Who should develop a fire extinguishing plan for the site? Firefighting operational plan

A fire extinguishing plan is an official document developed by qualified specialists and approved by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. Officials of other executive authorities must also approve the project. The contents of the plan are presented special requirements, therefore, the duration of the registration procedure directly depends on the professionalism of the developers. A huge number of standards and rules, design features of the object and other factors can only be taken into account by an experienced specialist. Any violations discovered during the approval of the plan are recognized as grounds for the return of applications by officials.

The procedure for developing an operational fire extinguishing plan

In accordance with regulations 123-FZ, 384-FZ, the document is drawn up in two identical copies (in writing). One of them is transferred to the rapid response post (fire stations), the other must be stored directly at the site. Development of an operational fire extinguishing plan includes:

1. Formation of the text part

This section of the document indicates all the features of the facility, its location, responsibilities and the procedure for interaction of duty teams. It also contains instructions for rescuers and firefighters arriving at the fire site. When developing the text part, it will be necessary to describe all the features of the spread of fire (an unfavorable scenario is calculated), potentially hazardous factors. The main goal of the specialist is a complete, step-by-step development of an action plan to combat an emergency situation.

2. Formation of the graphic part

Experts are developing an exact layout of the most significant objects. The specialist must assess their significance in the event of an emergency, and also indicate the main parameters. Among other things, the project includes the following data:

  • about fire reservoirs;
  • about entrances and exits, including spare ones;
  • about window openings;
  • on the layout of premises (each floor);
  • about entrances (land plot diagram).

The document is drawn up in the form graphic scheme using symbols. The main requirements for approving a section are reliability and accessibility.

When developing an operational fire extinguishing plan, the specialist must:

  • describe methods of fighting fire (only methods are proposed that take into account industry and other features of the facility);
  • indicate the fire risk category;
  • indicate the most dangerous areas.

The expert takes into account statistical data, the presence of GPS, voluntary fire extinguishing teams in the area, as well as other features of the facility.

Development and approval of the project

The responsibility for developing a fire extinguishing plan is assigned by law to the owners of objects classified in the following categories:

  • enterprises of the oil and gas industries (production, storage, processing, transportation, etc.);
  • manufacturers using hazardous materials in their products chemical reagents;
  • children's, cultural or medical institutions;
  • transport companies (freight and passenger transportation);
  • organizations of the metallurgical industry, as well as machine-building plants.

Employees of Spetsproekt Group LLC will prepare a draft document for an enterprise of any industry. Representatives of the woodworking, pulp, textile industries or other areas of economic activity can also apply for the service.

Drawing up plans to combat fires, developing instructions for saving property and evacuation schemes for people is one of the essential elements fire protection. Cooperation involves comprehensive services:

  • full inspection of the object;
  • risk assessment;
  • examination of documents;
  • making forecasts;
  • identification alternative methods extinguishing fires.

Experts are conducting a large-scale analytical work, examine the documents provided by the client. If there is such a need, specialists from Spetsproekt Group LLC will ensure approval of the drawn up plan in government agencies. The service includes representation in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, as well as in other supervisory authorities.

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Quick, prompt and coordinated actions make it possible to eliminate a fire at an early stage. Effective organization The interaction between firefighters and employees to eliminate a fire at the enterprise and nearby areas is ensured by an operational fire extinguishing plan.

Being an important official document, the plan requires responsible and qualified development that satisfies a number of requirements, rules and standards, taking into account the characteristics of the facility, its location, design, degree of fire hazard and fire safety condition, the presence of a fire water supply and many other factors.

Operational plan fire extinguishing systems must be mandatory at enterprises of the chemical, oil and gas and electric power industries, engineering, metalworking and metallurgical plants, medical, educational and children's institutions, vehicles etc.

Key factors in developing a plan

The development of an enterprise fire extinguishing system is carried out taking into account the following important factors:

  • the degree of fire hazard of the object and nearby territories adjacent to it, statistics of fires on them, the speed of fire spread;
  • the possibility of the existence of fire hazardous areas and options for the spread of fire;
  • availability and staffing of state, municipal and volunteer fire departments, their location, equipment with special equipment and fire extinguishing agents, speed and response time;
  • availability of water sources, reserves fire extinguishing agents, special fire extinguishing devices, fire water supply at the facility;
  • wishes and suggestions from fire departments and the enterprise administration to improve the level of fire safety object.

Operational plan structure

All of the above information, as well as a description of the enterprise itself, the responsibilities of the fire departments on duty, their actions and the procedure for interaction with arriving fire brigades in the event of a fire, are indicated in the text part of the fire extinguishing plan. An important point is also an indication of the methods and methods of using the fire extinguishing means located at the facility, as primary, mobile, personal protection, as well as fire extinguishing installations and equipment, fire alarm, communications and alerts.

In the second - graphic part of the document, a plan diagram of the object is presented with the obligatory indication of entrances, entrances, approaches to it, the location of nearby reservoirs and main roads. As an alternative to a plan diagram, it is possible to use mnemonic diagrams, mock-ups of an object, stationary tablets, provided they are placed in easily accessible and clearly visible places.

Plan approval and responsibility

The document is subject to mandatory approval by officials of the executive branch and the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. It is compiled in two copies. One copy is handed over to the fire department, and the other remains at the site itself. Responsibility for preparing a fire extinguishing plan rests with the owner of the property.

    Operational-tactical assessment of the object………………………..2 p.

    Schedule of fire brigade visits………………....7 p.

    External water supply diagram. (A4 format)………. ……….8 pp.

    Tactical plan……………………………..……………9 pp.

    Calculation of fire parameters until the introduction of forces and means by the first unit………………………...………………... 10 p.

    Calculation of forces and means to extinguish a fire………….………… 15 p.

    Calculation of fire parameters according to the increased rank of fire established by the calculation of forces and means………..………………………21 p.

    Organization of extinguishing a possible fire with the first RTP…….25 p.

    Guard combat card………………………...….27 p.

    Combined graph of changes in parameters of fire development and extinguishing……………………………………………………….……...28 p.

    Literature…………………………………………………….29 pp.

    Feedback on the course project………………………………………30 pages.

    Floor plan (site, building) depicting the situation of a possible fire at various periods of time (notification to the fire department, arrival of the first unit, supply of the first fire extinguishing agents, supply of fire extinguishing agents by the second unit, the moment of localization), if necessary, sections of the building. (A2 format )…………………….…...…....……31 pp.

    Plan - a diagram of the location of an object on the ground depicting the fire situation at the time of the introduction of forces and means at the disposal of the first RTP and their deployment. (A2 format)…………………………………………………………………… ………….…32 pp.

1. Operational-tactical assessment of the object.

A. Geographical location of the facility:

A 16-storey residential building is located on the street. Dubrovinskogo 49 in the Central district of Krasnoyarsk. The total occupied area of ​​the residential building is 612 sq.m.

B. Design features of the building (structure):

The residential block section is a 16-story building with a monolithic reinforced concrete frame, monolithic rigidity diaphragms that are internal monolithic load-bearing reinforced concrete walls and monolithic floors. The external walls are made of a multi-layer structure (350 mm thick), the outer and inner layers are reinforced concrete, connected by ribs made of lightweight concrete. Thermal insulation liner made of semi-rigid mineral wool boards. The end panels on the first six floors are reinforced with reinforcement. The internal walls are made of load-bearing reinforced concrete flat panels 16 cm thick. The concrete is grade 300. The reinforcement is calculated and structural. Panels of the first six floors with calculated reinforcement. The ceilings are made of

reinforced concrete flat panels 16 cm thick. Interior partitions are made of reinforced concrete panels 6 cm thick. The roof is made of four-layer rolled carpet, insulation mineral wool, expanded clay concrete is used for the slope.

D. Rescue and evacuation:

When rescuing people and property in a fire, the RTP determines the procedure and methods for rescuing people, depending on the situation and condition of the people who need to be helped, and take measures to protect those being rescued from the dangerous factors of the fire.

Rescue work is carried out quickly, but with precautions taken so that no damage or injury is caused to the people being rescued.

Rescue of people in case of fire is the most important type of combat operations and is a set of measures to evacuate people from the zone of exposure and secondary manifestations of general physical injury or to protect people from their influence and secondary manifestations. Rescue of people in case of fire must be carried out using methods and technical means ensuring the greatest safety and, if necessary, taking measures to prevent panic. Property rescue in case of fire is carried out according to the instructions of the RTP in order of importance and urgency of combat missions.

The main methods of rescuing people and property are: moving them, including lowering or lifting using special technical means, to a safe place; protecting them from the effects of general physical fitness. The movement of rescued people to a safe place is carried out taking into account the conditions of fire extinguishing and the condition of victims of the fire through: - organizing their independent exit from danger zone; - removal or removal of them from the danger zone by firefighters.

Protection of rescued people from the effects of general physical injury is carried out in the process of moving them to a safe place, as well as when it is impossible to carry out such a movement. This protection should be carried out using as much as possible effective means and techniques, including through the supply of fire extinguishing agents to cool (protect) structures, equipment, objects, reduce the temperature in premises, remove smoke, prevent explosion or ignition of substances and materials.

The following basic means are used to save people and property:

car ladders and car lifts;

stationary and manual fire escapes;

rescue devices (rescue hoses, ropes, ladders and personal rescue devices);

respiratory protection devices;

emergency rescue equipment and devices;

Rescue of people and property in case of fire, with a sufficient number of forces and means, is carried out simultaneously with other military operations. If the forces and means are insufficient, then they are used only to save people; other military operations are not carried out or are suspended. Rescue operations in case of fire are stopped after inspection of all possible locations of people and the absence of those in need of rescue.

All rescue work organize and carry out under the supervision of experienced workers fire department.

For quick and coordinated work of personnel of fire departments and service personnel, the administration develops an evacuation plan in advance, which indicates the actions of the service personnel, and works out a plan for tactical exercises together with service personnel.

D. Water supply:

Fire water supply

The source of water supply for the building is the external water supply network. The building is designed with a drinking water supply system combined with a fire safety water supply.

External fire extinguishing is carried out from fire hydrants. There is 1 fire hydrant installed on each floor inside the building. The required pressure of the drinking water and fire-fighting water supply system is provided by a pumping unit.

E. Security and fire alarm:

In accordance with NPB 110-99*, the building is equipped with an automatic fire and security alarm system that notifies the security service of a fire or attempts by unauthorized persons to enter the territory. As a control panel, it is planned to install an electronic system of the type « VISTA- 501", which is installed at the security post. Smoke detectors of the type DIP-3. The security alarm is carried out by volumetric ultrasonic and acoustic sensors. Each apartment is connected to the security remote control with a separate key. The receiving and control device is connected via a telephone line to the central monitoring console of the Department of Private Security of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Oktyabrsky District and to the central monitoring console of the Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Manual fire call points are also installed on the floors. Provides for automatic shutdown in case of fire of general exchange ventilation systems and turning on the smoke exhaust and pressurization fans. The alarm network is powered from the building's input and distribution device on a separate line. For backup power supply of the alarm system, an uninterruptible power supply with built-in batteries is installed. The distribution network is made of TPP cable of various capacities and TPP wire 1x2x0.5.

G. Communications:

Power supply and electrical equipment

In terms of the degree of ensuring reliability of power supply, this facility belongs to category 2 of power supply reliability. The power supply of the designed high-rise building is carried out from a transformer substation of type K42-630M5 with two transformers with a capacity of 630 KVA. The supply network voltage is 380/220 V. 0.4 kV distribution networks from the transformer substation to consumers are carried out according to a radial scheme. To supply consumers of a residential building, an independent input-distribution device with automatic switches on the outgoing lines is installed. The input distribution device is located on the technical floor, in the electrical room.


The project provides for supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical and natural impulse.

Air exchanges in the premises are taken according to multiplicities and calculations, in accordance with building codes and regulations. The influx of mechanically driven outside air is provided through air supply units, and removal of contaminated air with mechanical stimulation through exhaust units. Natural air exhaust is carried out through vertical air ducts. Automation of air supply units is provided. The building is designed with a smoke protection ventilation system that provides for the organized removal of combustion products from the volume of the floor hall. Exhaust units are installed on the technical floor.

H. Combat actions of units:

leaving and proceeding to the place of call (fire);


rescue of people and property;

combat deployment;

elimination of fire;

performing special work;

collection and return to the unit.

Combat operations for reconnaissance, rescue of people and property, combat deployment, fire suppression and special work can be carried out simultaneously.

2. Schedule of fire brigade visits.

Travel time, min


Travel time, min


Travel time, min


Challenge #1

Challenge #2

Challenge #3



















RD 34.03.306-93

Moscow 2006


PERFORMERS B.C. Zaitseva, A.N. Ivanov, A.S. Kozlov, V.M. Old people

APPROVED by the Department of the General Inspectorate for the Operation of Power Plants and Networks of RAO UES of Russia on December 23, 1993

Chief N.F. GOREV

AGREED with the Main Directorate of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (letter dated November 23, 1993 No. 20/2/2018)


RD 34.03.306-93

Expiration date set

from 07/01/94

until 07/01/99

The requirements of these Guidelines apply to operating energy enterprises in the electric power industry.

The Guidelines provide the basic requirements for drawing up operational plans and fire extinguishing cards at energy enterprises of RAO UES of Russia.

With the publication of these Guidelines, they become invalid " Guidelines on drawing up operational fire extinguishing plans at energy enterprises of the USSR Ministry of Energy: RD 34.03.306-88." (M.: KHOZU Ministry of Energy of the USSR, 1988).

1. General provisions

1.1. The operational fire extinguishing plan is the main document establishing the procedure for organizing fire extinguishing at energy enterprises, interaction between facility personnel and personnel of fire departments arriving at the scene of the fire, as well as the use of fire extinguishing means, taking into account the provision of necessary safety measures.

It is not allowed to draw up and have other local recommendations and regulations (instructions) on this issue at energy enterprises.

1.2. Operational fire extinguishing plans are drawn up for:

thermal power plants, regardless of their capacity;

hydroelectric power plants with a capacity of 20 MW and above;

stationary diesel power plants and gas turbine units with a capacity of 10 MW and above;

substations 500 kV and above;

regional heat supply stations (industrial boiler houses) with a total thermal capacity of more than 300 Gcal;

tank farms of power plants and heat supply stations (district boiler houses).

One copy of the operational plan for extinguishing a tank farm fire should be on the panel of the person on duty at this facility, and the other - with the shift supervisor of the power plant.

1.3. At substations with voltages from 110 kV to 500 kV with constant presence of maintenance personnel, it is allowed to draw up only operational personnel action cards and a mobile equipment layout diagram fire equipment(graphic part).

1.4. The operational fire extinguishing plan must consist of a text part (formatted in a separate book made of thick paper of a single format with a size of at least 210x297 mm) and a graphic part.

1.5. The operational plan is developed jointly by fire department employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation and specialists of the energy facility and is approved accordingly by the head of the fire brigade and the director of the energy enterprise.

At the request of the territorial state fire service To draw up an operational plan (operational cards), the administration of the facility is obliged to provide the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with necessary materials according to the main production technology.

1.6. When developing an operational plan for the actions of personnel of energy enterprises and fire departments, the requirements for maintaining continuous operation must be taken into account. maximum quantity units of equipment to provide consumers with heat and electrical energy in case of fire, as well as ensuring the necessary safety measures for personnel.

1.7. The operational plan should be developed in as soon as possible, but no less than a month before the start-up of the enterprise or individual power plants and structures.

1.8. Adjustments to operational plans and cards must be performed when:

expansion or reconstruction of an energy enterprise;

identifying deficiencies during annual joint fire drills(exercises) or when extinguishing a fire;

receiving instructions from the relevant central departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Fire Safety Directorate of the State Electric Power System Department of RAO UES of Russia;

identification of deficiencies during inspections by higher fire protection authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, relevant departments and fire safety employees of RAO UES of Russia.

1.9. When appointing a new head of an energy enterprise or the head of a fire brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, additional consideration and re-approval of the operational plan should be carried out within no more than three months.

Operational personnel action cards must be re-approved when the chief engineer or head of the relevant workshop changes.

1.10. After development and approval, the operational plan for extinguishing a fire at an energy enterprise must be brought to the attention of each employee of the enterprise (operational, maintenance, etc.) using a group or individual training method at this facility.

Shift supervisors, dispatchers of substations and network enterprises, unit drivers, operators and other on-duty personnel of an energy enterprise are required to know the contents of the operational fire extinguishing plan of a particular enterprise, as well as technological and other job descriptions.

1.11. The operational plan for extinguishing a fire should be practically worked out in classes of the commanding staff of the fire brigade and scheduled fire drills in accordance with the requirements of the “Instructions for organizing fire drills at energy enterprises and in organizations of the USSR Ministry of Energy” (M.: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1984).

1.12. One copy of the operational plan must be stored permanently at the main (central) control panel together with permit forms for fire extinguishing work.

It is allowed to store the operational plan together with other operational documentation, but subject to the possibility of immediate and unhindered use of it in the event of a fire.

The procedure for storing operational documents for the fire department is determined by the relevant orders and instructions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

1.13. When equipping energy facilities with automated process control systems using information output devices, it is recommended to use these systems to assist personnel in displaying information about the emergency zone, the operation of fire protection systems and issuing recommendations on personnel actions instead of operational cards.

2. Requirements for the text part of the operational plan

2.1. The text part of the operational plan should include a brief description of the enterprise, the main responsibilities of the personnel on duty in the event of a fire and the organization of its extinguishing, the procedure for meeting and interacting with arriving fire departments.

2.2. The text part of the operational plan must be specific, without minor details and explanations, and contain the following main responsibilities of operational personnel in the event of a fire:

2.2.1. The procedure for reporting a fire to the fire department, enterprise management, superior dispatcher and other officials.

2.2.2. The procedure for checking the activation of fire extinguishing installations and backup pumps to increase the pressure and flow of water in the fire-fighting water supply system.

2.2.3. Organizing the gathering of facility personnel and volunteer fire brigades to deploy fire extinguishing equipment and evacuate people (if necessary).

2.2.4. Organization of fire extinguishing with available forces and means, as well as, if necessary, cooling of load-bearing structures metal trusses, columns, beams and nearby equipment.

2.2.5. Carrying out necessary operations with technological equipment located outside the fire zone to ensure sustainable and safe mode his work.

2.2.6. Preservation of the facility’s own needs, switching of equipment, preservation of power supply to pumps fire water supply and fire extinguishing installations, as well as control units for fire protection systems.

2.2.7. Establishing a specific responsible person on preparing a written permit for extinguishing fires in electrical installations and electrical equipment.

2.2.8. Determining the procedure for issuing personal protective equipment (insulating shoes, gloves, grounding devices), as well as grounding fire equipment and checking the quality of this grounding.

2.2.9. The procedure for meeting and escorting arriving fire departments.

2.2.10. Participation in the work of the fire extinguishing headquarters and providing technical advice to the fire extinguishing manager (FEC) from the commanding staff of the fire department.

2.3. Based on the characteristics of energy production technology and the building materials used, the operational fire extinguishing plan should take into account the necessary safety requirements for the actions of fire department personnel and facility personnel, as well as provide specific and brief recommendations for extinguishing the flammable gases, liquids and solids present at the enterprise to prevent their spreading, melting and formation of explosive concentrations.

2.4. For the purpose of rational actions of personnel in a difficult fire situation at technological installations and electrical equipment, as well as in cable structures, operational cards (card files) of personnel actions are being developed (a sample is given in the appendix).

Operational cards must specifically indicate the actions of personnel in case of fire, which are determined through analysis possible situations on this equipment or in the premises.

2.5. Operational cards are approved by the chief engineer and handed over for management to the shift manager of the corresponding division of the enterprise, the dispatcher (duty officer) of the substation or network enterprise.

If it is necessary to perform actions with equipment that is under the operational control of the territorial dispatch control or that affects the operating mode of the power system, operational cards are coordinated with the corresponding territorial dispatch control.

2.6. For fire departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the operational plan specifies:

2.6.1. Calculation of forces and means to extinguish a developed fire and the order of their rapid concentration is determined.

2.6.2. Features of the development and fight against fire at this facility with options for solutions for extinguishing it and the use of special fire equipment.

3. Requirements for the graphic part of the operational plan

3.1. The graphic part of the operational plan at energy enterprises should be a plan diagram of an object of any scale, made on white paper measuring at least 2X1 m, on which the locations of the main buildings, structures and critical fire-hazardous installations, as well as roads, water sources (external water supply diagram) are indicated. and entrances to buildings.

Instead of a plan diagram made on paper, it is allowed to use stationary modular tablets, mnemonic diagrams or mock-ups of the object, which must be placed in visible places for control panel personnel.

3.2. The location of fire fighting equipment in the most optimal variant, satisfying various situations fire on the main equipment of the power facility, and the place of its grounding, as well as hatches (entrances) to cable rooms, all water sources and distances to the main buildings to determine the option of laying hose lines from fire fighting equipment.

3.3. When determining the placement of fire equipment, the safety conditions for fire department personnel and fire equipment from falling should be taken into account. building structures, supports or high-voltage wires and cables, possible emissions of burning substances, etc.

3.4. On the plan diagram it is necessary to indicate the locations of the fire equipment located in reserve.

3.5. For clarity, it is allowed to paint the buildings and structures of the energy enterprise in different colors on the plan diagram.

3.6. The operational plan for extinguishing a fire must be reviewed and approved by the head of the fire brigade and the head of the enterprise.

3.7. If necessary, diagrams of internal fire-fighting water supply systems, diagrams of fire extinguishing installations, sections and floor plans of buildings and structures are attached to the operational plan.


(approximate form)

Front side of the card

Cable compartment No. 6 for RUSN 6 kV, 2nd section.

Volume - 290 m3.

Fire alarm type "Almaz" (PPKSh, in the compartment there are 8 DIP-9 detectors.

Stationary water spray fire extinguishing installation.

Sprinklers DVM-10 - 20 pcs.

Control unit No. 2 (row B, axis 12), direction valve 6A.

Remote control at the control room (panel No. 24).

Actions in case of fire

1. Indicate the procedure for calling the fire department (telephone of the site fire department, direct telephone to the main control room (main control room, central control room), city - 8-01), as well as alerting personnel, namely: turning on the emergency siren (panel No. 2), calling by search communications between shift supervisors, determination of the location of concentration of members of voluntary fire brigades and the use of fire extinguishing means, the procedure for reporting a fire to dispatchers, administration (list 1) and the security of the facility.

2. Check switching on and operation automatic installation fire extinguishing (panel No. 14) and additional pumps water supply (panel No. 15).

3. If necessary or emergency shutdown equipment to carry out operations to transfer work to backup equipment, especially in terms of preserving their own needs, as well as to switch equipment, and in exceptional cases, to remove it from work, if the routes of power, control cables and control circuits of this equipment pass in a fire zone or if the fire approaches them.

Operations for the transfer of critical equipment in the fire zone of compartment No. 6 can be (approximately) as follows:

3.1. Turn on MB PEN No. 6 (cell No. 43, section 2A); transfer power from the 1st to the 2nd section 0.4 kV; turn on MB transformer No. 30, etc.

3.2. Disable the ATS of the 1st and 2nd sections 0.4 kV; MB cells No. 37, 39, 42, 57 (section 2A).

3.3. Remove the operating current (panel No. ________), etc.

3.4. Turn on the grounding blades of cells No. 39, 42 (at the command of the cable network manager, and if there is no connection, after checking the absence of voltage), etc.

4. Send an electrician on duty (duty lineman or others), who knows the location of access roads well, to meet and accompany fire departments (if there is an on-site fire department with mobile equipment, these actions can be independent, and if there is a fire prevention group, they are included in her duties).

5. Take possible measures to create safe conditions work for personnel and fire departments to extinguish a fire (turn on stationary grounding devices or connect portable ones), issue dielectric boots and gloves.

6. Issue written permission to extinguish the fire to the first arriving senior operational fire chief (first RTP).

7. Briefly inform the RTP about the activities carried out and give your suggestions and recommendations.

Head of workshop _________________ ______________________________

signature surname, initials

Back of the card

Drawing of the cable compartment with the following:

entrances and hatches;

sectional partitions;

permanent installation;

branching cables into adjacent rooms (possible spread of fire) and ventilation devices.

Note. It is permissible to make operational personnel action cards composite, i.e. by actions: power plant shift supervisor; shift supervisor of the electrical department; senior electrician on duty, etc. (similar to other workshops).

The need to prepare such cards is determined by the management of the facility, based on local conditions.

Fire extinguishing plan- a document developed on the basis system analysis the entire complex of engineering, technical and architectural features object. The operational fire extinguishing plan is the main document establishing the procedure and methods for organizing fire extinguishing at the facility.

Development of a fire extinguishing plan

The fire extinguishing plan is an official document professionally developed and approved by the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, which is subject to mandatory approval by officials other executive authorities.

The development of a fire extinguishing plan should be carried out by experienced specialists. The document must comply with a number of standards and established norms. The registration procedure involves taking into account design features the object for which development is being carried out, and other factors that may affect the result of the calculations. If violations are found during the approval of the plan, this will be a reason for the officials to return the applications.

The development of a fire extinguishing plan is mandatory for enterprises in the oil and gas production and oil and gas refining industries, enterprises in the chemical and petrochemical industries, enterprises in the electric power, mechanical engineering, metalworking and metallurgical industries. In addition, mandatory execution of a fire extinguishing plan is subject to technological installations and terminals with explosive production technology, wood processing plants, medical institutions and public and administrative buildings with high traffic, as well as a number of other objects.

Procedure for developing a fire extinguishing plan

The document is developed in accordance with regulations 123-FZ, 384-FZ in duplicate, the first of which is to be transferred to the operational response post, and the second is to be stored at the facility. The procedure for developing a document consists of the following stages:

Text part

The text part of the document includes a description of the location and features of the facility, as well as the order of interaction and responsibilities of the duty teams. This part of the document contains instructions for firefighters and indicates all potentially dangerous factors in the development of a negative scenario.

Graphic part

This part of the document contains a diagram of the location of objects important for fire extinguishing. The specialist evaluates their significance and indicates the main parameters of the objects. The graphic part provides information about fire reservoirs, entrances and exits, window openings and emergency exits, the layout of each floor and entrances in a schematic form indicating the main parameters. The diagram must be understandable and reliable.

The specialist must describe methods of fighting fire, indicate the category of fire hazard and the most vulnerable areas based on statistical data, and based on the presence of State Fire Service and voluntary fire extinguishing teams in the area.

Drawing up a fire extinguishing plan is one of the most important elements of fire protection. Experts carry out extensive analytical work, examine the individual characteristics of the building and create a document that fully complies with all norms and legal acts governing this field of activity. In addition, specialists guarantee the approval of the plan by government agencies, and also provide representation in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation and other supervisory authorities.
