When is feijoa harvested? What is feijoa? Beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa fruit

Feijoa is evergreen , which can be attributed to small trees, and to shrubs. The official name is Feijoa sellowiana. Feijoa belongs to the myrtle family, genus Akka. Exotic shrub Feijoa got its name from the botanist João da Silva Feijo.

Reference. The Myrtaceae family is rich in such valuable representatives as myrtle, guava, tea tree and eucalyptus. The peculiarity of plants of the family is the content of phytoncides and antibacterial substances.

Feijoa - does not exceed 4 meters in height. The bark is lumpy-rough in green-brown shades, the leaves are hard and glossy, covered on the inside with soft hair, interestingly arranged on the branches in a crosswise position.


During the flowering period, charming delicate buds with pink or red stamens and white petals appear on the branches. The tree blooms in May-June for 3 weeks; in its native climate, flowering periods are repeated.


Fruits are large berries covered with dark emerald skin, measuring 2-5 cm in diameter, weighing about 60g, in some varieties the weight reaches 120g. The interior has beautiful red-orange shades, and feijoa tastes like a cross between strawberry and pineapple.


Look at the photo of what the plant looks like:

And a photo of what feijoa fruits are:

Places of growth

The plant was first named and studied in Brazil, but it cannot be called the country of origin of feijoa; the birthplace of the tree is subtropical forests South America(Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina). Over the last century the tree migrated to different countries and now you can find it:

  • In Crimea.
  • Abkhazia.
  • Transcaucasia.
  • Europe (Greece, Spain, Portugal).
  • North America (Pacific coast).
  • South of Russia.
  • Dagestan.
  • Central Asia.
  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.

The tree lives in subtropical climates, because it loves moisture, it root system located in surface layers soil, not very branched, so it tolerates South American rains well.

Important! An arid climate is detrimental to the plant; it will not take root in the tropics.

Description of varieties

The fruit-bearing wild tree attracted the interest of breeders, and seedlings were exported for cultivation on plantations around the world. The most common varieties:

Local varieties were bred by gardeners in individual areas.

  • French henre varieties from Argentine seeds, Rosledgia, are pear-shaped.
  • Choiceana from the USA tastes like banana.
  • Large mammoth fruits have wrinkled skin.
  • The round David variety has a reddish skin.
  • Magnifica has extraordinary dimensions.
  • The pulp of the Robert variety is granular.

Plant care

The main difficulty of cultivation is to accustom the plant to the Russian climate, because this is prevented high humidity atmosphere, which can slow down the fruiting process. Growing conditions:

  • greenhouse;
  • greenhouse;
  • windowsill;
  • open ground.


You can plant a tree by sowing seeds or digging the roots into the ground. As it grows, a small neat tree appears.

Attention! Feijoa seeds do not have much germination potential.

The soil at home can consist of soil, peat and river sand.

Features of care:

  1. the place for growth should be at a temperature of 20-25 degrees;
  2. daily watering;
  3. changing tubs for seedlings as they grow.

At first, transplantation is carried out once a year, mature tree replanted once every 3 years.

Sprouts appear after 1-2 months; if the seeds do not germinate, then the planting was unsuccessful, to increase the likelihood of germination, it is a good idea to create a greenhouse effect. Imitation will also help germination sun rays using special lamps.

Seedlings can only be germinated at home or in a greenhouse, since the sowing time of February-March is not suitable for sowing in open ground in our climate. To transfer it to the site, you need to dig up a root in the fall, which should be 8-10 cm in length and plant it in the soil in a greenhouse. When cold weather sets in, the tree can be transplanted into a tub and moved indoors.

In the video you can see what feijoa looks like and learn how to transplant the plant into open ground.

Watering rules

The roots should not be in the ground, drainage systemgood decision , it is important that loose soil absorbs water well.

Attention! During the watering process, it is necessary not only to irrigate the soil, but also to spray the tree with a spray bottle.

Growing Akka varieties indoors is good both for aesthetic purposes and for later enjoying the delicious fruits. The tree begins to bear fruit after 4-5 years.

Growing in a greenhouse

The greenhouse has all the conditions to create a suitable microclimate. Owners of both public and home greenhouses can enjoy caring for the tree. After all, it ideally needs fertilizing. To grow in open ground, which may be possible in a greenhouse; replanting is not necessary. Branches are pruned only once when they reach a size of 30 cm.

Bonsai art

Feijoa is one of the trees that is used in Japanese art bonsai. Bonsai is a growing technology dwarf trees in pots.

Being a subtropical species, the tree takes root quite well in winter room temperature, and in summer it can be placed on the balcony. This convenience makes possible cultivation tree in the apartment. A beautiful winding trunk, a wide branched crown and small flowers look incredibly beautiful in the decor of a room.

You can find more information about growing feijoa and caring for it.

The benefits and harms of berries

Feijoa fruits are not only tasty, but also healthy. The berries contain vitamins b, c and pp, all known macro and microelements. They contain especially a lot of iodine, which is easily absorbed, as a result of which the berries are prescribed to treat hypothyroidism.

Reference. Plants grown near the sea may contain iodine in the amount of 8-35 mg per 100g, plants grown far from the sea only 8-9 mg per 100g.

Daily iodine requirement for healthy person– only 0.15 mg. Eating just a few berries can satisfy your daily iodine requirement.

The berries are also used to cure problems with gastrointestinal tract. They do not cause allergic reactions in moderate quantities. The fruits are eaten fresh, and also made into compotes and jams.

Possible harm to feijoa fruits:

  • risk of allergies if you eat more than 5 pieces per day;
  • the product is contraindicated for persons suffering from hyperthyroidism;
  • Feijoa and milk can cause indigestion.

Feijoa berries appear on sale only in autumn, so it is especially nice to have your own fruit-bearing tree and more than one, which will allow you to stock up on delicious jam for the whole year. Of course, the plant is capricious and requires careful care, but the result is worth it: beautiful flowers, ripe fruits, which turns the tree of the Akka family into one of the most profitable options garden decorations.

Feijoa- an evergreen shrub plant from the myrtle family, reaching no more than 1 meter in height in adulthood, with tasty and aromatic fruits of a rich green color.

Fruit weight is 30-50 grams, in taste and smell they are similar to pineapple, kiwi and strawberries at the same time. The fruits ripen in November.

Feijoa can be grown at home. You don’t need to have the knowledge of an agronomist to surprise your friends and acquaintances exotic plant in the apartment. Enough to stick simple rules and recommendations for caring for feijoa.

Feijoa varieties

Total exists three varieties of feijoa. Of these, only one species is cultivated - feijoa Sellow, which grows well and is capable of bearing fruit and blooming indoors.

Actions to increase the possibility of fruit appearing in a plant:

  • buy a self-pollinating variety;
  • perform artificial cross-pollination using a brush;
  • Spray the flowers of the plant with water in the evening.

Benefits of fruits

Feijoa blooms incredibly beautifully and has inconspicuous-looking, but healthy and tasty fruits with a variety of healing properties. The riper the fruits, the more beneficial they are for the body.
Rich fruit composition:

  • iodine, which is perfectly absorbed by the body due to the presence of water-soluble compounds (its content is comparable to the amount in seafood and fish);
  • vitamin C;
  • pectin;
  • sucrose;
  • fiber.

Diseases in which eating feijoa fruits has a positive effect:

  • atherosclerosis (boiled or pureed fruits with sugar);
  • thyroid diseases;
  • reduced immunity;
  • avitaminosis;
  • gout;
  • Graves' disease;
  • constipation;
  • cold;
  • depression;
  • sclerosis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • gastritis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Peel has an antioxidant effect, but it is too tart, so best option its use is adding to tea. The taste of fruits grown at home is no different from those grown in natural conditions. Feijoa – dietary product, which is perfectly absorbed by the body.

Planting a plant

The plant requires soil with the following properties:

  • nutritional value;
  • looseness;
  • weak acid reaction;
  • richness in humus.

Watering feijoa

Feijoa in summer requires abundant watering. Overdrying of the soil can lead to the falling of leaves and ovaries and even the death of the plant. IN winter period When overwintering a plant in a cool room, it should be watered carefully.

Roots do not absorb water so quickly, so its excess increases the risk of root rot and plant death.


Reproduction Plants are possible in two ways: seeds, rooted branches. At the same time, when propagating fruits by seeds, you should not wait for the next 5 years, when using cuttings - 4 years.

There is a third the method is to buy an expensive adult plant in a store, but there is a risk that it will not take root. During long flowering From May to June the plant is very beautiful. Flowers in pink or red shades.

With vegetative reproduction best moment process - spring and early summer. Rules for propagation by cuttings:

  • half-ripe branches with 3 internodes are ideal;
  • cuttings are treated with root formation accelerators (for this you can use coconut soil, washed sand, vermiculite, perlite or simple flower soil with the addition of vermiculite or perlite in a 1:1 ratio;
  • Place the cuttings in greenhouses, which can be used as plastic bottles;
  • suitable temperature for the appearance of roots is +25 degrees;
  • It may take several months for roots to appear and not all cuttings will take root;
  • if the plant grew from cuttings of fruiting feijoa, flowering can be expected in 2 or 3 years.

For reproduction Feijoa seeds perform the following actions:

  • The best sowing period is February, the seeds are freshly harvested;
  • the seeds must be separated from the pulp and dried for 5 days;
  • seeds should be sown shallowly in plastic cups, lightly sprinkled with soil and placed in greenhouses;
  • Next, you need to water from a shallow watering can onto filtered paper located on the surface of the ground;
    the ideal temperature for propagating a plant by seeds is +23...+25 degrees;
  • The first shoots are expected in 3-4 weeks.

When transplanting feijoa Care should be taken as the branches are very brittle and fragile.

Plant nutrition

During the summer feijoa requires fertilizing, for which they are perfect complex fertilizers. Superphosphate is used for feeding, horse manure in a ratio of 1:10, ash extract.

To receive potassium fertilizer in 1 liter of water, infuse 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tree ash (mostly deciduous) for 1 week. Before fertilizing, the plant should be watered.

Choosing a landing site

Feijoa loves bright rooms and can withstand direct sunlight. With a reduced light supply, the plant will not bloom or bear fruit.

Perfect in summer option for the plant is fresh air, in winter - a bright room with an air temperature of +10...+12 degrees.

Feijoa will tolerate the winter period normally even at room temperature, but will require an air humidity of 80-85% and increased lighting. Regular spraying will help the plant.

Ideal place feijoa wintering - glass balcony apartments.

Diseases, pests and treatment of feijoa

Pests, affecting the plant: , . Red damages young shoots. To help the plant, it is recommended to use a solution of keltan in the proportion of 1 liter of water: 2 grams of a substance for spraying, which is best done in the evening.

When exposed If exposed to sunlight, the solution can burn feijoa leaves. The solution is valid for more than a month, so one treatment is enough to get rid of the pest.

Brown false scale appears on the glossy area of ​​the leaf along the central vein. In the fight against the pest, karbofos will help, which must be diluted in 1 liter of water (5-6 grams of the drug).

To improve condition of the plant, it is necessary to completely spray the feijoa and repeat the procedure 3 times with an interval of a week.

Most common problems when growing feijoa: leaf spotting, which can be dealt with by spraying with Bordeaux mixture; gray rot on the leaves.

Feijoa- an original plant with non-allergenic tasty fruits, suitable for consumption by both adults and children, from which many delicious dishes can be prepared.

And for the most curious, we invite you to watch a video about feijoa

  • Andre is the same variety that Dr. Andre brought from Brazil. The fruit size is medium to large, the shape is oblong to round; thick light green peel with a knobby surface; few seeds. The fruits have a strong pleasant aroma. The plant is self-pollinating; usually produces small yields.
  • Besson - fruits are small to medium, oval, soft; the surface is green with a reddish or burgundy tint. The peel is thin. The inside of the fruit is very juicy and contains many seeds. Has a strong pleasant smell. This variety is grown in South India.
  • Coolidge is most common in California. The fruits are usually oblong and medium in size, with a slightly corrugated skin. It does not have a pronounced aroma, but produces a stable harvest.
  • Choiceana is a round or oval fruit, small to medium in size, with a smooth skin and pleasant aroma. Yields are less stable than previous varieties.
  • Superba - the shape of the fruit is round or slightly elongated, the size is small to medium; smells very tasty.
  • Mammoth - oval fruits, similar to Coolidge, large in size, slightly wrinkled skin.
  • David - round or oval fruits, rough skin with a reddish tint. Pleasant smell. Ripens in November.
  • Magnifica is grown from selected seedlings. Very large fruits of the highest quality.
  • Robert - This variety produces oval fruits and grainy pulp.

Conditions for growing feijoa

Sometimes feijoa pollen is carried by birds attracted by flowers, but more often it is pollinated by bees. Between 60 and 90% of pollinated plants produce fruit. Hand pollination effective in almost 100% of cases. Cross pollination requires planting two or more bushes together. Low yields usually indicate insufficient pollination.

Feijoa grows well in subtropical climates with low humidity. Optimal annual quantity precipitation - 762-1,016 mm. The plant produces crops in regions where there are relatively cold winters and can tolerate quite low temperature- from -11.11 C to - 9.44 C. The most aromatic fruits ripen in relatively cool regions.

Feijoa can take root in different soils; in England it even grows in soil rich in lime, but big harvest it can only bear fruit in rich organic soil. There are opinions that it is good for feijoa acidic soil, however, it is most productive in soil with an acidity level of pH 6.2. Feijoa is resistant to drought, but during the ripening period it needs abundant watering.


Feijoas are usually grown from seeds. The seeds are filled with water and left for four days - they germinate three weeks after planting. When young plants have several leaves, they are transplanted into separate pots, and a little later they are planted in open ground. The first harvest usually occurs after 3-5 years. At vegetative propagation The first fruits may ripen in the second year.

It is believed that feijoa is difficult to propagate vegetatively, but in England and Auckland this method is preferred. A young cutting from the top of a branch usually takes root within 1-2 months. If it is placed in wet sand and placed on sunny place, this can happen in as little as 10 days. Sometimes hormonal supplements are used to speed up the process.


Feijoa blooms: in Uruguay - in November, in northern Florida - in late April, in the San Francisco area - in early June, in England - in July. In southern California, fruits ripen 4.5 - 6 months after flowering, in San Francisco - 5.5 -7 months. In New Zealand, feijoa blooms in February and ripens in May. The ripe fruits fall to the ground, are collected and kept in a cool place until they become a little softer. To prevent the fruits from being damaged when falling, a layer of straw is laid under the plants. If you pick feijoas from a tree or eat them not quite ripe, you will not experience the fullness of their taste and aroma.

Some mature plants in France produce up to two thousand fruits per year. There is one plant in India bears no more than a hundred fruits a year - probably low yields are due to insufficient pollination and birds that come to peck flowers.

On experimental plantations in New Zealand, the following results were obtained: in the 3rd year of life, one plant produced 6 kg of fruit, or 4000 kg/ha; 4 year - 12 kg per plant and 8000 kg/ha; 5 year - 18 and 12,000 kg, respectively. In 1978, 333 tonnes of feijoa were grown in New Zealand, of which 149 tonnes were sold fresh and 184 tonnes processed.

When too high temperature the fruit turns brown and rots after a few days, although this is completely unnoticeable from the outside. In a cool room, fruits can be stored for a month or more. In France, feijoa is harvested in November and December, and the fruit stores well until spring. Today, feijoas are shipped from New Zealand to Europe by air. They can be stored for a month at zero degrees, but on a store shelf they can only last a week.

Variety Magnifica - up to two meters high in open ground, evergreen and at the same time decorative and fruit plant. The Magnifica variety is self-fertile and does not require a pollinator; it is not picky about soils or growing conditions. The fruits are very large and large, aromatic, with juicy sweet pulp. The taste is reminiscent of a mixture of pineapple, kiwi and strawberries. They are stored for a very long time, and not only do not lose their taste, but, on the contrary, enhance them. The fruits of this variety tolerate transportation well over long distances.

Feijoa is a subtropical, heat-loving plant, so in gardens middle zone you won't meet him. The fruits of this tree appear on sale in winter; they are used to make very tasty, aromatic jam, which has a lot of useful properties. You can simply grind the berries with sugar, or you can eat them fresh. Feijoa fruits are also used in the wine industry.

Location. Feijoa is a light-loving crop, so it is best to place it on a south or south-east window. In the autumn-winter period, the plant sheds quite a lot of leaves. To eliminate this phenomenon, additional illumination is necessary.

Temperature. Adult plants can withstand temperatures down to -12 °C and are resistant to drought. In winter, the plant is best kept in a cool, bright room with a temperature of 8-12 °C. In summer it is good to take it out into the garden or onto the balcony.

Soil. The plant is undemanding to soil conditions; an ordinary flower substrate is suitable.

In the first 2–3 years, due to the active growth of the root system, replanting should be carried out annually. When replanting, be sure to preserve the soil ball and not bury the plant. Subsequently, the transplant should be done once every 3 years.

Watering. Feijoa – moisture-loving plant. Overdrying of the earthen coma leads to loss of leaves, drying out of branches and part of the root system. After watering, the water accumulated in the pan is not removed - after a while it will be absorbed into the earthen lump. IN winter time when the air humidity in the house is low, when caring for feijoa it is useful to spray the plant a little warm water. In summer, abundant watering is recommended, in winter – moderate.

Feeding. Feijoa is very demanding when it comes to feeding during flowering and fruit set. During the year, feijoas are fed every 15 days, alternating nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Horse manure (1:10), superphosphate and ash extract are used. Superphosphate is poorly soluble in water, so first boil 1 teaspoon of fertilizer in 1 liter of water. The cooled solution is diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. To obtain potash fertilizer, 1 tablespoon of hardwood ash is infused for 1 week in 1 liter of water. Before feeding, water the plant with plain water.

Transfer. In the first 2–3 years, feijoas need to be replanted annually in fresh nutrient substrate. Adult plants are transferred into a large bowl, filling only the space between the walls of the pot and the root ball with fresh substrate. Roots coming out of the drainage hole should be trimmed.

This oblong green fruit appeared on the shelves quite a long time ago, but still not everyone knows that feijoa product is tasty, healthy, nutritious and can be a good addition to the daily diet. What is feijoa, where does the strange fruit grow and what is it eaten with - in the literal sense of the word?

An evergreen plant - a shrub or tree up to 4 meters in height - belongs to the myrtle family. Feijoa is used as a fruit and ornamental plant, since its flowers are also very attractive - white and pink, with long scarlet stamens.

Initially, the plant was found only in Brazil, where it was discovered in the 19th century and received the name of its discoverer, the Portuguese naturalist Joao da Silva Feijo. Then it became popular in Europe, and later came to America, Australia, and New Zealand.
The benefits and harms of feijoa for the body have been studied thoroughly. The fruits taste like pineapple, banana and strawberries at the same time, and contain a lot of useful microelements and vitamins.

To enhance certain qualities, selection began, and soon new and diverse varieties of feijoa appeared. The length of the fruit can be from 2 to 7 centimeters, and the weight can be from 50 to 120 g, depending on the variety and growing conditions.

The most popular varieties are:

  • Andrea;
  • Allegro;
  • Coolidge;
  • Superba;
  • Choisena;
  • Besson;
  • Mammoth;
  • Robert;
  • Magnifica.

How do feijoa varieties differ and which one to choose?

Andre is a variety that was brought from Brazil to Europe and became the first that could be tried in the Old World. The fruits are medium or large, the peel is quite thick, light green, lumpy and knobby. The pulp is very aromatic and tasty, with a small amount of seeds.

Coolidge is one of the most popular varieties in the United States and is grown in California. The fruits are medium in size, with a skin with fine wrinkles, reminiscent of corrugated paper. The pulp is not very aromatic, but sweet. Mammoth is very similar to this variety, but the skin is more wrinkled and the fruits are larger on average.

Besson has small or medium-sized fruits, very aromatic and juicy, with a large number of seeds. They are easily recognized by the reddish or burgundy tint of the peel. The peel is thin.
Small round or oval fruits with a strong, pleasant aroma are Choiseana. The Superba variety is similar to it - their aroma literally makes your mouth water. They are distinguished by the absence of a red tint and smooth skin.

TO late varieties refers to David. It is characterized by a rough peel, a reddish tint and a pleasant strawberry aroma.
Magnifica variety is one of the largest.

In cooking, the fruits are used both raw and after heat treatment. You can use them to prepare salads, desserts, sauces, snacks, compotes, jams and even pickle.

Composition and beneficial properties of feijoa

Let us immediately note that feijoa is a dietary product. Calorie content of 100 g of product is 50-55 kcal. Those who care about health and watch their weight should pay attention to this fruit. special attention. After all useful substances and there are many microelements in fruits:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin C;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

What else is feijoa fruit good for?

The pulp of the oval “green vitamins” contains a large amount of iodine in a special, easily digestible form. In terms of the content of this element, the fruits are not inferior to fish and other seafood and are widely used in the treatment of the thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole. They should also be included in the menu of older people and those who live in areas characterized by iodine deficiency.

The fruit also contains 5 amino acids important for health: alanine, asparagine, arginine, glutamine and tyrosine.

The astringent tart taste of feijoa comes from phenols contained in the peel along with other beneficial substances. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating fruits with the skin, and if you don’t want to spoil the delicate taste of the pulp, the peel can be cut off, dried and added to tea. By the way, the leaves of the plant, which contain a large amount, are used to make tea. essential oils, minerals and have a pleasant aroma. Teas and infusions of leaves are used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, pancreas, intestines, digestive disorders, and pyelonephritis.

In winter and spring, when we feel an acute lack of vitamins, the benefits of the fruit are invaluable. Feijoa fruit for the body is an excellent source of vitamin C, a powerful immunomodulator and antioxidant. The fruit is recommended to be included in the menu to strengthen the immune system, prevent and treat colds, flu, sore throats and others. viral diseases, as well as hypertension, cardiovascular diseases.

Useful properties Feijoas don’t stop there. It has an antifungal effect; infusion of the fruit can disinfect wounds, scratches, cuts, make compresses for skin inflammation, and rinse the mouth for gum disease.

Scientists and doctors, after much research, have found that regular use of the product reduces the risk of cancer, and if the disease has already been detected, then in combination with other drugs it allows the disease to be transferred to the stage of long-term and stable remission.

Feijoa for women is a storehouse of beneficial substances for the skin. Due to its antioxidant properties, the fruit is widely used in cosmetology. With it:

  • relieve inflammation and eliminate redness;
  • soften the skin;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • treat rosacea, acne, eliminate pigment spots;
  • refresh, rejuvenate, increase skin elasticity.

A healing mask can be easily prepared at home from chopped feijoa halves, olive oil, low-fat cottage cheese and egg yolk.

A 15-minute lotion made from freshly cut fruit peel will help remove dark circles and bags under the eyes, smooth the skin and make it fresh and radiant.

Please note that feijoa does not cause allergies, so it can be consumed by everyone without exception, the main thing is in reasonable quantities. The watery jelly-like pulp can be added to appetizers, sauces, seasonings and salads, main courses and desserts, compotes and jelly, and baked goods.

However, only a high-quality product will benefit you. Whitish pulp is a sign of insufficient ripeness of the fruit, they need to be allowed to ripen, and if it is brownish, they should not be eaten, they are hopelessly spoiled.

Harm and contraindications of the fruit

Even the most healthy products consumed in excessive quantities can cause health problems. Green Vitamins are no exception. The main contraindications for feijoa: an allergic reaction to the product and its excessive consumption.

The fruits can be harmful if a person has hypersensitivity to iodine. Such a reaction of the body is extremely rare, but if after a slice of pulp you feel unwell, it is better to refrain from further experiments. Keep in mind that irritation can be caused not by the fruit itself, but by the substances with which they were treated so that they do not spoil during transportation and storage. Therefore, the fruits must be washed very thoroughly before use.

People who are seen by an endocrinologist with a diagnosis of “hyperfunction of the thyroid gland” with feijoa also need to be very careful. With an overdose of iodine, extremely unpleasant symptoms can be observed: temperature fluctuations, rapid heartbeat, hyperexcitability, turning into a hysterical state, general weakness and depression. If you still want to include fruit in the menu, be sure to consult your doctor.

Choose only whole fruits without damage - pathogenic bacteria can multiply in the affected areas, causing digestive upset and poisoning.
Feijoa dishes can be harmful if washed down with milk. To prepare salads, dressings and desserts, it is better to use fermented milk products - natural yogurt, sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese.

Due to the high sucrose content, there are contraindications for the consumption of feijoa for diabetics and overweight people.

The overseas fruit should be given to children with caution, like any other new product.

You should not store feijoa in the refrigerator for more than 7 days - spoiled fruit can do more harm than good.
Considering that feijoa has a lot of useful properties, use them to the fullest, feel free to include the fruit in your daily diet and be healthy and beautiful.
