How to make a rotating mechanism for an incubator. Making an egg incubator with your own hands

Many farmers are experimenting with making their own incubators. The Internet is literally replete with drawings and descriptions - from the simplest techniques to high-tech circuits. Today the topic will be somewhat highly specialized, relating only to one component of the incubator - the egg tray. Do-it-yourself incubator trays can be made in different ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the most common and effective methods.

Why turn eggs in an incubator?

People of the older generation probably remember the kind and clever children's story by N. Nosov about a family of chickens. So, observant young naturalists, having built an incubator with their own hands, tried to solve the problem of how exactly and how often the eggs should be turned (similar to how a hen does it).

Why turn over the material placed in the incubator? There are several reasons for this:

  1. When turning, uniform heating of the embryos occurs, since the heat source in the device is fixed motionless on only one side.
  2. Uniform flow of fresh air around the eggs. This problem is also relevant when incubation hatching chicks, and when using a hen.
  3. Periodic turning over prevents the embryo from adhering to the shell membrane. If this is neglected, the percentage of chicks hatching is significantly reduced as the embryos die.

You can monitor the process of formation and closure of the embryonic membrane using an ovoscope. The complete closure of the allantois is indicated by an increase in air chamber at the blunt end. From the sharp end the eggs become dark.

Selecting a mechanism for turning eggs in the incubator:

  • The minimum frequency of turning is twice a day.
  • To lay the incubation material horizontally, make a half turn.
  • Some farmers practice turning up to 6 times a day.

Turning eggs by hand is a very difficult task, especially if there are a lot of them. It is much more convenient to use a mechanical or automated turner.

There are 2 types of mechanical flippers:

  • Frame.
  • Inclined.

Let's take a closer look at both mechanisms.


The operating principle of the frame mechanism is based on the rolling of eggs by a frame; they rotate around an axis.

Important! This mechanism is effective only for horizontal laying of incubation material. The frame can simply move or rotate around its axis.

Pros of frame rotation:

  • Low energy intensity. During a power outage, you can use backup source energy.
  • Functionality, ease of maintenance of the mechanism.
  • Compact, small size.

Disadvantages of the frame mechanism:

  • For efficient work mechanism, the shell must be perfectly clean. Even slight contamination will impair turning efficiency.
  • The connection between turning efficiency and egg size is a problem that is completely eliminated in the frame rotating machine.
  • There is a risk of damage to the eggs when turning - this applies to incorrectly adjusted equipment.


The tilting mechanism works on the principle of a swing. It is used for top-loading equipment.


  • Guaranteed rotation of eggs by a given degree, regardless of diameter. This is a universal technique that is suitable for all types of poultry.
  • Safety, the risk of damage to the incubation material is small, since the amplitude of movement of the eggs is small, the eggs do not touch each other so much.
  • Difficult to maintain.
  • Relatively high cost.
  • The equipment is large.

Important! The choice of a specific incubator model, in addition to the turning mechanism, depends on many other factors: energy consumption, size, tray capacity, cost of the device, as well as the individual preferences of the poultry farmer.

Specifics of the incubation tray

The frame turning mechanism is quite convenient and at the same time inexpensive. When selecting trays with frame mechanism the following must be taken into account:

  • Load volume. This is the most important indicator. You need to choose one or another characteristic based on the size of the poultry house. If you are not going to increase the population, then buying equipment with a significant supply is pointless.
  • The cheapest models are made in the form of thin frames. At the same time, their reliability is minimal. The frames bend easily, which can cause the mechanism to fail.

Important! The best option- models in which the cells are completely insulated and the sides are made high.

  • The cell size should correspond to the diameter of the egg. For example, quail eggs should not be placed in a cell for turkey eggs. The effectiveness of the mechanism depends on this.

Important! If you want to purchase a universal device that is suitable for different types of eggs, then your option is a device with removable partitions in trays. In such an incubator you can lay eggs of different sizes at the same time.

DIY incubator tray with frame rotating mechanism

To independently manufacture an automated rotary mechanism, you will need to extract knowledge of mechanics and electrical engineering from the back of your memory. The choice of electric motors is quite large, so choosing materials is not difficult. It is important to observe the following principles:

  • Converting the circular motion of the rotor part of the electric motor into reciprocating movement of the frame in the horizontal plane. This can be achieved by the connecting rod mechanism, when a rod fixed at one of the points of the circle converts one type of movement into another.
  • Since the electric motor rotor makes a large number of revolutions, a system of gears with different gear ratios is used to convert frequent rotations into rare movements. In this case, the turning time of the last gear should correspond to the frequency of turning the eggs (4 hours).
  • The amount of reciprocating movement of the frame in one direction is equal to the full diameter of the egg.

Do-it-yourself rotating tray for an incubator with an electric drive is a troublesome task, but necessary. So, the operating principle automated system that's how it is.

, current question for both amateur poultry farmers and professional farmers.

Industrial devices often have high price, and their application inappropriate in conditions little ones homestead farms.

To remove poultry V small quantities are quite suitable home. Moreover, to design it with desire can every.

Important points when making an incubator

At independent manufacturing very important moment is to create comfortable, maximum close to natural, conditions for breeding birds.

First of all it is worth taking care to constantly maintain the necessary temperatures inside the incubator and arrangement in it ventilation.

When mother hen hatches eggs independently, creating natural temperature and humidity for normal development of chicks.

IN artificial conditions, the temperature in the incubator must always be maintained at 37.5–38.6 degrees at a humidity level of 50–60% . And for uniform distribution and circulation warm air used forced ventilation.

Attention: Violation of the temperature regime at any stage of the incubation period (overheating, underheating, excessive or insufficient humidity) can lead to a significant slowdown in the rate of development of the chicks.

In particular, excessive humidity in the incubator negative influences embryo development in the egg and can lead to the death of the chick before it is born.

Insufficient humidity air in the device makes an egg shell overdried and very durable that unacceptable when hatching.

Making an incubator with your own hands

To create automatic incubator with your own hands You will need to make or purchase the following from the store: equipment:

  • Frame for the incubator itself;
  • Tray system;
  • Heating element;
  • Fan;
  • Automatic turning mechanism.

Incubator body

Corps For homemade incubator may serve, washing machine made from plywood box and even unclaimed bee hive.

To maintain inside the incubator comfortable microclimate(heat preservation), walls the housings are sealed (most often with polystyrene foam), and for entry inside fresh air small holes are made.

Size incubator and quantity in it, egg trays are selected based on needs owner.

Tray system

As trays for eggs you can use durable metal mesh with cells size 2.5 cm. There will be trays hold on on special pins, which in turn will carry out automatic coup fixed trays.

L = (H-((N+15)*2))/15

Where L– number of trays, H- height of the refrigerator, N– distance of trays from heating elements.

For example: Height incubator 1 meter. To calculate maximum quantity trays for the incubator, subtract from it distance to the heating elements with a margin 6 cm(to avoid overheating), multiply by 2 and divide by height necessary for ventilation. We get:

L = (100-((6+15)*2))/15 = 3.86

Maximum quantity trays required to create an incubator is equal to four.

Heating element

To maintain a constant temperature in a large incubator can be used heating spirals from irons, connecting them in series.

For small designs, you can get by with several incandescent lamps average power. They can be placed both “above” and “below” the trays at a distance not less than 20 cm.

Please note: When installing lamps, be sure to place a thermometer in the incubator to accurately control the temperature and install a bath of water so that the air inside the device is moist. To control humidity, a psychrometer is used, which can be easily purchased at any pet store.


IN small a homemade incubator will be enough one fan, For example, from an old computer. Air circulation very important in arranging the incubator and plays key role in a brood of chicks.

In addition to uniform distribution of warm air, the fan pumps up inside necessary for eggs oxygen and deletes carbon dioxide. To ensure air flow into the device, it is necessary to make several holes size 15-20 mm.

Automatic turning mechanism

Rotary pins on which the trays will be attached must be perfect aligned evenly to prevent distortion of the entire structure. A mechanism parts, connecting the trays and driving them rigidly secured among themselves.

As drive low-power ones (up to 20 watt) reduction motors And sprocket chain.

Please note: To smoothly rotate trays with eggs, you must use a chain with a minimum pitch (0.525 mm).

For complete automation process, is added to the motor power circuit relay(switch) which will on one's own turn the engine on and off.

Important to know: Before loading eggs and starting incubation, you need to check and test the created system for 3-4 days. Stabilize temperature and humidity, empirically find a place for the fan and start the turning mechanism, stabilize the turning speed and the angle of inclination of the trays.

So, manufacturing of automatic incubator at home no cost for modern technologies, the task is quite doable. Main- compliance sequences the actions described above and extreme attentiveness to the work.

For design you can use improvised means: frame old refrigerator, washing machine, a box made of plywood or chipboard, for wall insulation - Styrofoam will do or an old blanket, a computer fan will ensure uniform distribution warm air throughout the entire volume of the structure.

Following video talks in detail about an incubator for hatching eggs with your own hands:

When laying eggs in an incubator, every poultry farmer wants to get a healthy brood of chickens. But for this it is not enough to purchase or make it yourself good incubator, equipped with the necessary heating, cooling, ventilation and humidification systems. It turns out that eggs need to be given attention every day, or rather, turned over. The frequency of daily turnings depends on the day of laying and the type of bird being hatched. Let's discuss why to do this, how often and how to build a homemade turning mechanism.

Why turn eggs in an incubator?

The incubator essentially replaces the hen with the goal of hatching as many chicks as possible. For the operation to be successful, the incubation material in the device must be in the same conditions as under the chicken. Therefore, it maintains the same temperature. In addition, it is necessary that the eggs turn over, because this is what the feathered “mother” does.

The bird does this instinctively, not knowing all the processes occurring inside the shell. The poultry farmer needs to understand this in order to provide the egg laying in his incubator with conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

Reasons for egg turning:

  • uniform heating of the egg from all sides, which contributes to the timely birth of a healthy chicken;
  • preventing the embryo from sticking to the shell and gluing its developing organs;
  • optimal use of protein, due to which the embryo develops normally;
  • before birth, the chick takes the correct position;
  • Failure to turn over can lead to the death of the entire brood.

Did you know? ABOUT a hen can lay 250-300 eggs in a year.

How often to turn eggs

The automated incubator has a turning function. In such devices, trays can move quite often (10–12 times a day). You just need to choose the appropriate mode. If there is no turning mechanism, then you need to do it by hand.
There are daredevil poultry farmers who claim that even without flipping, you can get a good percentage of the brood. But if the chicken has the instinct to turn her chicks in their shells often and daily, then this is necessary. Without turning them over in the incubator, you have to rely only on chance: maybe it will work, maybe it won’t.

The number of daily turns of eggs depends on the day they are laid in the tray and the type of bird. It is believed that what larger size eggs, the less often you need to turn them.

Experts recommend turning over only twice on the first day: in the morning and in the evening. Next you need to increase the number of turns to 4-6 times. Some poultry houses leave the turning mode 2 times. If you turn less than twice and more than 6 times, then the brood may die: with rare turns, the embryos can stick to the shell, and with frequent turns, they can freeze.
It is best to combine turning over with ventilation. The room temperature should be at least 22–25°C. At night there is no need for this procedure.

Did you know? The brood hen turns her eggs very often, about 50 times a day.

In order not to get confused and not lose track of the regime, many poultry farmers practice keeping a journal in which they record the turning time, the side of the egg (the opposite sides are marked with signs), the temperature and humidity in the incubator.
Table optimal conditions in an incubator for eggs of different birds

Chickens Ducks
1-8 38,0 70
9-13 4 37,5 60 1
14-24 4 37,2 56 2
25-28 37,0 70 1
1-3 4 37,8 54 1
4-12 4 37,8 54 1
13-24 4 37,5 56 3
25-27 37,2 57 1
Guinea fowl
1-13 4 37,8 60 1
14-24 4 37,5 45 1
25-28 37,0 58 1
1-6 4 37,8 56
7-12 4 37,5 52 1
13-26 4 37,2 52 2
27-28 37,0 70 1

Rotary Mechanism Options

Incubators are automatic and mechanical. The first ones save time and effort, but cost a lot. The latter are a cheaper option. In both expensive and cheap models, the rotation mechanism can be of only two types: frame and inclined. Once you know how they function, you can build a similar device with your own hands.


Operating principle: a special frame pushes the eggs, they begin to roll along the surface, which stops them. Thus, the eggs have time to spin around their axis. This mechanism is suitable only for horizontal laying.

  • energy efficiency;
  • ease of operation and functionality;
  • small dimensions.
  • the material is laid only in its pure form, since any dirt prevents turning;
  • the frame shift step is designed only for a certain diameter of the eggs; due to the slightest discrepancy in size, the eggs do not rotate completely;
  • if the frame is too low, they hit each other, damaging the shell.


The principle of operation is swing, loading of material into trays is only vertical.

  • versatility: material of any diameter can be loaded, this does not affect the angle of rotation of the trays;
  • safety: the contents of the trays do not touch each other when turning, so there is no damage.
  • difficulty in maintenance;
  • large dimensions;
  • high energy consumption;
  • high price of automated devices.

How to make a rotary mechanism with your own hands

If you assemble a housing for an incubator from scrap materials ( wooden planks, plywood box, chipboard sheets and polystyrene foam) is quite easy, but building an automatic egg turn is more difficult. To do this, you need to have at least a little understanding of mechanics and electrical engineering. The main thing is to understand the operating principle of this device and strictly adhere to the chosen drawing.

What will you need?

To build a small frame incubator, you need to purchase ready-made parts, take used items or make your own:

  • body (wooden box insulated with foam plastic);
  • tray (metal mesh attached to wooden sides, and wooden frame with restrictive sides, the distance between which corresponds to the diameter of the eggs);
  • heating element (2 incandescent lamps 25–40 W);
  • fan (suitable for a computer);
  • rotation mechanism.

Composition of automatic rotating device:

  • a low-power motor with several gears with different gear ratios;
  • a metal rod attached to the frame and motor;
  • relay for turning the engine on and off.

Main stages of mechanism construction

When the incubator is ready, it’s time to assemble the automation.

I would like to start with the fact that there is controversy regarding such a problem as “which egg turning mechanism is better?” has been circulating on the Internet for quite some time. Let's try to figure it out using the example of two popular types of structures, such as a wheelchair and a swing.

Wheelchair principle:

This principle is very common in domestically produced foam plastic incubators, since it is probably the simplest and least expensive to produce. This design doesn’t have many advantages for the user, I would even say only two, it’s an auto-reversal in itself and it’s cheap. Now let's move on to the disadvantages: jamming of the mechanism (there were cases when eggs got stuck and cracked), lack of reliable support for eggs in the cells of the mechanism grid and large backlash, which in turn can also lead to damage to the shell, especially in such a variety of birds as quail. Some foreign manufacturers working using the same technology, in turn, tried to take into account all the nuances, using more suitable materials for this and changing the design; in this design, the eggs no longer crack, but the most big problem, associated with the location of the egg in a horizontal position. The fact is that such a nuance leads to such an unpleasant factor as a decrease in the number of healthy chicks by 10% - 20% (at the stage of embryo development, during rolling, there is a high probability of developing physiological pathologies).

Swing principle:

Here things are more interesting, firstly I would like to note that this technology provides for the vertical arrangement of eggs and their rigid fixation, due to the presence of separate cells or fixing elements if a common large tray is provided for the laying, for example, like in Poseda incubators. For myself, I noted that the most convenient are the mechanisms for turning eggs in the incubator, which come with separate cells, since in this case the eggs do not contact each other and there is no need to put cardboard to fix them, although in this case the volume of eggs being laid is decreases, but at the same time the percentage of hatching increases. So draw conclusions about what you want to get, quantity or quality.

For self-breeding chickens, you can purchase industrial device for incubation. But it is also possible to assemble an incubator with your own hands at home. Homemade apparatus It will cost much less and you can choose its size according to the number of eggs. In such a device, you can automate temperature changes and set up regular turning of eggs in trays.

This article will tell you how to make an incubator with your own hands and what materials you will need for this.

Basic rules for creating a homemade incubator

The body is the main element of a home incubator. It retains heat inside itself and prevents sudden changes in egg temperature. Temperature changes can negatively affect the health of future chickens. The following materials are suitable as a housing for the incubator:

  • foam;
  • body of an old refrigerator.

To place eggs, trays made of plastic or wood with a mesh or slatted bottom are used. Automatic trays equipped with motors, can independently turn eggs at a time set by a timer. Shifting the eggs to the side helps prevent uneven heating their surfaces.

Using incandescent lamps, in a home incubator the temperature necessary for the development of the cubs is created. The choice of lamp power is influenced by the size of the incubator body; it can vary between 25-1000 W. Tue A thermometer or an electronic thermostat with a sensor helps monitor the temperature level in the device.

The air in the incubator must constantly circulate, which is ensured by forced or natural ventilation. For small devices, holes at the base and on the surface of the lid will be sufficient. Large structures made from the body of a refrigerator require special fans located at the top and bottom. Ventilation will allow the air not to stagnate, and the heat to be evenly distributed in the device.

For a continuous incubation process it is necessary do optimal number trays. The gap between the trays, as well as the distance to the incandescent lamp, must be at least 15 cm. A gap of 4-5 cm should be left from the walls to the trays. Diameter ventilation holes can be 12-20 mm.

Before placing eggs in the incubator, it is necessary to check the operation of the fans and the uniform heating of the device. After optimal warming up, the temperature in the corners of the device should not differ by more than 0.5 degrees. The air flow from the fans should be directed towards the lamps and not towards the egg trays themselves.

DIY foam incubator

The advantages of expanded polystyrene are his affordable price, high-quality thermal insulation, light weight. Due to this, it is often used for the manufacture of incubators. To work you will need the following components:

Assembly steps

Before you make an incubator at home, you need to prepare drawings with precise measurements. Assembly includes the following steps:

  1. To prepare the side walls, the foam sheet must be divided into four equal squares.
  2. The surface of the second sheet is divided in half. One of the resulting parts must be cut into rectangles with parameters 50x40 cm and 50*60 cm. The smaller part will be the bottom of the incubator, and the larger part will be the lid.
  3. A viewing window with parameters of 13x13 cm is cut out on the lid. It will be covered with transparent plastic or glass and provide ventilation in the device.
  4. First, the frame from the side walls is assembled and glued together. After the glue has dried, the bottom is attached. To do this, you need to smear the edges of the sheet with glue and insert it into the frame.
  5. To increase the rigidity of the structure, it must be covered with tape. The first strips of tape are applied to the bottom with a slight overlap to the surface of the walls. Then the walls are tightly covered.
  6. Uniform distribution of heat and circulation of air masses are ensured by two bars located under the bottom of the tray. They are also made of foam plastic, with a height of 6 cm and a width of 4 cm. The bars are attached with glue along the bottom walls, with a length of 50 cm.
  7. 1 cm above the bottom, on short walls, 3 holes are made for ventilation, at equal intervals and with a diameter of about 12 cm. The holes will be difficult to cut with a knife, so it is better to use a soldering iron.
  8. To ensure a tight fit of the lid to the body, blocks of polystyrene foam with parameters of 2x2 cm must be attached along its edge. There should be a gap of 5 cm from the edge of the sheet to the surface of the block. This arrangement will allow the lid to fit into inner part incubator and fit tightly to the walls.
  9. At the top of the box there is a grid with lamp sockets attached to it.
  10. A thermostat is mounted on the surface of the lid, and its sensor is lowered inside the incubator, at a distance of up to 1 cm from the eggs. The hole for the sensor can be pierced with a sharp awl.
  11. A tray is installed at the bottom, at a distance of 4-5 cm from the walls. This arrangement is necessary for ventilation of the device.
  12. Fans are not a necessary element if the incubator is small in size. If they are installed, the air flow must be directed towards the lamps and not towards the tray with eggs.

For better heat retention, you can paste over inner surface incubator with thermal insulating foil.

DIY incubator from a refrigerator body

Operating principle of the incubator is in many ways similar to the operation of a refrigerator. Thanks to this, you can assemble a convenient and high-quality homemade device from the body of the refrigeration appliance. The material of the refrigerator walls retains heat well, holds a large number of eggs, trays with which can be conveniently placed on the shelves.

The required level of humidity will be maintained by a special system located at the bottom of the device. Before modifying the housing, it is necessary to remove the built-in equipment and the freezer.

To make your own egg incubator from an old refrigerator, you will need the following components:

  • refrigerator body;
  • thermostat;
  • metal rod or chain with sprocket;
  • light bulbs, power 220 W;
  • fan;
  • drive that turns eggs.

Requirements for a homemade incubator

Hatching period usually lasts about 20 days. The humidity inside the incubator at this time should remain between 40-60%. After the chickens hatch from the eggs, it should be increased to 80%. At the stage of selection of young animals, humidity is reduced to the original level.

It is also important for the proper development of eggs temperature regime. Temperature requirements may vary for certain types of eggs. Table 1 shows the required conditions.

Table 1. Temperature conditions for different types eggs

Installation of a ventilation system

Ventilation regulates the temperature and humidity ratio in the incubator. Its speed should be on average 5 m/s. In the refrigerator body you need to drill one hole from the bottom and top, with a diameter of 30 mm. Metal or plastic tubes of the appropriate size are inserted into them. The use of tubes avoids interaction of air with the glass wool located under the wall cladding. The level of ventilation is regulated by completely or partially closing the openings.

Six days after the start of incubation, the embryos require air from outside. By the third week, the egg absorbs up to 2 liters of air per day. Before leaving the egg, the chicken consumes about 8 liters of air mass.

There are two types of ventilation systems:

  • constant, ensuring continuous air circulation, exchange and distribution of heat;
  • periodic, activated once a day to replace the air in the incubator.

The presence of ventilation of any type does not eliminate the need to install a device for turning eggs. Using automatic turning prevents the embryo and shell from sticking together.

Constant ventilation system , is placed in the inside of the incubator and expels air through the holes. At the outlet, air flows are mixed and passed through the heaters. Then the air masses descend and are saturated with moisture from water containers. The incubator increases the air temperature, which is subsequently transmitted to the eggs. Having given off heat, the air tends to the fan.

Constant type ventilation is more complex than the variable model. But her job allows simultaneously perform ventilation, heating and humidification inside the incubator.

The periodic ventilation system works on a different principle. First the heating turns off, then the fan turns on. It renews the heated air and cools the egg trays. After 30 minutes of operation, the fan turns off and the heating device comes into operation.

The number of eggs in the incubator determines the fan power. For a medium machine for 100-200 eggs, You will need a fan with the following characteristics:

  • blade diameter 10-45 cm;
  • powered by 220 W mains;
  • with a capacity of 35-200 cubic meters. m/hour.

The fan must be equipped with a filter that will protect the blades from dust, fluff and dirt.

Installation of heating elements

To increase the temperature in the incubator you will need four incandescent lamps with a power of 25 watts (you can replace them with two lamps with a power of 40 watts). The lamps are evenly fixed over the area of ​​the refrigerator, between the bottom and the lid. There should be room in the lower part for a container of water, which will provide air humidification.

Selection of thermostat

A high-quality thermostat can provide optimal temperature conditions in the incubator. There are several types of such devices:

  • bimetallic strip that completes the circuit when the temperature reaches desired value;
  • electric contactor - a mercury thermometer equipped with an electrode that turns off the heating when the required temperature is reached;
  • barometric sensor that closes the circuit when the pressure exceeds the norm.

An automatic temperature regulator ensures convenient operation of the incubator and significantly saves time on its maintenance.

Assembling a mechanism for automatically turning eggs

The standard frequency of egg turning set for mechanisms is twice a day. According to some experts, turning should be done twice as often.

There are two types of egg turning:

  • inclined;
  • frame

Inclined type device periodically tilts the tray with eggs at a certain angle. As a result of this movement, the embryos in the eggs change their location in relation to the shell and heating elements.

Frame device to turn over, pushes the eggs together using a frame and ensures their rotation around its axis.

Automatic device for turning eggs is a motor that starts a rod that acts on trays with eggs. Making a basic mechanism for turning eggs in the refrigerator body is quite simple. To do this, you need to install the gearbox in the lower, inner part of the refrigerator. Trays are fixed to wooden frame, with the ability to tilt at an angle of 60 degrees towards the door and towards the wall. The fixation of the gearbox must be strong. The rod is connected at one end to the motor and at the other to the opposite side of the tray. The motor operates a rod, which causes the tray to tilt.

To synchronize chick hatching You need to select eggs of the same size and maintain a uniform heating level throughout the incubator. Making a homemade incubator requires certain skills and abilities. If it is not possible to make an incubator at home or this process seems too complicated, then you can always purchase a ready-made model of the device or its components, for example, a mechanism for turning eggs, trays, a ventilation system.
