What does the name Sarah mean? Meaning of the name Sarah

The name that our parents give us carries very great significance for our entire destiny. That is why you should think carefully about everything before naming your child. In our article we will try to talk in detail about what Sarah (name) is. The meaning, origin and characteristics of the name will also be described in detail.

Sarah. Name

The meaning of this name carries great meaning. Indeed, recently in post-Soviet countries rare and rarely used names are becoming more and more popular. Sarah in in this case- is no exception. Few people know that this name belongs to the category “ Jewish names for girls." Sarah is of Hebrew origin and is translated as “mother of many children,” “ancestress.”


What can the name Sarah tell us about her earliest years? The name, the meaning of which is important for many future parents, promises the girl a fairly happy childhood. From birth she is calm and obedient. Parents will be delighted with their daughter's behavior. But as the girl grows up, she will increasingly show her character. A sharp change in mood, inconsistency, and irritability will engulf Sarah when she hears a commanding tone addressed to her.

Therefore, parents should be more careful with comments. If you try to break the girl’s strong-willed spirit, the situation can only get worse. Not only will the parents not be able to get their way, but they will also forever undermine their daughter’s trust.

Since childhood, Sarah has excellent plasticity, has good hearing and an affinity for music. Parents should try to develop these abilities.


What can the name Sarah tell you? The name, the meaning of which is more or less clear, predicts a wonderful youth for the girl. Sarah is doing well at school. She always does her homework and gets very upset if she doesn't do it very well. Teachers respect the girl for her efforts and love for school subjects. Sarah has an excellent memory. But all these qualities are not able to attract her to communicate with her peers. Even though Sarah ( full name) is quite sociable, she still prefers to remain in the shadow of her brighter and bolder peers. She doesn't try to be first, although her mental abilities favor it.

Parents should develop self-confidence in the girl, otherwise timidity will haunt her throughout her life. This quality is perhaps the only barrier to success in the future.


What's in a career? Sarah is not a careerist. She is not calculating and not impetuous. Such girls really like gradualism. Sarah moves up the career ladder very slowly, overcoming obstacle after obstacle. Doesn't like to lead. Power over people is not her strong point. The bosses value her very much as a good employee.

Girls with this name do their job and do not try to get praise from management for it. The name Sarah, whose origin is recorded among the ancient Jews, never tries to stand out in the group. She prefers work that brings her only joy and peace of mind. She never chases money, which is why Sarah’s financial situation leaves much to be desired. Representatives of this name make excellent teachers, educators, and librarians. Oddly enough, Sarah prefers not to study, although her predisposition to music and art has been instilled in her since childhood.

Love and marriage

What does the name Sarah say about love? The name, the meaning of which is known to few, predicts a not very happy marriage life for its owner. As a rule, Sarah marries for love, but most often unsuccessfully. In love, she is quite jealous and quick-tempered. Sarah is a good housewife and an excellent mother to her children. She is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved man, but in return she expects the same from him.

Sarah will never go against her man's word. If she gets married and falls in love with someone else, this will not be a reason to break off the relationship, especially if a child is born in the family. Sarah will keep her feelings to herself and continue to live her life as before.

Sarah treats her chosen one’s family very well, especially his mother. Before her arrival, he always prepares carefully and gets very upset if she doesn’t like something.

Sarah's energy

Coldness, harshness and rigidity do not allow Sarah to open up. Perhaps due to the fact that this name contains a certain coolness, Sarah will throughout her life be in search of that very warmth that she so lacks.

As a rule, representatives of this name have two paths in life. Either Sarah will prove her position all the time, or she will leave everything as it is.


Sarah is very sensitive. She is simply filled with compassion for other people. Sometimes, while solving a stranger’s problem, she completely forgets about herself and her family. Often relationships with a man fall apart precisely because of this. Parents should stop this even during childhood, trying to prove that in addition to the problems of other people in the world, there is also love for loved ones. It is very important not to overdo it. For example, you should not rule out the opportunity to help a classmate with his homework. Well, if Sarah wants to give him all her notes, risking getting a bad grade, then parental intervention will be immediately required.


Parents should remember that all Jewish names for girls carry too much imprint of Jewish karma. The long wanderings and humiliations of this innocent people greatly affected the energy of girls with such names.

The name Sarah is not very popular in Russia, but it is quite common in Catholic and Muslim countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Latin America, Norway, and also in Israel. Sarah is a fairly ancient name form, found even in the Old Testament of the Bible.

Origin of the name

The name Sarah is of Hebrew origin. This was the name of Abraham's wife, who was the ancestor of the entire Jewish people. In Orthodoxy, this name is written with a double letter “r” - Sarah. Translated from Hebrew it means “mistress” or “noble woman.”

The name Sarah is translated from Hebrew as “lady” or “noble woman.”

Name forms

Name abbreviation options: Ara, Saya, Sasa, Sari, Zara, Sali, Lali.

Diminutive forms: Sarochka, Sarushka, Saronka.

Sarah - Orthodox version of the name Sarah

Related names: Sarah, Seira, Sera, Shara, Sarina.

Church name: Sarah.

Transliteration of the name: SARA.

The name Sarah will be written as SARA in the passport

Patronymics that most successfully combine with the name: Avraamovna, Davidovna, Yanovna, Yakovlevna.

Table: name in foreign languages

Name days and patron saints

Sarah's patron saint is the Venerable Sarah of Libya, who lived in Egypt around the 5th century. The hermit spent her entire life in the desert, where she struggled with demonic temptations, ultimately winning. The woman spent every day in prayer to Jesus Christ.

Sarah of Libya spent her entire life in prayer to Jesus Christ

Characteristics and influence of a name on a person’s fate

Sarah leaves the impression of a cold and uncompromising girl. But in fact, a woman is simply good at controlling her emotions. It is very important for her to find happiness in life, she directs all her energy in this direction. The girl tries to prove to others that she is the best and most worthy. She is also characterized by such qualities as kindness, sociability, responsiveness and a kind of nervousness. Sarah always has her own opinion, which is very difficult to change. A woman has a strong-willed and strong character, which allows her not to lose heart in the face of difficulties and easily cope with life’s disappointments.

Sarah seems cold and calculating to others, but in fact the girl just knows how to hide her emotions well

Sarah has excellent intuition, a good mind and developed intelligence, as well as creativity. She loves to work, takes orders responsibly, but does not like to be ordered around. Indecisiveness, caution, and acute perception of criticism undermine the girl’s self-confidence and interfere with progress towards her goal. Due to frequent difficulties, a woman can become callous towards others. When Sarah is in a state of anger, it is better not to approach her.

Always fresh, always beautiful,
Besides, it’s always true,
You, Sarah, are just perfect!
I have never seen another one like it.


Sarah takes criticism seriously, which can result in her becoming cold and callous.

In order to achieve the desired happiness, Sarah will need to overcome many obstacles, and a reliable support in the form of a loving husband and a strong family can help her with this.

How does a name affect a child's character?

As a child, Sarah amazes with her adult thinking. Z Often it seems to others that she is much older than she actually is. She has good memory, quiet and kind character. The girl loves to be at home, spend time reading books, preferring not only works of art, but also reference and encyclopedic literature.

Little Sarah loves to read books

Studying is easy for Sarah, she is able to understand even the most complex subjects, and has a particular inclination towards the humanities. The girl does not try to stand out among her peers or be a leader in the team. She needs the support of her parents and friends. The teachers treat Sarah well. In communication, the child shows caution, behaves timidly and indecisively. Sarah always comes to the rescue, is kind and responsive to people. Parents can trust the girl with serious tasks and be sure that she will definitely complete them.

Sarah, kind soul!
How good are you!
You are responsive, dear,
Like the sun is bright.



Sarah is careful and attentive when communicating with her peers.

The child has the ability to avoid disputes and conflicts, he knows how to find a common language with anyone. But the girl will never flatter or adapt to those around her; she has her own principles that she follows. The gentle character is passed on to the child from the mother, but outwardly she is more like her father, whom Sarah adores.

Sarah is a creative girl with a penchant for dancing and music. She has a good ear for music. If you develop a child in this regard, then in the future he will be able to become a successful musician.

Sarah has flexibility and a good sense of music

In her youth, Sarah acquires external attractiveness, but shyness and tightness do not go away. The girl has well-developed intuition, she knows how to understand people. New acquaintances are difficult for a girl. She has a few old friends and that's enough for her. The girl reacts very painfully to criticism, tries not to get involved in conflicts, copes with her problems stoically, and fights for victory to the end.

In her youth, Sarah finds it difficult to make new acquaintances; she easily spends time alone doing something

Hobbies and talents

Sarah has been interested in crafts and cooking since childhood. She is fascinated by the process of creating something from scratch. A girl can spend hours doing handicrafts, making crafts, embroidering paintings. She also has a phenomenal memory, musical talent and good plasticity.

Sarah is interested in hobbies that allow her to create something new.

Passion for art and creativity can be not only a simple hobby, but also Sarah’s profession.

Profession and career

The girl has extraordinary willpower and does not tolerate commanding tone or orders. She has a good memory and high intelligence, which helps her conquer career heights. Sarah will only calm down when she reaches the very last rung of the career ladder. Wit and irony allow a woman to ignore envious people and spiteful critics. However, Sarah lacks prudence and ambition, so organize own business she's unlikely to succeed.

Sarah will be able to make a successful career as a musician, actress or artist

A woman will be able to realize herself in the profession of a teacher or educator in kindergarten, But greatest pleasure A career as an actress, artist or musician will bring her. Sarah will also have success in scientific activity: She will become a good scientist, translator, writer or lecturer. Sedentary professions such as a librarian, museum caretaker, accountant, designer or archive worker will also appeal to a girl. In any field, Sarah will try to move up the career ladder, she has good relationship with colleagues, a woman is not interested in gossip and slander.

Sarah will never have problems communicating with colleagues

Sarah does not have a risk, so she will never invest all her savings in any business; she prefers to receive a stable income. The profession should give the girl true pleasure and captivate her so that she can forget about all the problems and hardships. Excessive doubts and caution do not allow a woman to receive lucrative offers and become the most successful in her work.


Sarah has very good physical condition, which lasts until old age. But there can be problems with mental health. The girl is prone to prolonged depression, melancholic states, and pessimistic moods. In this situation, a woman loses all ability to work, self-confidence and physical activity.

Sarah is prone to pessimistic moods and prolonged depression


The girl does not have any special beauty that attracts men. However, she is pretty and neat, which can interest fans. Sarah may be jealous, but this feeling only manifests itself when there are real reasons for it. In this case, the woman creates real scenes and hysterics that make her chosen one regret what he did.

Remember, the earth is spinning
Sarah, just for you,
There are flowers in the dew only for you,
Which you love so much.
You will outshine the light of the sun with yourself,
You turn men's heads,
And the voices are a magical sound
Transforms everything around.



Sarah attracts men, but not due to her beauty

In a relationship, a girl opens up completely and gives herself to her partner, which often ends in betrayal by the man. But Sarah is not able to learn from her own mistakes and does the same in subsequent relationships.

In a relationship, Sarah gives herself completely to her man.

IN intimacy the girl tends to restrain herself, but only until she meets her true love, then Sarah becomes sensual and passionate.

Marriage and family

Sarah is able to get married very early and become a good housewife and loving wife. She shows maximum care and tenderness towards her husband, does everything possible and impossible for him. It is very important for her to feel emotional and spiritual closeness with her chosen one. Mutual understanding in the family is more important for a girl than material wealth.

Spiritual unity and mutual understanding are very important for Sarah in a relationship

It happens that, having suffered from betrayal on the part of her partners, Sarah marries for convenience. She needs a wealthy, decent, generous, attentive, caring and obedient man whom she can command. But mercantile calculation absolutely does not exclude the possibility that a woman will become ideal wife. She will take care of her husband and build spiritual intimacy.

The girl’s chosen one needs to remember that when communicating with her, he should not hurt her pride, otherwise a scandal cannot be avoided. You need to talk to Sarah softly and affectionately, calmly conveying information to her.

You need to talk to Sarah calmly and gently

Cheating on a spouse can be a reason to break up a relationship, but only if someone else knows about the betrayal. Sarah will stand for her family to the end, she will not be afraid of difficulties, the girl will be able to take on all the hard work. Even having realized that the choice of the chosen one was wrong, the woman will not destroy the family, she will endure and hide her thoughts from her husband throughout her life.

Table: name compatibility

Male nameCompatibility percentageNature of the relationship
Alexander98% Each of this couple knows what he wants, both try to make efforts to build a smooth relationship. Sarah likes the character of her chosen one, she is interested in this mysterious, unpredictable and vulnerable man. And he, in turn, appreciates her complex character in his chosen one. Lovers love to spend time together, they are interested in talking with each other, philosophizing and even just being silent. Marriage will not bring any difficulties to the couple; their family life is filled with love and tenderness. Each person appreciates the other’s personal space and understands the desire to be alone.
Alexey79% The romance of this couple begins very quickly. Alexey is interested in this artistic and charming girl, he wants to win her heart. To achieve this, a man commits romantic acts, looks after his beloved beautifully and in an unconventional way. Sometimes a young man doubts his partner’s feelings because their relationship is developing too quickly. In family life, Alexey helps Sarah with the housework, wants to be not only her lover, but also her friend. Sarah does not try to shift all financial problems onto her husband and is capable of earning money herself, but she wants her husband to exceed her in earnings.
Andrey93% A couple can have an ideal relationship. There is no struggle for leadership here, everyone fulfills their responsibilities. Partners evaluate themselves sensibly, do not believe that they are ideal, and actively work on themselves and their relationships. Family life is simple and smooth. Andrey provides for the family, and Sarah takes care of the house and raises the children. To prevent routine and monotony from destroying a happy marriage, spouses should sometimes change roles.
Dmitry95% Thoughtful and sensitive, Sarah needs a reliable and strong partner. This is exactly what Dmitry is for her. He is smart, courteous, knows how to communicate with women. Lovers do not decide to legitimize their relationship right away; as a rule, this happens after several years of marriage. The spouses are never bored together, they try to change their lives for the better, help each other in self-realization. Children will make this union even stronger and happier.
Evgeniy97% Sarah and Evgeniy are able to build a harmonious relationship. Partners complement each other well, becoming one. Sarah's straightforwardness and sociability help her take the first step, which Eugene is able to appreciate. The man cannot resist this girl, so they begin a whirlwind romance. Their family life is going well. The wife always supports her husband in all his endeavors, and he inspires her to be feminine and gentle. Traveling together will unite their union for many years.
Ilya79% Sara and Ilya are capable of creating a strong and loving couple. The girl is constantly in search of interesting and exciting events, dragging her chosen one with her. Often in this couple the man is younger than the woman. She gives him many surprises and gifts, and the young man gives her the opportunity to feel needed and desired. Such relationships often end in marriage, which can last a lifetime. But provided that the spouses value family values ​​and respect their partner’s sense of freedom.
Konstantin24% Sarah and Konstantin are completely unsuited to each other. A woman has a strong-willed and assertive character, which frightens and worries a calm and sedate man. For a girl, the chosen one seems weak-willed and lacking initiative, so she quickly loses interest in him and disappears from his field of vision. Marriage in this situation is possible only in one case: if the woman has material benefits, the man’s wealth will make Sarah flexible and faithful, but very short term, after which the spouses will begin to quarrel and make scandals, and eventually end the relationship.
Maxim95% Sarah and Maxim can have a harmonious relationship. A girl needs support and protection, which her chosen one can become. A thoughtful and sensitive woman has her own idea of the ideal man: he must be smart, courteous, tactful. This is exactly how she sees Maxim. Knowing that Sarah idealizes him, the young man tries to develop all these qualities in himself. Lovers decide to marry only after several years of marriage. Being husband and wife, they try to help each other, improve their financial well-being, and work on their relationships. Spouses are never bored together. The appearance of children further unites their union.
Renat78% This couple might succeed strong relationships. Initially, they have an interest in each other only in an intimate way; it overshadows all other desires and problems. Sarah's sensuality and passion excite Renat's consciousness from the very first meeting; it is he who takes the first step towards starting an affair. If the partners do not separate at the very beginning of the relationship, when one of them may become interested in another person, then this union can become quite strong and long-lasting. The family life of lovers is filled with emotions and variety, but they devote very little time to spiritual development, which can provoke quarrels and conflicts. A joint hobby will help solve the problem.
Sergey97% Lovers are two halves of a whole. Here, love at first sight and the emergence of a romantic feeling after long meetings are possible. The partners are very gentle, support and respect each other. There is no place for self-interest, betrayal or quarrels in relationships. In this couple, everyone listens to the opinion of their lover, and the birth of a child only strengthens an already happy and romantic union.

Table: matches for name

Interpretation of the meanings of each letter in the name

The letters that make up a person’s name endow him with certain qualities:

  1. Letter S. A girl with this letter in her name has common sense, strives for material and mental stability, looking for his own path in life.
  2. Letter A. A person with this letter in his name constantly strives to move, tries to achieve mental and physical comfort.
  3. Letter R. A woman is self-confident, brave, effective, sometimes too risky.

According to the interpretation of the meaning of the letters in the name, Sarah is a girl who strives for constant movement and finding peace of mind

Characteristics of a name in accordance with the time of year in which a person was born

Winter Sarah is highly emotional, she is willful and quick-tempered. When a girl is angry, it's better to stay away from her. Such a woman has a highly developed intellect, she can laugh at herself.

Winter Sarah is scary when she's angry

Sarah, who was born in one of the spring months, is prone to idealism. She has an unpredictable character, she is always full of energy, and values ​​her independence. She tries to solve personal problems on her own; she doesn’t like to burden her family and friends with her requests, although she always comes to the rescue.

Spring Sarah greatly values ​​her freedom

Summer rewards Sarah with kindness and gentleness. The girl is ready to help anyone and everyone, often neglecting her own interests. Her responsiveness often brings her troubles, in the form of disappointments in the people around her.

Summer Sarah has a soft and kind character

Sarah, born in autumn, has wisdom and balance. She never makes hasty decisions; all her actions are thoughtful and prudent. Girls are very difficult to please; sometimes it seems that she herself does not know what she wants from this life.

Characteristic AriesSarah-Aries has an impetuous and unpredictable character. The girl has a lot of energy, she is friendly and energetic. Home negative trait- excessive straightforwardness, a woman always expresses all her dissatisfaction directly to the person’s eyes. Because of this, some acquaintances break off all relations with her. TaurusThe sign of Taurus rewards a girl with willfulness, hard work and independence. Sara-Taurus loves freedom very much, both physically and spiritually. She will never ask for help, even from the closest person, she solves all her problems on our own. A woman lacks love, tenderness and attention. TwinsThe girl has a good sense of humor, always looks at the world with optimism, loves to have fun and enjoy life. Sarah-Gemini clearly lacks attentiveness; she values ​​care very much, but she herself cannot give it. The woman has a selfish disposition and high self-esteem. CancerA woman is shy, indecisive and fearful, she questions everything, does not ask for help from others, and rarely finishes what she starts. Sarah-Cancer is irresponsible, does not like to be the center of attention, is afraid to take on any responsibilities, loves monotonous and monotonous tasks. In order to become happy, a girl needs to learn to live fully. LionSarah the Leo is a unique individual. It combines inattention and indifference with self-sufficiency and selfishness. The girl is accustomed to increased attention to her person and can behave defiantly. She is too spoiled and requires special treatment. A woman has very few friends, but many fans. VirgoThe girl loves to travel, communicate, get adrenaline and experience a sense of excitement. She always wants new sensations, emotions are what Sarah-Virgo needs to experience every day. A woman needs a life partner who can distract her from the eternal search for impressions and remind her that there are many other important things in life. ScalesThe sign of Libra endows Sarah with gentleness, responsiveness, friendliness and sincerity, and the ability to always come to the aid of loved ones. The girl trusts people too much, does not know how to understand them, which is why she often suffers. ScorpionA woman has a rude, tough and callous character; she can easily offend a loved one, which is why Sarah-Scorpio has practically no friends. But under the mask of toughness hides a sensitive girl who wants to love and be loved, to take care of someone. A woman will become an ideal, loving mother for her children. SagittariusSarah-Sagittarius cannot stand loneliness and monotony; she loves to be in an atmosphere of constant fun and unpredictability. Freedom and independence are important components in a girl’s life; she is in no hurry to part with them. Only at a later age will he decide to renounce them in favor of marriage. CapricornThe girl has a simple, open, sincere and kind character. She always fights for justice and tries to achieve her goals. Sarah-Capricorn is very ambitious, but to move forward she needs constant recharge. The disadvantage of a woman’s character is her reluctance to accept people as they are. AquariusThe sign of Aquarius gives a woman incredible artistry, which becomes both a plus and a minus in the girl’s character. She knows how to find a common language with almost everyone, easily achieves what she wants, knows how to show herself off the best side, but in fact, the life of Sarah-Aquarius is filled with falsehood and pretense; she can rarely be herself. FishA woman loves romance, is unable to offend anyone, takes orders responsibly, and is prone to daydreaming and idealism. Sara-Pisces endows those around her with character traits that are not actually inherent to them, and therefore she is often disappointed. She needs a serious, attentive companion who will be able to win the girl’s trust and help her learn to understand people better.

Photo gallery: famous personalities with the name Sarah

Sarah Bernhardt - French actress Sarah Abitbol - French figure skater who performed in pairs skating Jasmine (real name - Sarah Semendueva) - Russian pop singer, actress, model Sarah Michelle Gellar - American actress Sarah Lidman - Swedish writer Sarah Mayer - multiple Swiss champion in women's single figure skating, as well as silver medalist at the 2007 and 2008 European Championships Sarah Anne McLachlan - Canadian singer, songwriter, Grammy Award winner Sarah Errani - Italian tennis player Sarah Brightman - English singer Sarah Jessica Parker - American actress Sarah Rue - American actress Sarah Habel - American actress Sarah Waters - English writer, PhD Sarah Douglas - English actress Sarah Hyland - American actress Sarah Gadon - Canadian actress Sarah Paulson - American actress

Sarah knows how to hide her emotions well, so many people seem cold and uncompromising. It is very important for a girl to find happiness in life, she does everything for this purpose. A woman has well-developed creative abilities, she often becomes a successful actress or musician. A girl is not always lucky in love; before finding true feeling, she goes through many disappointments. Family is very important for a woman; she will do everything in her power to preserve it.

The bearers of this female name have powerful life potential. The meaning of the name Sarah indicates the presence of such basic character traits as hard work, the ability to empathize, and diligence. It’s a pleasure to communicate with such ladies on all sorts of topics of conversation. The only thing the interpretation of the name warns about is painful self-esteem. Sarochka can be easily hurt even by seemingly harmless words.

The exact meaning of the name Sarah for a girl reveals her as a quiet and domestic child. Likes to read various works of fiction, encyclopedias, reference books. At school he shows brilliant success in mastering complex material. Do not strive to take on a leadership role. Prefers to be followed rather than lead others.

Also, the meaning of the name Sarah for a child indicates high mental abilities and excellent memory. Often these little ones suffer from the inability to express themselves in the company of their peers. Capable of appreciating true natural beauty. He has a keen sense of beauty and can give an accurate assessment of real art.

The interpretation of the name warns that such babies are in great need of parental care, guardianship, and protection. Those closest to her must constantly work to increase Sarochka’s self-esteem. Only in this case will she be able to achieve significant results in her profession and in life in general.


These girls are not distinguished by any unusual or special external characteristics, but at the same time they are always unusually cute, fit, slender, which means they have a constant desire to take care of themselves. Due to modesty and tightness, she often does not attract excessive attention from courageous representatives of the stronger sex.

Rarely enters into rash, hasty relationships. Any men prefer to use them, and then betray them. But, despite this, he does not lose true faith in love. She is able to open her soul completely to each of her new chosen ones, and no matter how much pain and suffering has already been experienced.


For a prosperous, joyful married life, it is of enormous importance right choice spouse. This fact means that a woman’s husband should be a person who is decent, honest, strong in spirit and at the same time financially secure. Such a husband will give you the necessary feeling of security and allow you to truly realize your role as a mother and wife.

The husband’s feelings for Sarochka are also of considerable importance. Since these representatives of the fair sex prefer to spend most of their personal time at home, a man must also have the ability to give up part of his hobbies and friendly communication for the sake of his beloved.

Business and career

Doesn't attach any great importance to career. Sarah is not a careerist, which means she is not calculating and not at all ambitious. A woman with this name absolutely always chooses a profession, regardless of any prestige, so that the matter is to her liking. He will become an excellent teacher, a talented teacher, and a librarian. But business and any entrepreneurship is not for her.

Almost no one knows how to make any impression on senior management; she is a diligent employee, but does not try to stand out among her colleagues. Sarochka’s career moves very slowly, but at the same time systematically - in her chosen field she reaches certain heights only thanks to her hard work.

Origin of the name Sarah

The mystery of the name is very interesting. History reports only one version of the origin of the adverb. The origin of the name Sarah is Hebrew. Its etymology is “princess, noble.” Where the adverb comes from leaves its mark on it. Initially, this was the name of Abraham's wife. Those women whose name is Sarah can be found among Christians, Jews and Islam.

Characteristics of the name Sarah

These representatives of the fair sex are often similar in character to their mother. They are distinguished by their kindness, responsiveness, and sociability, but at the same time they are often nervous. The characterization of the name Sarah warns that such individuals cannot tolerate outside pressure. The pressure scares them and forces them to “run away” from such an interlocutor.

Outwardly, Sarochka usually looks like her dad. Father and daughter often like to have heart-to-heart conversations. They spend a lot of time together. At any age, he attaches great importance to sports. It is distinguished by increased plasticity. Sings and dances well. Takes part in all kinds of amateur artistic activities.

The pros and cons of character largely depend on the time of year in which the girl was born. If she was born in winter, then it is not very easy for those around her to communicate with her. Increased temper and willfulness in most cases are the cause of conflicts, sometimes protracted ones. Such women have highly developed intelligence. They like to “show off.”

Those born in autumn live slowly and measuredly. They give only wise and thoughtful advice. Each of their actions is distinguished by prudence and utmost balance. These ladies are extremely difficult to please. Sometimes they themselves cannot understand what they really lack. Certainty plays a huge role in their lives. Without it, these women are capable of losing their life guidelines.

Those born in June, July or August are extremely kind. Kindness causes them a huge amount of trouble and often makes them victims of deceivers, flatterers, and scoundrels. Here, who is next to them is of great importance. A strong mentor or friend will protect you from troubles and help you live a happy life.

The mystery of the name

  • The stone is sardonyx.
  • Name days are May 25, July 26, and August 19.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign - Sagittarius.

Famous people named Sarah

  • Sarah Jessica Parker is an American actress and producer.
  • Sarah Michelle Gellar - acts in American films.
  • Sarah Connor is a singer of German origin.

Name Sarah in different languages

Translation from Hebrew is “princess, noble.” A number of descriptions of how the adverb is translated from other languages ​​are given below:

sound in Chinese - 莎拉 sound in Japanese - サラ spelling in English - Sarah

Name forms

  • Full name: Sarah.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Sarrushka, Sali, Ara, Saya, Sarita, Sasa, Zara, Lali.
  • Declension of the name – Saru – Sarah.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Sarah.

Popular all over the world female name Sara originated in Hebrew from the word “lady.” In some countries the name is pronounced differently: in Bulgaria and Serbia - Sarra, in Hungary - Shara, in Germany - Zara, in England - Seira.

Diminutive form of the name: Sarochka, Sarunchik, Ara, Arushka, Arochka.

Sarah's name day Orthodox calendar celebrates July 26, the day of St. Sarah of Libya.

Pros: Kind, sympathetic, quick-witted, smart, purposeful, diplomatic.

Cons: Suspicious, touchy.


Little Sarochka grows up to be a kind, sympathetic girl, wise and quick-witted beyond her years. In character he is more like his mother than his father. But she is more drawn to her father, whom she resembles in appearance. Likes to help parents household. She is tactful in communication and knows how to avoid conflict situations. He clearly knows what is good and what is bad, lives by ethical standards. He easily makes new acquaintances, but he is almost never a leader in companies.

At school, teachers like Sarah because of her diligent behavior and good studies. Sarah's grades in the humanities are higher than in the sciences, which she does not always understand. Sarah has an ear for music, excellent plasticity, her parents should send her to music school or to dances, where she can give away the accumulated energy. Sports activities Sarah doesn't really like it, but if she has a penchant for a certain sport, she will do it.

Adult Sarah has tactful diplomacy, knows how to defend her interests, and formulate her arguments. She doesn't like having her opinion imposed on her. Likes to give his assessment of events and comment on them. If Sarah is nervous, it shows in her communication. Sarah needs to be alone during this period, to calm her nerves, so as not to offend others with random offensive phrases. He does not tolerate mockery and jokes about himself well, and begins to worry and delve into himself. A little later, Sarah can take it out on the offender.


Sarah has good health, and maintains high tone until the end of his life. If he gets sick, he recovers fairly quickly. In adulthood, she may be susceptible to depression, from which, without outside help won't be able to get out.


Sarah is of little interest in the financial side. Work should bring her pleasure, with its help she expresses herself. No matter what heights Sarah reaches in her work, she will never stop learning everything new, and this is what she will demand from her subordinates as a leader. Sarah needs to avoid working in business and not engage in entrepreneurship, otherwise she will fail in this field. He doesn’t believe in adventures; he prefers an average but stable income.


Sarah is not distinguished by her external beauty, but attracts men with her gentle character. He always takes care of himself and dresses with taste. She doesn't have many fans, often Sarah for a long time there is only one. Doesn't accept casual relationships and won't date just anyone. She trusts the new gentleman, even if she was recently betrayed by the previous man.


She will marry a man with whom she will feel a spiritual connection and will be able to establish a trusting relationship. Usually Sarah has a single marriage for life. Sarah will be a caring and loving mother for her children. It doesn’t matter to her how much her husband earns; she has the ability to distribute the financial budget in such a way that she can also save money. Sarah does not perceive betrayal; she will immediately feel it from her husband if he goes “to the left”.

Compatibility with male names

  • Excellent: Danila, .
  • Bad: , . Mstislav, .


  • Planet - Moon.
  • Name color - Grey.
  • Time of year - Autumn.
  • Happy day of the week is Thursday.
  • Lucky number is 3.
  • Metal - Silver.
  • Zodiac sign - Cancer.
  • Element - Earth.
  • Totem animal - Locust.
  • Plant - Mandrake.
  • Wood - Cedar.
  • Talisman mineral - Sardonyx.

Famous people named Sarah

  • Sarah Jessica Parker is an American actress.
  • Sarah Gellar is an American actress.
  • Sarah Connor is a German singer.
  • Sarah Bernhardt is a French actress.
  • Sarah Abitbol is a French figure skater.
  • Sarah Lidman is a Swedish writer.
Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Sarah is a feminine name of Hebrew origin. Distributed in Israel, Muslim and Catholic countries - Azerbaijan, Spain, Italy, Norway, France, Sweden, America and Brazil. Translated, it means “noble woman”, “mistress”. In Orthodoxy it is used with two letters “r” - Sarah. IN English Pronounced Seira.

Name Sarah in other languages

Years later

Little Sarah thinks and reasons like an adult. Has excellent memory. Quiet, kind girl who loves to sit at home and read books - not only fiction, but also reference books, encyclopedias, instructions. She studies very well at school - she easily manages to master even the most complex material. Inclined towards humanities. Does not strive to stand out or lead. He really needs parental care and protection. He behaves timidly and indecisively, and always looks at the world and people with caution.

Little Sarah is endowed with a maturity of thought that is surprising for a child, and therefore she is often considered more mature than she actually is. You can also note the kindness and responsiveness of the owner of the name. She loves to help others, and therefore will become an excellent assistant for parents. You can also highlight her sociability and ability to avoid conflicts. The girl skillfully communicates with such different people, without betraying one’s own principles and understanding of good and bad.

Sarah usually excels academically and has excellent relationships with her teachers. She is more inclined towards the humanities, but is not devoid of talent in the exact sciences. You can also note the child’s talent in creative terms. Often the owners of the name are endowed with excellent plasticity and a sense of rhythm. In addition, Sarah has excellent hearing, which allows her to be realized in this direction. It is very possible that she will connect her future with a creative direction.

Growing up, Sarah becomes a very pretty, but shy and uptight girl. She develops excellent intuition and a sense of people. It is very difficult to make contact with strangers. Her friends are time-tested, and she is in no hurry to make new ones. In her kind and gentle character she is more like her mother, and in appearance she is more like her father, whom she adores.

Possesses painful pride. The slightest criticism deeply hurts and offends her. She avoids conflicts, but she experiences difficulties stoically and is always ready to fight until victory. She is very flexible, has good hearing and a sense of rhythm, which often determines the choice of future creative profession.

In family life, the most important thing for her is spiritual and emotional closeness with her husband, mutual understanding. Material assets do not have a decisive meaning for her. She needs a strong, wealthy man, for whom spiritual intimacy comes first in marriage.

Adult Sarah gives the impression of a cold and uncompromising woman. But she just learned to perfectly control her emotions. She wants happiness no less, but much more than other women, placing all her hopes on finding it. Therefore, she constantly tries to prove to others that she is the best and most worthy.

A sharp mind and high intelligence, hot temper and willfulness are characteristic of Sarah, born in winter. Women with this name, born in spring and summer, are distinguished by kindness, kindness and creative talents. And autumn ones are wise, unhurried and prudent in making important decisions.

Sarah, as a rule, inherits her character from her mother. So she is characterized by extraordinary kindness, some nervousness, as well as sociability and maximum responsiveness; she often has good musical abilities and inclinations, and in addition to this she has quite good plasticity. Her incredible sociability and responsiveness often do not give rise to someone completely imposing an opinion on her from the outside, especially from anyone.

Sarah's character

Despite her apparent shyness, Sarah has a very strong-willed and strong character, which allows her to stoically endure any blows of fate. Very practical, has good intuition. Kind, caring, responsive. Smart, intelligent, creative nature. She is responsible and hardworking. An unusually strong will is inherent in her immediately from birth.

Sarah, as a rule, does not tolerate the slightest dictate from anyone directly in relation to herself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are owners of powerful intelligence and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But career ladder they simply and quickly conquer step by step and often calm down only when they definitely reach the very top.

Indecision and excessive caution become obstacles in achieving goals. Sensitivity to criticism indicates a large amount of self-doubt. Due to the abundance of difficulties, he may become callous towards people. Sarah, born in winter, is often distinguished by her waywardness, extraordinary impressionability and sharp temper.

And if suddenly she is in the heat of anger, then it is at such moments that she is practically uncontrollable, and it is better to just try to stay away from her. With her extravagant appearance, Sarah is more like her father, and it must be admitted that she is very attached to him.

Sarah's fate

To succeed, this strong and persistent woman will have to overcome many obstacles. A strong family and a reliable rear in the form of a wealthy husband, with whom she builds a very trusting relationship, are very important to her. Sarah can devote herself entirely to her family or divide her attention between family and creative work, but she won’t turn out to be a careerist.

The work should bring her pleasure and captivate her so much that she can abstract from the negativity of everyday life. The main obstacle to success in life is doubt and excessive caution, due to which profitable chances are missed. Sarah has a lot of positive traits in her character, and her possession of numerous talents helps solve all sorts of problems, of which there are many in her life. Winter representatives are very emotional, willful and quick-tempered. If she is angry, then it is better to stay away from her. Such women have a very sharp mind, they are ironic. Autumn Sarahs are very wise and balanced. They are always careful and think through every step. They are difficult to please and give the impression that they do not know what they need. Summer Sarahs are the kindest and gentlest, but their responsiveness can get them into trouble.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Lack of ambition and prudence excludes the possibility of a career in business for Sarah. She can become a good teacher or kindergarten teacher, but she realizes herself most fully in a creative profession - an actress, singer, musician or designer. Never risks savings for the sake of investment, prefers a solid income.

Success awaits her in scientific activities as a scientist, translator, writer, and lecturer. Sarah will also be there good designer, librarian, archive worker. But he can also choose the profession of an accountant, cook or teacher. Sarah moves up the career ladder to the very top, step by step. She usually has good relationships with her colleagues, as Sarah does not tolerate slander and gossip.

Marriage and family

Family is of enormous importance to Sarah. Having suffered in relationships with insidious traitors, she often marries for mercantile reasons. Her husband must be wealthy, decent, generous, attentive, caring and quite obedient, because Sarah likes to command. Feeling protected, she will build relationships on spiritual intimacy and become the best wife, housewife and mother in the world.

In family life, the most important thing for her is spiritual and emotional closeness with her husband, mutual understanding. Material values ​​do not have a decisive meaning for her. She needs a strong, wealthy man, for whom spiritual intimacy comes first in marriage. When dealing with Sarah, regardless of her character, you should not hurt her pride, otherwise she may explode. You need to speak to her gently and confidentially, and then she will be able to understand everything and not be offended.

Sex and love

Sarah's external data does not differ in features that usually attract men. But she is very pretty and neat. In relationships she can be jealous, although she does not show her feelings without reason. But if there are real reasons, then he creates such a scene that the man will regret his rashness for a long time.

In love, Sarah opens her soul to her chosen one as much as possible, and this often turns into betrayal. But no matter how many failures on the love front she experiences, she will always open up completely every time. Discreet in sexual relations, but when she meets true love, she becomes sensual and passionate.


Has an enviable physical health, which can persist until old age if problems with the endocrine glands can be avoided. But mental health can suffer in the form of protracted depressions. It should be noted that autumn Sarah is usually characterized by a certain wisdom and slowness. Thus, all the actions of Sarah, born in the autumn months, are distinguished by maximum prudence and precise balance.

And, of course, before making an important decision, she will definitely weigh everything and think through almost every step. Sarah will also approach the assessment with unusually careful and balanced approach. different people. Sometimes you even get the impression that she herself doesn’t know what exactly she wants. She can really be very difficult to please.

Interests and hobbies

Since childhood, her hobbies have been related to the home - handicrafts, arts and crafts, cooking. She enjoys the process of creating beautiful things, so she often becomes a master in many areas of handicraft. By her mentality, Sarah is a humanitarian with a phenomenal memory. She has good musical abilities and plasticity. From childhood she should be taught to art and creativity, perhaps this will become her future profession. Sarah should not think about money problems; she should be protected from this. It needs to be loaded with a large flow of information, preferably creative. She can work in the art world and become a musician, museum worker, or artist.

An unusually strong will is inherent in her immediately from birth. Sarah, as a rule, does not tolerate the slightest dictate from anyone directly in relation to herself. Also, women with such a sonorous name are owners of powerful intelligence and are often distinguished by incredible wit and irony. But they simply and quickly conquer the career ladder step by step and often calm down only when they definitely reach its very top.
