How to store fodder beets. How to store beets in an apartment so that they are well preserved until spring? What you need to know about storing vegetables


How to store beets in order to use root vegetables grown on your own plot for food in winter is not only an economic issue, but also a healthy, nutritious diet. Indeed, in addition to the fact that purchased vegetables are more expensive in the period until the next harvest, their quality may turn out to be very low (for example, they may be diseased, spoiled, or contain nitrates), and it is also possible to purchase fodder beets instead of table beets.

Which table beets are suitable for long-term storage?

Of course, as with other vegetables, it is not necessary to store the entire beet harvest for long-term storage, but selectively. Fulfilling this condition is very important, but not the most important thing. The fact is that not all varieties of this vegetable can be stored for a long time. If you choose the wrong kind of seeds for planting, then all the effort spent on growing, collecting and storing root crops in the hope that in winter there will be beet dishes on the table may be in vain. And even though the vegetables of the resulting harvest are unusually healthy and beautiful, if they are varieties with poor keeping quality, then very soon they will either have to be thrown away or hastily processed and canned.

The following varieties of table beets are intended for long-term storage: Renova, Salatnaya, Cold-resistant 19, Mulatka, Red Ball, Boltardi, Podzimnyaya A-474, Ploskaya Gribovskaya A-474, Libero, Detroit, Bravo, Egyptian flat, Incomparable A-463, Nosovskaya flat , Pablo F1, Single-germ, Bordeaux-237.

In terms of keeping quality, these varieties are the best. But first of all, you should pay attention to local selection of table beets. Its varieties most often turn out to be the best option not only for growing good harvest, but also for its successful and long-term storage.

But, for example, the Cylinder variety, which is very popular and grown in almost every country house, is not suitable for winter storage. Its root vegetables have excellent taste, but their shelf life is much worse than that of the above varieties.

Rules for preparing table beets for storage

Regardless of the variety, preparation for storage begins with proper cleaning beet harvest. It must be collected before the first frost. Beetroots grow close to the surface of the soil, and their upper part protrudes from the ground, so even in the event of a slight frost, they can freeze and become unsuitable for storage.

For harvesting, it is best to choose a dry and fine, preferably sunny, autumn day. And it will be more pleasant to work, and this will contribute to the long-term storage of table beets. Harvesting also doesn’t have to be done anyhow. It is strictly forbidden to pull out root vegetables by pulling the tops. The beet skin will most likely be damaged by the ground and pebbles in it: torn off, scratched or cut. Such root crops will begin to rot soon after being stored and will not last long. Moreover, because of them, undamaged healthy beets can begin to deteriorate.

You need to collect root vegetables using a shovel or pitchfork:

  1. We plunge the bayonet of the tool into the ground next to the beets.
  2. By pressing the handle of the shovel, we slightly lift the root crop along with the soil.
  3. Carefully pull the vegetable out of the broken ground by the tops or take it out with your hands.

Immediately you need to clear the root vegetables from the soil. Lumps of soil on the surface of beets during storage will absorb moisture and become a favorable environment for putrefactive bacteria contained in them. But it’s also not worth trying to remove all the soil at any cost. It is more important not to damage the vegetables when cleaning. Therefore, it is completely unacceptable to use a wood chip, knife or other objects, press hard on tightly adhered lumps of soil with your hand, or hit the beets one against the other. Root vegetables should be lightly shaken individually by the tops, and the remaining soil should be removed with light pressure. thumb brushes If it doesn't work out, it's better to leave it as is. This will cause less harm than damage to the root skin.

When harvesting occurs in dry weather, you most likely will not have to clear the soil. If the soil is oily and wet, it can be easily removed using the above methods. Problems, as a rule, arise for those who peel vegetables later - after transportation and drying, before storing.

Then the tops of the beets need to be trimmed. And not completely, right up to the root crop, but leaving a small tail 1-1.5 cm long. It is not recommended to twist or break off the tops by hand - you just need to cut them off.

Then we cut off the side roots. We must try not to damage the root crop itself. If the main root is very long and branched, it is allowed to cut it off a little, leaving a tail of 5–7 cm. However, for storing beets it is better when it remains completely intact - there is less chance of infection.

Then you need to select beets that will be stored for long-term storage. We leave only strong, whole and healthy root vegetables. All damaged, with signs of disease and rotten vegetables should be set aside separately. They should be used for food as soon as possible. They will not be stored for long, and even if they begin or continue to deteriorate, they will infect healthy beets. It is also desirable that the selected root vegetables are not very large. Beets with a diameter of up to 12 cm are stored best and longest, but large ones do not store well. Drying is the last stage of preparing beets for storage.

There is no need to wash root vegetables either before or after this!

If beets are harvested in warm, dry weather, then all preparation for storage can be done right in the garden bed. To dry, we lay out the selected root vegetables, if in the sun - for 2 hours, and in the shade - for about 4 hours. No more is needed, otherwise the vegetables will begin to wilt.

When beets had to be dug out of wet ground, perhaps even in the rain, and the weather in the next 24 hours does not allow drying them outside, this should be done indoors. It is advisable that it be well ventilated. Scatter the root vegetables on the floor in 1 layer. Drying wet beets indoors lasts from 2–3 to 7 days.

The best conditions and methods for storing beets

Beets are best stored in boxes with sand in a cool, dark room. The conditions that need to be created in it:

  • humidity level 95–90%;
  • temperature 0… +2 o C;
  • presence is desirable natural ventilation air.

Under such conditions, root vegetables can be preserved until spring and even longer. It is most important to maintain the temperature, especially the first 1–2 months after planting the beets, because if it rises to at least +4 o C, the tops of the vegetables will begin to sprout, and this will significantly reduce the shelf life. Also, the temperature should not be allowed to drop below 0 o C, otherwise the root crops will freeze. Then, again, they cannot be preserved for a long time.

It is impossible to create such conditions for storing beets in an apartment - only in the basement or cellar. The sand in the boxes should be clean sifted river sand, preferably washed and calcined in the oven or dried in the sun. We pour it into the bottom of the container in a layer of 8–10 cm. Then we lay the vegetables so that they do not touch each other. Sprinkle sand on top of them, making a layer of 2-3 cm above them. So we lay the beets to the very top of the box. Every month you should check the condition of the root crops. Those that have begun to deteriorate must be removed and overgrown tops must be trimmed. Here's how to properly store beets so they last until spring.

  • In polyethylene bags with holes for ventilation with a capacity of 35–40 kg. They are hung and not tied tightly to allow air to enter.
  • In a container with potatoes. The beets should be placed on top of the tubers in 1 layer. Potatoes will give back excess moisture root crops, which they need.
  • In small pyramids (piles) on shelves or in small boxes with holes to allow air circulation. Shelves and drawers should be located no lower than 15 cm from the floor.
  • In peat, table salt or sawdust. They, like sand, are poured over root crops laid in layers in boxes. If in sawdust, then it is advisable to check the condition of the root crops more often than once a month.
  • Bulk in a separate chest, the bottom and walls of which are lattice, with slots.

These methods, when performed correctly and maintaining the required conditions, can also allow you to preserve vegetables until spring.

Before storing beets, it is advisable to powder them with sifted wood ash or roll them in chalk powder. This will protect root crops from diseases and slow down the spread of spoilage from one to another. It is better to store small vegetables separately from large ones.

Storing beets in the apartment

This option is the least preferable, since storing beets in an apartment in winter is very difficult. The most you can count on is that root vegetables will last 3–4 months. Storage methods are the same as for the cellar. It is best in low boxes, sprinkled with sand. During the entire storage period, care must be taken to ensure that the filler remains dry.

The best conditions can be created on an insulated loggia, but there is a high risk of root crops freezing in severe frost. And if you heat this room, it is difficult to maintain the required temperature - up to +4 o C. But still, the conditions there are better than in the rooms. To prevent freezing, root vegetables can be placed in a container that will need to be built. Or they will have to be covered with warm blankets in cold weather.

You can store beets in apartment rooms in a change room or pantry; under the closet, bed; most importantly, away from batteries and in the dark. In the refrigerator, wrap each tightly in food foil or parchment paper, beets can be stored for 2-3 months.

Beets are an autumn root crop, which after harvesting are often sent for storage. If it is properly organized, then the vegetables will be able to lie in storage until spring, and late varieties until the new harvest. This is why it is so important to know how to store beets at home: in your home and apartment.

Not all varieties are suitable for long-term winter storage. When choosing a variety, it is not least necessary to take into account the keeping quality characteristic of it. Mid-late and late beets boast good keeping quality. It ripens late, and the later the root crops are harvested, the better they are stored.

Among the varieties and hybrids with good keeping quality, the following can be noted:

  • Libero;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Detroit;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • Incomparable A463;
  • Gribovskaya flat A473;
  • Mulatto;
  • Salad;
  • Renova;
  • Single-growth;
  • Pablo F1;
  • Cold-resistant 19;
  • Late winter A474;
  • Boltardi.

In addition to these varieties, there are others; you can choose among them any other variety intended for cultivation in a particular region.

Rules for preparing beets for storage

It’s not enough to pick suitable variety beets and grow good root vegetables, you still need to properly collect them and prepare them for storage. When to harvest is also important: the root crops must ripen and gain mass characteristic of of this variety. Therefore, it is not advisable to carry out harvesting work before the time recommended for a particular variety. But you can’t overcook beets in the garden beds: overgrown root crops become fibrous, have a rough taste, and don’t cook well.

In addition, in the fall the weather changes quickly, and prolonged rains may begin, which will interfere with planned work. Of course, you can remove beets from the garden in cloudy weather, but it is still better to choose them from dry soil: such root crops lie better and are more pleasant to work with. The main condition for autumn harvesting beets at home is to have time to dig them up before frost. The vegetable is afraid of cold weather and if it gets frozen, then collected after that, it can begin to rot in the cellar.

You also need to dig up beets correctly. This is best done with a shovel or pitchfork. They need to dig up the ground at a short distance from the root crops and lift them to free the tails. Then pick vegetables from the ground. The tops must be cut with a knife or twisted by hand. It is necessary to trim beets intended for storage for the winter, leaving small (1 cm) pieces of petioles at the base of the root crop. You need to cut carefully so as not to accidentally touch the vegetable with the knife. If this happens, it needs to be set aside separately to be used first. There is no need to trim the tails. After finishing the harvesting, you can move on to preparing the beets for storage for the winter.

Root crops must be dried, especially if they were in wet soil before harvesting. To do this, they must be carefully wiped off dirt and small roots, but cannot be washed. Then spread in one layer directly on the bed (but not in the sun, but in a shaded, well-ventilated place) if dry, or collect and transfer to dry room if it's damp. In it they are also spread out in one layer and left for a couple of days. After drying, the beets need to be re-sorted: separate all damaged, irregular shape or with traces of diseases from standard and healthy ones. They are also divided into large and small. Store all fractions separately.

Storage methods

Almost all residents of private houses have a cellar or basement where vegetables and canned goods are traditionally stored. You need to keep beets in them, since the temperature and humidity in them are constant and are ideal for storing root vegetables. In order to preserve the beet harvest in the winter in the apartment, you will need to create certain conditions for it. You can store beet roots in the refrigerator or on the balcony, or both at the same time.

In the refrigerator

A very small amount of beets can be stored in a regular household refrigerator in the vegetable compartment. To keep them in it longer, you can resort to the following:

  1. Place peeled but not washed vegetables in small batches of several pieces in perforated plastic bags.
  2. Trim the tops of root vegetables as close to the base as possible and wash them. After this, each of them must be dipped in a saline solution, dried and placed in a vacuum bag. Vacuum containers can be used instead of bags.

When using this method, it is possible to preserve beets for 1 month or a little more. You can store beets longer in the refrigerator (up to 3 months) if you wrap each one in a piece of foil so that the root vegetables do not touch each other and do not lose moisture.

In the freezer

You can store beets in small quantities in freezer. Freezing increases the shelf life of vegetables by 3-4 times; accordingly, they will be suitable for consumption for 3-4 months after storage.

To freeze beets for the winter at home, you need to wash them, peel them and grate them or cut them into cubes with a knife. Transfer the mixture into bags in small portions and place them in the freezer.

Storing sweet root vegetables in the refrigerator is advantageous in that it is always available, and when stored in the freezer, it is also ready for use.

On the balcony

If there is a lot of beets, you can only store them in an apartment on the balcony. There is nowhere in the room and the conditions do not allow it. Storing beets at glassed balcony can be carried out in boxes or a wooden box in which root vegetables can be kept along with potatoes. Storing these vegetables together will have a positive effect on both one and the other: the beets will absorb excess moisture released by the potatoes, protecting them from rotting. You need to place such a box on wooden grate so that air can flow freely below. In the event of frost, the storage must be insulated so that the beets on the balcony do not freeze, and after the heat returns, the covering material must be removed.

The easiest way to store table beets on the balcony in winter is in plywood or fiberboard boxes. They are large enough to hold a lot of root vegetables and are easy to stack on top of each other. Vegetables should be placed in them in layers, sprinkled with wet sand or sawdust. They should not be filled to the top so that the top root vegetables do not get choked by the top drawers if you have to place them on top.

If it is warm outside, then the container can only be covered with perforated film so that the vegetables under it do not dry out. When it gets colder, they need to be covered with something warm to protect them from frost.

In addition to boxes, you can use baskets. They are also convenient for storing vegetables, but you won’t be able to stack them one on top of the other. Large plastic bags that can hold up to 3 buckets of root vegetables are also suitable. You need to make small holes in them, add beets and tie them.

Whatever method of storing beets on the balcony is chosen, during the long winter you need to sort through your crop several times and remove dried or rotten root crops.

If there is no balcony in the apartment, you can try to store the harvest in the room. To protect against drying out, each root vegetable must be dipped in a clay mash of sour cream consistency and allowed to dry. Then put them in plastic bags and place them in the coldest place in the room.

In the cellar or basement

In your home, beets, like other root vegetables, are best stored in a cellar or basement. Before planting vegetables, you need to prepare it: clear it of debris, soil, onion peels, and other plant debris. Then treat all wooden objects with a formaldehyde solution, take them upstairs and let them dry in the sun. Whitewash the walls of the cellar with lime.

The easiest way to keep beets in a basement or cellar is in boxes or nets. The boxes should preferably be plywood, not slatted, so that sand does not spill out of them, which needs to be poured over the root vegetables.

So that during long-term storage the beets dry out less and also take up less space, the container filled with vegetables must be placed in 2 rows, one on top of the other. It is better to take small nets, up to 10 kg, to make folding them more convenient. Nets filled with beets should be stacked one on top of the other in no more than 2-3 rows. You can put them on potatoes, which will be beneficial for both vegetables. You can also use plastic bags, as when storing this vegetable in an apartment. If there is no container, then it is permissible to store beets in bulk on slatted pallets on the floor of the cellar or on racks in small piles up to 1 m high. It is not advisable to place other vegetables (except potatoes), especially those with a strong smell, next to beets.

To preserve the beet harvest until spring, you need to keep them in suitable conditions. The temperature should not be higher than 0-2°C, the humidity in the room should be up to 90%. The cellar must be ventilated, for which from time to time, in good weather, you need to open the doors of the room. But it’s better if the cellar is equipped exhaust system, it’s easier to keep an eye on it: close it in extreme cold, and open it again when it warms up.

When the time comes to harvest, and it would seem that the difficult season of care and harvest is over, the most important thing ahead is to complete the job, to preserve the harvest for the winter as long as possible without loss. After all, it was not in vain that you worked in the beds, fertilized root crops, removed weeds, and hilled. It’s good if there is a cellar for storing crops, but don’t despair if there are no such conditions. In this article you will learn how to preserve beets at home, in an apartment. As well as tips on preparing for storage, how to protect the harvest in the cellar. The photo shows examples of storing beets.

Choosing a variety for long-term storage

To prevent beets from rotting in the first month of storage, you need to choose a fast-growing variety. The variety most often used in cellars is Cylinder. The fruits of this variety look very good, seem strong and have good taste. But the Cylinder is not designed for long-term storage, don't waste your time. Its skin is very thin and susceptible to damage.

The following varieties are suitable for long-term maturation: Libero, Saladnaya, Detroit, Late Winter, Odnorostkovaya, Bordeaux-237, Boltardi, etc.

Varieties with medium-sized root vegetables will be tasty in winter. The fibers are not so noticeable in them. But there is no need to choose beets that are too small. You can put them in the refrigerator and use them first.

Preparing beets for storage

You should not delay harvesting beets, as they are not frost-resistant and may spoil during the first frost. The fruits can be easily damaged when digging, so be careful.

Important! Any small damage or scratch can lead to infection, fungus and the appearance of rot in the near future. Be extremely careful when handling root vegetables.

Main stages of preparation:

Rules for storing beets in the cellar

If you properly process the beets after harvesting and dry them well, then there should be no problems with storage. There are several rules that need to be followed. The temperature in the cellar should not be higher than +3°C. If it is higher, the tops will begin to sprout, the beets will wither and deteriorate. You also need to monitor the humidity so that condensation does not appear on the fruits; ventilation is necessary. It is advisable to place containers with beets at a level no lower than 8-10 cm from the floor. You can save beets:

  • in bulk in a separate compartment;
  • open in wooden boxes;
  • on racks;
  • together with potatoes in boxes or bags;
  • in a closed box with sand.

The storage option with sand is very common. Sometimes it is enough to simply sprinkle the root vegetables with dry sand. Sand removes excess moisture and prevents the growth of fungi.

Advice. Good air circulation – mandatory requirement for storing any vegetables. It helps cool the beets and prevents condensation.

Features of storing beets at home

In an apartment you can preserve the harvest for 3-4 months. For this in the best possible way beets will be stored in sand. Can be used plastic bag as a container, or a box without gaps. You need to keep the beets in a cool, dark place, preferably on the balcony, but do not allow them to freeze. If there is no balcony, you can even use it under the bed. Check the sand periodically to ensure it is dry.

Another storage method is in the refrigerator. To do this, you need to wrap each fruit with parchment or plain paper and put everything in a bag. Foil is also suitable for wrapping. You can freeze beets, but then the taste and vitamin properties will be lost.

If you simply put the beets in the refrigerator, without wrapping them, then they will keep in this form for a month, no more.

If you have established a trusting relationship with your neighbors, you can safely store root vegetables on the landing. There is excellent air circulation and sufficient for proper storage temperature.

By following these simple rules, you will preserve a whole complex of vitamins for the winter. Various beet dishes will decorate any holiday or everyday table. The main thing is primary processing and selection good fruits. Observe the temperature and humidity conditions, and periodically inspect the fruits in order to promptly remove spoiled ones. This way, your beet harvest will last until spring.

Beet harvesting and storage: video

Beetroot - common vegetable crop. Having collected a rich harvest, people try to save it for the winter months. To do this, you need to know how to properly store beets in the winter in a cellar or other home storage.

Best varieties for storage

Beets of mid-early and early varieties. They are intended for canning, eating fresh root vegetables, preparing salads and other dishes. Late varieties are used for long-term storage.

The following varieties of beets are taken for storage:

  • Renova;
  • Mulatto;
  • Gribovskaya;
  • Libero;
  • Bordeaux;
  • Egyptian flat;
  • Incomparable;
  • Salad.

Seeds for sowing are selected taking into account the place where they were bred. It is best to take seeds from varieties that have been collected in your region. They are optimally suited to the local climate and weather conditions. For example, Matryona beets are perfectly stored in the Urals.

Preparing beets for storage in the cellar

To properly prepare the crop for storage in the cellar, you should bring it into line with the recommended parameters and correctly perform:

  • ventilation;
  • sterilization;
  • temperature;
  • humidity.

The cellar should be well ventilated. Cool air should move freely throughout the room. To ensure sufficient oxygen levels, vegetables are placed in prepared bins. The floor of the room, like other surfaces, must be kept clean and dry.

Attention! It is recommended to use bleach to sterilize storage.

Before storing beets, they are carefully selected and dried. When examining, pay attention to the presence of diseases (rot, mold), general defects and dents, softness and shoots. If a damaged vegetable is found, it is isolated from the rest. Detected shoots are removed.

How to store beets in the cellar in winter

There are various technologies for storing beets in the cellar. It can be stored together with potatoes, placed in wooden or plastic boxes with or without fillers, place in plastic bags or on shelves. All these methods are popular among gardeners.

Along with potatoes

To store beets in the cold season in the potato cellar, you need to use a large box. First add a layer of potatoes into it. Place beets on top. Due to the natural compatibility of these vegetables this method considered one of the best for storage. Potatoes love dryness. Beetroot in the cellar requires high humidity. During storage, potatoes give off moisture, which immediately transfers to the beets and is absorbed by it. This ensures optimal conditions for keeping the crop in storage.

In boxes

You can store vegetables in boxes in 4 ways. The first storage option involves placing the beets in a box with holes for sufficient air circulation. No more than two kilograms of vegetables are placed in one package.

Another method of storing beets is to place the collected and dried root vegetables in wooden box and sprinkle with regular salt. You can do it differently: each fruit is dipped in a salt solution and, after drying, placed in a box. Salt is considered not only an excellent absorbent, but also a wonderful crop protector from fungus and mold.

In the third case, the root crop can be stored in boxes with leaves of plants (rowan, wormwood, fern, tansy, gooseberry), which release protective substances - phytoncides. They counteract the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria and the development of fungal diseases, thereby preserving the fruits from rot. Plant leaves are placed on the bottom of the container and between the beets.

In the latter storage option, vegetables are kept in a wooden box without holes. Dry ash is poured onto the bottom or river sand. The crop is stacked in layers. Sand or ash is again poured on top, on which another layer of beets is laid. The sand is first disinfected.

In bags

In a small cellar, beets are stored well in plastic bags. To preserve the root crops, the filled bag is suspended and small holes are punched from the bottom. At certain intervals during storage, the bags are opened for ventilation.

On the racks

On the shelves, root vegetables are laid out close to each other. Each layer is covered with sand with the addition of chalk and dry slaked lime (the proportion of sand and chalk is 50/1 kg). This mixture is a good preventative against rot, mold and other diseases. Instead of sand, you can use sawdust.

Attention! The humidity in the storage room should not exceed 15 percent. Due to its disinfectant properties essential oils, which are contained in sawdust, the root crop does not lose its useful properties and does not dry out, forming wrinkles.

In clay glaze

To store beets in clay glaze, you will first need to prepare a mixture of clay and water. For 1 kg of clay there is 0.3 kg of water. After preparing the glaze, well-dried root vegetables are dipped into the composition and dried. Processed beets are covered with a protective coating that protects against diseases. After drying, beets prepared for storage are placed in boxes or crates and left in the cellar.

Why do beets wither in the cellar?

Before laying root crops on winter storage they need to be dried in the cellar. It is better to do this in a draft. The container must have holes, a mesh or lattice. Shoots must be completely removed. The cellar must be equipped with an exhaust hood, low humidity levels and positive temperatures. You should monitor the safety of vegetables and sort them at least twice a month.

In most cases, rotting begins because vegetable growers violate storage rules, or root crops are affected by diseases. The main diseases are gray and white rot, phimosis with fusarium and heart rot. Gray rot appears on damaged vegetables or those that were laid frozen.

The appearance of white rot, phimosis and fusarium is associated with improper cultivation of the crop. In the first case, a lot of fertilizers were used; in the last two, proper prevention of fungal diseases was not carried out.

A disease associated with rot of the fruit core is a consequence of insufficient moisture in the soil during cultivation. It most often appears in hot, dry summers.

Optimal storage conditions

The best conditions for storage in the cellar are:

  1. Placing root vegetables in a room with a constant temperature of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius and humidity up to 90%.
  2. Sufficient natural air circulation or exhaust ventilation.

The optimal mode of storing vegetables in the cellar is maintained throughout the entire period, since with increasing temperature regime and humidity, they begin to grow shoots and gradually lose their useful qualities And appearance. When placed in containers or on shelves, root vegetables must be at a height of at least 15 cm from the ground.


Using the tips above, you can store beets in the cellar over winter until the next harvest. Great value at the same time, there is careful preparation of vegetables for storage. Compliance with the conditions will allow vegetable growers to enjoy their favorite and appetizing beet dishes at any time of the year: borscht, salads, kvass.

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