Stories in English for intermediate level. Texts for Beginners

Perfect for practicing listening comprehension of English interesting stories on English, most of which come with translation. The stories are suitable for any age group, for any level of English proficiency. Stories allow you to keep your English skills sharp. This section will be constantly updated with stories on various life topics.

  • The site presents a collection english stories, start listening to short stories if you are a beginner, or listen to stories in English for intermediate level and above if you understand the meaning of 80% of the words.
  • Write down the translations of the words you want to learn.
  • Try to describe out loud and in your own words in English what the story was about.
  • Read stories on everyday topics, stories about family, hobbies.

Reviews of stories

I like to listen to interesting stories in English when I’m traveling on public transport, without even reading the text itself, but just listening to the audio track. I am often too lazy to devote even an hour of time to improving my level of English, but stories help me maintain my level of knowledge.


Request to the administrators of this site, add a section where they will be collected short stories, because it’s not so convenient to look through many pages of your website in search of short stories, or at least add tags))) Audio stories help me personally to perceive English speech a little better, and not only me, for example, my nephew would rather devote 10-20 minutes of time to listening to audio stories than sit at textbooks. Another request, add more stories about everyday situations.


Since now is the holiday season and many people are going to the seas abroad, it would be nice if you publish stories about your trip, I think there are interesting stories on this topic. I want to thank the authors of the site for good selection materials, it’s convenient to learn English via a cell phone, but it’s better if you can download english stories on your phone since not everywhere there is access to the Internet, but this is so, my wishes.


It’s a pity that the site doesn’t have stories about food in English, and the main thing is that there are translations. There will be double benefit, and you can improve your English and at the same time cook something delicious. In general, audio stories in English were a discovery for me; it’s a pity that when I was at school, stories were not as popular as they are today. For those who are just starting to learn English, I recommend listening to short stories as often as possible.


Excellent English stories, really helps with learning foreign language, but there is not enough list of “difficult” words with translations that appear in the stories. I once tried to force myself to read long stories in English, but they were difficult for me, and recently I decided to read simple stories and a positive result was already noticeable, I was able to significantly increase my reading speed in English. Friends, don’t be lazy, read more literature in English, good luck to everyone!!!


Learning English can be a challenging task. There are many ways to help overcome various problems related to grammar, spelling, pronunciation and even. One of them is the active reading method. The more you read texts in English, the more you develop an understanding of the English language. And as a result, the faster you will learn to read and speak English. Independent reading is quite effective, and it also greatly motivates learning. When you read on your own, and not with a teacher, you choose texts that will definitely be interesting to you, as opposed to texts suggested by the teacher. As a result, you will read with more willing and, accordingly, remember more new words.

In English they are useful tools training, but newspapers, magazines and books in English can be no less useful. From them you will find out the popular English expressions, phrases, grammatical structures and words that will significantly expand your vocabulary.

Why is reading necessary?

Reading in English is one of the the best ways expand your vocabulary. The context of articles, stories and dialogues helps to identify and understand meanings English words, which you encounter for the first time. Also, with the help of reading, you repeat already familiar words, thereby remembering them better.

Reading helps to concentrate your thinking in English. When you read books in English, hundreds of English words, set phrases, and grammatical structures are stored in your memory. They will be useful to you later writing and in doing exercises. Over time, you will stop thinking every time which tense form of the verb to use, how to place punctuation marks, how to write this or that word - your brain will learn to process all this information automatically. By the way, there is a strong connection between reading and writing. Reading allows you to see grammatically correct sentences in a living context, and this can serve as a model for your own written form. Regular reading stimulates imagination and creativity, and helps you learn to write more meaningfully and originally.

If you want to become an experienced, “skilled” reader, it is advisable to read and translate at least a few pages a day. If you don’t have enough free time for this, take books, magazines and newspapers with you on the road, read public transport or a long line. Once you start reading every day, after a while you will learn to look in the dictionary less and less, and then you will completely abandon it.

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Reading is an activity that can be interesting to anyone age groups and students with any level of English proficiency.

Texts for children

English texts for children are usually limited to a small list of topics that are understandable to any schoolchild or child. As a rule, these are simple, sometimes funny and amusing stories about animals, family members, nature, and surrounding objects. English texts for children use the simplest vocabulary and short sentences. Such stories are easy to understand and usually consist of 1-2 small paragraphs.

Texts for Beginners

These texts are designed for students at the Beginner and Elementary levels. Here you can find a wider variety of topics: holidays, appearance, cities and countries, everyday affairs. In terms of vocabulary, texts for beginners are almost as easy as texts for children; the same basic words and expressions are used here. As for grammar, tense forms of verbs, complex and compound words, subordinate clauses.

Medium difficulty texts

English texts of medium complexity already include a large list of topics: professions, work, studies, relationships with family and friends, music, art, history, social problems, made-up stories. Complex vocabulary is used here, professional terms are encountered, but in general the topics of the texts are not narrowly focused; they should be interesting and understandable to a wide range of readers. There are many grammatical structures in texts of average complexity - almost all of them can be found here, with the exception of the most complex and outdated ones.

In this section you can read or download simple, short and easy texts in English for beginners. Materials include short stories, articles, excerpts from famous works, or stories in English for beginners. These texts will be useful, first of all, to those who are on initial stage learning and has a small vocabulary, although they may be of interest to more advanced students. The approximate level of the stories presented is from beginner to elementary. Simple and entry-level stories will be an excellent source for vocabulary development, especially when reading without a dictionary and using semantic guesswork, since most of the words in the text are quite simple and are likely to be already familiar to you. Reading light articles and stories will allow you to develop and consolidate a vocabulary of the most frequently used words in everyday speech, the so-called “minilex” consisting of approximately 400-500 popular words.

You can read your favorite stories in entry-level English on our website, print materials directly from the browser “Ctrl+P” or save to your computer using the keyboard shortcut “Ctrl+S” for further work with text.

The more you read, the faster your vocabulary will expand, since reading is the most natural, effective and enjoyable way to expand your vocabulary. At the initial stage, short and easy reading texts in English are suitable, as well as specially adapted books of 1-3 difficulty levels (starter, beginner, elementary).
You just read the story, trying to guess the meaning of all the unfamiliar words. If the level of the work is chosen correctly, then there will not be too many such words, and you will be able to fully understand the meaning of what you read. A good option There will also be easy reading texts in English for beginners with translation into Russian. The advantage of this option is that there is no need to consult a dictionary. But in this case, you should not abuse the translation and mainly use a semantic guess, and only then watch the Russian version.

This section presents mainly works of art for reading. And if you haven’t found what you were looking for, then perhaps you need to go to the section of the site where essays are presented, as well as essays in English. Or a collection of topics for reading and memorizing on your computer.
The collection includes simple texts in English for beginners on various topics and will be an excellent assistant for schoolchildren learning the language. A total of 400 topics from stories about yourself, family and hobbies to biographies outstanding people in the history of mankind and the traditions of the inhabitants of English-speaking countries.
If easy texts for beginners in English seem too simple to you, that is, when reading you will not encounter unfamiliar words or there will be too few of them, then you can safely move on to short stories and stories of an average level of complexity or adapted books of the intermediate level.

Download and read short easy stories in English :

English legend

Hello, my beloved readers!

Have you ever wondered how to force yourself to listen and read more at the very beginning of learning a language? After all, it seems like it’s so complicated, and difficult, and uninteresting... and you can come up with a couple hundred more excuses!

Today I will share a method that helps my students a lot. I will give you stories in English for beginners (by the way, I have begun to form - please)!

I have prepared short and very interesting stories with parallel translation. This practice at the beginning of learning a language helps you quickly and also absorb the structure of the language as a whole.

Story 1

Sudden rain.

Sudden rain.

It was definitely going to rain. The sky turned into gray and there was no sun at all. It was already a noon.

It was definitely going to rain. The sky turned gray and there was no sun at all. It was already noon.

Mary was standing at the corner of the street talking to Jane. Both of them were holding shopping bags in their hands.

Mary stood on the street corner talking to Jane. They were holding shopping bags in their hands.

Mary and Jane started to discuss the weather.

-Do you like rain? - Mary asked.

-Yes, actually I do. - Answered Jane. - When it rains, I sit on the porch and drink tea. Rain is quite refreshing and allows to think about everything. And you?

Mary and Jane began to discuss the weather.

Do you like rain? - asked Mary.

Yes, actually I like it,” Jane replied. - When it rains, I sit on the porch and drink tea. The rain is very refreshing and allows you to think about everything. And you?

-Well, I love when it rains during the summer. But I can’t stand rainy weather in winter.

I love it when it rains in summer. But I can't stand rainy weather in winter.

They were talking when a sudden stroke of thunder interrupted them. The heavy rain was about to start. Jane noticed that Mary didn’t have an umbrella. She decided to invite her for a cup of tea and continue their conversation sitting on her porch.

-I have no objections. At least, we can spend more time talking about your journey to the USA.

They were talking when a sudden clap of thunder interrupted them. It was about to start raining heavily. Jane noticed that Mary did not have an umbrella. She decided to invite her for a cup of tea and continue their conversation while sitting on the porch.

I don't mind. At least we can spend more time chatting about your trip to the US.

At the initial stage of study, it is very important that the stories are adapted specifically to your level. These stories are exactly like that. So try another exciting story with translation and audio.

Story 2

A Book Shop Robbery.

Bookstore robbery.

Sandy was on her way to work. Being the owner of a book shop was her dream. She loved books and the smell of recently published ones.

Sandy was on her way to work. Being a bookstore owner was her dream. She loved books and the smell of newly published books.

When she got to the shop she noticed that there was something wrong with the door. It was open. She remembered closing it last night. So there was only one explanation - she was robbed.

When she reached the store, she noticed that something was wrong with the door. It was open. She remembered closing it last night. So there was only one explanation - she was robbed.

Entering the shop she realized that the place was turned upside down. All the books were on the floor. She checked the till and thanked herself for taking all the money to the bank last night so there was nothing to steal.

Upon entering the store, she realized that everything was turned upside down. All the books were on the floor. She checked the cash register and thanked herself for taking all the money to the bank last night so there was nothing to steal.

She was upset but the relief of the thought that nothing was stolen calmed her down.

-I need to set an alarm system, - thought Sandy and started placing books on the bookshelves.

She was upset, but the relief of knowing that nothing had been stolen calmed her.

We need to install an alarm, Sandy thought and began to lay out books on the bookshelves.

If you want not only to learn to read, but also to perceive texts by ear, then I suggest listening to these stories. I recommend that you first read the story several times, then read and listen at the same time, and not at the last stage just listen.

2. A Book Shop Robbery

Nowadays you can find hundreds of stories online that will help you quickly master the initial stages of the English language. You can read, listen to, download for your travels, and all this is completely free. Don't be lazy and spend 20 minutes a day.

And if you don’t know what to learn, then subscribe to my newsletter, where I will constantly give you new materials and ideas for studying, as well as replenish your piggy bank with new stories for different levels.

Remember that the most important thing on the way to good English is practice.

Until we meet again, my dears.
