The best training programs on the horizontal bar and uneven bars. Exercises on the horizontal bar - the main nuances

Friends, I wish you all the best! Lately I have become completely lazy and have even stopped coming up with materials for new articles, but why? You also cope well with this task, in particular - through the form feedback We receive a lot of letters in which you ask us to cover this or that topic. Today this topic is “Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar” from one of our readers. We will consider in as much detail as possible what types of them exist, how to perform each of them correctly, what muscles are involved in the work, and other miscellaneous things.

So, if everything is assembled, I think we can start, slowly.

What types of pull-ups are there?

Before moving on to the essence of the issue, let me remind you that in one of our previous articles we have already devoted quite a lot of time to this. Therefore, whoever is not yet familiar with this creation, I strongly recommend that you pay your respects to it. Well, now that you are up to date with events, I propose to move on to the types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar, which (I’ll say it in advance, looking ahead) there are a great many.

All of them (regardless of version) almost the same muscle groups are involved, in particular, the load is received (see image).

And a more “detailed” option.

Now let's go through the classification of pull-ups, i.e. what they are like.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar: main varieties

No. 1. By grip type (hand position, grip of the bar) :

  • Upper (straight/normal, 1 ) ;
  • Lower (reverse/“womanish”/biceps, 2 ) ;
  • R opposite name ( 3 ) .

Depending on the type of grip, the emphasis on the impact of the load on the muscles shifts. A straight grip more actively engages the back muscles. The reverse grip engages the biceps. Neutral grip (palms facing each other) engages the brachialis/brachioradialis and biceps muscles more.

No. 2. Depending on hand placement (distance between hands), grip width:

  • Narrow (accentuated work of arm muscles, 1 ) ;
  • Average (even distribution of load between the muscles of the back and arms, 2 ) ;
  • Wide (back muscles, “wings” are involved, 3 ) .


When changing the width of your grip, you must remember that the position of your hands affects the degree of muscle load. So, for example, with a wide stance, the amplitude decreases and the torso travels a shorter distance, therefore the load decreases. A narrow grip requires maximum load. Take this into account and adjust the load by increasing/decreasing the number of repetitions depending on the “breadth” of your arms.

No. 3. At the point of contact of the crossbar:

  • Standard (rib cage touches the crossbar 1 ) – the load is distributed evenly, the entire layer of the latissimus dorsi muscles is more involved in the work;
  • By the head (the bar touches the neck, 2 ) – the emphasis shifts to working on the “top”.

No. 4. By cleanliness of pull-ups:

  • “Clean” pull-ups – a smooth and slow phase of lowering and lifting;
  • With swinging - lifting the body with a sharp movement (cast to the top);
  • With incomplete extension – the arms at the elbow joint are not fully extended.

No. 5. In relation to the desired result:

  • Meat Mass-gaining pull-ups – fast rise, slow descent;
  • Quantitative – slow rise, fast descent.

Actually, we’ve sorted out the classification, let’s move on.

Types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar: lyrical digression

As you know, I am an ardent opponent of plagiarism, the dominance of “copy-paste” information that migrates (hey, I dropped a word :)) from site to site. So, after analyzing the state of affairs on the subject of the article on the Russian-language Internet, I realized that things are quite deplorable, because everywhere there is the same type of information, the same pictures and, the funniest thing, the same phrases with “Ashiboki”. It somehow reminded me of a gramophone playing the same fragment of a record in a circle.

Personally, it was unpleasant for me to re-read the same information under different sauces (read on different sites). Therefore, the decision was immediately made to dig much wider, deeper and more voluminously. Now you will find out what came of it, let's go.


Types of pull-ups (variants) on the horizontal bar are like relationships with each new girl, i.e. each has its own unforgettable features and specific features.

So, I present to your attention the most detailed list of types of pull-ups. And first in line...

No. 1. Classic (pronated) version

The most popular, i.e. the most popular option. The grip is slightly wider than the shoulders, the movement begins with a controlled rise up from the lowest point using the muscles of the back and arms. As soon as your chin passes the bar, you are given a “clean” repetition.

No. 2. Neutral

Most secure (from the point of view of the load on the joints). This grip works best on the upper back muscles. It is this option that allows you to avoid excessive internal/external rotation of the shoulder joints and protect your shoulders from injury.

No. 3. Supinated

Pulling occurs using supination (turn in direction outside) biceps So if you want to build massive biceps, include this option in your routine. The supinated method puts significant stress on the biceps tendons, so to avoid injury, avoid slow eccentrics (lowering phase), explosive lifts and dead hangs with this variation of gripping the bar.

No. 4. Mixed

Grasp the bar as you would a barbell while performing deadlift with a lot of weight. A mixed grip allows you to increase your grip on the bar, so you can perform more repetitions or use additional weights (as a weight tied to a belt). This good option to develop maximum strength.

Working with this grip (one hand in pronation, the other in supination) will allow you to balance the internal and external rotational load on your shoulders.

No. 4. Chest pull-ups (Gironde)

They are named after their inventor, professional bodybuilder Vince Gironde. This option is more advanced and requires the athlete to be in good physical condition and developed strength, because involves a large range of motion (compared to previous options). It starts with a dead hang at the lowest point, and then pulling up the entire sternum (instead of her top) to the crossbar. This is best done with a neutral or supinated grip. In this variation, the latissimus dorsi muscles gain a greater range of motion.

No. 5. Transverse pull-ups

This is one of the most unusual and fun exercises. Movement occurs in two planes - longitudinal and transverse.

Starting position – you are perpendicular to the horizontal bar (strictly below it). You need to grab the bar with both hands on opposite sides, leaving a little space between your hands. From this position you will pull and turn 90 degrees your body, bringing your chest to the bar. It is important to keep tension in your buttocks and abs throughout the movement. This is a good accessory exercise to improve shoulder mobility. It's best to use it at the end of your workout.

Perfectly develops and strengthens the athlete's shoulder girdle and makes the body stronger in rotational movement patterns. The direction of rotation can be alternated with each repetition.

No. 6. Half-Moon (half moon)

A relatively new (unused) type of pull-up. The exercise prepares you to perform something more complex – on one arm. Can be performed with almost any grip, but pronation and neutral are preferable.

Get down (with arms fully straightened), pull your body towards the bar to one side, either using only your left, or right hand. Return to the starting position under control and immediately begin to stretch in the other direction. You should have a tension in one hand and a pull in the other. Otherwise you will have a “triangle” instead of a “half moon”.


If pull-ups aren't your thing strong point, then reduce the number of variations in your training program before reaching the Half Moon.

So, we can say that we have considered basic types pull-ups on the horizontal bar, however, there are several more specific ones, which we will talk about later.

No. 7. Hand-swithes (hand switches)

This variation of pull-ups will develop your “grasping-and-releasing” abilities, because... it is aimed specifically at the development of such phases of movement. These pull-ups are also great for developing the explosive power of the concentric phase (lifting the body). They are performed powerfully, with a clap at the top of the trajectory.

No. 8. Pull-up with rope

Another exotic option is to throw a rope/rope over the handles of the horizontal bar. Due to the reduction in adhesion area (replacing the crossbar with a rope), pull-ups are much more difficult for an athlete. In connection with the replacement of the fulcrum, many small muscles are involved in the work to stabilize the position of the body in space.

No. 9. Flip hand grip

Pull-ups are aimed at developing grip strength and involve gradually changing the position of your hands on the bar. While the location of one hand changes, the other provides support for your body.

No. 10. Unclear hand placement

The exercise consists of one hand, as if you miss the crossbar and grab the thrown belt/rope. Your hand is adapted to hold smooth and flat surface. The same hand tools add grip strength and strengthen your grip.

Now a couple of specific techniques for developing and strengthening stability.

No. 11. Disturbance/Displacement

Another technique that involves disturbing your stable body position from the side. You pull yourself up halfway, and your partner tries to move you to the side. The guinea pig athlete strains all the “core” muscles and, creating (own body) direct pressure, trying in every possible way to prevent this process. There is also an option with a belt around the waist, it turns out that here they already want to pull you like a bull by a rope, but you resist until the last :). You don’t need to pull or push too hard, just enough to slightly throw the person off balance.

No. 12. Leg movement

Adding leg movement while hanging on the bar is also great exercise to develop and strengthen the stability of the core muscles. There is a transfer of force from the tension of the upper body, while a simultaneous stabilizing movement comes from the legs.

These exercises develop overall athleticism, coordination and the “longevity” of hanging on the horizontal bar.


If your pull-ups on the horizontal bar look like convulsions :), then you lack consistency in movements, then use these two techniques. Incorporate them into your pull-up training cycle. Also make up your own moves. (for example, scissors, etc.), and everything will be fine with your motor skills.

Actually, that’s all I have, of course, this is far from the most full list what you can do on the horizontal bar, but for the first time, I’m sure it’s enough for you. Well, let's sum up some results and say goodbye.


Well, here comes another one (Who's counting which one?) According to the article - types of pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Despite the fact that the horizontal bar is just a double-edged sword, this simplicity does not in the least prevent this apparatus from comprehensively developing our body. As they say: “everything ingenious is simple!”

See you again, friends. Write letters, and maybe your message will serve as the topic for the next article.

PS. Anyone who wants to improve more needs to increase their karma points by clicking on the social share buttons, let's act!

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The horizontal bar is an excellent tool for developing the entire body. You will find it in abundance in courtyards on the street, school playgrounds, or you can build your own one at home. You can do a variety of exercises on horizontal bars, but the classic one is pull-ups. Hanging on the bar once, you will give a full assessment of your own physical condition and the correspondence of body weight to muscle development.

Not as simple as it might seem. require compliance with certain techniques and rules.

Exceptional benefits

Horizontal bar for beginners - best tool to improve your figure. In addition to its corrective function, the projectile will help maintain the functional state of the spine, because as long as the spine is healthy, the body is young and healthy. In addition, when practicing on the horizontal bar, you receive the following bonuses:

  • getting rid of excess weight;
  • strengthening joints and ligaments;
  • increase in strength and.

Regular training will make your body change right before your eyes; you will gain powerful muscles in your back, arms and shoulder girdle. You can start working on individual muscle bundles with pull-ups with different grip widths.

What beginners need to know

How to properly exercise on the horizontal bar is a question that concerns all beginners. For those who have never tried to do exercises on this apparatus, a technique called “negative repetition” will help you get started. To do this, you need to take a position as if the pull-up has already been completed. To do this, stand on a chair and brace yourself with your bent arms and chin over the bar. Try to slowly lower yourself from this position and return to the starting position, resting your feet on a chair or bench. At first, it is enough to do the exercise in 3 sets of 3-5 times.

If you cannot do any pull-ups, then ask for outside help. In this case, an assistant will provide support during the exercise, standing behind you. Exercises with dumbbells will help strengthen your muscles; a band expander also works well at home.

For beginners, exercises should be performed slowly and carefully, because sudden movements will damage the ligaments. Any training program should begin with a full 15-minute warm-up to warm up the muscles. Stretching or any cardio routine is suitable for this.

Beginning athletes are especially concerned about the topic of pumping muscles. During training on the horizontal bar, the following muscles are loaded:

  • chest;
  • triceps;
  • biceps;
  • latissimus dorsi muscles;
  • deltoid muscles.

Even the abdominal muscles can be worked on the horizontal bar, performing pull-ups with an inversion or a corner exercise.

Execution technique

In order to receive best effect V short term, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for performing pull-ups:

  • the exercise is carried out solely due to the work of the muscles, there is no need to swing, using inertia to lift;
  • lift and lower slowly, without jerking;
  • at the extreme point, keep your chin above the bar;
  • hold the bar tightly and keep your hands dry.

However, the technique of performing each exercise has its own nuances.

Narrow grip

Place your hands on the bar as close as possible. Often in this position, painful sensations appear in the elbows; if they are present, spread your arms at a palm's distance from each other. For ease of execution, bend your legs; you can place your ankles one above the other. Keeping your elbows rigid, bend your elbows and begin doing pull-ups. Rise until your chin is above the bar. Lower yourself slowly and take a break for a few seconds. During training, your back should be straight and your legs motionless.

Head pull-ups

To perform this exercise correctly, you need to grab the bar with a wide grip. At the highest point of the pull-up, the bar should be at the level of the back of the head. During this exercise, much more muscles are tensed than when performing classical techniques. To achieve best result You can alternate between a regular wide grip and pulling up behind your head.

Reverse grip

Reverse grip pull-ups can be done in two ways: with a wide hand position and a normal hand position. In both cases, the palms should be directed inward. When performing, the latissimus muscles and biceps are worked out.

The wider the position of the arms, the greater the load on the muscles. This exercise is suitable for targeted pumping, since the area where attention is focused will experience more tension. A narrow grip allows you to pump up your biceps with maximum speed. When performing, try to touch your chest to the bar.

Special exercises

In addition to increasing muscle mass, you can achieve increased height with the help of a horizontal bar! No matter how fantastic it sounds, it has been proven that with regular exercise you can lengthen your body by 5 cm or more. Such techniques include free hanging, where the body and spine are stretched under its own weight. In this case, you can move your legs or turn your body to the sides, which helps to achieve a better effect.

An exercise program for beginners should not include: initial stages Lots of reps and sets. Start small, 1 or 2 exercises are enough. One of the requirements that should be emphasized in any training on the horizontal bar is slow execution. This way you can not only use more muscles, but also improve your technique.

Systematic exercises will allow you to increase strength and endurance. After this, begin to gradually increase the number of repetitions. And remember: your possibilities are limitless!


A training program using a horizontal bar, like any other physical activity, has its contraindications. First of all, people with the following diseases should avoid exercising on the horizontal bar:

  • scoliosis (curvature of the spinal trunk);
  • hernia;
  • protrusion (the first stage of hernia formation).

If you have osteochondrosis, you should also be careful about training. However, if performed correctly, exercises can relieve pain and significantly improve the condition by stimulating blood circulation.

Hello blog readers. Literally every time you pass by the sports ground, the eye is pleased to watch the athletic boys constantly practicing on the horizontal bars and parallel bars. How great it is that athletic body, healthy image life, today have become fashionable and almost obligatory attributes of a modern person.

I agree that not everyone has the opportunity to visit gyms. However, this does not mean that playing sports, shaping beautiful body, in this case are not available. Because a properly selected training program on the horizontal bar and uneven bars is not less effective, and in some ways, perhaps even more effective, than the indoor iron press.

Of course, if you want to pump up every muscle, then you can’t do without exercise machines that allow you to work on individual groups in isolation. But if the goal is an athletic, fit, moderately pumped body, then it is quite possible to limit yourself to the sports field and study.

Training program

So, the program. The one that I have prepared for you is scheduled for a week and is perfect for both people who already have some training and for beginners. It includes exercises on the horizontal bar, parallel bars, press push-ups, that is, you can do absolutely everything on your own. Considering that bodyweight exercises are strength exercises, they are effective for gaining muscle mass, which you can accelerate and increase with proper, appropriate nutrition, as well as with the use of sports nutritional supplements, such as protein, for example. At the same time, such training is aimed at strength and endurance. In general, there are no cons.

Each training involves performing it in four approaches, each to the maximum. While doing the first 3, try to still leave some resource for completing the next ones. Do the last, fourth, until you are completely exhausted.

If your training allows you to do 15 or more repetitions in each approach, then to gain muscle mass you need to add weights. It could even be a bag of sand, or you could hang a dumbbell or barbell plate from your belt or put it in your backpack, if you have one. If your goal is to work on relief, then weights are not needed, and the pace of execution should be extremely intense.

Naturally, for beginners, such a number of repetitions may seem impossible. Therefore, do as many as you can, and also increase the breaks between approaches. But try to work in the same mode: each exercise is performed in 4 approaches. Then you yourself will not notice how the number of your repetitions reaches the limit when additional loads are needed.

Believe me, the effectiveness and benefits of street training are even off the charts!

For my part, I offer you a program for a week, classes in which are supposed to be on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, alternating between heavy workload and lighter workload. In principle, specific days are not necessary - the main thing is that you understand the principle and are not lazy. Shall we get started?


Monday is a hard day. Therefore, I also decided not to relax too much and do a harder lesson that day. As always, we start only after the warm-up.

  • The first will be standard, that is, a straight grip, hands shoulder-width apart;
  • Next are the parallel bars - push-ups on the chest, that is, the torso is tilted forward a little, about 10 degrees, and in the process we move the elbows to the sides. But you can see the correct execution in the photo this exercise;

  • Again the horizontal bar - pull-ups behind the head, that is, hands about 2 shoulder-width apart, at the top point we touch the crossbar with the back of the head;
  • We lie down on the floor and do, hands slightly wider than shoulders;
  • Again the horizontal bar, but this time we work on the abs - we raise our legs while hanging;

  • The last one is parallel bars, and also on the press. That is, on the uneven bars, we raise our legs - you can do it with straight arms, which is better, you can rest on your forearms.


The lesson will be easy compared to Monday, since the muscles should have time to recover. Otherwise, you will get the effect of catabolism, that is, when you train and train, and muscle mass not only does it not increase, but even decreases.

  • Let's start with push-ups - place your hands shoulder-width apart;
  • We continue with push-ups, only this time spread your arms as wide as possible;
  • And the last push-ups for today are with a narrow grip. That is, place your palms on top of each other.

Look at the photo so that the similar position is correct - this is important

  • Now lie on your back and raise your legs - we are working on the abs;
  • Also, lying on your back, do a bicycle - the movements characteristic of pedaling. By the way, the socks here should also work as if there were actually pedals under your feet - this is the correct execution;

  • Let's finish the easy day with simple crunches. Of course, for greater efficiency, I would recommend doing them with lateral turns of the torso, so that the oblique abdominal muscles are also involved


After a day of rest, I’m sure you will have enough strength and energy for more workload.

  • Let's start with the horizontal bar and work on the biceps - pull-ups with a reverse grip, hands shoulder-width apart;
    We will do push-ups on parallel bars, focusing on the triceps. That is, in the process, the arms are pressed to the body, and even try to tilt the body back a little, for greater effect;

  • Let's go back to the crossbar. We will do pull-ups with a reverse grip, that is, the palms are facing you, and the width of the hands is extremely narrow - no more than a fist;
  • Let's complicate the push-ups - today the same standard ones, from the floor, with hands shoulder-width apart, but on fists;
  • We will pump the abs in the same way on the bar, but today by raising the knees to the shoulders. That is, in essence, reverse crunches hanging;

  • Let's finish with the familiar leg raises on the uneven bars from Monday.


After yesterday's load, it would be logical to conduct an easy lesson, which is what we will do.

  • Let's start with standard push-ups, arms width - shoulders;
  • The next push-ups are essentially the same, only, firstly, already on the fists, and secondly, the elbows should not leave the body during the process;
  • The third push-ups for today are narrow. Place your palms on top of each other so that they form something like a rhombus;
  • Press – we perform crunches, but only with torso turns to the sides to pump up the oblique abdominal muscles;
  • We also raise our legs while lying down - lower press the same requires attention;
  • We end the week with simple crunches all the way.

As you can see, everything is quite doable, and the effectiveness, believe me, is extremely high. Of course, replace basic exercises You won't be able to do it with a barbell on the gym alone. But our goals are somewhat different - we are not chasing the title “Mr. Olympia”, but we just want a beautiful, fit, athletic, moderately pumped, strong body. Finally, watch a relaxing video of training on the uneven bars and horizontal bar. Don't be lazy, get busy. See you soon.

There is a myth that there are exercises on the horizontal bar for all muscle groups. The truth is that training on the horizontal bar really pumps up many muscles. But some of them either do not strain at all, or receive very little stress. Let's figure out which muscle groups the horizontal bar will help pump up, and which ones will require additional load.

Rely on the horizontal bar and swing your legs

There are many exercises on the bar. But none of them engage the leg muscles. Your legs don’t swing at all on the horizontal bar, no matter what type of grip you use. To swing your legs on the crossbar, you need to grab the horizontal bar with your foot and pull yourself up with your legs, and perhaps only monkeys are capable of this. A person is unlikely to be able to do this - his foot is not designed for grasping, unlike the lower limbs of primates.

By the way, about our evolutionary ancestors. Why do monkeys have such big hands and such small feet? Because they don't swing their legs. Look at an orangutan or a gorilla - their upper body will be the envy of any bodybuilder. Monkeys acquired such proportions thanks to constant movement through trees and the ground with the help of their upper limbs. They either do pull-ups or push-ups from branches in any situation.

As for humans, in order to look harmonious and lead an active lifestyle, we definitely need to train our leg muscles. The horizontal bar will not help here, so we choose separate exercises for the lower body.

Everything is clear with the legs, but what muscles can the horizontal bar actually develop? And there are many of them.

Here is a list of muscle groups that can be pumped up on the horizontal bar:

  • Wings or latissimus dorsi along the entire length.
  • Upper back or trapezius.
  • Shoulders or deltoids.
  • Biceps or arm flexors.
  • Rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

When performing an exercise such as muscle-up, you can pump up the arm extensors and a little pectoral muscles. In general, parallel bars exercises are better for the triceps and chest. The bars, as a rule, are always there where there is a crossbar. Therefore, finding this “simulator” should not be difficult for you.

If you want to tone up your torso, exercises on the horizontal bar can be combined with push-ups. various techniques. At the same time, you need to train your legs in a way that is convenient for you. If you want simple and defined legs, cycling, running, and bodyweight squats will help you. If you want to pump up your legs, then you should use a barbell or bench press.

Today there is a huge variety of exercises on the horizontal bar. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Types of exercises on the horizontal bar

So, let's look at the types of exercises on the horizontal bar.

Medium grip pull-ups

A medium grip means that the distance between your hands on the bar is 30–40 cm. As a rule, your hands are positioned slightly wider than your shoulders.

  1. The first exercise is straight-grip pull-ups. Hold the bar with your palms away from you and pull yourself up.
  2. The next exercise on the horizontal bar is a reverse grip pull-up. The distance between the hands is the same as before.

Using these methods, the back muscles and biceps are evenly pumped.

Wide grip pull-ups

Exercises on the horizontal bar to grow your back wider are performed with a wide grip. You need to use a straight grip. For most people, this element seems heavy - they cannot pull themselves up so that their chin rises above the bar. And this is due to the weakness of the latissimus muscles. In this position (when the hands are far from each other), most of the load is transferred to the wings. You won't win in this situation by having strong biceps.

You should not do pull-ups with a reverse grip with such a wide arm position.

Close-grip pull-ups

The next element that can be included in a set of exercises on the horizontal bar is.

This option is the easiest and mainly works the biceps. Some people perform this type of pull-up solely using their biceps - from the outside, this is very noticeable by the short amplitude of the pull-ups, during which the elbows practically do not move relative to the body.

Neutral grip

Neutral or parallel grip (since the previous grips can also be called parallel, the word “neutral” in in this case will better indicate the meaning of the situation).

A neutral grip can be practiced on horizontal ladders so that the head passes between the cross members.

Neutral grip gives good advantage for pumping wings. It is the wings in this case that work to their full length due to the fact that the trajectory of the arm movement will be as natural as possible for the latissimus muscles.

One arm pull-ups

If the number of pull-ups in one approach exceeds 30, it’s time to think about doing one-arm pull-ups. This element is not suitable as a permanent exercise - the load on the biceps is too much. This is simply a measure of your arm strength.

Exits by force

The muscle-up is an exercise that you can do a couple of sets of after just a few months of regular pull-ups. The main thing is to practice consistently and do everything in compliance with the technique. For example, if you have strong arms but a weak back, it will be difficult for you to rise above the horizontal bar. And if you also have weak triceps, then you will not be able to push up from the bar to complete the exercise.

Therefore, muscle-up should not be placed at the beginning of your training plan. You need to prepare your body for this exercise.

Exit by force is done on one hand and on both. Initial version– exit first on one hand and then exit on the second. You will learn to make a simultaneous exit later.

When performing elements on the horizontal bar, be it pull-ups or gymnastic exercises, great value has the weight of the practitioner. Agree, it’s easier to work with a weight of 60–75 kg than 90. And the risk of injury is less, and you can learn the basic elements faster.

Using a rope

To complicate the task, you can use a small rope thrown over the horizontal bar. You will hold on to its ends and perform the same pull-ups. In this version, due to the rotation of the hand and an unusual grip, the forearms are well trained.

Your grip will become noticeably stronger. At first, pulling up will be more difficult, since part of the strength is spent on holding the body on the rope.

To make this exercise even more challenging, you can ask a friend to push you while you pull yourself up. This will create additional tension in the forearm.

Be careful - with this version of the exercise you can easily lose your balance and fall.

Downloading the press

You can train your abdominal muscles on the horizontal bar. All exercises for the abdominal muscles are performed from a hanging position. There are several options for this training:

  1. Raising your legs with your knees bent.
  2. Raising straight legs.
  3. Pull-ups with straight legs raised. Pull-ups with bent legs are dangerous - if you fall, you fall on your butt instead of your legs. This risks a fractured tailbone and back injuries.
  4. Drawing a circle or semicircle with straight toes.

The heavier your legs, the more stress your abs will receive. It mainly works the lower abs and the top of the front of the legs. You will feel this yourself when you try to perform any of the listed leg raises.

The simplest and safest option for swinging the press is to raise your legs with your knees bent. The main thing is that you do not swing like a pendulum, otherwise inertia will interfere with pumping your abs.

And here's the most effective exercise for the press on the horizontal bar is drawing a semicircle or circle with straight legs. To do this, you need to hang on the horizontal bar, grasp it with a wide grip, and raise your legs. Now you need to draw a circle with your socks.

If you return your legs to the starting position, you get a circle. If you stop in a position where your legs are bent relative to your body at a right angle and move back, you will describe a semicircle. The latter option is more difficult, since the abdominal muscles do not relax throughout the entire exercise.

Exercises on the horizontal bar are gaining more and more popularity every year. Such training helps general development bodies, do not take too much time, and are also accessible to everyone.

Among other things, exercises on the horizontal bar are, in most cases, exercises with your own weight, which is very popular among many amateurs and professionals.
Almost everyone can do simple pull-ups using this sports equipment. But the question is that many do the exercise incorrectly, which not only negates the benefits of the exercise, but also puts them at risk of injury.

Now let's try to figure it all out. We will learn how to perform exercises correctly and safely, as well as what programs to practice in order to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible time.


Before performing any exercise, you need to know the basic rules. Newbies often encounter this problem, which can lead to undesirable consequences.

First, let's figure out which muscles are involved when performing exercises on the bar:

  • Back muscles (latissimus, rhomboid, teres and trapezius). It should be immediately noted that these muscles are most susceptible to injury when using the wrong technique.
  • Triceps, rear delta and biceps.
  • The small and large muscles of the chest.
  • Serratus anterior muscles.

Now, understanding which muscles are involved in the process, we move on to describing the correct technique.

Correct breathing

Breathing is very important, because the quality of exercise largely depends on it. Now let's try to figure it out.

Many people, even people who understand sports, make a very serious mistake by doing pull-ups after exhaling air from the lungs. This is not strange, because most exercises are done this way. But here the situation is a little different.

Before pulling up, you need to take in full lungs of oxygen, and then hold it until the body is completely raised. When pulling up with full lungs, the back muscles are located as wide as possible, and they seem to push the person upward.

It is also important to remember that you should not squirm on the horizontal bar with everyone possible ways, holding your breath to perform a “full” pull-up. This will not only be of little use, but will undoubtedly cause severe pain in the spine.

Types of grips

The next equally important part of preparation is grip. Grips are distinguished according to 2 criteria. First - this is the distance between the hands.

  • Narrow grip The distance between the hands is much narrower than shoulder width.
  • Average grip The distance between the hands is equal to the width of the shoulders.
  • Wide grip The distance between the hands is significantly greater than the width of the shoulders.

And if everything here is quite simple and clear, then with the second classification ( depending on grip), difficulties may arise.

Having understood the basic concepts, let's consider general rules that every athlete must do:

  • The person performing the exercise must have full control of his body (do not sway).
  • The rise and fall of the body should be smooth, without jerking.
  • When performed correctly, at the moment of maximum lifting of the body, the chin should be above the level of the crossbar.
  • The athlete's body should be straight, with a slightly arched back.

Training programs

Now, knowing how to do the exercises correctly, you can move on to training. It’s worth immediately learning that you shouldn’t run to the horizontal bar and squeeze the maximum out of yourself. An unprepared body may not be able to withstand heavy loads.

Before you start doing the exercises, you need to choose a suitable program. This will not only avoid injuries, but will also help you gain better physical shape in the shortest possible time.
To understand the approximate scheme by which you need to work, let's look at a simple table.


So, it’s worth clarifying right away that the average data presented here may not correspond to the capabilities of a particular person. The main thing here is the system. For example, if an athletic and pumped-up person wants to get the most out of the horizontal bar, then perhaps he should multiply each indicator several times. Or vice versa – reduce it. It is important to understand that the main thing is the execution system.

It is worth noting that not everyone will be able to immediately understand which option to choose and how much to multiply repetitions. In such cases, it is worth choosing the middle option, as indicated in the table.

A serious mistake is the situation when a person tries to give his maximum on the first day. In such cases, at the next training session, he will not be able to do half of what he did on the first day due to muscle pain. Thus, the system that is above all will be disrupted.

It is worth mentioning muscle pain. Don't worry, because this process is absolutely normal. Each person's pain may be different; some may hardly notice them, while others may not even be able to lift their arms the next day. You shouldn’t immediately run to the doctor, you just need to reconsider your load. To reduce pain and discomfort to a minimum, after training you can take hot bath, or go to the bathhouse.


Yes, yes, it’s worth saying that the horizontal bar is not only a sports equipment for pull-ups. Unfortunately, many people don’t even realize this. Now let’s try to figure out what other exercises can be done on the crossbar. Some of them are not only useful for physical health but they also look very nice.

Before we figure it all out, let’s divide all the exercises into two types: for beginners and for experienced ones.

By professionals You can name people who know how to do pull-ups correctly, and doing a dozen pull-ups is not particularly difficult for them.

For beginners

No matter how strange it may sound, you should start with regular pull-ups. Many experts recommend doing each approach with a different grip. The sequence is:

  • 1st approach – wide grip;
  • 2nd approach – medium grip;
  • 3 approach – narrow grip;
  • 4 and 5 – individually, if possible for the athlete.

This information is not mandatory, however, by changing grips, the athlete uses all the muscles, which develops his body more fully and proportionally, preparing him for more serious loads in the future.

A common mistake for beginners is the desire to practice seriously every day. It is worth saying that this is quite difficult and often not justified. Muscles need to rest, so if a person is just starting to exercise, it is advisable to perform exercises at intervals, at least every other day (it’s better to do one day, rest for 2 days).

Many will now be indignant that in this case the result will not come soon. But do not forget that on rest days no one canceled other sports equipment, such as dumbbells, etc. On them, most of the load goes to other muscle groups, which allows you to rest and not lose shape.

To summarize, it is worth saying that for a beginner the main thing is to get into the rhythm. This is often difficult due to the desire to do more. But we must remember that activities should bring pleasure, not suffering.

For experienced

Now let’s move on to people who have been familiar with the horizontal bar for several days. It’s worth saying right away that most regularly practicing themselves know and understand what exercise needs to be done and when. This is probably one of the main signs of experience. Nevertheless, even such people can be given a number of practical tips.

First of all, this exercises on the horizontal bar with different grips. You can often meet a person who is proud of the fact that he can do several dozen pull-ups. But when you ask him to do it even slightly in a special way (for example, with a cross grip), he is simply lost.

The fact is that it is worth mastering each grip, because it will allow you to develop all muscle groups, and most importantly, it will give them greater elasticity.

The second tip would be - training various exits on the horizontal bar. There are dozens of them. Some are extremely easy to do, and some take days to learn. In addition to beauty, such exercises develop good flexibility, as well as the ability to withstand long-term static loads, which is something that many “horizontal bar” athletes lack.

Nutrition when exercising on the horizontal bar

The first and most important rule is to drink plenty of fluids. Moreover, the liquid plain water. Yes, yes, it’s the right way to work and maintain balance.

Now let's try to figure it out point by point:

  • Squirrels. You need to consume 2 grams of protein per 1 kg of weight.
  • Carbohydrates. Approximately 7 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight.
  • Fats. 1 gram of fat per 1 kg of weight.

But you should not be very strict about these indicators, because each organism is individual. This scheme may undergo minor changes. But you need to know that a large amount of carbohydrates can lead to fat storage, which is not very good for health.

To sum up everything written above, it is worth saying that exercises on the horizontal bar are very useful and allow you to maintain good physical shape. However, we should not forget that there are other sports equipment that will help develop muscles and general physical condition.
