Behavior of an Aquarius man in love with a Sagittarius woman. Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and an Aquarius man in business

It is difficult to imagine a more promising couple than an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man.

Their compatibility is close to ideal, but this does not mean that these zodiac signs will not have to work on their relationships.

Only improving yourself and yourself within a couple will give a favorable union of two hearts and true harmony of love. In life, such an alliance will promise partners material well-being and spiritual growth.

About relationships at the first stage

The Sagittarius man is always charming and open to new communication. At the same time, the conqueror is in an eternal search for the amazing, and you still need to try to surprise him.

Thus, Sagittarius may be interested in a woman born under the sign of Aquarius with her unusual appearance and original, open character. As they get to know each other, the man will find even more advantages in her.

  • The Aquarius woman is always patient with the crazy and sometimes frankly incomprehensible antics of Sagittarius, she is cheerful and easy-going, which the representative of Fire cannot but like.
  • A man born under this sign will be primarily attracted by a nature that will trust him and will have a positive attitude towards open relationships, and will not drag him into getting married at the first opportunity.

The most important thing about the love of Aquarius and Sagittarius is that they look in the same direction. Although their views on many things differ, this does not prevent them from finding a lot of common ideas, and this is very important for this man.

Indeed, deep down, the bright and frivolous Sagittarius is always a teacher and preacher, and the Aquarius woman must remember this. A Sagittarius man will be pleased to see a chosen one who is more concerned about spiritual food than material food. However, he himself can rarely refuse earthly goods.

How to win the heart of a Sagittarius:

  • A girl should be selfless, support a man’s interests, and be ready to share his hobbies.
  • Sagittarians are freedom-loving men, so you shouldn’t start talking to them about living together and getting married prematurely, otherwise they will run away.
  • You need to be patient and not impose yourself.

About the ideal couple

As mentioned above, the Sagittarius man and the Aquarius woman have almost perfect compatibility, this is reflected in the people around them. To friends and acquaintances they seem like a pleasant, interesting and friendly couple. You won’t be bored with them, and most importantly, they don’t find problems.

These partners radiate energy and infect others with it. They either go on a hike or participate in charity events. Sagittarius and Aquarius love truth and justice and seek it in every moment of their lives.

The Sagittarius man wants his house not only to be clean, but to be rich and beautiful. In order to bring joy to her chosen one, the Aquarius woman will easily begin to show her artistic talents and decorate her home.

The entrance to the house of Sagittarius and Aquarius is open to many. Sometimes it may seem that a couple has no personal space, but this is not the case.

About difficulties

The excellent compatibility of these zodiac signs does not free them from problems and difficulties. Moreover, difficulties most often occur on the part of the fire sign.

There are two main problems. And if the partners manage to solve them, then life will be wonderful and the compatibility will be ideal.

1. There is nothing surprising in the first problem; these are prosaic infidelities of a man. Most often, a Sagittarius man or young guy will not refuse to flirt or have a love affair with an attractive girl.

The most surprising thing may be that the young man in some cases will not even suspect that his girlfriend does not like it. After all, it seems to him that the Aquarius woman is completely free from prejudice.

But in fact, Aquarius will be hurt by betrayal, and light flirting will not leave him indifferent. For her, an open relationship means freedom to love, but to be faithful and devoted.

2. Another problem is more interesting, it concerns a man’s career. A guy born under the auspices of this sign will sooner or later achieve heights. This is where not the best ones will appear best features his character.

Sagittarius will want to teach and show his authority. Aquarius will not appreciate the principles of social inequality; they are alien to her.

How to save the union?

The compatibility of these zodiac signs suggests that Sagittarius has a tendency to idealize their partner. If a guy expresses romantic admiration for his lady love, this can be a guarantee of his fidelity.

What you need to do to make this feeling last forever:

  • You should not be predictable, intrusive and boring. If an Aquarius woman interests a Sagittarius and surprises him, he will be in love with her forever.
  • When Sagittarius is successful in his career, Aquarius should not lag behind.
  • You should not ignore discontent; you need to listen to your man and give him support.

By agreeing with each other, rather than ignoring problems and issues, the couple will create a happy and loving family.

An ideal couple with excellent mutual understanding. Sagittarius and Aquarius are optimistic and support each other in pursuing adventures or new ideas. Freedom-loving signs respect each other's independence, and therefore there will be enough freedom in relationships. This is enough to make communication and relationships easy for partners. Both are romantic and unpredictable, which makes their union truly unforgettable, no matter how much time they spend together. Aquarius and Sagittarius have the ability to create one of the strongest relationships of all the zodiac tandems.

A Sagittarius man paired with an Aquarius woman.

A representative of the fire element needs to constantly conquer someone. With such a desire, an Aquarius woman is an excellent suitable target. Sagittarius will find a partner who will be able to support him and listen to him, and if necessary, will go on adventures with him. A man's unusually fast pace of life is unlikely to become an obstacle in a relationship. A sincere Sagittarius is devoid of falsehood and hypocrisy; he easily gains attention in new companies and gets along with people. The desire to preserve inner peace will be reflected in a certain distance from personal relationships.

An Aquarius woman paired with a Sagittarius man.

An extravagant and changeable girl attracts many men, including Sagittarius. Her sociability does not allow her partner to relax. It seems that the Aquarius woman is always slipping away. If you get to know her better, you can find an understanding and sensitive companion who, at the same time, does not cross boundaries and does not interfere with someone else’s inner world without permission. The representative of the air sign does not pay any attention to the rudeness of her chosen one and sees praise behind his caustic words. Aquarius almost always thinks positively and is easy-going in any endeavor. This makes the chosen one a desirable partner in the eyes of Sagittarius.

Compatibility in friendship

Such a union can form a sincere friendship that will last for years. Sagittarius and Aquarius have many common interests and excellent mutual understanding. Both have the same idea of ​​morality and can discuss philosophical topics for hours. They will be the key to lasting partnerships.

Combinebridge in love

A pair of representatives of the signs has excellent compatibility in personal relationships. Astrologers claim that such a union is destined by the stars themselves.

Aquarius and Aquarius usually meet in large groups, since both are sociable. They notice each other immediately, and it is easy for them to start a conversation. In the process of communication, a man and a woman understand that they have many similarities. They will not experience such ease and simplicity with anyone else.

Gradually they get closer, although the relationship develops rapidly mainly due to the temperamental Sagittarius. But none of the representatives of the signs is in a hurry to get married, despite the wonderful mutual understanding and ease of communication.

The intimate sphere plays an important role for representatives of the signs. Everything works out very harmoniously here. Both are ready to experiment. Aquarius is not at all afraid of Sagittarius’ criticism; she is open and relaxed in bed with her partner.

If the couple still decides to move on to the next step and start a family, then some trials may await them. The Aquarius woman cannot imagine marriage without the devotion and fidelity of her partner. But even in an alliance with an interesting and understanding partner, Sagittarius easily goes to the side. And they are unlikely to forgive him for this.

The second danger for a couple is boredom. Both signs are dynamic, constantly in need of new experiences. That is why they go on trips and different adventures together. If for some reason the routine takes over, then there is a high risk that the couple will break up.

However, many couples envy their spiritual closeness and attraction. If Sagittarius and will know " weaknesses", then they will be able to work on them. The girl needs to understand that intimacy will not replace spiritual. A man should control himself so as not to lose his beloved, with whom he has such a tender relationship.

Even if problems arise in the relationship, both will try to save the marriage because they value each other.

What to expect from the union of a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman?

First of all, this is a conflict-free union, so there is mutual understanding and respect in the couple. This basis is favorable both for personal relationships and for the business sphere (especially in creative activities).

Aquarius does not bother Sagittarius with advice, and does not try to control his every move. A man appreciates the freedom that his chosen one provides him. Usually he is the main one in the pair.

Despite all of Sagittarius’s directness and barbs, the girl accepts him for who he is. She is not at all bothered by her partner’s sharp tongue; she knows perfectly well how her man feels. Sagittarius will be happy to discover this character trait in his beloved.

Everyone in the union feels free and easy. Intellectual conversations between partners can last for hours and this is not surprising, since both Aquarius and Sagittarius have extraordinary minds. They know how not only to communicate with each other, but also to continue to conduct active life. Sagittarius can come up with the idea of ​​traveling, and easy-going Aquarius will be only too happy about it.

Representatives of the signs have no barriers to becoming happy together. This is one of the most prosperous unions among couples of all zodiac signs. A Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman feel each other very well. Many character traits unite them. It is in this zodiac tandem that tender romantic feelings develop. Their relationship is dominated by freedom and ease, which both need. An active life together will have a beneficial effect on the feelings of the representatives of the signs. If representatives of the signs are attentive to each other, then a long, happy future awaits them together.

There is a very rare pairs when people are so different that even the fact of their life together causes sincere bewilderment. Compatibility between Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman – great example: yes, our heroes are completely different from each other and move in different circles. That doesn’t stop them from finding their happiness together.

Compatibility horoscope for zodiac signs that relate to different elements, as a rule, predicts numerous frictions caused by differences not only in life views, but also in the rhythm itself. However, Sagittarius and Aquarius are far from the case. Moreover, this is a pleasant astrological exception.

In such an interesting and promising union, the Sagittarius guy represents fire. He is businesslike, self-confident, focused on specific tasks and almost never deviates from their implementation. If it is true that you can run away from life or try to solve a problem, then it is also true that the typical Sagittarius man is busy precisely overcoming difficulties.

The Aquarius woman represents air. She is charming by definition. And if at first the Sagittarius is attracted by her sweet, sparkling smile, then for a long time he will not be able to find a specific reason for his fascination. But in reality the situation is very simple. Aquarius was and remains one of the most sincere signs of the zodiac. These people just don't know how to be fake. Although, on the other hand, they are brilliant actors who always play the right role in order to get away with it. But this is true only for strangers and only for extreme situations.

Otherwise, it is the openness, directness of Aquarius and her friendliness that will become a real balm for the soul for a Sagittarius man. The fact is that he himself is quite open. This person prefers a smooth, open dialogue in which everyone can freely exchange opinions without offense to the politics of behind-the-scenes negotiations and tricks.

Sagittarians hate gossip, intrigue and other manifestations of human ingenuity. It is interesting that although these people are generally not burdened with the burden of prejudice, they still believe that much of the intrigue and lies come from the fairer sex. And it is the Aquarius girl who will convince him that this is at least not entirely true. We can say that this lady has a few trump cards in her pocket, but they are all large and well-chosen.

Indeed, she does not fit into classical ideas and images. She is alien to whims, turning into a gentle mimosa or a daring tigress. And although, if desired, she can clearly demonstrate best qualities These types, in fact, Aquarius is a model of honesty. With yourself and people. Of course, she herself is not without sin. But we are talking about people, not about an ideal gas. And over time, the shrewd Sagittarius man will finally understand what attracts him so much to his beloved Aquarius lady: her sincerity, her reluctance to fuss and deceive. Yes, she also likes to say everything directly. And it is mutual openness that will form an incredibly solid basis for the compatibility of our heroes in love relationships.

Over time, the partners will discover one amazing phenomenon. Let's say some 3 months have passed, but it seems to them that they have been dating for a whole year. It’s as if they had never parted, but were probably familiar with each other. past life. And from the point of view of the stars, this effect is not surprising. After all, when two people have truly similar life goals and the same worldview, then no differences in character will be so noticeable.

It’s just that both Aquarius and Sagittarius are very good at negotiating. They are quite willing to forgive each other’s small weaknesses, and most importantly, they will accept their other half for who they are. And the reason is simple. When a person is very similar in spirit, and it’s a pleasure to share every moment with him, then you just want to close your eyes to the shortcomings. At first, our heroes will most likely not notice them at all. And subsequently they will get used to each other to such an extent that minor weaknesses will not seem so significant.

Of course, the Sagittarius guy and the Aquarius girl are made of the same substance as all sinners. They sometimes have disagreements, quarrels, even quarrels. But short-lived and not entirely serious. And this is their advantage. Yes, partners conflict, they can even raise dust to the ceiling. But that same power of mutual sympathy not only reliably keeps them close, but also forces them to make peace almost immediately.

In fact, both Aquarius and Sagittarius are easy-going people. They cannot live for weeks or even days in complete solitude, sitting behind a wall of silence. It doesn’t even matter who throws the white flag first. It is interesting that an Aquarius woman will often do this, because after each conflict she does not entertain herself with the illusion that she is right by definition, but sits down and carefully thinks through why this happened, and who is actually wrong this time.

The objectivity of Aquarius and the openness and honesty of Sagittarius are what keep our heroes together and give them truly excellent chances of compatibility in love. They are sincere and friendly, so even misunderstandings and quarrels do not extinguish their desire to be together.

Marriage Compatibility: Love Through Respect

There are legends about the freedom-loving and strange nature of Aquarius. Indeed, for this lady to be like everyone else is very boring. After all, it must be different in some way. Moreover, Aquarius reasons according to the principle “to be, not to appear.” That’s why it’s enough for her to simply know how things really are, and who thinks what is the tenth thing.

That is why Aquarians often do not get married for quite a long time, without fear of rumors and gossip. They live and enjoy life - alone or with someone else. But a reliable Sagittarius man literally convinces his wife that their relationship is at least ripe for a new stage. And the most interesting thing is that she is inclined to agree with him, without much debate or bickering.

Sagittarius can feel like a real hero, because he married not just anyone, but the same Aquarius who puts her personal freedom first, and everything else second. Interestingly, in marriage, the compatibility of partners promises to be no less favorable. Although, of course, they will encounter some difficulties, sometimes even unexpected ones, which is quite normal for the adaptation stage.

Another thing is that, strangely enough, it will not be Aquarius who will become the center of disturbance of calm in such an almost ideal tandem. The Sagittarius man, with his thirst for adventure, may err somewhat on classic male weakness. And a quick-witted spouse, of course, will be able to establish all the causes and consequences of such phenomena.

It must be said that Aquarius is one of the most faithful signs of the zodiac. And although this girl understands fidelity somewhat in her own way (like all other values), she still remains devoted not only to her own ideas, but also to her significant other. It is interesting that Aquarius is influenced to a greater extent not even by physical, but by spiritual betrayal.

Of course, everyone puts something of their own into this concept. And the Aquarius interpretation of fidelity comes from a simple formula: “be irreplaceable to me, my best friend.” For this zodiac sign, there are few real differences between love and friendship. In fact, friendship is the highest manifestation of love. And the reverse combination is also true. That is why it is one thing to cheat physically, and another to betray friendship, i.e. those ideals that two people literally profess.

Of course, a Sagittarius man is unlikely to understand the intricacies of the human soul, because he generally does not tend to talk for a long time about abstract things, but at least he will always respect the views of his beloved Aquarius girl. The same as Aquarius. And it is precisely this mutual respect that will serve as an excellent basis for the compatibility of these people in family relationships. It’s just that their romance initially began on a high level – with that same spiritual intimacy. And as long as this strength remains, the union will develop so successfully that even quarrels and troubles will be forgotten very quickly.

And one more possible obstacle - the Sagittarius man, over the years, will certainly achieve all imaginable and unimaginable career heights, after which his love for teaching may appear. Which would be a mistake he would soon realize. After all, you can communicate with an Aquarius only on equal terms - there must be justice in everything.

Sexual compatibility: reliability day and night

The night clock gives our heroes incredible inspiration, because it once again convinces them that the very person they tenderly and passionately hug will not turn into a monster when the clock strikes midnight.

Both Sagittarius and Aquarius find spiritual intimacy even in intimate pastimes, because even in such delicate matters they behave extremely openly and bestow their significant other with the strongest manifestations of earthly love. In a word, when a partner is reliable day and night, this is the best basis for harmony.

Compatibility at work: lovers of new things

In a working relationship, a Sagittarius man and an Aquarius woman will adhere to an informal hierarchy. They sincerely sympathize with each other in any positions and positions. This tandem will be successful in all types of activities that are associated with the development of new markets, technologies and entire areas of activity.

It’s just that these two are always drawn to the new, the unknown - such is their nature. If Aquarius is constantly curious about new things due to an innate thirst for knowledge, then Sagittarius is an adventure hunter. The motivation is different, but the goal is the same. Here is their formula for success.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman have excellent chances of compatibility. And even if at certain moments resentment towards each other makes everything bubble inside, there is no doubt that this will pass after the first hug. And then you will go forward again, towards the unknown.

Anna Lyubimova

Just having met, the guy and girl in this combination of signs are ready to plunge headlong into the whirlpool of their exciting feelings. A romance that has barely begun can quickly develop into serious passion and ardent love, the desire not to part and to walk hand in hand throughout life.

They easily get close and find a common language, harmoniously complementing each other and understanding each other perfectly. Both value independence and the right of a partner to their “little” secrets, and irrepressible optimism brings them together in achieving common goals and implementing plans.

Together they are ready to realize their wildest ideas, take risky adventures and make their fantasies come true

Free from routine, Aquarius attracts the eccentric Sagittarius with his eccentricity and ability to easily perceive his intemperance, and sometimes downright rude statements. At the same time, Aquarius is sincerely attracted to Sagittarius by his genuine openness and spontaneity, his energy and enthusiasm, which in a unique way “feed” Aquarius with the fiery element and passion.

Emotionally, Aquarius is somewhat dry in his expressions of feelings, but assertive and bright Sagittarius is ready to become his true “incendiary” comrade-in-arms and to reveal his inner potential.

By combining their elements, such people are able to maintain the flame of their love.

Compatibility chart for Aquarius and Sagittarius

Compatibility of Aquarius Man and Sagittarius Woman: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Such couples are always make a positive impression on others with its truly subtle sensual relationships and positive attitude. They are not only close intimate relationships, but also spiritually, they look at things from almost the same point of view and support each other.

The Aquarius man perfectly understands Sagittarius’ motives to be sincere and say what is, even if too straightforward. Despite this, he will delicately try to defuse the situation with a joke or change of situation. In addition, he is more down to earth, and he likes the Sagittarius girl for her unobtrusive and understanding character, free and relaxed attitude to life. She will not put him in any framework, which is very important for Aquarius, since men of this sign are not very positive about attempts to control their actions.

The only downside to their relationship can be the lack of variety, regularity and boredom. This dulls their feelings, although they themselves try not to subject their lives to such tests and are constantly moving towards something new and interesting.

Are they compatible in love?

The partners of this iconic union have quite deep feelings for each other, and over the years this love symbiosis only grows stronger and binds them more and more closely. Minor disagreements are quickly resolved thanks to the easygoing nature of both. They simply cannot imagine themselves without their soul mate, and this is not a matter of habit, but of a subtle kinship of souls and mutual understanding.

Aquarius guy and Sagittarius girl in sex

The intimate relationship of this couple is not burdened with painful jealousy and mutual claims. In bed they are quite harmonious, since the ingenuity of the Aquarius man and the non-infringement of dominance in the sexual actions of the Sagittarius girl allows them to achieve completely mutual satisfaction of passion.

They are ready to experiment and are not afraid of emotionality in expressing their feelings in a variety of circumstances.

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

This is a wonderful married couple. With the advent of children, Aquarius and Sagittarius become more serious and responsible, trying to create a wonderful family atmosphere of harmony and close family community. Of course, they can quarrel, since everyday life and economic problems cannot be thrown out of everyday life. Very fast they are able to resolve the brewing conflict, because they believe that the little things in life should not affect their family happiness.

The Aquarius husband will not abuse the freedom that his wife provides him, and the tolerance of his Sagittarius other half does not at all mean that she is ready for too free relationships in the family. Reasonable limits of freedom and responsibility in relationships and family responsibilities make this marriage strong and reliable.

Is there friendship if he is Aquarius and she is Sagittarius?

These people actually live “on the same wavelength,” so they understand each other perfectly and think almost the same way. They quickly get along with each other as a team and even after a long separation they communicate as if they had never parted. They are mutually understandable and simple, so they often unite to achieve common goals and try to support each other in different life circumstances.

How to win an Aquarius man?

This man is, first of all, attracted to those young ladies who can intrigue him, fueling his interest. An extraordinary and visually spectacular girl who is not afraid to experiment with her appearance will impress him much more than a stylish, cold lady dressed in the latest fashion collection.

A woman who values ​​her independence, does not impose herself, and even behaves unapproachably, while constantly fueling interest in herself with mystery, can attract his attention. He does not accept unkempt young ladies who are ready to get bogged down in everyday life and everyday problems, he needs romance, new impressions. A girl with such qualities will certainly evoke a response in his soul, which he does not reveal to everyone.

A symbiosis can become a good couple if he is Aquarius and she is Sagittarius.

The Sagittarius girl need not apply special effort to win this guy over. Nature has already done this for her. She is endowed with exactly those qualities that attract Aquarius the most

How to get the attention of a Sagittarius woman?

Girls of this fire sign cannot be considered too picky in choosing a partner. However, they may be interested in a man who is intellectually developed, has a sense of humor and is not boring. No matter how interesting a man may have, he will not can conquer a Sagittarius girl, if he conducts monotonous conversations, tells the same jokes over and over again, or bores you with long stories from his life and work.

The Sagittarius lady cannot stand whiners who complain about everything in the world; she needs a man who is active, cheerful, striving for novelty, sincere and open, without infringing on her freedom.

Compatibility horoscope for Aquarius Woman and Sagittarius Man

The Aquarius girl conquers Sagittarius with her extravagant appearance and originality of character. She is absolutely calm about his antics, which are sometimes quite childish. Sagittarius finds mutual understanding with her and ready for a trusting relationship. She does not try to remake him, to subordinate him to her desires, but looks at things from the same point of view as the Sagittarius guy.

This couple is friendly, active, their home is open to friends, they are not supporters of measured family life, subject to stereotypes and established rules.

In work, these are faithful partners, and it is Sagittarius who acts as the leader, and the Aquarius woman will become a source of advice for him. However, if the work is boring, they will together invent ways to evade it.

Sagittarius' desire to idealize his companion can lead to the appearance of “dark clouds” in family happiness. Sometimes his affairs with girls can displease Aquarius, which Sagittarius may not even suspect. After all, he is sure that his girlfriend does not suffer from conventions and prejudices.

Sagittarius is inclined to bow to the lady of his heart, which will be a sure guarantee of fidelity, so the girl must always be on top

Love relationships

The romantic relationship of this couple can develop quite quickly, since they are easy and pleasant to communicate with each other. The Aquarius girl is attracted by the sincerity and spontaneity of the Sagittarius guy; she does not focus on his sometimes harsh statements and is not offended. Sagittarius feels the inner kinship of souls and mutual understanding, which is very important for his sensual nature.

In each other’s company they are comfortable and at ease, they are relaxed and open, and often mutually come to the common opinion to never separate.

Sexual attraction of a couple

The Sagittarius guy, first of all, experiences sexual attraction to the Aquarius lady, only subsequently realizing what their commonality is in the spiritual sense. This couple is in bed loves mutual dominance, ingenuity and experimentation. The Fire of Sagittarius, supported by the Air element of his partner, immerses them in passion, indomitable energy and violent fantasies, ensuring complete harmony of intimacy.

They are temperamental and relaxed, feel great for each other and are emotionally attractive in expressing their feelings.

Marriage union

Despite spiritual and physical compatibility, the premarital period can be quite long, since both of these signs value freedom. Therefore, they want to make decisions together, without any pressure from their partner.

Their openness and long-term communication lead to the disclosure of both positive and negative aspects character. As a rule, situations do not arise when a partner was “white and fluffy” before the wedding, and then began to show his true colors. Such couples have studied each other well and know what to expect from their other half.

Aquarius is tolerant of the impulsiveness of Sagittarius, who is always extremely frank with his wife. Household responsibilities are distributed among themselves in order to quickly complete them as a boring but necessary routine. However, in marriage their enemy can be monotony and banal involvement in everyday problems.

If the wife stops taking care of herself or paying attention to her husband, brushing it off and citing fatigue, passions will begin to subside, and the husband will look in the other direction. They need to continue to lead an active lifestyle, show variety and often update their relationships with new experiences.

How an Aquarius girl and a Sagittarius guy are friends

Having met for the first time, they show genuine interest in each other, as they discover an amazing commonality of interests, views on things and situations.

If they are united by joint work or family relationships, they understand each other perfectly, ready for joint projects, they are interested in talking and communicating with each other.

By working towards common goals they can achieve excellent results, because they harmoniously complement each other and, as a rule, have no disagreements

How to win a Sagittarius man and build a relationship with him?

Of course, like any other man, he puts a woman’s appearance and well-groomed appearance not in last place. He is more likely to pay attention to the one who, in comparison with other contenders for his heart, will look brighter, more impressive, and also be distinguished by her sociability and lively character.

At the same time, he will not really approve of ladies who like to argue about everyday topics, avoid unerudite and cold girls. An arrogant and calculating lady will not arouse their sympathy either. Sagittarius men are more attracted to open and spontaneous natures, optimists who are easy-going, energetic and, like him, ready for new experiences.

Is it possible to make an Aquarius woman fall in love with you?

Such a multifaceted nature as an Aquarius girl attracts the attention of many men. However, she herself pays attention to the opposite sex very selectively. The Aquarius girl values ​​truly masculine qualities in her chosen one: reliability, seriousness, strength. For her, her life partner should not only be physically attractive, but also become a spiritual like-minded person, a support on which she can rely. She prefers open and honest people who know how to achieve their goals in life.

Such a lady does not want to be in complete submission, at the same time, the other extreme will also push her away: she does not like to be constantly led on her lead.


Perhaps the symbiosis “she is Aquarius, he is Sagittarius” may well become that rare combination of close souls that will be harmonious and pleasant for both. The Sagittarius man will not encroach on her freedom, arrange interrogations, control every step, which is very important for Aquarius. She, in turn, will appreciate it. best sides, and most importantly, sincerity and honesty.

January 28, 2018, 01:29

The compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man is simply wonderful, but for complete harmony, they still need to work on themselves and improve their relationship, it becomes cleaner and better. We can say that from the point of view of ordinary everyday well-being, the couple is ideal, and for the spiritual growth of partners - one of the most promising.

Both partners behave in the same way different situations, value freedom and independence. Both are independent and cheerful. Together they are never bored.

The family union of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man can rightfully be considered bright and extravagant. Both differ from those around them in their curiosity and depth of feelings, and in a huge number of common interests. A couple of Aquarius and Sagittarius travel together, communicate, and look for adventures. What this union lacks is a desire for stability.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man – PROS

IN perfect couple both spouses find in their partner what they have been looking for for so long. The Sagittarius man finds a woman who understands him perfectly and is sexually attracted to him, and the Aquarius woman, in the person of the Sagittarius man, gains a friend on whom she can always rely.

In any company, they always look forward to a cheerful and original couple of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man. They are sociable and friendly. You will never get bored with them and, most importantly, they create problems and troubles for their friends. Very often this couple can be found at some exotic resorts, charity events, and seminars on spiritual growth. For the Aquarius-Sagittarius compatibility pair, it is important to always and everywhere seek the truth and share their discoveries with other people. There are always a lot of guests in their house, since both are not fans of quiet family relaxation in front of the TV. By the way, the housekeeper next to the Sagittarius man uses all his design talents to ensure that their home is beautiful and with a “zest.” And the Sagittarius man tries to make their home rich and comfortable.

Compatibility between Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man – CONS

The main problem of compatibility of the Zodiac signs Aquarius and Sagittarius lies in the behavior of the Sagittarius man, who can disrupt the family idyll. Firstly, on the side. He can easily cheat with the lady he likes, and he will be sincerely surprised when he realizes that the Aquarius woman will not like it. After all, she is free from conventions and prejudices. And the Aquarius woman suffers very much about this, every betrayal hurts her deeply. After all, she understands freedom in her own way. For her, this is the freedom to love without paying attention to prejudices and to love truly.

Another problem that can shake the family ship of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man is. Most Sagittarius men sooner or later make good progress in career ladder. And along with this, they develop a patronizing attitude towards people, a desire to teach everyone, a kind of lordship, and authoritarianism. But the Aquarius woman does not value any social authority and her husband’s behavior becomes more and more difficult for her to tolerate.

Horoscope Aquarius-Sagittarius – compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Sagittarius, so that there is always an idyll in their family and no betrayal, the Aquarius woman should remember that sex is much more important for the Sagittarius man than for her. Therefore, try to become not easy for a Sagittarius man good friend, but also a seductive beauty. For a Sagittarius man, all conversations about conscience, marital fidelity, discussions of moral standards and even threats of divorce do not play any role. To become an ardent and passionate lover for him - the only solution this problem. So that the admiration of the Sagittarius man is eternal. Its unpredictability and at the same time reliability will play an important role in this. A Sagittarius man can fall in love with his wife again and again. After all, she is so beautiful, original, understands him so perfectly and suits him sexually.

To avoid a second problem in this family, the Aquarius woman should do it herself good career or at least become valuable specialist in your area. The Sagittarius man respects authorities, and when there is a successful woman next to him, he will not show his authoritarian habits towards her.

How an Aquarius woman can win a Sagittarius man

The Aquarius girl will easily win the affection of the Sagittarius guy, thanks to her selflessness, patience and willingness to share his hobbies with him. Every Sagittarius man is a teacher, missionary, preacher at heart, so if you share his interests with him and follow him, you will not go unnoticed. Despite the fact that the Sagittarius man himself rarely gives up material wealth, he will be pleased to meet a woman for whom the spiritual is above the material.

The appearance of an Aquarius woman will also play an important role in winning the heart of a Sagittarius man. Unusual, extravagant appearance and original character- all this will attract the Sagittarius man more and more. And the more the Sagittarius man gets to know the Aquarius woman, the more he will find merits and perfections in her. He will really like the childish curiosity, easy-going nature and patience with his antics of the Aquarius woman.

To all this we can also add the fact that the Aquarius woman is freedom-loving and does not attract him to the registry office. She is quite happy with relationships based on trust.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Sagittarius man in friendship

An Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man are often friends. They are united by idealism and faith in a bright future. True, their friendship rarely lasts. Sooner or later, a Sagittarius man will want new experiences and acquaintances. The Aquarius woman manages to be friends with many people, but the Sagittarius man does not have enough time to be friends with everyone. Therefore, he can simply forget the Aquarius woman. But while they are together, they have a good time and can talk for hours on various topics. The Sagittarius man happily takes part in her unpredictable adventures.

The “halves” of this friendly couple should be wary of cheating. A fiery and passionate Sagittarius man will not miss an opportunity to seduce a sexy Aquarius woman and have an affair with her.

Compatibility of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man in business

The business union of an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man can be considered very promising. Working together, they are able to perfectly cope with any task. The only thing this couple lacks is hard work. Having completed one task brilliantly, they will try to evade the next one with the same brilliance. The only exception can be the activity in which they feel their calling.

When an Aquarius woman and a Sagittarius man are colleagues or partners, it is a great union. Both the Aquarius woman and the Sagittarius man are proactive, courageous, and active. The role of the leader in this tandem will be taken by the Sagittarius man, and the Aquarius woman will be the source creative ideas, original advice and innovative methods. Their joint activities can bring them unprecedented success if the Sagittarius man is looking for connections and patrons.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate, there is a good balance of power. The Aquarius woman is good as a boss, but she gives her subordinates a lot of freedom. In the case of a Sagittarius man, they will work together, since he himself is capable of setting goals and achieving them. In addition, he strives for his work to be successful, not a failure.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius man is the boss, it’s an average union. The Sagittarius man needs unconditional success, so the Aquarius woman may seem unnecessary to him. But he will appreciate her dedication, sincerity, and ability to get along with the team.
