How to open an interior door lock without a key: methods and means. How to open a door without a key? Key to all doors

You can't get into the apartment, it can happen to any of us. Therefore, in such a case, you need to know how to open a lock without a key and what is needed for this.

If the key is missing

So, the keys are nowhere to be found, neither in my pocket nor in my bag. What to do? After all, the lock on the door was specially created so that it could not be opened with bare hands.

Of course, the most reliable and easiest way to solve the problem is to call a service that specializes in opening doors. There are these in every city. In order to help you get into the apartment, you must show the specialists some evidence of your residence in the home. For example, a passport showing your place of registration, etc.

However, if for some reason you cannot use the services of professionals, all that remains is to try to open the door lock without a key, using improvised means. For example, use a master key. Such a tool can easily be purchased at a specialized store, and anyone can use it, even those who have never tried to pick locks. But not everyone carries a master key with them. But hairpins or paper clips are another matter.

Making a “master key”

In order to build a master key, you will need two regular paper clips.

Bend the long end of the paper clip and straighten it. You should end up with a straight wire. Some people advise bending the tip of the wire to make it easier to press on the pins. But this is not necessary.


Now you need to make a tensioner, the task of which is to turn the lock. With its help you will press on the cylinder, and with another paperclip you will simultaneously put the pins in place. There are two ways to make a tensioner from a paper clip.

The first one is simpler: long end Bend the paper clips at a right angle. This way you will have the basis for a working tensioner, but not a very good pick.

The second, a little more difficult: completely straighten the ends of the paper clip so that the wire bends in the middle and the ends meet. In this case, one of them should be slightly shorter than the other. Then the longer part must be bent again at a right angle, about a centimeter from the tip.

How to open a lock without a key using a master key

Insert the tensioner into the keyhole and press in a circle. You need to tighten in the direction in which the lock turns. If you don't remember this, then the chances are 50:50. Try moving the paperclip to the right side first. As a rule, in most locks the key turns clockwise. But there are also exceptions.

Those with sensitive hands will be able to feel the right direction themselves. If you do everything correctly, the paperclip will encounter less resistance when turning than if the wrong direction is chosen. Remember that it is very important that there is a slight tension while working.

After you decide on the direction, record the pressure, and with another paperclip try to feel the pins. Most locks have five pins, which when correct positioning open the mechanism.

Starting at the back of the keyhole, press the pins in order. You must record each of them. At the same time, slowly tighten the tensioner. If the pin is in the correct position, a slight click will be heard. Or you'll catch faint movement. Gently move the pick until you feel that all the pins are in place. After this, turn the tensioner in the desired direction and... the lock will open.

Cylinder locks

How to open a lock without a key if you have a set of ordinary tools at hand? It all depends on the type and structure of the mechanism. So, if you have a regular mortise lock equipped with a cross-shaped cylinder, you need to use a drill. Start by drilling a small hole above the keyhole. Then, using a pick, lift the stopper and move the bolt hook away.

Another castle with simple mechanism- cylinder with pins. If you have a drill at hand, then the matter becomes very easy. Make a small hole in the cylinder itself, insert a master key into it and, turning it, open the lock.


Now let's talk about how to open padlock. There are two ways to deal with such a mechanism without a key. The first is to use a master key to try to line up all the pins in one row, as already described above, which is not easy for those who have never done this kind of thing. The second way is to remove the lock. Let's consider a simpler option.

So, how to remove a lock without a key? To do this you will need a regular crowbar.

Direct all your force to the weak point of the lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. Press down.

If you don’t have enough strength, you can use a special metal file, a hacksaw or long wire cutters. Sawing a bow with a diameter of two centimeters takes about ten minutes, so you won’t waste much time.

Rack locks

Such locks are most often used on gates, fences, and garages. Opening methods are universal, primitive and boil down to moving the slats one by one. There are several ways.

  1. Use fishing line or guitar string. Insert a screwdriver into the gap between the jamb and the door. Press the door firmly. You need to make a loop from fishing line or string. Insert it into the keyhole and circle it around the pins (which allow the lock to be opened from the inside). Then gently pull the loop towards you. The slats should move back and the door should open.
  2. How to open a lock without a key using a pencil or carrot? Easily! Lubricate the lock mechanism with any oil. Release the bolt. To do this, you need to slightly press the door in the opposite direction to opening. Then drive a pencil or carrot into the keyhole and turn - the lock is open. The secret is that, thanks to soft material“key”, the rack teeth will leave on the pencil (carrot) the grooves necessary to open the lock.
  3. Use a drill and screwdriver. When using this method, you will not even damage the door leaf. First you need to determine where the closed bolt is located. To do this, insert regular sheet paper between the box and closed door. When you feel the bolt, take a drill. Drill a small slot in door frame. Then use a screwdriver to move the deadbolt. All.

A few more ways to open a lock without a key

So, if you have a lock equipped with a tongue, proceed as follows. Using a screwdriver or any other tool that can be inserted between the box and the canvas, press the tab. Then turn the handle and open the door. By the way, doors locked in this way can be opened even with a simple plastic card.

How to open a lever lock if it is built into a wooden door? To do this, press on the door and, as far as possible, pull it away from the frame. Then use a paper clip, screwdriver or any other tool to move the levers away.

If you have a latch type lock, use a screwdriver to unscrew the screws that secure the handle. Remove it. Remove metal panel, which closes the mechanism, and using improvised means try to feel the latch. When you feel that you have succeeded, press down on it and, without letting go, turn the door handle.

If the key is stuck

The first step is to remove the broken key from the lock. In such a situation, you can use a jigsaw file. Insert it into the keyhole so that the teeth point up. Then move the file slowly to engage the key. When this is successful, carefully remove the file along with the “prey”.

There are situations when the key is broken, but part of it sticks out of the keyhole. Use pliers. Use them to pick up the key. Just don't try to pull it out under any circumstances. This can only complicate matters. Just rotate it in the direction you normally would when opening the door. And only after the door is open, pull out the key.

In general the most best way solving a problem is to anticipate it. Today there are special door locks without keys, which have no keyholes at all. Install such mechanisms for yourself and forget about unnecessary headaches.

And one last thing. If you do try to open the door without a key, then be conscientious. After all, opening other people's locks is prohibited by law. And there is a punishment for this.

Lost your front door key? The first thing that comes to mind is to call specialists, the second is to knock down the door. These are quite reasonable ideas, but their implementation is somewhat expensive. There's no reason to break iron door or pay someone until the option of opening the lock without a key has been tried.

Master key

The most popular way to open mortise lock- use a master key. You can buy it in a specialized store, but if you need to open a slammed door as quickly as possible, try making a master key yourself:

  • Take two simple paper clips;
  • Unfold the long end of one paperclip;
  • Bend the long end of the second paper clip at an angle of 90 degrees - this will be the tensioner with which you will turn the lock;
  • Insert the tensioner into the lock cylinder, press down until tension is present, record the pressure and try to turn the tensioner like a key;
  • Use another paperclip to feel for the pins. In most cases there are five of them and they will unlock the lock when positioned correctly;
  • Starting at the far side of the keyhole, press the pins in order. If the pin is in the correct position, you will hear a slight click;
  • When all the pins “click”, turn the tensioner like a key and the lock will open.

Of course, this method is not universal, but it is cheap Chinese door With a simple lock you can open it like that. By and large, the success of the operation depends on the structure of the mechanism and the type of lock - each of them has its own nuances:

Level castle

It consists of a set of plates with various grooves and notches. The key to such a lock was called “butterfly” because of its shape; if it is not there, you need to achieve displacement of the plates, and this is quite difficult.

The number of plates and the complexity of their design depend on the lock's security class. Locks of class 4 burglary resistance are usually installed on an expensive metal door. Such mechanisms also have additional protection eg magnetic shutters. You should not even try to open such a lock yourself if you are not a professional burglar. But if there are no special “bells and whistles”, then you can risk opening the “sulvadnik”, even taking into account that few people succeed in this the first time.

You can try to open the larva using a hook and a roll.

  • Bend the tip of a thin screwdriver - this will be a roll;
  • Bend the tip of the knitting needle with a hook - this will be a master key;
  • Insert the roll and the master key into the lock cylinder;
  • After pushing the roll all the way, turn it while maintaining tension. Using a hook, we begin to move and shift each plate, turning the roll. If this succeeds, the plate has given way.

The second way is to damage the shank mount. To do this, you just need to find the design of your type of lock indicating the location internal elements. Next, install the drill strictly at the location of the tail and begin drilling. The castle will fall apart from the inside as soon as the goal is achieved. The crossbars will then yield to the influence of a simple hook.

Cylinder locks (English or pin)

Mortise cylinder lock It is customary to install it on an iron door. Manufacturers have begun to equip the cylinder of such mechanisms with armored linings and heavy-duty pins, but if the lock on the door is old enough, you can drill it out, that is, open it with a drill. You should drill a small hole directly above the keyhole. Next, you need to lift the stopper, use a master key to penetrate the larva and move the hook. The cylinder with pins will open if you make a hole directly in the cylinder, and then insert a master key inside and turn it.

You can also try to open the input cylinder lock with a roll, but be prepared for the fact that this method does not always work. The point is that important detail English lock - the shank, after using the roll, often breaks, which prevents further burglary. In this situation, you will simply block the lock cylinder, but will not open the door.

Cross Castle

It is quite simple, opens with a screwdriver and a drill. However, many apartments have doors with such locks. If you drill the cylinder with a drill slightly larger in diameter than the key, you can open the lock with a screwdriver.

There is a way to open cross castle using chewing gum. To do this, you need to insert soft chewing gum into the lock core and push it deep. After it hardens, you can open the lock with the first screwdriver you come across. This is explained by the fact that the rubber band takes the shape of a key, so removing it will be problematic.


How to open a padlock without a key? There are two main ways to do this:

  • Align the pins as described above using a pick. There is no particular point in these painstaking actions, since there is a second method;
  • Remove the lock using a crowbar. The point is that the force must be applied in the direction of the weak point of such a lock - where the shackle is attached to the body. If you don’t have enough strength, you can simply saw through the shackle and remove the lock.

Rack locks

The methods for opening them are quite primitive; they all solve one problem - to move the slats. There are several ways to do this, for example, with fishing line or string. First, insert an iron screwdriver between the door and the jamb. Make a loop from the fishing line, which must be inserted into the keyhole, and then looped around the pins that serve to open the lock from the inside. Then pull the hinge - the slats will move back and the door will open.

Magnetic lock

The keys to such locks are a system of small magnets that are arranged in such a way as to repel the magnets in the lock. There is no chance of opening such a lock without the appropriate equipment: a magnetic master key creates a vibrating electromagnetic field, forcing the larva, that is, the magnets in the lock, to vibrate at high speed, and, accordingly, get confused and open the lock. Please note that not all small parts in the castle can survive this process. Result: the key has lost its value and no longer guarantees the security of your apartment.

How to open an interior door if there is no key

Interior doors are also susceptible to the problem of missing keys. Let's say a child locks himself in the toilet and cannot reach the lock. How can I help him? Fortunately, for the most part, castles interior door are equipped with a safety system: there is a hole on the outer part of the lining; you just need to insert any nail into it and apply pressure - the handle can be easily turned and the door can be opened.

Alas, a safety system is not always provided; nevertheless, you can use different locks for an interior door - overhead, carved or latches. In this case, you can open the room using a regular plastic card. The simplest tongue lock will move if you slide a plastic card between the door and the jamb, along the lock and turn the handle.

If this option does not help to open the interior door, you can use the master key method described above.

There are no locks that cannot be picked, but many of them can cause trouble. But it’s so easy to avoid unnecessary headaches: make several duplicate keys to your apartment, keep them at home and with people you completely trust, and, finally, just be more careful!

How to open a door if there is no key- Let’s immediately make a small note that this article is primarily intended for those who want to open the door quickly, please note that in most cases, when opening it, the lock will be damaged and mechanical damage is possible door leaf.

What you need to break into and open a lock

When opening various locks, we will need available tools; each lock requires its own tools, but usually this list is very similar for most cases.

The usual weapon of bugbears is a bunch of keys, so you initially need to arm yourself with them, although it’s not always easy to find a bunch of keys, but if you still have one at hand, try to pick up a similar key. Since all the locks installed in inexpensive doors are very similar in shape, and sometimes they are exactly the same as yours.

Lock opening tools

  1. A bunch of similar keys
  2. Phillips and flathead screwdrivers
  3. Pliers
  4. Metal saw
  5. Universal key for intercoms

To open the lock you will need full list plumbing tools such as screwdrivers, pliers, metal saw and crowbar. You need to know that all locks are made in such a way that they can be opened with handy locksmith tools. After such intervention, you will most likely need to replace the lock.

We tried to consider the most common types of locks with a low security class and without additional secret mechanisms.

Types of locks:

  • Cross lock;
  • Padlock;
  • French castle;

Before starting the opening, first always try to find a key similar to yours.

Cross lock

Cross-shaped locks can be opened with a regular Phillips-head screwdriver of the same size as the key. To open such a lock, sometimes it is enough to simply insert it into the hole with a little force and turn it clockwise with strong turning pressure. Usually for cheap types of locks with low security class, this is enough.

The lock cylinder may need to be replaced after opening.


This type of lock is often used in garages, basements or any other utility rooms, as well as for temporary fastening of bicycles, etc.

It is easier to break such a lock than to open it. An ordinary crowbar is suitable for opening. Direct all the pressure into weak side, i.e. where the leg is attached to the lock body. If you do not have the strength to break the lock with a crowbar, then use a regular metal saw; the approximate time for sawing a diameter of 2 cm will be approximately 10 minutes.

French castle

A French lock is quite difficult to open unnoticed by an unprepared person. However, you can open it by force old-fashioned method. To do this, you need to insert the flat end of the crowbar into the hole next to the lock. After which you need to push the crowbar as far as possible and begin to deform the door leaf by pressing the crowbar, you need to press until the lock latch comes loose and stops clinging to the opening. As a result of such an operation, it is necessary to completely replace the lock, and sometimes the door as a whole. If you need to open the door, but at the same time leave the lock and the door undamaged, then we recommend contacting specialists who are able to open the door without damage.

As in other cases, we first try to find a key for the lock. Often, if the lock is old and the hole is worn out, then the probability of opening it with another key is about 70%. If we can’t find the key, we try to open it with a screwdriver and pliers.

The first thing you need to do is remove decorative overlay which is located around the lock, then grab the protruding side of the lock cylinder with pliers and swing it until it falls out. If part of the cylinder remains inside, simply knock it out. Then take a flat-head screwdriver and insert it with a little force into the hole; if it does not go through, simply tap it into the lock with pliers. Then, with a little force, turn in the opening direction.

There is a second method for opening such locks, but for this it is necessary to drill the cylinder along the entire length of the key, just below the lock hole, with a drill diameter of 4-5 mm. After the lock has been drilled, you need to insert a flat-head screwdriver into the key hole and turn it, the door should open.

If you do not want to damage the lock, you can purchase a special set of master keys and use them to try to open the lock.

ABOUTopen the door with intercom

Many people do not know that a key for an intercom can be ordered from ordinary workshops where ordinary keys are made. Take a key from your neighbors and order a duplicate at any workshop (approximate cost 100-200 rubles). There are many offers on the Internet for the sale of universal keys that are suitable for any type.

If the situation is such that it is impossible to open the lock, then you can forcefully knock down the door. Before doing this, warn the people behind the door that you are going to knock it down. Accentuate the blow near the lock and strike with the heel. The blow must be sharp and directed. Sometimes it's easier and faster to knock down a door if it opens inward. The second leg should be fixed, and the foot should be directed parallel to the door.

Our recommendations for opening doors and opening locks are intended primarily for information, and not for instructions for action, we advise you to contact specialized workshops for opening doors in Rostov-on-Don, there is such a workshop as Don-Service, we have We employ highly qualified specialists who will open a door with a lock of any complexity.

How to open a lock without a key?

If you want to learn the technique of opening locks, then you are on the right track. After all, this is quite useful knowledge and, moreover, interesting. They will also help you better understand the mechanism of locks, you will understand how they work. This can be useful in emergency situations (when, for example, someone steals your key, or it simply gets lost.) Since the lock is a mechanical device, we can say that such activities will be a break from computers, televisions and electronic things .

How to open a padlock without a key

If you suddenly lost your keys padlock, then you shouldn’t despair at all, since it’s not at all difficult to open it. To perform this action you will need very ordinary and available means. So, you will need a small piece of a fairly strong antenna (about ten to fifteen centimeters) with a bent end. It needs to be beaten with a heavy object, such as a hammer, so that it becomes flat or flattened. Also, to open the padlock, you will also need a small piece of wire (about five to seven centimeters), it is desirable that it be smooth and not curved.

Next you need to take closed lock. Insert a piece of the antenna into the well so that it touches the diameter. Place your finger on the antenna so that it is under slight tension from the spring. The next step is to take a small piece of wire and insert it into the center of the spring. Imagine that you have a lost key in your hands and try to open it with short and quick movements. Did it work? The lock remained undamaged, now you just need to find the key for it.

How to open a door lock without a key

How often do people, when they find themselves in front of a closed door, be able to open the lock themselves? In isolated cases. More often than not, they panic. They think that their apartment has been robbed, they want to call the police or do some similar things. And then it turns out that the key to the lock was in the wrong pocket or was left hanging on a hook at home. It is in such situations that knowledge of opening locks without keys comes in handy.

A door lock should be opened using the same principle as a padlock. However, it will not be so convenient, because the lock is built into the door and, most likely, it is quite dark on the landing. You will have to trust your hands. Also, the size of available devices should be reduced by about 2 times.

If such devices are not available, then women will have to sacrifice their hairpins and act on the same principle as in the situation described earlier. It will be more difficult for men. Instead of a small piece of wire, you can use an ordinary pen rod. Well, you should look for a large piece (you can ask your neighbors).

And, at the end of all of the above, we can add one simple piece of advice. If you know that this or a similar situation could happen to you, then simply make yourself several duplicate keys and hide them in different pockets of the jacket that you always wear or the bag that you always carry to work. Now you know how to open a lock without a key. And, if you have a trusting relationship with your neighbors, then give one copy of the keys to them for safekeeping.

The video tutorial will clearly show you how to open a lock without a key.

Sections of the article:

Sometimes life forces a person to solve quite complex problems. One of them is emergency opening door locks. There are different situations - the front doors may slam shut, in another case the keys may simply be lost. Also, the key sometimes simply breaks right in the hole. Those who found themselves in such a situation, being in a confused state, called the Ministry of Emergency Situations or used the services of specialists. But there are ways to open a door without a key and the need for someone’s services. Let's carry out small master class and learn how to open any locking mechanisms.

Main types and designs of lock mechanisms

So, the situation is that upon returning home the person realized that the key was irretrievably lost. In this case, people can act in different ways - some people try to knock down the door, others try to ruin the canvas or cut out the lock. At the same time, no one uses a set of master keys for opening - there is an opinion that this procedure is quite complicated. But basic set skills that are sufficient for hacking are available to everyone.

All door locks existing today can be divided into several types - padlocks, overhead locks, mortise locks and inset locks.

In this case, there is no particular point in considering padlocking mechanisms - they have not been used on entrance or interior doors for a long time. They are used only for doors to utility or other types of non-residential premises.

Rim locks are used on wooden doors. They can be found on metal ones, but very rarely. Plus such lock systems the fact that when installing them, the integrity of the door leaf is maintained. It is considered a minus appearance doors - the rear part of the locking system is visible on the reverse side.

Mortise locks are already a popular solution for all types modern doors. They are located inside the door leaf, which is a support for the mechanism and performs protective functions. These models are aesthetically pleasing and quite reliable. Disadvantage - it is necessary to violate the integrity of the door leaf frame when installing them.

And finally, the fourth group is the most good choice. At the factory where the door was made, the lock is installed even before door block will start collecting. Main advantages – high level reliability, minimum damage to the integrity of the door leaf, beautiful appearance.

Now it’s worth considering the secret parts of the mechanisms. There are two popular types - lever and cylinder.

A lever lock works as follows - when a person inserts a key into a hole, the teeth of the secret magazine arrange the relief parts or levers in a certain sequence - the lock will turn only in this sequence. These mechanisms are considered one of the most reliable, and the level of burglary resistance depends on the number of these plates.

Cylinder locks work differently - the cylinder mechanism has pins that are aligned in height according to a certain pattern. Instead of pins, there can be anything - various blocks with the ability to rotate, washers, moving parts. During the opening process, the mechanism inside the cylinder acts on the crossbars through a special drive. This is how the door opens.

Classification of secret lock mechanisms

Cylinder locks vary in security level - the first group of low security can have up to 10,000 different combinations. Intermediate level secrecy - up to 5,000,000 combinations. The maximum level is up to 100 billion different variations.

The first option is often manufactured with low precision. This mechanism is also practically not protected from the effects of master keys and is made of inexpensive materials. The main representative of this group is the so-called lock with an English key. An experienced burglar can deal with such mechanisms in less than a minute. The opening process takes a little longer for an ordinary person, but he will cope with the task.

The second category is a high level of reliability. Here the pins are made with a high level of precision, and their arrangement is very complex. There are various protective elements here, and all parts are made of more durable materials. To open this mechanism, a professional will have to spend about 5-10 minutes.

The mechanism of the third category is equipped with all protective elements made from the most wear-resistant materials. The pins are arranged with maximum difficulty. This lock is practically unbreakable. The key is a “punched card” or “Finnish key”.

The lever mechanism is much easier to classify - here are single-bit or butterfly keys. The quality of locks and keys depends on the cost of the mechanism. Experienced burglars claim that if a mechanism has more than 6 levers, then it can be considered reliable. These systems have special protection against drilling; the keys are made with high accuracy– It’s very difficult to hack them, but it’s possible. Let's find out how it's done.

Opening a lock with an English key

This is done as simply as possible. Various pieces of wire, hairpins, and paper clips are suitable for this. Anything will do as long as it's made of metal and doesn't bend.

The first step is to prepare a master key. The paperclip should be bent at an angle of 90° so that the bent part can fit into the hole. Then the end of this segment is flattened - this should make turning easier.

The second wire should remain flat - you can only bend it a little at the edge. The result should be a small hook. You will need it when working with pins.

To open the lock, the first wire is inserted into the top of the keyhole. In this case, you need to pull it a little in the direction of turning the key. During the interaction of this master key, the cylinder should rotate slightly. Then the device is deepened to the very end and the pins are raised with wire. This must be done clearly, lifting one pin after another. When the process is completed and all the pins are raised, the lock will open with a slight movement.

We work with a two-way English key

Operating principle in in this case the same as with a regular English key. The only difference is that here you will have to lower the lower set of pins.

How to open a door without a key with a cross mechanism

There is nothing easier than opening a lock with cross key. This mechanism is characterized by low secrecy - in various models that's only 600 to 1000 possible combinations.

To work you will need a Phillips screwdriver. It should be pressed firmly into the well and simply cut off the pins of the secret mechanism. Metal doors With locks of this type, opening is simply elementary. This is an example of when a lock spoils a good and reliable looking door.

"Finnish" keys

These locks are difficult to pick using master keys. In this case, it is much faster and more accurate to dismantle the outer cover and remove all the insides. Then the mechanism can be easily turned using a screwdriver.

Locks are different, and this is not possible with every mechanism. However, everything will work out with Chinese and domestic ones.

Level locks

Here the opening principle is slightly different. You need any lever wrench except the “butterfly”. Next, you should make an L-shaped master key. One by one, the levers need to be lifted with this “tool”. When all the plates are raised, the key can be turned. These operations must be repeated until the door opens.

Other ways

You can fight locks with homemade master keys - the locks open quite successfully. But if you don’t have time or something doesn’t work out, then you can simply drill out the secret, and then the mechanism will open with a simple screwdriver.

The second working option is to simply knock out the lock. To do this, you need to hit the cylinder quite hard with a hammer. Hit with such force as to break the internal joint responsible for turning. If this part breaks along with the screw that holds the cylinder, all that remains is to pull out the cylinder and open the lock with a bent wire or knitting needle.

Of course, working in this way, the locking mechanism can then simply be thrown away - it will no longer be able to perform its tasks. But it will still be possible to get into the apartment or house.

How can you close the door if there is no key?

It all depends on the type of lock. There are no problems with systems that slam shut. With others, the task of closing the door is more difficult. But nothing is impossible.

If the lock has a handle that moves down or up, then you will need any metal pipe. You can use a mop pipe. Tape the pipe to the handle so that it points toward the floor. Then the door simply closes - and that’s it, it can no longer be opened. The pipe will simply hit the floor when you try to press the handle. This is one of possible options how to close front door keyless.
