How to make your own apple press. Apple press (wine press), purpose and features

Processing the harvest of berries and fruits is one of the most important tasks that not only farmers, but also owners of household plots have to solve. TO technical devices, which greatly facilitate this process, is a juice press, which allows you to quickly and without significant physical effort turn fruits and berries into tasty juice rich in vitamins. On modern market There is a wide variety of such devices, but those home craftsmen who want to save money on their purchase can easily make such a press with their own hands.

Operating principle and types

All presses for squeezing juice from various berries and fruits can be divided into four main types:

  • mechanical devices;
  • hydraulic presses;
  • electrohydraulic models;
  • pneumatic type devices.

The most common, due to its low cost and simplicity of design, is a manual mechanical press. One of the main elements of its design is a perforated basket, into which crushed fruits (pulp) or berries are placed to extract juice. Fruits and berries are squeezed in such a device using a piston, the lowering of which (and the creation of the required pressure) is carried out by rotating the handle that drives the screw mechanism of the press. The juice formed during the pressure of the piston flows through the holes in the basket into a special tray, from where it is then poured into another container.

To make a basket into which the raw materials for squeezing the juice are loaded, stainless steel sheets or hardwood (for example, beech) can be used. In the second case, the design of such a basket is a drainage grid consisting of two equal parts connected to each other by metal hoops.

A modernized and, accordingly, more efficient version of the manual device is a hydraulic press, which can be used to extract juice from apples and berries. Instead of a perforated container, the design of such a press uses several drainage frames made of hard wood. The crushed raw materials from which it is necessary to obtain juice are placed in fabric bags and placed between such frames, on which significant pressure (1–5 tons) is applied from above, created by a manual hydraulic jack. Using such a squeezing mechanism, you can obtain up to 70% of the juice from the total mass of the processed crop.

A hydraulic press does not necessarily involve the use of a jack as a mechanism that creates the required pressure. Thus, in one of the designs of such presses, this mechanism uses an elastic barrel-membrane, which expands under the influence of water supplied to it under a pressure of 1.5–2 atm from a regular water supply network. Expanding, such a press membrane acts on fruits and berries placed in a perforated basket, squeezing out juice from them, which flows through holes in the walls of the basket into a storage tray.

A pneumatic press for squeezing juice also works according to the principle described above. The only difference is that the expansion of the membrane barrel, also present in its design, occurs not under the influence of the water filling it, but under the pressure of compressed air supplied from the compressor.

Because individual species The raw materials from which the juice must be extracted are loaded into presses in crushed form; it is necessary to mention devices that help bring it into this state. The design of the simplest grinder is a steel drum, the walls of which are made in the form of a grater. Such a drum, which turns the raw materials loaded into it into fine crumbs, is placed in a casing with a loading neck. This simple and effective mechanism is activated by rotating a special handle. There are also more efficient and productive models of such units that are driven by an electric motor.

If we talk about the productivity of mechanical presses for squeezing juice, it is quite small and can be in the range of 10–30 l/hour. However, this performance is quite sufficient for devices used for domestic purposes.

In order to increase the percentage of juice yield from squeezed fruits and berries, as well as improve its quality, two methods are used:

  • raw materials are loaded into presses in fabric bags that act as filters;
  • juice is squeezed out using drainage grates made of wood, or using “pancakes” made of stainless steel.

The use of drainage grids or “pancakes” ensures that juice is squeezed not only from the upper and lower parts, but also from the middle part of the compressed volume. The bags, as mentioned above, act as filters and allow you to immediately clear the pulp from the squeezed juice.

In cases where the productivity of a hand press for obtaining juice is not enough, electrically driven devices are used. An electric drive can be seen in a screw press for squeezing juice and in screw-type units that operate on the principle of a conventional meat grinder. In the first case, the press drive is a pair of “electric motor – hydraulic jack».

In screw presses, which are structurally reminiscent of a conventional meat grinder, the drive electric motor is directly connected to the working element - the screw. This press is used for squeezing grapes; it is also an excellent press for fruits, berries and squeezing juice from tomatoes. It works according to the following principle: the loaded raw material is crushed by means of a screw and pressed through a sieve that has a conical shape. This form of sieve allows not only high-quality extraction of juice, but also the removal of seeds. It should be borne in mind that grape or any other juice obtained from such a press has a large amount of pulp.

Prices for serial models of juice presses depend on several factors:

  • loading basket volume;
  • device type;
  • material of manufacture;
  • press productivity in terms of juice obtained per unit of time.

Naturally, the cheapest option is a small-capacity home press operating on a screw principle. The cost of a hydraulic juicer is slightly higher. Further on price category There is a press juicer for processing apples and other raw materials, operating using compressed air. The most expensive ones on the market today are membrane-type hydraulic presses.

DIY juice presses

It is quite possible to make a juice press with your own hands, the main thing is to find operating diagrams and drawings of such homemade products, which will not be difficult. Many of those home craftsmen who already have experience in making such equipment are happy to share photos of their devices and even videos showing the process of their manufacture and the principle of operation in detail.

Most often they try to make screw-type presses with their own hands. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that it will not be possible to make a powerful screw for such a device without the involvement of a qualified turner. It can be made without third-party specialists if you replace the screw mechanism with a conventional jack (mechanical or hydraulic), which is in the arsenal of every car enthusiast.

Main load-bearing element a press for squeezing juice made by yourself is a frame. Its strength should be given special attention. To make a frame into which the jack will rest and create the required pressure, you can use a square metal pipe with a cross section of 40x40 and a wall thickness of at least 3 mm. When calculating the height of the frame of your homemade press, you should take into account the total thickness of the drainage grids, pads and bags of raw materials, as well as the height of the jack. The width of the frame can be chosen arbitrarily - the main thing is that a storage tray for collecting the squeezed juice is placed in the opening created.

When creating a press for apples or grapes with your own hands, you should pay special attention to its stability. For effective solution For this task, three pieces can be welded to the bottom of the frame square pipe, which will serve as legs and ensure the stability of the unit. A stand made of boards or wood board on which the pallet will be placed.

Drainage grates, complete with which your apple, grape or any other press will work, should be made only from hardwood (oak or beech). The thickness of the planks from which such gratings will be made must be at least 20 mm.

The press basket is made of oak planks (you can buy parquet planks), tightened with corners with small gaps and secured with stainless steel screws.

The bags in which apple pulp or other raw materials for squeezing juice will be placed can be made from various fabrics (the main thing is that such fabric is highly durable and the bags that are sewn from it do not tear under the influence of high pressure created by the jack). As such fabrics, in particular, you can use ordinary burlap, jute, cotton and linen fabrics, chintz and synthetic materials.

Apple trees periodically provide amateur gardeners with such a large-scale harvest that there is nowhere to put the excess fruit. In addition to jam and compotes, there remains one more option for processing fruits - juice. But many people do not bother with this type of workpiece due to the high labor intensity of the process. Ordinary household juicers simply cannot cope with large volumes of raw materials, and not everyone is ready to buy a professional machine for the season. But there is great option– quickly and efficiently squeeze juice from apples using a homemade press.

What materials will be needed

To make a standard press yourself, you do not need special skills or drawings. Anyone can measure, saw off a strip, hammer a nail or tighten a nut if desired. It is not necessary to own a welding machine; any design can be reproduced in wood using ordinary gardening tools .

To make a home press from tools, you will need a hacksaw for wood and metal (or a grinder), welding machine, screwdrivers, pliers, hammer. As for materials, the following are mainly used:

  • metal channel;
  • wooden blocks, slats, boards;
  • self-tapping screws, bolts and nuts;
  • tank or barrel, stainless steel sheet;
  • bench screw and nut, valve, threaded rod or jack - depending on the chosen design;
  • durable fabric with good drainage properties for apple bags: calico, cotton, jute burlap, linen.

It is better to make wooden elements from oak, birch or beech, since materials from biologically active tree species (spruce, pine) can change the taste of the juice. Under no circumstances should drainage grates be made from chipboard: fine dust impregnated with phenol-formaldehyde glue will get into the product.

Types of designs: diagrams and drawings

The main thing in the press is a solid base and working mechanism.

Operating principle of the device:

  • layer by layer through drainage grates prepared raw materials for pressing are stacked(chopped apples) in fabric bags;
  • by means of a mechanism oppression falls from above and presses the juice.

A good press squeezes out 65-70% of the juice, leaving an almost dry pulp. It’s quite possible to make one with your own hands.

Homemade press designs differ in the operating principle of the main mechanism:

  1. Screw.
  2. Jack based: mechanical and hydraulic.
  3. Combined.

In the bulk of structures, the pressure is from above, but V combined version compression occurs in two directions: with the help screw mechanism from above and a hydraulic jack from below.

The juice press consists of the following parts:

  • sustainable bed;
  • quadrangular or cylindrical frame, inside which bags of chopped apples are folded;
  • wooden gratings, with which the bags are transferred so that they do not spread;
  • piston-gne t, directly exerting pressure on the cake;
  • thrust bearing for a jack;
  • working mechanism: screw with handle, mechanical or hydraulic jack;
  • bowl-tray.

The main body can be:

  • single perforated: the juice will flow through the holes along the walls and through the bottom into the pan;
  • double: a solid casing with a slightly larger diameter is placed on a perforated metal cylinder;
  • in the form of a continuous metal case with one drain hole at the bottom;
  • collected from wooden slats connected by hoops, − barrel. The walls serve as a drainage grid.

There may be no body at all- simply a pyramid of wooden lattice frames in a tray with a mouth at the bottom, under which a container for juice is placed.

This design easy and quick to install. For the bottom plate, you can take a piece of countertop, for example.

Worm gear or hydraulic jack: what to choose?

The screw (worm) mechanism in the press is implemented in the form of a large screw (threaded axis) with a nut or a mechanical jack. The latter option is much simpler - you can buy it at a spare parts store or take it out of the trunk of a car; you don’t need to look for, adjust, grind or weld anything.

Designs based on a hydraulic jack are much more productive(force from 1t) than mechanical ones, and require a minimum of human labor. Hydraulic bottle jacks make it possible to squeeze juice quickly and in large volumes. They fit comfortably into any design.

You can design a press with a removable mechanism, then you don’t have to buy a special jack, but you can use the one on duty in the trunk. After all, the apple harvest is not good every year.

Making a press yourself

The press needs a stable, strong support - a bed. The simplest thing is to assemble it from wooden blocks using screws. To make a metal frame you will need a welding machine and a channel.

The dimensions of the frame depend on the diameter of the working body or the parameters of the drainage grids. Therefore, if you are planning a case structure, then you need to prepare the container in advance.

The simplest frame press with a worm mechanism

Welded stable structure. A hole is cut in the center of the upper channel for the screw nut (you can use an old bench or order it from a turner). The nut is welded into the frame.

Then Assembling a wooden drainage grate, which consists of two layers of slats packed perpendicular to each other. The thickness of the slats is not less than 20 mm. It is also necessary to install a stand made of bars. A retainer for the pressure part of the screw is attached to the top board - any metal part of a suitable shape (can be mounted with epoxy glue).

The tray is made of stainless steel sheet, in the front part the spout-drain is arched. All that remains is to substitute a pan or other container. The result is a press.

The bed for a hydraulic press is assembled according to the same principle as for a screw press. The easiest way to use a body is to take a ready-made metal or wooden barrel. A hole is cut at the very bottom and equipped with a drain spout.

If wooden barrel not completely sealed - even good. The juice will drain in several directions at once, and in the end it will still end up in the pan. It is better to put a plastic casing on top of such a structure larger in diameter to avoid splashing.

You can make a wooden case yourself:

  1. Will need: several boards of equal size (can be parquet), two strips of stainless steel and self-tapping screws with an anti-corrosion coating.
  2. The boards are screwed on top and bottom with self-tapping screws to the stripes at a distance of approximately 10 mm.
  3. Strips with boards are bent in the form of a circle, the ends of the strips are bolted together.
  4. A plastic bowl of suitable diameter can be used as a tray. with a drain cut out at the bottom for juice.

Another important element- jack stop. Usually made of wood: you need to knock down the slats and cut out a circle from the resulting canvas slightly smaller than the diameter of the working body. You can use a grinder to cut out a support from a stainless steel sheet.

Drainage gaskets are made in the same way as in the description for a screw press, but they are given a round shape.

The end result should be a design similar to the one in the photo.

Preparation of raw materials

The principle of squeezing apple juice simple - the finer the raw materials are chopped, the more product will be obtained at the exit. It is best to use a special chopper (crusher), since finely chopping several buckets of apples by hand is theoretically possible, but in fact difficult to implement. An electric meat grinder for large volumes is also not an option: it roars, howls, gets hot, and may eventually burn out. You can also make a suitable crusher yourself.

The simplest design of a homemade crusher

A deep hopper is mounted lightly on the cone from moisture-resistant plywood or stainless steel sheet. For stability, two bars are attached to it from below. A wooden roller (preferably made of beech) with self-tapping screws wound in a spiral is cut into the lower part of the container. You can use a regular kitchen rolling pin as a drum.. The axis of rotation of the roller comes out, a drill is inserted into it and the process begins.

Some people simply crush apples in a bucket using a construction mixer.

The process of squeezing juice from apples at home

After the raw materials are prepared, they laid out in fabric bags or wrapped in pieces of fabric like an envelope. Next, the bundles are placed in a container, basket, or simply on the bottom of the structure in layers through drainage grates. Fits about 3-4 bags. The pressure is lowered from above, the juice flows into the pan. When the squeezing process is completed, the pulp is removed and the next batch is loaded.

The remaining cake after high-quality pressure is usually obtained dry and compressed into “tablets” (photo 16).

It is better to dispose of the pomace in a compost heap. Worms reproduce very well on such material, creating valuable fertilizer for the garden.

The resulting juice can not only be drunk fresh, but also prepared for the winter:

  • pasteurized rolled juice;
  • apple wine several types;
  • apple cider.

Apples are a very valuable product for health.. It is extremely imprudent and wasteful to bury and give away surplus crops to neighboring pigs. Having built a pair simple devices, you can quickly and easily process all fruits. And in winter it will be so nice to take healthy and tasty amber drinks out of the cellar or refrigerator!

The post How to make an apple press with your own hands first appeared About the farm.


About 30 years ago, back in the USSR, the TV show “You Can Do It” was very popular, in which home-made people demonstrated their developments. I remember that I was once literally amazed by an unusual press for extracting juice from apples using a car jack, developing a force of up to 5 tons. The originality of the design was that the juice from the apples that were in the tank was forced upward and poured into a separate container. Over time, I made such a juice press and... I was disappointed in it, because from three buckets of chopped apples I only got 5...6 liters of juice. Once, when trying to increase the compression force to 5 tons, the tank ruptured, and it was made of stainless steel 4 mm thick.

Subsequently, experimenting with chopped vegetables and fruits, I came to the conclusion that in order to maximize the yield of juice from raw materials (up to 65...70%) when using a press, it is necessary:

  • Grind the raw materials into crumbs measuring 2...4 mm. Moreover, green grass should be passed through a meat grinder, and currants and chokeberries should be heated in the oven at +60°C for 20...30 minutes;
  • distribute the crushed raw materials in portions of 1...2 kg (no more!);
  • Wrap individual portions of raw materials in napkins made of durable fabric (lavsan, investment calico) measuring 50x50 cm;
  • Place portions in a press, wrapped in napkins, in a stack using drainage pads made of stainless steel.

It turned out that if these conditions were met, there was no need for a jack, since for high-quality extraction of juice, the efforts of a “screw-nut” pair, which I borrowed from a water valve (the screw is made of 40X13 stainless steel), were enough. After all, the efficiency of a homemade juice press was determined not by the efforts applied to the raw material, but by the significant surface area of ​​the mass being squeezed, as well as the fact that the juice from a portion could come out “in all directions,” and not just from below or from the sides.

How to make a homemade juice press

The design of a screw juice press is clear from Fig. 1. It actually consists of two pipe racks with a diameter of 22 mm. A U-shaped profile bent from 3 mm steel is welded to the pipes on top. The height of the profile is chosen in such a way that a screw nut pressed into a steel sleeve can be freely placed inside. A clamp is welded to the bottom of each post. Using these two clamps, the press is attached to the window sill. A head with a hole for the handle is welded to the screw on one side, and a stop is attached to the other, which compresses the raw material.

A leaky 3-liter enamel pan was used to collect the juice (Fig. 2, a). I drilled a hole in the bottom and secured a fitting with a hose in it to collect the juice.

The basket (Fig. 2, b) was made from stainless steel sheet 2 mm thick, and bandage-rings made of stainless wire with a diameter of 4 mm were welded to it on top and bottom. The rings allow the basket to fit “evenly” inside the pan. Yes, the walls of the pan are perforated with a drill with a diameter of 3 mm (in random order).

Gaskets (Fig. 2, c), which separate portions of raw materials loaded into the basket, consist of two 2-mm stainless steel disks connected by spot welding. Holes are drilled in the disks using a drill with a diameter of 3 mm, and gaskets 4 mm thick are provided between the disks (the gaskets are also made of stainless steel). In general, all the parts of the screw press were made by me from stainless steel, because at that time stainless steel was literally lying under my feet.

The work of squeezing juice occurs as follows. The body of the press is secured with clamps on the windowsill in the kitchen (you can also install the press on the table). The screw with the stop is unscrewed until it stops. A basket is placed in the pan, and a gasket is placed on the bottom of the latter and a napkin made of durable fabric is placed on it. Next, crushed raw materials (apples, fruits, herbs, berries) in an amount of 0.5...1 kg are placed on a napkin. The napkin is folded into an envelope, the portion is covered with a drainage pad, on which another napkin is placed. There should be 3 such bags, and the top bag can rise 4...6 cm above the pan. Putting a gasket on the top bag, the pan is placed under the press screw. Yes, I completely forgot to mention the spacer (a circle of wood) that is placed under the basket (otherwise the pan may become unusable when the screw is tightened). When creating pressure, the screw must be turned slowly and smoothly, monitoring the release of juice. Having finished squeezing the juice, unscrew the screw upward, transfer the pan to the table, and remove the pulp from the napkins. Depending on the type and quality of the raw material, in one cycle, using a homemade screw press for squeezing juice, it is possible to squeeze out 1.2...1.8 liters of juice, and in 1 hour - up to 12...15 liters.

Supplies are getting worse and worse. And there’s not much to go into the basement - the July hail pretty much destroyed the entire fruit crop. Therefore, we take a jack in our hands and do homemade press for juice. Further details about the sizes and materials for making a press with your own hands.

On the idea of ​​making a juice press with your own hands

For many years we used a Soviet juicer to obtain juice from apples and pears. But we noticed that after processing the pears into juice, the remaining pulp is quite wet. Using improvised means, a third of the volume of juice was squeezed out of the pulp. That is, if 20 kg of fruit yielded 10 liters of juice, then after squeezing the pulp, we received an additional 3 liters!

This year the harvest is anything but, and the grandchildren need vitamins, so the question arose of urgently purchasing (the apples are already ripe) a press for squeezing juice. But the search in the city was unsuccessful. That’s why we decided to make our own juice press using a car jack. Fortunately, there is a 1500 kg jack available.

How to make a press from a jack with your own hands: materials, dimensions

The juice press consists of:

  • supporting frame,
  • juice tray,
  • spinning dies,
  • cloth for cake;
  • jack.

The most labor-intensive process is to manufacture a powerful frame that can withstand tensile pressure of up to 1000 kg. We made the frame from a metal profile and a corner. The width of the frame was determined by the size of the pallet - 36 cm. The height of the frame - by the size of the pallet and jack - 55 cm.

Side racks made of a rectangular profile 70*25 with a wall of 2 mm. The bottom of the frame is a 50*50 profile. We tried to install the same profile on top of the frame, but during operation the jack began to crush the profile - the metal was too thin, 2 mm. Therefore, the top of the frame was replaced with a 50*5 mm corner. The profiles are connected with two 10 mm bolts in each corner.

Place the pulp in cloth bags. The material must be dense enough so that it does not burst under pressure. We used calico type sheet fabric. Bags of cake are placed between dies with a thickness of at least 20 mm. It is better to make the top plate on which the jack is installed thicker - 30 mm. On the dies, you can make horizontal cuts 3-5mm deep for better juice outflow.

start squeezing the juice from the pulp

The pulp fabric should be thick

DIY press in action (photo 2015)

put the cake in 2 tiers; the juice flows down the cut grooves in the dies

This type of jack press with a do-it-yourself frame makes fruit processing much easier. The press is good for squeezing apples, pears and grapes. All carrion and “substandard” material removed from trees is recycled. And now the completely pressed cake goes into compost, and the vitamins will go to our grandchildren.

As you can see, a homemade press from a jack is easy to make with your own hands. And in the household he is an indispensable assistant. Surely there will be some on your site metal profiles and a baking tray, which are a useful addition to a regular car jack. Moreover, you can use not only a hydraulic jack, but also a mechanics.

Typically, a fruit press is designed to completely extract juice from fruits after crushing. Apple presses are especially effective if the apples are thoroughly chopped. If juice is required for wine, then for white it is recommended to squeeze it immediately after the crushing process. For red varieties, this procedure is performed several days after fermentation. In this case, oxidation does not occur, and the aroma of the squeezed juices remains unchanged, and the product itself is suitable for consumption. For high-quality juice extraction, it is not recommended to squeeze large pieces of fruits and vegetables. Hand press for fruit that will become an indispensable assistant in preparation fruit cocktails and other dishes can be purchased through the website of the VTK-Prom Group of Companies. This device is widely used at home.

Juice press, advantages and operating principle

The most common juice presses are screw presses. These are periodic impact devices, which include: a base with a fixed screw, which is considered the main working mechanism; a basket used for the pressed mass; pressing element, otherwise called “press head”. At first glance, the simple design provides effective work. These juice presses allow you to squeeze the maximum out of fruits in as soon as possible. High Mechanism efficiency due to the screw technology used, which allows you to systematically increase the pressure on the pressed mass. Juice presses that use the specified principle of operation are manufactured with both a steel body and a wooden one. Device platforms are made of wood and concrete, cast iron and sheet steel. A screw juice press is often used for wine production. Due to the fact that it has to be activated with the help of hands, it received another name - a manual juice press.

Fruit press, advantages and principle of operation

To process large quantities, fruit presses are used with much greater productivity than juicers. The most cost-effective are those that do not consume electricity. Some call them a winemaker's dream. Still, the press is not the main home device for squeezing fruit mass; along with it, a juicer is often used. The latter is based on cold press technology. The VTK-Prom Group of Companies offers you to purchase all these products at the best price. High quality and durability are guaranteed, since all presented products are manufactured in our own production workshops.

Special offer:

Juice making kit
The set includes a traditional screw press (18 l) and an apple chopper with handle (7 l) for making juice from fruits and berries or for making cider.

Press juicer with filter
Screw press with robust construction greatly simplifies juice production in small farms. Easy to use and maintain, you can take it to the countryside/village.
Basket volume: 18 liters, basket size: Ø 360 x 600 mm

  • Mechanical fruit crusher
    A crusher is needed to crush apples before pressing. The mechanical crusher-grinder has acid-resistant steel heavy-duty teeth that grab the apples and pass them through the dryers. The drums and teeth are set in motion by rotating a handle attached to the side. It is recommended to halve hard apples before chopping. To simplify the process of making juice, the crusher can be placed on a pressing basket or on a free-standing vessel.

    » Grinding power: up to 300kg/h
    » Tank volume: 7 l
    » Material: stainless steel tank and painted construction
    » Weight: 12 kg
    » Dimensions: 310x335x235 mm

Price per set: RUB 23,200

Apple presses FP series (grape press)

The FP series is represented by one small press with a volume of 6 liters. The screw press FP - 6 is indispensable for squeezing juice from prepared tomatoes, grapes and other berries; used in making homemade cheese, in beekeeping; squeezing excess oil or juice after preservation and other cases when it is necessary to extract liquid from the product.

TOTEM FP-6 - Price 9400 rub.

Apple presses TOTEM series AP (Apple Press) (Garden juicer)

The mechanism of screw juicer presses is driven by rotating a handle in a circle, attached to a large nut that goes down along the screw. Load the crushed mass into the juicer basket and place pressure semicircular plates and pads on top.

The AP series of apple presses is represented by the following models:

TOTEM AP-6 (with a basket volume of 6 liters) -- Price 8300 rub.

TOTEM AP-12 (with a basket volume of 12 liters) -- Price 11,000 rub.

TOTEM AP-18 (with a basket volume of 18 liters) -- Price 14,000 rub.

TOTEM AP-30 (with a basket volume of 30 liters) -- Price 21,000 rub.

Apple presses TOTEM APR series (Manual juice press)

The mechanism of the APR series screw juicer presses is similar to the mechanism of the AP series presses, except that it is driven by rotating the handle not in a circle, but in an arc, due to the fact that the large nut going down the screw is equipped with a ratchet. Load the crushed mass into the basket and place pressure semicircular plates and pads on top.

The press basket is made of beech; the parts of the basket are connected to each other by a metal rim and secured with bolts. The basket sits on a metal tray into which the squeezed juice flows. Metal parts are covered with enamel.

The legs have holes through which the press can be screwed to the base.

The APR series of garden apple presses is represented by the following models:

Apple presses TOTEM APF series - (Manual fruit press)

Frame juicers are designed for people who value convenience and comfort in their work. The folding frame makes it easy and quick to fill the basket with crushed apples. Having returned the frame to its original position, you can immediately begin pressing.

The APF series press basket is made of beech, the tray is made of enameled steel. Crushed fruits should be placed in the press.

On the outside, the parts of the basket fit tightly to each other; on the inside, they form grooves through which the juice flows down onto the tray, and from the tray into a container placed under the spout.

The APF series of apple presses is represented by the following models:

Large-sized apple presses TOTEM series APF (Apple Press Frame type)

The design of large-size apple presses is similar to that of the APF series apple presses, except that these presses are equipped with a special mechanism for lifting and turning the basket and a more powerful screw.

The APF series press basket is made of beech. Plus, the juice collection tray is made of stainless steel.

Crushed fruits should be placed in the press.

The APF series of large-sized apple presses is represented by the following models:

TOTEM APF-36 (with basket volume 36 l.) -- to order

TOTEM APF-72 (with basket volume 72 l.) -- to order

Apple presses APS series (manual apple press)

Frame juicers are designed for people who value convenience and comfort in their work. The folding frame makes it easy and quick to fill the basket with crushed apples. Having returned the frame to its original position, you can immediately begin pressing.

The basket and tray of the APF series press are made of stainless steel. Crushed fruits should be placed in the press.

The basket can be easily removed and it is convenient to remove the pulp from it.

The basket is made of perforated metal with holes through which the juice flows down onto the tray, and from the tray into a container placed under the spout.

The APS series of apple presses is represented by the following models:

TOTEM APS-14 (with a basket volume of 14 liters) --18,500 rub.

Hydropress for squeezing fruits

Hydropress for squeezing juice 28 l. Great for both personal plot, and for small production. A hydraulic press will help save your time. All you need is to connect to the water supply. (required pressure 3 atm).

Price of hydraulic press GP-28 - 31,000 rub.

Please note that appearance Products may vary slightly from photographs.
