Who needs paving slabs? Alternative and related activities

Concrete tiles are a beautiful, convenient and durable material, and therefore it is not surprising that it is in demand. Recently, it has successfully replaced asphalt pavement - both in urban landscaping and in private construction. Demand clearly exceeds supply - city courtyards, sidewalks, squares, park alleys and summer cottages require high-quality and practical coating.

Of course, city administrations, as a rule, cooperate with large manufacturers who have been seriously established in this market for a long time. But small construction companies and private owners most often order paving stones from small enterprises. Manufacturing business paving slabs- the same niche that you can still occupy and feel comfortable with, despite considerable competition. In addition, such entrepreneurship does not require high start-up investments, but pays off quite quickly, even with small volumes.

Will paving stone production be profitable?

To correctly and accurately answer this question, you should study the supply and demand on the paving market in your locality:

  • In what quantity and at what price do competitors offer paving slabs? Additional services they provide.
  • Do you have a lot of potential clients: dacha cooperatives, repair and construction teams, etc.
  • Who will supply the raw materials: if there are no granite and sand quarries nearby, it will have to be purchased in other regions, and this will inevitably increase the cost of production.

If you determine that market saturation is relatively low and allows a new player to count on sufficient exact amount orders, you can start opening a business. To begin with, it is better to give preference to small production: if large orders appear, it will be possible to purchase additional equipment and “expand”.

Enterprise registration

Fortunately, no license or certificates are required to produce paving slabs. To get started, just register as an individual entrepreneur. If you want to confirm the high quality of your products, you can undergo a voluntary certification procedure, but, as already mentioned, this is not necessary.

What to produce

There are several types of paving slabs:

  • clinker,
  • vibropressed,
  • vibrocast.

The clinker house is considered the most expensive of all. To make it you will need special equipment and clay. High Quality. Needless to say, for a small enterprise that has just appeared on the market, such costs will be unreasonably high. In addition, the sales market for such tiles is quite narrow.

The right decision for a novice manufacturer would be to turn to a more democratic form and start producing paving stones using the vibration casting method. In terms of quality and price ratio, this is the best option, and consumers who are looking for durable and inexpensive paving slabs usually prefer this one. The vibration casting technology itself is one of the simple ones, and the cost of tiles produced by this method is low.

Vibropressed tiles are also strong, durable and aesthetically pleasing, but their production is more expensive.

In addition to the tiles themselves, buyers should be offered borders, decorative elements, and facing stones: it is always convenient to purchase everything you need in one place.

Laying tiles can also become a related service - this will help the buyer purchase the exact amount of material, and the manufacturer will receive additional profit.

Workshop for the production of paving slabs

You should start organizing production by finding a suitable premises. The requirements for it are not that high. It must be heated (special temperature conditions are required for the production of tiles). Communications are required - centralized water supply and electricity with the ability to use a voltage of 380 V.

The location where the workshop will be located is not particularly important, so inexpensive buildings on the outskirts will do. The area of ​​the room can be small, from 60 square meters. meters, it depends on the capabilities and planned scale of production.

To produce paving stones, you will definitely need a drying room, where the floor must be warm and the air temperature must be maintained at 35–40 degrees. You will also need to allocate a small warehouse for storing finished products.

Equipment and personnel

When the premises are selected, you can proceed to the purchase of equipment and recruitment of personnel.

To produce tiles you will need:

  • 1–2 concrete mixers,
  • stripping table,
  • forming vibrating table,
  • special plastic forms.

With this set of equipment you can start producing square and shaped paving stones, decorative fences, curbs, facade tiles and slabs with gutters.

To produce 30 sq. m of tiles per day, the company must employ three people per shift. These could be ordinary workers - special requirements does not apply to their qualifications. Their responsibilities will include following the recipe and technology for mixing concrete, filling out forms and sending tiles to pressing tables and then to the drying room.

During the “hot” season, when a lot of goods are needed, you can hire employees for temporary work.

Raw materials for tiles

Paving slabs must comply with GOST: meet the requirements for strength, frost resistance, hygroscopicity, etc. The tile covering should last 25 years or more. To achieve such quality, you will need not only to follow the production technology, but also to use good raw materials.

To produce 30 sq. meters of tiles, you will need:

  • cement – ​​0.8 t;
  • concrete plasticizer – 2.3 kg;
  • sand-granite mixture – 2.5 t;
  • pigments.

The supply of sand and granite crushed stone must be negotiated with the management of the mining quarry - preferably directly, but it is also possible through an intermediary company.

It is better to purchase cement and pigments of the same brand, especially if a large order is being carried out, otherwise you may encounter the problem of color mismatch between tiles in different batches.

Search for buyers

To show off the product, it is better to make several demonstration samples so that potential buyers can see what the coating will look like. However, a product catalog wouldn’t hurt either – colorful booklets with information about the benefits of tiles in general and yours in particular will definitely come in handy.

You can also personally offer your products to managers or suppliers of repair and construction teams. Ads will help you find customers - both in the media (newspapers, magazines, on Internet sites) and simply in cottage villages.

Costs and profits

To launch a production line of 30 sq. m of paving slabs per day, you will need about 200–250 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of purchasing or renting premises for a workshop.

Cost of production 1 sq. m of tiles averages 250 rubles, taking into account the cost of raw materials, electricity and wages workers. average price sq. m of tiles for sale – 350–450 rubles.

Thus, provided that the product is quickly sold, a paving slab production business can recoup its investment in just 2–3 months.

  • Which equipment to choose
  • Sales technology
        • Similar business ideas:

A sample business plan for the production of paving slabs on a mini-enterprise scale. Paving slabs are a popular material that is widely used in paving streets and territories. Paving slabs have a number of advantages over asphalt pavement

Sample business plan for the production of paving slabs on a mini-enterprise scale

Paving slabs are a popular material that is widely used in paving streets and areas. Paving slabs have a number of advantages over asphalt pavement:

  • More long term use (up to 30 years);
  • Environmentally friendly, since only safe components are used in the production of tiles;
  • Strength, the material is not damaged by changes in temperature and humidity, and can also withstand heavy loads;
  • Colorful appearance and unique design.

Today there is big choice equipment for the production of paving slabs from manual to automatic lines. The production itself can be organized in almost any room with an area of ​​80 m2. Two workers can easily handle the production of 1000 m2 of paving slabs per month.

Do I need permission to open this business?

To organize the production of paving slabs, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship . As tax systems the most the best option is the simplified taxation system (STS), 6% of revenue or 15% of profit.

Let us calculate the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method.

Introductory information:

  • Production area: 90m2;
  • Type of property: rent (25 thousand rubles/month);
  • Number of shifts: 1 shift;
  • Productivity per shift: 50 m2 of tiles or 1100 m2 per month;
  • Number of working days in a month: 22 days.

How much money do you need to start a paving slab business?

Capital costs for starting a paving slab production business will be 358,500 rubles.

Download business plan for the production of paving slabs

Material costs for the production of 1 m2 of paving slabs are 169.36 rubles.

The cost of paying wages will be 32,000 rubles per month.

The cost of production of 1 m2 of paving slabs is 252.8 rubles. Total monthly expenses are 278,036 rubles.

How much can you earn in the production of paving slabs?

Conclusion: Net profit enterprises producing paving slabs will amount to 137.6 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of production at such indicators is 49.5%, and the payback period for capital investments is only 2.6 months. It is worth considering that such indicators are possible subject to 100% sales of all manufactured products, which is 1100 m2 of paving slabs per month.

We recommend download business plan for the production of paving slabs from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

A significant advantage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is the absence of the need to obtain special licenses and mandatory certification.

In this regard, it is necessary to draw up a business plan taking into account the following factors:

  • Registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC, depending on the volume of sales and production.
  • Selection of premises for production.
  • Purchase and installation of necessary equipment.
  • Recruitment and training of personnel.
  • Setting up sales of products to the sales market, establishing supply agreements with sales representatives.

Which equipment to choose

Establishing mass production of paving slabs is possible only if there is quality equipment. You will need to purchase:

  • Forming and unmolding vibrating tables.
  • Plastic molds for creating required sizes tiles
  • Special mineral additives to the concrete composition, strengthening its structure and giving the desired parameters.
  • Various dyes.

Don’t forget to organize the purchase of raw materials for production - cement, sand and crushed stone.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

When submitting documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to indicate the OKVED code 2. 23.6: production of products from concrete, cement and gypsum.

What documents are needed to open

Registration of a business will require registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. In the first case, the businessman must submit a notarized application for business registration indicating the OKVED code, a photocopy of the passport and ID code, as well as a receipt for payment of the state fee. If you want to additionally receive a quality certificate, then you need to contact the appropriate organization, which will conduct an analysis for compliance with GOST, identifying indicators of humidity, frost resistance, mechanical strength etc.

Which tax system to choose

In most cases, entrepreneurs register a business by choosing a single tax on imputed income. A simplified taxation system would also be suitable.

The first stage in organizing a business for the production of paving slabs is to study the situation in your city and region regarding the demand for these products and competition. By summarizing the research results in a single table, you can decide which type of tile you should concentrate on. Today the market offers clinker tiles made by vibration casting and vibration pressing.

To make clinker you need special types clays and expensive firing equipment. This tile is distinguished by high quality, durability and many other advantages. The downside is the high cost. A beginner with a small start-up capital and lack of experience should not choose this direction. If you are a specialist in the production of clinker tiles and have decided to start your own business, have reliable information about the demand for these products, have access to cheap and high-quality raw materials, draw up a business plan, attract investments and start organizing.

The technology for manufacturing paving stones using the vibration casting method is characterized by comparative simplicity and the lowest cost. A reasonable compromise between durability and price makes this type of tile the most popular.

The manufacturing technology using vibration pressing is more complex, which increases the cost of tiles.

Main risks

The main disadvantage of the direction is its serious dependence on the season. In autumn and winter, the number of orders decreases sharply, since laying paving slabs is possible only under certain weather conditions. Consider making interior tiles during these times.

There is an opinion that the technology for making paving stones is very simple and does not require special knowledge. Nuances known only to professionals are present in any production. If you are not an experienced specialist, be sure to invite such a person to work. The slightest deviations in the choice of raw materials or inaccuracies in adherence to technology will lead to a decrease in the quality of paving stones. The defect may not be noticeable at first glance, but it will definitely affect the durability of paving slabs and their ability not to collapse under the influence of low temperatures.


It is advisable to start searching for premises in areas and industrial zones where cheap raw materials are located. This will save on the delivery of raw materials. The second landmark is convenient transport interchange.

For the production of paving slabs, free production or warehouses. For small production (up to 100 m² per shift), the minimum area is about 80 m². The premises requirements are as follows:

Tile manufacturing technology requires special temperature regime(+40…+45 °C constantly) for premises equal in area to a workshop, for drying chambers and a warehouse. To do this, it should be possible to organize good heating and heated floors, insulate the walls. Heating in the workshop is also desirable, since the air temperature here should not fall below +15 °C.
- For uninterrupted operation of the equipment, a three-phase electrical network is required that can withstand a voltage of 380 W.
- The presence of cold water or the possibility of its supply and sewerage is required; the presence of hot water is also desirable.
- It is advisable to organize storage space with a significant reserve. If production volumes increase or there are remaining unsold products, you will not face the problem of finding a place to store finished tiles.
- Consider the possible factor of manual loading and unloading of raw materials and finished paving stones. Try to organize the space in such a way that these processes take place with the least amount of time and effort.


Let's consider a set of mandatory equipment for the production of paving slabs using the vibration casting method.

  1. 2 concrete mixers. The price of one is 8-15 thousand rubles.
  2. Forms for filling. Polyurethane ones can withstand 100 cycles, plastic ones - about 250, rubber ones - 500. Minimum price molds for making 1 m² - 250 rubles. Forms for the manufacture of gutters and borders, the minimum price for 1 m² is 200 rubles.
  3. Vibrating table. Price – about 30 thousand rubles.
  4. Table for stripping. Price – about 17 thousand rubles.
  5. You can make your own racks for drying tiles in molds from metal.
  6. Reinforced PVC film for covering molds. The minimum price is 50 rubles per linear meter.
  7. Hydraulic rocker. The minimum price is 7 thousand rubles.
  8. Packaging device. The minimum price is 4 thousand rubles.
  9. Pallets (pallets). Price – about 500 rubles. You can do it yourself.

The vibratory compaction technology is based on the semi-dry compaction method concrete mixture With low content water and cement using vibration. To make paving slabs using this method, you need the following equipment:

  • Vibropress. Price – 25 thousand - 4 million rubles.
  • Technological pallets for vibrocompression. Price – 2-6 thousand rubles.

To make clinker paving slabs, you need the following equipment:

  • Extruder
  • Molding press. It's better to buy models different types(belt, rotary, lever, vacuum).
  • Pre-drying chamber.
  • Tunnel type kiln.

It is better to order a line for the production of clinker paving stones from manufacturers. This equipment is extremely rare in the open market and is very expensive. When making a line to order, the price depends entirely on the characteristics of a particular production.

It is advisable to organize the delivery of paving stones to customers on your own. Renting a vehicle for this purpose is not profitable. It's better to buy your own truck. This will allow us to provide customers with the best service and not depend on possible transport problems from raw material suppliers.


Most important employee in the production of paving slabs – experienced master, fluent in manufacturing technology. The number of auxiliary workers depends on production volumes. To produce up to 100 m² per shift, a team of 4-5 people is enough.

An experienced part-time accountant can handle the financial statements of a small company.

Manufacturers of paving slabs gain a huge advantage over their competitors by providing comprehensive services. You can hire several employees to lay paving stones at a client's site. This not only increases the chances of attracting more customers, but also minimizes losses in case of downtime arising due to the peculiarities of tile manufacturing technology or lack of orders.

Documents and licenses

To open a workshop for the production of paving slabs, it is not necessary to obtain any licenses or certificates. It is enough to register an individual entrepreneur, issue permits in fire department And pension fund(if there are hired employees).

If you plan to work with large customers and expand your company, it is better to form an LLC. More complex tax calculations and the registration process pay off with high opportunities to attract investments, orders from legal entities and reduced risks of losing personal property or funds in the event of bankruptcy.

It is also advisable to undergo a voluntary certification procedure. The cost of the examination ranges from 5-15 thousand rubles. For buyers, the availability of documents confirming the compliance of the tiles state standards and its high quality often becomes a decisive factor in choosing a manufacturer.


Expensive advertising in the media is not affordable for a novice entrepreneur, and it does not bring much effect. Ordinary advertisements with information about the production and laying of paving stones will provide a good flow of first private clients. Best places for posting advertisements - cottage and holiday villages, railway stations, bus stops, shops.

Be sure to use the Internet. Place information about your company on local or regional advertising and information sites. This method of advertising allows you to reach a maximum audience of potential customers at minimal cost. Be sure to post photos of completed orders, tell us about the tile manufacturing technology and the advantages of your products. Visualization and specificity will provide a lot of clients. Don't forget about reviews from grateful customers. Only their presence can tip the scales in your favor when choosing between similar products and cost.

To conclude contracts with large construction companies or others legal entities the owner of the company must personally visit the managers and provide a commercial proposal. Quality certificates, high-quality booklets with photographs of product samples, competitive prices and descriptions of production facilities - everything will work to increase the chances of receiving a large order.

Study new technologies and implement them into production. If you master the production of polymer, luminous, rubber or 3D tiles, an endless stream of customers will be guaranteed.


The minimum starting capital for entering the paving slab manufacturing business is about 500 thousand rubles (equipment + premises renovation + raw materials). You should have about 200 thousand rubles in reserve for running costs in the first period until normal profits are achieved.

The average cost of producing 1 m² of paving stones using the vibration casting method is 200-220 rubles. Selling price – 330-350 rubles per 1 m². we can conclude that the profitability of the business is 50%. In the absence of downtime, the payback period can be achieved in a few months.

In this article:

Starting the production of paving slabs (paving stones) is much easier than, for example, setting up production food products or clothes. Why? Yes, because to open such a business you will not need any special licenses. You simply open a private enterprise - and go ahead.

In fact, you don’t even need to be too meticulous about paving slab production technology. You can open such a business without having any skills in construction or related fields.

Production of paving slabs: business plan

Step 1: Certification

Finished products of such production do not require mandatory certification. However, it is worth pursuing certification. Buyers will be more willing to purchase a product that meets high standards quality and has a certificate confirming this. Fortunately, the necessary expertise won't cost too much: 100-300 dollars.

Step 2: Room

Any room, for example, a warehouse or production area. It is best if your production is located in an industrial zone and has convenient access routes. The main condition is that the premises are located near cheap raw material bases (this way you will save on the delivery of raw materials, such as concrete).

Other characteristics of the room:

  • The area of ​​the premises for small production of paving slabs (up to 100 m2 of tiles per shift) should be at least 70-80 m2. The larger the production volumes, the larger the area should be;
  • An electrical network with a voltage of 380 W must be supplied;
  • Conducted cold water(it is also desirable to have a hot one);
  • It is desirable that the workshop be heated.

You will also need a separate heated room with warm floors, in which the temperature will be maintained at 40-45° all year round. Its dimensions should not be less room under the workshop. This room should be reserved for drying chamber, as well as a warehouse.

Total monthly rental cost for all premises: 500-1000 dollars per month.

Step 3: Equipment

The description of the technology is quite comprehensive, so it is included in a separate chapter.


Cheap manual equipment will cost many times less. However, when purchasing such equipment, you will have to put up with a number of restrictions:

  • Mostly manual labor;
  • Low quality of products;
  • Small production volumes;
  • Low energy efficiency of equipment.

More expensive analogues (both domestic and foreign) are almost always automated and guarantee the production of high quality products. They also allow you to increase labor productivity, provide low energy consumption and a number of other advantages.

There are 2 most common technologies for the production of paving slabs and paving stones:

  • Vibration pressing;
  • Vibrocasting.

The use of each of these technologies will require the purchase of a different set of equipment. Moreover, each method is characterized by several levels of mechanization - from fully automated production to the involvement of workers to perform most manipulations. Let's look at each method in more detail.

Vibration pressing

This method uses a brick press to produce paving slabs. This happens as follows:

  • Using a mixer, the concrete mixture is prepared;
  • The finished mixture is fed from the mixer to the brick making press using a conveyor;
  • A brick press compresses the mixture, forming finished products - tile blocks;
  • Next, the finished products are moved to special pallets or storage racks, where they are aged for 12 hours;
  • Finished products are packaged and prepared for shipment to the buyer.

Often all these procedures are performed by one single unit. It is a fully automated conveyor type line. In this case, workers should only fall asleep correct proportions ingredients needed to mix the mixture.

There are also less automated lines where some stages of production are performed by people. They usually cost less than their fully automated counterparts, but product quality may suffer from such savings. Advantages of vibrocompression:

  • This method implies high labor productivity;
  • Products obtained by this method are more durable and frost-resistant;
  • They are designed in strict geometry;
  • Such products are more durable.


In fact, with this method the only type of equipment is a vibrating table for the production of paving slabs. It can be an automated line with a conveyor and automatic knockout of finished products, or it can be very simple and inexpensive. Using this method, tiles are made as follows:

  • The finished mixture is poured into molds for the production of paving slabs;
  • Next, the forms are placed on a vibrating table;
  • A vibrating table is a special machine for the production of paving slabs. It has a vibrating surface, and forms are kept on it for a certain time;
  • The forms are removed from the vibrating table and left in a warm room for 12 hours;
  • Finished products are knocked out of pouring molds. This is done in such a way that the products do not come out with chips.

This technology can also be highly automated, but options are also possible when all procedures except vibration processing are performed by workers. In this case, you are essentially producing paving slabs with your own hands.

Equipment for vibratory casting is cheaper than for vibrocompression. Products obtained by this method can be of various configurations and sizes - it all depends only on the casting molds. It has a smoother surface and an attractive appearance.

Otherwise, the products obtained by this method are inferior in quality to their pressed counterparts (see “Advantages of vibrocompression”). In terms of price, the production of paving slabs by vibration casting is slightly more expensive than by vibrocompression. This happens due to the fact that concrete is consumed less economically.

The approximate cost of the equipment will be 3,000-10,000 dollars. With both vibratory casting and vibrocompression, you only need 3-5 workers to start production. However, they do not need any special skills or education. Monthly salary fund: 1,000-2,000 dollars.

Total starting capital: $5,000-14,000.

Alternative option

What is the fastest way to start producing paving slabs? It is known that it takes several months to launch such a business from scratch. In addition, you can often make a mistake at first due to inexperience. That is why you can buy the production of paving slabs. It is worth noting that the purchase is justified only if the purchased enterprise has a large production facility.

Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a purchase. Let's start with advantages:

  • You can start working right away. Production (and often sales) of products are already well established. You can immediately begin to implement all your fresh and bright ideas business improvement;
  • You don’t need to look for premises and equipment, everything is already done for you;
  • Experienced staff. When you buy a business, you also buy the services of all its employees. You will almost certainly have to part with some of them, but there are also those who will help you quickly get used to it and understand the essence of this business.


  • High price. Buying a business costs much more than starting the production and sale of paving slabs from scratch. In fact, you are overpaying for so-called “goodwill”. This English word denote everything that cannot be measured in meters, kilograms or pieces. However, it includes everything that is critical for business - an established team, well-established relationships with suppliers and customers, a recognizable brand, etc. “Goodwill” cannot be measured, but it has its own price, which can often be higher than the price of all assets of the purchased production;
  • Underwater rocks. Have you ever wondered why the current owner decided to sell his successful business? It happens that the reason lies in production problems that may not be obvious to an outsider. It turns out that you buy a company only to discover that even more serious investments are required to correct the situation;
  • You can buy a plant for the production of paving slabs and understand that everything there is not organized as it should be organized in a good way. Low labor productivity, poor product quality, too high costs - all this most often depends on incorrect management decisions. Correcting the situation can be very expensive. In the worst case, you will simply have to close the old plant and start all over again.

These are just a few obvious disadvantages that lie on the surface. If you know nothing about the production of paving slabs and have no experience in this field, you should be very careful about the possibility of purchasing a company.

That's probably all you need to know about the production of paving slabs. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, and your own small production will not require colossal investments. If things get going, it might be wise to expand production. At the initial stage, you just need to trust your instincts and try your hand at business.

In urban improvement, replacing widespread asphalt surface a beautiful and convenient material arrived - concrete tiles. It is used to lay sidewalks, platforms, local areas, cottage and summer cottages. Thousands more kilometers of sidewalks and courtyards are waiting for a new practical coating. And, if city administrations mainly cooperate with large contractors, then individuals and entrepreneurs are happy to order paving stones from small enterprises . The paving slab production business, even with small volumes, quickly pays for itself and brings good profit. However, it does not require large start-up investments.

Is it worth starting a paving stone production?

To answer this question, study supply and demand in the paving market in your city:

  • Analyze in what volumes and at what price your future competitors sell paving slabs, and what other services they provide.
  • Identify your potential clients: open cafes, private hotels and shops, repair and construction teams.
  • Look for possible suppliers: if there are no granite and sand quarries nearby, you will have to order raw materials from other regions, which will significantly increase the cost of production and reduce the profitability of production.

If research into a competitive market shows that market saturation is low, it may be worth considering creating a high-capacity manufacturing facility.

It is better for an inexperienced entrepreneur not to take risks and buy more optional equipment as large orders arrive.

Business registration

The production of paving slabs as a business does not require any licenses or certificates. Enough and you can start organizing production. If you wish, you can undergo a voluntary product certification procedure, which will confirm the high quality of your products that meet state standards.

What tiles to produce?

The main types of paving slabs are clinker, vibropressed and vibrocast. Clinker tiles are the most expensive of all. Its production requires high quality clay and special equipment for firing. It is not practical for a small enterprise to start producing expensive tiles due to the rather narrow market for such products.

You should focus on producing tiles using vibration casting. Such tiles are most in demand due to their durability and wear resistance, variety of shapes and colors. This the best choice in terms of price-quality ratio, both for customers and for the manufacturer. Vibratory casting technology is easy to use and has low cost. Vibration-pressed tiles have similar characteristics, but are considered to be more expensive to produce than vibro-cast tiles.

Along with paving slabs, you can produce curbs, facing stones, and park decor items. Do not leave the laying of your tiles in the wrong hands: usually the work on manufacturing and installing the coating is a complex process. This is convenient for the buyer, and you can calculate more accurately required amount tiles

Workshop organization

The tile production technology requires a special temperature regime, so the equipment must be placed in a heated room. Where the production workshop will be located does not matter. You can rent any suitable premises area from 60 sq. m. Communications must be connected to the building: central water supply and three-phase electricity with a voltage of 380 V.

Separately, it is necessary to equip a drying room with a heated floor, where the air temperature will be maintained at 35 - 40 degrees. Under finished products allocate storage space.

During the winter, if your production volumes increase in preparation for the peak spring/summer season, you may need additional storage.

Equipment required for the production of paving slabs:

  • concrete mixer (1 – 2 pcs.);
  • forming vibrating table;
  • stripping table;
  • plastic forms.

This minimum set equipment that is sufficient for the production of figured and square paving stones, facade tiles, decorative fences and slabs with gutters.


To reach a productivity of 30 sq. m of tiles per day, it is necessary for 3 people to work in one shift. There are no special requirements for the qualifications of workers. They are required to follow the concrete mixing recipe, fill out forms and send products to the pressing tables and drying room.

During high-demand tiling seasons, hire a few people on your crew for temporary work.

Purchase of raw materials

High-quality tile covering can last up to 25 years. Paving slabs are manufactured in accordance with GOST “Concrete paving slabs” No. 17608-91. Products must meet the requirements of frost resistance, strength, water absorption and abrasion. For this purpose, tiles are made from high-quality raw materials with precise adherence to technology.

For production of 30 sq. m of tiles you will need:

  • cement – ​​0.8 t;
  • sand-granite mixture – 2.5 t;
  • concrete plasticizer – 2.3 kg;
  • pigments.

It is better to negotiate an uninterrupted supply of sand and granite crushed stone or screenings with the quarry management directly or through an intermediary company.

Try to constantly purchase cement of the same brand, especially when completing a large order, otherwise you will encounter a problem such as color mismatch of tiles from different batches. The same goes for pigments.

Sales of products

In order to offer your tiles to potential customers, you need to make several demonstration samples. Cast product samples different colors and forms so that the customer can see with his own eyes, and not in a catalogue, what his tile covering will look like.

Additional options can be presented in a colorful booklet, accompanied by information about the benefits concrete tiles, her correct operation and your company's service offerings.

It is better to communicate with repair and construction teams individually; for other clients, place advertisements in cottage and holiday villages, in free newspapers and Internet sites, and in specialized magazines.

Business plan for the production of paving slabs

One-time costs for launching a production line of 30 sq. m of paving slabs per day range from 200 thousand rubles. excluding the cost of renting a workshop.

Cost of production 1 sq. m of tiles averages 210 rubles. (including the cost of raw materials; wages at the rate of 45 rubles per 1 sq. m; electricity consumed for a standard working day).

Average sale price 1 sq. m of tiles – 350-370 rubles.

Provided that all products are quickly sold, the production of paving slabs can pay for itself in 2-3 months.
