Why see chicken eggs in a dream? Why do you dream about chicken eggs according to Grishina’s dream book?

The dream book considers chicken eggs as a philosophical category of the beginning, as well as an element of well-being, while all deviations from normal looking, method of use in dreams. At turning points in life, it is especially valuable to find out what they were dreaming about in order to meet the changes fully armed.

Dream Interpretation Enigma: see the essence

A chicken egg is a sacred image and deserves careful consideration. A person who broke it in a dream and carefully separated the components is prone to analytical activity. He is concerned about finding the meaning of life.

Some moments of the dream will help you see not only global, but also momentary problems. Why do you dream about what is inside and outside?

The meaning of existence

A whole shell symbolizes isolation, self-sufficiency, and invulnerability. Enigma interprets the crumbled dream book in two ways: as an exit to the public and as an intensification of creative activity.

An empty shell is a symbol of the meaninglessness of existence. This image embodies the result of deep thought, an unfulfilled need for creativity and impressions. To start somewhere, you can go on a trip.

Origins of life

Protein is life itself; in a dream, it represents fertilization and predicts pregnancy. The interpretation is valid for both future fathers and mothers.

If you dreamed about a girl mixing protein and cooking it, she is thinking about an abortion. Looking at something already cooked means there is a risk of miscarriage for the pregnant dreamer; she needs to be seen by a doctor.

Questions and answers

It is quite obvious that the most valuable component of a product symbolizes benefit. But he also talks about the cloudy impression that a person or some idea left. Critical thinking about new information is required. If the yolk turns out to be rotten, then you will not be able to find answers to the questions.

In family terms, everything is simple. In a dream, the yolk was separated, which means that there is a divorce ahead with the division of property. For a lady, the loss of family and material stability will be the result of her own frivolity.

What does it mean to see a plot according to Miller

Classic brief interpretations dream was given by Gustav Miller. In his dream book, he covered a wide range of subjects and accompanied them with comments. Followers expanded the list, added details, some consider the topic from other positions, find important harbingers in the images, but no one disputes Miller’s conclusions. So, why do you dream chicken eggs:

  • For a man - family idyll, career, wealth.
  • For a woman – interesting men, temptations, adultery.
  • Finding them means sudden income, inheritance, bonus.
  • Seeing it in the basket means a successful investment.
  • In a dream there is excitement, uncertainty.
  • Broken - good glory, honor.
  • Rotten – material losses, unprofitable financial schemes.

Large chicken egg: savory versions

If large chicken eggs evoke immodest thoughts, it’s time to turn to Freud’s dream book. Everything about him is extremely realistic - the dreamer will have to endure the shock caused by the incredible size of male genitalia.

No, the guy will not be persuaded to have a dangerous relationship - most likely, his rare size dignity will be exposed to him in the shower of a fitness club. But for ladies who find themselves in a spicy situation, it is difficult to guarantee immunity.

Why dream of breaking them into an omelette? The dreamer is confused by the prospect of limiting sexual activity during pregnancy, which casts doubt on the very idea of ​​having a child.

I dreamed of brightly colored large easter eggs? They reflect immodest fantasies. It's time to diversify your sexual experience and experience new impressions.

I dreamed of large, but dirty

Was the shell dirty in the dream? In this case, the interpretation abruptly moves from intimate topics to everyday ones. The main question to the dream book: what were dirty chicken eggs dirty with? Just don’t say that you don’t remember - details that cause disgust are remembered the first time - that’s how our psyche works.

  • Seeing litter means prosperity.
  • Getting your hands dirty with droppings is the path from riches to poverty.
  • Pooh - grief from frivolity.
  • There is an egg with fluff stuck to it - gossip.
  • Feathers are annoying domestic troubles.
  • Sawdust - futile efforts, mistakes, quarrels with a partner.
  • Sand is a shaky financial support, fragile relationships.

Scrambled eggs in a dream and what it means for ladies

We will talk not only about the omelet, but in general about the egg theme in the dreams of the fair half of the dream book readers.

Since a chicken egg personifies reproductive functions, Freud reassures girls who are preoccupied with the idea of ​​motherhood: yes, a large raw one foreshadows a long-awaited pregnancy. The same, but boiled, dream of a frivolous young lady prophesies a discouraging test with three pink stripes: wow, never before, and here it is again!

Why do you dream about rotten contents? to the expectant mother- it indicates some difficulties in bearing a fetus. Consultation and observation by a specialist is essential.

Why do you dream about cooking and eating?

For a man, frying eggs in a dream is not the best good sign, it portends impotence. For a girl, dream books prophesy unfulfilled hopes. If you satisfy your hunger with fried chicken eggs, you can hope for a discovery or a lucky guess.

Taking it out of the refrigerator means that you need to exercise discretion. If you happen to clean them, dream books advise you to be on your guard so that no one deceives or robs you.

Why dream of breaking a shell and then seeing a chicken embryo inside? Work on the project is nearing completion, and its results will soon become apparent. Finding two yolks means you can find yourself in an ambiguous situation.

Selling eggs promises wasteful actions, but if this happened at the collective farm market, with appropriate bargaining, then dream books consider the upcoming expenses to be reasonable.

Eggs are a symbol of the birth of a new life, the beginning of a new one. In Christianity, the main attribute of Easter celebrations are eggs painted and blessed in the temple. Why do you dream about a lot of chicken eggs? This may mean the start of a new business, a new acquaintance or meeting. The details of the interpretation will depend on the features of the picture of what was seen.

It is believed that the image of eggs in a dream is especially favorable for businessmen/entrepreneurs. This portends the conclusion of a profitable deal, the signing of a promising contract, and making a profit. For lonely people, this plot prophesies a new meeting, and for the sick - speedy healing and renewal of the body.

What could be the features of the plot of the picture seen in a dream? The sleep scenario may be different:

  • you saw a lot of eggs;
  • did you see the egg unusual shape;
  • the color of the egg had a certain shade;
  • the egg was rotten or something special;
  • you performed specific actions with eggs.

See a lot of eggs is a good sign. This prophesies success and new beginnings in all areas of the dreamer’s life. What can happen in life? The emergence of new projects and plans, finding reliable business partners, meeting profitable people. Sometimes this plot is simply dreamed of when guests arrive at the house.

Unusually shaped egg, incredibly large, dreams of extraordinary events in the dreamer’s life: either incredible success awaits, or great luck, or something out of the ordinary - but with a positive meaning.

Saw nest with eggs? This is to family well-being or finding a family for single people. A nest is considered the most favorable symbol in dreams if it is not empty and the testicles in it are whole and clean.

Collect eggs- to search for something new in life. This could be a search for a new job, a change of place of residence, new feelings in love, a calling in life or a soulmate. Auspicious sign: The search will be successful.

What does the color tell you?

The color of eggs in a dream can be of decisive importance for interpretation. See unusually colored eggs and forms portend surprise, unexpected events and unforeseen circumstances.

Easter or gilded egg portends happy events in the life of the sleeper. Black egg can bring nothing good into the dreamer’s life except negativity: sadness, pain, separation, trouble, or even disaster.

What does it mean painting eggs in a dream? This plot prophesies positive changes, good luck and prosperity. Bright colors predict bright unexpected events, joyful and favorable: a bright streak is coming in life.

Painting it black means the dreamer will ruin his life with his own hands. Be careful in your conversations and actions. Paint and decorate eggs for Easter - good sign: a change awaits in your personal life.

Snow white egg portends success, fulfillment of aspirations and financial luck, brown(dark red) - you will have to make efforts to achieve the goal.

Broken and rotten eggs

  • Rotten eggs of any color carry negative symbolism in dreams and in reality. Shell integrity and deceptive appearance rotten eggs show: not everything is as good as it seems at first glance. A dream can warn of a false friend, an unprofitable, costly business, disappointment in love, and even illness.
  • Eggs with blood they show inside internal state dreamer: readiness to go over their heads, take advantage of the results of other people’s work, deceive for profit. Think about your soul - you will have to answer for everything.
  • Seeing a cracked shell- your business is in danger, you will not get the long-awaited result. Everything will go to waste. The dream warns of unreasonable risks: be more careful in your transactions and your actions. All or nothing is a bad motto. Sometimes it's better to just be a reasonable person.
  • broken eggs- failure in business due to mistakes made or the wrong direction chosen. However, there is no need to worry: everything can be fixed, and there will be a holiday on your street. Sometimes failure in business clears the way for new beginnings, and in this case, misfortune turns into profit.

Events in a dream

Remember what actions you performed with the eggs? The plot may be different:

  • buy/sell;
  • cook food;
  • search/find;
  • clean/eat/drink.

Buy eggs in the store/market - readiness to accept changes in life, joyfully expecting changes.

Sell- you can miss the opportunity to become a little richer: fate gives you a chance, but does not impose it.

Find eggs in an unexpected place - get a chance for financial enrichment. This plot may also foreshadow important meeting with a new person who will become part of the dreamer’s destiny.

Boiled eggs- a symbol of failure, emptiness. Moreover, failure will befall the dreamer due to his own oversight or indiscretion. How can failure manifest itself? In any area of ​​the dreamer’s life.

Peel eggs- not good. The dreamer may become a victim of scammers or suffer financial losses through his own fault. A dream can also foreshadow boring, tedious work without the prospect of a good income.

Drinking raw eggs in a dream- To important events. The interpretation will depend on the taste sensations of the product. If the taste was pleasant, an important matter will end well. If the dreamer drank and felt an unpleasant taste, the outcome of the matter will be unfavorable.

Other dream details

  • Seeing dirty testicles means obstacles and troubles.
  • Seeing an embryo means don’t rush things, it’s not time to reap the benefits.
  • Hatched chick - pay attention to only one thing, don’t grab onto everything at once.
  • The hen laid an egg - the success of the business is guaranteed, family happiness will be strong.
  • Inserting the yolk means delays in business.

Seeing in a dream chocolate eggs- for a romantic acquaintance and a pleasant pastime. For couples in a relationship, this symbol portends a new page of romance and love, new sensations and freshness of feelings. You will rediscover each other.

Chicken eggs are a very common dream plot. This product symbolizes the state of health and reflects inner world person. But to understand why chicken eggs are dreamed of, you should remember all the details of the dream.

Interpretation for men and women

Dreaming of whole eggs can be interpreted differently for men and women.

It is worth noting the following most frequently occurring plots:

    For a man, a nest filled with eggs means that he is successful in reality, and nothing threatens his well-being at a given moment in time. But for a woman, such a picture is a statement that she is an addicted person and this is very harmful to her in life. If you dream that you break eggs and eat them, this means that a very hectic life awaits you ahead, filled with disturbing events. If you dream eggs in a basket, this portends the conclusion of a profitable deal and making a good profit. When in a dream you find eggs in the forest, then there is a high probability of receiving real life inheritance from relatives.

Eggs dream of pregnancy

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life. Therefore, many dream books indicate that eggs are a sign of pregnancy. Such a dream for married woman may confirm pregnancy. A woman carrying a child may also dream of an egg. And in this case, it symbolizes an easy upcoming birth.

Why do you dream about a lot of eggs?

When you dream of a lot of eggs, such a dream may foretell troubles associated with children. A few large eggs in a dream foreshadow a visit from unexpected guests.

Seeing Easter eggs in a dream

A good sign is a dream in which you see Easter eggs. Such a dream symbolizes a bright streak in life and pleasant changes. During this period you can receive good job or take a pleasant trip. New pleasant meetings and useful business acquaintances await you in reality.

Egg coloring process

It is very good if you observe the process of coloring eggs in a dream. This means you are on the right life path and a period of joyful events and important achievements awaits you. During this period, you will be lucky even in small things. At this time, it is very important not to get lost and take advantage of the chance that fate itself has given you.

Colored eggs

Why do you dream about multi-colored eggs? This is a fairly popular question. In principle, dreams with any colored eggs can be considered favorable. A basket of painted eggs foreshadows a joyful event in reality. Also, such a dream may indicate that you will soon receive good profit or win money in the lottery.

For women, seeing a brightly colored egg in a dream means that you will soon hear a declaration of love from a person whose feelings you did not even suspect. In some dream books, several beautiful eggs lying in a basket are interpreted as a happy marriage in the near future or the acquisition of a strong and reliable friendship.

Big white eggs

The onset of a successful streak in life is indicated by large white eggs seen in a dream. If you dream of red eggs, then this is a warning that in reality circumstances will appear that will become an obstacle on the way to your goal. But by paying attention to this fact, difficulties can easily be overcome.

Black eggs in a dream

The exception is black eggs seen in a dream.

They may portend:

    Receiving bad news; Development of serious illnesses; Financial losses.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga highlights a dream in which you see a laying hen that has laid an egg.

In her opinion, this portends:

    Receiving an inheritance; Receiving a monetary reward or a valuable gift; Winning the lottery.

On a global scale, dreamed chicken eggs are interpreted by a famous healer. She claims that if such a dream occurred to a person with paranormal abilities, then this indicates climate change on the planet. A boiled egg in a dream foreshadows the loss of familiar flora and fauna, as well as the fact that humanity will face a shortage of water.

Why do you dream about drinking eggs?

If you drink good egg in a dream, this indicates your inner desire to become a dependent. In addition, you may be tempted to pass off other people's ideas as your own.

Seeing broken eggs in a dream

Broken or bad eggs seen in a dream are considered a bad omen. Such a dream always warns of negative changes in real life, and they can affect any area of ​​life.

Bad eggs

If you see spoiled eggs in a dream, this indicates that you will soon find yourself in the center of unpleasant intrigues and gossip. Also, spoiled eggs indicate the possibility of open and irreconcilable quarrels with people in your immediate circle. After such a dream, there is a great risk that in reality you may become a victim of scammers. Therefore, it is advisable not to borrow a large amount of money from anyone during this period. In addition, extreme caution should be exercised when making responsible decisions.

Break eggs

It is a bad sign if you break eggs with your own hands in a dream. This means that you are destroying your dreams with your own hands. This may also indicate that in real life you will face unjustified expenses, which could lead to a financial crisis.

Rotten eggs - interpretation of sleep

When you dream of rotten eggs, you will not be able to bring your ideas to life in the near future. It may very well be that you will have to give up your desires. In some cases, such a dream may be a harbinger of job loss. It is very bad to break rotten eggs in a dream. This indicates that your plans in real life will be destroyed due to the hypocrisy and betrayal of people from your inner circle.

There are bad eggs

It is very important to know why you dream of eating spoiled eggs, because when you dream that you are eating these spoiled foods in a dream, there is a risk of developing a serious illness. Also, such a dream may portend financial losses.

I dreamed of buying eggs

All dream books interpret the purchase of eggs as a good sign. This is evidence that in reality your life will be filled happy events, it will become dynamic and diverse. There is a high probability of pleasant romantic adventures during this period. You should accept such changes in life with joy and try to fully enjoy them.

The eggs not only occupied the plate (not without benefit). They even come in a dream - why do you dream about chicken eggs??

Popular rumor says - to troubles or guests. A philosophically minded audience discusses the topic of narrow horizons.

Italian psychologist Antonio Meneghetti calls the egg an extremely unpredictable symbol. What's hiding under the shell? Threat, luck, Koshchei's needle? Let's try to consider what is hiding behind the veil of dreams.

The egg is a symbol of origin, a sign of intermediateness, a state between chaos and order. Seeing chicken eggs in a dream with any interpretation, it foreshadows a new round of life.

Whether it will rise or fall is easy to understand by remembering which egg you dreamed about.

  • Raw and fresh

Raw eggs only portend good luck. Fate is kind. Projects are being implemented, ideas will come true, secret dreams will come true.

Perhaps you will receive a profit or a profitable commercial offer. Someone will enter into marriage. And not just some time, but soon. In Freud's theory, by the way, raw eggs symbolize the reproductive function of the genitals.

A famous psychotherapist asks a question in this regard: perhaps you are missing a child?

  • Sniffy

If the eggs had a smell, fate warns of material losses, mental decline, deterioration of health, or ill-wishers plotting intrigues.

A friend or relative may turn out to be treacherous. The power of a dream can be neutralized by “talking it out” running water. Don’t rush to “merge” dreams in which rotten eggs managed to get rid of it.

In this case, the dream book predicts successful overcoming of obstacles and the acquisition of an influential patron.

  • What if it’s broken?

Broken eggs, it would seem, cannot promise anything good. In fact, dream books interpret a dream negatively only in one case, if you beat the eggs. It’s only your fault, the dream books say, that things “hang” and are not completed.

You may even be harming yourself through careless actions or simply missing an opportunity. Did you break the eggs on purpose? Another thing. This means you are trying to understand the essence of some problem.

Broken eggs portend financial and other well-being. Fate is ready to generously reward you, not hit you.

  • Boiled and fried

If a fresh egg is a symbol of new life, a heat-treated egg symbolizes its collapse. Nostradamus's dream book does not exclude the possibility that you may take someone's life or witness a murder.

In the “best” case, a dream with boiled or fried eggs portends problems, losses, disputes, obstacles, scandals and quarrels.

Heat-treated eggs can bode well if you ate them in a dream. Everything will work out, dream books console us. Obstacles will be overcome. The machinations of the enemies are neutralized. Health will improve.

Coded Actions: What did you do with the eggs?

The image of an egg is, in essence, a multi-valued symbol that contains different, even opposite, meanings.

Origin happy life, chaos awaiting liberation from the shackles of inaction, or the collapse of plans - what to prepare for? Actions are of great importance in the interpretation of sleep.

  • Collect eggs

For “gatherers,” dream books foretell a financially secure life. If A woman dreams of chicken eggs, and she collects them from under the chickens, “love will come unexpectedly.”

For a businessman who collected eggs for sale in a dream, the dream predicts profitable deals and a good income. If the eggs were collected to be placed under a laying hen, the dreamer will have opportunities to implement ideas.

  • Buy, receive as a gift or find

The egg is a symbol of the beginning. Their purchase should be interpreted as the impossibility of realizing this on their own. You will have to make a strong-willed effort and invest financially in order to get the process off the ground. Many people are interested in the question of what an egg that was given as a gift means in a dream.

Expect pleasant changes - career growth, support from an influential person, marriage proposal. If the egg was found, you will hit a big jackpot.

  • Paint, hatch or rush

Eggs can be participants in a variety of plots. Think about your state of mind after a dream in which you violently pelted someone with eggs. Relax, do yoga, take a vacation.

You are too tense and have started to lash out in public in vain. If you come under egg fire, think about who in your environment can harm you. Perhaps that someone is yourself.

It happens that you have a dream in which the dreamer hatches eggs. This marks the appearance of a person who will need help.

If a pike is hatching eggs, the dreamer is too caught up in fantasies - it’s time to come down to earth and live in the real world. If the “hatcher” remains behind the scenes, and the hatched chicks are in the foreground, rejoice. Everything will work out.

Coloring eggs anticipates pleasant surprises. Sometimes paints talk about small success that will be achieved without effort. Perhaps on the horizon there will appear, if not the most profitable, but very light work or part-time job.

  • Eggs are different - large, small, white, red

The appearance of the egg will tell you about the nature of the upcoming changes. Size indicates the scale of upcoming events. It should be interpreted in direct proportion. A large egg means major changes. Small - to insignificant.

Color determines the tone of change.

  1. Black people dream of illness.
  2. White is good luck.
  3. Brown - for work that will be rewarded.
  4. Gold - for monetary profit.
  5. Green - for a good deal.
  6. Red - to total well-being and luxury.

The more eggs, the greater the success or devastation.

Women's dream book: to the betrothed or the mummer?

Women's dream books eggs are interpreted in the manner of Freud, dancing around the dreamer’s personal life.

  1. For a young, lonely girl, the eggs portend a meeting with a man who, by the way, may surprise you with the size of his manhood.
  2. A basket of eggs draws attention to promiscuity.
  3. For a family, a dream predicts a love adventure, and it is far from a fact that the hero of the novel will be the legal spouse.
  4. If you dreamed of a chicken with eggs, expect trouble instead of love affairs.
  5. If pregnant woman dreams of chicken eggs, from which chicks emerge - to an easy birth, broken ones - to an unsuccessful pregnancy.

Traditionally, you can ignore everything written above. Sleeping in the hand is rare. Most often, dreams and dreams are not worth a damn - empty and fleeting.

They say that even Mendeleev worked on his table for 20 years, contrary to the legend about its dreamlike origin. Nevertheless – pleasant dreams! Like eggs, dreams are good for your health.

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream means you will meet a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of his manhood. If the person who has such a dream is a man, you should not be afraid of any homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise that we just talked about awaits you in a public bathhouse or, say, a sobering station. If you dream of broken eggs, it means that you can offend some already complex person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything that is “boiling up”, it is better to remain silent. Eating an egg in a dream means a close relationship with someone around you, whom until now you knew only formally, for example, as a colleague. Painting Easter eggs means you need to take a new approach to your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what happened before without making any changes, and the feeling of “zest” leaves your sex. It’s not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you away from each other, from your world for two; arrange a marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a bubble bath.

Why do you dream about an egg?

according to Vanga's dream book

An egg in a dream represents the world, the planet, all living things that surround you. A rotten egg in a dream foreshadows a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that more and more advanced types of weapons are being invented, means of destroying living things, from which there is no salvation and which are in the hands of unworthy people who are capable of destroying all living things and destroying human civilization. If you break an egg in a dream, it means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps, in the very distant future, a meteor shower will hit the Earth, which will split the planet into pieces, and all living things will die. There is an egg - such a dream suggests that all living things exist by devouring living things, and so it was, and so it will be. But a person must thank God for sending him a lot as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator. Boiling an egg - such a dream suggests that a time will come when it will be very hot on Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry up, and plants and animals will begin to die, and people will begin to change in order to survive in the unbearable heat.

Egg in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth. Watching a creature hatch from an egg in a dream is a sign that you will soon witness the appearance of a living creature on Earth. For a young pregnant woman, such a dream predicts a successful birth. Finding a large unusual egg in a dream means that in the future the egg of a large unusual animal will be found. Perhaps it will be the egg of long-extinct dinosaurs. If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then this dream prophesies that you will commit a crime. Perhaps take the life of some living creature. If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an involuntary witness to a brutal murder.

Why do you dream about eggs?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

one, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; to beat or see broken - loss; too much - endless petty worries.

I dreamed about eggs

according to Miller's dream book

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies. Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home. See broken fresh eggs- a sign that fate is ready to generously reward you. An exalted mind and a high sense of justice will make you the favorite of many people. Rotten eggs - promise loss of property and decline in business. A basket of eggs means that you will be involved in profitable business transactions. Finding bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives.
