How to make a real magic wand with magic: options for beginner magicians and little fairies. How to make a real magic wand

Magic power, contained in artifacts, is capable of transforming reality not only in fairy tales, but also in everyday life. How it works and how to make a real magic wand with your own hands - this will be discussed in this article about real magic.

Many enterprising businessmen after the release of the saga about young wizard, began vying with each other to offer to buy a “Harry Potter magic wand.” However, a real magic wand, as we all know, is a one-piece, exclusive and “living” product. The wand itself chooses its owner, so it is impossible to buy a working copy in the store.

A true wizard finds his wand intuitively, but you can learn how to make a magic wand from an unattractive twig. And it’s better to do it right now!

How to make a real magic wand

Have you noticed that wishes come true? This is how magic works, which everyone is endowed with to one degree or another. The wand itself is simply a wand, an antenna that accumulates and amplifies the wizard’s energy. How to make a magic wand that is obedient to its owner and “pretends” to be an ordinary branch for everyone else?

A real magic wand is a one-piece product, exclusive and “alive”

Let's start with some simple truths:

  • The stick must be natural to preserve the memory of the vitality of the tree. This can only be found in a forest or park, since the trees planted in the city are weak and lack connection with the elements.
  • A branch broken by a wizard loses its strength and “dies,” so the tree itself must give up the branch after a sincere request and an honest promise not to use magic to harm living beings. If this condition is violated, the wand will never gain the required strength and will take energy away from its owner.
  • Each tree is endowed unique qualities, but the magician must feel “his” wand. To do this, just take a twig in your hands, close your eyes and feel its weight in your palm. If it seems that the wand has become an extension of the hand, then it is “the one.”
  • Say “thank you” to the tree. Even science has already proven that sincere gratitude has a magical property, so these are not just familiar words, but the first spells available to everyone, the meaning of which has been lost for most. Give the tree some of your energy and wish it well. In this case, the wand will not lose touch with the forest and will be fueled by its pure, inexhaustible energy.

Now you can start making a magic wand!

How to make a magic wand at home: affordable magic

Ash, birch, cedar, maple, chestnut, alder, hazel... In general, there are no trees that are completely unsuitable for creating magic wands. However, there are specimens that take away energy (well, that’s how they are designed, what can you do?): aspen, spruce, pine. The twig chosen by your inner instinct (seen by the “third eye”) must be hidden and brought home. In a wizard's home, the wand will be imbued with his energy even before it becomes truly magical.

A beautiful pebble or crystal will fill a magic wand with the inexhaustible energy of the Earth

How to make a magic wand at home? It's not difficult from a technical point of view, but it's not as simple as it might seem!

  • The mystery of creating a wand does not tolerate prying eyes, so the magician should not allow it to be seen before the initiation ceremony.
  • The stick, carefully cleared of bark, must be treated with sandpaper, reciting the spell “I conjure you, oh, all-powerful branch (birch, cedar, etc.) by the forces of the four elements - Earth, Air, Water and Fire! Take in their strength and power. Be my faithful assistant!
  • You need to make a hole in the base of the wand (with a nail, screw, screwdriver) so that it does not crack, in order to place the magical core. Fairytale “cores,” alas, are sometimes inaccessible to modern wizards, but the magic spilled everywhere is just waiting to be realized! A feather (not a black crow or a rooster!) will fill a wand with the power of Wind, a beautiful light pebble or a real crystal will give energy from the depths of the Earth, a coal will fill it with the power of Fire, and fish scales will fill it with the power of Water. Choose an element that is close in spirit, and it will help you everywhere.
  • A piece of wood or salt dough on blessed water seal the magic core tightly, sealing it with a ring or inscribing the initial letter of the patron element (A – air, air; E – earth, earth; W – water, water; F – fire, fire).
  • Some people coat the stick with varnish. This is not forbidden, but it is not encouraged either. It is better to cover the magic wand with natural fragrant oil before dedication and, wrapping it in a scarf, leave it until the next full moon.
  • The final step is to dedicate the wand. You can dedicate a wand on a full moon or on one of the fire festivals held by the magical community on May 1st (Beltane) or October 31st (Samhain, Celtic New Year). To do this, at midnight, place a magic wand on a snow-white cloth, light a candle and wish “Become a guide, helper and guardian!” Then the candle is extinguished in water and buried in the ground. All these manipulations are a tribute to the ritual. It is important to understand that the wand is just an attribute, the magic is inside the wizard and is only concentrated in amulets and other artifacts.

It is quite possible to make a real magic wand with magic at home. It often takes a lot of time to make a magical attribute.

People with strong energy usually have one year. For those who are energetically weak – several years. But the manufacturing and training process can be significantly reduced to a few weeks or days.

To do this you will have to work hard and devote a huge amount of effort. And no matter how skeptics joke about this, it is quite possible to make a magic wand with magic - the main thing is to believe.

Please note! An important stage When making a magic wand is the choice of material and the method of making the attribute.

The easiest way to make a wish-granting wand is for children. Firstly, children have strong, clean energy. Secondly, they believe in miracles. Thirdly, they are easy to train and educate.

IN real life in adults, these qualities are dulled or completely absent, which aggravates the process of filling the wand with magic.

Children are primarily attracted to appearance products. Often kids want the same wand as Harry Potter.

At home, such a stick can be made from real wood, but another option is also possible, which will quickly and efficiently repeat all the same contours and shapes.

In addition to the material basis for full functioning, a spell and preparation are required.

How to make a magic wand with your own hands:

Material for production Manufacturing Features
Wood, wood varnish, paint, decorative ornaments It takes a long time to make a wooden stick. First you need to choose the type of wood that suits your personality. It is best if it is a young seedling.

The branch is stripped until it takes the desired shape. All defects are removed using sandpaper.

The finished product is first coated with paint, then wood varnish, and only finally decorated. Decorations can be natural stones, beads, textile ribbons, feathers

Several sheets of white paper, PVA glue, gouache, decorations It will not be possible to make a full-fledged magic wand out of paper, since paper does not carry the same energy as a plant. But external qualities There will be nothing to give up if everything is done carefully.

A stick is formed from slightly damp sheets of white paper. The paper must be tightly compressed, otherwise the product will turn out fragile.

You should first add office glue to the water to secure the result. Afterwards painting and decorating is done

Pencil, paint, decor, knife, sandpaper A chopped base is formed from a pencil using a knife. The base is processed with sandpaper. The next steps are coloring and decoration.

If you have no experience working with wood, you can simply recolor the pencil and then decorate it further

Where and how to store?

The magic wand must be stored in appropriate conditions so that it does not lose its properties.

Some magicians leave the item of magic in secluded secret places that only they know about. But you can leave the magic item at home.

You should not leave a real wand in a visible place - you need to prepare a special place for it, where the magical properties of the object will be preserved.

To store a real magic wand, the following storage conditions are required:

  1. Keep out of reach of other people. It is best if it is protected by a magical amulet or spell.
  2. The wand itself is placed in the casket or a special handbag.
  3. The casket must be large and reliable. It's good if it has a lock.
  4. In order for it to cast magic, you need to use it periodically magical properties, performing at least basic spells.

Many magicians, in order to fully protect their magical weapons, have special animals. Such a companion will help in maintaining the magic wand and other magical matters.

How to use it correctly?

A wand that fulfills wishes requires an appropriate attitude. It is absolutely impossible to master a magic item in 5 minutes.

Some people spend years mastering wisdom related to use. The help of more experienced magicians is often needed.

You can also learn to use a stick on your own, just follow the basic rules clearly.

How to learn how to use it correctly yourself:

  • During the casting process it is required maximum concentration of energy.
  • All forces as accurately as possible aimed at fulfilling desires.
  • The spell must be cast clearly and correctly.
  • During the process of witchcraft, you should definitely think about the result, which may work out.
  • The desire must be spoken to oneself at the moment of witchcraft. At the same time, it is specified as what is desired at the present time.
  • The attitude should only be positive not only during the spell, but also after the action.
  • It’s definitely worth thanking the “Universe”, even if the dream is too incredible and may not come true in the future.
  • After magical actions , you need to be aware of everything that happens to you. The wish will not come true on its own - a program will be sent, with the help of which the action itself will be performed.
  • It may take quite a lot of time to make a wish., so you should exercise maximum patience.
  • Positive interaction with those around you will enhance the magic.

A working magic wand should first be charged with positive energy by performing several good deeds.

Important! You should not pretend if you are in a bad mood or if an unpleasant event has recently occurred. It is better to postpone magical work.

It is easy to cast a spell, especially on clear days, when there are no magnetic storms or natural disasters.

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What's happened " wand"Everyone probably knows. However, where this concept came from is not known to everyone. IN modern understanding A wizard's wand is a small rod, most often wooden, that either accumulates the wizard's energy, or directs a magical blow in a certain direction, or is the main attribute of the production of magic. This is how magic wands are presented in fairy tales, fantasy books and films.

A striking example of a magic wand characteristic of the modern worldview may be the wand of the most famous fictional wizard, Harry Potter. In the book and film about Potter, in order to bring magic to life, it is enough to say the cherished spell and wave your wand. IN modern world It is a rare fairy tale or fantasy work that does without this attribute of any wizard. The concept of a magic wand has become so firmly ingrained in our consciousness that such products are used by modern psychics, magicians, sorcerers, healers, and so on.

What is a “magic wand”, where did it come from in human culture and what is its history?

On the one hand, the “magic wand” really existed in ancient times and has a long history. On the other hand, there was no “magic wand” as such, at least in the modern understanding of the term. The prototype of the magic wand was staff, wand, scepter, which subsequently, under the influence of fiction, turned into a miniature object capable of working real miracles.

The staff is an indispensable attribute of the Magi, priests and people endowed with power. Since ancient times, a staff was not a stick that helps with walking, but a specific attribute that served for magical, sacred or protective functions. The staff was present in almost all cultures of the world. We can see this item in ancient images of Slavic, Egyptian, Greek, Sumerian magicians and gods. As an example, we can recall the well-known god of winter, who never parts with his staff, Baba Yaga, who never lets go of her stick, or the god Hermes with the magic wand caduceus, which gives wisdom and has healing powers.

The staff appeared in ancient times. The shape of the staff is closely related to the symbolism of the phallus. This symbol has always been revered as the most powerful amulet, and also as an object that has a special power - creative, reproducing, life-giving, and so on. Most likely, in ancient times, the staves that belonged to priests, shamans, sorcerers, and so on, had a more recognizable phallic shape, but over time they began to look like just a stick with a seal on the top. The scepter of a king or emperor also looks like this, which, along with the crown, has always been a sign of supreme power; wands and staves that are used by representatives of modern religious movements, for example, Christianity - a stick that is topped with a knob or some symbol. The phallic symbol itself represents male power, so since ancient times it has been preferred not only by representatives of the faith, but also by high-ranking people. In modern paganism, the use of magic wands as such is not observed, but staves, like essential attributes sorcerer, are still used today.

It was the phallic symbol of a staff or wand that in ancient times gave it special power - magical, if it was used by a sorcerer or sorcerer, and protective, if it was used by representatives of the authorities. As a magical attribute, the staff was probably used very widely. The staff could be used to cure diseases, drive away spirits, call for rain, seal oaths and spells, and so on. During the arrival of Christianity in Europe, a new belief was spread that witches (pagans) flock to the Sabbath (pagan holidays) riding on a stick, which may indicate observations by representatives of this religion of celebrating women who used staves. Also in medieval Europe Beliefs arose that witches and sorcerers used staves to cause damage, take milk from cows, and turn people into animals. Subsequently, based on ancient descriptions of magi, sorcerers, witches with staves with which they performed any magical or ritual actions, consciousness modern man gave rise to a new concept - the “magic wand”, which contains magical power.

Let me ask you one question, do you believe in the “magic wand”? I'm asking quite seriously. Well, of course, many will answer that “no,” we are all developed, civilized people, we don’t believe in fairy tales, we have learned to look at things objectively, although we don’t understand what things are and what objectivity is. But even despite such paradoxes, it seems to us all that we know better, and this time we will not be fooled. And I don't intend to. But before I give you information to think about, I suggest you dream up a little.

Imagine that you have a certain “apparatus,” I’ll call it that, thanks to which you can create various material objects. For example, your body felt hungry, you wanted an apple, with the help of simple manipulations you set a program for the “device” and get a natural real apple (without GMOs and any other artificial rubbish). Another option is that your pants are suddenly worn out and you need new jeans - the downloaded “jeans” program will give you the opportunity to get new pants. The third option, more fantastic and attractive, the car in which you have been driving recently no longer meets your needs, you enter the program into the “miracle device” and get a new “Mercedes-Benz”. Of course, the Mercedes company will probably cease to exist by then, because people will stop paying it money. Well, in a word, a 100% fantastic world, where everyone has a magic wand in their hands or everyone has everything.

Unreal! The entire population of the Earth is now shouting in unison with indignation. People shouldn't be given this kind of thing! Well, well, it’s unrealistic or impossible, as you say, but I dare to remind you, and who should notice, that “Primordial AllatRa Physics” quite transparently hints that the thing is quite real, moreover, it even offers a “Constructor of elementary particles from Po particles” ! (link).

Perhaps this is some kind of clever invention? By following the link and viewing it, you tell me. Nothing is clear at all! Me too. But if we do not understand, this does not mean that the thing we are talking about is inherently impossible. Agree.

Look at the latest puzzle from the Rothschild family, this time they encrypted their traditional annual prophecies in the form of Tarot cards. What do we see on the map “The Magician” (translated into Russian as “Magician”)? It shows a 3D printer that has printed four residential buildings! By the way.

Again, fiction, deception, speculation? Or is it still ambiguous information? More likely, the latter.

What else can this say? Well, firstly, hypothetically, that someone already knows what matter consists of. And secondly, according to the fact that some technologies already exist, many have probably seen a 3-D printer in action. And if this is theoretically possible, then the practical side is just time. The question is, what will a person choose, an apple or a bomb? - I won’t post it yet, this is a separate big chapter. I won’t even speculate when this very magic wand will appear in our hands. Why? Because I’m too lazy to figure it all out.

Let me clarify a little, you and I are lazy, not the Rothschilds...

PS or maybe I'm wrong?

Prepared by: Ah...

The older people become, the less they believe in magic and... And if you tell them in all seriousness that magic and various magical things actually exist, they will tell you that it’s time to stop believing in fairy tales. But if you still have a little bit of faith in the miraculous, read how to make a real magic wand.

However, we warn you right away that such a wand, made by a newcomer to the world of magic, is unlikely to be able to perform serious, great miracles. For example, you definitely won’t be able to turn your enemy into a toad by waving your magic wand. 🙂 But what is a magic wand really capable of in the hands of someone who doesn’t even know?

You will be able to perform miracles that concern you personally. Helping other people may not always work out, especially if they are not members of your family. By waving your wand and saying your intention or desire, you can, for example:

  • improve health,
  • successfully pass the exams,
  • make others suddenly see your beauty and intelligence, if they didn’t want to notice this in you before,
  • attract one or another desired event into your life (for example, traveling, receiving a long-desired gift),
  • increase your financial wealth.

Of course, this is not the entire list, but only an approximate direction for using the magic of a magic wand.

Where to find a real magic wand

They say that you can make a magic wand from any material: wood, plastic, stone. But for beginners, we still recommend using wood, since the power of trees is truly enormous.

In order to find a suitable branch, you need to go to the forest or grove. You cannot take branches from trees that grow in the city in courtyards or along roads. Such trees are most often deprived magical power. The same applies to fruit trees, growing in your garden. Branches of birch, willow, oak, alder, maple, and chestnut are best suited. You should not take branches from aspen, pine or spruce - these trees are distinguished by the fact that they draw energy from the surrounding space.

While wandering through a forest or grove, listen to yourself: if suddenly your heart skips a beat near a tree, this is a sign! Don't pass by, your search is over. Mentally ask the tree for a part of it, saying:

Mighty tree, give me one of your branches to perform good magic, for the benefit of me and all people. Put your strength into it!

Carefully cut a straight, beautiful branch, without signs of dryness. Now you definitely need to give the tree something in return, you can’t just take it! For example, you can tie a beautiful ribbon on the branches, pour a little water on the tree, or put your palm on the tree and mentally give it a little of your energy in return.

Dedication of a magic wand

Now, in order to complete the spell and make the magic wand active, you need to wait until the full moon. When it appears in the sky full moon, go to the open window and looking at her, say:

Tree and Moon, fill my magic wand with yours magical power! May my wishes come true for the benefit of everyone living on Earth!

Now leave the stick lying on the window in the moonlight all night. In the morning, when you wake up and take the wand in your hands, you will feel that it has changed and as if it has become alive. It may even become a little heavier.

If you want, you can peel the bark off the stick, decorate it, draw something on it, or wrap it with ribbons. It’s just advisable not to varnish it, it should breathe. You remember that she is alive, right? Now make your deepest wish, fill yourself with light and joy, wave your magic wand and say your wish out loud. Now all that remains is to wait a little and after some time everything will come true.
