Septic tank unilos operating principle and cleaning. Autonomous sewage system Unilos: principle of operation, installation

Disposal of waste products is common problem in areas where there is no possibility of connecting to a centralized sewerage system. The Unilos brand septic tank is designed specifically for such a case. The autonomous system will help clean wastewater, household and. According to reviews from most owners, these are received positive characteristics. Why did they choose to install these particular systems and what are their advantages and disadvantages? What are the pros and cons of Unilos septic tanks?

What is a Unilos septic tank?

Unilos is biological station cleaning system that can be installed on your own site. Advantages of installing a Unilos septic tank:

  • Environmentally friendly - the station is made of polypropylene, which does not decompose in the ground.
  • With the help of such a septic tank, up to 98% of wastewater can be purified.
  • The water entering the installation is purified completely automatically. The only thing you need to do is periodically clean the tanks from accumulated sludge.
  • Sealed tanks prevent odors from penetrating outside the system, so such an installation can be safely placed near the house.
  • Long service life of the installation - the septic tank is designed for several decades of uninterrupted operation.
  • The last stage of wastewater treatment can be visually monitored, which allows you to notice any failure in the operation of the plant, for example, clogging with debris. Thanks to this, only purified water can enter the soil.

Septic tank on site

How does a Unilos septic tank work?

  1. Entering the installation waste water enter the receiving tank, where they are mixed with activated sludge. With the help of those inhabiting sludge, preliminary oxidation of waste occurs. Large particles settle in the same reservoir.
  2. Water with activated sludge flows into the compressor compartment - aeration tank. Air is supplied here, under the influence of which organic substances decompose.
  3. Next, the liquid enters the second settling tank, where the sludge settles.
  4. The liquid goes through two full circles of purification and only after that is removed.
  5. Purified water leaves the installation either through a pipeline or through a device for discharging water into the ground, with the help of which it is evenly distributed throughout the area.
  6. When the liquid level in the receiving tank rises, the cycle repeats.

Advice. To prevent the system from clogging, it is necessary to avoid large debris, sand and other non-degradable substances entering the wastewater.

Thus, wastewater undergoes a purely biological purification cycle, the same as in natural conditions.

What does a Unilos septic tank look like?

Unilos septic tank installation

  • Frame autonomous system is divided into four compartments: a receiving tank, an aeration tank, a sludge settling compartment and a system for removing purified water to the external environment.
  • In order to ensure the movement of water from one compartment to another during cleaning, the installation is equipped with pumps and ventilation. The kit includes diaphragm compressors from well-known Japanese companies, guaranteeing their long-term and uninterrupted operation.
  • The operation of the station depends entirely on the amount of incoming wastewater and is controlled automatically.
  • The presence of switching valves provides greater speed of purification of incoming water.
  • Uniols septic tank uses technologies that work on the principle of intermittent aeration. This is possible thanks to the presence of film membrane aerators in the system, which can operate uninterruptedly for several decades.

The principle of operation of a septic tank

  • Reliable operation of the entire wastewater treatment system is ensured by the absence of mechanical components. Sewage is pumped using a pump, the operation of which is based on the physical law of equilibrium of liquids in communicating vessels - airlift. Thanks to this, the biomass is not destroyed during pumping.
  • Sludge is removed from the septic tank using the same airlift.
  • The built-in pumps included in the kit allow, if desired, to pump out purified water.

Advice. By additionally connecting drainage pumps to the installation, pumping out water will become much easier.

Unilos septic tank models

The choice of model is made based on the number of people living in the house. Astra stations are designed for 3-150 people and are designated according to their volume - Astra 3, Astra 5, etc. Astra 3 is the most compact model and is designed for installation near small house. Astra 150 can be used for several private houses - its power and capacity allow this.

Advice. When even in small house a lot of equipment that recycles water, the best option There will be a Yuniols Astra 10 septic tank installed. It is capable of purifying up to two cubic meters of water per day.

Owner reviews

Based on reviews of the work of Unilos septic tanks, we can conclude that good quality water purification. When additionally installing equipment with ultraviolet cleaner it can be used not only for irrigation, but also for other economic purposes. A small volume of septic tank is characterized as positive side. This allows you to allocate a small area for its installation. The absence of noise and unpleasant odor also received a good rating.

Unilos septic tank installation

Disadvantages and disadvantages of working with Unilos septic tanks:

  • Enough high price compared to other septic tanks.
  • To maintain the number of bacteria, due to which wastewater is purified, the station must constantly operate, which is not suitable for buildings with temporary residence, for example, for summer houses.
  • The installation is energy-dependent, therefore, when the electricity is turned off, it begins to work like a regular sump, which sharply reduces the quality of the treated wastewater.
  • The design of Unilos septic tanks is quite complex, which means it is more likely to fail than simple systems.

Unilos septic tanks are a new generation of cleaning systems that are being improved every year. With their help, the problem of environmentally friendly disposal of liquid human waste is gradually being solved.

In my article I am going to introduce the reader to the Unilos company and its products, in particular to local treatment facilities. We have to study the principle of their operation, design, prices and examine several samples from different price categories. Let's get started.


Products under the Unilos brand are produced by Russian company SBM-Group. All products are manufactured according to full cycle, without ordering components from other manufacturers.

The company's representative offices are located in several large cities of Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk) and abroad - in Kazakhstan (Alma-Ata) and Azerbaijan (Baku).

Septic tanks and other company products are supplied by the manufacturer and numerous dealers throughout Russia and exported to neighboring countries.

Stand of the company's products at the Oil and Gas 2014 exhibition.


The list of products under the Unilos brand includes:

  • Non-volatile septic tanks;
  • Containers for sewage and fecal water (they are not quite accurately called storage septic tanks) and for water;
  • Grease traps for drains;
  • SPS for forced pumping of domestic and industrial wastewater;

  • Deep biological wastewater treatment stations for private and apartment buildings.


Operating principle

First, let's figure out what sewerage wastewater treatment technology is used in septic tanks and other VOCs (local treatment plants).

The most structurally simple single-chamber septic tank works like this:

  1. The wastewater ends up in a large sedimentation tank, where it spends several days. During this time, they settle: heavy sludge settles to the bottom, where it is gradually processed by anaerobic bacteria; lighter feces, grease, paper and other organic waste form a dense fermenting crust on the surface. Relatively clean water remains in the middle of the container;

For the settling tank to function, the incoming flow must not mix its contents throughout the entire volume.

  1. Through a specially shaped overflow, which takes water below the crust, the water flows to soil purification(in other words, it is absorbed into the soil in the filter or on the filtration field).

The photo shows an overflow and a filter well.

As an overflow in homemade septic tanks, a regular sewer tee in a vertical position is used. The lower outlet is used for water selection, the upper one is for cleaning, the middle one is for draining wastewater from the sump.

Solids accumulate in the settling tank and it requires periodic cleaning. However, it is only needed once every one or two years, since household wastewater consists of 98 - 99% water.


For a septic tank to work, the volume of its sump must be equal to or exceed the three-day volume of wastewater (with a daily flow rate of more than 15 m3 - the volume of wastewater for 2.5 days). During this time, the wastewater undergoes complete gravitational separation: everything that can sink sinks, everything that can float floats.

Calculating the daily volume of wastewater is extremely simple: it corresponds with changes in water meter readings with a minimum error. The exception is the situation when water is used for irrigation. Then it’s easier to focus on sanitary standards - 220 liters per person per day.

For a filter well or filtration field (drainage laid in the ground), the absorbent surface area is important. It is determined both by the flow of wastewater and the absorbency of the soil. Here are the values ​​of the latter for different soils:

Efficiency is everything

The quality of wastewater treatment for a properly designed single-chamber septic tank is 70-80%. Simply put, 1/3 - 1/5 of the pollution remains in the settled water and the air, frankly speaking, does not ozone.

Luckily, there are a number of ways to improve your cleaning experience.

Here they are:

  • Increasing the number of settling tanks connected in series by overflows;
  • Aeration of sedimentation tanks. The rapid proliferation of aerobic bacteria leads to a decrease in the amount of pollution in wastewater: all organic matter serves as food for the fauna of the septic tank;

  • Biofilters are flow-through compartments filled with plastic brushes or other material with a large surface area. Organic-eating bacteria again multiply when loading the biofilter.


Here's how the Kedr septic tank from Unilos works:

  1. The wastewater flows by gravity into the first settling chamber. It separates into the silt remaining at the bottom, the surface crust and relatively clean water;
  2. In the second chamber, the water is clarified during the process of settling and the activity of anaerobic bacteria;
  3. In the third chamber, the water passes through a biofilter (the notorious plastic brushes), where the surviving remains of organic matter are eaten by aerobic bacteria;
  4. In the fourth and last chamber, the water is finally clarified. A drainage pump is also installed in it (in the event that treated wastewater needs to be raised to ground level).

Stations deep cleaning Unilos Astra completes the cycle:

  • Aeration of wastewater;
  • Recirculation of activated sludge between settling tanks (this allows accelerating the biological processing of organic matter by bacterial colonies);
  • Aerobic stabilization of sludge accumulating in the settling tank. Simply put, when air is blown through it, bacteria eat up the remaining organic compounds and die from lack of food.

In the future, I am going to pay close attention to the VOC Astra line as the most interesting for potential consumers. Gravity septic tanks from Unilos are structurally practically no different from products from other manufacturers and from home-made structures.

What does this VOC operation scheme provide?

Autonomous sewerage Unilos Astra provides a purification rate of 95%. The output water is completely odorless. Of course, you shouldn’t use it as drinking water, but using it for watering an area or simply dumping it on the terrain is quite acceptable.

In addition, the operating principle of an autonomous sewage system for a private house with wastewater aeration and biofilters ensures that solid sediment is odorless. Sludge can be removed from the VOC compartment drain pump and used as fertilizer.

How profitable is it to install Unilos Astra?

Here is the calculation of overhead costs for a storage septic tank (read: a sealed cesspool) in 2016 prices relevant for Crimea:

  • With water consumption corresponding to sanitary standards of 220 liters per person, a family of 5 people will consume 1100 liters per day, or 401 cubic meters per year;
  • Calling a sewage disposal truck with a tank volume of 4 cubic meters currently costs about 2,000 rubles (with a slight variation depending on the company offering the service);

  • Over the course of a year, in an ideal case (that is, if the tank leaves filled to capacity), 401/4 = 100 (rounded down) calls for sewer trucks will be needed;
  • They will cost the family budget 100*2000=200,000 rubles.

For comparison: a Unilos Astra 7 deep treatment station with a capacity of 1.4 cubic meters of wastewater per day costs 90,100 rubles. With the declared consumption of kilowatt-hours per day, electricity consumption for the year will be 365 kWh. The price of a kilowatt-hour of 4 rubles gives us a total cost of 1,460 rubles.


What does the installation of Unilos Astra or any other deep wastewater treatment plant look like?

The instructions were kindly posted by SBM-Group on one of the sites dedicated to their products.

  1. At the site of the future location of the VOC, a pit is opened, the dimensions slightly exceeding the size of the station (for example, for Astra 5 with its size of 1120x1120x2360 mm, a pit of 1.5x1.5x2.3 meters is needed);

Unlike traditional septic tanks, a deep cleaning station can be installed on minimum distance from the house (in particular, right next to the blind area).

  1. The bottom of the pit is covered with a 10-centimeter layer of sand. It allows you to level the bottom and prevents frost heaving of the soil, performing the function of drainage for groundwater;
  2. The Unilos station is placed on the pillow. The dimensions and weight of VOCs up to Astra 7 (productivity 1.4 cubic meters per day) allow them to be installed manually. For more massive and productive septic tanks, loading equipment will have to be used;

  1. A trench is cut from the house to the foundation pit, into which, with a slope of 2 cm, linear meter sewer pipes with a diameter of 110 mm and a power cable are laid;

The sewerage system is installed below the soil freezing level. Where this is not possible, the pipes are thermally insulated and supplied with a heating cable.

  1. The sewer is connected to the VOC filler pipe;
  2. The body is filled with sand (again serving as drainage for groundwater). The station is ready for operation.

Questions and answers

Are there any restrictions associated with the operation of VOCs and Unilos septic tanks?


  • Dispose of rotten vegetables, sand, construction and household waste into the sewer;
  • Dispose of potassium permanganate and other oxidizing agents and antiseptics (including chlorine and oxygen-containing laundry bleaches in large quantities);
  • Drain wash water from pool filters;
  • Pour solvents, fuels and lubricants, antifreeze, alkalis, acids, alcohol and other liquids into the toilet that can destroy bacterial colonies in the biofilters of a septic tank.

How will a power outage affect the work of the Unilos station??

If you turn off for up to 4 hours, no way. If there is a longer power outage, the primary settling tank may overflow due to the pump stopping. As a result, untreated water may be discharged.

In addition, when aeration is stopped, it is possible that unpleasant odors due to a slowdown in the vital processes of aerobic bacteria.

Comrade! The lights have gone out - turn off the water!

What kind of maintenance does the Unilos Astra station need?

Once a week, visual control of the quality of cleaning is desirable. To do this, just open the VOC cover and look into the last compartment. The water should be clear and odorless.

Once every three months you need:

  • Cleaning the sedimentation tank from sludge using a standard pump (the so-called mamut pump);

You can use any other fecal drainage pump with the same success.

  • Cleaning the pump itself and the inlet filter, designed to retain large impurities and foreign objects;
  • Cleaning the walls of the second compartment of the settling tank;
  • Cleaning aerator filters.

Once every six months you need to clean the hair filter located in the section with the aerator.

How long do Unilos stations last??

  • Body plastic - at least 50 years;
  • Aerator - 10 years;
  • Compressor - 5-10 years.

Once every couple of years, the compressor needs to preventively replace the membrane responsible for pumping air.

Is it necessary to pump out wastewater from VOC settling tanks for equipment maintenance?

No. For free access to any serviced units, simply fold back the cover.

Does Unilos Astra need additional insulation in a cold climate zone?

During work - no. Its body is made of foamed polypropylene, which provides high-quality thermal insulation. In addition, the vital activity of aerobic bacteria releases a fairly large amount of heat, which maintains a positive temperature inside the VOC.

If there is no sewage flow for a long time during the cold season (for example, if you are not going to visit the country house) VOCs are preserved:

  • Part of the water is pumped out from the aeration and stabilization compartments;
  • The lid is insulated with foam plastic or other material with low hygroscopicity.

When VOCs are put into operation, a volume of water sufficient to fill the stabilizer and aeration tank is drained through the sewer.

Study of samples

Towards the end, the reader and I will have to study several deep cleaning stations and one Unilos septic tank - their prices, sizes, performance and other characteristics.

Astra 3

Astra 5

Astra 10

Astra 50


Retail prices vary markedly depending on the region of the country (and, accordingly, the cost of delivering equipment) and on... let's say, the immodesty of the seller. The same Kedr is offered by a certain Moscow company for 79,900 rubles. Agree that the dealer markup of 30% is clearly too much.


I sincerely hope that my article will help the dear reader to choose optimal solution For own home. The video in this article will help you learn more about products under the Unilos brand. I look forward to your additions and comments to it. Good luck, comrades!

Local sewerage for suburban areas became great opportunity provide the usual comfort of living. Autonomous septic tank Unilos Astra effectively solves the problem of water disposal and wastewater treatment. Wide model range installations allows you to select a treatment facility that matches the performance.

Design and principle of operation

The SBM-group company produces closed-type septic tanks that utilize and purify sewage into the state of industrial water. The unit body is made of durable propylene; the material does not corrode and can withstand high loads. The treatment station is located underground and does not take up space on the site.

The entire system is placed inside the housing, this ensures a compact design size and reduces heat loss. Technological welding makes the seams completely sealed, eliminating leaks. Water purified in a septic tank can be discharged into the ground, reservoir, or used for household needs; it is 98% free of impurities.

Attention. The design of the Astra septic tank has stiffening ribs that ensure the strength of the body and eliminate the need for additional concreting.

The internal space of the station is divided into four compartments:

  • reception section;
  • aeration chamber;
  • sludge collection compartment;
  • secondary settling tank.

Internal devices of Astra Unilos

How does a septic tank work?

The process of wastewater treatment combines the use of two methods of removing contaminants: mechanical and biological. Household waste flows by gravity into the receiving chamber, where it is settled and separated into fractions. A coarse filter is installed here to remove debris from the liquid. The clarified wastewater is pumped by airlift into the aeration tank. In this compartment, the breakdown of organic substances by aeration bacteria occurs. A special membrane compressor saturates the water with oxygen, accelerating biological processes.

Purified water enters the section where coarse sludge is deposited, and fine suspended matter is returned to the second compartment of the station. The fourth section performs final filtration of wastewater. After this, the water leaves through a pipe system or is pumped out by an installed pump.

Attention. The operating mode of the treatment plant is adjusted automatically. Hiblow membrane compressors are installed as equipment.

Model range overview

Unilos septic tanks differ in performance, modifications and method of drainage. Each model has a digital designation showing the estimated number of residents of the house being served. This indicator varies from 3 to 150. The most popular models are:

Astra 3

The compact and easy-to-install septic tank Astra 3 is suitable for a summer residence or small house. The installation capacity is 600 liters per day, and the maximum discharge is 150 liters. Thanks to small size station (1.12x0.82x2.03m) and weighing 120 kg, it can be installed independently.

Astra 5

The best option for a family living in a private house would be the Astra 5 septic tank. The station's capacity is 1 m3, the salvo discharge is 250 liters. The thickness of the case walls is 20 mm, which guarantees reliability and tightness. When installing a treatment plant in an area with clay soil it is equipped with a pump for forced drainage. If the depth of the main drain supply line is 60 cm, the standard model is selected. The presence of modifications allows you to use the Unilos Astra 5 septic tank when laying discharge pipes at a depth of 90 cm and below.

Installation dimensions:

  • midi – 1.03×1.12×2.505 m (at a depth of 60-90 cm);
  • long – 1.16x1x3.03 m (at a depth of 90-120 cm).

Installation diagram of the Astra Long septic tank

Astra 8

For a large family or a combination of two neighboring plots, the Astra 8 septic tank can accommodate up to 1.6 m3 of wastewater. The station is offered in three modifications:

  • standard - with normal installation of the supply line at a level of 60 cm;
  • long - for areas with a sewer pipe depth of 90-120 cm, if available high level groundwater installation is equipped with a container for collecting treated wastewater;
  • midi - the structure is recommended for a system where the supply pipes are located at a depth of 60-90 cm.

The aeration structure is designed for a maximum one-time discharge of 350 liters. Its dimensions: 1.5 × 1.16 × 2.36 m. When installed in sandy soil, drainage is carried out by gravity in drainage ditch. The station on an area with clay soil is equipped with equipment for forced diversion.

Astra septic tank models

Septic tanks Unilos Astra with high productivity up to 30 m3 are installed in hotels, villages, administrative buildings. The stations are designed for the number of consumers up to 150 people. The presence of a reservoir for purified water allows you to avoid waterlogging the soil in the surrounding area.

Advice. When installing a septic tank, it is necessary to pour sand cushion up to 15 cm. The installation cover should be located 20 cm above ground level. This will prevent rainwater from entering.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of the Unilos biological treatment station include:

  1. Full automation of the process and high degree purification – 98%.
  2. Low power consumption.
  3. Rugged body design and use quality material ensure safety of use and absence of unpleasant odors.
  4. The installation is designed for operation at low temperatures.
  5. The cleaning station can operate all year round or preserved for the winter, after a seasonal downtime it easily resumes operation.
  6. The service life of a septic tank is up to 50 years; only the equipment needs scheduled replacement.

Disadvantages of the treatment plant

There are few disadvantages to a septic tank:

  1. Energy dependence is the main disadvantage of the installation. When there is a power outage, it is necessary to reduce the amount of water drained as much as possible, otherwise the receiving section will overflow.
  2. The high cost of the station is an obstacle to purchase for some buyers.
  3. System maintenance and cleaning is required. You can do most of the work yourself; specialists are only needed to repair equipment.

Operation and Maintenance

After the first start-up of the treatment plant, maintenance of the Astra septic tank will be required after a year. During operation, a visual inspection of the condition of the equipment and the station itself will be necessary. The service procedure includes the following items:

  • Renewal of the colony of bacteria that bind nitrates. This will increase the efficiency of the aeration filter.
  • Removing thick accumulated sludge. Does not contain sediment chemical components and can be used as fertilizer. The cleaning time is determined by a sample taken from the settling tank; if the sludge concentration exceeds 30%, pumping is necessary.
  • Clean the system filters 1-2 times a year. The devices are removed and washed under water pressure.

Advice. Complete service installations must be performed every two years; it is better to entrust it to specialists.

It is prohibited to discharge medications, polymer films, solvents, and chlorine-containing products into the sewer system. These substances lead to the death of aerobic bacteria and deterioration in the quality of wastewater treatment.

Preservation for the winter

When using the station seasonally, it is necessary to properly preserve it:

  1. Disconnect the septic tank from power.
  2. The water level should be 75% and topped up if necessary.
  3. The sludge compartment is cleaned and washed.
  4. The compressor is removed from the instrument compartment.
  5. Plastic bottles are filled with sand and tied to the edge of the body, they are placed in the form of floats in each section. This will prevent the formation of an ice crust.
  6. The cover of the installation is covered with insulation.

Insulation of the station cover with penoplex

Reviews from the owners of the Astra Unilos septic tank

I installed an Astra 3 septic tank at my dacha, I did everything myself, so the costs were minimal. Now we spend the summer in comfort, without smell and visits from vacuum cleaners.

Pavel, 30 years old

The children gave us a gift in private house– septic tank Astra 5. At my age I don’t want to think about how to pump cesspool. Now everything works automatically, and the sludge will come in handy in the garden.

Nadezhda Ivanovna, 60 years old

It’s better to invest in sewerage once and use it without problems. I bought a Unilos Astra 5 septic tank and got rid of worries, maintenance is simple and is rarely done.

Dmitry, 35 years old

Don't forget to rate the article.

Autonomous sewage system Unilos Astra will help create comfortable conditions life in a private house, in the country. You need to think about selecting a device for wastewater treatment already at the stage of designing a house and site. Unilos septic tanks differ in characteristics, volume of wastewater processed and other important indicators.

Operating principle, device

The new generation Astra septic tank is not even really a septic tank, but one that makes life outside the city convenient. It is this device that helps the sewer system cope with its main task: to collect and dispose of wastewater.

Pay attention! With proper maintenance and timely cleaning, the Unilos installation will last at least 50 years. During this time, some of its elements will have to be replaced.

The Astra Unilos operating instructions will tell you which components need to be replaced and after what time. In order to carry out this work in a timely manner, it is necessary to understand what the septic tank consists of and its main working components.

Scheme of operation of the Unilos Astra septic tank

IN general view Any autonomous sewage system Astra is a housing made of strong plastic. It can have different volumes, which will accordingly allow the installation to serve from 3 to 150 people. It’s easy to find out how many people permanently live in the house (using the sewer system) this or that model is designed for. For example, septic tank Astra 5 is 5 people, Unilos Astra 10 is 10 people.

The installation has a lid with a “fungus” on it, through which air enters, which is necessary for the life of bacteria. The container, regardless of size, is divided into 4 compartments. To ensure that the chambers do not deform under the weight of the soil, especially in the autumn, winter period, there are stiffening ribs. This is especially important for large septic tanks, such as Unilos Astra 10. The design consists of 4 main chambers:

  • The receiving chamber contains a recirculating pump, a filter for separating large fractions and a standard pump with a plug.
  • Aerotank. This compartment contains the main pump, circulator pump and.
  • Secondary settling tank.
  • Sludge stabilizer.

Above all the partitions there is a control unit - this is the instrument compartment, which is responsible for the automatic functioning of the septic tank.

Operating principle of the Astra 5 septic tank

Operating principle

Anyone who decides to use such a setup to create sewer system In your home, it is important to understand how a septic tank works. The wastewater treatment process consists of the following stages:

  • The wastewater from the house goes into the first compartment. The first filtration occurs through a coarse filter. This is where the primary sedimentation occurs.
  • Next, they move to the second compartment, where aerobic bacteria come into action, converting organic particles into activated sludge.
  • When moving to the third compartment, the sludge settles, and repeated removal occurs. Old sludge will precipitate, and new sludge, due to the fact that it floats on the surface, will return to the second compartment for repeated cleaning.
  • From the third compartment, the wastewater, already quite clean, enters the fourth chamber, where final purification occurs. Now the wastewater is 98% pure and completely safe, so much so that it can be used for technical needs.

For the functioning of the Unilos deep biological treatment station, electricity is needed, because it is this that starts the pumps, which in turn provide the bacteria with oxygen, without which they could not exist.

Advice! It is recommended to change the tubes through which air moves every year and clean them of deposits every 3 months. In this case, the system will work without interruption.

Such important bacteria

The operating principle of the Astra septic tank is closely related to the life processes of bacteria. They recycle waste. There is no need to buy them separately; they often arise during the operation of the installation. In order for them to arise, it takes from 2 to 4 weeks, but only on the condition that the sewerage system is used by the number of users required, according to its technical capabilities. That is, in order for the Unilos Astra 5 septic tank to work properly, at least 4-5 people must constantly discharge waste.

But if the number of users is not enough for the natural generation of aerobes, this process can be started artificially. To do this, buy them in packaged form. The bottle should be marked “start”. They should be diluted in water and flushed down the toilet, so they will go straight to their habitat. In the future, you will no longer have to replenish the stock of bacteria.

Septic tank Astra

Service specifics

In order for the installation to work smoothly, it requires maintenance. You can service the Astra septic tank yourself or use the services of specialists. It is worth remembering that without regular care any installation of this type will quickly fail.

For professional service, you will have to enter into a contract with specialists; they will control the timing of cleaning and replacement of individual components of the installation. But servicing Unilos cannot be called overly complicated; all you need is to know correct sequence process and frequency.

Maintenance stages

Reviews from users confirm that servicing a Unilos septic tank with your own hands is not such a difficult task. In general, the essence of the process comes down to cleaning and washing tubes, pipes, and compartment walls. You will also need to pump out the sludge from the sump.

Important! Every month you should open the cover and check the condition of the system. There should not be any odors. If they are present, this indicates that the installation is not working correctly, as errors were made during installation.

Every 3 months you need to clean:

  • Mamut pump.
  • Walls of the secondary settling tank.
  • Blower filter.
  • Remove sludge from the sump.
  • Remove all removable elements and rinse thoroughly, after which there will be no problems with installing them in their places.

Regularly every 5 years it is necessary to clean the aeration tank from stabilized sludge and the surge tank. These elements will have to be replaced after 10 years of operation. Other standards for replacing individual parts:

  • The compressor can operate for 5-10 years.
  • The compressor diaphragm must be replaced every 3 years.

Astra septic tank, view on the site

Model range

Septic tank for a summer residence or country house Unilos is great solution, but it is important to choose the right model so that it ensures effective drainage of wastewater depending on the number of permanent residents.

Unilos 3

Septic tank Astra 3 is the most compact representative in the VOC line (). It is perfect for a summer house, or for a family of 3 people. Septic tank Unilos Astra 3 has small dimensions: length – 1.12 m, width – 0.82 m, height – 2.03 m; weighs 120 kg. The installation contains all the necessary elements that help clean wastewater efficiently and quickly. The Astra 3 type treatment plant processes up to 600 liters per day. The installation can be installed if the depth of laying sewer pipes from the house does not exceed 60 cm.

The body of Astra septic tank 3 is made of durable plastic, which is absolutely environmentally friendly and, very importantly, sealed material. Due to the increased strength, it is possible to save on installation - there is no need to fill the pit with concrete. The Astra 3 sewer system will withstand a salvo (one-time) discharge of up to 150 liters.

Advice! Since such an installation is most often installed for dachas, it is advisable to insulate it. Astra 3 septic tank must be preserved for the winter if it will not be used.

Unilos 4

The Astra 4 septic tank is designed for use by 4 users. It is somewhat more powerful than the previous type and larger in size. Specifications:

  • Length – 1.12 m.
  • Width – 0.94 m.
  • Height – 2.28 m.
  • Weight – 120 kg.

The daily capacity of such an installation is 800 liters, and the salvo discharge is 180 liters. The pipes must have the same depth - 60 cm.

Unilos 5

Astra 5 station is the most popular for household use, since the ability to drain wastewater when there are 5 people living in a house is the optimal solution for the average family. Installation of the popular Astra 5 septic tank can be carried out for maintenance country house, cottage. Its wastewater processing capacity is 1 m³ per day. In this setting you can reset:

  • Drains from the kitchen.
  • Toilet paper.
  • Drains from the bathroom, shower, washing machine.
  • There is a small amount of drainage after cleaning the toilet. Just a small one, because this process often uses aggressive chemicals that can destroy bacteria.

Various types of septic tank Astra 5

Astra 5 septic tank is not designed to discharge:

  • Compounds that cannot be biodegraded.
  • Construction waste.
  • Aggressive chemicals, acids, oils.
  • Rotten food.
  • Animal fur.
  • Medicines
  • Chlorine-containing substances.

You can install an autonomous sewage system Astra Unilos 5, which provides forced drainage of wastewater. Its configuration differs from the basic one due to the presence of a pump for pumping out wastewater. In this case, during installation, you will also have to equip a drainage well, where liquid treated wastewater is discharged.

Unilos 6, 8

Septic tanks with the ability to serve 6 and 8 people are not as popular as the previous type. Characteristics of septic tank Astra 6:

  • Length – 1.12 m.
  • Width – 1.15 m.
  • Height – 2.36 m.
  • Weight – 210 kg.
  • Productivity – 1 m³.
  • Salvo discharge - 280 l.

Septic tank Unilos Astra 8 has the following parameters:

  • Length – 1.5 m.
  • Width – 1.16 m.
  • Height – 2.36 m.
  • Weight – 320 kg.
  • Productivity – 1 m³.
  • The maximum salvo discharge that the Astra 8 septic tank can withstand is 350 l.

In the Astra 8 septic tank model line there are variations that have similar technical specifications, but with deeper pipe connections. If for standard version– this is 60 cm, then for “midi” and “long” – more than 80 cm.

Unilos 10

Unilos Astra 10 is a model that is the most productive for use in domestic conditions. The station is quite large: length – 2 m, width – 1.16 m, height – 2.36 m. It weighs 355 kg. Septic tank Astra 10 has a capacity of 2 m³ per day, and a salvo discharge of up to 550 l.

Since the dimensions, and therefore the area of ​​soil pressure, are larger, there are stiffening ribs that will prevent the compartments from deforming. Due to the big bandwidth, Unilos Astra 10 can be connected to:

  • Kitchen drains.
  • Drains from the bathroom, shower.
  • Bathhouse, jacuzzi.

This installation can also be used to install an autonomous sewer system for small cafes and restaurants, if it is not possible to tie into a centralized system.

Other models

Unilos Astra is also offered in other models. The number of people served and the disposal of wastewater from their life varies from 3 to 150. The most massive and productive installations can be used for entire residential areas, hotels and other commercial purposes.


The connection diagram for all septic tank models is the same. Order:

  • Preparing the site. To do this, you need a pit; its dimensions depend on the parameters of the station itself. There should be no stones or rubble at the bottom of the pit. Filling the installation site with concrete is not necessary, but during the installation of the septic tank, it is advisable to arrange formwork.
  • Make a layer of sand at the bottom of the pit, its thickness is 15-20 cm.
  • Next, install the station. Depending on its size, special equipment may be needed.
  • After installation, fill water up to the marks on the housing.
  • Only after filling with water can the space between the walls of the pit and the station be filled with sand to the level of the incoming pipe.
  • Let down sewer pipe After cutting a hole in the receiving compartment, be sure to seal the joints.
  • The final stage is connecting the cable and installing the compressor.
  • The final filling, after which the lid and about 20 cm of the height of the body will remain on the surface.

Installation of Astra 5 midi septic tank in the pit

A septic tank for a dacha or for a country house Unilos is a modern, environmentally friendly solution. This installation will make it possible to obtain process water, which can later be used for irrigation. Moreover, it will not pollute the soil near the house and drinking water.

All wastewater from the house enters the receiving chamber, and bacteria also enter with it. A compressor is installed inside the septic tank, which pumps oxygen into the cleaning chamber to process human waste.

High levels of sewage treatment are achieved thanks to the principle of biological wastewater treatment used.
This system makes it possible to completely refuse the services of sewage trucks because at the exit process water odorless, free of impurities, it does not silt the soil, and is well absorbed.

Why septic tank ASTRA?

There is always more than 2 cubic meters of liquid inside the container, which equalizes the soil pressure on the walls of the station body.

When operating a septic tank, it is allowed to use everyday household chemicals used for washing dishes and laundry. In case of exceeding household chemicals the colony of bacteria will decrease, but by continuing to use it, the bacteria will again gain the required volume and the station will return to operating mode, dispensing clean water.

Our company not only sells and delivers equipment to the site, but also installs the septic tank efficiently and quickly. Our specialists will prepare a pit of the correct dimensions, lower the equipment into the pit, the gap between the walls of the pit and the walls of the septic tank is filled with sand, spilling water in layers, we will connect the equipment inside the station (compressor, pump), the pipe through which the already purified water will go, we will connect the supply from the house a pipe through which sewage will flow. The sewer pipe from the house to the station must go with a strictly defined slope, this is two to a maximum of three centimeters per meter of pipe, sometimes this is done by eye, but it is better to lay a level gauge on a sandy base to accurately determine the level of the slope.

Penoflex insulation is used to insulate the pipe. When the highway is ready, it must be carefully wrapped in sand. At the entrance to the septic tank, a hole is cut for a 32-diameter pipe, a connecting flange is inserted and hermetically sealed with a construction hairdryer. When the installation is completely completed, only the cover is visible on the surface of the ground, and when the landscaping of the site is completed, it harmonious design fits perfectly into the overall picture.

The septic tank will begin to work within a couple of weeks after installation; of course, when it comes to installation, you should not neglect the services of professionals! Although the upper part of the neck is above the ground, in winter the water in the septic tank will not freeze even at a temperature of -40C. Since the septic tank in its operating position is filled with water and warm wastewater flows regularly, the water is in constant motion, the biological process of decomposition gives a positive effect, and compressors produce a large amount of heat. The ASTRA station is made of polypropylene, it has minimal thermal conductivity, the lid is insulated, the ground itself gives + 3.4 degrees.
