Logbook of fire drills conducted at school. Logbook for fire safety training: rules and features of maintenance

Cover and title page
A4 format Title page

FOLLOWING PAGES(with example of filling)

List of persons

Accounting for emergency training




Last name of training participant and position

their position

Topic and location of the training

Rating, comments

and suggestions

Signature of training participants


Ivanov P.I. - duty engineer

Petrov A.A. - senior duty electrician

Short circuit on 110 kV buses of substation No. I

Ivanov P.I. - "Fine"

Petrov - “satisfactory.”

Work through instructions for maintaining differential protection of busbars and breaker failure protection 110 kV



Signatures of the training director and supervisory persons indicating the position

Appendix F

Cover and title page
A4 format Title page


(shop, facility and joint)

Training date

Topic and location of fire training (facility, training ground)

Participants information

Notes and suggestions for training

Note on the implementation of proposals and elimination of comments

Last name, first name, patronymic

Job title

Trainer's signature


The training leader gives a general assessment of the fire training
Signatures: Training leader ___________________________________

Mediators (if appointed) ____________________________

Supervising persons (if present at the training) ____________________
Note. The magazine is numbered and laced.

Appendix X

Cover and title page
A4 format Title page

OJSC Far Eastern Distribution Network Company
(Name of FAO, joint venture, division)


Started ____________ 20_
Graduated __________ 20_





job title


job title












Note:1. The Journal form is used for the “Accounting Journal” induction briefings By fire safety».

Appendix C

Emergency and fire drills are mandatory activities for improving the qualifications of operational workers, as well as training engineering, technical and administrative personnel. Their goals are to test knowledge, skills, and actions in emergency situations and in the event of a fire.

It is advisable to conduct both types of training together, and record the results and data about them in a special journal. Planned training is carried out according to the schedule, but at least once a year, and for operational and maintenance workers once every 3 months. The log is necessary for control at the enterprise and during inspections by supervisory authorities.

Contents of the magazine and nuances in filling out

The name of the journal, enterprise, or structural unit is indicated on the title page. They also set start and end dates. For the emergency and fire drills There is no official form, but there are general guidelines.

The first column is for the date of the training, the second for the topic and location. Information about the participants includes the following data: surname and initials, position, signature of the trainee. In the penultimate column they give a general assessment of the implementation and describe possible errors and comments. After they have been eliminated, the responsible employee, most often the training director, puts a signature indicating that the assigned tasks have been completed.

It is necessary to comply with the deadlines for repeated, unscheduled or individual training. Then you can create a section in the fire and emergency training logbook or mark the page in a certain way.

Below this table, the head of fire and emergency drills gives an overall assessment of the activities. Next, space is left for his signature and other authorized persons. They can be intermediaries and controllers, if there was a need to involve them.

The information in the logbook of emergency and fire drills must coincide with the approved schedule for their implementation. Each page is laced and numbered to prevent their removal. The format is standard - A4 book sheet; you can print the form yourself or purchase a ready-made magazine in printing houses or stores.

Depending on the object and purpose of the training, fill out the second column, because they can be planned and unplanned. The latter are carried out if an employee takes up duties at a specific place for the first time, an instruction has been received from superiors supervisory authorities or the management of the enterprise has issued a decision.

To identify errors, training meetings are organized with participants. Information about the organizational part, personnel actions, and work with equipment is entered in the appropriate field. If there are any, then they not only leave the data in the journal, but also make changes to the object cards and instructions.

Maintenance and storage

For each such event, a leader is appointed. His responsibilities include filling out the fire drill log. The log is kept in the units where the training took place. For example, if the inspection took place in a workshop, then the training log should be kept by its supervisor. For identification on title page make an appropriate entry. The log of general or joint training is usually transferred to the main control room for storage.

It is also completed by the training director. It is recommended to write the serial number on the title page. The log is registered in the manner prescribed for documentation in the field of fire safety. The remaining actions are carried out in accordance with local instructions for office work and the quality management system.

After finishing the magazine, it is sent to the archive. First you need to make sure that the pages are intact and that there is a seal on the last sheet where the firmware was stitched.

The fire training logbook is removed from the archive in cases provided for by law. The archiving period is 10 years from the date of receipt.

There should be no corrections in the logbook for emergency and fire drills. Otherwise, they are drawn up according to current rules. At the point of correction, the responsible person signs and seals the company. Thus, the legitimacy of the additional entries is confirmed.

It is advisable to design the magazine with one color of ink. The volume is calculated on the approximate number of emergency and fire training, guided by the plan or schedule. If an employee refuses to sign the journal, then it is necessary to draw up a statement of refusal with the involvement of witnesses and familiarize it with all interested parties.

Fire training refers to mandatory activities carried out to improve the ability of workers to behave correctly in fire-hazardous situations. The results of the event are recorded in a special logbook for emergency and fire safety training.

For each fire drill event, special logs are kept for this purpose. They are filled out by training leaders and other responsible persons. The logs are kept in the unit where the events took place. If they were carried out jointly with another department, then the logs are transferred to the main (central) control panel.

Journals must be registered in the manner prescribed by the enterprise. After the magazine is finished, it is handed over to the archive for storage. There must be a stamp on the last page of the entire binder.

The logbook for emergency training in electrical installations and other facilities should not contain any corrections. If it is necessary to make them, this is done in the manner established at the given enterprise.

The volume of the journal must be calculated based on the number of planned workouts. Each training session must be accompanied by the signatures of all persons participating in it. If for some reason an employee refuses to sign, the refusal is documented.

What needs to be displayed in the journal

The emergency training log form must include:

  • Date of the event;
  • The topic of the training event, the goals pursued;
  • Information about all participants in the training event: date of birth, surname, personal initials of the employee, as well as his position and, without fail, a full personal signature;
  • General comments and results of the event;
  • A note on the elimination of defects.

The last column is filled in by the person responsible for the training after all the shortcomings have been eliminated and the comments have been taken into account. Below the table, the manager gives his assessment of the event. It is necessary to leave free space for other responsible persons. For example, those who monitor training from the outside.

Each page of the emergency or fire drill log is numbered so that the sheet is not removed or added. If there is a need, then the withdrawal or insertion of the sheet is formalized by a special act, which is inserted in the place of the withdrawn sheet. In this case, the appropriate markings are observed. It is advisable to fill the journal with ink of the same color.

Sample of filling out the journal

You can give an example of filling out a fire safety training log.

During the training, the personnel demonstrated the availability of appropriate skills and abilities. Demonstrated ability to work well in a team. Emergency was liquidated in as soon as possible, the personnel were then evacuated in an orderly manner.

Signature responsible person, date.

Fire and emergency training activities are mandatory. There must be a valid reason for refusing to participate. The absence of an employee is documented, indicating the reason for the absence and supported by a supporting document or its certified copy.
