Kitchen in Ukrainian style - we do it ourselves. Decorating a kitchen in Ukrainian style Kitchen interior in Ukrainian style

Nowadays, many owners of modern apartments want to decorate their premises in such a way that they contain elements of the national culture and traditions of the Slavic people. One of the most popular design solutions is apartment interiors made in Ukrainian style. As a rule, in such premises an environment is created that looks like a rural hut. At the same time modern materials used for finishing, as well as household appliances, are successfully combined with traditional attributes of Ukrainian life.

The main colors predominant in this design are beige and white. They look impressive in combination with yellow, green, red, black and blue shades used in decoration and decorative elements. In apartments designed in Ukrainian style, only natural materials are usually used. Decorative plaster is used here as a decoration for the walls, which creates a rough texture on the surfaces.

Artistic painting will add a colorful note to the decoration of the walls. Colorful images of national ornaments and patterns, birds, flowers or rural landscapes look very beautiful on surfaces. If desired, you can create niches in the walls and decorate them with pottery, in which various spices or cereals can be stored. The ceiling in a Ukrainian kitchen should be snow-white; for contrast, you can use dark colors in its design. wooden beams, and paint it with floral ornaments around the edges.

For flooring, it is recommended to use a laminate with imitation texture natural wood; linoleum or ceramic tiles. An indispensable attribute such an interior is an antique stove or its imitation. If desired, an electric fireplace decorated in antique style or an exhaust hood in the kitchen, painted in Ukrainian style, can act as a hearth. The main feature of furniture in this design solution- this is simplicity and maximum functionality. Must be present here wooden table, having a rectangular or round shape; massive benches with decorative carvings, as well as wall cabinets made of rough, untreated boards.

As lighting fixtures, it is recommended to use various candlesticks, antique lamps or lampshades in the shape of flowers, for example, cornflowers or sunflowers. It’s hard to imagine Ukrainian style without accessories traditional for this country. Bright textiles with ethnic patterns embroidered on them will help create homely coziness in your apartment. These could be tablecloths, curtains, napkins, potholders or towels.

You can decorate your kitchen using decorative dishes, which are usually made of wood or clay. On dining table Clay vases decorated with images of sunflowers, poppies or viburnum are placed on the windowsill. No less popular here are products such as clay jars, pots, plates and figurines depicting people or animals. The work area can be decorated with carved wooden cutlery and patterned cutting boards.

The features of the Ukrainian style in the premises are emphasized: decorative elements like fagots with onions and garlic that protect against the evil eye; amulets made from various flowers and herbs, as well as wealth-attracting bags filled with corn and beans. When decorating such interiors, it is advisable to show a sense of proportion, because in order to emphasize the features of the Ukrainian style, it is enough to add only a few thematic accessories to the design of the room.

Ethnic style is more popular than ever all over the world. And this is quite understandable! After all, it contains the flavor of a particular country, the character of the people, and reflects its traditions! The popularity of decoration in ethnic motifs has not bypassed the Ukrainian style – its spirit and national motifs.

What is the reason for such popularity of Ukrainian style and ethno style in general? First, the Ukrainian style is a Slavic style, which is understandable and very close to many people. The Slavic style ideally creates a cozy, cheerful atmosphere in the house and a good mood, it is welcoming and hospitable - and this is what is needed for the kitchen, and that’s two! And third, it is in the Ukrainian ethnic style that you can economically and at the same time beautifully decorate even a small kitchen. By the way, you don’t have to go far for decor.

Thatched roof, painted walls, clay floors...

Naturally, it is impossible to recreate such a theatrical museum environment of the Ukrainian village and everyday life in a city apartment; in principle, there is no particular need for this. In fact, to decorate Ukrainian cuisine you can get by with simple natural materials and modern finishing, and all this in a very economical option. For example, the floor can be decorated with tiles or matte porcelain stoneware in terracotta, brown, gray or dark beige color. For decoration you will also need natural material.

We decorate the walls

It is better to decorate the walls and ceiling in a Ukrainian-style kitchen decorative plaster, which will imitate the rough plaster of a Ukrainian mud hut, would also be appropriate in a Ukrainian-style kitchen, as would the usual painting of the walls in light shades. The walls can also be decorated with tiles - stone-like, brick-like (locally), painted tiles, with Ukrainian motifs, prints.

But, traditional color palette for Ukrainian interior – this is white, beige, milky, if you have the skill and desire, you can make tint transitions on the walls from light shades to dark - this technique allows you to visually expand the space of the room.

You can use the combination method to decorate the walls, adapting the traditional Ukrainian old finishing under the realities of modern times. For example, work area near the cutting table and the kitchen area can be beautifully decorated with mosaic canvas or mosaic with bright floral patterns. At the same time, the general background of the mosaic should preferably be white or beige, but the floral patterns on it should be picturesque, bright, but using the favorite Ukrainian shades - red, black, yellow, green.

But still, we should not forget that the walls for decorating a kitchen in the Ukrainian style are still a rough texture, because this way they better imitate the ethnic style and convey the spirit of tradition and antiquity. You can give the walls the texture necessary to create a harmonious image using textured plaster.

On the light walls of the kitchen, you can make a drawing depicting Ukrainian national ornaments with such well-known Ukrainian symbols - bunches of viburnum, oak leaves, sunflowers, in short, everything that is associated with the Ukrainian flavor and that fantasy and imagination suggest.

For Ukrainian cuisine it would also be appropriate glass apron again with the image of soto Ukrainian ornaments and motifs, for example, imitating cross-stitch, the image of red roosters, poppies, sunflowers, viburnum or other Ukrainian painting.

We decorate the ceiling

To decorate the ceiling, you can use massive wooden ceiling beams– several or one. You can do this - place one central beam on the ceiling, on which to hang original lamps, kitchen copper utensils, you can hang bunches of dried aromatic herbs, decorative.

But if in the kitchen low ceilings, in this case, it is better not to attach ceiling beams, limit yourself to artistic painting on the ceiling - this is also very Ukrainian. The painting can be done in the form of a ceiling border - it is bright and colorful and does not take up space.

And to maintain the color, you can decorate other rooms with similar paintings - window sills, baseboards, window frames.

A wall near the dining table decorated with an original fresco in the Ukrainian style - viburnum bushes, periwinkle, birds, brave Cossacks, maidens in wreaths - will look good in the interior of a Ukrainian kitchen.

Stoves, benches, tables...

If we talk about furniture for such a kitchen, it should be made from natural solid wood or its high-quality imitation, for example, from MDF. Ideally complements the interior and fits harmoniously into it simple furniture simple shapes, stylized as old furniture pieces. And there is no need to look for something sophisticated; Ukrainian traditional furniture is simplicity, functionality and solidity.

It is better not to display household appliances (microwaves, coffee makers, juicers, toasters...) in an ethno-style kitchen of any style, including Ukrainian - they need to be hidden in built-in cabinets, folding surfaces, closed cabinets, niches. What cannot be hidden, for example, a refrigerator, choose it in the same color as the kitchen, if possible. Or you can approach the issue creatively and decorate it with painting in the traditional Ukrainian manner. If you don’t want to resort to such a radical method of transforming a refrigerator in Ukrainian, then you can use one simple method - pick up one or more magnets in the Ukrainian style and decorate your refrigerator with them. As an example, you can buy magnets in the form of small clay plates, painted with Ukrainian paintings or depicting Ukrainian villages, with Cossacks and Ukrainian maidens.

Three main furniture attributes of Ukrainian cuisine

1. Large table, located in the center of the room, behind which a large and friendly family gathers. It can be of the most common shape - rectangular or oval, with massive wooden legs and a wooden tabletop. Not a bad option- skillful hand carving, but you can do without it by decorating the table with a beautiful embroidered tablecloth.

2. Open shelving made of unplaned rough boards. This is an ideal place for pottery and decorative items.

3. It would be very appropriate to create a homely hearth in the form of a fireplace in the kitchen interior, but this is not possible in every kitchen. But you can make an imitation of a Ukrainian stove - arrange a semicircular one and cover it with a decorative door.

Light in the window

When designing light in a Ukrainian-style kitchen, it is necessary to take into account two important points:

1. The light pouring into the room should be dim, warm, as if coming from a real wood-burning fireplace;

2. And avoid the presence of modern lamps in the interior! Spot “working” lighting should be neatly hidden in kitchen furniture, and the main lighting is a beautiful chandelier with forged elements simulating lamps or candles.

Viburnum, nightingales, vyshivanki...

This is where there is no limit to imagination - decorating a kitchen in Ukrainian style. But in Ukrainian cuisine, decor does not just play the role of decoration, it has a certain meaning.

The main thematic accessory and decorative item in the kitchen is the national Ukrainian towel - embroidered shirt. You can decorate the room not only with beautiful embroidered towels, embroidered napkins and tablecloths, curtains and decorative bags for spices and cereals will harmoniously fit into the interior. But, as in any other matter, the main thing here is not to overdo it, that is, there is no need to replace all textiles in Ukrainian cuisine with bright embroidery - otherwise, it will turn out tacky and even tasteless, despite all the beauty of the embroidered things.

If the kitchen has a sufficient area, then it will be enough to place a couple of items in it - this could be a bright embroidered tablecloth and the same potholders, and for a small kitchen a beautiful tablecloth on the table or a bright embroidered napkin will be enough. While the rest of the kitchen textiles can be neutral beige and white shades.

The modern reproduction of the Ukrainian housing archetype is manifested in the application of the ideas of Ukrainian folk architecture, adapted to the requirements of a comfortable modern life.

Interior decoration using the Ukrainian style is becoming more and more popular, and this does not leave a true fan of the ethno-style indifferent. The revival of the original Ukrainian is typical not only for the interior design of kitchens, bathrooms, and living rooms. This direction will be relevant and will also find its application for landscape design and architecture.

Makes a huge impression appearance a house whose roof is made using ancient technology from reeds or straw, and the walls of the house are finished textured plaster in the style a la "muzanka".

Ukrainian style is deep and colorful. Decorative elements used for the interior are made from natural materials. Advantage can rightfully be given to weaving: embroidered towels and entire paintings decorate the plain walls of the house. Wood is used not only for making furniture, but is also a material for decoration. Pottery is also characteristic: jugs, pots, plates, painted with national patterns, will complement and decorate the interior.

A kitchen made in Ukrainian style should have as many natural materials as possible. Of course, there is no time for fanaticism: we are not talking about a clay field, but it is advisable to make it as close to natural as possible. A suitable option natural wood or tiles, conveying the color and design of antiquity.

The design of the walls, most familiar to the Ukrainian style, is white, decorated with the help of, sometimes decorated with folk drawings, in the compositions of which motifs of plants and birds find a place, as well as wildlife with the image of sunflowers and viburnum. Please note that the most typical colors for Ukrainian culture are red, white and black.

As for the ceiling, it is also given a certain Ukrainian style with the help of wooden decorative beams, which in modern construction no longer have practical significance. The chandelier can be made of a wooden wheel, which will highlight the best overall design premises.

Decorative elements will add a special national flavor: clay plates and pots displayed on shelves, window curtains embroidered with national patterns.

To create a Ukrainian style in the bathroom, it is enough to depict using a mosaic of three colors that are most often used in Ukrainian embroidery - red, white and black. But imagine this in the form of a panel on main wall or limit yourself to only frieze trim - this is a matter of taste.

The photo shows a bathroom created by Viktoria Zhiryakova, a young and very talented Kiev interior designer.

Sincere songs, cheerful dances, a richly laid table and people - simple, open, hospitable. A bright and noisy party in Ukrainian style will be an excellent birthday gift for someone who likes to relax on a truly Slavic scale!


The degree of difficulty of preparation largely depends on the meeting location. If this is a cafe/restaurant of Slavic cuisine (which one does not play a big role), bring national flavor to suitable interior quite simple. In the courtyard of a private house or in nature, a few bright details are enough, because... nothing distracts from the topic.

In a modern apartment it is more difficult to organize a Ukrainian party with your own hands, but it is also possible if you approach the implementation of ideas creatively. Hundreds of MKs from the network, simple materials and time, which will take quite a lot to decorate a Ukrainian party, will help. We offer ideas:

  • The stove is the main attribute of the hut; it is where you should start transforming the room. Cut out a silhouette from white cardboard and paint it with bright bird flowers (the patterns are very simple, a child can do it). From the same cardboard, the grip, the pots - all together with the stove to the free wall. You will get a bright decoration and a gorgeous photo zone;

National ornament – ​​tablecloths, bedspreads, towels, napkins, sofa cushions. And also grandma’s striped rugs. Ethnic patterns instantly transform the interior, indicating a given direction.

  • Be sure to hang a horseshoe at the entrance. Decorate the walls with wreaths, bast shoes, and village landscapes. Place them on shelves and make mini-scenes of dolls in national costumes (rag, straw). Find a secluded but visible place for the colorful brownie. All these attributes of a Ukrainian party are easy to make with your own hands;
  • a fence of twigs along one wall, with a thatched hut in the background painted with flowers. You can cut out a goat from cardboard, place buckets next to it, hang fake jars and other symbolic attributes. If there is little space, a few miniature fragments of a fence will suffice;

  • At a Ukrainian-style party you can’t do without the gifts of nature. Apples and other fruits in baskets, vegetables in buckets, garlands of bunches of aromatic herbs, beads of mushrooms, braids of onions and garlic on the walls, under the ceiling, above the table with treats;
  • Bright ribbons radiating like rays from a common center will create a festive atmosphere. And also ears of cereals, flowers in bouquets and wreaths - poppies, sunflowers, bells, cornflowers (can be artificial, now you can’t immediately distinguish them from real ones);

The ambience is emphasized by ethnic musical instruments (cardboard bandura, kobza), a massive chest in the corner, simple and painted pottery - jars, pots, jugs.

To make an original invitation in Ukrainian style, decorate a white blank with your own hands. Along the edges there is a braid with an ethnic ornament (print or draw according to the example). In the center there is a loaf and spikelets, a mud hut with a thatched roof and standing nearby a garish maiden or a floral wreath with colorful ribbons.


If you have time to prepare, you can organize a full-fledged costume party - national Ukrainian clothes will not hurt your pocket. Of course, we are talking about stylization, not handmade work. And still very beautiful!

Depending on the region, ethnic costumes have significant differences. But embroidered shirt is always associated with Ukraine, and this is what we recommend choosing. For men, this is a simple loose shirt with trim at the collar and sleeves. Tie bloomers or tapered trousers with a sash or braided rope.

Modern women's embroidery for a party in the Ukrainian style is clothing of almost any cut (blouses, tunics, shirts, sundresses, even cocktail dresses). A bright skirt just above the ankles and a white tunic will do. Light makeup, red beads, simple hairstyle - loose curls, a braid or two braids.

A wreath with ribbons will complement the image (there is a tutorial online on how to make a wreath with your own hands from paper buds, it’s easy). bright element costume - the famous red little shoes!

Or maybe the Ukrainian party scenario will take place on a farm near Dikanka? Or remember folk tales? Vakula and Oksana, godfather and godfather, Cossack robbers, devils and witches, Viy himself or the hero Kotigoroshko and... it’s impossible to list them all! Of course, it is better to distribute the images of folklore/literary characters in advance.

Menu, serving

Cooking for a Ukrainian party with your own hands - sheer pleasure. Simple recipes and affordable products guarantee a lush Slavic feast! True, you will have to forget about the diet. Dumplings with potatoes, homemade sausage, donuts, cheesecakes, pancakes, pancakes - and these are just “snacks”.

Set the table at home, without any frills. Treats in large dishes with generous heaps. It would be great if there was clay and wooden utensils, embroidered tablecloth, napkins. The table should be decorated with abundant, tasty, nourishing food, and not with thematic decor.

For main course, stewed pork or whole roasted pig, fried sea fish or roast. Or maybe a goose? Pickles, vegetable salads, sauerkraut, horseradish, mustard and, of course, lard! Garlic onion, jelly, herring, mushrooms...

Have the guests burst yet? Then pies for dessert, pancakes with sour cream or jam and... is that enough? Oh, drinks! Vodka, honey and kvass must be on the table for ambience, but otherwise to the taste of the guests. For your birthday, order a Ukrainian-style cake blooming with sweet poppies, sunflowers and cornflowers.


Whether they are city dwellers in the center of Kyiv or ordinary people on a distant farm near Dikanka, Ukrainian national holidays unthinkable without dancing and singing. Download folk and modern music, conduct a humorous master class on hopak or Cossack music. Having divided into boys and girls, arrange a battle of voices - who will better sing the song chosen by the presenter/birthday boy?

The host’s monologues destroy the atmosphere of general rage, so it’s hardly worth coming up with a plot scenario for a Ukrainian party. Let competitions and entertainment be introduced into the process as if by chance, at the suggestion of the “toastmaster-barker.” This course of the holiday is more consistent with a folk festival in the Ukrainian style. We offer competitions:

Five cans

Tin cans are placed one on top of another in a vertical tower. You need to throw a stick (a soft ball indoors) so as to knock down the top can. Did it work? One more throw. Did you miss or did a few cans fall? The tower is being restored, next move. They play until they reach 20 points (plus a point for each can they knock down) or if someone manages to knock down all five cans in a row.

Cossack agility

While sitting on a chair to the song “Esaul-Esaul”, jump with your butt on a foot pump (from a mattress, a gymnastic ball - ask your friends), holding a ball in your hand, put on a hose. The goal is to burst your balloon faster than your opponent.

Girlish beauty (for guys)

Cut inexpensive fabric into equal length strips. Tie them to the backs of chairs according to the number of players. You need to braid the ribbons into a braid to the very tip faster than your opponents, sit on a chair, wrap the braid around your waist (as if tied to the chair) and shout: “You caught me on the braid!”


Crocodile with tasks in the Ukrainian style, make cards for the competition (random choice - draw a Cossack, a hut, a jug, little slippers, etc.). Draw with both hands, right side of the drawing right hand and vice versa. There is a yellow marker in one hand and a blue marker in the other.

Natsedi-ko (for girls)

You will need boards/cardboards with drawn cows and holes in the place of the udder. Depending on the number of participants, it can be done in pairs. Pour white water (flour, gouache) into a rubber glove, insert the cuff into the hole and tie a knot on the back side. Just before the competition, use a needle to make a hole. The goal is to strain more “milk” into the bucket in the allotted time.

MK or handicraft competitions (motanka dolls, wreaths), strength games for guys, performances by artists - folk dances and songs, Cossack tricks with weapons - will fit perfectly into the scenario of a Ukrainian party. Don't forget souvenirs: mugs, stationery, keychains, magnets or amulets, towels, dishes in Ukrainian style.

Since ancient times, Ukrainian folk art has gone through a great path of original development, enriching itself in close ties with the art of other peoples, primarily Russian and Belarusian. There is not a single object in the everyday life of Ukrainians that has not been touched by the artist’s hand.

In the opinion of Ukrainians, a person comes into this world also in order to decorate it. Folk art is in harmonious relationship with the path historical development people, their way of life and work.

Wood carving.

Since ancient times, Ukraine has been known for its woodworking masters. Wood was used to build housing, utility and protective structures, churches, and monuments; Agricultural and household items, furniture, dishes and much more were made from natural wood.

Some elements of buildings and others wooden products decorated with carvings and often paintings. At first, the carving was planar in nature. Flat carving techniques have been preserved to this day in many regions of western Ukraine, in particular in Transcarpathia. To make the flat carved design more textured and noticeable, coal dust was rubbed into the recesses.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, carving was especially widely used in iconostases, icon cases, candlesticks, as well as statuary carving. This can be seen in the iconostases of the Assumption Church of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, St. Nicholas and St. Michael's Cathedrals in Kyiv and the Cathedral in Bolshiye Sorochintsy.

Many rural wood products in Central Ukraine and parts of Galicia in the second half of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century were characterized by carvings that differed from the ancient technique of flat carving.

The ornamentation of a geometric and floristic nature was significantly enriched. In most products, large surfaces were covered with ornaments. Circles and semicircles are often found in the composition of the ornament. large sizes, which consisted of individual small elements. IN late XIX century, the volume of production for sale of small wooden products, which were characterized by non-domestic, but decorative-artistic significance, increased.

In the Hutsul carving technique, ornamentation is combined with inlay and has a predominantly planar geometric character. That is why, to this day, Hutsul carvings cannot be confused with any other type of similar art objects.

Wall painting.

Another one of the most characteristic types of Ukrainian folk decorative creativity is a wall painting. Wall painting achieved its greatest development in the steppe regions of Ukraine. Most often, the drawings were made with colored ocher and red clays, which were diluted with soot and blue, as well as vegetable and mineral paints.

Since the 19th century, various aniline dyes began to be widely used. The paintings became more polychrome (multi-color), luxurious and rich. Among the most common ornamental motifs were flowers and plant motifs.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the centers of folk wall painting were Uman, Podolia, Khmelnitsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa and Kherson. Painting in the Lemkiv region and Transcarpathia had a unique character. The walls are decorated with paintings on the outside, and painting elements are widely used in interior design interior of Ukrainian housing. Most often, windows and doors are decorated with painted elements, as well as main element Every house has a stove.

Wood painting was widespread in the steppe and forest-steppe zones to decorate furniture and various household items. This can be seen in the surviving elements of painting on furniture and chests. In this case, too, floral ornaments were most often used.

Ukrainian pysanka.

The traditional painting of Easter eggs in Ukraine also had a purely decorative purposes and adhered to strictly defined traditions. Painting techniques reflected the artistic tastes of individual regions; even some villages had their own traditional patterns, which distinguished them from other settlements.

The main technique was the symmetrical placement of the ornament. All types of ornaments are found in Easter eggs - geometric, geometrized and floral. The Hutsuls created a huge number of different compositions from geometric elements and figures, often using images of animals - horses and deer.

Ceramic dishes.

Ceramics also occupy a significant place in folk art. The main groups of Ukrainian folk pottery production of the 19th century correspond to the territorial distribution of clay deposits. Among them the following territories can be distinguished:

  • Kyiv (Kyiv, Dybintsy, Mezhgorye, Kanev, Vasilkov);
  • Chernigovskaya (Ichnya, Nizhyn, Korop, Glukhov);
  • Poltavskaya (Mirgorod, Oposhnya);
  • Sumskaya;
  • Kharkovskaya (Zmeev, Izyum);
  • Podolskaya (Bor, Adamovka, Zherdyanovka, Bubnovka);
  • Lvovskaya (Sokal, Tolstoy);
  • Ivano - Frankivskaya (Kosiv, Kuty).

The period of development of artistic pottery falls on the end of the 18th - first half of the 19th century. One of the most common types of ceramic products in the Kyiv, Poltava, Chernigov and Vinnytsia territories where pottery production is located is red ceramic ware - covered with glaze and painting.

White glazed ceramics were common in the southern and southwestern regions. In some areas, for example, in the Ternopil region, “polished” dishes made with a glaze of a slightly smoky color were extremely common. But the geometric ornament amazed with its beauty and unusualness - it was applied by engraving.

In the 19th century, figured utensils for wine and other drinks, made in the shape of animals and birds, were common. This type of dishes were real objects of art, which Ukrainians widely used in everyday life.

The names of the 19th century pottery masters Adam Batsutsa from Adamivka (Podolia) and Vasyl Shestipalets from Lviv are known. For ceramics from the central regions of Ukraine, characteristic ornamental elements are grapes, pine trees, stars, berries and leaves.

The products of masters from Oposhna - F. Chereshka, Yu. Riznik, V. Parosny, Libeshchak, A. Slasten, A. Bakhmetyuk and P. Koshak - are characterized by special decorativeness. The painting of the dishes shows a passion for plant patterns, restraint of composition, and rich ornamentation. Large stylized floral elements of a relief nature are gradually introduced.

Ceramic tiles.

The heyday of tile production occurred at the end of the 17th century. And already in the 18th century, ceramic tiles were widely used by Ukrainians to decorate the surface of stoves. Since then, the tiled stove has become a part of people's everyday life.

Ceramic tiles are distinguished by their variety and high decorative qualities. At that time there were many varieties ceramic tiles, among which are the following:

  • embossed;
  • glazed;
  • terracotta;
  • painted;
  • picturesque;
  • ornamental;
  • green, with a blue pattern;
  • with brown edging;
  • yellow;
  • with drawings on everyday themes;
  • with images of animals and birds;
  • with a violet in the center;
  • with the image of a medallion and many others.

Very often, in the process of making tiles, craftsmen put a date and their name. Thus, the works of the masters of narrative ceramic painting Bakhmetyuk (Hutsulshchyna), Panasenko (Ichnya) and many others have survived to this day. In the ornamentation of ceramic tiles, one can trace a gradual transition from motifs borrowed from professional art to the development of decorative plot ornamental painting based on local traditions.

Glass products.

One of the most original types of folk craft in Ukraine was the production glass products- dishes in the form of animals and birds. Other glassware includes various shot glasses. glasses and damasks - colored and transparent, clean and with a pattern.

Glass products were made in three ways: blowing, casting and drawing. Glass production was widespread mainly in Volyn and Chernihiv regions. But other regions did not remain aloof - glassware was also made in Podolia, in the north of the Kiev region and in the Poltava region.

Weaving and embroidery.

At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries, weaving and textiles reached an extremely high level. Manufactured various fabrics, as well as various products - rugs, tablecloths and towels. They were decorated with woven patterns, embossing and embroidery.

The production of lint-free wall hangings was widespread, as well as various homespun runners that served as floor coverings. Carpets of three types were made: with transverse stripes, medallion type, and also with floral patterns.

It was characteristic of Ukrainian carpets that the entire field was never completely covered with patterns. It was the background that most often played a huge compositional role. Folk ones were usually dyed the color of natural wool - so their shade was most often dark brown or black.

Decorative weaving includes the production of patterned fabrics, woolen fabrics for tailoring and highly artistic embroidery. In the 19th century, the centers of decorative weaving were:

  • in the Kiev region - Pereyaslav, Boguslav, Ivankov, Obukhov;
  • in the Poltava region - Zenkov, Reshetylivka, Sorochyntsi;
  • in Vinnytsia - Klimbovka, Yalanets;
  • in Western Ukraine - Zolotov, Glinany, Zbarat, Mikulyntsy.

Ukrainian towels.

At the end of the 19th century, the production of decorative towels became especially widespread. Before this period, they were made white with red designs, and from the second half of the 19th century, red and white towels came into everyday life.

The main elements were geometric figures of oak and birch foliage, intertwined branches, flowers, burdocks, grapes, cockerels, doves, ducks, eagles, as well as motifs, dishes and other elements.

One of the oldest elements is the “tree of paradise” motif. This motif reached the greatest variety of options and perfection in Poltava and Kyiv. One can also note the factor that Ukrainian towels in each locality were distinguished by their ornamental motifs, patterns and colors.

The embroidered towel played an important role in the life of every Ukrainian family. It served not only for everyday needs, but was also used in festive and ritual ceremonies, and also served as an important element in the design of every Ukrainian home.
