Develop and strengthen willpower: advice from a psychologist. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal's opinion on how to develop and strengthen willpower

A coup d'etat in December 1851 allowed Louis Bonaparte to seize power and then declare himself Emperor Napoleon III in 1852. In the history of France, a period began that, by analogy with the empire of Napoleon I, received the name “Second Empire”.

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The Bonapartist regime destroyed almost all the democratic gains of the revolution of 1848. Under the pretext of fighting against secret societies the government destroyed all democratic organizations. Political clubs were banned, freedom of the press was stifled, opposition newspapers and magazines were closed, and the rest were placed under strict police control; editors of newspapers and magazines were approved by the Minister of the Interior. Schools, higher education institutions, and theaters were also placed under police supervision. The authorities persecuted republican-minded teachers.

A huge police apparatus controlled all spheres of life. “They strangled the right, gagged freedom, dishonored the banner, trampled the people underfoot and are very happy!” - Victor Hugo wrote with indignation about the Bonapartist rulers during these years.

The system of government was designed to enhance the role of the emperor, who held real power, and to reduce the importance of representative institutions to zero. The latter consisted of three chambers: the Legislative Corps, elected by the population, which did not have the right of legislative initiative, the Senate, appointed by the emperor from the highest dignitaries and clergy, and also the appointed State Council, which developed laws on the basis of projects proposed to it by the emperor.

Louis Napoleon's policies expressed the interests of the big bourgeoisie of France. However, in the 50s and the first half of the 60s, the Bonapartist regime also enjoyed support from the wealthy and a significant part of the small-proprietor peasantry. “Historical tradition,” wrote Marx, “has given rise to the mystical belief of the French peasants that a man named Napoleon will return to them all their lost goods.” But Marx added: “The Bonaparte dynasty is the representative not of the revolutionary, but of the conservative peasant...” (K. Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, K. Marx and F. Engels, Soch, vol. p. 208.)

The nervous system is a complex network that controls all actions human body: breathing, digestion, movement, temperature, etc. Problems with the nervous system can arise due to impaired blood circulation, nerve function, injury, exposure to toxic substances, lack of vitamins.

Moreover, chronic stress increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system and negatively affects the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. This leads to hyperactivity, excessive stress on the heart and blood vessels, muscle tension and other problems. To prevent this from happening, you need to not only know how to strengthen the nervous system, but also constantly do it.

How nervous system disorders affect our lives

Walking barefoot is a pleasant and beneficial activity for the nervous system. Walking barefoot on the ground, soft grass, sand or pebbles at the beach is very beneficial. A study published in 2012 found that half an hour of barefoot walking a day could:

  • improve blood viscosity;
  • stabilize heart rate;
  • suppress inflammation;
  • reduce cortisol levels;
  • improve sleep quality.

Sunlight helps the nervous system because it produces vitamin D. A lack of sunshine vitamin is associated with an increased risk of diseases of the central nervous system, in particular schizophrenia and multiple sclerosis.

Walking barefoot, walks in the sun, exercise, meditation, yoga and relaxing baths - great ways strengthen nervous system.

To increase your vitamin D levels, walk in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes every day, and eat seafood, eggs and milk.

Yoga and meditation - best friends nervous system. Daily yoga and/or meditation help strengthen the peripheral nervous system, increase protective forces body, as well as improve the mood and physical condition of the body. The following asanas are especially beneficial for the nervous system:

  • inverted staff pose;
  • handstand;
  • bridge pose;
  • shoulder blade stand;
  • leaning towards your feet while sitting;
  • bent candle pose;
  • corpse pose.

Regular exercise can strengthen the nervous system and improve the condition of almost every body system. Walking, walking, swimming, cycling - any activity will benefit the nervous system. However, when choosing exercises, it is also important to take into account the presence of possible contraindications and correctly select the level of load.

A bath with Epsom salts will help relieve stress after a hard day. This procedure is beneficial for nerves and muscles, and also has a detox effect. To prepare such a bath, just add 1 cup of Epsom salts to warm water and stir well.

Foods that help strengthen the nervous system

Magnesium is an important mineral for nervous system health, and a deficiency of it inhibits some neurotransmitters needed to transmit signals between nerve cells. Magnesium is also necessary for the production of serotonin, which relaxes the nervous system and improves mood. Therefore, be sure to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet.

For the health of the nervous system, it is necessary to eat foods rich in vitamins, and it is good for relieving stress. chamomile tea.

Green tea and chamomile decoction are two amazing drinks that will have a positive effect on the nervous system. Make sure you always have these two drinks on hand because:

  1. The amino acid L-theanine in green tea helps increase dopamine and serotonin levels, which helps improve mood and relieve stress. Caffeine improves concentration and concentration, and antioxidants reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, including neurological ones.
  2. Chamomile has proven itself well as a sedative, so I recommend drinking chamomile tea for insomnia, irritability, and stress.

To better cope with stress and reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the nervous system. In addition to the above methods, the site recommends refusing bad habits, drink plenty of fluids, do not overuse caffeine, enjoy your favorite hobbies and socializing with friends more often - this will significantly improve your ability to withstand the effects of negative factors.

Why don't most people live the way they would like? Because they lack the spirit. You can call it differently: inner core, character, spirit. The essence is the same.

Spirit is essential for a successful life. And in general for life, because this is really not a hundred meters, but a marathon. What is needed here is not a heroic impulse, but endurance and perseverance. Including in the face of danger, death. Good example fortitude- tunnel from prison. Composure before execution. Almost everyone has something that seems unbearable - a wife, a country, a job. And the spirit is what helps you walk even when there are red spots in front of your eyes. Reach the end and win. Because you won't achieve anything by being in your comfort zone. This is a household matter - you can lie on the sofa all your life for your pleasure. The main thing is to understand what will lead to what, to what finish.

How strengthen the spirit? Spirit is a derivative of willpower, its manifestation and expression. What is willpower? This is the ability to overcome oneself, the ability to concentrate on one subject, to gather in a strong-willed bundle. How to train willpower? Read carefully - the main thing here is to understand the principle, and the specific method can be anything: physical or mental.

For example, worldwide famous actor Will Smith said that as a child, his father instructed him and his brother to take apart brick wall and move the bricks to another location. It took them 2 years. After this, the father said: “Now you won’t be able to say that you can’t do anything.” That is, it takes constant effort over quite a long time. Although, a year will be enough.

You can engage in internal development - for example, meditate for 1 year every day for 1 hour. Even just looking at a black dot on a white wall just develops the ability to concentrate and be collected. Sounds easy, but modern man this is very difficult, since he is sorely short of time. Plus, some thoughts arise like: “Why do you need all this? How much is possible? There is still no result.” Well, we need to take into account distracting factors such as relatives. A modern person may only have enough time at school, and even that is not a fact. And already at university, many begin to earn extra money. So this is also a test.

Can strengthen the spirit training. Martial arts and martial arts are especially suitable - always with sparring or full contact fights. At the beginning, everyone has some jitters before sparring - will I be embarrassed, will I be scared? The anxiety can be so strong that you want to quit everything. And here you just have to take it and go, no matter what. The ability to force yourself not to miss training is also an important part martial art. Because this is precisely what develops the will. Set a goal for yourself to retire for at least 1 year and do it. Or better yet, 2 or 3 years.

But, again, the method can be any. A psychologist I know strengthens the spirit at the expense of push-ups - partly because he can’t stand them. You can train your willpower by jogging in the morning when you want to sleep. Possibly by dousing ice water. In general, everything that is difficult and unpleasant, that forces you to overcome yourself. Asceticism won’t hurt here either, but more on that another time. But you can also practice music, foreign languages- anything!

Keep in mind that rationality is needed everywhere - if you are overtired, then overcoming yourself will not lead to anything good. You will only become even more tired, and sooner or later you will quit your studies, which will lead to a decrease in self-esteem. Healthy sleep and normal food are simply necessary.

But when you gain some experience, and quantity turns into quality, you will understand this from the looks of others. The Spirit will change your posture, your voice and your look. Those around you will make way, and the girls, on the contrary, will cling to you. The spirit is your real backbone.

You are a reasonable person, right? You work hard and strive for success both professionally and in your personal life. You have great ideas and believe they can change you and the world around you for the better.

However, if you regularly find yourself at the end of the week, month or year in a state of complete surprise, trying to understand what you spent that time on and why the results did not correspond to your intentions and goals, then you have a problem. You've probably lost sight of one of the main elements of success: self-discipline.

It's very difficult to use willpower to achieve certain goals when you have to fight distractions, procrastination and good old laziness. If your inner voice is not giving you the support you need, then you need to become a person who can achieve what you want without its help. Why not use a few science-backed techniques to help you take back control of your life?


According to some studies, when you set a specific date for when you will start following new habits, it gives you more determination to follow through. Instead of making vague promises to yourself that you will start changing, tell yourself that next Monday (or any other day of the week) you will begin to take some clearly defined steps towards this. Discipline starts with a plan!

Be specific about your motivation

Setting clear deadlines can help you take action proactively. But making a list of reasons why you want to improve can give you a clear picture of what you're doing and why. Write at least five points explaining your desire to improve self-discipline. Make sure you always have this list at your fingertips. It will become your source of motivation when you begin to question why you are even wasting your time and energy on doing this hard work.

Visualize your success

Completing the previous point is motivation for the mind, and visualizing the successful achievement of your goals is motivation for the soul. Visualizing how improving your self-discipline will impact your life can help you maintain your willpower and inspiration to move forward much longer.

Arm yourself against temptations

It's one thing to tell yourself that you will definitely go to gym. However, as soon as your friend suggests going somewhere to unwind, your determination immediately evaporates. If you prepare in advance for such temptations, you will have a much easier time dealing with them when they actually arise. For example, make a promise to yourself that if your friend wants to meet you and go to a bar when you were planning to arrange a workout, offer him an alternative in the form of tennis practice together or any other physical activity.

Find positive aspects in an unpleasant task

If you can't find the willpower to force yourself to get out of bed half an hour earlier than usual and go for a run, try to make this task more attractive to you. For example, in the evening, download an interesting podcast for your workout tomorrow. You will have additional motivation to wake up earlier and work hard on your physical fitness.

Eliminate distractions

If you remove temptation from your sight, it will be easier for you to remove it from your thoughts. Experiments show that when you hide things that are tempting to you, such as chocolate or a games console, you are more likely to keep your promise and resist temptation.

Sleep better

Lack of sleep impairs self-discipline by negatively impacting the functions of the prefrontal cortex. Start getting ready for bed at least an hour before the time you plan to go to bed. During this period, it is advisable not to use a smartphone or other gadgets. Give yourself the opportunity to sleep at least 8-9 hours. The quality of your sleep has a huge impact on your ability to exercise self-discipline.

Take a break

When you make hasty decisions, they very often turn out to be wrong. Therefore, before answering, take a five-second pause, which will allow you to think carefully about your decision. This will greatly increase the likelihood that your answer will be dictated by reason rather than emotion.

Do it for yourself

Review the reasons why you decided to start working on yourself and your self-discipline. You won't be able to strengthen your willpower if you do it for the sake of other people or their approval. Your chances of success will increase significantly if you work towards your own goals and desires.
