How to propagate dendrobium orchid by children and cuttings. Dendrobium orchid care, varieties, reproduction How the dendrobium orchid blooms

Having gained some experience in growing ornamental crops, many gardeners at some point set the goal of growing an orchid on their plot. And many are not afraid that this will not be so easy.

This plant is distinguished by great species diversity, and among them there are not so many varieties that can grow well in room conditions. One of the most famous is the dendrobium orchid.

This family includes representatives such as phalaenopsis and the orchid dendrobium nobile. The agricultural technology for growing these exotic plants in each case is determined by the characteristics of the climate that is natural for them.

Since the orchid is member of the epiphyte family, then their development is extremely negatively affected by dry air, lack of lighting and excess moisture.

Dendrobium nobile stands out from other members of the family due to its stunning beauty, which is largely due to its large fragrant flowers. As the orchid grows, it forms pseudobulbs, which look like a thickening of the stem that accumulates moisture and nutrients. During the growing season, the plant at a certain point goes into a dormant state, as indicated by many signs. It stops growing and begins to prepare strength for a new flowering.

For this reason, with the onset of winter, it is necessary to create specific conditions for the plant: temperature environment should be reduced to 10 degrees Celsius, lighting should be maximum, and watering should be excluded.

If all these requirements are met, then already in the early spring, and perhaps even earlier, the pseudobulbs will begin to turn into peduncles.

For flower growers, hybrids bred on the basis of dendrobium nobile and phalaenopsis are more suitable, since they begin to bloom without preliminary preparation. Their care is determined by the origins of their parents. Therefore, before purchasing them, it does not hurt to first get acquainted with their pedigree. If you want these varieties of orchids to delight you with their flowering for as long as possible, then you will have to maintain them indoors. around the clock the corresponding temperature is from 16 to 20 degrees Celsius.

At the moment when the dendrobium nobile orchid stops flowering, the above-ground part enters the active growth phase, which over time leads to babies. At this stage, it is necessary to maintain increased temperature and humidity in the room. Feeding is required, which is carried out once every two weeks. For this they use liquid formulations, specially designed for orchids.

Until the end of summer, the dendrobium orchid gains green mass. At this time, you should not touch the old pseudobulbs, as they will provide additional nutrition to the newly developing babies.

Transplantation at home

This operation seriously injures the dendrobium, so it is recommended to replant the plants no more than once every two to three years. In principle, this operation is worth carrying out only if there is an urgent need for it. Examples of such situations may be when there is no longer enough space in the container in which the dendrobium grows, the plant has stopped gaining weight, the forming pseudobulbs hang over the edges of the pot, there are signs of soil salinity.

  • The best time for propagation is spring, the moment after flowering or at the beginning of active growth. The roots of the transplanted plant must be cleared of old soil. To do this, the pot with the plant needs to be thoroughly moistened, then later it will be possible to remove the existing substrate without any problems;
  • Before planting, it is necessary to inspect the roots: if rotten or damaged areas are found, they must be removed and the cuts treated with charcoal. It is prohibited to use brilliant green or other preparations containing alcohol for this purpose. After this, you need to let the roots dry for several hours;
  • The orchid feels best in cramped containers. For this, pots are selected so that the thickness of the substrate between the roots and walls is no more than 2 cm.
  • in the process of growth, the aerial part of the orchid acquires large sizes, so it is recommended to plant it in stable containers. Most best option- heavy clay pots;
  • Having selected a suitable container for propagation, drainage is placed in it at ¼ of the volume. Next, it is filled with substrate to form a slide. After this, the orchid is prepared for transplantation: its roots need to be straightened, and then the plant is placed in the center. Care must be taken to ensure that the pseudobulbs remain on the surface. In some cases, supports may be required to provide good stability;
  • After planting for the purpose of propagation, the container with the orchid should be kept in a dark place, the temperature should be approximately 20 degrees Celsius. After 2-4 days you can start watering.

How to care for a dendrobium orchid?

Photos of plants look beautiful because they were proper care is provided. This is the moment that needs to be given maximum attention.

Epiphytic orchids feel better on soils that have a loose structure and do not contain much nutrients. As a soil substrate, use a mixture based on crushed pine bark, sphagnum moss and peat. You also need to add charcoal to it. Used for planting orchids soil mixture calcium must be absent. This is due to the fact that many types of orchids react negatively to this element.

Can also be used as a substrate crushed bark coniferous plants . You need to fill the container with it as follows: you need to put larger pieces on the bottom, and smaller ones in the upper part. The presence of a small amount of peat in it, which improves its mechanical properties, has a positive effect on the quality of the substrate. As a result, the soil for the orchid acquires best performance acidity.

The substrate prepared for use must be disinfected. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over it and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Then wait until it dries.

When propagating dendrobium orchids at home, you can plant them in ordinary pots or hanging baskets made of slats. However, in any case they will need good drainage, which should occupy at least 1/4 of the height. For this they use broken brick or granite crushed stone, laying it out in a thick layer. But the use of expanded clay and limestone, which is rich in calcium, is not recommended.

Before planting in baskets, be sure to add thick layer of sphagnum. Plants that grow on a snag support look more decorative.


Under natural conditions, dendrobium nobile feels good only if it is provided with bright and diffuse lighting. In indoor conditions this becomes a problem, especially in winter, when there is a severe lack of lighting. For this reason, to create the most favorable conditions, it is recommended to grow orchids from May to September on windows facing west and east, and in winter they should be moved to the south.

During care, you need to periodically turn the pot so that all parts of the dendrobium got enough light. If cold weather approaches, you need to remove them away from the windowsill.

The dendrobium orchid can grow well if it is provided with sufficient light during the day. Typically, the optimal daylight hours are 10-15 hours. IN winter time Lighting deficiency can be eliminated by illumination with special lamps.

  • Orchid varieties with white and pale pink flowers tolerate lack of lighting much better. Therefore, provided additional lighting is carried out, they will feel good on windows located on the north-eastern side;
  • if you are growing dendrobium orchids with bright red, pink, yellow flowers, then it is better to keep them on windows facing southeast, southwest. With the arrival of winter, they are moved to the south side, not forgetting to create additional lighting for them.

By providing too much light to the plants, you will ensure that the dendrobium orchid will actively gain weight, forming pseudobulbs, which will not grow large, and this will negatively affect flowering.

If there is a lack of lighting, the pseudobulbs will turn out thin and long, and flowering usually does not occur.

In order for the orchid to absorb all the water used for irrigation, it needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of light. Therefore, you need to pay attention to this point and adjust the watering rate.

Watering dendrobium orchids

Home care involves right choice moment for watering. The signal to start watering the plants is the drying of the top layer of moss or substrate. In the summer it is enough to carry it out two to three times a week. With the onset of winter, watering should be minimal.


The temperature factor begins to affect the development of the dendrobium orchid only if it provided required quantity Sveta. Its deficiency leads to the fact that plants do not come out of dormancy, even despite the creation of favorable temperatures.

IN daytime In summer, the optimal temperature is 20 degrees, in winter it is lowered to 17 degrees, while a decrease in night temperature by 2-3 degrees is allowed.

If the ambient temperature becomes excessively high, water begins to quickly evaporate through the stomata on the leaves. As a result, only part of the moisture they need reaches the roots.

For this reason, when a high temperature regime is established in a room, the air humidity should be adjusted in accordance with it. Pots with dendrobium orchids should be placed on a tray with water and pebbles or damp moss. Spraying also helps maintain the required level of humidity.

Dendrobium orchids can pose a serious danger fungal diseases . To avoid their development, when caring for dendrobium orchids at home, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room, making sure that there are no cold drafts. When the weather is warm and sunny outside, the plants can be kept outdoors.

When growing dendrobium orchids at home, already in the first weeks of spring they begin to gain green mass, provided good lighting is created. At such moments it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity and regularly fertilize mineral fertilizers.

If the plants are provided with the required amount of light, moisture and a favorable temperature is created for them, then already in October they will develop maximum quantity foliage and pseudobulbs of normal size.


Growing dendrobium orchids at home seems to be a rather labor-intensive task. However, the desire to enjoy the flowering of this plant stops few people. In order for the orchid to enter the phase of active growth in the spring, it is necessary to create favorable conditions also in winter period. For this you need maintain the temperature no higher than 10 degrees and completely eliminate watering.

Dendrobium nobile requires even more attention in the spring, when it begins to actively gain green mass. In addition to maintaining optimal temperature, during care it must be provided with the necessary amount of moisture and regular feeding should be carried out. It is also important to ensure that the room there were no sudden cold snaps. Compliance with these conditions allows you to obtain well-developed orchid bushes already in October.

Caring for dendrobium at home

Every year, beautiful orchids delight flower growers with new species. Dendrobium orchids are gaining popularity - interesting exotic genus. Dendrobiums are distinguished by their special beauty and lush flowering. To retain representatives unusual orchids, you need to choose a method of propagating them - by children or cuttings, replant them correctly and follow the care recommendations immediately after planting.

In dendrobiums, the stems are thickened due to the accumulation of nutrients and moisture during the period of active growth. Such stems are called bulbs, or pseudobulbs. Every year the orchid produces several new shoots. Between the leaves, on the bulbs, there are buds. Each bud develops either into an inflorescence or into a new plant, depending on the conditions.

Dendrobium orchid propagation

There are several ways to propagate dendrobium orchids: by children and cuttings. Each method of reproduction has its own characteristics, but they are united by the final stage - planting dendrobum children.

Reproduction of dendrobium orchids by children

Reproduction by children or side shoots is the simplest. Children appear only with certain care of the plant.
In winter, during the dormant period, the orchid must be moved to a cool place, watering should be reduced to a minimum, and no fertilizing or replanting should be done. Such stressful conditions are necessary for flowering. After the first flower buds appear and grow a little, the dendrobium is moved to its usual place, gradually resuming watering and fertilizing. Then flowering will begin and will last from 2 to 8 weeks. Buds that did not produce flowers will delight you with children.

Before the baby orchids are separated from the mother plant, they wait for them to grow good roots. At this moment, fertilizing with a weak solution of complex mineral fertilizer with the advantage of a nitrogen component is necessary.

Propagation of dendrobium orchid by cuttings

Propagation of dendrobium by bulbs is suitable for those who do not like the look of last year's leafless stems. By the way, old bulbs, although unsightly, serve as a supply of moisture and nutrients.

Prepare required material: crushed charcoal, plastic container, sphagnum moss. First, make sure that there are buds on the bulb that did not produce flowers or babies.

Then cut the selected stem with pruning shears, clear it of leaves and sharp knife cut into several pieces. Sprinkle all sections with crushed coal and dry for an hour.

Prepare the greenhouse: place moistened moss in a container. To be effective, it can be moistened with a solution of a plant growth stimulator.

Then we place the cuttings and close the container. In the future, it will be necessary to ventilate the greenhouse and maintain the moisture of the moss.

The most suitable place its location is the eastern or northern window. With this method of reproduction, do not wait quick results. The photo below shows dendrobium cuttings in a greenhouse after 1.5 months.

Planting dendrobium babies

Next, with any of the selected methods of reproduction, it is necessary to plant the children correctly. Once they have grown enough, carefully separate them from the mother plant. If there are wounds left, treat with crushed charcoal and dry. To be effective, you can use a plant growth stimulator by spraying or soaking orchids in it according to the instructions.

Select small, opaque containers with good drainage holes in which to plant.

Soil for planting dendrobium babies

As a substrate you can take ready soil for orchids or make it yourself. The soil must be sufficiently air-intensive to prevent root rot and stagnation of water. Possible components for soil: pine bark, fine expanded clay, perlite, vermiculite, charcoal, foam balls and some peat.

Place a thin layer of sphagnum moss on the bottom of the pot and, holding the dendrobium in a horizontal position, fill in the substrate, trying not to bury the root collar.

Caring for dendrobium after planting babies

Place pots with plants in a narrower container - this will be a tray. In hot weather, water the orchid from above onto the substrate. And in wet weather, simply add water to the bottom pot, but do not allow the root layer to dry out completely. Protect young plants from sun or drafts.

It’s a good sign if the orchid produces a new leaf or you see young roots. This means that the plant has taken root and is growing.

After this, you can carefully begin to feed them with mineral fertilizers once every 2 weeks. To begin with, it is better to simply spray the substrate and leaves with a nutrient solution, and then feed directly by watering. After a year, transfer the dendrobium to a new spacious container, not forgetting to install a support for the plant.

Follow these simple care and propagation techniques, then dendrobium orchids will delight you with their growth and their unique palette during flowering.

Victoria Ukhareva, amateur gardener, landscape designer

More information on how replant and properly care for dendrobium orchids, read the articles.

For printing

Irina Tugai 09/17/2014 | 6296

King's Dendrobium (Dendrobium kingianum), with its slender bulbs and bunches of flower stalks at the tops, can easily be mistaken for a smaller copy of Phalaenopsis Dendrobium. However, this is a different plant.

Typically, the height of King's dendrobium does not exceed 20 cm. The pseudobulbs, somewhat thickened at the bottom, noticeably taper towards the apex and near it form a tuft of 2-7 dense, leathery leaves. Like its more massive brother, this dendrobium is Australian in origin.

Features of cultivation

Indoor culture of King's dendrobium does not present any problems - the life of the plant is subject to a clear rhythm: growth – rest – flowering – rest. In spring, tight pinkish growth buds appear from the rhizome (rhizome). This is the time when the orchid is quite generous feed And moisturize, but with the obligatory drying between waterings. TO air humidity special requirements the plant does not present it, but, of course, it will be grateful for its increase.

The orchid also needs good ventilation And lighting(any exposure is suitable, except for the south and north, and in cold weather it won’t hurt to place it on the south windows). An abundance of light promotes the formation of shorter and denser shoots, and its lack leads to the elongation of new growths, an increase in leaf area, general looseness of the clump, and in addition, it can negatively affect the formation of flower buds.


By early to mid-autumn, the growths take on an adult appearance - they ripen. At this time, flower buds, still almost flat, become noticeable on the tops. This is followed by a period of rest, which is best ensured by autumn weather. Rock lily, as King's dendrobium is also called, can withstand short-term temperatures of about 0°C without damage, although such an extreme is not required at all - 15-17°C is enough.

I am my plant watered after total drying, which, naturally, took much longer than in the warm season. After a month and a half of such maintenance, the flower buds gain volume, swell, rise and begin to grow. But this does not serve as a signal either to increase watering or to move the dendrobium to a warmer place.

After another month and a half, the rock orchid is already crowned with exceptionally delicate, touching flowers, often fragrant in the daytime. The color of the flowers of different clones varies from snow-white to deep purple with all shades in between. Their number on one peduncle can reach up to 20, and the number of peduncles on one bulb can be up to 4. Each bulb blooms only once.


After flowering until the onset warm days the orchid is kept in the same spartan conditions. As new growth appears, the cycle repeats. IN summer time flourishing bulbs can produce babies. It still appears in the same productive zone near the top. If for Dendrobium noble the formation of children is a symptom of an incorrect culture, then for Dendrobium King this is a normal process. The baby soon produces its roots, which usually do not reach the surface of the substrate. After their formation, the baby can be removed and the plant propagated, almost without disturbing the main group, or you can leave it - in due time it will flourish just as successfully on the “mother”. It is believed that when the winter is kept too warm, a baby appears instead of flower stalks. I haven't encountered a similar problem, but I can't rule it out.

Note to the florist

  • The disadvantages of King's dendrobium often include seasonal flowering pattern- it occurs once a year, in winter or spring, and lasts in cool conditions no more than three to four weeks. It blooms faster in warm weather.
  • Classic culture involves planting in a standard plastic or clay pot with a large substrate such as pine bark. Additions of pebbles, lava, nut shells, and charcoal are acceptable. There is no need for the presence of moss - this dendrobium is not afraid of drying out.

In nature, King's dendrobium grows in extremely diverse conditions (at altitudes above sea level from 0 to 1200 m and very different geographical latitudes, at at different distances from the ocean and with different amounts of precipitation). Leads a lithophytic, terrestrial or epiphytic lifestyle on stones, heated by the summer sun to almost critical temperature, or with slight shading on the edge of a mountain forest.

19.05.2017 7 922

Dendrobium Orchid - how to turn a wild flower into a pet

There is hardly a florist who does not dream of having it in his collection. luxury flower, Dendrobium orchid, after all perennial ready to please the owner lush flowering for several months in a row. But in order to achieve flowering, especially lush and continuous, you will have to learn how to water, how to feed and with what, in what cases to maintain it, and also know what is the proper care for an exotic flower. To find out the answers to many of your questions, read the entire article, because the tricks and secrets of successful housewives are not available everywhere...

Dendrobium orchid - home care, watering and fertilizing

One of the most common flowers is the Dendrobium orchid, and in order for the beauty not to wither and decorate your home with its color, you need to learn some principles of caring for it.

An orchid brought into the house can delight its new owners long flowering, unpretentiousness in care and seems to have very unpretentious flowering, however, after a few months, the plant begins to wither and is unlikely to please with repeated flowers. What is the matter, why does the Dendrobium orchid not bloom?

It's all about pre-sale preparation, so the flowers are fertilized with long-acting agents and stimulants, which provide the Dendrobium with the necessary substances for several months in advance, and after this time, without proper care, the orchid begins to die. Caring for a Dendrobium orchid at home is based on three pillars:

  • timely watering;
  • feeding with fertilizers;
  • environment.

How to water a Dendrobium orchid? Dendrobium Orchid – tropical plant, therefore needs moist air. In spring and summer it will not be difficult to preserve comfortable conditions for a flower, but during the dormant period, in autumn and winter, being in a heated room, you need to think about humidifying the air, or put the pot with the plant in a humid environment - a tray with moss or wet gravel.

Dendrobium orchid blooming at proper care and feeding - in the photo

Watering an orchid depends on the time of year, so at a temperature of 20-25 ° C, watering alone is not enough for an orchid; additional irrigation of the leaves is necessary. In general, there is no need to flood the flowers; the composition of the substrate between the roots should dry out.

If the plant is in a home greenhouse, where the air temperature is regulated, at night the temperature is within +12 °...+15 °C, during the day +15 °...+20 °C, it is advisable to reduce the intensity of watering. With proper care, in the autumn, buds begin to form and flower stalks begin to grow. At this time, the flower must be moved to a warm place for the Dendrobium orchid to bloom.

The best method of watering a Dendrobium orchid is to dip the plant in water. room temperature or a couple of degrees higher. You can also add liquid fertilizer to this water.

Feeding Dendrobium orchids. The plant needs feeding during the growing season. If you start early transition to summer mode care, this will not lead to flowering, but to the formation of daughter rosettes, with the help of which the Dendrobium orchid reproduces.

Active flower growth begins in April and continues until September. At this time, it is recommended to feed the plant with specialized mineral fertilizers, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

Dendrobium nobile - pictured

Fertilizer is applied to the soil once every 2 weeks by spraying or immersing the flowerpot in nutrient solution. During flowering, feeding is suspended, with the exception of active growth or thickening of old pseudobulbs. In this case, the epiphyte needs active feeding, so Ribav-extra activates the vital processes of orchids, Cytovit is used for foliar feeding, and Kornevin is a root growth stimulator. Caring for Dendrobium orchids after flowering involves reducing the frequency of watering and eliminating all types of fertilizing.

Dendrobium orchid does not tolerate straight lines. sun rays, but loves long daylight hours, it is better for her to select a south window indoors, otherwise there will be a need for additional lighting. If there is too much light, the orchid will begin to signal the appearance of yellow leaves, and a deficiency leads to a darkening of the foliage and a lack of flowering. Dendrobium does not like drafts.

Transplanting a Dendrobium orchid - how to divide the bush and root the children

Orchids have a negative attitude towards moving, so you should not disturb the plant more often than once every two to three years. Dendrobium is produced only when necessary:

  • the roots of the flower have grown and are displacing the substrate from the pot;
  • pests appeared;
  • The substrate for the Dendrobium orchid began to deteriorate, mold or rot.

The container for transplantation should be small, a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one. The ideal option would be a pot made of clay or plastic. The roots of the flower may stick to the ceramic container, which is impossible when using plastic. Good drainage holes on the bottom play an important role when choosing.

Dendrobium orchid transplant - pictured

It is better to replant Dendrobium after the flowering period or as soon as new shoots begin to grow. Place drainage or polystyrene foam at the bottom of the flowerpot, transfer the orchid and fill it with new substrate. If you want to prepare the substrate for the Dendrobium orchid yourself, you need to put middle pine bark in a flowerpot (filling 1/3 of the pot), add a handful of charcoal and complete the composition with coconut chips.

How to plant a Dendrobium orchid using cuttings? To plant an orchid with cuttings, old shoots are cut into small fragments with 2-3 ovaries, placed in moss and covered with film. The container is placed in a warm (+22°…+26°C) room under diffused light. Young Dendrobium orchids need to be rooted, that is, carefully trimmed and transplanted into a prepared pot. This is how dendrobium is propagated by cuttings.

How to plant a Dendrobium orchid by dividing the bush? How to divide a Dendrobium bush? This method is used when replanting a plant once every few years. The root must be cleaned from the substrate. All damaged, rotten shoots will have to be trimmed with a sterilized knife. Cut into pieces so that each fraction has a root, a shoot and several pseudobulbs. Treat the cuttings with ash and plant them in flowerpots.

Although there are several more ways to propagate this orchid, three of them are mainly used. They are the simplest and most accessible even to beginners.

The growth begins to form into a pseudobulb.

Reproduction by children

This is the easiest way. Sooner or later, the bulb will give instead of a flower a baby - a rosette. So it can be used to propagate dendrobium. To do this, you need to let it grow a little and form. Then carefully cut it off sharp blade with a small piece of mother's bulb. Then all that remains is to plant it in the substrate and wait for rooting. As a rule, it goes quickly and successfully.

Dendrobium propagation by division

This method is more difficult. And not so much because it requires extreme care, but because the mother plant must be well developed, with a sufficient number of sprouts. It is believed that there may be only two of them. That is, after division, each plant will have one sprout. But this is very risky. If the division is unsuccessful, you may be left without an orchid altogether. Therefore, it is desirable that there be more sprouts. And Dendrobium nobile is divided very simply. During a planned transplant, the rhizome (rhizome) is carefully cut into the required (or possible) number of parts, the sections are treated with an antiseptic ( activated carbon, ashes, etc.), the divisions are planted in separate pots.

Reproduction by bulba

This is one of the most unreliable and time-consuming methods of propagating dendrobium. But from one cutting you can get several young orchids at once. For propagation, a young, strong pseudobulb that has not yet bloomed is used. Then the cutting needs to create greenhouse, humid conditions. Typically, the cut pseudobulb is placed in an oblong container filled with moistened sphagnum moss and placed in a transparent PE bag. Now all that remains is to place this entire structure in a bright place and wait for the result. Rosettes on the bulb do not appear soon. You will have to wait more than one month.

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