Gymnastics of Tibetan lamas - the eye of rebirth. Rejuvenating gymnastics Eye of Renaissance -

As can be seen from the reviews, the “Eye of Revival” is a fairly effective gymnastics, about which many note that it literally changed their lives. If you believe the information on the World Wide Web, there are quite a lot of people practicing this method, and even more interested in trying it. Let's look at what basic exercises the technology involves and what their exceptional features are. This information will probably become important for many people and will help them decide whether it’s worth introducing into their habits. new method gymnastics

General information

As can be seen from the reviews, the Eye of Renaissance gymnastics is surprisingly well suited to our compatriots and residents of other European powers. To some extent this seems surprising when we remember that the technology was developed in Far East. The method involves rejuvenation - not only physical, but, more importantly, spiritual. At the same time, the “Eye of Rebirth” promises the development of a person practicing the exercise. Gymnastics was created by the monks of Tibet and consists of six exercises designed for regular practice. Five of them can be done by anyone and everyone. Such techniques allow you to heal your body, throw off the past years, and again feel the joy of life, inspiration, and the desire to create. The last, sixth, is an exercise created for those striving for complete freedom from the mortal world. It allows you to achieve spiritual improvement, effectively free yourself from sexual attachments to this world.

As indicated in the reviews of the exercises, the “Eye of Revival” helps only those who are sincerely, with all their might, interested in rejuvenation and liberation from the burden of life. The technology allows you to nourish the body with energy and simultaneously affects different levels. But you should understand: the result will only be if the technique is practiced daily.

Some rules

As can be seen from the reviews about the “Eye of Real Revival”, professionals assure: if you skip the exercise just once, you will have to start the whole course from the very beginning. If you stop for a month, all previous illnesses, problems, ailments, age will return, troubles will fall on your head with renewed vigor. However, there is a positive point: it is never too late to start over. No matter how long the break is, you can start practicing the “Eye of Revival” at any time, which will allow you to feel healthy, happy, begin to enjoy life, and enjoy everyday life.

As practitioners note in their reviews, the “Eye of Revival” is quite simple to implement, although the complex shows effectiveness only if general recommendations. First of all, it is important to approach the beginning of practice correctly - all exercises are done strictly on an empty stomach. The optimal time is early morning, as soon as the person has just woken up. However, taking a shower before gymnastics is not only possible, but also recommended. But after the exercises you will have to be very careful, in particular, under no circumstances should you take a cold shower, because hypothermia, including local hypothermia, is strictly contraindicated. In the first hour after completing the program, cold douches should be completely avoided, you should not eat ice cream, swim in the pool, the sea, or drink cold drinks. To make the practice as effective as possible, you can do several warm-up exercises before starting the approach. When performing the approach, you do not need to be overzealous. The main idea of ​​​​the Eye of Revival practice is to listen to your own body. You will have to monitor your breathing very carefully. Initially, the selected exercises are repeated three times, day after day increasing this number by two until they reach 21 repetitions of each phase. This is enough; further growth is not required.

Where to start?

As indicated in numerous reviews, Tibetan gymnastics “Eye of Revival” is most effective if a person prepares his body before starting specific exercises. This allows you to configure internal systems, organs, stretch the spine, activate energy flows, stimulate circulation through them. In this case, the very first step can be taken while lying in bed, barely waking up. It is quite simple, it involves stretching. At the inhalation stage, you need to stretch your spine, then release the air from your lungs and fully relax. A person’s task is to reach out sweetly, with pleasure. The complex continues by raising the arms and legs perpendicular to the bed. The limbs are shaken in the air for about half a minute.

Reviews recommend continuing the “Eye of Rebirth” gymnastics according to Kalder when leaving sleeping place. When rising, you need to carefully straighten your spine and stretch out, feeling the energy coming from the ground and penetrating the body through the perineum, passing through the body, saturating it with the charge necessary for the new day. As you exhale, you need to relax, then stretch again, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. At the same time, a person practicing gymnastics feels how a cool stream of cosmic force penetrates the body through the top of the head - silvery, rich, spreading inside. After this, you need to gently shake your limbs and easily jump in one place. The body is completely ready to continue, you can start Tibetan gymnastics directly.

First and second exercises

As can be seen from the reviews of practitioners, the “Eye of Rebirth” begins with whirling. To perform the technique correctly, first a person rotates around his own axis in the same direction as the hand on a watch rotates. Many people recommend spreading your arms to the sides so that your palms face down - it is believed that this is simpler and more convenient. This is not a mandatory condition; anyone can spin in a way that suits them. It also happens that people feel that their body requires rotation in the opposite direction. If this is really the case, you need to obey and rotate in the opposite direction relative to the clockwise direction.

As can be seen from the reviews, the “Eye of Rebirth” at the second step involves taking a lying position. You need to sit comfortably on your back and extend your arms along your body. The practitioner of gymnastics exhales as completely as possible, drawing in the stomach, pressing the lower back into the surface. Then they also inhale slowly, raising their head in an effort to touch their chin to their chest and freeze there. The next step is to raise your legs. Best option- limbs are straight, at right angles to the floor. True, not everyone succeeds in this, especially at the very beginning. If you cannot achieve the ideal position, do not be discouraged, because the most important thing is intention. Many experts say that at the very beginning of practice, you can raise your legs bent if you can’t keep them straight. In the highest position, they freeze for a few seconds, then lower the limbs, head, and release the air from the lungs. The main task of this technique is to activate the third chakra, which makes a person more successful and helps to adapt to society.

Third and fourth exercises

According to doctors, the “Eye of Revival” continues with a kneeling pose. In this position, place your hands under the protrusions of your buttocks, inhale and bend back as far as possible. Correct practice, the intention to bend as much as possible, allows you to feel own strength, fill the body’s reserves, and therefore make your own innermost desires come true.

As can be seen from the doctors’ reviews, the “Eye of Rebirth” at the stage of the fourth exercise is easier than all the others. People often call it a “table”. Some people at first consider this technique quite difficult to perform, but you just need to get used to it, and everything works out as if by itself. They start by taking a sitting position on the floor, keeping their back as straight as possible, and stretching their legs forward, resting their hands on the floor surface and emptying their lungs of air. At the inhalation stage, you should lean on your feet, palms, and rise so that the pose is shaped like a table. Hips and shins should be at right angles to each other, arms and body too. The practitioner of Tibetan gymnastics remains in this position for several seconds, maintaining the muscles as tense as possible. Then they carefully sit down and release the air from their lungs. When done correctly, the exercise opens the heart chakra, which means it promotes more harmonious relationships with loved ones.

Fifth and sixth exercise

From reviews of the “Eye of Revival”: exercise 5 is a relatively simple set of sequential actions, for which the starting pose is as if a person is planning to start doing push-ups. They lie on their stomach, take a supporting position, and simultaneously lean on the fingers of the lower extremities and palms. Exhaling, the head is thrown back. It is very important to do this as carefully as possible, especially if a person has only recently started gymnastics. Slowly releasing air from the lungs, the torso is gradually transferred to a position reminiscent of a simple house, that is, the fifth point is raised up, resting simultaneously on the palms and feet. They freeze in the highest position for a few seconds, after which they gradually return to their original position and release the air from their lungs.

According to reviews, the 5 Tibetan exercises “Eye of Rebirth” are already sufficient for everyday practice for many, but not everyone is ready for the sixth. As experts assure, it is this that gives a special influx of strength, allows you to believe in yourself, and be filled with global energy. It is intended strictly for those who are not interested in an intimate act in any form or form. If this condition is violated, the energy flow can destroy the body of the practitioner from the inside, so deception and self-deception will not help - you will have to be extremely honest with yourself. The exercise itself is quite simple, and you can practice it separately at any time if intimate arousal suddenly arises. Starting position - standing, hands on your belt or hips. A person takes a breath, draws in his stomach, tenses the muscles of the perineum, tilts his head, sharply bends his body, throws out the air with the sound “Hhh-aaa” and lingers in the lower position for a while, removing all the air from the lungs. After this, they return to the starting position, maintaining muscle tension in the perineum and abdomen for another 10 seconds. Next, calmly, deeply, slowly inhale. Just repeating it three times allows you to completely transform energy from sexual to free.

Gymnastics for women: features

As can be seen from the reviews, the “Eye of Rebirth” for the fair half of humanity is recommended with some modifications from general scheme, although they are not prerequisite. The maximum effect of gymnastics can be achieved if during all exercises you exhale strictly through your mouth, folding your lips in an “O” shape. For maximum effectiveness, you can chant the mantra “Om” from time to time during the day. If possible, do this in a high voice. The mantra shows the best effect if you practice it immediately after gymnastics. It is known that during the period of adaptation to Tibetan practices, a woman may encounter depressive disorders, but such periods are always short-lived and should be endured while simultaneously increasing the number of repetitions of each exercise. This helps quickly stabilize psychological state. This specificity is due to the peculiarities of the perception of free energy by the female body.

As can be seen from the reviews, “Eye of Rebirth” helps normalize hormonal levels. To do this, immediately upon waking up, you should perform a set of specialized exercises. To begin with, rub the palms until they become warm, then press the eyeballs 10-30 times in a row, rub the ears, and lightly massage the base of the skull with the thumbs. The forehead is rubbed with gentle longitudinal movements. Enjoy right hand, carried out from temple to temple. Can be put left hand above. The next step is a weak pat on the cheeks, massage with the left hand of the shoulder on the right and vice versa (as strongly as possible). Next, stroke the navel with circular movements, following the direction of the arrow on the clock. Cyclicity - up to 40 circles. The knees are rubbed until the skin turns red, then the feet are rotated 30 times in a row around the axis of the ankle. This must be repeated for both legs. The next, also known as the last preparatory step, is foot massage.

The described program allows you to normalize hormonal levels, normalize, stabilize emotional state, adapt to the changes associated with the practice of the "Eye of Rebirth". Reviews confirm that regular repetition of such exercises significantly improves the condition of women.

Is it worth believing?

It is very difficult to find negative reviews about “Eye of Rebirth” on the Internet. As many experts note, the complex is well planned, relatively simple to implement, requires little time to use, is built intelligently, and shows results in relation to people of different age groups. As doctors say, their clients do not notice any shortcomings with prolonged practice of such exercises. If you believe reviews on the World Wide Web, the “Eye of Revival” often becomes an element of everyday life not only for ordinary people, but also for qualified doctors who are forced to look for ways to cope with a heavy workload. It is five exercises for daily use, as professionals assure, that allow you to fill yourself with strength to overcome all the difficulties of everyday life. It is noted that with regular practice, the mood becomes more stable and better, which is especially noticeable if a person finds himself in a difficult life situation. They note that against the background of such exercises it becomes easier to believe in the best.

Spiritual and physical rejuvenation, if you believe the reviews of Eye of Revival practitioners, is especially noticeable before and after classes, and what is more pronounced is what is impossible to see visually. A person feels younger, stronger, calmer. The mood is normalized, confidence in oneself and one’s abilities appears, the desire and desire to successfully cope with any obstacles in the world life path. An important aspect noted by many is accessibility, because for constant practice of exercises you do not need to purchase expensive equipment, drugs, there is no need to enroll in special clubs or work with an individual trainer, but not everyone has the time and energy for this. In fact, the “Eye of Revival” is a universal program available to everyone - from young to old, with any income or lifestyle. All you need is desire, readiness for regular practice, and a little time.

Opinions and terms

As can be seen from negative reviews, the “Eye of Rebirth” exercises are perceived by some as something esoteric, and therefore completely useless. By the way, this practice is also known under the names:

  • "5 Tibetans";
  • "5 pearls of Tibet."

All these names imply the same technology. Those who practiced it noted that they sometimes encountered condemnation from others who believed that it was just a waste of time. But people who resort to it in their lives note that with regular implementation of the described cycle, their well-being actually becomes better, and strength appears to resist everyday difficulties. Some, by the way, believe that the “Eye of Revival” is secret, this is knowledge that should never have spread to the world, but was intended only for the lamas of Tibet. Others believe that the "Eye of Rebirth" allows you to simultaneously transform the physical human body, and immaterial spirit. There is an opinion that the practices described above are not just gymnastics that have a positive effect on the body, but ritual actions that allow you to change yourself to different levels. How exactly to perceive the “Eye of Rebirth”, whether to consider it a ritual or just gymnastics, is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main idea is the obvious improvement in well-being, which is noted in their responses by those who practiced the described complex. By the way, if you pay attention, it will become clear that all these exercises are found in yoga, are widespread throughout the world, and are known to be effective. Reasonable execution allows you to soon regain your former health, strength, and self-confidence.

No secrets!

It is worth noting that the “Eye of Rebirth” technique is quite popular today. Reviews, photos before and after using it can be found in specialized books dedicated to this gymnastics, and on numerous forums of interest. They really come in a wide variety. Particularly informative are the special communities created by adherents of this gymnastics technique. Those interested publish their stories, tell how gymnastics helped them and where it was ineffective. As for official book publications, the book by Peter Kalder should be noted. It talks about how to practice gymnastics and contains a full theoretical introduction from a master who delved deeply into the essence of the philosophy on which this method of rejuvenation and healing is based. Currently, the book can be purchased in bookstores and downloaded from the Internet for free.

If you look for reviews about the “Eye of Revival”, “before and after” photos, you will notice that good effect these actions had if practiced responsibly and diligently. The key to success is the desire to coordinate all movements of your body. Proper breathing is no less important. To achieve the most pronounced effect, when exhaling, you must try to empty the lungs of air as efficiently as possible, and when inhaling, fill them as deeply as possible. If during the next approach a person feels tired, you can allow a short rest. To maintain the effectiveness of the complex, in the intervals you should adhere to the same breathing rhythm as during gymnastics. The effectiveness of the complex increases if a person breathes as deeply as possible.

There is a time for everything

As can be seen from the reviews of practitioners (with photos), the “Eye of Revival” is effective not only due to each of the combined exercises or set of techniques, but also thanks to the right approach to breathing. Between all the exercises described above, it is important to take short rest breaks, while observing correct breathing techniques. To do this, stand up straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands placed on the belt, with the thumbs facing forward. In the process of exhaling during gymnastics, a person imagines how dirty energy leaves the body, and while inhaling, how clean energy enters oriental methods called prana. Between exercises, you should do several such approaches for inhalation and exhalation, and then continue the main course. The main task of the practitioner of the technique is to strive to maintain a single breathing rhythm throughout the entire period of gymnastics.

"Eye of Rebirth" is a system of physical and spiritual rejuvenation and development of the human body, developed by Tibetan monks. It consists of six exercises.

Five of them can be performed by every person who wants not only to rejuvenate and get rid of diseases, but also to bring inspiration and the joy of creativity into their life. The sixth exercise is intended only for those who have decided to devote themselves entirely to spiritual development, freed from sexual attachments in any form.

How to start?

Before starting classes you need firm intention rejuvenate your body and nourish it with free energy at all levels, as well as the willingness to do exercises every day.

If you miss classes once, you will have to start all over again. With a break of one month, all ailments and sores will return.

It should be noted that with any rollback after a break it's never too late start all over again and regain your health and joy of life.


Exercises very simple in execution, but when practicing them you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • You only need to do gymnastics with an empty stomach. Ideally - in the morning, after waking up.
  • You can take a shower before starting classes.

IMPORTANT! After gymnastics, under no circumstances should you expose your body to hypothermia, including local hypothermia. For this reason, for an hour after performing the exercises, you must refrain from cold douches, swimming pools, cold drinks and ice cream.

  • You need to start by doing three exercises of each type, adding two weekly. The maximum number of repetitions is 21.
  • Don't try too hard when doing this. The main thing is to monitor your breathing and listen to your body.
  • Before main occupation It is advisable to do some very simple warm-up exercises.


Preparatory exercises are necessary to prepare the body to perform the five Tibetans. They stretch the spine and increase the circulation of basic energy flows.

First exercise can be done while still in bed. This is stretching. As you inhale, stretch your spine and stretch sweetly. Then exhale and relax.

When executing next exercise- raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the bed and start shaking them for 30 seconds.

Then get out of bed, straighten your spine, stretch, imagining how a flow of energy from the earth enters the perineum, saturating the body with warm energy. As you exhale, relax. Stretch again, inhale, and as you slowly exhale, imagine how the cool silver stream of the Cosmos enters the body through the crown of your head.

Shake your arms and legs, jump a little. Now you can begin to perform the main complex.

5 Tibetan exercises


This exercise is called "circling". To complete it you need just start spinning clockwise around its axis.

Practitioners advise spreading your arms out to the sides with your palms facing down, but in reality you should do this exercise as you feel comfortable. For example, if your body wants to spin counterclockwise, then you should definitely listen to it.


When performing this exercise you need just lie down on your back, placing your arms along your body. Then:

  • Exhale completely, drawing in your stomach as much as possible and pressing your lower back to the floor.
  • Very inhale slowly raise your head, trying to press your chin to your chest.
  • Raise your legs. Ideally, your legs will be straight and at a 90-degree angle to the floor. But don't be upset if it doesn't work out that way. The main thing is your intention. For this reason, at the beginning of practice, the legs can be raised even in a bent state.
  • Hold for a few seconds.
  • Lower your legs and head.
  • Exhale.

Second exercise activates the third chakra, which is responsible for social adaptation and success.


In order to perform the third exercise, you need to kneel and place your hands directly under the gluteal bulges.

Then inhale, bending backwards as much as possible. Exhale slowly and return, tilting your head as far forward as possible. Third exercise allows you to become stronger, which allows you to implement all your true desires.


This exercise is called "table". In practice it turns out to be the easiest to perform, although at first, on the contrary, it seems the most difficult.

First you just need to sit on the floor with a straight back(ideally) and stretch your legs forward. Place your hands on the floor. Exhale.

While inhaling, leaning on your palms and feet, rise to a position table-like, when the legs and thighs are at right angles to each other, the arms in relation to the body are the same. Stay in this position, keeping your muscles under maximum tension. Sit down carefully and exhale.

The fourth exercise helps opening the heart chakra, allows you to harmonize relationships with loved ones.


For this exercise, you need to take the same position as before doing push-ups, that is, lying on your stomach, resting on your palms and toes. On the exhale throw your head back, being careful, especially at the beginning of practice.

While inhaling slowly, move your torso into a position similar to a “house”, raising your butt up as much as possible, resting on your palms and feet. Hold for a few seconds. Return to the lying position. Exhale.

The last exercise gives a very strong influx of free energy, which allows gain real strength.

Sixth exercise

It should be recalled that only people who are completely lost interest in sex in all its shapes and forms. It is useless to deceive yourself, since a powerful flow of force and energy will begin to destroy the body if this condition is violated.

This exercise is performed very simple. It can also be done separately from the main complex at moments when you feel sexual arousal.

To do this, in a standing position, place your hands on your belt or hips. Inhale, drawing in your stomach as much as possible, tighten the muscles of the perineum. Tilt your head down. Then sharply lean forward and exhale with the sound “Hhh-aaa.” Stay in this position, trying to remove as much air as possible from the lungs.

Behind the impregnable walls of mountain monasteries, Tibetan monks keep treasures of secret knowledge that can not only improve physical health person, but also to strengthen his energy potential. The secret of the Tibetan Eye of Revival technique was introduced to Europeans by the writer Peter Kalder, who collected the ancient knowledge of the monks in his book. Now the exercise technique is available to everyone.

Tibetan lamas practiced a simple gymnastic ritual to ensure prosperity, eternal youth and longevity. Technical achievements of civilization are rapidly changing the world around, depriving modern man opportunities to move actively. The result of increasing immobility is the development of diseases that lead to wear and tear. human body, accelerating the aging process.

The task of the Eye of Revival complex exercises, called Tibetan pearls, is to restore the health of the body by influencing both the physical and energetic shell of a person.

How to prepare for health exercises

To get the maximum result from performing 5 Tibetan exercises, the body should be prepared for specific actions.

  • After waking up, without getting out of bed, do stretching – while inhaling, the spine is stretched, fully relaxing as you exhale. Then shake the limbs raised up perpendicular to the plane of the bed. Only after this simple preparation is it recommended to get out of bed.
  • During the ascent, the spine is straightened as much as possible with inhalation, imagining the process of saturating the body with energy flows emanating from the earth itself. The exhalation should be slow, stretching and relaxing, feeling the energy spreading inside. To finally prepare the body for the Eye of Rebirth exercises, you need to calmly shake your limbs and do a few light jumps in one place.

The Importance of Energy Vortexes

It has been known since ancient times that the physical shell of a person is only a link in complex system subtle bodies, Not visible to the eye. Thanks to invisible vortices that penetrate thin shells, an exchange occurs with the energy fields of the surrounding world.

Vortexes affect all internal systems and organs of a person; the chakras are responsible for their absorption and redistribution, there are only 7 main ones and they are located along the spine. At the level of the physical body, energy funnels are associated with the main nerve nodes; they can be called a prana generator.

It is thanks to the chakras, physical body a person is surrounded by an energy field called an aura. Tibetan gymnastics helps strengthen the circulation of energy vortices through the chakra funnels, which leads to increased immunity and restoration of vitality.

Rules for reviving the body through gymnastics

The main focus when doing gymnastics from the book The Eye of Rebirth is given to correct technique movements and breathing techniques. A set of only 5 exercises is easy to master, but you will have to practice regularly. Correct execution of exercises will help to achieve the revival of vital processes in the body.

  1. The Eye of Rebirth practice begins after morning preparation with spinal stretching. Exercise on an empty stomach; if desired, you can drink a little water (warm). It is also worth getting a special rug.
  2. A set of 5 exercises is performed daily; missing even one day will invalidate all achievements. To enhance the effect of internal rejuvenation, it is recommended to exercise in the morning and also in the evening.
  3. On initial stage training, each exercise is performed three times. Then every week the ritual is complicated by adding two repetitions. When the number of repetitions reaches 21, the addition is stopped.
  4. Each of the Eye of Rebirth exercises is performed in strict sequence, following the instructions, without stress or overwork. If total number repetitions are difficult, their number is divided into morning and evening classes.
  5. The Tibetan healing ritual ends with rest and relaxation. You can take a comfortable shower, but douse yourself cold water not recommended.

To perform the Eye of Revival complex, it will take only 15 minutes, but once you start practicing, Tibetan monks will have to exercise for the rest of your life to maintain health and energy potential. You shouldn’t set yourself up for quick results; they will please you only after 2-3 months of hard work.

Breathing technique when performing exercises

Based on the reviews of people who practice the Eye of Revival technique, one can judge high efficiency charging thanks proper breathing. Health-improving gymnastics belong to the practices of Tibetan yoga, which requires knowledge of the stages of breathing techniques:

  • while inhaling, the diaphragm is lowered down with the abdomen moving forward, which allows the lungs to fill with air;
  • to ensure the movement of the lungs, the stomach is pulled in, which helps expand the chest;
  • As you exhale, the muscles of the neck are used to lift the ribs without straining the chest.

You should inhale through your nose, exhale through your slightly open mouth, mentally releasing all the accumulated irritation. As the five pearls of the Eye of Rebirth ritual are performed, inhalation accompanies the starting position, and exhalation accompanies the power stage of the technique.

How to do 5 Tibetan practices correctly

The gymnastic complex is so versatile that it can be performed as a full-fledged exercise or complement other physical activities. The tactics for performing each exercise are presented in the video below.

Ritual No. 1

The exercise is performed standing with a straight back and arms extended to the sides, palms facing down and face facing north. The purpose of the actions is to launch energy vortexes, the slowdown of which leads to illness. Therefore, start rotating around your axis in a clockwise direction. To begin with, 3 revolutions are enough, their number increases gradually in accordance with the rules for performing gymnastics. After 10 days of unwinding energy flows, a feeling of lightness will appear not only in the body, but also in thoughts.

Tip: Don't be alarmed by the feeling of slight dizziness. Increasing nausea is evidence that you have overdone it. Don't hold your breath either.

Ritual No. 2

The second of the Eye of Rebirth charging pearls is performed while lying on the floor. The purpose of the ritual action of Tibetan monks is to improve the condition of the entire body, which alleviates the symptoms of diseases. Step-by-step execution tactics:

  • lying on your back, your arms should be extended along the body, palms facing down and fingers tightly connected;
  • while inhaling, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin as much as possible to the upper part of the sternum;
  • when lifting your legs up, make sure they are straight, but you cannot lift your pelvis off the floor;
  • while exhaling, return to the starting position, followed by relaxation.

Note: movements during inhalation and exhalation should be smooth, and the knees of the legs should not be bent. Relaxing at the final stage of the exercise Tibetan exercise, it is important to imagine filling the body with energy.

Ritual No. 3

To perform the third exercise of the Eye of Rebirth practice, you will have to kneel in a strictly vertical position. In this case, your hands should rest with your palms on your buttocks, laid back slightly. How to proceed:

  • exhaling, tilt your head forward as much as possible to press your chin to your chest;
  • after inhaling, raise your head up, tilt it back, accompanying the protrusion of the chest;
  • Hands help ensure balance; palms need to be moved slightly up the buttocks;
  • returning to the starting position is accompanied by a full exhalation, then you need to take a short pause.

Clarification: This is an exercise Tibetan gymnastics requires complete harmony of breathing rhythm with movements. While performing the exercise, visualize the flow of energy; as you inhale, it moves up, and as you exhale, it flows down.

Ritual No. 4

This charging exercise of Tibetan monks is performed while sitting on the floor with straight legs extended forward. They should be separated to the width of the pelvis, hands should be placed on the floor with palms down on the sides of the hips, and the spine should be straightened. Lower your head forward, pressing your chin sweatily to the top of your sternum. Technique:

  • taking a deep breath, throw your head back, raising your torso parallel to the plane of the floor (similar to the bridge exercise);
  • at a moment of high muscle tension, holding your breath with a mental increase in arm strength is required;
  • during the exhalation stage, return to the starting position.

Important: all movements, as well as inhalation/exhalation, must be slow. You need to try to maintain a right angle between your legs bent at the knees and your torso, not forgetting to pay attention to the circulation of energy flows.

Ritual No. 5

The final exercise of Tibetan gymnastics, the Eye of Revival, is started from a position lying on the stomach, palms with fingers pointing forward should rest on the floor. How to do it:

  • resting your palms firmly on the floor, inhale and lift your upper body, throwing your head back all the way;
  • lifting your body on straight arms with emphasis on your toes, achieve a position resembling acute angle with the top at the fifth point;
  • Accompany the return to the starting position with a slow exhalation while holding your breath in the extreme positions after inhalation/exhalation.

Clarification: the final exercise of charging Tibetan lamas helps to harmonize the balance of energy vortexes. The process of strengthening energy, accompanied by visualization of the powerful force of vortex flows raging inside you, results in complete recovery.

One of the most popular and powerful practices that allows you to improve your physical well-being, tighten your body and learn to control your own internal energy is the Tibetan “Eye of Renaissance” exercises.

This ancient gymnastics was practiced among the monks of Tibet, who were interested in eternal youth, prosperity and longevity. It was kept in the strictest confidence, and its basics were known only to a limited circle of people.

The secret was first shared with writer Peter Calder. Based on the knowledge he gained, he wrote a book, which was translated into many languages ​​and successfully sold all over the world.

The Eye of Renaissance program consists of 5 Tibetan pearls(exercises) for every day. They are able to improve physical well-being, strengthen the spirit and moral strength, and help to understand the secrets of the energy of your body. They are often called youth exercises, because by practicing, you will feel much better, stronger, younger and more energetic.

You can see the benefits and effectiveness of exercises if you perform Tibetan exercises systematically. You can't miss a single day. The option “I won’t do it today, but tomorrow I’ll do it in 2 days” is absolutely not suitable. If you break your schedule, there is a high risk of feeling much worse.

It is very important to perform the exercises strictly according to the methodology, without missing out on the details. The number of movements must also fully meet the requirements of practice. Increase the load gradually. Minimum quantity repetitions - 5, with each new week they should increase by 2. By the end of the ninth training week, the number of repetitions of each movement will reach 21.

When performing the Tibetan lama technique, remember to breathe calmly and rhythmically. Breathing correctly is very important, choose a comfortable pace. After performing the movements, you need to plunge into a state of relaxation and relax. You can take a shower half an hour after finishing classes.

Exercise correctly and effectively on an empty stomach, the optimal time is after waking up. The complex is perfect for both men and women of any age.

Exercise No. 1

Starting position: stand straight, extend your arms to the sides parallel to shoulder level. In this position, you must make at least three (maximum 21) turns around its axis. You should rotate in a clockwise direction. Don't hold your breath. You need to perform rotations until you feel a slight dizziness. The main thing is not to overdo it. Nausea and severe dizziness - bad sign.

This practice is aimed at activating and developing energy flows. When performing the movement, it is important to be as relaxed as possible and focused on unwinding the flow of energy around you. If you do everything correctly, after 10 days it will become easier for you to train, you will feel lightness in your body and thoughts.

Watch a video with a Tibetan exercise and the correct technique:

Exercise No. 2

To perform it, lie on your back and perform the following algorithm:

  • extend your arms along the body;
  • press your fingers tightly together;
  • raise your head and press your chin to your sternum;
  • legs should be raised up at right angles to the body, knees straight;
  • you can lower them towards the head, but only until the pelvis comes off the plane; it is important to keep your legs straight during the movement;
  • Having reached the maximum point, slowly lower your legs to the original position.

Pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing, relax every muscle. You need to listen to your body, feel how the energy flows flow and fill it. Before starting the practice, you need to exhale, trying to completely empty your lungs. While inhaling we make an effort, while exhaling we gradually relax.

Exercise No. 3

The third practice for longevity is not difficult to perform, but it requires strict coordination of movement and breathing rhythm. Take the starting position, for this:

  • we kneel down;
  • hips are positioned vertically;
  • palms were placed under them;
  • the head is tilted, the chin is pressed to the chest.

Standing in this position, you need to tilt your head back and up, while your sternum should be protruded forward. Slowly return to the primary position.

Before practice, empty the lungs of air. Raising your head, inhale, lowering it, exhale. It is very important to breathe deeply full breasts, imagine how energy flows pass through the body.

Exercise #4

The fourth Tibetan exercise is more difficult than the previous ones and requires more serious physical effort. To better understand the technique, we will describe it step by step:

  • we sit on the floor, stretch our legs forward and place them shoulder-width apart;
  • the spinal column remains straight, palms with closed fingers are on the floor next to the buttocks;
  • the head is lowered, the chin should be fixed, pressed to the sternum;
  • tilt our head back as far as possible;
  • forcefully raise the body to a horizontal position;
  • the limbs are in a vertical position (the shape of a table is obtained);
  • hold the muscles tense for a few seconds and lower to the starting position.

The movement must be performed maximum quantity once. Raising the body, inhale deeply; lowering it, exhale slowly. Don't forget to concentrate on internal energy and its flows.

Exercise #5

Youth and health great value has the fifth “pearl” of the complex from the monks of Tibet. Do it correctly and calmly, and the result will not take long to arrive:

  • We take the starting position - lying down, palms slightly wider than shoulder level, fingers clenched, back arched, feet resting only on the fingers, knees and pelvis do not bend and do not touch the floor;
  • tilt your head back and up as much as possible, exhaling air;
  • while inhaling, we move the torso up, creating a visual triangle, where the “fifth point” is its apex;
  • arms and legs are straightened, chin is fixed on the sternum;
  • exhale and simultaneously return to the primary position.

When fixing positions at extreme points, you need to hold your breath for a few seconds, feel how the body is pierced by streams of light of positive energy. It is important to exercise with pure thoughts, a positive attitude and inspiration, enjoy the workout, and try to feel how your body becomes healthier and younger.

Additional sixth exercise

Five basic practices are the basis of the teaching. For those who have comprehended the basics and accepted this philosophy for themselves, there is another ritual, the sixth Tibetan exercise. Exercise No. 6 can be practiced by those who are completely ready to reconsider their lifestyle, way of thinking and even characteristics sex life.

You need to do this activity throughout your life. The whole complex will take no more than a quarter of an hour. With the desire, everyone can take the time to train their body and spirit.

The algorithm for performing the sixth exercise includes next steps:

  • We stand straight;
  • take a deep breath;
  • we strain the anal and urinary sphincters, the muscles of the abdominal wall and pelvis;
  • holding our hips, we bend sharply and intensively push the air out of our lungs, i.e. we exhale with the sound “ha-ah-h”;
  • draw in the stomach to the maximum;
  • relax the abdominal wall and take the starting position;
  • keep your chin pressed to your chest;
  • stand for the maximum number of seconds, pulling in your stomach;
  • relax the diaphragm, raise your head and take a calm, deep breath.

After a break, you can do a few more repetitions. It's best to start with three times. Gradually increase the approaches, adding two at a time. You can train once a day.

Exercise and weight loss

The “Eye of Revival” complex is used not only to rejuvenate the body, but also. Although it is not specifically aimed at reducing body weight, losing extra pounds Can. Tibetan practice allows:

  • start metabolic processes;
  • improve the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improve oxygen supply to cells, which leads to the oxidation of fat molecules;
  • tone muscle mass, strengthen the skeletal system;
  • increase flexibility, learn to control your own body and thoughts.

Gymnastics eye of rebirth is considered one of the most effective techniques healing the body as a whole. Before gymnastics entered the masses, its effectiveness was proven by Tibetan lamas. Gymnastics is based on five aspects, also called five pearls. Five pearls of great Tibet.

Gymnastics cleanses the physical, mental and energy field of a person. The eye of rebirth develops personality, rejuvenates, spiritually develops and increases the level of kundalini. Before starting gymnastics, you must take a shower or bath, and then start exercising. The complex itself consists of five exercises.

  1. Thinking training exercise.
  2. An exercise to enjoy life.
  3. An exercise to visualize strength and beauty.
  4. Exercise to form the energy of love.
  5. An exercise to feel the harmony of the worldview.

In between exercises, you should inhale and exhale and proceed to the next exercise. After finishing each exercise and before starting a new one, you need to listen to your feeling. Performing these exercises may seem easy, but this is only at first glance. Therefore, you need to pay close attention to sensations. At the first negative signs, you should reduce the number of repetitions or stop exercising. You should always start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase their number. An approximate schedule for classes looks like this: 3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21 per week. That is, you need to start three times a week, gradually increasing the number up to 21 classes per week.

Having finished all the exercises, you need to lie on the floor and lie in a relaxed position for 5-15 minutes, while it is important to feel your sensations. After completing all the exercises, you need to have breakfast and after half an hour you can take a shower. It is worth remembering that you cannot do more than 21 repetitions.

Before you start classes, you need to understand the following rules:

Thanks to performing eye of rebirth gymnastics, qualitative changes will occur in the body. This gymnastics improves blood flow and has a cleansing effect, so you should not sharply increase the load. The cleansing effect consists of complete cleansing of the body, so the color, smell and composition of urine may change. Sweating will increase, the smell of sweat will change for the worse. Changes touch and skin, acne may appear on it.

Don't worry, it will pass soon. This symptomatology indicates that the process has begun and toxins are being removed from the body. However, you should visit a doctor and undergo additional examination if you have suspicious symptoms. If it turns out that these are signs of cleansing the body, then you should wait 7-10 days for them to pass on their own. There is no need to use medications to alleviate or suppress symptoms. After the process is completed, the condition will improve. During cleansing of toxins, it is necessary to increase fluid intake (ideally clean water) so that the cleansing process goes more efficiently. If cleansing the body is difficult, it is worth reducing the number of classes or their pace.

During exercise and during the cleansing period, it is worth changing your diet. It will be useful to avoid eating foods of animal origin, bakery products, caffeine-containing foods and foods high in cholesterol. If giving up these products is not easy, then it is worth reducing their consumption gradually. Should be included in the diet more vegetables, fruits and herbs, as well as porridge. It is not recommended to consume alcohol and tobacco products during the practice of eye of rebirth gymnastics. After some time, the changes occurring in the body will become more noticeable: skin color will improve, eyes will gain shine and clarity, and the musculoskeletal system will become more mobile.
