Tile floor calculator. How to calculate how many tiles you need - methods for all types of cladding

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In order not to stop work when renovating a bathroom due to a lack of material or not to think about where to put the excess, it is important to correctly calculate the need for tiles. There are several calculation methods, depending on the type of tile laying and differing in accuracy.

When decorating a bathroom in a monotonous manner, when all surfaces are covered with the same type of tile laying (straight, diagonal or offset), the need for tiles is calculated in square meters or individually.

The amount of ceramics required to perform complex artistic cladding must be calculated separately for each independent fragment of the room’s decoration. Let's consider these methods.

Calculation of ceramic consumption in square meters

When choosing a monotonous type of tile installation, measurements are taken of the dimensions: length, width, height - the room in meters accurate to a hundredth of a centimeter, rounding up fractions of a centimeter.

Calculating the cost of finishing the floor

To calculate the quadrature of the floor, the metric values ​​of the length and width of the floor are multiplied, after which the resulting result is rounded to whole units. If laying is performed in a direct way or “offset”, 10% must be added to the resulting amount. If ceramics are laid diagonally, 15% is added to the floor area.

For example:

The square footage of a room with a length of 4.21 meters and a width of 2.34 meters is:

  • 4.21 x 2.34 = 9.8514 sq. m. Rounded up to 10 square meters. meters.

Add 10%:

  • 10 x 1.1 = 11 sq. m.

With the diagonal method, you need to add 15%, it turns out: 10 x 1.15 = 11.5 sq. m. ≈ 12 sq. m.

Calculation of material for wall cladding

The surface area of ​​the bathroom walls is calculated by multiplying the perimeter of the room and its height, the resulting value is also rounded up to whole units:

(4.21 + 2.34 + 4.21 + 2.34) x 2.68 = 35.108 sq. m. ≈ 36 sq. meters.

Then measure the height and width doorway in meters accurate to the centimeter, rounding fractions of a centimeter down. By multiplying these values, we get the area of ​​the doorway, rounding it down to tenths of a square meter.

For example:

  • the area of ​​a doorway measuring 2.1 x 0.8 is 1.68 square meters. ≈ 1.6 m2;
  • the area of ​​the doorway is subtracted from the surface area of ​​the walls: 36-1.6 m = 34.4 sq. m.

To the result obtained, add 10 or 15% depending on the type of tile installation and round up to whole values:

  • direct or offset method: 34.4 sq. m. x 1, 1 = 37, 84 sq. m. ≈ 38 sq. m.
  • diagonal method: 34.4 sq. m. x 1.15 = 39.56 sq. m. ≈ 40 sq. m.

If you do not cover the walls behind bathroom, then the area of ​​this hidden surface is also subtracted from the area of ​​the walls, but this saving leads to a weakening of the waterproofing of this area behind the bathroom, which is fraught with damage to the finish in the adjacent room due to seeping condensate.

Having calculated how many square meters of tiles are needed for repairs, they purchase finishing material. The packaging of the ceramics indicates how many square meters of cladding it contains. To calculate the required number of packs correctly, the need for tiles in square meters must be divided by the square footage indicated on the packaging and rounded up to whole values.

Calculation of tile consumption per piece

Piece counting has a smaller error, but this advantage also has a downside - this method does not leave material in case of accidental damage to the tiles during installation or unforeseen spot repairs to the cladding.

With this method, measurements of the dimensions of the room are also taken, but in centimeters, rounding fractions of a centimeter up to whole values. For example, a length of 420.5 cm is rounded to 421 cm, a width of 233.7 cm is rounded to 234 cm, and a height of 267.6 cm is rounded to 268 cm.

Then the retail chain looks for a certain tile and measures the dimensions of one tile. For example, the tile chosen for the walls is 15 cm wide and 20 cm long, and for the floor they chose ceramics 20 x 20 cm. To calculate how many pieces of tiles are needed for wall cladding, the consumption must be calculated for each wall separately.

Piece calculation of ceramics for walls

In our example, the bathroom has two walls with dimensions of 421 x 268 cm and 234 x 268 cm. If the tiles are laid vertically, then from floor to ceiling it will fit 268:20 = 13.4 pieces. With a minimum width of tile joints, this value must be rounded to 14 products.

The length on one wall will fit 421:15 = 28.06 pcs., on the second - 234:15 = 15.6 pcs. Let's round up to 28 and 16 products.

We calculate how many pieces will be needed for finishing:

  • 14 x 28 = 392 pcs.; multiply by two walls, we get 784 products.
  • 14 x 16 = 224 pcs.; We also multiply by two walls, we get 448 products.

For vertical surfaces, 1232 pieces will be required, but from this amount you need to subtract the number of tile pieces corresponding to the area of ​​the doorway. Suppose doorway has dimensions of 210 x 80 cm. Its height will fit 210:20 = 10.5 pcs. Round down to 10 pieces. The opening width will fit 80:15 = 5.33 pcs. Identically round up to 5 products.

Therefore, the area of ​​the doorway corresponds to an area of ​​10x5 = 50 pcs. tiles that need to be subtracted from the total quantity for the walls: 1232–50 = 1182 pieces.

Piece-by-piece calculation of ceramics for the floor

Let's calculate how many 20x20 cm format products will be required to cover a floor with dimensions of 421x234 cm:

  • length 421 cm: 20 cm = 21.05 ≈ 21 pcs.;
  • wide 234 cm: 20 cm = 11.7 ≈ 12 pcs.

Multiplying these values ​​gives the number of tiles per floor in pieces:

  • 21 x 12 = 252 products.

Calculation of ceramic consumption for complex artistic decoration

If it is decided to make the decoration of the bathroom exclusive, the calculation of ceramics is done in a combined way - by the meter and by the piece. On horizontal and vertical surfaces, subject to registration, you need to make markings according to a pre-developed sketch map of the cladding. At this point, usually required types ceramics are already scheduled for purchase, and the format of the facing material with which the bathroom will be finished is known.

The marking is carried out with construction chalk; it begins with areas of the main plan that will be occupied by artistic panels and ornaments, the trimming of which is not allowed for aesthetic reasons. How many tiles are needed to cover such surfaces is easy to calculate individually.

Then they calculate the consumption of tiles for the frieze (if available on the sketch map) and cladding under the background for the panel. How much material is needed for laying the frieze can also be calculated by the piece method.

The choice of method for calculating the amount of ceramics when decorating the main background depends on the cost of the material, since not everyone plans to purchase surplus expensive tiles.


The accuracy of calculating ceramic consumption when finishing a bathroom depends on pricing policy. If after finishing the work there is a meter or two of facing material left, do not rush to call it a calculation error. This surplus will be indispensable in case of unforeseen spot repairs cladding. It is much worse when there is not enough material, and this type is no longer available for sale.

When starting to renovate rooms in which you plan to tile, after choosing the collection you like, you will immediately be faced with the question of how to correctly calculate the quantity required tiles. If you purchase it with a large supply, then later you will not be able to return the excess to the seller, and therefore will incur unnecessary expenses. If you take it exactly by area, you may encounter a situation in which some tiles will be rejected or broken during the gluing process, and if a given tile is not available, then you will have to wait until these few tiles are delivered to you.

There are several methods for calculating the number of tiles for renovation in a particular room.
Method number 1. How to calculate tiles for the floor.
Floor tiles are usually considered quite simple. To do this, you need to find the area of ​​the room by multiplying its length by its width. If the room’s floor shape differs from a simple rectangle and has a complex configuration, then you need to divide it into several simple figures, find the area of ​​each of them and sum the resulting areas. For example, you determined that the area of ​​the room is 12 m2. Then you need to find the area of ​​one tile from the selected collection. Let it be 0.5x0.5 meters as an example. This means that the area of ​​one tile is 0.25 meters. We divide the area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the tiles and find that we need 48 tiles for the floor. This is in the ideal case when the joints of the tiles with the dimensions of the floor are such that the tiles will lie on it without undercuts. But, as you know, nothing is perfect, undercuts cannot be avoided, so you need to take the tiles with a margin of 10 percent, which for our example will be 48 + 48 * 0.1 = 52.8 tiles. We round up and find that we need 53 tiles for the floor. Method No. 2. How to calculate bathroom tiles.
If in the previous example everything is calculated quite simply for the floor, then how to correctly calculate wall tiles for the bathroom, where the task can be complicated by numerous inserts of decors and borders? IN in this case you need to add up the length of the walls to get the perimeter of your room. Next, you need to draw on paper one column of tiles from the floor to the ceiling, so that before your eyes there is an alternation of dark tones with light ones, and the rows of the border are also visible. After this, we take the perimeter of the room and divide it by the width of one tile of your choice, which gives us the number of tiles in one row. Fractional numbers are rounded up. Rows of tiles of the same tone are summed up and the desired value is obtained. If there are doorways, their area is determined, divided by the area of ​​one tile, and then subtracted from the previously calculated amount. The final stage will be to increase the calculated value of the number of tiles by 5-7% per cut.
As an example of such a calculation, consider the following figure.

It shows one column of tiles measuring 23x35 cm from floor to ceiling in the selected layout. How to calculate the number of tiles for it? For example, let's take a room with a perimeter of 10 meters. This means the number of tile columns will be equal to the perimeter divided by the width of one tile 10/0.35=28.6. Round up and get 29. The dark tile will be laid in five rows, which means you need 5*29=145 pieces. The border comes in two rows, so it will require 2*29=58 pieces. The light tiles are laid in four rows and will require 4*29=116 pieces. And finally, the decor is laid in three rows and you will need 3*29=87 pieces. We increase the resulting quantity by 5-7% and get the final value of how many pieces of tiles we need. If necessary, we transfer items to square meters by multiplying the number of tiles by its area.

Method No. 3. How to correctly calculate the number of tiles.
In large stores selling ceramic tiles they may give you required quantity tiles for the size of your room in a special computer program. The calculation turns out to be quite accurate. This method can be used as a comparison with the results you obtained during manual calculations.

Method number 4. How to calculate tiles with complex masonry.
The previous two methods work very well for basic tile laying, which is the most commonly used. But how to calculate ceramic tiles, if it is planned to be laid diagonally, or in a running start? In this case, drawing out the layout on paper will help you.
You need to take a squared notebook sheet, or a sheet of graph paper, determine the appropriate scale of the room, and draw its perimeter. For walls, you need to draw each of the four walls to the selected scale. Then, focusing on the cells on the same scale, draw the planned pattern for laying the tiles.
Then everything is quite simple. You count whole tiles that will be laid without trimming. For convenience, so as not to get lost when counting, mark them with any symbol or icon that they have already been counted. It will look something like this.

Then count the tiles with cuts. If two cut pieces can be obtained from one whole tile, then one tile is considered to be required. You also mark the counted cut tiles with some symbol. When the final quantity is obtained, as in all previous examples, it must be increased by a safety factor equal to 1.10...1.15, which takes into account errors in calculations, or unsuccessful tile cuts, which are inevitable in large quantities during complex installation.

Thus, it is possible to calculate with sufficient accuracy the amount of tiles required for any method of laying them and for any room. Carefully performed calculations will save you from unnecessary financial costs and situations in which you may not have enough tiles when laying them.

Many rooms in a house or apartment are traditionally or at the request of the owners tiled ceramic coating, and it is very important to know how to calculate how many tiles you need.

If you are planning to make a beautiful apron in the kitchen, laying it out of tiles pastel colors, you can literally calculate the amount of material on your fingers, only by deciding on the number of rows. In this case, most likely, it will be possible to completely avoid any costs, especially if you use square tiles. However, when completely covering walls or floors, certain difficulties arise. The fact is that in addition to the main type of tiles, there are also border tiles. Ceramic elements are not only square, but also rectangular, as well as multi-sided and shaped, with a complex patterned contour.

Provided that the first two types of form factor are laid in even rows, it will be quite easy to correctly calculate the amount of tiles for a kitchen or bathroom. It is enough to know the square footage of the surface to be finished and the area of ​​the ceramic element to determine how much material will be needed for the walls or floor. But preference is not always given the simplest scheme cladding, it is enough to include a couple of borders in it, and the calculations will become much more complicated. Another problem will be added when the decoration includes tiles of different formats and all kinds of decorative elements.

You will encounter certain difficulties if you want to lay out the floor or walls with different types of multifaceted ceramic elements. The geometric pattern will turn out beautiful, but to determine the required number of parts you will have to calculate the area of ​​each figure, as well as determine the percentage of its content in the overall composition. The same applies to tiles with a complex contour; here the task is complicated by the fact that for a shape that is far from geometric, calculating the area is quite problematic. Add to any of the options the presence of plumbing and communications in the room, as well as lighting fixtures on the walls, and it becomes clear that for each individual case you need to look for your own approach to how to calculate the tiles.

The shape of the bathroom, and in some cases the kitchen, is not necessarily perfectly rectangular. So be prepared by dividing his gender into simple geometric shapes. For the most part, these will be the same rectangles and triangles. But in standard version, when the lengths of opposite walls are equal and all angles are 90 degrees, it is enough to multiply only 2 values ​​- the sizes of adjacent sides.

Then, having found out the quadrature of the surface, we determine the area of ​​the tile, and since we are looking for the simplest cladding option, our tile is rectangular and it is enough to multiply its adjacent faces. Thus, the easiest way to calculate ceramic tiles for the floor is to use the formula N = (AB)/(ab). Here N- quantity, A And B– adjacent walls of a room with a common angle, a And b– adjacent sides of the tile.

You can determine the amount of material based on the area of ​​one ceramic element for tiles of any regular size. geometric shape, for which there are corresponding formulas.

Suppose you decide to decorate your bathroom with tiling using not only regular tiles, but also curbs. In addition, for greater effect, it was decided to lay alternating rows of ceramic elements with the same width but different heights. In this case, even if only 2 different standard sizes are involved, it will not be possible to determine the total amount of material taking into account the borders using the above formula. Therefore, we use another method, which, however, begins in the same way as the first - with determining the quadrature of the surface to be tiled, minus the area of ​​the door and (if any) window opening. To calculate the material for the floor, it is enough to know its length.

Next, you should take all the elements that will be located in alternating rows one above the other and lay them out in a vertical column to the entire height of the finish. We determine the total area of ​​the tiles, taking into account the spaces that are allocated for the seams, and then divide the quadrature of the surfaces to be finished by the result obtained and find out the required quantity. However, this method is not ideal, since small errors arise: where the window and door are located, only tiles will remain in the columns, laid on the lintels and the wall under the window opening. Therefore, you can use a slightly different and more accurate method.

We determine the perimeter of the bathroom or kitchen minus the door and window openings. We divide the resulting value by the width of the column into which we stacked tiles of different heights. Thus, we found out the number of rows in that part of the room where there are no openings. For the lintels above the door and window, as well as for the section of the wall under the latter, we lay out columns and count their number on these segments separately. Next, it will not be difficult to determine the amount of material of each individual standard size by folding similar tiles in one vertical row and multiplying by the number of columns in the perimeter.

The walls and floor, on which ceramic tiles with a figured contour were laid, look very beautiful. However, it is precisely for such an often complex form factor that it is difficult to come up with a sufficient reliable way correctly calculate patterned tiles. Indeed, if there are no edges, and the contour consists of various smooth or sharp bends, alternating with all kinds of angles, it is almost impossible to calculate the area of ​​the facing element.

It is very good if the manufacturer indicated on the packaging how many square centimeters of the surface to be finished the tile will cover. But such information may not be available if you were not interested in advance. Therefore the only one affordable way- practice drawing. First you need to take some squared paper, or better yet, graph paper. We draw on it the exact plan of the room where the finishing will be done, on a convenient scale. And then we carefully depict, also in proper proportion to the actual size, the figured tile. We draw the cladding according to your chosen pattern.

If all the elements are the same color, then upon completion of the drawing you are unlikely to have a question about how to calculate the tiles; it will be enough to count the tiles individually. We count individual fragments in pairs, taking each one as a whole facing element. However, it may be that you want to use 2 or even 3-4 tile colors for finishing. In this case, we turn the bathroom or kitchen plan into a coloring book, marking on it where this or that coloring will be located. Next, we count the monochromatic elements, and thus find out how many different tiles will be needed for the wall or floor. This method is also suitable for determining the amount of material in complex mosaic installation conventional rectangular ceramic elements when using a large number of colors.

Any repair begins with the purchase necessary materials. To carry out facing works It is important to make the correct calculation of tiles for the bathroom. Moreover, the possibility of error must be excluded, since if there is a shortage of material, you will have to stop work and buy more tiles. If the product was sold in limited quantities, then you may not find the same tile. It is not advisable to purchase extra facing material, since during repairs there is not enough money to be thoughtlessly thrown away. How to calculate: exactly how many tiles are needed? In principle, there is nothing complicated in the calculations. You just need to carefully measure the room, apply the resulting measurements to a schematic drawing of the bathroom and, armed with a calculator, perform a few mathematical operations.

How to calculate the number of floor tiles

The length and width of the bathroom are measured with a tape measure, and the results are recorded on a piece of paper. You should not rely on memory, which can fail. In addition to these values, you need to know the dimensions of the floor tiles that you decide to buy to decorate the room. Let’s assume that a square one is chosen for installation. floor tiles with a side equal to 33 cm (0.33 m). Let the dimensions of the bathroom be 1.7 by 1.75 m.

There are two ways to count:

  1. We calculate the floor area by multiplying the length by the width of the bathroom: 1.7*1.75=2.975 (m2). Next, calculate the area of ​​one tile by multiplying the sides: 0.33*0.33=0.1089 (m2). Then we divide the floor area by the area of ​​the tiles: 2.975: 0.1089 = 27.3 (pcs.). As you can see, the result is approximate, so we round by excess and get 28 tiles. However, a 5% margin is always added to the calculated number. In our case, we need to add two tiles (28*0.05= 1.4 - round to two). Thus, we buy 30 tiles for the bathroom floor.
  2. We calculate the number of tiles laid lengthwise. To do this, divide the length of the bathroom by the side of the tile: 1.75:0.33 = 5.3 (pieces). We carry out the same action with the width of the room: 1.7: 0.33 = 5.15 (pcs.). This result round to 5.2. The resulting results must be multiplied: 5.3 * 5.2 = 27.56 pieces, after rounding we get 28 pieces. We also add 5% and get the same result as in the first method, namely: 30 tiles.

How to calculate tiles for bathroom walls

To calculate the number of tiles needed to cover the bathroom walls, you also need to measure the height of the room. The dimensions of the selected tile are 20 by 30 cm, the border is 8 by 20 cm. Let's say, in our example, the height of the bathroom is 2.7 m. You can calculate the number of tiles for each wall separately, and then add the resulting values. To reduce the number of operations, it is necessary to calculate the perimeter (the sum of all sides).

Moreover, from the perimeter it is necessary to subtract the width of the doorway, which in our example is 0.6 m. We get: (1.75+1.7)*2-0.60=6.3. If the bottom of the walls is finished with dark tiles, and the top with light tiles, and there is a border row between them, then we divide the total height into three parts. We get: 2.7 – 0.08 = 2.62. Let the height of the dark “bottom” be equal to 1 m, then the height of the light “top” remains 1.62.

  • We calculate the number of dark tiles: the area of ​​the dark stripe is 6.3*1=6.3 (m2). Area of ​​one tile: 0.2*0.3=0.06 (m2). Divide the values: 6.3:0.06=105 (pieces). Add 5%: 105*0.05=5.25 (pieces). Round up to five. As a result, we get 110 dark tiles.
  • We calculate the number of light tiles: the area of ​​the light strip is 6.3 * 1.62 = 10.206 (m2). The area of ​​the tile has already been calculated: 0.06 (m2). Divide the area: 10.206: 0.06=170.1 (pcs.). Round to 171 and calculate 5%: 171*0.05= 8.55. You can take 8 pieces as a reserve. But we must not forget about the space above the door: 0.6 * 0.7 = 0.42 (m 2). Divide this number by the area of ​​the tile and get 7 tiles. As a result, we will need 186 light tiles.
  • We calculate the number of border elements: 6.3:0.2=31.5 (pcs.). Round up to 32 pieces.

Important! If you plan to use decorative inserts, sold individually, the quantity of the main tiles is reduced accordingly.

There are several such methods, each good in its own way. But, from the point of view of calculation and the process itself, the simplest is invariably direct masonry.

Direct tile laying

Standard, familiar masonry, this method can be recommended for beginners.

Advice! If the ceiling in the room is low, then you should choose a high one rectangular tiles and lay it using the direct laying method. This will visually “raise” the walls.

For high-quality styling Diagonally you will have to work hard. But the result is worth it. It should be noted that diagonal masonry visually hides the curvature of the floors.

Important! Laying tiles diagonally requires additional expense material, since you will have to cut a lot of tiles, moving from the corners to the center of the room. But don’t rush to throw away the leftovers, in case they come in handy in another corner of the room.

Laying tiles in a checkerboard pattern

This option is usually used when you want to lay ceramic tiles of several colors. The resulting bathrooms are very interesting from a design point of view, worth a try.

Laying tiles with offset

This type of masonry involves shifting each subsequent row by the same distance. This option looks more elegant and you can always experiment with various inserts, for example, use small square tiles, as was done in the photo.

How to calculate bathroom tiles

So, to avoid unwanted losses, we need to take measurements of the walls and floor.

On a piece of paper, write down measurements for all the walls of the room, subtracting windows and doors. You can safely go to the store to choose the tiles you need. Measure the tiles and write down the dimensions. Now we can calculate how many tiles we need.

There are two ways to calculate - separately by length and width or by area.

Counting the number of tiles (method 1)

To calculate the required number of tiles, first, we need to take measurements of the length and width of the surface.

Now we divide the height of the wall by the height of the tile. On at this stage You should already decide how you lay the tiles if they are rectangular in shape - horizontally or vertically. If you are laying tiles on the floor, measure the length of the floor and the length of the tiles accordingly.

For example, the wall height is 2.7 m, the tile height is 0.3 m.

2.7 / 0.3 = 9 tiles

That is, 9 tiles fit in a row in height.

2.25 / 0.2 = 11.25 tiles

When the number is not an integer, we always round up, in our case it’s up to 12. We get the number of tiles by width.

9 * 12 = 108 tiles

But this is not the final number yet, since 5% of the reserve should be added to the resulting quantity:

108 * 1.05 = 113.4 tiles

We round and thus we get 114 tiles for this surface.

We also do similar calculations for the remaining walls, add up the results and have the total number of tiles per room.

We take into account the doorway and window frame

In order to obtain the number of tiles required for the wall in which the door or window is installed, we need to subtract the number of tiles that correspond to the dimensions of the door or window opening from the number of tiles on the opposite wall.

Divide the height of the opening by the height of the tile:

2 / 0.3 = 6.7 tiles

round down - 6 pcs. in height. We round down in order to subtract a smaller number of tiles and you have a reserve left.

0.8 / 0.2 = 4 tiles

We multiply the results obtained and get 24 pieces, which we subtract from the total number of wall tiles. In a similar way, we can calculate the number of tiles for a wall with a window.

We calculate by area (2nd method)

We measure the area of ​​the floor (wall) by multiplying the length (height) by the width:

0.33 * 0.33 = 0.1089 square meters

After this, we divide the floor area by the tile area:

4.5 / 0.1089 = 41.32 tiles

As you can see, we get an approximate number of tiles, so we round up, we have up to 42 tiles.

But don't forget to add 5% for the reserve.

42 * 1.05 = 44.1 tiles

We round up in this way, for laying tiles on the floor we get 45 tiles.

Advice! Sales consultants prefer to calculate using the second method - by area.
