to indulge in charitable activities, since 'six' is the number of humanism and selflessness. A thirst for knowledge is also assumed here. You can study and teach - a wonderful choice for both of you, and you will be very successful in such activities. There is nothing you wouldn't do for your neighbor, and your reward will be gratitude and respect.

Olga + Boris = 3!
With the powerful ability to express yourself in the 3 vibration, you bring fun and laughter with you wherever you go. It is best for you to engage in some kind of performing arts (drama, music, dance, etc.) together. You are happy to entertain guests - your parties are famous, people really appreciate your company. A harmonious, popular couple, you make friends easily. They follow you in flocks and revel in your brilliance. Any occupation that involves communication with a wide range of society is suitable for you - politics, public relations (PR), financial transactions, entertainment, charity work and the arts. You are good with words, truly gifted with eloquence and know how to achieve success by defending someone's idea. Trading, teaching, lecturing - this is where you should use your abilities. These relationships are also imbued with strong sexual attraction and can be very passionate.

Olga + Vadim = 7!
Union of Thinkers - you welcome silence, which would be unbearable for others. Both of you are fans of art, as well as occult sciences and other mysterious phenomena: astrology, numerology, hypnosis. These will be relationships of a mental, spiritual nature, perhaps they will be tinged with sadness. No haste.

'Seven' is the number of thoughts, hesitations. However, you will be indecisive not because of any doubts, but out of a desire to thoroughly consider the action before taking it! You need beauty in one form or another - keep it simple beautiful view from the window of your house. Physical activity will limit himself to sports, games, and of this kind, when you can carefully consider your every step. You both will find use in medicine, in caring for the sick.

Olga + Victor = 8!

Olga + Dmitry = 8!
A blessed union - in the sense that the 'eight' always symbolizes fame, power and wealth, which means that these two will move a lot of money, because they think alike when it comes to ways to increase capital. There are people who will do nothing in pursuit of profit, but the Eight is too honest and respectable to stoop so low. Your financial projects will be very worthy, and in their implementation you will show yourself nobly and carefully, because you do not want to infringe on anyone’s rights. Fairness and trust are extremely important to this community.
The Eight always strives for charity - it tries to devote its time to people and donate money. The heightened sense of justice characteristic of the Eight favors the practice of jurisprudence. Insurance companies and charitable organizations are also a good area of ​​activity for the community under the number 'eight'.

Olga + Egor = 9!

Olga + Evgeniy = 2!

Olga + Igor = 7!
Union of Thinkers - you welcome silence, which would be unbearable for others. Both of you are fans of art, as well as occult sciences and other mysterious phenomena: astrology, numerology, hypnosis. These will be relationships of a mental, spiritual nature, perhaps they will be tinged with sadness. No haste.
'Seven' is the number of thoughts, hesitations. However, you will be indecisive not because of any doubts, but out of a desire to thoroughly consider the action before taking it! You need beauty in one form or another - let it just be a beautiful view from the window of your home. Physical activity will be limited to sports, games, and of the kind where you can carefully consider your every step. You both will find use in medicine, in caring for the sick.

Olga + Maxim = 8!
A blessed union - in the sense that the 'eight' always symbolizes fame, power and wealth, which means that these two will move a lot of money, because they think alike when it comes to ways to increase capital. There are people who will do nothing in pursuit of profit, but the Eight is too honest and respectable to stoop so low. Your financial projects will be very worthy, and in their implementation you will show yourself nobly and carefully, because you do not want to infringe on anyone’s rights. Fairness and trust are extremely important to this community.
The Eight always strives for charity - it tries to devote its time to people and donate money. The heightened sense of justice characteristic of the Eight favors the practice of jurisprudence. Insurance companies and charitable organizations are also a good area of ​​activity for the community under the number 'eight'.

Olga + Mikhail = 9!
A magnificent union! An exciting and varied life experience, and those who are open to new ideas will be happy with this lot. These are people who are eager to get to know new countries, to penetrate new areas of thought; they absorb everything that interests them like a sponge. There is a strong desire for metaphysics here, which indicates a passion for esotericism and the secrets of the human psyche. This fellowship should go into psychology or psychotherapy, where it will greatly benefit from its rare ability to understand human problems. These two think broadly: they will gladly devote themselves to finding answers to as yet unresolved questions - from a number of those that radically change the fate of humanity. Scientific work, research and investigation, all possible use of language as a form of communication, charitable activities, invention and travel - this is a list of activities that bring these people together. Distances beckon them, and interest in other lands, peoples and travels plays a big role in their lives.

Olga + Oleg = 4!
Such a union is characterized by hard work and determination. You both work without a break, and therefore you are a real asset for any company. You are not characterized by indecision or hesitation. And you will make sure that everything is done exactly on schedule, in the proper order. You will not miss anything and you will not be careless anywhere. It is best for this community to put its efforts into construction, research, financial transactions, farming, and entrepreneurship. Success awaits you in any field where you work together with full dedication. An excellent combination for entrepreneurial activity or collaboration on a project. Close relationships? It’s unlikely, and if so, then there will be less emotion here than in any other unions.

Olga + Sergey = 2
The ideal number when it comes to interaction is that you succeed. Almost more than other relationships, marriage requires interaction, which means that in a marriage with the number '2' there will be no problems. Regarding business relations, then an activity that does not involve a division of roles into leader and performer is more likely to suit you. Here you will work well together and carry out the boss’s instructions. An excellent sign for those who are in the diplomatic service or associated with the information service (PR). You will be worth your weight in gold in charitable organizations, because employees like you do not seek fame, but only strive to help others. Together you can create a wonderful cozy home and you will be able to lead it flawlessly, avoiding conflicts. Here the main policy is concessions, and this eliminates most problems in the bud.

Olga + Yuri = 9!
A magnificent union! Exciting and varied life experiences await you, and those who are open to new ideas will be happy with this lot. These are people who are eager to get to know new countries, to penetrate new areas of thought; they absorb everything that interests them like a sponge. There is a strong desire for metaphysics here, which indicates a passion for esotericism and the secrets of the human psyche. This fellowship should go into psychology or psychotherapy, where it will greatly benefit from its rare ability to understand human problems. These two think broadly: they will gladly devote themselves to finding answers to as yet unresolved questions - from a number of those that radically change the fate of humanity. Scientific work, research and investigation, all possible use of language as a form of communication, charitable activities, invention and travel - this is a list of activities that bring these people together. Distances beckon them, and interest in other lands, peoples and travels plays a big role in their lives.


The name Olga is of Scandinavian origin; means "holy".

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Olga and Alexey
  • Olga and Vitaly
  • Olga and Lev
  • Olga and Leonid
  • Olga and Semyon
  • Olga and Stepan
  • Olga and Oleg

Failed name compatibility:

  • Olga and Anton
  • Olga and Pavel
  • Olga and Igor
  • Olga and Konstantin

What is she like, Olga:

Little Olya has a complex character, she is touchy, overly withdrawn and serious. But, despite this, Olya enjoys the respect and love of everyone around her, both adults and children. Olya is very charming, so children with very different personalities are happy to be friends with her. Parents should not instill ambitious dreams in Olga from an early age. The fact is that Olya is very proud, she has far-reaching plans. But girls with this name rarely have extraordinary abilities. Therefore, it is difficult for Ole to achieve great heights. Olya is envious, and as a child she is painfully worried about the successes of others. Therefore, parents and teachers do not need to set one of Ole’s friends or relatives as an example. This can lead to the girl becoming embittered and considering herself a failure. In elementary school, Olya is an average student, but as she grows up, thanks to her patience and accuracy, she becomes one of the best students. Olga is very disciplined and restrained; she rarely commits actions for which she is later punished.

Adult Olga strives to make a career, but her desire is not always fulfilled. If Olga fails to realize herself in life, she considers herself a failure and transfers her irritation to her husband and children. Olga rarely occupies a leadership position; most often she remains in a supporting role, despite her talents and abilities. This state of affairs forces Olga to always strive for more and not stop there.

Olga's personal life:

Usually Olga's life is prosperous. Almost all women with this name live in material prosperity. We can say that money always finds Olga. If she doesn’t have rich parents, then she will definitely get a well-paid job. If her earnings leave much to be desired, it means that Olga will arrange her life thanks to a marriage with a rich man. If for some reason Olga lives in poverty, this forces her to look for all sorts of options to solve this problem,

For Olga, it is very important to have a prosperous family; if children or husband do not live up to expectations, this causes strong emotional distress. Olga does not have any special charm; men are attracted to her independence and self-sufficiency. Olga knows how to get her way, but her character cannot be called strong,

Olga is a caring mother, but she raises her children in strictness. She rejoices at their successes, but punishes them very severely for the slightest failures. Olga is very conservative, and it can be difficult for growing children to find a common language with her,

Olga is one of the most common names in Russia, dating back to the tenth century. During this time, the form of the name did not change at all, only diminutive meanings were added.

IN various sources Most often the Old Norse origin of the name Olga appears, when it sounded like Helga. Translated, Helga means bright, wise, holy. According to the second version, the name Olga originates from the ancient Slavic language, where it sounds like Volga, Volkh - which means sunny, significant, great.

As a rule, fashion for names changes over time, but the name Olga is an exception to the rule. The Slavic peoples love him so much that for many centuries and until today parents call their daughters that way. The name has taken root not only in Russia, it is widely used in England, France, Germany, the Czech Republic, Scandinavia and many other European countries.

And this is not surprising, because history knows so many outstanding and talented women who bear this glorious name. Among them are actresses Olga Ostroumova and Olga Aroseva, chess player Olga Rubtsova, cyclist Olga Zabelinskaya, ballerina Olga Spesivtseva, singer Olga Kormukhina and many others.

Name days and patron saints

In 945, the widow of Prince Igor, Princess Olga (baptized Elena), took over control Kievan Rus- one of the largest and most powerful states of that time. That same year, Olga went on a pilgrimage, during which she visited many Christian churches and shrines.

In Constantinople, the princess was baptized with a cross from the life-giving tree of the Lord - Princess Olga became the first ruler in Rus' to be baptized. Returning from a pilgrimage, she began to actively introduce Christianity among pagans, build temples, install orthodox crosses over the graves of Christians.

Olga died in 969, bequeathing herself to be buried according to Christian custom. The princess was canonized and elevated to the rank of saint in the pre-Mongol period. July 24 is considered the day of remembrance of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga.

Olga can choose a name day closer to her date of birth from six dates - that is how many great women went down in the history of Orthodoxy as great martyrs. These dates are: February 10, March 6 and 14, July 17 and 24, November 23.

Characteristics of the name

Olga is always a strong and difficult character; she is pride, ambition and hypocrisy in one bottle. She successfully combines external activity and internal isolation. Possessing a cold and calculating mind, Olga is not at all romantic, and she greatly lacks imagination and imagination.

Olga is ambitious, but not very diligent, so she rarely achieves great success in life. At the same time, she may be tormented by envy of more successful people, but she tries to hide her feelings from others and even from herself.

Olga is always smiling, sociable, will always support any company, but at the same time she will not forget for a minute who is the boss and who is the subordinate. She is vindictive, never forgives anything and will definitely try to take revenge.

Olga always knows what she wants, and no one can stop her. She has a difficult and domineering character, which lies behind her sweet and feminine appearance. Olga rarely loses control of herself, even in anger. She has a peculiar sense of humor - most often with a hint of irony and sarcasm.

Olga does not forgive other people's weaknesses, and she always adheres to strict moral rules. She is honest, hardworking, and responsive and compassionate. But she is also not alien to hypocrisy - with people who are beneficial to herself, she will be correct and courteous, but with those who depend on her, she can act distinctly cold.

Olga loves to gossip and has a penchant for adventure. He likes to poke his nose into other people's personal lives, but he tries not to tell anyone about his life. She is not the kind of person who will apologize for being wrong. Her innate diplomatic talent and self-control allow her to get along well with others, although Olga is very touchy.

Olga never loses the desire to look and be “no worse than others.” Having achieved a certain level of income, she can become lazy, although she remains a person “on her own mind.” She avoids conflicts by all means, although it is difficult for her to hide her arrogance and arrogance. For all her ostentatious openness and sociability, Olga is a very private person, and it is difficult to guess what is in her soul, as well as to predict her actions.

We can say that Olga lives not at the behest of her heart, but at the behest of her mind. She has to restrain her emotions in public, but she can easily bring them down on the heads of her loved ones. It is very difficult for the owner of the name Olga to live with such a difficult and contradictory character.


Olenka grows up as a fragile and sickly girl, very attached to her mother and grandmother. At school he is an average student and tries not to stand out in any way. Quiet at school, she fully lives up to the saying “still waters are where the devils live.”

She tries to be friends with her classmates, but she has few close friends. Olga does not like to command, but she is not amenable to training.

During the period of growing up, Olga is characterized by self-examination; she deeply analyzes and worries about all her actions. During this period, she is especially vulnerable and susceptible, she can cry and become very upset at the slightest remark. A teenager's strength of character can easily develop into fanaticism, since Olga is a victim of very strong emotions that are not noticeable from the outside.

Childhood years leave a big imprint on Olga's future life. If her parents overprotect her, the girl may grow up to be a spoiled and narcissistic woman. And if adults are too harsh with her, Olga will grow up to be a callous, rude and categorical person. If parents decide to give their girl the name Olga, they need to try very hard to find golden mean and instill in your daughter warmth, kindness and responsiveness to others.


By nature Olga is endowed good health and great endurance. She has good immunity and is not prone to seasonal infections and epidemics.

In adulthood, she is prone to diabetes and weight gain, so she needs to abstain from fatty and sweet foods. Possible liver disease and gynecological problems, as well as dermatological diseases.


Nature usually rewards Olga with an attractive appearance, which the woman carefully looks after. Olga is sensual and sexy, but often mistakes her partner’s sexual attraction for a great and tender feeling, so there are frequent disappointments in her life, from which the woman suffers greatly.

She acts aloof with men and is reluctant to get close. She is prone to strong love experiences and introspection, so her partner will have a very difficult time with Olga. She always experiences a breakup very hard; she perceives every new love as her last.

Olga doesn’t really like romance in love, but she really appreciates valuable gifts. She will not be very demanding of her chosen one; she will forgive and tolerate a lot of things. In sex, Olga knows how to reach the pinnacle of pleasure that few are capable of.

Marriage and family, Olga’s compatibility with male names

Olga, as a rule, gets married late, as she gets used to independence and independence early. IN family relationships she does not strive for leadership, but she will not obey her husband unquestioningly either. A husband should not try to re-educate his wife, as this is a completely useless endeavor. Olga will demand fidelity from her husband, but destroy the family and lose material well-being because of her husband's infidelity, the woman will not.

Olga will make an excellent housewife, economical and tidy. She will become a caring mother to her children, but as soon as they grow up, she will leave them to their own devices. Olga is a completely homely person, so everything is her own free time She will be happy to devote herself to her home and family. Olga will also never abandon her elderly parents.

A successful marriage is possible with men named Anatoly, Victor, Vladislav, Lev, Semyon, Stepan, Igor and Oleg. An alliance with Andrei, Denis, Peter, Leonid, Vitaly, Konstantin and Nikolai should be avoided.

Business and career

Olga is an extremely responsible person, which allows her to achieve good results in any matter. But she lacks self-confidence and persistence in her actions, so she rarely reaches the top in her career and business. The main thing for Olga is the financial side of the issue; for decent pay, she will do both mental and physical work equally well.

Olga is not tied to one place of work; without regret she will leave one place for another, more profitable one.

Olga rarely chooses creative professions, which require inspiration and rich imagination. Her strengths are an analytical mind and dedication - she can become a good politician, doctor, engineer, hairdresser, lawyer. In her chosen field, she will work diligently and tirelessly.

In the team, Olga can become “ eminence grise", whom everyone will be a little afraid of and respect. She will cope well with a leadership position, but will secretly encourage flattery and intrigue. Working with Olga in the same team is quite difficult.

Talismans for Olga

  • Patron planet - Moon.
  • Patronizing zodiac sign - Cancer. It is recommended to call girls born under this sign Olga, then she will be maximally endowed with natural talents and good luck in life.
  • A good time of year is summer, a good day of the week is Sunday.
  • Lucky colors are yellow and red.
  • Totem animal - owl and leopard. The owl is a symbol of wisdom and longevity, as well as loneliness and nostalgia. People who are patronized by the owl are prescribed the gift of clairvoyance and prophecy. The leopard symbolizes courage, speed of reaction and cruelty.
  • Totem plant - ash and buttercup. Ash symbolizes prosperity, mental clarity and health. Buttercup will help relieve stress and bring peace of mind, help you become kinder and more tolerant.
  • The talisman stone is amber. This amazingly beautiful yellow stone has been used since ancient times as a talisman against the evil eye and damage; it enhances intuition and gives vitality. Modern medicine Amber is widely used to treat headaches, toothache and muscle pain; it helps normalize blood pressure and improves blood circulation.

Horoscope for Olga

Aries- a temperamental and unbalanced woman with irrepressible energy, with which she is able to infect others. Olga-Aries is capable of enthusiastically grasping several things at once, but not finishing any of them. Her straightforwardness can attract and repel at the same time; she tries with all her might to become a leader. Olga can achieve harmony in a relationship with a Sagittarius man - their life together will never be boring.

Taurus- emotional, kind and insecure nature, very much in need of support from loved ones. She understands perfectly well when they are trying to deceive or mislead her, and she will always respond in kind to sincerity. She is completely alien to snobbery and selfishness; everyone feels good and calm around her. Olga-Taurus can make a man of the same zodiac sign happy - this is an extremely successful union that can exist in harmony for many years. Their love will only grow stronger as their joint bank account accumulates.

Twins- an impressionable and distrustful woman who loves to be the center of attention. She is always ready for change and easily changes her lifestyle and work. It’s as if two people live in her, two opposites. She is kind, sensitive, sentimental, but at the same time envious, boastful and jealous. The Leo man will be able to understand her complex soul - in this union the heart and mind, deep sensuality and reality merge.

Cancer- a romantic, sentimental and bright personality who skillfully manipulates people. She is smart and charming, striving with all her might for emotional comfort. She forgets nothing - neither good nor bad. Olga-Cancer really does not like quarrels, avoids all kinds of conflicts, and will never wash dirty linen in public. Love for her is the most important thing in life, and she is firmly convinced that sooner or later she will find her ideal. A good husband for Olga-Cancer there will be a Pisces man - peace and tranquility will reign in their marriage. The spouses will float at the mercy of their fantasies and will not demand anything from each other.

Lion- a powerful and capricious woman, but absolutely not deceitful or corrupt. She cannot stand hypocrisy and duplicity, she always speaks the truth, so her circle of friends is very limited. But she values ​​the opinions of others and tries to avoid conflicts. They love her not for anything, but for the fact that she is who she is. A Gemini man will be able to make Olga-Leo happy - this union will be based on mutual attraction and common interests.

Virgo- gives the impression of a prim and inaccessible queen, but in reality she is a very insecure woman who does not know how to open up to people. At heart she is gentle and sensitive, and these qualities will become the key to her family well-being. At work, Olga-Virgo is valued as a responsible and diligent worker, and at home she is an excellent housewife and loving mother. Olga-Virgo can create a strong marriage union with a Taurus man - she is protected from African passions and stormy showdowns, but she is reliably protected from betrayal and insincerity in relationships.

Scales- a tactful and patient woman, silent and non-conflicting. She is completely self-sufficient and will not impose her opinion and society on those around her. She is always friendly towards others, but does not like to be frank. For Olga-Libra, her husband is the most important thing in life, but she takes motherhood quite calmly. A Sagittarius man will be able to fully experience happiness with this amazing woman - together they will be able to achieve stunning results and conquer more than one peak.

Scorpion- a dual personality that combines snobbery and justice, sincerity and envy, sincerity and impatience. She is smart and hardworking, but her lack of harmony in the team prevents her from achieving career heights. Life for Olga-Scorpio is a series of sufferings and disappointments, without which she is simply bored of living. And even if everything is good in her life, she will find a way to create a problem for herself out of nothing. The Capricorn man can share her sometimes imaginary sufferings and misfortunes - they are both purposeful and persistent, and they see through each other.

Sagittarius- an open, fickle woman, always ready for adventure. Diplomacy is completely alien to her, as is the sense of self-preservation. But she knows how to remain faithful under any circumstances, will never betray and will rush to help at the first call. Olga-Sagittarius will be happy in marriage with a Cancer man - this best combination for home and family. Cancer will help pragmatic Sagittarius get rid of the feeling of an incessant race, and will add calmness and self-confidence.

Capricorn- gives the impression of a cold and arrogant woman, prefers to keep to herself. In fact, this is a deeply emotional person who is not ready to openly express her feelings. For all her stamina and vitality, Olga-Capricorn is subject to bouts of pessimism, since it is important for her to receive approval from family and friends. Her beloved man must respect her right to personal space and not limit her freedom. High degree Olga-Capricorn and Taurus man are compatible - they have very similar views on life and many common interests.

Aquarius- a sympathetic, kind and sensitive nature, living in her own fictional world. Her receptivity and sentimentality are often used for selfish purposes, but she does not know how to learn from her mistakes. Many people consider Olga-Aquarius to be a little crazy, but she is sure that it is the world around her that has gone crazy. The absurd is her element. The Libra man will be able to understand and accept the complex essence of Olga-Aquarius, since they both value freedom and friendship, jealously guard their feelings, and in bed they have a rare idyll.

Fish- a timid and insecure woman who tries to live by the rules. She is extremely impressionable and does not know how to stand up for herself, so even a small trouble can unsettle her for a long time. She is always ready to selflessly help others, and for the sake of her loved one she is ready to give literally everything. A good emotional and sensual connection can be established between Olga-Pisces and a Cancer man - they are simply made for each other, especially in an intimate way.

She feels a huge reserve of strength and energy. Her only and cherished dream is to become the most feminine and attractive among all women on the planet. She needs to distinguish herself from the gray mass of the crowd. To men she seems ideal wife able to understand, reassure and help in difficult moment advice. She attracts with her femininity and coldness at the same time. It is this coldness that stops them from proposing to her. Self-doubt arises, it seems that she has not yet made her choice. If they knew that all her thoughts are chained to herself, she is afraid of her assessment, which means she cannot relax, give herself freedom, which makes her a little distant and cold. At heart she is Princess Olga, who allows herself to be admired and builds her house at her own discretion, according to her own laws.

You could say she was born to become an ideal wife and mother. The character is soft, but selfish, in need of praise and attention, which she expects and demands with all her appearance. In case of lack of attention, selfish qualities intensify to the maximum, pushing her to completely ignore those around her who do not compliment her. She needs everyone to love her, praise her and approve of any of her endeavors. She is not prone to envy, greed and is easy-going. However, her self-esteem requires only the highest possible assessment, since others are not suitable for her. Her behavior is unstable, she strives for renewal and novelty, constantly demands jewelry, outfits, cosmetics, because this is the only way she can count on a surge of sensuality, because in her normal state she is cold, which contradicts her external brightness and the efforts she spends on it. Her husband must learn to accept her desire for brightness and external showiness without jealousy and irritation. However, it is precisely because of her inconstancy and desire to please everyone that men are afraid to approach her and hook up with her. serious relationship, confident that they will not be able to maintain her devotion. It is this circumstance that most often leads her to loneliness, but it is loneliness that gives her the freedom to show herself to many men, especially since this does not contradict her spirituality, in which there are no strict prohibitions and taboos. Of the professions most suitable for her: nurse (preferably in cosmetology), actress, model, makeup artist, rhythmic gymnast, dancer, ballerina, etc. It is better if the husband is much older than her, necessarily wealthy, important, a leader, with weight in society, which will allow her to feel superior to other women whose husbands do not have similar qualities. In such a family, she will become a true keeper and mistress of the house, especially since sexual relations for her they do not play a special role.

The most important thing for her is to achieve maximum results in demonstrating her attractiveness and femininity. However, her practicality can be discouraging and even frightening, since men see her as a spectacular woman, and she immediately shows herself as a careful mistress of his wallet and advisor, which frightens them with a possible loss of freedom. That is why the husband must be a significant figure, capable of providing her with his home as her territory, where she will rule and establish her own rules, feeling like Princess Olga (both externally and in her soul).


It is advisable to pay attention to weak lungs, heart and liver. The liver should be nourished, and it will restore the other two weak organs. To do this, it is recommended to take milk thistle and more often eat chicken, grains (for example, wheat), pumpkin and pumpkin juice.

Light (Scandinavian). “Worthy is”, independent. Stubborn, in eternal problems. The ruler in her circle is a “princess”. Dangerous in anger, but her personal devotion is worth high compliments. She has: suffering - from love, Love- from suffering. However, oddly enough, in her youth she was different: light, with a crazy streak.

GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. Serious, touchy, thoughtful girl. Vulnerable, she can suddenly withdraw, and after some harmless remark tears appear in her eyes. At the same time, she is stubborn: even in cases where she is undoubtedly guilty, she will never ask for forgiveness “out of principle.” She is equally friendly with boys and girls. Capable, but learns without much desire, within the limits of what is required school curriculum. He keeps a low profile, never commits daring acts, does not cause trouble for teachers, and is not a “troublemaker” in the classroom. I don’t mind chatting with my friends and at the same time “on my own mind.” Adult Olga She is not devoid of ambition, but as an inactive nature she rarely achieves great success in life. Her character shows a tendency towards self-criticism, and there is noticeable envy of her more successful friends, which she tries to hide, compensating for it with good, beneficent deeds. Olga is feminine, she takes care of her appearance, despite her eternal busyness. If Olga's first love does not end in marriage, she cannot find family happiness for a long time. What hinders her in this is the habit of comparing her fans with the first man in her life, who is ideal for her. Sometimes Olga does not marry for many years. But the one she chooses will be lucky. Olga is a faithful wife, knows how to cook deliciously, but she prefers going to the cinema or visiting an exhibition with her husband and children to the hassle in the kitchen. For some reason, the mother-in-law does not like Olga, but the latter, however, does not particularly care about this. She does not strive for leadership in family relationships, but she easily loses her temper when her husband begins to women's affairs give her advice. At Olga Zinovievna, Eduardovna, Dmitrievna, Nikolaevna and Alexandrovna negative traits more strongly expressed in character. Happiness in marriage is most likely with Anatoly, Victor, Stepan, Vladislav, Zakhar, Semyon, Lev, Ruslan. Less likely - with Igor, Nikolai, Denis, Konstantin.

SEXUALITY. Olga is a victim of very strong emotions. Love suffering takes up too much of a place in her life. Olga is always in love with her partners and is unable to separate sex from love. This close relationship creates limitations and barriers to her path to happiness. At the same time, she is sexy and sensitive, but very few men are suitable for her, and she is often dissatisfied with her sexual relationships. Olga often pops up get married in early youth, quickly and suddenly falling in love even before he was able to understand and know himself. At the same time, it seems to her that this is the only love in her life. Olga is often already burdened with a family when her peers are just beginning to experiment in the field intimate relationships. Olga was created for bright passions and sex; her first sexual adventures amaze with their turbulence and passion. She reaches the pinnacle of pleasure in sex, known only to a select few. Olga is jealous, pretense in love feels subtly, becomes intolerant, even aggressive. Women are the most temperamental, they are more interested in bed than work, but they are also less happy than others in their intimate life. Olga is calmer, not denying herself sexual pleasures; she still puts caring for her family and children first. Olga is feminine and charming, she can easily attract a man if she wants, but she chooses her life partner extremely carefully. All Olgas are possessive in relation to their men, but themselves. They strive to get out from under their care and do not tolerate their jealousy. Olga’s sexual harmony is most likely with Victor, Leo, Ilya, Sergey, Oleg, Vadim, Ruslan.
