What a strong 8th house in the natal chart. Eighth house in Vedic astrology

The eighth house has a bad reputation as the house of death (mrityu bhava).

It denotes ruin and dishonor and may indicate negative traits character, criminal tendencies and cruelty. It symbolizes chronic diseases or injuries that lead to death. It can also indicate the death of people close to us. Planets in the eighth house cause suffering related to those areas of life for which these planets are responsible in a given horoscope. On the other hand, the eighth house denotes inherited property and can indicate a rich inheritance.

The eighth house is an extremely deep and mysterious part of the chart. He can endow a person with the deepest insight and reveal to him the secrets of life and death. It bestows a powerful and insightful mind (though not always benevolent) and can indicate genius. It symbolizes research, invention and discovery, including in the fields of mathematics and philosophy. He can also bestow abilities in tantric varieties of yoga and comprehension of occult knowledge. In addition, the eighth house is associated with long journeys or strange adventures - both on the physical and mental plane. This is the house of transformation in the broad sense of the word - transformation, the consequences of which can be both good and harmful.

The eighth house characterizes a person’s connections with the dark side of life or with the “bottom” of society. His sphere of influence includes drugs, prostitution and the ability to manipulate other people. The eighth house instills strong sexual passions in a person and can make him very attractive to the opposite sex, but it does not always inspire a desire for long-term partnerships (which is rather associated with the seventh house).

The eighth house is the house of longevity, which allows us to determine the life expectancy of a person. It points to the circumstances of the death of the owner of the horoscope, but at the same time to the factors that help him survive. The negative and positive information that the eighth house reports about us are the main indicators by which we can judge in the highest sense our life.

Material from the book “Astrology of Seers”. David Frawley

EIGHTH HOUSE: Mrityu bhava - house of death

The 8th house corresponds to the water sign and is therefore considered the house of moksha (self-realization or final liberation). Life, longevity, death, wills and inheritances, insurance, partner's finances, money from partner (including alimony), accidents, long-term illnesses, chronic illnesses, shame, bad luck, intuition, occult sciences, secret affairs, sexual power, sexual desires - all these are indicators of the 8th house.

The 8th house is Dusthana or an evil and malefic house. It is worse than the 6th house and almost equal in destructiveness to the 12th. Planets in the 8th house suffer as well as the houses they rule. The problems indicated by the 8th house are intense and will not resolve over time (however aspects and signs should be considered).

The 8th house is mainly considered as the house of death as it rules the cause and type of death. It also destroys everything that comes into contact with it. However, in fact, it is also the house of life (together with the 3rd house).

A good 8th house gives a long life, a bad one gives a short life. A strong 8th house indicates a person who will be energetic and full of vitality. It has been noticed that all world boxing champions have the most significant horoscope factor - the 8th house. Muhammad Ali, who has five planets in the 8th house, simply could not be knocked out.

Among other things, this house rules the money of the marriage partner. Therefore, he discovers the problems that can arise in a marriage due to the handling of money. In relation to alimony, it shows what a woman can receive after a divorce. Also ex-husband, if his 8th house is extremely afflicted, will be forced to pay more than he can.

The 8th house is the house of moksha, so it arouses interest in moksha or final liberation. More than the other houses of moksha (4th and 12th), it is associated with secret or occult knowledge.

Karaka or indicator of the 8th house is Saturn.

Material from the book “Ancient Indian Astrology for Modern Astrologers.” James Braha


Lord of the 8th house in the 1st house

This is an undesirable placement, indicating a person of poor health, troubled by authorities or disputes with superiors, from debts and due to illicit sexual relations. They will be interested in studying spiritual issues and psychology.

Lord of the 8th house in the 2nd house

A person will be made to suffer by the sudden loss of money and the premature death of relatives. This person may be involved in illegal activities financial activities, the tone of his speech is often critical; eating is incorrect and disordered.

Lord of the 8th house in the 3rd house

The fate of a person with this planetary combination will manifest: loss of courage, disputes with brothers, diseases associated with hearing, use of rude, insulting speech.

Lord of the 8th house in the 4th house

This is expected to lead to early separation from or separation from parents, forced visits to undesirable places, sinful intentions in the heart, and spending money on cars and short-lived possessions.

Lord of the 8th house in the 5th house

A small number of children may be expected, perhaps the loss of one child, such a person is diligent, prone to stomach diseases, and has a love for the poor and humble people.

Lord of the 8th house in the 6th house

This arrangement suggests problems due to various diseases; service to unworthy people, losses from thieves.

Lord of the 8th house in the 7th house

Possible marriage breakdown, collaboration with dubious people, illness or imprisonment during travel. This person may be experiencing business failure.

Lord of the 8th house in the 8th house

This person may have a streak of thievery or slander; will live long; can receive a good inheritance, has certain opportunities in the insurance business; able to hypnotically influence other people.

Lord of the 8th house in the 9th house

This person will follow the renounced order of life. Such people suffer from a marriage partner who may leave them and have children with someone else. They experience difficulties in their relationship with their father, but inherit property.

They may have an aversion to following rules and regulations.

Lord of the 8th house in the 10th house

Along with the stain on his reputation, this person will have problems in his career. These people can do difficult, difficult things to do; back problems, periods of poverty and unexpected profits associated with someone's death are expected.

Lord of the 8th house in the 11th house

It should be assumed that there are problems associated with the older brother, friendship with famous people, hearing complaints, strange ways of satisfying the needs of their senses.

Lord of the 8th house in the 12th house

Short life expectancy, unworthy spending of money; a tendency to deceive and an interest in receiving religious education can also be predicted.

Material from the book “Vedic Astrology”. Tom Hopke


Sun in the 8th house
Shyness, living far from birthplace, poor eyesight, digestive problems, few children. They are interested in mysticism and can earn money in government service.

Moon in the 8th house
Typically this placement indicates a strong, strong body and weak mental abilities. They are interested in the mysterious, and during their youth they suffer from loneliness and emotional distress. Life expectancy is average, eye diseases and inheritance are possible.

Mars in the 8th house
Marriage problems, unnecessary travel, involvement in dangerous or destructive activities, arguments, litigation. There may be a short life expectancy, dubious business, cunning and deceit. They can get a good inheritance, their speech is convincing.

Mercury in the 8th house
Long life, good education, mystical knowledge, inheritance, early separation from a marriage partner. They have few children, they tend to talk badly about others and complain about life. They have few friends.

Jupiter in the 8th house
Subordinate position, long life, lack of stability in marriage. There is a stain on their reputation, their character can be pretentious and insincere.
Liver disease and undiagnosed diseases are possible.

Venus in the 8th house
A long and peaceful life, a peaceful death, interest in the spiritual, inheritance and property. These people may marry late, or their partner will be a strange unusual person, or they will have several marriages. One should expect unfulfilled hopes in the field of art.

Saturn in the 8th house
Eye diseases, a tendency to deceive, treachery, long life, interest in mysticism, isolation, unsociability, a tendency to diseases of the excretory system. This person can live separately from their child.

Rahu in 8th house
Pickiness, grumpiness, dubious means of earning money, a tendency to deceive, and they themselves are deceived. These people suffer from social stigma and may become involved in matters related to poisons, drugs or medications. However, they are characterized by a certain piety, their life is long, and their death may be unnatural.

Ketu in the 8th house
Obstacles in your career, chronic illnesses and troubles associated with the excretory system. They have an average life expectancy, possible loss of inheritance, and a tendency to engage in illegal and scandalous actions. Dangerous enemies.

Indubala Devi Dasi (Pozdeeva I.V.) “Jyotish, or Vedic Astrology”

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Eighth house of the natal chart

Read about all the houses of the horoscope and the position of the Rulers in the houses.

Eighth house

Symbolic rulers Scorpio, Pluto, Mars, culminating in Uranus, in captivity Chiron, Venus, in the fall of the Moon.

The 8th house is the house of birth and death, the house of egregor change. If Scorpio rules the general idea of ​​transformation and stands above any significant changes(internal and external), then the 8th house means the specific circumstances of a person’s life when his type of service changes. These are, for example, marriage and divorce (change of family egregor), change of place of work (dismissal and admission), admission or graduation from an educational institution, change of occupation and, of course, physical birth and death.

However, a change in the egregor that a person serves is not necessarily accompanied by a change in his external circumstances. Sometimes it occurs as a result of a psychological crisis that occurs only during inner life, and is accompanied by changes, sometimes quite significant, only in the inner world. For mystics, a sharp increase in the level of the egregor that a person serves is called initiation, and is sometimes accompanied by strong energetic and emotional effects (appearances of saints, high teachers, etc.). The average person (as well as the average person) high level development) a change in egregor as a result of a psychological crisis can pass almost unnoticed; in any case, he may not notice anything special, he will simply discover, for example, that he has become softer, kinder, understands others better and is less angry and irritated with them. There are also psychological crises with the opposite effect, when a person submits to a more rigid and imperative egregor, and as a result becomes more selfish, fanatical, intolerant of other people and opinions, and finally, simply evil, but sometimes, with all this, he acquires, within a certain range, significant power over world (entering the service of a crystallized egregor was previously called “selling your soul to the devil”).

Under the 8th house there is imperative service to the egregor, when a person’s will is practically turned off and he, like a puppet, is under its control, as well as any moments of strong connection with his egregor, when a person clearly senses his presence and will. These can be both religious states and moments of connection with the national or smaller group egregors of one’s city, work, classroom. In particular, the 8th house governs group ethics (i.e. the ethics of the group egregor) and its relationship with a person’s personal ethics; in other words, the 8th house is turned on whenever a specific problem arises in a person’s interaction with the team of which he is a member (interaction with an alien team, depending on its nature, can go, for example, under the 2nd, 5th or 7th m house - and a person passes by, gives a concert or gets into a fight). When the problem of interaction is solved, and human activity begins within the framework or on the instructions of the team, the 8th house switches to the 11th (or the 5th, and sometimes the 1st, depending on the circumstances). In particular, under the 8th house there are conflicts (and joyful agreement) between a person and public opinion; responsible persons with a strong 8th house it is formed by ideologists, politicians, as well as writers, journalists and directors who have a sense of citizenship, i.e. connected to a national or ethnic egregor, and considering it their direct duty to form public consciousness, ethics and morality.

Under the 8th house comes group ethics, in particular, group values, including material ones; Therefore, tax collectors and financial magnates, who, as a rule, have extraordinary psychological abilities, are in the 8th house. In general, the 8th house governs deep psychology, but especially the processes of restructuring the psyche. In addition, controlling the direct connection with egregors, the 8th house often stands over various occult and mystical actions, especially over group meditations (paired meditations most often occur under the 7th house, single meditations under the 12th).

At the first level of working out the 8th house its inclusion is not reflected by a person, i.e. a person is not able to realize, understand or explain what is happening to him. At moments of change of egregors, he is passed, so to speak, from hand to hand, without asking his consent, turning off his will and, to a large extent, his thinking. “I myself don’t understand how I married her,” he will say later. “Some kind of eclipse has occurred.” Other moments of choice occur in a similar style. life path: education, work, place of residence, social circle, etc. The karmic egregor does not rely on the mind and free will of a person and, at moments of switching low egregors, takes everything upon himself, so to speak, the person himself marries, divorces and transfers from job to job. Subjectively, this is most often experienced as difficult, and the emotional details psychological state are quickly repressed, because at these moments a person subconsciously feels his powerlessness in the face of fate, although for himself (and those around him), he often tries with all his might to act out the performance of free choice.

Psychological crises can occur in different ways, depending on the aspects of the 8th house, but are practically not reflected and are rarely recognized by the person himself as something significant; he will say that he is simply in a bad mood and is not inclined (and cannot) go deeper into its details and analysis; Moreover, the result of a crisis is often much more noticeable to others than to himself.

Conflicts are possible with one’s group, but group ethics is sacred to a person, and deviation from it, especially among others, seems to him sacrilege. For himself, a person, of course, will always find extenuating circumstances, but if he really feels the group will, he will obey unconditionally; for him, ideological conflict with public opinion and non-recognition of group values ​​are unthinkable. Moreover, the most striking moments of his life occur precisely when the 8th house is strongly turned on: these are group meditations such as persecution of dissidents and people of other faiths, or simply the collective formation of a general opinion on a particular issue, when the group egregor is strongly turned on, and the person experiences the most powerful of the available him of religious feelings (actually religious feelings, i.e. connection to a religious egregor, are weak at this level or are achieved through a group egregor, during joint prayer). Actually, mysticism at this level comes down to belief in omens, fortune telling, etc., as well as access to the lower, astral plane; primitive witchcraft, spells, mediumistic trances, etc. The main group value is money, and many seemingly mysterious events ultimately come down to it; This person usually does not join groups with more subtle values. A person at this level treats the thought of his death with horror and diligently represses it.

At the second level of working out the 8th house a person feels the change of egregors as a very significant moment in life and often prepares for this in advance: he thinks about the nature of his education, profession, tries to understand the specifics of the company and his activities in it before entering work, does not marry or divorce as frivolously as is often the case in first level. He tries to consciously approach the problem of childbirth in his family, and the birth of another child is, in any case, somehow discussed.

Psychological crises are recognized, and a person associates changes in his external life, although his rationalizations on this matter are quite naive; however, he already comprehends the law according to which a person receives what he wants when it ceases to be categorically necessary for him. At the same time, a person still has practically no power over his subconscious during periods of crisis and understands very poorly what, in fact, is happening to him, although he feels that it is important for him. Having emerged from the crisis, he feels changes in himself, but he can only express them in words with great difficulty and is not the most important thing: attentive others often see more than he himself. Still, after some time, having become accustomed to his new states, a person will be able (at his level of understanding) to say exactly what changes in attitude towards himself and the world have happened to him, but the internal cause of the crisis will most likely remain incomprehensible to him.

At this level, conflicts with group ethics and public opinion are already possible, to which a person usually respects short time, can oppose his own, but will experience it painfully and as a result, most likely, will still submit. However, now a person is already aware of the ethics of the collective as partially separated from his own and can consciously change it, forming public opinion in one way or another. But the person will zealously defend that part of him that suits him; this level produces nationalists and fanatics for everything from a football team to a political idea (Carthage must be destroyed!). At this level, a person may be interested in ideology, and he is not indifferent to the latest slogan of the ruling party. The value system may deviate from a purely financial one, including elements of culture, or financial values ​​are differentiated by the details of their investment; oil stocks are one thing, but a gambling house in Monaco is another.

At this level, a person is no longer only capable of low-grade meditations such as dirty sex, violence, etc., which is typical for the first level of elaboration, but can fall into meditative states during an intimate conversation, music, movies, theatrical performances, etc. etc., although, basically, his meditations are of the nature of not too complex emotional experiences; There is a skeptical attitude towards table-turning and conversations with the souls of the dead, although a person sometimes feels the power of thought and energetic desire as real.

The attitude towards death is complex, it is to some extent recognized as an important event in life, sometimes forcing people (and himself) to think and give a more correct point of reference. The birth of a child is also perceived as a serious event, but a person does not yet feel any special mystical meaning in it, although on occasion he can philosophize about this.

At the third level of working out the 8th house a person already roughly senses which egregor he is under in each specific case, and perceives moments of switching his strong egregors (family, work, territorial, social) not only as important events your external life, but also as the completion of the stages of your spiritual development. At this level, a person has some influence on his future destiny: the highest karmic egregor shows him its possible options, and a person, within the framework of karma and within the limits of his vision, can choose them, assessing not only the direct everyday, but also the subtle (evolutionary) ) meaning.

A person perceives his psychological crises as stages of his internal development and as a transition to other frequencies of information and energy flows; in other words, after the crisis he begins not only to feel and feel, but also to think differently. Now a person can, to some extent, take part in their development, and most importantly, he understands their meaning and necessity, which helps him survive them, although objectively they may not be easier, but more severe than crises of levels 1 and 2. The difference also lies in the fact that a person is required to consciously and voluntarily destroy part of the lower programs of his subconscious, which is experienced as a difficult sacrifice - but otherwise, the person feels, it is impossible to live further. But the end of the crisis is marked by a transition to a qualitatively different level of existence, in particular, the next level of vision of karma and realization power.

At this level, the question of coordinating personal ethics with group ethics is very acute. A person has responsibilities to himself, his God, in other words, the highest karmic Egregor, on the one hand, and to the group egregor, on the other, and in addition, he has ordinary egoism (requirements of the egoic egregor) and also the problem of relationships between various group egregors , whom he serves (family, work, club, etc.), each of which claims his attention, time, energy (sometimes money). A way out of this difficult situation can be found only by carefully developing a personal system of values ​​and ethics and coordinating it with all group (balance of 2 and 8 houses) egregors.

At this level, a person does not identify the ideology of his group with his own, and is not inclined to enter into conflicts in case of their contradiction, trying, however, to influence the ethics of his group in order to increase, as far as possible, its evolutionary level. This person can meditatively go to very high planes and egregors, finding support, help there and reading the necessary information, which, however, he does not always know how to interpret correctly. This is the level of wonderful artists who often create without completely understanding what they are actually doing, and humanity, mastering their achievements with delight and difficulty, also poorly understands what is happening to it, in naive rationalizations comprehending its spiritual growth as mental or, in best case scenario, emotional development.

Specific mystical and occult abilities at this level can be quite high, in particular, a person can, at will, leave the physical body in the astral body, but he does not always know about this and practices such skills, as well as the ability to suggest, heal with passes and laying on of hands. Attitude towards death as a very difficult and important mystical transition into another form of existence of one’s essence.

At the fourth level of working out the 8th house a person has constant contact with his higher karmic egregor and to a large extent determines the lower egregors that he will serve, as well as the forms and tasks of this service. He has great implementation power, which, however, may not be completely obvious to others; however, he sees not only the main path of development of the future, but also several of its options, and can choose which of them will be realized based on the specific details of the environment around him, which is where his life’s creativity lies. In particular, he can connect another person to a strong egregor, forcing his evolution and involution, i.e. act as a white or black teacher. However, this kind of unprepared initiation can give consequences that are unpredictable to anyone, more often negative than positive, both from the point of view of the teacher and (especially) from the point of view of the student (usually involuntary, since average people are usually not asked about such things, but thrown at the strong energy flows, like a puppy in water: if you want, you will drown in a madhouse, if you want, you will swim out into holiness, if you have enough courage, dedication and flexibility of thinking).

This person’s values, ethics and, in general, the whole way of seeing the world not only contradict social and group ones, they do not fit into them, since they are not even expressed in appropriate terms. Possession of esoteric knowledge and culture, vision of karma and its laws forces a person to live a double (triple, quadruple... - depending on the number of groups whose egregors he comes into contact with) life, outwardly submitting to the ethics of the group exactly as long as he is connected with the latter; his personal ethics presupposes, however, predominantly impartial, attentive observation, the consequence of which will be the identification of the corresponding egregor and its evolutionary development.

Situation 8 at home this is everything that is directly related to birth and death: childbirth, including the newborn state (the first 40 days, and especially the first days of the baby’s life, until the umbilical cord falls off), fatal diseases and intensive care; accordingly, in the 8th house there are the professions of obstetrician, micropediatrician, employee funeral home, cemetery watchman. Under the 8th house there are also all situations associated with a risk to a person’s life, where (potentially) one wrong move can lead to death; in particular, the 8th house includes such professions as driver, machinist, nuclear power plant operator, surgeon, climber, firefighter, operative, backup and many others, in which safety precautions are a real and necessary guide. Particular attention should be paid to the road, which (at all times, not without reason) is a symbol of death, and any situations that arise on it, including the usual passage through it.

Another series of professions in the 8th house is associated with the protection of the egregor, for example, national (security agencies, secrecy system, censorship) or smaller ones (bouncer in a restaurant, security guard in an institution); under the 8th house there are scenes of jealousy produced in order to protect the family.

The 8th house stands (together with the 12th) above the acute ward of a psychiatric hospital, where crises occur: and together with the 7th it rules the war and the active army, especially on difficult days, when the threat of destruction of each specific soldier in the army as a whole is real. In peacetime, the 8th house rules the struggle for peace and, in general, ideology and group ethics; in particular, under the 8th house there are publications (books, magazines) that set themselves the goal of moral education of people (or their corruption). In addition, the 8th house governs all professions associated with changes in the basic conditions of a person’s life: personnel department employees, station workers, housing bureaus, etc. In general, the 8th house is very existential: when it is turned on, average person feels the breath of life more than ever and strives to quickly turn it off, since the weight of free will seems unbearable to him.

Strong 8th house gives a person a difficult life. There will be many situations “on the edge”, not necessarily life and death, but, in any case, experienced as non-standard and acute; perhaps he will have many cardinal changes in his life; Maybe he will be a scout all his life and will live it in a foreign country outwardly calm and serene, but inside he will not have peace and tranquility. Psychological crises will be more of a norm for him than an exceptional state, although they can be caused (as it often seems to him) exclusively by external circumstances, namely, the inconsistency of different realities or ways of existence in which he will have to participate, willy-nilly. This person may be one of the organizers of a new company or, on the contrary, a witness to the dying and funeral of the old one, and at the same time he will feel completely in place; the period of prosperity will seem uninteresting and insipid to him.

He will be keenly interested in group ethics and the value system of the team of which he feels himself a member. Over time, he can become an ideologist, a millionaire and a dissident, depending on the circumstances of life and the map as a whole, but the direction of social movement will always worry him, and stagnation will be tantamount to death, or even worse, since death for him, at least subconsciously , the most interesting and exciting moment of life. There may be an interest in mysticism, life after death, the theory of reincarnation, and there may be occult abilities that a person may not be aware of for a long time.

Weak 8th house happens to a person in whose life situations of sudden changes are not emphasized, and changes in marital status, place of work, residence, etc. will happen as if on their own, without attracting his special attention and not, as a rule, accompanied by strong psychological crises. It is unlikely that this person will be a fan of Dostoevsky, and in general the topic of painful mental breakdowns and desperate tossing between God and the Devil will not arouse his close interest, although if he takes up it, he can make an objective and very interesting study.

Most likely, he will, without much reflection, submit to group ethics, especially in those rare cases when it sounds imperative to him, but he is unlikely to become a major ideologue or dissident. At the same time, minutes of strong group meditations, when the team acutely feels itself as a single whole, will affect it weakly and will not remain in its memory as the most vivid memories of life. If he is strong, personal ethics and value system will be more important to him than public ones. He will not be attracted to professions related to saving human life (from a fireman to a safety engineer), and he does not experience piercing delight (mixed with horror) in moments of mortal danger for others and especially for himself. Mysticism and the occult are unlikely to be of much interest to him; most likely, he will classify them as prejudices, but here you need to look at the horoscope as a whole.

Harmonious 8th house gives a person who can work for three intelligence services at once and receive a salary in three different currencies, and yet, never confuse anything in reports and reports and die a natural death (with a trine to the 4th house, in old age). In the life of this person there may be many acute situations, psychological crises and sudden changes in the situation (family, work, place of residence, social environment, etc.), but, as a rule, they will end happily and without scars on the psyche. He may be keenly interested in situations with mortal risk, bloody tragedies (natural and psychological) and miraculous deliverances from the very clutches of death.

In groups, this person will feel good, he will be quite satisfied with the group ethics: and the team is unlikely to require him to perform particularly unpleasant duties. On the other hand, being a natural conductor of the will of his collective, this person can enthusiastically lead the persecution of dissidents, even if this is in theory contrary to his personal ethics. In any case, his own conflicts with public opinion on ideological issues are extremely unlikely. Rather, he himself will be a prosperous publisher of a magazine with conservative views on public morality, enjoying success among sensible people who know their worth.

He is a natural mystic; examples can work well for him, and he will use them without needlessly advertising it, just like his abilities for easy suggestion (often for selfish purposes) and witchcraft when necessary, but, of course, within socially acceptable limits. However, if he spreads playing cards or glance briefly at the remains of coffee grounds, he will see and understand more than you think.

Affected 8th house gives a person who has great difficulty making transitions from one life stage to another. Admission to educational institution, to work, not to mention marriage, divorce, dismissal and change of residence are always difficult for him and are often associated with severe internal crises, which, however, often arise without a direct connection with external circumstances, and are resolved for a long time, painfully and sometimes completely unsatisfactorily . Here the elaboration consists in the fact that a person outlives and buries the programs of the subconscious, which at first are still quite viable - which ones will be indicated by the aspects of the 8th house and the specific life and psychological circumstances of a person’s life. In place of buried programs, new ones arise, but childbirth is most often painful, the newborn is initially weak and has great difficulty adapting to living conditions. In other words, a person often does not like what is ripening in him, it is too unusual and requires a lot of work to adapt, and in addition, he has to change and revise too much about himself along the way.

Relationships with collective ethics are complex, a person is irritated by the unwritten laws of the collective, in addition, he often misunderstands them or does not notice them at all, as a result of which, consciously or unconsciously, intentionally or accidentally, he becomes a dissenter with all the ensuing consequences. He needs to learn to be more tolerant and interact more constructively with people, at least this is what his karmic program requires.

Very difficult relationships With death, strong suicidal tendencies are possible, often repressed or rationalized as if as a joke. This can be aggravated by a penchant for black magic and experiences with lower astral entities, which should be avoided so as not to fall into final slavery to a completely rigid egregor - the fate of maniacs, murderers, and many mental patients. Studying makes it possible to work constructively in very acute situations of the 8th house, literally saving people’s lives.

A. Underwater

Eighth house. Rulers Pluto and Mars, Venus in exile. Passionate feelings, secrets, division into good and bad. Social level.

Freeing the soul from personal limitations through exchange and reciprocity. Kingdom of Pluto: birth and rebirth. This process is accompanied by acute crises of treatment that precede recovery (co-ruler Mars), fatal losses leading to recovery. Exaltation of Uranus ensures transmutation emotional stress into spiritual strength.

The 8th house is called the occult house, the house of death, since it determines the cleansing fire of suffering, in which the passions of self-affirmation burn out.

The house shows the level of Pluto in a given person: the ability to modulate someone else’s and one’s own energy, the ability to influence others and fall under the influence of others, the ability to cast the evil eye and the likelihood of being jinxed, captain’s or director’s qualities.

The position of the 8th house shows where the gates of Scorpio (hell) lead, how access to the astral plane occurs: into magic, the occult; determines what a person will manipulate. Hell will open before him if he does not understand where he is going.

Pluto and Mars rule sexual relationships and experiences related to them; the relationship of Neptune and the expulsion of Venus determine a person’s predisposition to infection and sexually transmitted diseases.

Pluto shows our connection with the secret, hidden. He controls mystics, psychologists, sex therapists, doctors, investigators, scientists, astrologers. Pluto and Uranus determine the method of transformation. The 8th house subjugates everything related to death.

The level of Pluto determines how a person feels in a crowd, exposure to a sense of herd.

Managing other people's energies (as opposed to the personal energy of the 2nd house), Pluto deals with monetary issues: duties, taxes, debts, inheritance.

The exaltation of Uranus relates to the affairs of the house the marginal states of a person, dangers to his life.

If your partner has many planets in your 8th house, this indicates where you can take him.

N. Markina

8th house - Mors.

Death and rebirth - Thanatos and Eros - Surgeries, accidents - Inheritance, gifts - Addiction to risk and danger.

Astrologically, the subsequent 8th house denotes a part of the ecliptic that has long passed its culmination, or meridian, but is still significantly removed from its point of sunset on the western horizon.

On a personal level, this house forces us to draw practical lessons from the fact of the existence of other people and everything that can be designated by the concept of “not-self”. Crises and confrontations with the other lead us to change. This house also offers trials that challenge us: the danger of death, the loss of a loved one, and so on. He poses the problem of “getting rid of property” and controls the course of action in the face of major life changes, crisis situations, the mysterious, the unknown and the indescribable. It is associated with sexuality, in particular with the satisfaction of desires, destroying them. In the field of finance, the 8th house is responsible for changes in our property, debts, taxes, inheritance.

It governs our ability to change, take risks, and interest in archaeology, lost civilizations and ancient objects. It is also connected with our dreams, with that which goes beyond ordinary consciousness.

The 8th house is the house of initiation, the door of transition, the house of trials, thanks to which a person changes, becomes an adult, strong, capable of surpassing himself.

D. Rudhyar says: “The eighth house is very important, but it is difficult to interpret in natal chart person. Depending on the type of test of the eighth house, the person may have to make a root life choice. This choice affects not only the individual, but the entire society. In this sense, existentialist philosophers rightly believe that each person is responsible for all of humanity.”

L. Winkler

8th house Feminine, moral, subject to Mars (Pluto), death, inheritance, dowry, sensitivity, fate.

House 8 is again an intermediate house, whose statements are somewhat problematic and can give rise to erroneous interpretations. To understand this correctly, we must reflect on the versatility that the horoscope circle exhibits. We already know that in this case we are talking about a circle in which the division is made from the ascendant. But one could start from any other house, resulting in a variety of combinations that show how complexly everything is intertwined here.

Just as in the first house the “I” is shown, and in the second house this “I” receives material resources, so in the eighth house “I” receives funds from “You” and from the partner who is in the seventh house. So, this includes inheritances, dowry, gifts and anything that can be received from a life partner. It also indicates everything that natives can give to their partner in life.

It is well established, unfortunately, that the eighth house indicates death. So, if they die, they give something to their partner, leaving behind their own earthly goods. Thus, the eighth house becomes the house of death, which also indicates the type of death - a peaceful death or long suffering.

From a psychic point of view, the eighth house is given great value, since it points people to things that deal with very serious and important issues about the purpose of life, fate - and, as already mentioned, simply about death. These sayings are very reliable.

From the analysis of this house, conclusions are drawn about the sensitivity of a person; for example, researchers involved in related sciences (among them parapsychologists, researchers of the other world and others) often show a very strong representation of this house. If this is the case, then all realistic and material interests this person show a certain deficiency.

In conclusion, we would also like to point out that it is fundamentally impossible not to abandon the interpretation regarding deaths or type of death, since there is not yet sufficient reliable experimental data in this regard.

For example, a study was carried out of the horoscopes of suicides. and the results were extremely uncertain: the eighth house in these cases very often did not show the placement of the planets at all.

Only with the involvement of the oppositions of the planets (aspects) and the “lord of the signs” could this symbolism be explained (in hindsight!). But we can use information about the 8th house and use it for research purposes, for example, in the question of increasing wealth by receiving an inheritance.

Esoterics. T. II

8th house Porta superna, Locus piger, Argon, Mors.

Meaning. The next house, symbolizing death and everything connected with it.

Meaning in an individual horoscope

1st third. The property of the husband or employee, the last will, trade and honor of friends, the religiosity of enemies, the property of enemies and the property of a third sibling.

2nd third. Death, place and type of death, inheritance, profession associated with death, neighbors and short trips of colleagues, colleagues of siblings.

3rd third. Secret things, family secrets, income from hidden affairs, demonism, occultism, black magic.

Meaning in the Mundane horoscope. Secret State Council, mortality, deaths in high society, income of the state treasury from inheritance and wills, enemies of officials and clergy, friends of the head of state.

Meaning in the horary horoscope. Death of the person asking, last will, wills, bequeathed property, friends of judges and authorities. Otherwise, the meaning of the individual horoscope.

8th house, Scorpio, Mars, Pluto, Uranus in exaltation.

The motto is “We have.” House of joint money, public money, inherited money and property, insurance, taxes, income from joint efforts; money belonging to the partner. The base, selfish desires associated with Mars and Scorpio can cause disagreements over property issues when a single person wants to obtain public property for his own personal purposes. Throughout history, such motives and actions have led to war (Mars) and death (Scorpio). The 8th house is associated with death and destruction. In contrast to the 2nd house, the 8th house means the destruction of material forms: funerals, wills, liberation from the corporeal shell of the spiritual essence and its return to higher regions. Therefore, the 8th house is associated with higher energies, which are the internal causes of all physical phenomena, and is associated with the occult, parapsychology, higher mathematics, and atomic physics. Thanks to the exaltation of Uranus and the dominance of Pluto, the 8th house is associated with inner mystical experience. A person comes into contact with planes of existence that lie outside his five senses, and can contact beings that do not have a bodily shell.

F. Sakoyan, L. Ecker

The eighth house is designed to provide energy to the affairs of the previous house, i.e. relationships. And from a partnership point of view, this is a very positive house. This house looks completely different from the point of view of a self-centered individual. After all, here her (not very developed) ability to share and truly sacrifice her “vital” interests is tested. This is the sphere of refusal, at least partially, from oneself. In this sense, it can be perceived as a house of danger, a house of destruction and even death.

The funds that you have in your wallet and over which only you and no one else exercise control belong to the 2nd house. Resources are more extensive, power over which is distributed, and, in any case, belongs not only to you - this is already the 8th house.

Modern resource management is one of the essential functions 8 at home. Hence its connection with business and financial and economic institutions, as well as instruments for regulating material and energy flows in society. There are stock exchanges, auctions, pawnshops, taxes, wills, credits, loans, etc. etc.

The division of property acquired jointly by a married couple is the most harmless phenomenon of the eighth house. This house takes a much more dangerous turn when all available resources begin to be divided. Usually this led and leads to wars and mass death innocent people. This is the most terrible manifestation of the 8th house.

Relationships initiated by the archetypally emotionally balanced 7th house here reach a high level of intensity, they touch the vital important aspects existence. After all, the 8th house is also the house of psychological problems. The high intensity of this house affects any planet that finds itself here - its manifestations intensify, “swing” from one extreme to another.

Let us consider the problems of the mystery of life and death. Death is the opening of doors to another world, it is a kind of opportunity to break out of the circle in which a person lives. After all, our incarnation does not end with death. New problems begin, and they are extremely important for every person. It is these problems associated with death and the various metamorphoses of this death in our lives that are revealed through the mystery of the 8th House of the horoscope.

The Eighth House of the horoscope carries information about what is incarnated against our will, about what surrounds our fragile island of life, our little soap bubble in the unknown and unincarnated ocean. Suddenly this little bubble bursts, and we find ourselves in a completely different state - we die. Death is terrible for us because it is unknown to us. We can always ask ourselves this Hamlet question: “To be or not to be?” But such questions torment only those people who are not mature individuals. Because for a person who went through this mystery and answered these questions in past life, death is no longer a mystery and a riddle.

IN zodiac sign horoscope, the House of Death is not the last House. It would be logical - 1st House is the House of life, and 12th House is the House of death, and life would end with death. But for some reason, the House of Death is not the 12th House, but the 8th. It is located a little further than the middle. Seventh House - House of marriage, open opponents. A person goes through this stage, and then he is faced with death and death does not end, because only the zone of stability ends with death - the 2nd zone of the horoscope and the 2nd zone of the Zodiac.

Why does death relate to stability, why does death complete the middle of the earthly journey? And why, at the peak of maturity, should a person suddenly turn to the topic of death? Why exactly does the mystery of death and the mystery of the 8th House hide under itself that very burnt road “VIA-COMBUSTA”, which we have already mentioned?

A burnt road can be not only in a cosmogram, but also in a horoscope. This is the border of the 8th and 9th Houses. In almost all people who have expanded the border between the 8th and 9th Houses, this Via Combusta manifests itself or is formed in their lives. This is not what they have initially, but what they acquire, what their incarnation is aimed at. Expanded boundaries of the House appear if a planet is on the cusp of the 9th House. If there is a conjunction of two or more planets, then there is no boundary between the two Houses. And it is through this borderline state that Via Combusta manifests itself - Ophiuchus is embodied. The constellation Ophiuchus absorbs and dissolves human earthly karma, bringing him face to face with problems unknown to him. If a person is not ready to solve them, then fear settles in his soul and his life turns into a desert, his path really becomes burnt. Unknown terrible forces intervene in his existence, bringing destruction into his life. A person may not be able to stand it. If these forces pass through him, and he withstands them, simply not feeling them, then everything around him collapses.

The mystery of the 8th House itself also indicates that death is mysterious for everyone. This is the second mystery we encounter. The three riddles of the Sphinx can only be answered by a person who has learned the mystery of the three water signs of the Zodiac, their incarnations at the levels of 4, 8 and 12 Houses. The three riddles of the Sphinx are associated with the three sources of Water in our lives.

The Fourth House is the mystery of previous existence, the mystery of the ancestors.

The Eighth House is a mystery of death that must be solved.

The Twelfth House is the mystery of the next incarnation and the mystery of the final goal - where our path lies, the mystery of the final outcome. The riddle that the Sphinx asked Oedipus consisted of three parts:

Which living creature walks on all fours in the morning, on two legs in the afternoon, and on three legs in the evening. Of course, man. There is a deep esoteric meaning. After all, the 4th House is a four; Cancer, among other things, is also the Cross, the division of space into 4 elements. The number 2 symbolizes the Moon, i.e. duality. Therefore, in the 8th House of Scorpio it is overcoming duality.

Duality is the most basic mystery of our nature; it lies in the fact that we cannot find the answer to the question: “Why is this life needed, and what is beyond this line?” Life and death - these are the two principles between which we fluctuate all the time. This is the mystery of Scorpio and the 8th House. But during the day we must overcome this duality. This is the main part of the riddle of the Sphinx. “And in the evening on three legs,” i.e. It’s like he’s already an old man, receiving another support - a stick or staff.

The staff was a magical rod with which a person could do whatever he wanted. He had the opportunity to use powers that did not belong to him. A person received this staff, a rod, as a reward for the journey he had made. Here you have 3, he acquires this trinity. Initially - 4, then - 2, and only then - 3. Here is the definition of the Sphinx riddle through 3 water signs. Oedipus solved this problem. The most important thing is that this riddle in connection with a person has 3 stages associated with the mysteries of the 4th, 8th and 12th Houses, the most mysterious Houses of the Zodiac.

The life of people whose 4th, 8th, 12th Houses are strongly involved in the horoscope will be very mysterious and enigmatic. They will indeed try to solve this riddle throughout their lives, and some succeed.

So, the mystery of the mystery of life and death is still connected with the 8th House, and with all the metamorphoses of death that accompany from the first day of our life. And it doesn’t matter what this mystery will be embodied in. After all, the mystery of each House manifests itself at different levels. Planets, various indicators are only indicators. But in any case, death in various forms will always accompany a person. Death is like a sacrament, like a magnet, like fear, like a question, like a riddle. Whatever the mystery of the 8th House is embodied in, everyone will still respond to it differently. Some did not answer it at all, some ran away from these questions.

Usually here too we are initially faced with this duality. And we will answer the question about the duality of everything that surrounds us. Overcoming duality for each of us is task number 1. In order to overcome duality, it is necessary to introduce the third principle - AWARENESS AND THE ABILITY TO UNITE EXTREME. So, many people run away from this question. They prefer life to death. But people with a strongly pronounced 8th House, despite their terrible pessimism, still live. For them, the diversity of the situation and the sensations of death are the best stimulus for life.

Thus, Friedrich Nietzsche had a strongly pronounced 8th House of the horoscope. His whole life was a continuous struggle for existence, a whole chain of extreme situations, a fight against a deadly disease and, ultimately, death. He wrote: “The thought of suicide can be very pleasant. It’s good to spend sleepless nights with it.” Death and dying itself can be so unbearable for a person that it makes his life more bearable and enjoyable. But many people run away from such problems and try to turn a blind eye to their solution, despite the fact that these problems are very important to them. They bury their heads in the sand like ostriches. This happens, as a rule, with people who have a strongly expressed 8th House. Here we first encounter the problem of duality, the problem of dualism, which is carried within the same houses of the horoscope.

Let's understand this psychologically first. When we run away from solving problems related to what scares us, what can destroy us, we run psychologically to problems of the opposite nature, i.e. to matter "We hate death - Long live life!"

The primary House of life is the 2nd House of the horoscope. How less people tries to think about death, about the inevitable destruction of him physical body, the more he strives to build up his physical body and goes deeper into matter, i.e. in solving matters of the 2nd House of the horoscope. However, the 2nd House of the horoscope carries the same information as the 8th House of the horoscope, but in a distorted form.

EVERY HOUSE IS A MIRROR OF THE OPPOSITE HOUSE, only a crooked mirror. And a person who tries to solve the problems of death through matter, through the problems of the opposite House, encounters it, but only in a distorted form. Those. The more he hides his head in the sand, tries to delve deeper into material problems, the more he becomes a slave to matter, the more unbearable death becomes for him.

Imagine: death is inevitable, but a person runs away from solving these problems and tries not to think about them, but simply live. "The less I think about them, the better I will live, the more less problems in the end." And if so, then what should I do? This means that I need to live well in material terms, then entertainment, then comes freedom. And the more free I am, the further I will be from the problems of death. So, the more a person thinks this way, the more unbearable he makes the problem of death. Why? Yes, he thinks like this: “I will solve the problems of the 2nd House, entertainment in the 5th House, and freedom in the 11th House.”

And what is this in relation to the 8th House of Houses 2, 5 and 11. This is the Cross. Then, in the event of a person’s first encounter with danger, he experiences a situation of the cross. And he considers the smallest encounter with danger, the slightest damage, as a terrible blow. He does not have immunity because he included the problems of those Houses that are essentially in a Cross situation in relation to the 8th House. Since 8 House exists, we need it to solve some issues and problems in life.

Therefore, it is useless to complain about fate. We have incarnated, these are our living conditions, therefore, we need death. This must be understood and realized. If in our lives we exclude it as an inevitable factor of our entire incarnation, then we will encounter it even more. For a while we will be able to block ourselves, but what will happen later when this negative energy accumulates and explodes? Then our entire house that we built will fail and go underground. Therefore, it is impossible to base the problems of death on the problems of the opposite House.

For example, if you try to find yourself in the problems of the 1st House and don’t look for your own path on your own. What will the person try to do? He will try to blame his problems on his partner or solve them through enemies (“I can’t do anything because they’re interfering with me”). Those. he is trying to solve his problems through the affairs of the opposite House - through the 7th House. But this is not the best solution. The same thing arises in problems of the 8th and 2nd Houses. But, nevertheless, life and death, death and matter are closely related. On the one hand, they are antagonists, but on the other hand, they complement each other. This is how each opposite House complements each other.

The problems of the 1st and 7th Houses are shown to us in a textbook version; the problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses are shown on a different level, but nevertheless they are also very important. After all, the 2nd House is called the “Lower Gate”, and the 8th House is called the “Upper Gate”. Can the 2nd House be called the “Gates of Hell”? If you don’t take into account the problems of the opposite House, then it’s possible. But every person is given the opportunity to combine extremes, the opportunity to dialectically unite opposing properties. And it is impossible to unite them yourself, without participating in either one or the other process. This can only be done with conscious participation. What is conscious participation? We ourselves must be the unifying center of two problems, that is, the embodiment of the third principle.

The problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses, the problems of life and death, you must combine. Knowing that death is new life, and life is the embodiment of death. Therefore, on the one hand, you should not become attached to something that has a material form, because it can be destroyed. Here is the antagonism of the 8th and 2nd Houses. But you also do not have the right to destroy these forms, forcibly invading the created harmonious world that you did not create. Here is a combination of the problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses. You must live in matter, but remember that this matter is not eternal. Everything that has a form will someday collapse. But to destroy it and not deal with the material world means going to the Upper Gate, leaving behind the unresolved problems of the Lower Gate. You have no right to this either. We must live in this world. Moreover, we will never understand the mystery of death until we know the mystery of life. Why? Because there, after death, we will be met by images, embodied on a different level, of the very creatures that we had here, but on a more subtle level.

If we destroy something here, kill, deform this harmonious world, then after death these forms will meet us, the souls we killed will be incarnated.

INcarnation is the acquisition of form after death. Therefore, people who are destroyers, murderers, those who invade someone’s life, no matter who - a person or an animal, or blow up the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, will suffer after death. The image, the form of this temple, the image of the murdered person will torment them, because he destroyed the form and cannot go into the upper gate without working out karma for the opposite House. How to find a balance here, how to apply life and death here? How to find embodiments of the mystery of the 2nd and 8th Houses? You can combine information on 3 and 9 Houses, 4 and 10, 5 and 11, 6 and 12, 1 and 7 Houses.


The houses come together like couples, their mutual information flowing into each other.

How to connect the seemingly incompatible - the Earthly world and the Heavenly world, the world of Getig and the world of Menog, the world of ideas, with the help of which the world is embodied? Only if you overcome this duality, if you give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. And this is the only way you will learn to live in two at the same time. different worlds, knowing that they are dialectically interconnected. That’s why many people collect treasures on Earth, but when they die, they don’t take them with them; the treasures remain an inheritance for others. This attempt to carry beyond the grave line what belongs to us here, an attempt to hold on to what we cannot hold on to, and to imagine as eternal that which must be destroyed - all this characterizes a person following a low program, a person who has laid his way into hell.

If a person relates to money and material assets not as a means, but as an end and tries to live forever through these values, then such a person cannot withstand any danger. And, as a rule, great values ​​and material wealth attract extreme situations. The more money you have, the less protected you are.

The problems of the 2nd and 8th Houses are interconnected at this level: the more money you have, the more likely it is that it can be taken away from you. They can take it away from the 8th House, since the 8th House represents extreme situations. But a person moving through the 8th House, the more he risks big, the more he doesn’t care about life, about form, the more he can win in the end.

If he walks through the 8th House, destroying the form, taking risks, it means he can take someone's treasures. But will they benefit him? Too much exaggeration of the problems of the 8th House attracts the 2nd House, attracts matter. Therefore, as a rule, people who are the lowest incarnation of the 8th House (and these are just criminals) set the extraction of material assets as their main task. Yes, they receive enormous material values ​​without any labor. The more they risk, the more they get out of life. Does it benefit them? No, it doesn’t, because they only aggravate one extreme, forgetting about the other. Yes, you need money, but you don’t need to take it, you need to earn it. You need to be a Taurus in relation to material values, i.e. plow.

Look: according to the 8th House, money is taken, and according to the 2nd, money is earned. These Houses are dialectical, as if nested one within the other. Why were these Houses called gates, but no other House was called? It would seem that the 10th House should be called the Gate - here is the top point, the doors of heaven. But they are not the Upper Gate. 2 House is also a Gate, only at the bottom. It would seem that the 4th House should be the gateway down, and yet it is only a tomb, rest or home, but not a gateway down. Why? It is the 2nd House - Porto Inferno, which immediately follows the 1st House, the House of personality, the House of self-determination. As soon as a person is determined, he can immediately fall into hell. Those. the path, the road to hell lies immediately after self-determination.

And the 8th House, Porto Superno, Upper Gate, separates the last 3rd zone. What is the 3rd zone of the Zodiac? This is a zone of transmutation, a zone of a person who has already mastered himself and can change independently. He is already a teacher who has mastered the powers and guides other people. So, he can lead others only when he dies and is reborn again in this life.

We can say that the third zone of the Zodiac is associated with overcoming death, with overcoming the duality that was originally inherent in us, i.e. zone 3 person - teacher, winner of life and death. He overcame the mystery of life and death. He is no longer afraid of death, because... went beyond solving this problem. He, in fact, has already died, although his physical death did not occur. Therefore, it is in this zone that the Teachers of humanity - spiritual parents - are born. The mystery of the 8th House is very important to us. This is not just an answer to the question of death, but it is an answer to the question of life. By answering the problems of the 8th House, you not only go beyond fear, beyond the knowledge of extreme situations, but also answer many of the mysteries of your life. Of course, the problems of the 8th House are mainly outside of life.

But questions about pressing issues can be answered in different ways. The 8th House person responds to these problems in an original way. He loves life much more than a person, for example, with the 5th House. It is the constant awareness of death, its presence at every step, that allows such a person to very much love the opposite, precisely what he does not have. And moreover, a strongly pronounced 8th House gives attachment to matter. “What I don’t have, that’s what I love very much. Where I have a deficiency, that’s what I feel attached to.” This is where the duality of any House is manifested.

Here's another key to analyzing your horoscope:


For example, the 2nd House, which has good indicators (cluster of planets: SUN, VENUS, NEPTUNE and MERCURY), is strongly expressed, but a person’s 8th House is empty. Initially, he has money, values, and a sense of harmonious life too. It would seem that he has everything. But such a person is a pessimist, he attracts extreme situations, he lacks something in life. There is not enough thrill in life. Why? Let’s say VENUS, the Significator of the 2nd House, is located in the 2nd House, where the luminary is also located. But a person lacks something, he is drawn to the 8th House, drawn to death. And hence pessimism, dissatisfaction, the desire to leave this world. He is tormented by the question: “Why do we live here? It’s better there! We are born here for torment.” Nevertheless, the more a person upsets himself in this way, the more fully he experiences real life. And in material terms he will be a materialist and a realist. There is nothing you can do to trick such a person; the more he talks about death, the more materialist he will become.

In any case, an empty House, with the opposite House heavily filled with planets, will always give attraction; we always want what we don’t have. It would seem that the House is insignificant, but it manifests itself in a person’s thoughts. Therefore, a person develops it throughout his life.

In this case, each House is a mirror of the opposite House. If the 2nd House is very busy, but the 8th is not, then the opposite House is still reflected in the 8th House. Therefore, a person will experience a deficiency in the problems of an empty House, something will prevent him from moving towards complete happiness.

But keep in mind that all this is classically applicable only for those people whose cosmogram and horoscope are inverted relative to each other. What does it mean? This means that such a person should have an ASC near the sign opposite Aries. This is Virgo - Libra. Then the Houses relative to the cosmogram will be inverted.

For example, ASC in Libra in itself makes it possible to reverse the Houses relative to the sign. The 8th House represents Scorpio, and Scorpio falls into the 2nd House. It is very full, and the 8th House in Taurus is empty. Naturally, in this case there will be an attraction to the problems of the 8th House, but life does not provide him with this. From here a person develops dissatisfaction, pessimism, thoughts about death, and a desire to attract this death. And he can experience life only through death. And for the person himself, thoughts about death strengthen the body, but it becomes difficult for his loved ones to deal with him.

Good and evil are not connected with life and death. Good and evil are contained within us, and we must make our own choices, and everything else - life and death, consciousness and matter - is outside of us. Therefore, we do not need to make such a choice, since this does not only apply to us. After choosing good and evil, we already find ourselves in conditions - this is life or death, etc. Good and evil cannot be balanced; choices must be made.

Any person with a strong 8th House may perceive these problems differently. But one way or another they are connected with the problems of the 2nd House, i.e. death is connected with life, and secondly, with the problems of all Houses associated with the 8th House in the trine, i.e. with problems of 4th and 12th Houses. Moreover, the 8th House is the middle of the Sphinx’s riddle, therefore the initial mature predestination of man, the possibility of victory over duality. It is very important how the person himself answers it, what choice he makes in relation to this riddle. Therefore, it is very important to look at each person’s 8th House, in what form it manifests itself, whether it is connected with his personal choice or not, with his self-determination. In a person’s choice of his place, the Almuten of the 1st House, which will be located in the 8th House, will also play a huge role.

Here we encounter another riddle of the Sphinx. How we manifest ourselves is a problem of the 1st House. A person whose ruler of the 1st House is in the 8th House chooses, first of all, to solve the riddle of death. For him, the problem of death is very important in life. Such a person must go through death in its various forms, and, as a rule, he chooses it independently. Almuten of the 1st House in the 8th House is especially important if the 8th House is expressed in the horoscope. Therefore, the problems of death and transformation, and entering another world, crossing this fatal line are very important and significant. Such a person can make his own choice.

If Almuten 8th House is in the 1st House, then the choice is made not by the person, but the world around us, destroying his personality. Such a person can attract extreme situations with his choice. It is not he who is waiting for them, but they are looking for him, absorbing and dissolving his personality. The 8th House is truly the 8th House for the individual. This is the death of our personality, the death of our choice, the death of our self-determination. Yes, a person’s earthly lot dies away, but in return he is given a heavenly lot and, opening his eyes to death and overcoming the mystery of death, he gains true life, a true rebirth. This is the meaning of Ophiuchus, that symbolic person who holds two snakes in his hands. He was sometimes depicted as a man with a wheel in his hands. It is practically a steering wheel that can steer the boat. The symbol of the boat is the problem of the 4th House, so we will imagine the 4th House in the form of a ship, because the 4th House is associated with water, and the helm of the ship is Ophiuchus, who directs the ship to where it needs to go. And the ocean itself, which we know, is the 12th House, this is Pisces.

The boat, the helmsman and the ocean are revealed in the mysteries of the 4th, 8th and 12th Houses, through Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Navigators often have strong 4th, 8th and 12th Houses of the horoscope.

If the Almuten of the 1st House is in the 8th House, then such a person needs to die and be reborn in this life. He may not be able to withstand this mystery of death. Any initiation (Dedication) is death and rebirth. A person ceases to be on the earthly plane, and he acquires, as it were, a new birth, he is even given a new name. A name that gives you the opportunity to serve the higher world. A person first acquires a name in the 3rd House. The 8th House is the 6th House for the 3rd House. This is a service for a name, a name for a service that he acquires in the 8th House.


Let's look at a person in whose horoscope the choice of the 8th House was classically manifested. He has a strong 8th House, and the Almuten of the 1st House is in the 8th House. If this Almuten is important for the horoscope, then such a person needs rebirth in life, like a butterfly. But to do this you must first be a caterpillar, then a pupa, and only then a butterfly. Death is a chrysalis after which we emerge into new life. The caterpillar, the pupa and the butterfly are the three hypostases of the trigon of destruction. The caterpillar is Cancer, the chrysalis is Scorpio, the butterfly is Pisces (the soul freed from earthly karma), where VENUS is in exaltation.

This woman went through death and rebirth during her life. At first she led a rich, prosperous and comfortable life, and then she decided to leave the world, and, overcoming terrible hardships, reached the heights of initiation in Tibet. Thus, she avoided inevitable death (from a cancerous tumor of the throat) and then lived a long life. She received initiation from the Dalai Lama and Pancha Lama, former officials of the Tibetan hierarchy.

This is a classic example of the attraction of extreme situations. She herself wanted this: overcoming death, going through death as an initiation, as a result of which her physical life was extended. She simply became a different person. After all, according to her horoscope short life, and she lived to be 101 years old.

A. David-Noel was born in Paris on October 24 (Scorpio, in which the mystery of death is played out) 1868 at 5 o'clock in the morning. She died on September 8, 1969.

To embody the mystery of the 8th House, it is not necessary to have many planets in the 8th House, just one, but strong one. If there are many planets in the 8th House, then a person has a background of death, and a field of extreme situations forms around him.

What is initiation? Initiation is immunity to death, after which a person becomes a teacher, entering the 8th House. It's the same vaccine. It is an inoculation of death to induce immunity against it. What is immunity to death? This is knowledge of transcendental life and participation in it, being here on earth. This is, firstly, the loss of fear of death, and secondly, the acquisition of contacts with another world. In other words, such a person already has Ophiuchus at work.

ASC - 9° 10" Libra. (ASC in Libra - at first she was an actress, singer, had excellent musical abilities. She followed the line of art, but then this ceased to satisfy her. Why? The houses are inverted relative to the cosmogram).
2nd House - 1° 05" Scorpio.
3rd House - 2° Sagittarius
MS - 11° 30" Cancer
11th House - 18° Leo
12th House - 17° Virgo
SUN - 1° 05" 04"" Scorpio - this accuracy is needed for Solar. This is the horoscope of a person who was able to overcome death through initiation. Although she was afraid of it, she still walked.
MOON - 9° 56" Aquarius. She left the world at the 43rd year of her life in the antiphase of URANUS. Her mystery played out in the twentieth century, and you can then build and see the main events in her life, which accompanied the progressions, transits, you can also build the Solar The MOON in Aquarius gave the soul freedom, but the SUN in Scorpio was supposed to attract extreme situations.
MERCURY - 21° 52" Scorpio - a sharp, critical mind, penetrating deeply, with a mystical tint. Despite the fact that she learned all the wonders of Tibet, she did not believe it until the end of her life. Read her book “Magicians and Mystics of Tibet.” She describes everything as a researcher, although she herself knew a lot, up to the materialization of spirits. And why? Because her 8th and 2nd Houses are interconnected, even living with the problems of the 8th House, she must perceive them as material entities. they had to have a material form so that they could be touched by the horns and be convinced that they were real. Such people definitely need material confirmation of the problems of the new world. They can constantly encounter miracles, but not perceive it.
VENUS - 17° 04" Virgo. Her VENUS is fallen, so she did not have sexual problems, like all Scorpios, and she could live calmly in asceticism.
MARS - 11° 58" Leo. MARS is strong, for a dramatic actress it is necessary. Having MARS in Leo is wonderful. By the way, for any singer it is necessary to look at it in relation to MERCURY. MERCURY is the tongue, it is the throat, and MARS - giving strength. Therefore, for many singers, Mars is usually quite strong, and for her, MARS is the dispositor of the SUN.
JUPITER (p) - 6° 23" Aries. JUPITER in Aries - she actively sought traditions.

Her horoscope convinces us that it is possible to overcome death and extreme circumstances. The 8th House precisely shows overcoming the inevitability, the opportunity to be reborn in this life at a new level. Not in the form of scorched earth (then your life is a complete desert, barren, like Via Cambusta), but a new birth. Then you will really be able to control many aspects of your life and will calmly enter the 3rd zone of the Zodiac. It also happens that a person has not overcome the problems of the 8th House, but his 3rd zone of the horoscope or 3rd zone of the cosmogram is very full. Can he implement the teacher's program, the magician's program, if he has not overcome death, if he has not overcome fear? Of course he can't. This is why people with pronounced zone 3, as a rule, die without knowing themselves, with complete dissatisfaction with their lives. They do not go through the mystery of the 8th House and do not receive immunity against death. And if you have not known death, then you will not be able to bring something unknown into this life. After all, zone 3 is the unknown, with the help of which you can change the established conditions of earthly incarnation.
SATURN - 4° 03" Sagittarius.
URANUS - 17° 29" Cancer
NEPTUNE (p) - 15° 30" Aries
PLUTO (p) - 16° 10" Taurus
CHIRON (r) - 9° Aries
PROSERPINE - 11° Virgo, upright, direct.
VOSH. KNOD - 22° 20" Leo
ENTRY. NODE - 22° 20" Aquarius
LILITH - 26° Aquarius
SELENA - 5° Pisces.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE - 1° Cancer, located in the 9th House of the horoscope. It doesn't always show happiness. It indicates a choice, a point of spirit, self-determination. So she has it away from own home, in a foreign land, where she, in fact, found herself.
She has the CROSS OF DESTINY in the 4th House in 2° Aquarius, i.e. in the homeland and in your own home. The stronger the walls of her house, the more she felt heaviness, dependence, suffering, etc. She also had the MOON there.

Her ASC is in Libra. Libra is the sign opposite to Aries, therefore, the cosmogram and the horoscope are opposed to each other. Opposing means that to some extent they complement each other. Then the problem of opposite Houses is more acute for a person, and he has to balance between two extremes, combining the problems of both Houses.

Why? Because Libra represents the problems of the 7th House (partnership), and here we get partners in the 1st House. This means that you must choose your own partner and look for yourself in your partner. This is why it is so important to combine the problems of opposite Houses.

In the 2nd House there is the SUN in the sign of Scorpio, which does not rule any House, i.e. free.

RULE: if a planet does not have a place as the Almuten of a House, then it will be related to the house in which it is located. In addition, it will play a big role as the Significator of the House.

Therefore, the SUN will be attached to the 5th House, the MOON to the 4th House, etc. There was no place for the SUN as the Almuten of some House. Why? The SUN rules Leo, and Leo is divided between the 10th and 11th Houses. But the 10th House is ruled by the MOON, and since there is more Virgo sign in the 11th House, it is ruled by PROSERPINE. Therefore, the SUN will be associated with the 2nd House of the horoscope, in which MERCURY is also located. But contradictions have already been introduced into the 2nd House, because... 2 House represents Taurus and is located here opposite to Taurus sign - Scorpio. According to the cosmogram, Scorpio gives rebellion, passion, immersion in the problems of another world, rebirth through matter. The SUN enhances this. Therefore, the more secure a person’s financial position becomes, the more dissatisfied he is with himself, the more “the rebellious seeks the storm, as if there is peace in the storm.”

In the 8th House she has Taurus, which contains the strongest planet, which is the Almuten of the 2nd House and the dispositor of the SUN - PLUTO, and also the Significator of the 8th House of the horoscope. PLUTO is also the King of Aspects. If we consider all the Houses of the horoscope, we will see that two configurations of aspects are closed on PLUTO. This is, first of all, a Cross situation from the NODES, 5th, 11th and 2nd Houses. ASCENDING NODE in Leo, SETTING in Aquarius. PLUTO is in opposition to MERCURY, at the same time we expand the orb due to the significance of the planet, and then we get a Cross on the 8th House. It involves all the signs of the fixed cross. And a fixed cross, if it is strongly involved, especially in all four signs, contributes to accumulation to a critical mass, and then an explosion.

URANUS is located on the MS, which largely determines its purpose. URANUS is bisextile PLUTO and VENUS in the 12th House. Almuten 8th House (VENUS) is in the 12th House, i.e. the solution to extreme situations, the problem of death, is realized through secret affairs and secret teachings. That's why she came to Tibet and began to study scrupulously, finding harmony there. But Almuten of the 8th House has a trine to the Significator and Elevator of the 8th House, and besides, the Significator of the 8th House (URANUS) is on the MC. This suggests that the problem of the 8th House is closely related to goal achievement.

The 1st House of the horoscope is also very strongly connected with the problems of the goal, because the 1st House of the horoscope is ruled by CHIRON, which is located in the 6th House in 8 degrees of Aries, directly on the DSC and in square to the MC, in trine to MARS - Significator of the 1st House, and to In addition, MARS is the dispositor of CHIRON itself. A very strong personality, going through extreme circumstances, through service. CHIRON in the 6th House as Almuten of the 1st House, it gives service. And since he is still in conjunction with JUPITER, he gives service to some teaching, tradition, which a person achieves himself.

Independence is evidenced by the fact that CHIRON and JUPITER are in the sign of Aries, which needs to break its horns in order to be convinced of something. This is closely related to purpose. Why? Because CHIRON and JUPITER are in a Square with the MC - a lot is tied to the ultimate goal, without which a person cannot imagine his existence. But this goal is somehow connected with death, with another world. And moreover, through all this a person overcomes the original inferiority of his nature. After all, PLUTO is in exile. And what does it mean for the SUN that its dispositor being in exile? This gives him an initial inferiority.

For example, if you are Taurus, and your VENUS is in Aries, then this will give you eternal dissatisfaction and creative isolation, the inability to open up creatively, and difficult internal sensations.

A person who has the SUN dispositor in exile will live his whole life with the feeling that he is capable of more than he has achieved, that he has unspent strength, he has some kind of strength that he is wasting. If a person has the SUN in Scorpio or Taurus, then he rushes into violence, into debauchery.

Through the immunity gained from the problems of the 8th House, a person must overcome the initial inferiority of his own nature. Moreover, since she has a cross with MERCURY on the 8th House, this speaks of terrible extreme situations that break a person.

If a person knows how to restrain the energy of the cross, and the cross is fatal (since the LUNAR NODES and the Significator of the 8th house - PLUTO are involved, and PLUTO is retrograde, which is also related to fate, to fate), can overcome extreme circumstances and win victory over death, then he a new birth is given already during this life. And if he cannot do this, then he will be broken. If this breaks a person, then where can these extreme circumstances come from? The easiest way to guess is: because. Almuten of the 8th House is in the 12th House and in a trine with the Significator of the 8th House, then death will be mitigated. The trine of VENUS and PLUTO softens the circumstances of death, but it can occur under mysterious circumstances, because Almuten 8th House VENUS is in the 12th House.

And the 12th House is also some kind of secret illness. Where can this secret disease manifest itself? And where is the vulnerable zone of death anyway? The death zone is the Taurus zone, since the 8th House is in Taurus. And Taurus appears on the throat and neck. The death zone was activated initially. As a result of this, without knowing it, working hard on the problems of the 8th House, she got throat cancer and hid it for many years. It was this illness that prompted her to withdraw from the world. This brought her to Tibet and encouraged her to study the teachings of Tibet and India. She was very interested in India.

Why? The last third of the 9th House just shows contact with the teaching, which is under Cancer, and India is just under Cancer. But Tibet is not under the sign of Cancer. Tibet is associated with Libra. Therefore, going to Tibet, she walked along the path of her personality, along the path of self-determination, along the path of ASC. After all, ASC are precisely those properties, those qualities that are ultimately developed in the process of our life. Arriving in Tibet, she fulfilled her mission, reviving a new life and a new personality. She even changed in appearance after she was given initiation.

She walked through the mountains along the Khasa and was received by the Dalai Lama himself. She is the only woman to receive the highest ordination in Tibet. Please note that the Dalai Lama did not accept the Roerichs; they were not allowed into Tibet at all and they were not awarded Tibetan initiation. This weak, frail woman came to Tibet to worship the saints, and her life was transformed.

Since URAN stands in the way of achieving her goal, the achievement of the highest goal is preceded by insight, like a flash of lightning. After all, URANUS is a symbol of freedom and transformation. The most interesting thing is that URANUS is also not associated with any House. It is divided between the 5th and 4th Houses, but the 5th House is ruled by NEPTUNE (Pisces) and the 4th House is ruled by SATURN. This means that URANUS rules the 10th House in which it is located. The goal is accompanied by something unexpected, transforming, suddenly changing and giving it goal settings. She never even dreamed that she would be given initiation in Tibet. The bisextile between URANUS, VENUS and PLUTO in conjunction with the 8th House worked here, i.e. death and rebirth. All these planets associated with MC are directly related to the 8th House of the horoscope: PLUTO - Significator, VENUS - Almuten, URANUS - Elevator of the 8th House. For Alexandra David-Noel, her initiation, her transformation, were of great importance. As a result of this, she found a new target through URANUS.

She herself was a pragmatist, because... She has a strong 2nd House. She perceived everything through real earthly life. Although she encountered miracles, she perceived them realistically. The 8th House itself did not shape her consciousness. After all, Almuten of the 1st House was in her 6th House, and not in the 8th House. She had CHIRON in the 6th House, therefore, she most likely perceived her life as a service, as a duty. Since CHIRON was in conjunction with JUPITER, and JUPITER rules the 3rd House, this gives service to teaching and the path of discipleship. Both of them are in the 6th House, i.e. ministry and discipleship are hers together. She was an obedient student Tibetan lamas and reached higher degrees dedication. Of course, she played out the Cross situation to the end, and she found herself in terrible situations, but she knew how to overcome them. Here is an example of a person who lost the mystery of the 8th House of the horoscope at the highest level.

You can play this mystery on another level. A. David-Noel was a tall white magician. What is magic? This is the ability to use certain powers. In the 8th House we first encounter magic, with overcoming duality. But we may encounter problems of the 8th House and a completely different order - black magic.

The conscious use of these forces leads a person to a terrible fall from grace. This happens precisely when the 8th House is extremely significant and important indicators will be located there. Especially if LILITH is strongly expressed in a person’s horoscope, this mystery can give birth to a terrible black magician, a sorcerer, a person who destroys the visible world. Unknown terrible forces pass through this man, and he pulls the whole world into darkness. It would seem that he has an open Upper Gate, but he closes it himself, despite the fact that he knows and knows what he is doing, and does not let others in.


This is one of the famous occult teachers and a great black magician, born in Tiflis. His teaching is based on real occult practices, but it does not free a person, but turns him into a zombie. Immerses him in the problems of the 8th House and creates terrible extreme situations.

In his opinion, a person needs extreme situations and sudden changes in order to throw him out of balance, because any balance for a person is artificial and in real life he is asleep. In order to wake him up, sudden shocks are needed - this is where various Gurdjieff practices follow. One of the practices was “freeze frame”: a person had to stop and capture the moment. At the same time, it was necessary to record your feelings for elaboration.

MC - 28° Capricorn
11th House - 23° Aquarius
12th House - 1° Aries
ASC - 19° Taurus. Consequently, a dense figure, a powerful neck, bulging eyes. Healthy forehead and powerful brow ridges. By nationality he was half Greek, half Karabakh Armenian. He is originally from Nagorny Stepanakert. The war there is also not by chance - as soon as the parade of planets began in Capricorn, where it has the largest concentration of planets, then everything began there. Sometimes a person’s horoscope is tied to different territories.
2nd House - 16° Gemini
3rd House - 7° Cancer.
He had to solve the problems of the 8th House, because he found himself in extreme situations from the age of 16, when after high school he went to prison for burglary and murder. He escaped, was caught, and imprisoned again. At the Tiflis Theological Seminary he studied with Stalin. Years later they met and became good friends. Stalin took a lot from his methods, and until the end of his life they maintained a warm relationship. There is an opinion that the car accident in which Gurdjieff died was the work of Stalin. Towards the end of his life, Gurdjieff’s tongue began to loosen, and he began to tell something about Stalin.
It was 1949, and there was no need to be shy about methods. Gurdjieff's death did not pass without a trace for Stalin, since Stalin lived as long as Gurdjieff, i.e. 73 years old.
SUN - 23° 41" 24"" Capricorn
MOON - 12° Capricorn
MERCURY - 14° Aquarius
VENUS - 28° Sagittarius
MARS - 30° Scorpio (located directly in Ophiuchus, on the border of Scorpio and Sagittarius)
JUPITER - 24° Sagittarius (in the degree of suicide and falls into the 8th House. But this is not just a desire for suicide, but a person who constantly goes beyond what is permitted)
SATURN - 16° Pisces
URANUS (r) - 25° Leo
NEPTUNE (r) - 3° Taurus
PLUTO (p) - 25° Taurus
PROSERPINE - 11° Virgo
CHIRON (r) - 5° Taurus
VOSH. NODE - 14° Pisces
ENTRY. NODE - 14° Virgo
LILITH - 30° Capricorn
SELENA - 8° Taurus
We are now interested in certain circumstances, and not the entire horoscope.

Before us is MAN NUMBER 2. Initially, he had a choice, and he had magical abilities. Unlike David-Noel, who devoted herself to serving people, this man forced the people around him to serve himself. He has MARS in Scorpio, SUN with MOON in Capricorn. In addition, he was born on the 29th lunar day - a terrible black magic day. His MC was LILITH in the 10th House, in the House of Purpose in Capricorn. How harsh, scary, overwhelming to others his dark goal must be.

He should be lucky in everyone dark affairs. He gained fame during his lifetime - the SUN with LILITH was in his Zenith, fueled by MARS from the 7th House (MARS - Elevator of the 10th House) and PLUTO on ASC. Rising PLUTO, of course, gave him magical power influence on the masses. This is a variant of Kashpirovsky, who also has PLUTO on ASC. But, unlike Gurdjieff, Kashpirovsky’s PLUTO is exalted, he is in Leo. Therefore, he does not pour out his inferiority on the masses. And for Gurdjieff, PLUTO is in exile in Taurus, so in influencing the masses he showed his inferiority, the dark side of his personality. PLUTO and LILITH are in Trigon, and also with the SUN. The SUN with PLUTO is a typical magician. Moreover, he realized himself far from his homeland (in the 9th House the SUN and MOON).

Let's look at his 8th House. There is JUPITER, which is the Almuten of the 8th House, because The 8th House begins at 16° Sagittarius and ends at 7° Capricorn. And VENUS is Almuten of the 1st House. They are conjunct in Sagittarius, the sign of teaching and spreading influence over others in the 8th House.

What does this mean? The problem of personal choice and the problem of death and magic are nearby, welded together. This means that such a person lives by death, lives by this world, without which he can no longer imagine his existence. If we consider who is stronger for him - LILITH or SELENA, then we can say that Gurdjieff still had a choice, and he did not immediately choose the path of the dark man. SELENA is strong for him, since she is in the filled sign of Taurus, and there he has: ASC, NEPTUNE, CHIRON and PLUTO. Although she is not conjunct the ASC and is in the 12th House, her role is also important. He carried a guardian angel from a past life. This is what, perhaps, allowed him, despite many dark affairs, to have a bright defense.

If he had chosen the bright path, then tell me: would he have taken the path of the Teacher with LILITH in the Zenith? Would he interfere in politics? But many politicians consulted him. He also educated entire schools on the influence of a person on others. After all, Hitler with his Gestapo methods and Stalin with his security officers - total processing of the brain - these are all Gurdjieff’s methods. For him, the most natural path would be to withdraw from the world.

On the Internet, in thick books, the VIII House most often acts as a villain, the culprit of many of humanity’s troubles. Astrologers paint VIII with a big brush with the most frightening colors of the black-gray rainbow: death, destruction, crises, accidents. Sometimes more humane versions are added to this list: debts, loans, extreme sports, magic and sex. All these nightmares can be described in one phrase by Dmitry Nagiyev. When the famous presenter was asked about his personal life, he replied: “sex with Nagiyev is not easy. Few survived, but they survived.” From this article you will learn practical meanings of the 8th House in astrology, as well as ways to work through it.

Trojan War 8 Houses in Astrology

Each element of the natal chart has its own archetype, key symbol, image that is relevant in any century.

  • Mars is the archetype of the warrior who carries out orders (pure action).
  • The moon is the mother, the comfort zone.
  • VII - exchange, any equal interaction.
  • X is power and law, the highest form of which is time.

The main archetype of the 8th House in astrology- enormous collective energy, one force tries to capture (eat) the other. For a vivid imagination, think of the legend of Troy or any other epic battle. The army captures the city. The soldiers share the spoils among themselves.

As I said at the beginning of the article, in our stellar science it is not customary to understand the details. It is preferable to stick to abstract, general phrases and meanings. It's fashionable. It's easy. And then let everyone understand it as they wish. This gives rise to many conjectures and errors. Therefore, now we will analyze the 8th House in astrology in parts so that we can clearly understand all the subtleties. For VIII does not forgive mistakes.

The main meanings of the 8th House in astrology:

  1. other people's resources
  2. collective energy, someone else's work
  3. passive income, debts, taxes, alimony, monetary obligations
  4. destruction, sudden losses, death
  5. crises, stress, enormous tension, extreme
  6. accumulation of energy - then explosion
  7. deep, radical change, transformation, renewal
  8. sex (as an exchange of energies). The ugly phrase “to fuck someone” very accurately reflects the meaning of this piquant meaning VIII
  9. magic, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, NLP, manipulation techniques, any kind of influence on consciousness

Loans and taxes

The VIIIth is often attributed to loans, investments, investments and any financial transactions in general. But is this really so?

Axis II - VIII is the source of resources:

  • II - my money, my property
  • VIII - other people's resources, money (simpler: all money, property that is not mine)

Remember the 8th House archetype in astrology: I come to you and take away your property or you take mine.

But credit has a different nature. I come to the bank, which, at interest, by agreement, gives me money for a while, which I am obliged to return. This is the symbolism of Libra - exchange. In VIII there is not even a smell of exchange. I take someone else's property and don't return anything to anyone.

Credit is a clear signification of the 7th House. But if I take out a loan and move to another country, that’s VIII.

Taxes, alimony, financial obligations- pure phenomena of the 8th House in astrology. The state, symbolically, takes away part of your income. You can, of course, say that in return you get roads, schools, hospitals, etc. But the same road that took your blood is not your property. It belongs to the state. There is no equal exchange here, as it may seem at first glance.

This rule also applies to debts!

  • If I have any tense situation that requires funds, which I don’t have, and therefore I borrow- this is event VIII
  • If I want to buy a new iPhone on credit, which I can basically live without- this is VII

This is not written about investments

For investments to produce results, I need to find someone to join. To someone who is much bigger than me. For example, I want to invest in Apple shares, which can do just fine without my money.

Law of success according to VIII- I invest money in a large boiler that exceeds my capabilities several times. From the series: I am a soldier who joined a large army to take over the city.

Formulas 8 Houses in astrology:

  • Ruler II to VIII- I invest mine in something greater than my financial capabilities. I make profit from passive sources of income. Which ones exactly? Look at the VIII's connection with other Houses. With IV - I rent/invest in real estate. With V - my own projects, which I outsource. With I or II, I invest in valuables, buy shares of companies related to clothing and food.
    If there are no additional instructions, then work and honest hard work 24 hours a day will bring nothing but problems and disastrous results.
    The formula for this position is income from someone else's big pie. However, I only bring flour for cooking. I am not involved in the process myself. Investments in startups and full financing of other people’s projects are extremely undesirable in this situation and threaten big losses(the reverse side of the 8th House in astrology).
    It is quite possible that the last paragraphs will now save someone from big losses. Astrology is accurate! Only astrologers themselves should not forget about this!
  • Lord of the VIIIth in the IInd, aspects between the lords of the IInd and VIIIth- more suitable for investing in startups. Rule: other people's projects are implemented with the help of my resources, and from this I can earn income. I can take a bite out of the big pie. But besides bringing sugar, I also need to light the stove. Have a hand in the process.

If you are an octogenarian?

If VIII is strong in your natal chart, be prepared that most social rules won't work for you.

In astrology, the 8th House is strong if:

  • two or more planets are in VIII (especially personal ones)
  • the ruler of the VIIIth in it
  • many aspects to the planet in VIII

You are an octogenarian if:

  • there is a connection between I and VIII
  • Sun and Moon in VIII
  • strong VIII

The desire to get something for free, spending as little effort as possible, is encouraged by the universe. And on the contrary: the more effort I put into something, the less results I get.

An octogenarian person is often surrounded by stress and crises. Simple steps can develop into severe tension and cause aggression. At the same time, in dangerous situations, such people feel like fish in water.

In astrology, the 8th House contains a lot of forces. If they are not fully used, they begin to cause harm.

Imagine you were told that you should use 100 units of energy for any action. You want to go to the store. This action is only 30 units of energy. But your rule is to use everything. The remaining 70 units begin to create problems. You come to the store - it is closed. You go to another one - they don’t have what you wanted to buy. And so on until the remaining 70 units will not be used.

What you can do:

  • delegate as many tasks as possible to other people
  • create conscious tension: I go to work under heavy loads, play sports intensively, do anything extreme, from rafting down a mountain river to working in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
    Usually, if a person of the VIIIth has a calm period, this is the calm before the storm, after which a series of stressful events begins. And vice versa, crises contribute to growth and development. VIII + X - during difficult times, world crises, my business is going uphill; I quit with a scandal - I find a job that I never dreamed of.
  • energy practices: yoga, qigong, oriental martial arts.
  • strong, deep psycho-techniques: holotropic breathing, deep trance, RPT, transformational practices, NLP

In astrology, the 8th House is associated with collective energy (significator Pluto). Eight-housers practically do not succumb to public influence and can safely go against the crowd or vice versa, direct it, light up others, give that same magic kick.

If an eight-house worker enters the sleeping kingdom of office workers, then in a couple of moments everyone will wake up and start working.

Do you know how to cook?

Today we have very closely examined the 8th House in astrology. Everything in nature is harmonious. If a planet, aspect, House creates a problem, then you are using them incorrectly, using them for other purposes.

Don't you love the 8th House in astrology? You just don't know how to cook it. I hope you find the recipe in this article helpful!

Online courses are starting at the Diastro astrological school:

  • Astrology from scratch. Natal astrology.
  • Medical astrology.
  • Predictive astrology.
  • Business astrology.
  • Electional astrology.
  • Horary astrology.
  • Astrology of relationships and their optimization

You can familiarize yourself with the programs and conditions of study

Pluto in astrology plays the role of the arbiter of destinies and is the natural rulereighth house. He is responsible for death and rebirth, esoteric knowledge and transformation. The owner of the horoscope is constantly in tension and waiting for the next trick from life. This habitual state leads to a craving for extreme situations that allow him to experience life in its fullest manifestation.

can be compared to the mythical phoenix bird, which dies in fire and then comes to life again from the ashes, ready for a new life and trials. A person who finds himself in a crisis situation and survives feels strong changes in himself due to symbolic rebirth. When it seems to him that he is crushed and at a dead end, in fact, he is experiencing the end of a difficult period and the onset of a new stage in life. The planet knows how to reward for endurance and willpower, and when it takes something, it always sends a reward.

Pluto is the natural ruler of the sign Scorpio, which is responsible for sexuality, power and magic. This position of the planet means that the owner of the horoscope is a magician who knows how to control people and subjugate them to his will. He knows how to foresee the future, but his expectations of troubles are confused with premonitions and do not allow him to make correct predictions. The owner of this position is always on guard: he expects the worst, but hopes for the best. Not every human mind can withstand such a load, but Pluto in the eighth house is capable of not such “miracles.”

It is worth considering the aspects of other planets to the “arbiter of destinies.” All of them indicate the development of the spiritual sphere and are mandatory tests. All the events described by Pluto standing in the eighth house are inevitable, like death itself. Fate will be “merciless” until a person realizes what exactly he should learn from the events that have occurred. No matter how meaningless the actions taking place may seem, they carry meaning and draw hidden reserves to the surface. Difficulties are given by fate so that a person learns to react to them correctly. Only in this way will he rise higher spiritually, become stronger and wiser.

Jupiter, known as the benefactor planet, is responsible for happiness in relationships. Luck, luck and future prospects depend on it. Favorable degrees of Jupiter to any personal planet (Sun, Moon, Venus) is called the “aspect of happiness”. He in the best possible way affects relationships and mitigates many negative aspects.

The strongest manifestation of Jupiter’s connection with personal planets:
  1. Conjunction of Jupiter and Sun. This aspect fills relationships with optimism, happiness and hope. It promotes spiritual growth, helps to acquire and accumulate material wealth. Partners treat each other with kindness and nobility. The Jupiter man supports and protects his loved one, and the Sun man feels happy next to his loved one.
  2. Jupiter sextile the Sun. Helps family relations gain mutual understanding, strength and harmony. Partners travel a lot, play sports and discover new joint hobbies.
  3. Jupiter in trine to the Sun. The aspect is the basis of mutual assistance and trust. The owner of Jupiter charges with optimism and lifts the mood of a loved one.

A square (90°) indicates a lack of self-discipline or a mature relationship. Emphasizes the independence, extravagance and arrogance of each partner. Opposition provokes differences in views on life, indulgence in extremes and indicates the selfishness of one of the partners.

Mars in Scorpio is a strong position of the planet in the natal chart. In harmonious aspects, it guarantees its owner a strong and decisive character. A person with this placement has endurance, self-control, insight, honesty and magnetism. He is fearless and intuitive, but his courage is observational. A person does not rush to the “battlefield”, but watches what is happening from the side. As if in the thick of things, but at a safe distance. He loves risk, often finds himself in crisis situations, but gets out of the water unscathed, although he does not always draw the right conclusions.

A quiet life does not suit this position of Mars, and its owner feels life as a kind of battlefield. The more difficult life circumstances are, the stronger it becomes. After crisis situations, a person discovers in himself a reserve of strength that contributes to transformation, changes in character and outlook on life.

A person with Mars in Scorpio is vindictive and vindictive. He does not forget the insults inflicted and is ready to harm himself for the sake of revenge, just to get even with the enemy. His actions are clear and consistent, and it is impossible to defeat such an enemy. It is better not to stand in his way or betray his friendship. After all, this is a good friend who will always help out and come to the rescue.

Negative aspects incline a person to cruelty, sadism, alcoholism and push him onto the path of self-destruction. Affected Mars in Scorpio gives rise to rebels and desperate warriors. These are scandalous, very vindictive and painfully jealous people. They try to subjugate to their will by any means. They often choose the criminal path and can become both a victim and a criminal.

Mars in Scorpio in the women's horoscope

For a woman with Mars in Scorpio It is important to feel welcome and loved. She is very offended if she notices a lack of interest in herself on the part of her beloved man. In her opinion, if he does not demonstrate his feelings, then his love has cooled down. It will be difficult for her to live with a person who does not love her, and resentment will sooner or later lead to a break in the relationship.

According to the Eastern calendar, 2019 falls under the influence of the Yellow Earth Pig. She will come to power on February 5, and the year under her rule will be remembered for pleasant events, changes and new acquaintances. Many people will stop worrying about the future or living in the past and learn to enjoy the present. Changes will occur due to the end of the twelve-year cycle, which the Pig closes.

Horoscope for 2019 for Aries

For representatives of this zodiac sign, the beginning of the year will be remembered for fateful meetings and unexpected turns fate. In 2019, Aries will show a different side of themselves: they will avoid conflicts and demonstrative scandals. They will direct their bellicose character into the struggle for career growth, skillfully showing their strengths and masking their shortcomings.

In the new year, your financial situation will improve and you will have a chance to meet your love. Married couples will feel a renewal of feelings and will once again be dissuaded from making the right choice regarding the other half. Aries who are already in a relationship will delight each other with romantic surprises and gifts.

Many will have the opportunity to travel abroad and treat themselves to pleasant impressions. In the third decade of the year, health problems will appear, but if you notice the malaise in time, it will not turn into a protracted illness.

Horoscope for 2019 for Taurus

In the year of the Pig, Taurus needs not to forget about loved ones and pay more attention to them. You should not travel alone, since the stars do not guarantee protection, and a Taurus traveling alone will encounter many difficulties along the way.

Single representatives of this earth sign will have a chance to meet their future spouse, and established couples will want to formalize their relationship. Lovers and spouses will face misunderstandings that will arise due to financial differences. And not because Taurus will feel financial instability, but for the reason that they want to preserve and increase profits, and not spend it on buying expensive things.

The stars also advise against lending money and conflicts with partners or work colleagues. In 2019, Taurus needs to monitor their reputation and restrain their outrage so that people do not get the wrong impression.

Planets in the seventh house of the horoscope:

Sun. The couple is prominent, beautiful and respected. Spouses often do the same thing and lead joint business. The partner may be an influential, famous person. If the Sun is afflicted, the spouse is arrogant, selfish and capricious. It is difficult to make compromises and requires increased attention. A harmonious luminary gives happiness and prosperity. If the Sun is in a fixed sign, the relationship is stable and harmonious. In a mutable situation, everyone will “pull the blanket over themselves” and make excessive demands on their partner.

Moon. In a fixed sign, the night "luminary" creates favorable conditions to develop relationships. When mutable, it tends towards divorce. With the Moon in the seventh house, relationships are filled with sensuality, intuition and tenderness. People strive for home comfort and comfort. They love to eat, sleep and want to spend everything together free time. A woman expects devotion and protection from her husband. To be able to sympathize and guess her mood. A man is looking for a wife who looks like his mother. He needs a thrifty, caring and homely wife who will warm and feed him at the end of a hard day. Family life alternates with calm and scandalous periods, with hysterics, grievances and reconciliations.

Mercury. Both men and women need a partner who will become a friend, interlocutor and comrade of interests. Everyone expects a light, cheerful and inquisitive character from their loved one. The depth of feelings is not important, since love is viewed from the side of attachment, thanks to general views on life and an easy attitude towards it. The partner is usually younger in age, has poor eyesight, a stern, intelligent appearance and a passion for books.

Venus. This is a happy marriage that is based on love and exists for a long time. The husband is handsome, romantic and charming. Non-conflict and economic. If the planet is afflicted, he will be moody or lazy. The owner of this position strives for an ideal relationship and has inflated demands on the appearance of his loved one.
