Making a stream in a garden plot, how to properly plan a stream bed, how to make a stream with your own hands. Do-it-yourself stream in the country Making a decorative stream in your garden plot

Every fan of country pastime puts a piece of his soul into his plot. This type of work not only ennobles the owner and decorates the landscape, but also implies the achievement of comfort and coziness. Take, for example, a picturesque stream. It will decorate and invigorate the garden, becoming an excellent relaxing place for the owners and their guests. All that remains is to find out how to make a stream yourself so that it pleases the eye and lifts your spirits.

It all starts with planning

Before making a stream in your dacha with your own hands, experts recommend carefully considering its structure, because even the smallest river requires a source, a bed and other signs of a natural reservoir.

First of all, you should think about having a small pond into which a stream will flow. Its first step is to mark the territory or, more simply put, to select suitable place to place the source. The presence of a natural drainage basin will not bring any special torment, since the stream must be connected precisely with it. A good seed for a flight of fancy would be the creation of an artificial reservoir.

Video on creating a pond

In any case, the location needs to be carefully considered and only then a stream should be made in the area that will be the most convenient and suitable for implementing the plan. It’s enough just to imagine the composition, and then calculate everything on paper. Slopes with a slope of approximately 30 cm are recommended as an ideal location for leakage.

Stages of homestead stream construction

It is impossible to make a stream in the country without a pump. It is he who will “scoop up” and direct the rapid flow, adhering to compliance with the given channel. In the end, the result should be something like this: a stream gushes out from a spring hidden in a grotto or thickets, the waters of which tend to flow into the pond. In fact, water comes from it, constantly circulating.

Preparing a ditch for a pond

When creating landscape water collectors, they are guided by a number of generally accepted rules. They depend on the preferred dimensions and materials used. The construction of a stream in a dacha a priori cannot be large-scale, so the depth of a small home-made source will be from 25 to 50 cm, and the width - a meter or one and a half.

The bed of the stream can be curved or winding - the main thing is that it looks natural and does not give away anything about the artificial origin of the water source. Having decided on the direction and appearance of the flow, you can start digging. Stones, debris, and plant roots are removed from the resulting ditch, and then the surface is compacted.

Arrangement of the stream bed

The arrangement of the reservoir bed begins with the choice of waterproofing material: film or concrete. Film is the simplest and most convenient solution, so experts landscape design prefer it more often. Under this covering you should make a “pillow” of sand. The thickness of the sand layer is about 5 cm. The sand is compacted and covered with any film material, for example, butyl rubber.

If the creation of a stream with your own hands is focused on a concrete base, then the procedure will be as follows:

  1. Laying gravel-sand mixture, thickness 25–30 cm.
  2. Flooring made of waterproofing film.
  3. Filling the surface with concrete with a layer of 15 cm.

Parallel to the riverbed, a ditch is dug for water pipes or hoses supplying water to the “source”. It is not recommended to install the hose under the bottom - in case of repair you will have to disassemble it decorative design.

How to make a pond for a pump

The pond does not have to be large, but it is important to remember that this is where the equipment that circulates the water will be located. Specialized supermarkets sell ready-made containers for quick creation ponds. Their use greatly simplifies the work, but narrows the scope for creativity.

A homemade pond is set up in the same way as a riverbed - a hole of the required shape is dug and the bottom and walls are waterproofed using modern waterproofing materials or concrete.

The procedure for creating an artificial reservoir has been completed, but, obviously, the result does not even remotely resemble a natural river. It lacks the finishing touch - natural surroundings. In order to disguise the artificial component, just take a closer look at any stream flowing nearby or look at photographs of travelers.

Creating a river bottom

Unlike a man-made one, a natural bottom is never smooth. It abounds with all kinds of stones. In the channel of a weak current, the base forms flat soil. Pebbles are quite suitable here. Places with more intense water flow require larger stones - large boulders will look good here. To achieve the effect of a waterfall, the bottom of the stream is laid with large flat stones, forming steps.

To keep the stones in place, they need to be secured. concrete mortar. All visible traces of concrete should be covered with small pebbles suitable artificial plants or others decorative elements.

Picturesque coastline

In order for the structure of the stream to comply with aesthetic canons, you will have to awaken your creative streak. Mostly stones will be used, but they can be selected tastefully and arranged accordingly.

The landscaping of the banks of the reservoir deserves special attention. In addition to taste preferences, in this type of work special rules regarding the choice of vegetation are also followed. To decorate the source of a stream, shrubs and perennials that gravitate towards moisture are suitable:

  • viburnum;
  • astilbe;
  • juniper;
  • bergenia;
  • ferns.

These plants adore water and will feel quite comfortable near it, pleasing the eye and soul of the gardener.

To make the stream on the site more attractive, the banks are decorated with moisture-loving vegetation, but now of the ground cover type. Suitable here:

  • marsh iris;
  • loosestrife;
  • day-lily;
  • ostrich;
  • Brunner.

These representatives of the flora love stones and feel great in their environment. Plants that prefer to “crawl” onto stones will be useful. They will become a very naturalistic addition to an artificial stream. Any specimen will help you choose, including mosses and sedums, as well as periwinkle and creeping tenacious.

After planting the plants, you need to let them take root. The rooting process for most of the listed species requires at least three weeks. During this period, experts recommend not turning on the pump. The flow of water can tear out coastal vegetation.

Commissioning of an artificial pond system

According to the idea, the stream bed should circulate towards the pond, so a submersible pump. This device will take over the flow routing. In order for the device of a stream in the country to be most effective, when choosing the power of the device, you need to consult with a specialist.

The rise of water to the sources is provided by pipes or hoses. It is recommended to choose products made of polypropylene. They do not cause difficulties during installation, bend easily and have sufficient frost resistance. The supply hose located at the source can and should be decorated at the outlet. A large boulder or several stones stacked in the form of a grotto are ideal for this.

Making a stream on your site is not so difficult if you have one skillful hands and at least a small creative spark. Be sure to follow the advice of professionals. And if something doesn’t work out, don’t neglect the help of experienced professionals.

A babbling brook promotes relaxation and stress relief, while adding inspiration to any homestead. As a rule, this stream on the site possible if there is a reservoir or pond. But sometimes they are created specifically for a stream. In addition to its decorative and aesthetic function, it plays an important role in the “life” of the pond - it saturates it with oxygen, which is simply necessary when the water is stagnant.

If you simply explain how to make a stream on your property with your own hands, then the picture is something like this: a pump is placed directly into the reservoir, from which water flows through a hose to the source of the stream, and then it “murmurs” along the stream and again enters the pond. This is how it turns out to be a cyclical process.

But in order for the appearance of a stream built with your own hands to please the eye, you must first work a little on its creation and improvement. This will be discussed further.

Planning a stream on the site

At the first stage, you should accurately mark the passage of the water element in the garden. The features of the stream should be naturalness and smooth natural lines. Therefore, its path is often made winding, winding, going around shrubs, flower beds, small garden forms or sculptural stones.

But you can deviate from this rule and replace the bends with strict geometry. Such lines are appropriate, for example, along paved roads. Like stream on the site more reminiscent of a ditch, however, landscaped and lined banks with free-form or trimmed shrubs indicate excellent landscape design for a summer cottage or garden plot.

In the process of planning a stream at the dacha, it is necessary to decide on the need to erect an artificial waterfall and create a receiving reservoir. The pond should have smooth rounded banks, lined with plants hanging over the surface of the water.

A babbling stream is arranged at the elevation differences of the site. If the slope is gentle, then you can create a natural flow of water, where, bending around the plants, the stream will have shallows and sand islands. Steep banks with cliffs and falling water should expose stones, since such an arrangement indicates a “mountain” origin.

The process is simple. A rope or slats are used to mark the bed of a future stream at a summer cottage. The soil is dug out to the calculated depth, and steps-thresholds are added. The bottom is well cleaned of stones, roots and compacted. If the stream is planned to have an outlet into a finished pond, then carefully expose the waterproofing film near the pond. The trench is sprinkled with a 5 cm layer of sand and laid non-woven material– geotextiles. Waterproofing film laid out with a margin around the edges. Then it should be watered with a hose. This will give shape to the future channel. The film is pressed down with cobblestones, flat flagstone is laid out in the middle of the riverbed, and decorated with pebbles. The hose is masked with an edge of turf. The hose from the pump is pulled parallel to the stream bed and buried in a shallow trench. Connect the pump. If there is no pond, then the mouth of the stream should be deepened and a small film reservoir should be built or a container should be installed for water circulation.

We improve the stream in the garden with greenery and flowers

When the stream is created, you need to take care of its effect on the appearance of the cottage or garden. To do this, plants that tolerate moisture well are planted along the banks of the stream. At the source of the stream, you can plant shrubs that love moist soil, such as hydrangea or viburnum, as well as perennials that prefer moisture - male shield, astilbe, fern. The choice of plants depends on the location of the stream in the country.

Along the path of the stream, at the water's edge, it is advisable to plant plants that will camouflage building materials. Their specimens should tolerate shallow depths and wet land well. Take, for example, cuckoo flax, marigold, low-growing moss, crowberry. For naturalness, plants should be planted in groups. You can plant jasmine, weigela, lilac, and honeysuckle on the banks.

Plants that can withstand the flow, such as ponytail, are planted at the mouth of the stream. Where the mouth becomes calmer, the water buttercup can be allowed to swim freely. The banks of the mouth are decorated with creeping or low-growing plants: creeping tenacious or loosestrife.

Caring for a babbling brook in the country

If the stream is designed and built correctly, then caring for it is extremely simple. The main thing in this is filtration and water purification. And for the normal functioning of your stream at the dacha or estate, you should carry out the following actions:

  • from time to time add water to a reservoir or container, since during the flow of a stream it partially disappears;
  • drain the water once a year;
  • at this time, clean the stream pump, in particular, all filters, blow out hoses and pipes;
  • clear the silt from the stones that are used to decorate the stream (the same as for);
  • drain the stream for the winter;
  • In the spring, when reconnecting, check all electrical wiring leading to the stream pump to avoid short circuits.

When constructing a stream on a site, it is also important to select the correct pumping equipment, the diameter of the pipes was correctly calculated and waterproofing was laid. In addition, care should be taken to clean the pump winter time. Filters should be cleaned to ensure that the pumped water is of high quality.

Thus, if you decide to become the owner of a babbling stream on your property, then think about how capable you are of monitoring and caring for it; will it be skillfully ennobled or hopelessly abandoned?

The element of water has long attracted people with its tranquility, atmosphere of harmony and unity with nature. When improving the garden area, there is often a desire to create an artificial pond. If conditions are not conducive to placing a pond, then optimal solution It will become a dry stream. There is not a drop of water in the composition - only cobblestones and stones imitating the mouth and bed of a dry reservoir. Planning and laying out a “stone stream” is quite simple. The main thing is to show creativity and imagination, choose the right form of the composition and follow a simple technology for arranging stones.

Landscape design: do-it-yourself dry stream. Advantages of the composition.

Classic decoration method Japanese garden increasingly used on summer cottages And local areas. In Japan, the water element is associated with the desire for life and purity of thoughts, and babbling streams - with the transience of time. If arranging a pond in the garden is impossible for certain reasons, then oriental decorators use a special technique - a dry stream. Stone ponds convey the feeling of a dry riverbed, which with the onset of rain will be filled with long-awaited moisture.

The undeniable advantages of creating a dry stream on your site with your own hands include:

Types of dry ponds on the site

There is no specific classification of dry streams into subspecies. Conventionally, the design of such a composition is divided into three types.

winding body of water. A simple option for creating a dry stream with your own hands. One channel flows through the site, sometimes expanding and sometimes narrowing along its length. The landscape composition imitates the movement of an ordinary river. When planning the shape, it is necessary to take into account the relief, directing the reservoir along a plain or a small slope.

Cascade. The beginning of the waterfall is located at any elevation. You can create a symbolic representation of a rock, a wooden or stone well, or a large jug. The water flow falls and forms man-made rapids.

Branched channel. The natural confluence of branches requires proper placement and compliance with the natural shapes of the reservoir. The stream looks beautiful on the winding hills. For authenticity, the sources of the riverbed are often hidden behind a decorative bridge, dense vegetation or a fence. Sand jets are made from small pebbles or sand. Imitation of a wave is achieved by creating winding shallow grooves.

DIY dry stream: step-by-step instructions

Every summer resident and gardener can make a dry stream with their hands. There is no need to attract specialists, use expensive equipment or carry out large-scale preparation of the territory. The main task is to present the plan of the proposed stream as accurately as possible and play with the existing site.

Selecting a location and marking the site

The dimensions and configuration of the reservoir should be selected taking into account the size of the plot, the location of the house, additional buildings and terrain features. When planning, you should consider some nuances:

Marking a stone reservoir is done with sand. A sandy path is laid along the boundaries of the future “water” flow. In the process, the shape can be easily adjusted, bringing the sketch to an ideal representation of the stream. Sometimes boundaries are marked with pegs and ropes. However, this method is more labor-intensive and less mobile.

Materials for laying dry streams

A dry stream at the dacha is created with your own hands using various rocks. By experimenting and combining all kinds of fractions, textures and colors of stones, you can achieve an illusory effect. The following materials will be useful in your work: shell rock, crushed stone, limestone, pebbles, etc.

Some points about choosing and arranging stones:

  • the bluish-gray color of the water surface will ensure the mixing of slate, gneiss and basalt;
  • the brown-red tone of the composition will be set by marble, granite, and limestone;
  • the illusion of the shine of a water stream is created by adding small glass balls or painting concrete elements with mirror paint;
  • flat pebbles are suitable for simulating the dynamics of a stream and the effect of flow;
  • the coastal zone stands out with large details light colors- dark elements create clear unnatural boundaries of the reservoir.

Advice. Coating the stones with varnish creates the impression of a “wet surface.” Interesting option- waterproof treatment of elements glowing paint. At night, the stones will glow and resemble a “moon path”.

Tools you will need:

  • sand for marking;
  • geotextiles - the substrate under the stone can be replaced with film;
  • shovel;
  • rake.

Construction of a pit under the “reservoir”

The procedure for preparing the site for laying stones:

  1. Dig a channel with a depth of about 20-25 cm along the marked contour.
  2. Compact the bottom area and cover it with geotextile or thick film. The material will prevent grass from growing between the rocks of the stream.

Sometimes protective film replaced by filling cement mortar. However, this method has disadvantages: increased cost of the structure, increased labor costs and complexity of redevelopment of the site.

The order of laying out the stones

  1. Large cobblestones are placed along the edges, and medium-sized stones in the middle. Small fractions will fill the depths of the reservoir.
  2. The stone steps of a cascade or reservoir, river rapids are laid out from large flat boulders. This approach will help transform a calm stream into a fast-flowing mountain river.
  3. Sharp rock fragments imitate a mountain grotto.
  4. Crevices are filled with large or medium-sized elements.
  5. Elongated oval-shaped stones create the feeling of running water.
  6. The island effect is achieved by placing a large cobblestone in the middle of the riverbed.
  7. If a dry stream acts as drainage for storm water, then it is advisable to “plant” the stones on a sand-concrete solution. Otherwise, under the influence of water pressure, they will shift and the composition will lose expressiveness.

After laying the stones, the coastal area should be developed. Fill the perimeter of the reservoir with crushed bark or a sand layer.

Decorating the stream and its banks

It will be possible to bring a dry stream as close as possible to a real body of water with the help of plantings. Deciduous, flowering and shrub plants are suitable for decorating a stone structure. The main requirement is harmonious combination coloring of stones and “green” frames.

It is better to choose plants that, one way or another, resemble the water element:

  • bushy with bluish elongated leaves and shoots;
  • flowering plantings with bright blue flowers: aubrietta, lobelia, blue fescue, bearded iris, creeping tenacious and brunera;
  • The following will add exoticism to the clearing: reed, pampas grass, sedge, daylily and hosta.

Do-it-yourself dry stream: photo planting diagram

Designations for the diagram:

  1. - leaf-grass-bamboo;
  2. - blue, yellow, blue bearded irises;
  3. - low-growing lobela;
  4. - creeping tenacious;
  5. - bell of Polskharsky;
  6. - gabrietta;
  7. - large-leaved brunera;
  8. - green bryozoan;
  9. - tenacious creeping red-leaved;
  10. - reed type arundo.

How to make a dry stream with your own hands: photo of the layout of three different compositions

Advice. When planting plants, the main thing is not to overdo it. The abundance of herbs and flower beds will oversaturate the coastal zone and turn an exquisite oriental element into a boring flower bed or an analogue of an alpine hill.

  1. Lamps. Using lighting along the stream will allow you to admire the compositions in dark time days. Under artificial lighting, the stones begin to “play” and shimmer with a new shade.
  2. Garden figurines. The overall perception of the pond will largely depend on the choice of decor. A mounted heron or a frog planted on an island will add naturalness to the landscape, while gnomes and funny characters will transport you to a fantasy world.
  3. Bridge over the stream. The item itself does not fulfill practical problems, but gives the landscape a special charm. The crossing looks harmonious, painted to match the plants growing nearby.

DIY dry stream: step-by-step creation compositions. Video

  1. To support boulders, branches and beams can be laid along the banks. This solution gives naturalism to the entire composition.
  2. It will be possible to beat the mouth of the stream in different ways. It can smoothly transition into a cobblestone area or patio, or be hidden behind a fence, wide fern leaves or vines.
  3. On wide stone reservoirs, an impromptu sandbank made of flat boulders looks organic.
  4. The idea of ​​a quiet, calm water flow is conveyed by stones of the same color. Add bright accent will be achieved with the help of contrasting shores.
  5. A homemade stream, made from local minerals, blends optimally with nature.
  6. Flat, medium-sized cobblestones laid out edgewise imitate a fast flowing water stream.
  7. An alternative to a dry mineral pond is flower arrangement. A stream can come from an old jug, an overturned barrel or a chest.

Features of caring for an artificial “reservoir”

Keeping the stream in original form does not cause any particular difficulties. Care measures:

  • with the arrival of spring, the soil along the banks must be fluffed up and the plants fertilized;
  • make sure that ants do not grow in the crevices between the stones;
  • periodically during the hot season the stream must be watered - this will improve the microclimate near the dry reservoir and will promote the normal growth of “riparian” plants;
  • After a while, moss may appear on the stones; so that the composition does not become gloomy, its quantity should be controlled;
  • shrubs must be trimmed periodically, and plants that prefer warm climate- be sure to cover for the winter.

DIY dry stream at the dacha: photo ideas

Natural minimalism in the design of a “dried” reservoir looks very harmonious against the backdrop of majestic mountains and old tall pines.

The illusion is created that the porch country house overlooks the bed of a dry river.

A dry stream flows along dense thickets. Some of the stones are varnished, resulting in a “wet” effect.

The arrangement of a stone reservoir on the site allows you to combine several traditions and style trends from different world cultures.

The longitudinal arrangement of thin stones imitates the murmur of a stream. The relief of the area adds realism to the composition - “water” flows from top to bottom.

A summer cottage is not only a place for a vegetable garden. Often, owners set up a place to relax, and to make it the most pleasant, you can show your imagination and decorate the area. Various beds, lighting and decorations will help with this. A dry stream looks very beautiful and requires little effort to arrange, so it is the perfect way decorating the recreation area.

A dry stream is a decoration that illustrates the flow of water right in the middle of the site. The development of a real stream requires special knowledge, costs and subsequent care. A dry stream is easy to build and, if desired, can always be removed and replaced with something new. In addition, a dry stream can also perform practical function: In rainy weather it acts as a drainage system.

In addition, unlike real water, a dry stream will never contribute to the breeding of mosquitoes and midges, who love ponds very much.

This decor is no more dangerous for small children than an ordinary garden path and it is difficult to cause irreparable damage to it. This makes this decor very versatile and indispensable for the garden.

How to make a dry stream with your own hands

First of all, you need to determine the location of the decor: where the stream will flow, where is its beginning, where is its end. The future flow must be placed on the site. This is very important stage, because the future appearance of the entire structure depends on it.

The second stage is the choice of material for the “water”. As a rule, these are small stones. Their color is determined by design. For the shore you can use large stones, for the current - small flat stones, and you can also diversify it with various highlights using colored stones.

Once the location of the stream has been determined and all materials are ready, you can begin arrangement. Where the flow is planned, you need to dig a trench no more than fifteen centimeters deep. Then you need to cover it with material which will protect the kidney from the sun. This is done so that the finished stream is not spoiled by sprouted weeds. Lutrasil, geotextiles or similar materials are suitable for this purpose.

Then you need to lay out the stream bed using stones. To give them the required color, you can use waterproof paint. The stream will look more natural if the rocks in it are similar to the rocks on the site. In addition, you can experiment with its width - a non-standing stream will have blurry edges rather than perfectly smooth ones.

Best Dry Stream Ideas

To decorate this element, you can use a bridge - this will give credibility to the idea. A bridge can be made on the way garden path- to cross a stormy stream. The latter can be made with your own hands or purchased in a store - depending on the size.

You can show your imagination in the design of the stream and use various objects to decorate it. For example, it may flow out of a large jug. To do this, you need to put the jug on its side and pour some “water” into it.

Any garden figures will also decorate and complement the decoration: small statues, frogs, storks, waterfowl will fit perfectly into the composition.

In nature, life appears next to water: plants and animals. You can take advantage of this ability of water and attribute the merits of the emergence of vigorous vegetation to a dry stream. The following are suitable for decorating a stream: lobelias, buffalo grass, forget-me-nots, blue fescue, funkia, mosquito grass, bluebells, tenacious.

To create the atmosphere of a pond, you can plant reeds or bamboo. To decorate a small stream, it is better to use small plants - large ones will look disproportionate and visually overwhelm the decor. Small plants against the backdrop of a large stream will look awkward and are unlikely to be visible.

Using large stones, you can give the stream the necessary shape and create the illusion of a waterfall.

At the foot of the stream it is very harmonious and will naturally look alpine slide- a flowerbed that imitates mountain vegetation or plants growing among stones.

To create a stream, you can use multi-colored sand rather than stones; this technique is used to create an arena - a sand garden. She came to our country from the east.

When arranging a stream, you can focus not only on the naturalness of the forms, but also on your favorite crop. For example, Greek jugs, vases or statues will add sophistication and charm to the composition. However, it is worth remembering that everything should be harmonious.

Liaon-like plants can be used as water, which will “flow” along the riverbed. In addition, various plant elements can emerge from the “water”. Succulents are great for this purpose. These special plants represent an entire group whose members are not related. Plants of this group are similar in maintenance conditions and appearance. They are very easy to care for, which makes this group of plants ideal for keeping in a dry stream.

Dry stream care

Despite its unpretentiousness, a dry stream, like any decor, requires care. At the beginning of the season, in the spring, you need to fertilize the plants growing on the “shore” of the decoration. During the summer, ants may appear in the stream, which will not improve its appearance.

In the spring, we plan to get serious about equipping our dacha, or rather, bringing beauty to the site and creating landscape design. There are thoughts about the reservoir - what would it be like without it? At least small, I think, but it’s necessary.

The old owners left us two old bathtubs on the property, and I remember my own publication about that (and I will be guided by it).

Now, traveling through the parks and beautiful gardens, I constantly come across artificial streams and I wanted to figure out how to arrange one on my site. Is it difficult and how realistic is it in our Russian conditions?

We are lucky (at least we think so) - our site has a very pronounced natural slope. For gardening work this is a minus, but for creating a beautiful landscape design it opens up great opportunities.

Therefore, when creating a stream, we will not have to carry out complex earthworks. But those who have a flat plot will have to additionally create a slight slope in the place where the stream is expected.

It goes without saying that the source of the stream should be significantly higher than the place where it flows into a small body of water (we plan to make a small pond at the mouth). For those whose slope is practically invisible, you need to think about which direction the water will flow, so to speak, outline the direction of the flow, and then form elevation differences.

What could be the slope?

There are certain recommendations for slope. It turns out that even if you make a difference of 3 cm by 1 meter, the movement of water will already be noticeable to the eye. With a smaller slope, the water will still flow where it should, but for a person it will be almost imperceptible.

Of course, it’s nice when the stream meanders through the trees and gurgles, so it was necessary to make the difference in heights larger and add natural rapids where the water will have to overcome obstacles.

The simplest option

One of the simplest options for creating artificial stream— making a channel from a finished asbestos-cement pipe. It can be cut lengthwise, placed on a slope, or stones placed in the riverbed. different sizes- and you will get a stream. The movement of water is carried out using a pump located in the lower reservoir. Through a hose coming from the pump, which we will disguise under the riverbed or on the side of it, water will be supplied upward. Here's the simplest solution.

However, if we want to get closer to the more natural, natural look stream - you will have to work hard with a shovel in your hands!

Option with ledges and small waterfalls

In order for a stream to evoke more emotions, of course, it needs to gurgle and look natural. Eh, now I remember the mountain streams in the Elbrus region, with pure water and a wonderful sound that makes you want to meditate. This is the kind of stream I want to build in my dacha! What will need to be done for this?

First, you need to dig a channel with a large slope, suggesting several drops along its entire length, where the water will create a beautiful sound when falling from a small height. Essentially, we create small artificial waterfalls (or at least one drop - in front of our patio or relaxation area.)

The stream bed should be clean, there should be no large stones, any sharp protrusions, roots, etc. in it, since we plan to cover it later plastic film. Under the film we lay a layer of sand or clay at least 5-6 cm thick.

It is possible to make the channel concrete, for decoration on top concrete base You can put pebbles or cobblestones on the solution. Such a channel will need to be carefully protected from moisture during the winter.

If it is not sufficiently protected from autumn rains, water that gets into the riverbed and reservoirs will freeze in winter and can rupture the bottom of the reservoir. This will cause it to become covered with cracks, into which some of the water will leak in the summer.

You can make a number of reservoirs, between which small waterfalls will be arranged. Water will accumulate in each subsequent reservoir, and then will fall into the next ones, creating a beautiful murmur. To do this, we tilt the bottom of the tank in the direction opposite to the flow of the stream.

Option with flat stones

You can also form ledges using large flat stones, placing them on the bottom of the stream at a slight slope directed against the flow of water.

This will also require making the initial slope of the channel as large as possible.

And in this example you can see that the sides of the lower tank are simply made of bricks laid out in a circle, covered with film on top. Cheap and cheerful, as they say.

Stepwise option

In order for the water not to flow down the slope, but to fall with an even more powerful sound, you will need to make a ledge that will look in cross-section like a stair step with a riser that drops a few centimeters. Like this:

This option is more complex to implement, but also more effective.

How to choose a film for the bottom

I think it all depends on how big the stream is and how much water circulation is planned for it. Garden supply supermarkets, such as Leroy Merlin, have a special super-durable film for ponds.

When creating a very small stream, I think you can simply use the largest garbage bags (they can be really huge and dense). In general, there is a choice for every occasion and for every wallet.

A few more photos for inspiration

These ponds were photographed by me in the center of Mantaek Chia "Tao Garden" in Chiang Mai.

This is just an example of a lotus pond.

And two artificial streams flow into this decorative pond at once! It was very pleasant to sit next to him and listen to the murmur, amplified twice as loud.

An interesting idea - a waterfall lost in a flower bed.

An example of a pond wall design.

The artificial streams in the park amaze with their variety of design solutions.

Fresh cheap and simple idea

To implement it you will need:

  • plastic bottles of 5 or 6 liters,
  • black polyethylene film and
  • pond pump or hose pump
  • plastic basin

And also pebbles or gravel to line and support the bed of plastic bottles.

You probably already guessed that the stream bed will be made of plastic bottles cut across, the top and bottoms of which will first be cut off. The bed laid out in this way is covered with film, the pump is installed in the lower tank made of plastic bottle, wrapped in black film.

Along the contour, the stream bed is filled with gravel or decorated with pebbles. As a lower reservoir, we use a plastic basin into which we immerse the pump, and hide the hose with water coming from the pump in the same pebbles and bring it to the “source of the stream.”

Here’s a simple and completely dismountable option for constructing an artificial stream for the winter, and then... use your imagination! It's so exciting.
