Time to bloom orchids at home. Orchid flowering at home: practical recommendations for care and growth stimulation

ADVICE! Experienced flower growers advise, in order to avoid hypothermia, to stock up on foam plastic, which is recommended to be placed on the windowsill, and orchids to be placed on top. Polystyrene foam does an excellent job of thermal insulation.

In winter, during flowering, we must not forget about air humidification, however, the plant is not recommended; it is better to purchase an air humidifier, which can now be found without problems in any specialized store.

IN winter time for orchids it is necessary to create artificial lighting.

What concerns fertilizers, then fertilizing should be done no more than once a month. All this is due to the fact that in the spring-summer period the daylight hours are much longer and the temperature is higher. In this connection, the orchid copes quite quickly with the processing of fertilizers.

Is it possible to rotate an orchid? If placing flowers on the windowsill becomes impossible due to very low temperatures, then it is recommended to place the plant in any other place, but, without fail, under artificial lighting. Regular fluorescent lamps are perfect.

Caring for a blooming orchid in winter is very difficult. If you adhere to all of the above rules, the flowers will survive the winter without any problems.

Peduncle support

An important rule in support is accuracy. It is very important during the procedure not to damage the roots that are on the surface.

Orchids need to be tied only if their peduncle hangs heavily.

It is worth considering the fact that orchid roots are usually entwine the walls of the pot Therefore, you need to insert the stick, which will support the peduncle, so as not to touch the roots, approximately halfway between the walls of the pot and the stem.

Is it possible to change the location of the pot during the flowering period?

Orchid is a flower that loves stability, any significant changes negatively affect the plant, especially during the flowering period.

Change in room temperature, improper watering, and even the banal movement of a plant from place to place can destroy the plant. Experienced flower growers recommend taking care of its location in the house before purchasing a flower.

Orchids have enough not easy to adapt to a change of situation. Any, even the most insignificant changes in temperature, lighting or feeding entail detrimental consequences, so moving the flower from place to place is strictly not recommended.


Orchid - enough capricious plant. It's incredible to please beautiful flower very difficult. The flowering period directly depends on the lighting.

If natural light is supplied in sufficient quantities, the plant will delight with regular flowering. It is quite simple to understand whether a flower has enough light: if the lighting is insufficient, the leaves will eventually turn yellow and fall off.

However following the most simple rules will help avoid such unpleasant consequences:

  • Scattered light. Direct sun rays can destroy the plant, especially in summer. And if in winter you need to make sure that the flower receives enough light, then in summer you should be wary of the sun, which will simply burn the leaves;
  • Artificial lighting. IN winter period When daylight hours decrease, it is worth taking care in advance about where the plant will receive light from. Great option will become fluorescent lamps.

Temperature conditions.

Favorable temperatures for the plant are:

  • 14-16 degrees at night;
  • And 22-24 during the day.

Too much low temperature will destroy the flower. An excellent stimulator of flowering is the temperature difference; at night it should be approximately 7 degrees lower than during the day.

However, these rules are general, because all types of orchids (and there are 30,000 of them) divided into categories by temperature:

Houseplants feel great at a temperature of 19-28 degrees in daytime and at 14-25 at night.


Orchid care- it’s not an easy matter. And if everything is extremely simple with temperature and lighting, then with watering things are more complicated.

It is worth remembering that each flower has its own characteristics and subtleties of watering. On the one hand, they love humidity, but on the other, stagnation of moisture in the roots can destroy the flower.

ATTENTION! If in doubt, it is worth remembering that orchids survive drying out better than excess moisture. Intensive watering is necessary only during flowering and active growth. A lack or excess of moisture can be easily determined by the condition of the leaves. The leaves of an overdried flower are wrinkled, and those of an overwatered flower are yellowed.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to care for orchids at home:

Find out in the video how to care for orchids in winter:

Interesting facts in the video on how to secure an orchid peduncle and not break it:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid in winter:


In order for orchids to delight you with regular flowering, you need to remember three main recommendations:

  1. Age. If the orchid has not started to bloom, do not panic. Perhaps the plant is still too young, because earlier flowering leads to the death of the orchid. You can determine the age by the leaves. An adult plant has 5-8 leaves, if the flower has fewer, do not worry, the orchid is still too young to bloom;
  2. Trimming. We must not forget that it is necessary to trim flowers that have already wilted. However, they do not need to be cut off completely, but only by half;
  3. Transparent pot. Experts recommend, but do not oblige, purchase a transparent pot for flowers so that a sufficient amount of light reaches the roots of the plant.

Following this advice on plant care will help you grow incredibly beautiful flowers right on the windowsill.

The main thing is to treat this matter responsibly, because an orchid is real pet which requires careful care and attention.

The following features are characteristic of orchid flowering:

  1. Flowering begins only after the orchid is 2 years old;
  2. when transplanting a plant by a child, you will have to wait until 6 airy leaves are formed;
  3. For an orchid, calmness and adaptation to one place remain important, so there is no need to remove the pot and change its location.


In order for tropical beauties to regularly delight you with colorful blooms and new buds, the following conditions must be observed:

  • The formation of new flower stalks is directly related to the condition of the root system. Roots are active sites of photosynthesis, so they need to be provided with the necessary amount of light. Thus, the orchid container should be transparent.
  • House flowers require sunlight. If there is insufficient lighting, the flower will not grow. In summer, the lack of light is practically not noticeable, but in autumn and winter it needs to be provided with additional lighting.
  • To tropical beauty pleased me with new buds, it is necessary to follow the correct temperature regime. During the day the temperature will be 20-24 degrees, at night – 15-18 degrees.
  • Abundant and regular flowering is possible only with the application of fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. But if there is oversaturation with nitrogen, only leaves will grow, flowering will stop.
  • Watering should be moderate. An excess of moisture will negatively affect the orchid’s ability to frequently produce new flower stalks.

In total, an orchid has 5 phases of its life cycle:

All of these phases make up the annual cycle of the plant. But orchids do not always adhere to this exact rhythm, as a result of which it is not possible to achieve persistent and long-lasting flowering.

How long does it last?

If you care for the plant correctly, you will enjoy flowering for several months. This happens 2-3 times a year. Flowering can occur in several stages: earlier blooming inflorescences begin to wither, but at the same time, inflorescences formed later bloom.

You can find out how often an orchid blooms at home and how long this period can last.

Is it possible to artificially stimulate?

To stimulate orchid flowering artificially, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Use a stimulant for orchid growth and flowering. This product is sold in flower shop. Spraying with this preparation should be carried out in the morning during watering.
  • You can trick the plant by giving it a mini-drought in a separate pot of phalaenopsis. This great way, which works even under conditions of overfeeding the flower with nitrogen compounds.
  • Imitation of the “rainy season”. You can trigger a reaction in your orchid by watering it daily. warm water, whose temperature is 35 degrees. After 4 days, stop watering and restore after 2 weeks. After 2 weeks of tactics, you will have to return to the normal watering regime.

How does it start to bloom?

The flowering of the plant begins at the moment the buds open. They open smoothly and slowly. First, the side and upper petals, and only then the lip and the flower itself open. This process lasts about a day. After 2-3 days, you can observe a fully mature orchid. The buds that bloom first are those located closer to the end of the peduncle.


Below you will see the plant in bloom in the photo:

Home care before, during and after flowering

Nutrition and feeding

It is necessary to apply fertilizers, but only do it correctly. Before flowering, use compositions with a predominance of nitrogen. But during and after flowering, the orchid needs potassium and phosphorus, since nitrogen will inhibit the development of buds. Potassium and phosphorus, in turn, stimulate the formation of buds and guarantee the appearance of healthy flowers.


The air in the room must be humidified. There is no need to use special devices here. All you need is a spray bottle. Spray it regularly around the orchid. You can also place containers of water near the flower.


As soon as the plant begins to bloom, it needs to change the watering regime. This process has certain features:

  • Pour water directly into the roots of the flower. Watering should be done 2 times a week, but it should not be abundant. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil, which should not dry out, but also be waterlogged.
  • During the flowering period, it is better to install the plant in a room with high humidity. This has a positive effect on his condition.
  • After flowering, water the flower once a week, and from the moment of dormancy, it is enough to do this 1-2 times a month.


The main reason for replanting an orchid is a small pot. We'll have to wait until flowering is over. Otherwise, it will have a detrimental effect on the condition of the flower.

Start replanting only after the flower has dropped its petals. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Carefully remove the plant from the pot without damaging the roots.
  2. Shake off the old soil, which is already thinned, from the roots. Using scissors, remove rotten and weak roots.
  3. For replanting, use a pot that is 1-2 sizes larger than the previous one.
  4. Place the substrate on the bottom, place the orchid and add soil again. It should fill all the free space between the roots.
  5. Do not completely cover the top with soil. It is better that it is open and located below the side of the container.

To minimize the consequences of replanting, it is necessary to moisten the soil, and place the flower itself in a shaded place for a couple of days. This will allow him to rest.

How to trim?

This procedure is necessary after flowering, otherwise the branches will become small each time. In most cases, cut the peduncle slightly above a highly developed bud, leaving 5-6 mm above the bud. This will avoid drying out. Use pruning shears for pruning.

Read in detail about what care is needed for an orchid during its flowering and other periods of its life, and from there you will learn about the rules for caring for a flower after it has bloomed.

If it doesn't bloom

The following reasons exist:

  • Failure to comply with rest conditions which involve changing watering regimes and temperatures.
  • Incorrect temperature. At elevated temperatures and non-compliance with daily changes, the level of metabolism in the flower organism will decrease. As a result, the efficiency of photosynthesis decreases and the plant lacks energy. The result of this is the stopping of the formation of a new kidney.
  • Incorrect watering. The flowering period for an orchid is a time of dry conditions. The flower is trying with all its might to protect itself from death.
  • Incorrect feeding. You should not fertilize with a high concentration of nitrogen, as this will cause the plant to grow green mass, and the flower stalks will be missing.
  • A sufficient amount of light is needed to establish a peduncle. If there is a shortage of it, the flower primarily supports the life of vital organs - leaves and roots.

What to do?

To solve the problem associated with the lack of flowering, you must first eliminate the cause. In addition, the following stimulation methods are used:

  1. Chemicals. Epin remains the most popular. It is used for spraying. Carry out the treatment every day, preferably in the morning. Once a week, water the orchid with water adding 3-5 drops of the drug. Watering with a solution has a positive effect on the plant. succinic acid. It serves as a growth regulator and anti-stress drug. Dissolve 2 g of the drug in 1-2 liters of water. Processing is carried out within 3 days.
  2. Temperature difference. To stimulate flowering, it is necessary to properly organize the temperature difference. To do this, you can bring the flower onto the balcony at night. The temperature at night should be 18 degrees. After this, move the flower to a warm place. Such stress will lead to flowering.

Is it possible to extend this period?

You can admire the beauty of an orchid during flowering forever. To somehow extend this period, you can use the following recommendations:

  • Do not move the pot and try to touch it less.
  • Do not overfeed the flower with fertilizers.
  • Spray the tip of the peduncle.

Caring for an orchid during flowering is difficult. During this period, the plant requires increased attention, so you will have to be patient. But such efforts will not be in vain, because during flowering the orchid looks incredibly beautiful and graceful, and this is the best reward for any gardener.

Watch a video about caring for an orchid during the flowering period:

A blooming orchid is a magical sight that can brighten up any home, and most people buy them or receive them as a gift with the flowers already in bloom. However, you need to know what to look after an orchid during flowering. special care. Let's consider its basic rules.

Proper orchid care begins with choice suitable place. The lighting there should be plentiful, but diffused: the flower should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun. In summer, especially in sunny weather, it can even be slightly shaded using a matte film or translucent plastic. This is especially important in the spring, when the plant is just beginning to rebuild after short winter days.

But the soft autumn sun will not harm, but on the contrary, will give the plant strength to prepare for winter. The shading can be removed at this time. In order for phalaenopsis at home to bloom profusely and for a long time, there must be at least 12 hours of daylight.

During the cold season, you should take care of artificial lighting. Good choice There will be fluorescent or phytolamps. Illumination is especially important if the plant has thrown out a peduncle: by directing the main light of the lamps exactly at it, you can ensure that your home orchid blooms in winter.

In this case, the place should be constant - frequent rearrangements, even small movements of the pot will become stressful for the orchid and its flowering period may be shortened. A place near south or south-east windows is good.


Different types of orchids prefer different temperatures. For heat-loving phalaenopsis and cattleyas, a range of 15–32 °C is suitable in summer, and 15–18 °C in winter. Important rule: daily temperature changes for them should be no more than 3–5 °C.

But dendrobiums, lalias, Lady's slippers, and odontoglossums prefer relative coolness. For them, it is desirable that the maximum temperature in the house in summer does not exceed 22 °C, and in winter stays at 12–15 °C.

It is advisable that during the flowering period of orchids the temperature is maintained optimal for of this variety. And if you want to enjoy luxurious flowering, you need a difference between day and night temperatures of several degrees - it stimulates the setting of buds. However, such changes should not be sudden, otherwise the plant may get sick.

Regularity of watering

To take good care of your orchid, you need to follow the rules of watering. When and how to water these flowers?

The need for moisture different types varies as much as temperature requirements. Those who care for phalaenopsis know that these plants, like Lady's slippers, prefer slightly moist soil; but dendrobiums and oncidiums need watering only after the soil has completely dried out. It is advisable to water the phalaenopsis orchid especially often when it blooms or throws out flower stalks, but it is important that the water does not stagnate - this can inhibit the development of buds and even lead to rotting of the roots.

You can determine that a plant is suffering from insufficient watering by its wrinkled pseudobulb.


For proper care for a blooming orchid at home, it is important to maintain normal humidity air. Blooming orchids usually have enough room conditions: The acceptable rate can range from 40 to 70 percent. But if it falls lower, the flowers may begin to fall off, and the plant itself will stop growing. This is possible both in the heat of summer and in winter, when the batteries dry out the air. In this case, it is better to use a humidifier, place soaked expanded clay next to the flowers, or simply an open container of water.

For some species, it is possible to spray the leaves with a spray bottle; it is only important that water does not get into the axils of the leaves - it will stagnate there and cause the plant to rot. It is best for the maximum moisture to fall on the lower part of the leaf, where the stomata are located, which absorb water. You need to spray the orchid during the day, in good, but in no case direct light, otherwise the plant may be severely burned.

With high air humidity, whether natural or artificial, you need to ventilate the room often, otherwise the plant may become infected with fungus.

Pot and soil requirements

Important conditions for caring for a phalaenopsis orchid are a translucent pot and special soil. The pot must allow light to pass through, since in orchids not only leaves, but also roots participate in photosynthesis. In addition, if the pot is not smooth, plastic, but rough (for example, ceramic), the roots may grow to it, which will injure them during replanting.

You can purchase a specialized substrate for orchids or make it yourself from sphagnum moss and bark coniferous trees. For mature plants (over three years old), clean bark is also perfect.

Transplanting a plant

A newly purchased plant only needs to be replanted immediately if the supplier used pure sphagnum moss as the soil. If the substrate, as expected, includes bark, you can not disturb the orchid and do not increase its stress.

On average new transplant for a home orchid it will take one and a half to two years, depending on the type, or in the case when the roots become clearly crowded.

It is advisable to replant these plants after flowering. After replanting, the substrate should never be compacted - this can severely damage the roots, and they also need air. After transplantation, the orchid should not be watered for five days (during this time, the wounds on the roots will heal).

Fertilizer and feeding

In such a matter as caring for orchids, the issue of fertilizing is quite controversial. Some experts are confident that all necessary useful substances the plant can get it from the substrate, you just need to change it at least once every two years. Others are sure that for flowering plants Fertilizers are important, especially phosphorus and potassium.

In any case, it is recommended to fertilize only when the plants are actively developing and blooming, and do this no more than once every 2-3 weeks. In this case, a special rule for caring for orchids is that about a week after applying the fertilizer, the soil must be washed to remove unabsorbed mineral salts from it. This can be done using a shower. When the water begins to flow into the pan, pour it out and place the pot on a wire rack to dry.

If the orchid has faded and the peduncle has begun to dry out, it should be removed - this will help a new one develop. If it remains green, you should not cut it off - buds may form on it again.

Video “Orchid Care”

From this video you will learn how to care for the Phalaenopsis orchid.

Reference! An orchid, with proper care, can bloom twice a year: in autumn and spring.

This is a rather capricious plant that blooms again only if a number of rules for caring for it are followed. Besides, Orchid likes to occupy a large area, which flower growers are not always informed about.


In order for an orchid to consistently delight with its flowering, it is necessary to take into account its care preferences. Let's take a closer look at what factors influence the flowering of this plant.


The age of the plant plays a very important role, since it begins to bloom naturally no earlier than one and a half to two years (depending on the species). The formation of flowers in young plant, because the flowering process takes a lot of energy and the Orchid may not restore it and die. You can determine how young a plant is by the number of shoots - adult Orchids ready for flowering have about 5-8 of them.


It is important to remember that any, even minor, movement of a flower will become a real stress for it, be it simply moving a pot or moving. The orchid reacts painfully to a change of place and, in order to make it easier for it to adapt, it is necessary to place the container with the plant in relation to the light source in the same way as it was originally (i.e., place the same side towards the sun or lamp). It is also not recommended to move the pot during watering; it is better to leave the capricious orchid alone.

Important! Under no circumstances should you move the plant while the peduncle is forming - this may negatively affect the growth of the flower.

Favorable environment for the development of the root system

The conditions for the development of the root system must be taken care of in advance., because Orchid does not like unnecessary movements. When choosing a pot, it is better to pay attention to transparent plastic containers with a large number of drainage holes. Transparency is welcome, since the roots are actively involved in the process of photosynthesis and need good lighting. It is better to avoid ceramic dishes, because the roots can grow to uneven surfaces and be injured by sharp protrusions.


For normal flowering, the plant needs full daylight - at least 10-12 hours a day, so in the autumn-winter months it will be necessary to maintain lighting with the help of special lamps. Peduncles released in autumn or winter may die due to lack of light, and this cannot be allowed. Good decision will be the purchase of phytolamps. They provide excellent illumination to plants and do not dry out the air around them.

Without additional lighting, the peduncle may stop growing and die. If it is not possible to artificially illuminate the entire flower, it is enough to direct the light of the lamp to the tip of the peduncle, but so that neither it nor the plant itself is exposed to heat.

Air temperature difference

For many Orchids, a slight difference in air temperature is important., i.e. at night the temperature should be 4-6 degrees lower than during the day. You will have to be very careful and make an effort to comply with this point.

In the warm season, you can place plants in the fresh air, where the temperature will be regulated naturally. In cold weather, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room decorated with this capricious flower, but so that the plant does not end up in a draft that it cannot tolerate.


To avoid rotting of the root system, It is recommended to water the orchid after the soil has completely dried, both in summer and winter, regardless of whether the plant is mature or young.

At the same time, after flowering ends, it is necessary to reduce watering for about a month. This important point, related to the fact that in wildlife After flowering, the Orchid begins to set seeds, which, after ripening, should scatter for kilometers around. Scattering is possible only in dry weather, so reducing watering is, first of all, creating conditions close to natural.


Air humidity is important for plant growth and development. If the air around the Orchid is too dry (this most often happens during heating season), flower stalks may stop developing and dry out. You can maintain a favorable microclimate using a simple container filled with water and placed near pots with plants. In addition, you can and should spray the flower, providing it with additional moisture.


Properly selected fertilizer will greatly facilitate the flowering process. Fertilizer compositions based on potassium and phosphorus, which stimulate the formation of flower buds, are favorable for Orchids. In addition, the useful elements included in the fertilizer will ensure the growth of strong and healthy flowers. But you should not experiment with compounds containing a large percentage of nitrogen, as they will inhibit plant growth.

You can learn more about what fertilizers orchids need to stimulate flowering by watching the video:

Stressful situations

This may seem strange, but sometimes In order for a plant to bloom, it must be “scared”.

There are times when the Orchid is too happy with the conditions and puts all its forces into the development of greenery, without releasing the flower arrow. On the one hand, this is good - the plant is healthy and happy, but on the other hand, you want aesthetic pleasure. You can move the pot to a cooler place or reduce watering. Having experienced a slight shock, the Orchid often returns to normal and blooms.

Blooming periods

There is no clear answer to the question “How often do Orchids bloom?”, since many factors influence this process. Plant types are diverse, with their own advantages and disadvantages, characteristics and needs.

With proper, systematic care, an Orchid can put out flowering arrows twice a year, or it may not bloom at all. Do not forget that after the flowering period there comes a period of rest. How long the plant needs to recuperate determines when the next buds will appear.

How long does it last

What to do if the arrow does not release?

It is not uncommon for an Orchid to categorically refuse to bloom. It can turn green for years, but not produce flower stalks, and this undoubtedly upsets the owners of the capricious plant.

  1. Lack of light, especially in cold months.
  2. Incorrect watering scheme: too much or not enough.
  3. Temperature violation.
  4. Dry air.
  5. Lack of nutrients.

To force an Orchid to release a flower arrow, the two most reliable methods are usually used:

  • Reduce the amount of liquid when watering.
  • Create stressful situation due to a decrease in air temperature.

As a rule, these methods work, the plant is “scared” and strives to reproduce, and the gardener enjoys amazing flowers.

We invite you to watch a useful video about what to do to make an orchid bloom:

Is it possible to extend the time in bloom?

The surest way to extend the flowering time of an Orchid is to properly care for it. Any deviation from the norm can lead to withering and falling off of the buds or drying out of the entire peduncle.

Factors that allow you to control the flowering process:

  1. Different air temperatures during the day and night.
  2. Duration of daylight hours, i.e. increasing it if necessary.

You can control the flowering process from the moment the buds form until the last flower fully blooms.

In conclusion, I would like to note that all plants need special care and if the grower is not ready to create favorable conditions for each ward, you should not expect outstanding results. Regarding Orchids, only patience and attentiveness will allow you to grow a strong and healthy flower.

When looking for information on how to properly water a home orchid, it is worth understanding that there are general rules of irrigation and its features that are relevant only during the flowering of a given plant. To move on to the issue of watering blooming orchid, you must first familiarize yourself with basic rules care, since without them the issue will not be fully resolved.

Dependence of water volume on room temperature

One rule never loses its relevance: the warmer the room where the plant is located, the more abundantly and often it needs to be watered. However, the pot must have a hole that will allow any excess water to flow out of it. Otherwise, there will be excessive accumulation of liquid in the middle of the container. This is the direct cause of rotting of the plant's rhizome and its further death.

For those who are interested in how to water an orchid during flowering, this rule is also relevant.

What threatens an orchid with excessive watering?

It has already been said above about the danger of abundant irrigation of the orchid. To understand the specific reason for this phenomenon, it is worth studying the characteristics of the plant and the metabolic processes in it. Very good for an orchid great value has it root system. In fact, this is a basic element of life support. As soon as diseases or problems begin in the orchid spadix, negative changes are displayed throughout the plant. The process of water absorption occurs through the root part, without which its further transportation is impossible. If the absorption processes are disrupted, the leaves and flowers slowly fade. As a result, the plant slowly dies. Therefore, despite the fact that the most beautiful part of an orchid is its flowers, in care it is necessary to pay the most attention to the root.

The consistency of the orchid substrate as the main indicator of its condition

The substrate in which the orchid grows must be completely dry at the time of watering. IN in this case do not focus on any specific number of days, since everything is individual here. Not a single authoritative source will give a universal answer to the question of how much to water an orchid. The owner of the flower should control the condition of the substrate himself.

At the same time, it is important to understand that an orchid, being a very “capricious” plant in terms of care, can dry out its species in 6 days this week, and in three next week. When cloudy days begin, there is a possibility that this period of time will even extend to twenty. Moreover, this trend is completely independent of the flowering of the described representative of the flora. Thus, you will understand for yourself how much to water the orchid.

The total weight of the pot is an indicator of the presence of water in it

People who already have experience of excess share one interesting observation: dry top layer the substrate in which it grows cannot be considered an indicator that the plant needs regular watering. It often happens that the top of the rock is dry, but the lower layers contain a sufficient amount of moisture. This is worth considering when looking for an answer to the question of when to flower.

It is necessary that watering occurs when the entire substrate is dry. Its drying is influenced by factors such as:

  • the general air temperature in the room where the orchid is located;
  • illumination of the place where the flower pot stands;
  • humidity in the room.

To determine whether it is time to water the orchid, you should pick up the pot. If it turns out to be light, the plant requires watering. If not, then the dry top layer of the substrate does not mean anything; there is a sufficient amount of water in its lower layers. Remember: an orchid is watered only when all its substance has dried.

In the case when it is difficult to figure out how many times to water an orchid, there is an even simpler way to determine the soil moisture than observing weight. Lightly pick the side of the soil in which this representative of the flora grows with your finger to understand the degree of its moisture content. However, do this carefully so as not to damage the plant itself.

How to water during flowering?

First of all, when talking about watering this type of orchid, like Phalaenopsis, it is worth knowing how it should never be handled. Never spray a flower so that water penetrates into the core between the leaves. This will provoke rotting processes in the plant. As for conditions of abundant lighting, under them watering flowers and leaves can lead to burns of the plant. This is due to fast

When answering the question of how to water an orchid during flowering, it is worth mentioning the opinion that you should not wet the flowers, since such actions destroy them. When a plant does not bloom, it is recommended hot shower with temperatures up to fifty-two degrees. Such measures imitate natural conditions, and therefore they are optimally suited for orchids.

However, the reader may wonder how this statement relates to the one mentioned above regarding not allowing water into the core. Everything is simple here. After a “hot shower,” those who insist on its usefulness advise removing accumulations of water that have formed between the leaves in the axils using a scarf or napkin.

How to water an orchid during flowering: general rules

When talking about how to water an orchid during flowering, you need to consider the place where it grows. General rules are:

  • If the orchid is growing in a pot, water its substrate generously, allowing all the water to drain out. Required quantity the life-giving liquid will remain, but the excess will go away along with various unnecessary substances of the earth: salts, etc.;

  • For orchids growing on a block (a piece of bark or twigs), use the soaking technique. We completely immerse the plant in water so that the flowers remain on the surface. This allows you to enrich the rhizome with water, but protect yourself from rotting of the entire orchid due to liquid getting into the core. The block should remain in the water for fifteen minutes;
  • As for the hanging orchid, we remove it and dip the roots in a container filled with warm water. It is very important to remember that the cobs should be immersed in water carefully. They are naturally quite dry, and therefore can break if handled carelessly. It takes fifteen minutes for the plant’s rhizome to become saturated with moisture. Then we take it out of the water, carefully shake it off and hang it in its usual place.

Proper care is the key to orchid health

When thinking about how to water an orchid during flowering, remember that this plant is quite whimsical. Therefore, do not overdo it with water in the substrate, and also protect the flowers from direct moisture.
