Exercises by muscle group. The best set of exercises for all muscle groups

Every girl, and even young man, dreams of being fit and beautiful figure. Achieving good results and then maintaining them is not easy. It takes hard work on yourself. Let's figure out what effective exercises for losing weight at home you can easily do.

Among the most effective are twenty exercises for weight loss, as well as for working all muscle groups. They are perfect for doing them at home. There is no need to have physical training for this. Doing these sports exercises, you will have to sweat a lot, since this complex is designed for intense exercise. By arranging home workouts for weight loss every other day, you won’t have to wait long for results, and your muscles will have time to not only relax, but also recover.

Some rules for doing exercises

Let's look at how to lose weight at home and what recommendations you should follow.

Simple tips:

  • training for weight loss at home, like any other, should begin with a warm-up and end with stretching;
  • You need to eat food at least 60 minutes before you start training at home for weight loss;
  • you should not eat food containing a lot of calories and fat;
  • during training should be consumed exclusively clean water without gas, not exceeding two sips at a time;
  • Also, during the training period, it is necessary to monitor the correct breathing: inhale through the nose and exhale exclusively through the mouth;
  • upon completion of the workout, you should not drink for half an hour, and also not eat for three hours, since everything eaten after the workout will go into the accumulation of muscle fiber mass;
  • each of the exercises should be completed up to fifty times;

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Important! For a beginner, this is difficult and therefore there is no need to overdo it, but increase the load gradually. It must be remembered that painful sensations in the muscles come from excessive filling of them with lactic acid, and the resulting microtraumas will not allow you to do the training complex next time.

  • if time is limited, then the exercises for losing weight at home included in the complex can, if necessary, be done in several periods to maintain shape.

Let's look at home exercises for weight loss.

The desire for a beautiful figure is always commendable, especially if you achieve results through sports. But now people have less and less free time and going to the gym is not always realistic. In this case, well-chosen fitness exercises for weight loss will help. You can do most of them at home. Let's figure out how to put together a complex correctly and achieve results.

Training complex for weight loss

Training for weight loss at home has few differences from that which is carried out in a sports hall or gym. Exercises should affect all areas.

Let's look at twenty exercises that give good effect if you want to lose excess weight.


This exercise ensures the development of the femoral, gluteal and spinal muscles. You need to squat so that your buttocks are strictly parallel to the ground or floor. Then you need to return to the original position.


This type of exercise will help tighten your back muscles. In addition, biceps and triceps work. When performing it, the hands should be placed at the space closest to each other, and the wrists should be positioned so that they are one whole line with the elbows and shoulders.

Important! When doing push-ups, you should bend your elbows as close to your body as possible, and you should not sag.


This exercise will perfectly help tighten your back muscles, as well as your buttocks. When performing it, you need to try to push your pelvis as high as possible.

Lunges forward

Performing this exercise forces the front zone of the thigh muscles to work, as well as the buttocks. Such lunges should be done alternately: first on one leg, and then on the other leg.

Important! A lunge is performed so that the leg protruding forward is strictly parallel to the ground or floor.


This exercise allows you to work all the muscles of the body. In it you need to stand in a position similar to the position for men's push-ups, only lower your hands on your elbows. You should hold for one and a half minutes.

Swing your legs back

In this exercise you need to stand up straight. Then move your body forward and swing your leg back. After this, return to the primary position and make a similar movement only with the other leg. This will cause the muscles in the back of your thighs to tighten, as well as your buttocks.

Deep triceps

This type of exercise is done with the hands resting on a piece of furniture that is stable: a sofa, an armchair, a chair, etc.


  • you should rest your hands on the selected object;
  • place your feet firmly;
  • bend your legs at the knees;
  • bending your arms at the elbow joints, your body should move towards the floor;
  • after that you need to return to the primary position.

Important! The buttocks should not touch the floor, as otherwise the exercise will become ineffective.


This exercise is designed to effectively work the back muscles. To perform it, you need to get on all fours and straighten your left leg and right arm. Then vice versa.

Important! You need to stand in this position for some time, then change to the opposite arm and leg.

Bicycle twisting

You need to lie on your back. Next, alternately stretch with your elbow right hand to the left knee and vice versa. This exercise targets all abdominal muscles, including the obliques. Important! You need to perform the exercise efficiently to achieve the desired result.

Balancing on the floor

When performing this exercise, you need to lie on your back and raise your legs so that they are close to the floor, but do not touch it. You need to hold them for one and a half minutes. This exercise has a positive effect on the muscles lower press, as well as backs.

Girls strive for a great figure and know firsthand how difficult it is to achieve good result. There are many sets of exercises for this. Let's figure out which workout program for losing weight at home for girls will be the best.

Side lunges

From a standing position, lunge to the side, then return to the starting position and repeat, but on the other leg. So alternating legs, you should perform 10-20 times on each. This exercise applies a load to the front zone of the thigh muscles, as well as the buttocks.

Important! You need to keep your back straight throughout the exercise.

Burpee exercise

Stand up straight. Then squat down and lunge with both legs back. The pose should be similar to men's push-ups. After this, return to the starting position, pulling your legs back and standing up from the squat again. This is an exercise for all muscle groups.

Lunges forward and backward

Stand up straight. Then you need to lunge forward with one leg, then return to the primary position. Next, you should lunge backwards with the same leg. Then change legs. This exercise good for thighs and buttocks.

Pull-ups or, alternatively, a pump

If you have a horizontal bar, you need to do pull-ups. Some different types Doing this exercise will allow you to work different muscles. If you don’t have a horizontal bar, you can do another exercise. To perform it, you need to lie on the floor, face down and stretch out to your full length. Arms and legs should be straight. You should lift them at the same time and hold them in this position for some time.

Jump "Star"

In this exercise you need to jump, spreading your arms and legs to the sides at the same time. This will allow you to relax and also stretch the spinal canal.


This exercise forces the inner thigh area to work. For this purpose, you need to do squats.

Important! Heels should not be lifted off the floor. The correct way to perform a squat is to spread your knees.


To do this, you need to take a position, as in men's push-ups, and try to reach your chest with your knee. This exercise puts stress on the muscles of the arms, as well as the legs and back.

Important! Another variation of this exercise is to perform it from the same initial position, but with your knee reaching towards your shoulder.

Jump with overlap

To do this, you need to jump, throwing your legs back. This helps to unload the lower muscle groups and also stretches the front thigh area. Active mode also burns calories.

Tuck jump

When jumping, the legs bend in knee joints and pressed to the chest. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles and improves coordination of movements. In addition, it enhances blood circulation.


From a half-squat position, jump as high and forward as possible. This exercise stimulates and makes the muscles of the legs and buttocks work.

For effective reduction Losing weight requires not only training at home to lose weight, but also proper nutrition and drinking enough fluids. This complex will help build both interval and circuit training. Physical exercise is the way to a beautiful and slim figure.

Follow this comprehensive workout plan to target every muscle group for four weeks to improve your fitness and trim your waistline.

This set of exercises for tightening the body muscles and improving their tone will make you stronger and fit at home if you have a pair of dumbbells, a barbell and a desire to pump up. Strength exercises- it's fun because you're performing hard movements with extra weight, and they give you the satisfaction of feeling strong.

You may even feel like a professional athlete because strength training is a big part of it. training program any athlete. They use it because fast-twitch muscle fibers, which are responsible for improving speed and increasing strength, quickly tone and burn more fat after training. Great side effect from these workouts - creating relief, tightening the body and losing weight due to fat burning that occurs during rest.

Follow the set, rep, and rest guidelines for all exercises to get the most out of your terrain training. Not a single movement is isolated; they are all designed to work major muscle groups and increase their mass. This training program for men may well be suitable for girls who love strength training. It assumes that you will do each workout in gym or at home once a week for 4 weeks, increasing the weight each time. Keep track of how many pounds you lift each workout to track your progress and stay motivated.

Workout 1

Approaches: 5 Repetitions: 5 Rest: 60sec

For what: This full body exercise involves the entire body. back surface, and also teaches the stability you need to move from a standing position to a squatting position. Remember, these are swings, not squats: you want to bend your knees as if you were preparing to jump.

How: Use both hands to lower the kettlebell between your legs, then push yourself forward with your hips to lift it to head level, keeping your arms relaxed. Allow the kettlebell to return to the low position with your knees slightly bent.

Approaches: 5 Repetitions: 5 Rest: 60sec

For what: With this exercise, every man can join the world of weightlifting. You will be able to improve your weak grip and increase your endurance. This exercise is good for beginners because you don't have to try to hold the barbell in a squat or overhead.

How: Start in a deadlift position, gripping the bar with both hands, shoulder-width apart. Keep your shoulders over the bar and don't round your back. Begin to rise, straightening your knees and without changing the angle of your torso. When the bar rises above your knees, straighten up and use momentum to pull your elbows up and back and lift the bar to chest level.

Approaches: 5 Repetitions: 5 Rest: 90sec

For what: Having a barbell in front of you puts the emphasis on your quads and also makes the exercise safer—you'll be leaning forward less and putting your lower back at risk of injury. If you don't have flexible elbows enough to do the exercise like the Olympic champions (barbell on your fingertips), use this option.

How: Hold the barbell in a standing position, supporting it with bent arms across your shoulders. Lower yourself into a squat with your chest forward, then shift your weight into your heels to return to the starting position.

Approaches: 3 Repetitions: 6 Rest: 60sec

For what: Whether you're jumping on a step or bench or just jumping on the floor, this exercise will help increase your workout gains (or, if you do high reps, your cardiac endurance). Remember to raise your knees as high as possible.

How: Bend your knees slightly and then jump as high as you can, pulling your knees toward your chest at the top. Land as softly as you can.

Workout 2

Approaches: 3 Repetitions: 6, 8, 10 Rest: 60sec

For what: This exercise will help you develop speed and lose weight if you perform a high number of repetitions and lift your feet off the floor as quickly as possible. Additionally, pulling your knee to your chest will help you tone your core and lower abs.

How: Start in the position that sprinters usually take at the start. Bring one knee forward toward your chest and then return to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg, controlling the movement.

Approaches: 5 Repetitions: 5 Rest: 60-90sec

For what: This is a heavy type exercise because it has a large range of motion. With it you can test your cardiovascular system and improve your endurance.

How: Stand with dumbbells above your shoulders. Lower yourself into a squat, keeping your knees level with your toes and chest. Then shift your weight back as you lift the weight.

Approaches: 5 Repetitions: 5 Rest: 60-90sec

For what: This better exercise to strengthen your back, plus it will balance your body and give you a stable base for pulling-based movements. Once you are successful with this exercise, try lifting the barbell off the floor.

How: Hold the barbell shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. Lean your torso forward until your torso is at a 45-degree angle. Pull the barbell up until it touches your chest and then lower it down, controlling the movement. If you have to move your body forward to perform the movement, use lighter weight.

Approaches: 5 Repetitions: 5 Rest: 60-90sec

For what: By performing this exercise at high speed, you will recruit fast-twitch muscle fibers, which will help you burn excess fat. Use this exercise as a safe and effective way to end your workout. You can perform it at full strength without risking injury.

How: Do a squat, and then, pushing off sharply, jump up. Jump high and inhale before each rep to ensure your body gets enough oxygen.

Workout 3

Approaches: 3 Repetitions: 10 per side Rest: 60sec

For what: This is a basic exercise to target the shoulders, especially the rotator cuff (the small stabilizing muscle around the shoulder) when done with dumbbells because your arms will rotate naturally. The "military" version of the exercise - bring your legs together as if you were on parade, this will make your core a little stiffer.

How: With your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder level. Keep your chest and other core muscles tight. Lift the weight up, keeping your torso straight until your arms are straight. Lower the dumbbells down, controlling the movement.

Approaches: 3 Repetitions: 6-8 Rest: 60-90sec

For what: This exercise simulates real movement - imagine that you are trying to throw a suitcase onto the top shelf. With this, you can lift more weight than a regular bench press while still maintaining overall power load and coordination of movements. In this moderate exercise, you'll be able to complete the movement even when your arms are tired because your legs provide extra momentum to your body.

How: Get into the same position as when lifting dumbbells, then bend your knees slightly and lift the barbell as high as possible using your body momentum. If you perform this exercise correctly, you should not push the barbell until it is above your head.

Approaches: 3 Repetitions: 6-8 per side Rest: 60sec

For what: Your shoulders will be a little tired after the previous two exercises, so use kettlebells. This will allow you to squeeze your muscles without damaging your joints.

How: Take the weights in a standing position (at shoulder level, elbows should be pressed to your chest). Bend your knees slightly and then straighten up to lift the weights above your head.

Approaches: 3 Repetitions: As much as you can within 40 seconds Rest: 1 minute

For what: This type of cardio exercise is great way warm up muscles with minimal technical requirements and the possibility of injury. It can be performed even at home. You can’t do it half-heartedly or cheat. Stand up straight, jump and don't forget to clap.

How: Get into a plank position with your chest touching the floor. Pull your legs toward your arms, then jump up, clapping your hands.

This is an excellent workout for the whole body, it will allow you to pump up all muscle groups for relief in one short session per week. Required condition- observe high level exercise intensity, otherwise you will not achieve desired results. You need to give it your all and pause between approaches for no more than 2 minutes, and it is better to rest for 45 seconds.

Sets of exercises for all muscle groups. If you want to start doing fitness or bodybuilding and strive for proportional development of your muscles, then you should pay attention to training systems that are specially designed to work all muscle groups. Of course, each person has their own physiological characteristics and lagging muscles will gradually appear. Only after identifying these muscles should you pay more attention to them using personal training systems. There are many in this category effective complexes exercises for uniform training of all muscle groups. Each training system comes with full list all exercises, tips and tricks. Good luck to you!

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Joe Weider's Strength and Muscle Building Program (Stage 3)

Strength and building muscle mass program is the third stage of Joe Weider's training system. According to this training system, you train 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. In strength-oriented training, you will use principles that are slightly different from those that you used previously. Your sessions will be shorter but much more intense than before. You should include more nutritional energy and non-energy essential substances in your diet.

Training system for all muscle groups - Joe Weider's split system (stage 2)

The split system is the next step towards intensifying your training for accelerated and impressive muscle growth. By separate system You do workouts 4 times a week: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. You will work only the upper body in one session, doing more exercises and approaches to develop each muscle. The next day, you'll work on your lower body muscles, again devoting the entire training time to working each muscle, only with more rigidity and intensity. You will rest on day three and resume training on days four and five, resting again on days six and seven.

A set of exercises for all muscle groups for beginners from Joe Weider (stage 1)

Joe Weider's bodybuilding training system is one of best systems building muscles. It helps to create a masculine, strong and muscular figure in men. Women using the Weider System can tone their muscles and reshape their bodies, building energy and strength in the process. The first stage of training is the introductory system, which is intended for beginner athletes. This set of exercises is designed for training three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. With this system, your muscles will be worked from all possible angles and will not get used to monotonous work. Thus, this system will not only develop strength and increase muscle volume, but also give them shape.

In order not to fork out for the gym, spending your last savings, study at home. The set of exercises presented in this article will help you get rid of extra pounds as quickly as possible. Let's look at the most effective exercises for all muscle groups.

How and when to train

Before classes, you should purchase at least a standard set of equipment, for example, dumbbells. Without them, there is no point in practicing at home: you will not be able to load yourself enough, and buying other equipment will be very expensive.

Dumbbells will help pump up absolutely all muscle groups. In addition, you can select the required weight or buy at all universal tool with the ability to change the configuration.

You also need to build a horizontal bar. It's easy to do: in doorway screw metal pipe or a wooden stick. If possible, build a horizontal bar by welding and then attaching the frame to the wall. If you do not have welding skills, you can connect parts using bolts and nuts.

Beginners should clearly decide why they need training at home: just to lose weight or build muscle. The first option is quite realistic, but the second is more doomed to failure. Of course, if you live in big house, there is an opportunity to qualitatively equip a sports corner or there is a playground nearby, then maybe something will work out. But often at home it is impossible to achieve an effect comparable to training in the gym.

A set of exercises at home will definitely help:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • pump up a little;
  • improve overall physical condition and endurance;
  • prevent the occurrence of certain diseases associated with an inactive lifestyle.
  1. There is no need to perform exercises at chaotic times; there should be a clear schedule both by day and by hour.
  2. Introduce new exercises into your workout routine all the time. This will prevent your body from getting used to the stress and will prevent you personally from losing interest in sports.
  3. Buy equipment that may not be expensive, but at least not the cheapest. It is always more pleasant and convenient to work with high-quality things, as any athlete will prove.
  4. Beginners often neglect proper nutrition, and experienced athletes are literally fixated on it. Start practicing according to all the rules, taking into account healthy diet. More details about it.

How to quickly remove sides and belly: exercises at home

  1. Exercises with hula hoops have an excellent effect. Spin the hoop about five times a day for ten minutes, and within a week you will notice the first changes.
  2. Twisting. Lie on your back with your legs slightly bent and your hands behind your head. Touch your right elbow first with your left foot, turning your waist, and then touch your left elbow with your right foot. Do 5 sets of 10 reps.
  3. Plank. Perhaps everyone knows how to do it: the body should form a perfectly straight line. The average execution time is half a minute with further repetition.
  4. Crunches, option 2. Lie on your back with your shoulders pressed to the floor. Bend your right leg, place it on top of your left, and place your right foot on the floor. Then begin to twist your body at the waist in left side, moving your right leg to the left as well.

To help make your stomach flat:

Press: exercises for girls at home

Hanging on a horizontal bar to pump up your abs is unlikely to be suitable for girls, so it’s worth considering lighter exercises.

Abdominal exercises for men at home

All the exercises described above are suitable for men, the only clarification is:

  • to pump up your upper abs, do more crunches;
  • home exercises with leg raises are suitable for pumping up the lower abs;
  • and to work the oblique muscles, perform crunches with turns.

Additionally, we can mention exercises called “bicycle” and standard push-ups. They also work the abdominal muscles well.

  1. The standard exercise is lunges. When performing them, it is important to tense the gluteal muscles, as well as the hips. After lunging, hold in this position for a few seconds. Load on each leg - 10-15 repetitions.
  2. Also don't forget about side lunges. Here you need to sit down to the maximum, although not all beginners are capable of this. For greater effect of home workouts, use dumbbells.
  3. The next exercise for the legs is squats with weights. It is important that your back is always straight (this is the only way your legs will experience the maximum load).
  4. Lie on your stomach, bend your arms, and rest your elbows on the floor. Raise each leg up one at a time, holding the position for 5 seconds.
  5. Raising your leg from a side plank position. Once in a side plank position, slowly lift your top leg. This leg exercise is especially effective when done at home.

Exercises for losing weight on the sides at home

  1. Lie on your stomach. Try to grab your bent legs with your hands. The exercise is difficult, but quite doable.
  2. Twirling on a gymnastic ball. Place your arms straight on the floor and place your feet on the fitball. Next, scroll to the right and then to the left, bending your legs.
  3. Starting position - standing with dumbbells in your hands. Tilt your torso first to the right and then to the left, your arms should seem to slide along the seams. This is one of the most effective exercises for the sides at home.
  4. Sit on a bench or stool, place a bar (wooden or plastic stick) on your shoulder muscles, and turn your body to the right and then to the left.
  5. "Mill". Starting position - standing, torso tilted forward. Rhythmically touch your left hand to your right leg and vice versa.

Exercises for the inner thigh

Back exercises at home

Greetings, my dear sports and fitness lovers! Today we will analyze a set of exercises for all muscle groups or full body training. Speaking without foreign borrowings and other pathos, this is simply training the whole body in one session. This approach is quite common in fitness, and it has some advantages compared to classical exercises. In this article I will try to expand your knowledge on this topic as much as possible. Let's go!

The fullbody program is best suited for beginners, maximizing all areas of the body in one training session. For experienced athletes, this is the scheme, since they need to devote a lot of time to each muscle group.

In addition, this type of training implies that each muscle will be worked 2-3 times a week. This is not suitable for professionals, because their muscles will not have time to recover due to high loads. If you reduce the intensity, then in this case they will be of practically no use.

Therefore the main target audience There will be novices to this type of training, but it is also suitable for girls and women. To effectively load the muscles, they need to do a much smaller amount of work. This system should be followed for at least the first six months of classes, gradually moving to a classic, three-day split.

The benefits and harms of fullbody training

Fullbody style training allows you to develop your entire body evenly. With their help, you can build up a basic “reserve” of muscle mass, which you will develop and strengthen later.

They are suitable not only as intensive programs for training in the gym, but also for those who want to exercise effectively at home. That is, you don’t have to plunge headlong into the world of sports - such a system will give you a chance to keep your body healthy and strong.

Training different muscle groups on the same day is perceived by the body as serious stress. When you train your chest, legs, and back in one session, this actively stimulates your metabolism. As a result, such workouts are very good for losing weight.

Such an integrated approach can only cause harm if you seriously violate the technique of performing an exercise, or if you train too often, not allowing the body to recover.


There are no specific contraindications that apply exclusively to fullbody training. Of course, if for one reason or another you are prohibited from playing sports or putting a lot of stress on your body, then a general program for the whole body is prohibited for you.

Technique and types of exercises

Exercises in such training can be very different. Starting from the classic bench press to jumping rope. They are selected based on what goals you are pursuing.

Men in the gym should pay the most attention to basic exercises - bench press, squat and deadlift. They are key point in all strength training, and it is on them that the gain of muscle mass primarily depends.

If you came to the gym to lose weight, then cardio loads should be the basis of your fullbody workouts. It is best to insert them at the beginning and end of the session - this way, the fat burning potential will increase significantly.

Girls rarely train to gain serious muscle mass. Therefore, for representatives of the fair sex, it is recommended to focus on isolated exercises, with a moderate addition of cardio to the program.

For such training, exercises from both classical fitness and crossfit programs, or plyometrics, are suitable. They can be performed either with the use of weights, for example, with dumbbells, with a kettlebell, or with a barbell, or without it.

Example workout

Let's consider the classic options for fullbody training, first at home, and then for working in the gym.

At home

Here is the most standard set best exercises which can be performed even at home:

  • On the chest - classic push-ups.

  • Triceps – reverse push-ups on a chair.
  • For biceps – to pump up your biceps, you should get dumbbells, since you won’t be able to pump them up with your own weight.
  • For the press - . You can also add a bar here.

  • For legs and buttocks - classic squats, walking up the stairs.
  • For the shoulders – lifts and swings with dumbbells.
  • For the back - deadlift with dumbbells, .

The weekly complex will look like this:

  • Push-ups – 4×20.
  • Reverse crunches on a chair – 4×15.
  • Arm curls with dumbbells – 4x20.
  • Air squats 4x20.
  • Military bench press with dumbbells – 4×15.
  • Deadlift with dumbbells – 4x20.

In the gym

In the gym, the choice of exercises is much wider. There are various exercise machines and numerous types of weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, weights, etc. Therefore, the list of exercises for each set of muscles is much wider here.

  • On the chest - bench press or dumbbell bench press, crossover, butterfly, incline press, dumbbell flyes, etc.
  • Triceps - French press, lat pulldown, dumbbell raises, reverse push-ups, overhead dumbbell extensions, etc.
  • For biceps – barbell curls, alternate or simultaneous dumbbell lifts, rows on a Scott bench, “hammers”, biceps rows with supination, etc.

  • For the press, the set is almost the same, with the addition of various exercise equipment and the use of inclined benches.
  • For legs and buttocks - squats with a barbell, leg press, leg extensions and bends, standing on straight legs, etc.
  • For the shoulders – military press, barbell row, dumbbell swing, dumbbell press, etc.
  • For the back - deadlifts, bent-over barbell rows, bent-over barbell rows, overhead and lower pulley rows, etc.

The list is given in such a way that the “base” comes first - the heaviest, and at the same time the most necessary exercises. After them come more isolated exercises that allow you to “work” the muscle, and not to gain weight.

Let's look at a few classic options full body workouts in the gym.

  • Barbell squats 3-5 sets 8-10 reps.
  • Dumbbell bench press 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  • Pull-ups 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  • Dips 3-4 sets 10-12 reps.
  • Classic crunches 4 sets of 20-25 reps.

  • Deadlift 4-5 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • Butterfly exercise 4 sets 15 reps.
  • Leg press in the machine 4 sets of 8-12 reps.
  • Bent-over dumbbell rows 4 sets 15 reps.
  • French press 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
  • Barbell curls for biceps 4 sets of 10-12 reps.
  • Hanging leg raises 3 sets – maximum quantity repetitions.

As a rule, you need to perform the complex for the whole body three to four times a week. Structure the lesson so that the emphasis is on different groups muscles were different. In other words, on the first day of training, focus on your pecs. To do this, add the bench press and some other chest exercise to the program, and dilute it with one exercise for other parts of the body, but without adding other basic ones.

In the next workout, the emphasis is on the legs - squats with a barbell, but without adding deadlifts and bench presses. And so on. That is, you do not need to complete the entire base in one workout.

In home training, of course, you can’t get too creative with the exercises, but the goals here are different. It is preferable to exercise at home if you just want to keep your body in good shape. To do this, you can perform the same complexes, but subject to increasing loads.

Sets and reps

Most often, fullbody training is measured in “circles.” That is, you take a certain list of exercises and perform them one after another, without rest. After you have completed one such circle, you can allow yourself a short rest of 2-4 minutes. Then the circle repeats.

In one workout you need to perform from 4 to 10 such circles, depending on your level of training, your goals and the selected exercises.

Warm-up and stretching

Of course, do not forget that you need to thoroughly stretch your entire body before training. Since each of your muscle groups will take part in the work in one session, you need to ensure that all muscles and joints are well warmed up.

The same applies to stretching after training. It will help eliminate lactic acid and toxins from your muscles faster. This helps reduce pain and reduces the time the body needs to recover.

Nutrition and sports supplements

Complexes physical exercise for individual muscles are rarely too tiring. However, to get more benefits from this type of training, I recommend that you use some sports supplements.

For example, consuming BCAA amino acids and protein will never be superfluous. They will allow the body to recover faster and promote better muscle mass gain.

There is no point in talking about nutrition separately for fullbody training. The basic aspects here are the same as with any other type of training. That is, and an emphasis on carbohydrates, and then proteins for gaining muscle mass.

How often to exercise

Ideally, do this type of training 3-4 times a week so that your body has time to recover. Weekly sessions should be alternated, using other exercises and changing days for pumping different parts bodies.

Common mistakes

Most common mistake In this type of training, it is either too frequent or too “easy” classes. In the first case, you will simply overload your body, and it will not have time to recover. In this case, further studies will only be to your detriment.

In the second case, some beginners like to indulge themselves. An extra few minutes of rest, or a break during the circle - remember, you are not working for someone, but first of all for yourself. Namely, there should be the strictest demand from yourself.


To summarize, I would like to draw several conclusions. . But only if you are either just starting to study, or have not practiced for several recent years. For more detailed information, photos and videos of fullbody training can be found on the Internet or YouTube.

In other cases, preference should be given to split training for each muscle group separately.

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