The best set of exercises for a man's abs. Abdominal exercises at home

To see the beautiful relief press on your stomach, you won't need to do crunches and hanging leg raises for hours every day. For gorgeous, sculpted abs, only two factors are important:

  • The level of subcutaneous fat should be no more than 12%. 10% is ideal.
  • Abdominal muscle thickness.

As you may have noticed, the first place is still the low percentage of subcutaneous fat, and not the size of the abdominal muscles. Historically, a large supply of fat accumulates in the abdominal area, which is why, if you have a lot of fat, then you will not be able to see those treasured “cubes,” even if you constantly perform the most effective exercises for the abs and they are very well developed. It's all about nutrition and keeping your muscles lean.

What exercises are most effective for the abs?

If you want to develop a beautiful and sculpted abs, you should also not forget about the oblique (abdominal) abdominal muscles, which are worked by adding side twists to your regular exercises (for example, lifting the torso or pelvis). But you shouldn’t do them in every exercise, because... Too much developed abdominal muscles will increase your waist size. Since the most effective exercises for the press are lifting the torso from a lying position, the upper part of it will develop better and faster. Therefore, one should not forget to work through “ lower press”, although this part is a little more difficult to develop, since hanging leg raises are not as easy as crunches due to the increased range of motion.

One of the best exercises for pumping up sculpted abs. During the movement, the rectus and external oblique abdominal muscles are used, as well as the rectus femoris muscle. Hanging leg raises can be done both on the horizontal bar and on special equipped parallel bars with a backrest and pads for the arms. Most easy option– perform leg raises while lying on a bench, and as your fitness increases, move on to more complex types of exercise.

Execution technique

  • Take a position in the machine, place your hands on the lining of the parallel bars and fix them, lean your torso against the back, straighten your back.
  • As you exhale, begin to quickly raise your legs up. If it is difficult for you to lift your straightened legs, then bend them at the knees.
  • Lower your legs smoothly to the starting position, make the descent controlled, do not make sudden movements.
  • To engage your obliques more, perform diagonal crunches.

Crunches can be performed in different ways; now there are many special machines for this, different benches, a Roman chair, etc. Despite the abundance of specialized benches for crunches, the most effective option are considered twisting on the floor.The exercise uses the rectus abdominis muscle, as well as many muscles abdominals. To make it more difficult, place your legs bent at the knees on a bench and your hands behind your head. It will be very difficult for beginners to train on the floor; it is better for them to start with training on simulators and then move on to more complicated options.

Execution technique

  • Lie face up on the floor, bend your knees as much as possible, place your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides.
  • Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulder girdle off the floor and lift it as high and close to your pelvis as possible. From the top point, smoothly lower yourself to the starting position.
  • Do not jerk while driving. Inhale as you lower and exhale as you rise.

Since there are so many variations in performing hanging leg crunches and leg raises, the technique of the movements will often differ. At the end of the article, you will be able to learn the specifics of the technique for performing these exercises from video clips in which everything is explained very clearly.

1.To develop beautiful and sculpted abs, you need to train them every day.

The outline and appearance of the abdominal muscles were already given to you at birth, i.e. genetically. Therefore, even the most effective abdominal exercises will only help you make them thicker, not bigger, i.e. you can no longer change their shape. The abdominal muscles are essentially the same muscles as the biceps, chest, back, etc. So you need to train them absolutely the same (1, maximum 2 times a week), because the muscles also need to rest and recover, otherwise there will be no growth muscle tissue there won't be. Those whose abs respond to physical activity very well, sometimes they don’t do exercises on it at all, because... The abdominal muscles work as stabilizers when performing any heavy basic exercises. The so-called “overkill” in the development of the press can lead to disproportions among professionals, because visually the waist may appear wider.

2. Abs require a lot of reps.

Another piece of nonsense that came from nowhere. As we have already said, the abs are an ordinary muscle. Therefore, it will respond to a large number of repetitions of exercises in the same way as other muscles, namely, it will develop its endurance, and not muscle thickness.

3. For elaboration different parts the press needs different exercises.

Anything, not even the most effective exercise for the press includes it entirely. Just in different exercises the upper and lower parts are loaded to different degrees. For example, reverse crunches or leg raises involve more of the lower part, while lying down crunches involve the upper part. And, since many people’s lower abs are lagging behind, when choosing exercises, lean more towards reverse crunches or hanging leg raises.

Features of the technique of performing crunches on the floor

Hanging leg raise technique

What abdominal exercises will be the most effective and is there a complex for quickly pumping up the abs that is suitable for absolutely everyone? What is more effective - to exercise in gym, pool, at home on a chair or find super exercises? Experts reveal the secret - the desired cubes appear with a low percentage of fat in the abdominal area and sufficient thickness of the abs. Therefore, the most effective exercises for the press are diet, new image life and physical education, and not just a few minutes of movement in the gym or at home (in the pool, on a chair, etc.).

To understand which abdominal exercises for men are the best (static or dynamic), you can watch a thematic video and photo where experts share their observations. You need to understand that a set of abdominal exercises cannot be the same for everyone; trainers in gyms approach each visitor individually. Can't pick one the best complex and recommend to everyone!

The greatest effect from pumping the abdomen is observed with frequent changes in training; abdominal exercises for men can be repeated many times, alternating with a short rest. Each time you need to change the exercises - alternating the upper and lower abs in the loads or supplementing them with weights (on a block) with a long rest between loads.

Important: you don’t need to waste time looking at photos and videos, trying to find the best movements or the best set of exercises. Basic exercises in a bodybuilding program load the abdominal muscle group quite heavily. If you honestly work out the basics - bench press, squats, deadlift, then when you repeat them 2-3 times a week for the prescribed number of minutes, the appearance of “cubes” will not take long to occur.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

Lower press

Upper press

Oblique muscles

Core exercises

Hanging Leg Raise

Simple twisting

Dumbbell Bends


Rising from a lying position on a bench (chair)

Bench crunch

Side bends on the block

Side plank

Lifting with emphasis on elbows

Crunching on a machine

Twist with twist

Simple plank

A person’s reserve fat reserves accumulate in the abdominal area, so you need to eat right and consume the amount of calories that will give the body the necessary strength, and it will not have to make reserves “for a rainy day.”

Description of popular movements

Next, we will describe the most popular abdominal exercises, which were appreciated by both sports professionals and men who want to get six-packs not in the gym, but at home. From it you can individually create the best complex.

  • Ab roller exercises.

This fitness equipment is designed to strengthen the abdominal and core muscles. Despite the fact that the roller is visually a completely simple device, performing exercises with it for untrained men is difficult due to weakness in the back and abdominal area. Not only the oblique and rectus abdominis muscles are worked, the full muscle ensemble that is included in the work can be seen in the thematic photo or video.

Benefits of the abdominal wheel exercise:

  1. The abdominal muscles become strong.
  2. A durable corset is created.
  3. The oblique and rectus abdominal muscles work more effectively.
  4. Improves posture, physical endurance, etc.

If the exercise is done correctly and regularly, the ability to muscle mass burn calories when roller classes are not taking place.

Technique for performing the exercise with a wheel for the press: starting position – standing on all fours, roller (wheel) in outstretched arms. As you inhale, you need to roll the roller in a straight line, while your body stretches in length to the maximum possible distance. After a short pause, “pull” yourself back to the starting position as you exhale.

  • Exercises on a bench for the press.

A straight or curved bench will be used to pump up the press - it doesn’t matter, for each design the basic movements are practically unchanged. To personally imagine which abdominal muscles will be involved during exercises on a bench, you can look at thematic photos, and the video will give a complete idea of ​​how to perform this or that movement.

General rules for execution in the starting position “on the bench”:

  1. Keep your abdominal muscles tense.
  2. Extension is performed while inhaling, flexion is performed while exhaling.
  3. The neck should be in line with the spine; the chin should not be pressed to the chest.
  4. The higher the bench angle, the greater the load on the abdominal muscles in men. For weights, you can use any weight (pancakes, dumbbells, etc.).

The variety of these exercises allows you to properly work the oblique and rectus abdominal muscles. Each movement has its own number of minutes; you can do them both in the gym and at home.

  • Exercises for the press on the horizontal bar.

The main advantage of this type of abdominal training is the general availability of sports equipment and high efficiency exercises. You can do them at home; the bar can be in any convenient place in your apartment or outside on a sports ground. When performing movements on the horizontal bar, the deep abdominal muscles are involved, the amplitude of movements is large, which cannot be achieved when performing them on the floor. You can make “scissors”, and the muscles of the legs and buttocks will come into play.

You can perform the following exercises on the horizontal bar:

  1. Raising your legs bent at the knees.
  2. Raising straight legs parallel to the floor.
  3. Raise your knees bent to chest level.
  4. The same thing - bent legs are moved to the sides.
  5. Raising straight legs to the crossbar.
  6. The same thing with moving your legs to the sides.

For those who have everything in order with the vestibular system, and the level of body fitness is high, you can offer an alternative to “hanging on your hands” - lifting the body while hanging upside down. Such movements can be included in the best individual complex; they help pump up the upper abs.

  • Exercise “Bicycle” for the press.

Familiar to everyone since childhood, accessible at any age and at at different levels sports training. “Bicycle” - exercises for the abs and sides (hips and back), which are simply necessary for any power load. Of course, you won’t be able to get the coveted “cubes,” but you can burn excess fat it will be very light in the abdominal area. “Bicycle” is often included in a various set of movements for shaping the abs.

  • Super exercises for standing abs.

In order to understand how to make them, you can look at thematic photos and videos, of which there are many on the Internet on special resources.

IN basic exercises performed standing include:

  1. Stretching and contracting the oblique abdominal muscles.
  2. Extension in an arc back and forth.
  3. Raise your legs forward.
  4. Raising the knee to the chest.
  5. Raising the leg forward (option 2).
  6. "Deadlift".

These workouts can be done in weekdays with one day off.

  • Exercise “Cat” with abdominal pumping.

Is basic and must be included in the loop daily workouts. Included in more than one set of exercises. To do it correctly, you can enlist the help of a photo that clearly shows how to perform the exercise. “Cat” is alternate flexion and extension of the back muscles; anyone can perform it correctly. In a few minutes of movements, they are worked out different groups muscles (obliques, rectus abdominis, deep vertebral muscles).

The “Cat” exercise with abdominal pumping should be done correctly as follows:

  1. Starting position: on all fours, legs and palms - emphasis on the floor.
  2. Exhale – round your back and your pelvis back.
  3. Inhale - return to i. p. and repeat the movements for several minutes.
  4. At the end, take a deep breath, then you need to return to i. p.

During the entire few minutes of execution, you need to take your time, imitating the stretching movements of a cat.

  • Abdominal exercises on a fitball (with a ball).

Gymnastics on a fitball (with a Swiss ball) has gained popularity due to the variety introduced into the usual training regimen. Exercises on a fitball are more interesting, more effective and quickly motivate you to achieve results. Movements on a fitball (with a ball) allow you to work out those muscles that work weakly or are completely idle. This is especially true for the “corset” - the muscles of posture; their strength is important in creating beautiful “cubes” of the press. Exercises on a massage fitball (with a ball that has pimples) will be even more effective, helping to relieve fatigue and tone the muscles. A few minutes of exercises with a ball will help men achieve results faster, but, of course, together with everything included in the complex.

  • Abdominal exercises for men in the pool.

Abdominal exercises in the pool are no less effective than in the gym. In just a few minutes in the pool you can work out all the necessary muscles that make up the abs. Men who have access to both the gym and the pool all year round, will be able to quickly get rid of excess fat and get the coveted “cubes”.

  • Multifunctional bar.

An exercise such as a plank is effective for the abs, but in bodybuilding it is valued not only for the fact that you can do the upper and lower abs and work all the abdominal muscles (rectus, oblique, etc.). The plank is universal, it can be done anywhere flat surface(in the gym, at home on the floor, on the sports ground). Refers to the section “static exercises”. Bodybuilding aces believe that in order to have abs of steel, you can move away from your usual activities and start doing the strengthening and shaping exercise “plank”.

Main positions:

  1. Strengthening and developing strength. The plank allows you to develop the strength of several muscle groups, not just the abs.
  2. Mental concentration.
  3. Stretching.
  4. Aesthetic appearance.

Planking can really help you get rid of excess fat around your waist, but it doesn't eliminate the need for other exercises or dieting.

  • The usual “Scissors”.

What exercises can most often be found when working the abdominal muscles and which one is better? Pumping on a chair, rock climber, hanging exercise, exercises for the lateral press, etc. - from them the abdominal muscles quickly get tired, and a change in movements is required, and “Scissors” comes in handy here. It is more difficult to work out the upper abs with their help, but they are perfect for the lower and middle ones. You can perform “Scissors” anywhere, but it is better to have a flat surface (fitness mat or floor). Otherwise, “inverted scissors” are performed (lying on your stomach); to perform them you need a strong bench or chair.

  • Static exercises.

These include the well-known: “Waiter”, side and traditional bars, “Crossover” and “Six inches”. All static exercises can be performed both in the gym and at home; they do not require special equipment.

  • Vacuum exercises.

Vacuum exercises became popular after Frank Zane wowed everyone at the Olympics with his
body, perfect, like a Greek statue. The vacuum trains the transverse muscle (the deepest, responsible for
maintaining internal organs), one that is mostly forgotten. Aesthetics and
proportionality is what can be achieved when using vacuum exercises, they involve
internal muscles of the mid-abdomen.

Holding your breath is the basis of vacuum exercises; first, all the air is removed from the lungs, then you need to try to expand them for 10 seconds. At this moment, a person feels a “vacuum sensation”, and the stomach “sticks” to the spine. Over time, the vacuum exercise needs to be done longer; the most “advanced” ones can expand the lungs while holding their breath for 40–60 seconds (this is how bodybuilders pose in the photo).

Such exercises cannot be done on a chair, but in a standing position, lying on a bed or on all fours, they are welcome. The functional vacuum and the “seated” vacuum are considered the most difficult, even for professionals, but they effectively eliminate lower back pain, make a wasp waist and increase men’s self-confidence.

What are the most effective exercises for men to get beautiful abs? Which complex will be the best among the recommended ones? It’s all about an individual approach and “source material”; the less trained a man is, the more fat deposits he has and the lower his fortitude, the longer the struggle for the treasured six-pack will be!

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen! This article talks about all the most effective abdominal exercises, with detailed description techniques for their implementation, and visual photo and video demonstrations.

After reading the article, you will know exactly how to get powerful abs / flat stomach ik.

Anatomically, the rectus abdominis muscle has three or four transverse bridges: two above the navel, one at the level of the navel, and one below it. The vast majority of people divide the press into two parts, “upper” and “lower.” However, in fact, this is not so!

The abs are the rectus abdominis muscle, which cannot work individually (up or down), it always works only as a whole. This division (up and down) arose due to the fact that the so-called. the upper abs develop faster than the “lower” abs, so people live in delusion, without realizing it)).

By the way, it is more difficult to develop the so-called “lower” abs because most often people do not understand what they are doing, but they do almost everything the same way - raising their legs 20-30 times (or more) until they drop.

But, unfortunately, all their efforts are in vain, because few people know that when working on the so-called. “lower press”, and this is basically lifting the pelvis upward (where the leg muscles also work), you need to limit the work of your legs to the maximum and vice versa, move ONLY the pelvis. See below for a visual explanatory photograph:

Those. in other words, people (including you) need to stop thinking about how to lift your legs up (so that the abs supposedly swing), you need to think only about how to round your pelvis while you lift your legs up. This is the only way you can start effectively pumping up the so-called. "lower" part of the press.

But this is only one of the reasons why the bottom of the press grows worse than the top. If you are interested in details regarding the topic of the abs (abdominal muscles) or you are looking for a complete educational program (answers to all the necessary questions): how many repetitions/approaches to do on the abs, how much rest between approaches, how and when is the best time to pump up the abs, how many times a week download it, look for ready-made training schemes (programs), then you have come to the right place - I have prepared everything for you. However, to read all this information, you need to click on any of the buttons social networks below, and the secret will become clear :)

According to my observations, the vast majority of people train their abs in the following way:
  • They “pump (train)” the abs with exercises in order to burn fat in this place.
  • At the end of the workout, 40-50-100 or more repetitions.
  • And girls, when you really want to lose weight (before summer), i.e. I decided to take care of myself, I’ll pump up my abs in the morning. Or something even more banal and funnier, before a trip to the sea 😀
  • Every day, and maybe several times a day.
  • In addition to lifting the torso and legs, be sure to do lateral bends (to work the oblique abdominal muscles).
  • At the same time, after training (set with bread with borscht and mayonnaise: D).

Do you recognize yourself, no?)) I’m telling this because for most people this is exactly what happens... naive little people... PERFECT don't understand what they are doing. But, damn it, they do))). And I don’t care what’s the use of this, like a goat’s milk...

Therefore, listen to your dad and remember, once and for all: in order to pump up a CLEAR PRESS (powerful six-pack abs, that’s all) or simply get a sculpted flat tummy (the goal of young ladies) - you don’t need to pump the shit out of it every day or several times a day, you don’t need to do hundreds of repetitions until you drop or perform a bunch of different exercises during a workout...

To see PRESS, you need two things:

  • Low fat content in your body
  • Developed abdominal muscle thickness

As you have already noticed, the first thing is a small amount of fat. The fact is that the abdominal area is the place where our body has historically become accustomed to accumulating reserve fat reserves. Therefore, if you have too much of this reserve, then no matter how wonderfully developed your abs are, no one is destined to see this (in other words, under a layer of fur coat - the body is not visible, and here, under a layer of fat - the abs will not be visible).

This is why it is so important to take care of your nutrition ( proper diet, diet). By the way, my main article can help you with this: Be sure to read!

Well, now, we can talk about the topic of today’s article (about that same 2nd point (thickness of the abdominal muscles)), talking about the most effective exercises for the abdominal muscles (abs):

Twisting the torso on an inclined bench (ROMAN CHAIR)

Torso crunches on a block machine

Torso bending on a block machine (CRUNCH)

Sports equipment: crossover simulator (block frame) for performing torso curls with a rope, price from about 15,000 rubles.

Grab the handle and kneel down. Keeping your arms above your head, twist your torso toward the floor to a 90-degree angle from the vertical, then slowly return to the starting position.

Technique: While moving, try to “feel” the abdominal muscles. The hips are motionless. The movement begins at the waist. Stretch and contract the muscles with each repetition, and also maintain muscle tension.

Sitting leg pull-ups to the stomach

Sports equipment: horizontal bench (price from 5,000 rubles).

Technique: Sit across the bench. Hold the edge with your hands. Lean your torso back slightly and extend your legs forward. Pull your legs towards your chest while bringing your torso closer to them. Stay in this position for 1 second, further contracting the muscle and return to the starting position. Stretch and contract your abdominal muscles, maintaining tension throughout the entire approach.

Sports equipment: again, a horizontal bench (price from 5,000 rubles).

This exercise works well on the muscles of the lower abdominals, which is absolutely necessary for the full development of this muscle group.

Technique: Keep your hands under your buttocks or behind the bench. This will provide you with stability and prevent your legs from lifting too high, as well as keeping your abs tight. Don't raise your legs too high, this will ease the tension in your abs. Also, keep your feet flat on the floor throughout the entire approach. The exercise will be more intense and effective if you concentrate on maintaining tension in your abdominal muscles.

Reverse crunches lying on the floor with bent legs

This classic version reverse crunches. However, I have also given other variations below. this exercise. Regarding the technique of execution, I will only say one thing: the most important thing in reverse crunches is not just to raise your legs up, but to twist (round) your pelvis UPWARDS WHEN RAISING YOUR LEGS. Otherwise (if you don’t do this), the exercise loses its meaning (effectiveness). This is the whole point of it...

More details about this exercise in the main article:

All men want to have powerful, sculpted abdominal muscles. Some of them, with an athletic build, will polish the definition of their abs relatively quickly, while others who train, with a full and asthenic build, take a longer route to the coveted “squares.” However, everyone: both experienced athletes and beginners agree: we are talking about “labor-intensive” muscles that require perseverance and systematic training. Of course, the ideal option for organizing classes that strengthen the abdominal muscles is a gym, as well as specialized exercise equipment. However, most of our compatriots, due to limited time, prefer abdominal exercises for men at home. Let's try to tell them how to structure such classes more effectively.

Unfortunately, people who are overweight and have a belly are for some reason wary of working out their abs. Don't be afraid! After all, these are just muscles. The approach to training should also be universal. It is not recommended to exercise daily. The muscle fiber recovery cycle is important.

Experienced trainers recommend: achieving results requires 3 – 4 full workouts. To achieve varied stimulation of muscle tissue, it is advisable to group abdominal exercises for men at home in two sets of 4 to 8 exercises. Each of them is performed in three sets, and the set must include at least 20 repetitions. (This is the “muscular corset of the abdomen”; tenfold contraction of the muscle fibers will not overcome it!) Gradually, you should increase the number of movements in the set to 50.

Your training must obey universal rule bodybuilding: the last repetitions of the set should be performed with maximum load, overcoming fatigue. If at home they are easy for men to perform even when completed, this is a signal to complicate them. With good aerobic fitness of the body, it is also recommended to reduce the rest time between sets to 1 minute. It will be more convenient for you to perform the movements using a gymnastic mat or mat.

Here is an example of a home starter complex
including four exercises

  • The first is twisting. The upper part of the rectus muscles is trained. Starting position: lying on your back. The legs are secured with socks (at home, for example, behind a sofa). Arms crossed on chest. Hands on shoulders. Bend, lift your upper body until your elbows touch your knees. Having reached it, lower your body to the starting position. Three sets are performed with a number of repetitions - from 20 times (according to the load method indicated above). Please note that when describing subsequent exercises, we will not mention the cycle of their implementation, implying an analogy with the above.

  • The second is reverse twisting. The lower part of the rectus muscles is subjected to an accentuated load. Starting position – lying on your back. Your legs are not secured; you fix your torso with your hands, holding on to a sofa, chair, etc. Raise your legs and touch your knees chest. Then the legs are lowered until the heels touch the floor. For practitioners of reverse twisting, it is important to complicate it: when lowering your legs down during the reverse phase of the exercise, do not place them on the floor. It is more useful to leave them hanging at the minimum possible height from it.

  • Third - oblique twist. It develops the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles. Starting position – lying on your back. The knees are bent, the lower back is pressed to the floor. Hands clasped behind your head, touching the back of your head with your fingers. The knee opposite the elbow, first turn to the left until the lower leg touches the floor, while the upper one is pressed against it. Bending your torso, try to reach the knee of your right leg with your left arm behind your head. Next, turn onto your back and perform a mirror cycle to the right.

  • The fourth is lateral twisting. It trains the lateral muscles of the torso. Starting position: lying on your side. The legs are bent, the position is right on the left. The left arm is extended parallel to the floor and touches it with the palm. Right hand tied behind the head. Raise your pelvis by lifting yourself off the floor on your left forearm, while your torso also rises and stretches along the same line. Transfer the ascending hand behind your head to your belt. The top point is fixation for 2 – 3 s. Next, return to the starting position. The cycle is repeated in a mirror way - to the right.

How to independently group new abdominal exercises for men at home, if the old ones are no longer effective? Check out their possible options using the Internet. Select 1 – 2 exercises for the lower rectus, upper rectus, oblique, and lateral muscles. Test them. The fifteenth to twentieth repetitions should occur as fatigue increases. If this is not the case, choose others.

There shouldn’t be any difficulties, because there are dozens of twisting options. Therefore, do not hesitate to experiment, taking into account your current level of fitness, select the necessary movements that provide maximum load at the end of each set.
Availability – additional opportunity strengthening the lower abdomen. However, here it is important to take into account that to achieve the desired effect, you should not lift your legs, but tilt your pelvis as far as possible from the vertical.

If your goal is not just to strengthen your torso, but, in addition, you want to lose belly fat, burn fat, and lose weight, then abdominal exercises at home for men must be supplemented with weight-loss therapy. Such work includes special diet, cardio exercises (running, cycling). But this is a topic for another article.

P.S. Especially for our readers, we analyzed a number of sets of exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The editor's choice was the program.

Developed abdominal muscles and a flat stomach give the figure an aesthetic and sexy look. Every man wants to be the owner of a six-pack stomach, but this requires a lot of physical effort, as well as adherence to a diet. Need to know a few simple rules, if followed, any man can achieve good results.

How to pump up the press correctly

First, you need to figure out what “cubes” are and what function the abdominal muscles perform. They are used when walking, turning and bending the body, and also support the stomach and liver. Undeveloped abs lead to the formation of belly fat and back pain, because the abdominal muscle is important for the lumbar region.

The “cubes” are formed by two rectus muscles on the left and right sides, respectively. Each muscle is divided into four cubes, but square shape have only the top three. The lower ones have a shape close to triangular.

There is only one abdominal muscle, there is no division into upper and lower. Depending on the exercises, the top or bottom of this muscle develops more strongly. In order for the abs to fully develop, it is necessary to pump the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles in one workout.

The abdominal muscles recover faster than the rest, so you can train them 3 times a week. A beginner should not “kill” his abs from the very first workouts, otherwise, in addition to the fact that you will experience pain, the muscles may not have time to recover by the next workout. It is best to limit yourself to three basic exercises and perform each in three sets of fifteen repetitions.


Equally important are diet and aerobic exercise - any low- and moderate-intensity exercise where oxygen is used to maintain energy.

Such training strengthens the cardiovascular system and is in the best ways burning fat. Ignoring proper nutrition and aerobic exercises such as running or cycling, you will not be able to achieve good results.

In this case, the abs will be trained, but there will be no noticeable relief and slimness.

Basic abdominal exercises at home

These exercises will help you pump up your abs at home:

1. Twisting. One of the most famous and frequently used exercises, focusing on the upper part of the muscle.

2. Reverse crunches. Due to raising the legs, it is more difficult to perform. The lower abs are engaged.

3. Oblique twists. Develops the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles.

4. Side crunches. Train the lateral abdominal muscles.

5. Plank. Static exercise where there is no movement, to strengthen the abdominal muscles. The main thing here is to keep the body in the correct position for as long as possible.

So, the simplest and most popular exercise for training the upper abs is twisting. You will need a soft mat for exercise and any weights on your feet so as not to lift them off the floor. A sofa or a radiator will be the best helpers in this matter. Your arms should be crossed over your chest, but to make the exercise more difficult, you can put them behind your head.

Execution: raise your upper body, bending at the waist and trying to touch your elbows to your knees, then smoothly lower to the starting position. Three sets of twenty repetitions will be enough.

The next exercise is called folding knife. It focuses on the upper section, but also engages the lower abs by simultaneously lifting the legs.

Execution: lie on the floor and stretch your arms behind your head, keep your legs closed. At the same time, bring your hands to your feet so that your body is folded in half. Do two sets of ten repetitions.

Lower press

Reverse crunches. The exercise is similar to the first, only you have to raise your legs. In a lying position, secure your torso with your hands, placing emphasis on the floor or grasping the sofa.

Execution: raise your legs until your knees touch your chest, then lower your legs until your heels touch the floor. Three sets of fifteen repetitions is the best option.

A familiar exercise to many people develops the lower part well. scissors.

Execution: lying on your back, place your arms along your body, raise your legs ten to fifteen centimeters. Make horizontal swings with your legs, the wider the better. Two sets of twenty repetitions or more.

The best exercise for the lower abdomen is hanging leg raise. It will require a crossbar at home.

Execution: while hanging, with a powerful movement, raise your legs bent at the knees, trying to reach them to the chest.

Stay in this position for one or two seconds and lower your legs down. Do three sets of ten to twelve repetitions.

Oblique muscles

Oblique twists. The best exercises to develop the internal and external oblique abdominal muscles. Lying on the floor, press your lower back to the floor, knees should be bent, and your hands should be behind your head.

Execution: simultaneously raise the torso and the knee opposite to the elbow so that the right elbow touches the left knee. Do the same in a mirror with the left elbow and right knee. Do three sets of ten repetitions.

Read also: Exercises for lumbar osteochondrosis at home

To make the exercise more difficult, do not lower your torso all the way.

Side plank. Great exercise to strengthen the oblique muscles.

Execution: lying on your side, keep your legs together one on top of the other. Lean on your right elbow left hand keep on your left side. Tightening your abs, lift your pelvis up. Do the same in a mirror image on the other elbow. Perform two approaches twenty times.

How to pump up quickly

You won’t be able to completely achieve beautiful, sculpted abs in one week, but improvements will already be visible. First of all, muscle tone will increase and the level of subcutaneous fat will decrease slightly.

But you shouldn’t expect six-pack, as this is the result of many days of training and a strict diet.

At the right approach, strengthening the abs and drawing the long-awaited cubes will begin after about 4-5 weeks of training.

To a thin man with quick exchange substances it will be easier to achieve the definition of abs, because he initially has little belly fat.

People with a slow metabolism should strictly limit themselves in calories and do more emphasis for aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling. Accordingly, this type of people will spend more time achieving results.

How to remove belly fat

First of all, you need to give up alcoholic drinks, especially beer. Alcohol increases the level of cholesterol-derived hormones, which in turn contribute to the formation of fat deposits in the abdominal area;

Reduce calories. To lose weight, you need to burn more calories than you consume.

It is better to leave carbohydrate consumption in the first half of the day, and in the second half, approximately three hours, the best option There will be consumption of protein foods and low-calorie vegetable salads.

Fiber promotes weight loss, as its fibers fill the stomach and suppress the feeling of hunger. But starch, on the contrary, is better to exclude as much as possible. It is also better to limit the intake of sweets and fruits due to their sugar content;

Consume two liters of water per day. Without water, it is difficult for the body to cleanse itself, and if you have a slow metabolism, it will be more difficult to reduce the amount of fat;

Frequent aerobic and physical activity. You should exercise two to three times a week, including physical exercise and high-intensity loads.

How long does it take to pump up your abs?

A person with an average metabolism can get tangible results in just a month if he exercises every day, taking into account proper nutrition. In this case, you should not do serious stress on the abs, but pay more attention to aerobics. This will help you quickly lose excess belly fat, and the exercises will add definition to your abdominal muscles.

Be sure to warm up before training (warm-up will warm up the muscles and protect them from injury);

Monitor the technique of performing exercises;

Exercise regularly;

Breathe correctly (do not hold your breath during the approach);

Focus on the abdominal muscle (keep it in constant tension).

This video clearly shows how to perform abdominal exercises at home:

The points discussed in the article will help achieve desired result absolutely any man with any metabolism.

There are only three basic rules for building beautiful figure: regular high-quality training, proper nutrition and good rest.

For short time your belly will become smaller and more defined, and your overall figure will look more aesthetically pleasing if you follow the tips described above.


The most effective abdominal exercises for men

In order to see beautiful, sculpted abs on your stomach, you don't need to do crunches and hanging leg raises for several hours every day. For gorgeous, sculpted abs, only two factors are important:

  • The level of subcutaneous fat should be no more than 12%. 10% is ideal.
  • Abdominal muscle thickness.

As you may have noticed, the first place is still the low percentage of subcutaneous fat, and not the size of the abdominal muscles.

Historically, a large supply of fat accumulates in the abdominal area, which is why, if you have a lot of fat, then you will not be able to see those treasured “cubes,” even if you constantly perform the most effective exercises for the abs and they are very well developed. It's all about nutrition and keeping your muscles lean.

What exercises are most effective for the abs?

If you want to develop a beautiful and sculpted abs, you should also not forget about the oblique (abdominal) abdominal muscles, which are worked by adding side twists to your regular exercises (for example, lifting the torso or pelvis). But you shouldn’t do them in every exercise, because... Too much developed abdominal muscles will increase your waist size.

Since the most effective exercises for the press are lifting the torso from a lying position, the upper part of it will develop better and faster.

Therefore, you should not forget to work on your “lower abs,” although developing this part is a little more difficult, since hanging leg raises are not as easy as crunches due to the increased range of motion.

Hanging Leg Raises

One of the best exercises for pumping up sculpted abs. During the movement, the rectus and external oblique abdominal muscles are used, as well as the rectus femoris muscle.

Hanging leg raises can be done both on the horizontal bar and on special equipped parallel bars with a backrest and pads for the arms.

Read also: Mass exercises for home

The easiest option is to perform leg raises while lying on a bench, and as your fitness increases, move on to more complex types of exercise.

Execution technique

  • Take a position in the machine, place your hands on the lining of the parallel bars and fix them, lean your torso against the back, straighten your back.
  • As you exhale, begin to quickly raise your legs up. If it is difficult for you to lift your straightened legs, then bend them at the knees.
  • Lower your legs smoothly to the starting position, make the descent controlled, do not make sudden movements.
  • To engage your obliques more, perform diagonal crunches.

Crunches on the floor

Crunches can be performed in different ways; now there are many special machines for this, different benches, a Roman chair, etc. Despite the abundance of specialized benches for crunches, the most effective option is considered twisting on the floor.

The exercise works the rectus abdominis muscle, as well as many abdominal muscles. To complicate the execution, you should place your legs bent at the knees on a bench and your hands behind your head.

It will be very difficult for beginners to train on the floor; it is better for them to start with training on simulators and then move on to more complicated options.

Execution technique

  • Lie face up on the floor, bend your knees as much as possible, place your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides.
  • Tightening your abdominal muscles, lift your shoulder girdle off the floor and lift it as high and close to your pelvis as possible. From the top point, smoothly lower yourself to the starting position.
  • Do not jerk while driving. Inhale as you lower and exhale as you rise.

Since there are so many variations in performing hanging leg crunches and leg raises, the technique of the movements will often differ. At the end of the article, you will be able to learn the specifics of the technique for performing these exercises from video clips in which everything is explained very clearly.

False beliefs about pumping up your abs

1.To develop beautiful and sculpted abs, you need to train them every day.

The outline and appearance of the abdominal muscles were already given to you at birth, i.e. genetically. Therefore, even the most effective abdominal exercises will only help you make them thicker, not bigger, i.e. you can no longer change their shape.

The abdominal muscles are essentially the same muscles as the biceps, chest, back, etc. So you need to train them absolutely the same way (1, maximum 2 times a week), because the muscles also need to rest and recover, otherwise there will be no growth of muscle tissue.


Those whose abs respond very well to physical activity sometimes do not perform exercises on them at all, because... The abdominal muscles work as stabilizers when performing any heavy basic exercises.

The so-called “overkill” in the development of the press can lead to disproportions among professionals, because visually the waist may appear wider.

2. Abs require a lot of reps.

Another piece of nonsense that came from nowhere. As we have already said, the abs are an ordinary muscle. Therefore, it will respond to a large number of repetitions of exercises in the same way as other muscles, namely, it will develop its endurance, and not muscle thickness.

3. Different exercises are needed to work different parts of the abs.

Any, even not the most effective exercise for the press includes it entirely. It’s just that in different exercises the upper and lower parts are loaded to different degrees.

For example, reverse crunches or leg raises involve more of the lower part, while lying down crunches involve the upper part.

And, since for many people the lower abs are lagging behind, when choosing exercises, lean more toward reverse crunches or hanging leg raises.

Features of the technique of performing crunches on the floor

Hanging leg raise technique

I read your article a month ago and tried to follow your advice. I used to lift my abs every day, but there were no results. Now I pump it only 2 times a week, but the cubes are visible, which makes me happy.

For me it's like that best exercises These are reverse lifts, I perform them on the floor and on the horizontal bar and on the parallel bars, the cubes are visible all year round, if I don’t eat a lot of sweets.
