Training for teachers “relieving emotional stress.” Quickly relieve emotional stress, anxiety and tension

Think about it and honestly tell yourself how susceptible you are to stress and how well do you deal with it? Identifying symptoms such as fatigue at the beginning of the working day, irritation, impatience, insomnia, anxiety over any little things, and anxiety in general will help clarify the answer. Do you often hear the phrase from friends and family: “It’s time for you to rest and relax,” but do not react to such comments? If you easily recognize yourself in the previous sentences, it’s time to learn how to relieve tension through relaxation exercises.

And if this topic seems interesting to you, and you want to develop even more in it, we recommend where you will learn real practical techniques self-motivation, stress management and social adaptation to always control your emotional and mental state.

As you begin to practice various relaxation techniques, remember the following. Learning the basics of relaxation techniques is not difficult, but it does take time and some effort. Most experts recommend exercising at least 10-20 minutes a day. Those attending special sessions to relieve stress spend 30-60 minutes. Start small, and individual elements of the exercises can be performed right at your desk, in transport, at a bus stop.

Top 3 ways to relieve tension:

Complex 1. Breathing exercises

Deep breathing allows you to relax, regardless of the thoughts that overcome a person. It is not for nothing that in films, when police or doctors arrive at the scene, they advise victims first of all to breathe deeply and evenly. IN stressful situations breathing quickens and the body lacks oxygen. Deep breathing promotes the flow of this vital gas into the brain and all cells in the required volumes.


  • Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply through your nose, counting from 1 to 4 as you inhale and exhale. This exercise is very easy to do, and it is especially effective if you cannot sleep.
  • Try relaxing your shoulders and upper chest muscles as you breathe. Do this consciously with each exhalation. The fact is that in stressful situations, when a person is tense, the diaphragm muscles are not used for breathing. Their purpose is to lower the lungs down, thereby expanding the airways. When we are excited, the muscles of the upper chest and shoulders are more often used, which do not contribute to the full functioning of the respiratory system.
  • Nadi Shodhana. A yoga exercise that helps you become more active and focused; According to experts, it acts like a cup of coffee. With the thumb of your right hand, you need to close the right nostril and inhale deeply through the left (for women, on the contrary, close the left nostril with your left hand and inhale through the right). At the peak of inhalation, you need to close your left (right for women) nostril with your ring finger and exhale.
  • Sit up straight or lie on your back. Place one hand on your stomach, the other on your chest. Inhale air deeply through your nose, while the hand on your stomach should rise and the hand on your chest should move only slightly. Exhale through your mouth, while the hand on your stomach again drops, and on your chest practically does not move. In this case, breathing will occur using the diaphragm.

Complex 2. Muscle relaxation

The progressive muscle relaxation technique was developed by the American doctor E. Jacobson in the 1920s. It is based on a simple physiological fact: after tension of any muscle, a period of automatic relaxation begins. Taking this into account, a technique was developed according to which, in order to achieve deep relaxation of the body, you first need to strongly tense your muscles for 10-15 seconds, and then concentrate on the feeling of relaxation that arises in them for 15-20 seconds.


  • Start by focusing on your breathing for a few minutes. Breathe slowly and calmly, think about something pleasant. After this you can start muscle exercises, working on different muscle groups.
  • Hands. Squeeze your hand as tightly and tightly as possible. You should feel tension in your hand and forearm. Relax your hand as you exhale, concentrating on the feeling of relief that arises. Repeat the same for the other hand. If you are right-handed, you should start with your right hand, if you are left-handed, start with your left.
  • Neck. Tilt your head back, slowly turn it from side to side, then relax. Pull your shoulder joints high towards your ears and in this position tilt your chin towards your chest.
  • Face. Raise your eyebrows as high as possible, open your mouth wide (as if you are pretending to be very surprised). Close your eyes tightly, frown and wrinkle your nose. Clench your jaw tightly and move the corners of your mouth back.
  • Breast. Take a deep breath and hold it for a few seconds, then relax and return to normal breathing.
  • Back and stomach. Tighten your muscles abdominals, squeeze your shoulder blades and arch your back.
  • Legs. Tighten your front and posterior muscles hips, keeping the knee in a tense, bent position. Pull your foot towards you as much as possible and straighten your toes. Extend your ankle joint and flex your toes.

Do 3-4 repetitions of the complex. Each time you rest a newly tense muscle, notice how good it feels and how relaxed you feel. It helps many people cope with stress and anxiety.

Complex 3. Meditation

Most general definition The concept of “meditation” in psychological dictionaries reads like this: “a method of mental training in which intense, penetrating reflection occurs, immersion in an object, an idea, which is achieved by concentrating on one object.” The recommendations collected in this block concern how to conduct a visual meditation session yourself. Visual meditation is a variation of traditional meditation that is based on the use of not only visual meanings, but also the senses: taste, touch, smell and sound. When used as a relaxation technique, visualization involves imagining a scene in which you feel free from tension and anxiety.

Set of exercises:

  1. Choose a quiet and secluded place, with nothing to distract you. Find a comfortable position. It is not recommended to lie down; it is better to sit on the floor, in a chair, or try sitting in the lotus position.
  2. Select a focal point. It can be internal - an imaginary scene, or external - a candle flame. Therefore, the eyes can be open or closed. At the beginning, it is very difficult to concentrate and avoid distracting thoughts, so the focus point should have a strong meaning, understandable and clear, so that you can return to it at any time.
  3. The focal point should definitely be something calming for you. It could be a tropical beach at sunset, a forest clearing, or orchard in a village near your grandparents’ house, where you visited as a child. Visual meditation can be done in silence, or you can turn on relaxing music or an audio recording with meditation tips.
  4. Try to use all your senses as much as possible. For example, your focal point is a forest. Imagine that you are walking through a clearing, and cold dew falls on your feet, you hear the singing of many birds, feel the smell of pine, inhale clean air full breasts. The picture should be as lively as possible. Meditate for 15-20 minutes.

Remember, relaxation will not save you from problems, but it will help you relax and distract yourself from unimportant details, so that later you can tackle the solution with renewed vigor.

Burnout syndrome is a process of gradual loss of emotional, cognitive and physical energy, manifested in symptoms of emotional, mental exhaustion, physical fatigue, personal detachment and decreased job satisfaction.

It is seen as the result of constant workplace stress.

High rhythm, plans, reporting, overtime, conflicts between employees, management pressure, unfair assessment of contributions, etc., all this leads to chronic stress among staff, and the consequence is loss of productivity, decreased engagement, conflicts between employees.

Many employees note the presence of mental states that destabilize professional activity (anxiety, despondency, depression, apathy, disappointment, chronic fatigue).

Real practice shows that today the fact of loss of interest in work responsibilities within 1-2 years is quite clearly visible.

All this determines the urgent need to work with personnel to prevent emotional burnout.

Training program

The training lasts two to three hours with a group of 10–15 people.

The group is selected from employees who are showing symptoms of stress or burnout, either by human resources managers or on the recommendation of the department head.

The form of the training is a circle, free movement around the room is possible when performing exercises in subgroups.

Premises, equipment and materials:

— an auditorium accommodating 15 people with space for active activities, equipped with a PC, projector, speakers;
— chairs according to the number of training participants;
— desks, according to the number of subgroups of participants (2-3 pcs.);
- pens, felt-tip pens;
— cards made of paper in A5 format;
- camera.

Training objectives:
1. Prevention of psychological health of employees.

2. Familiarize employees with techniques for dealing with stress and procrastination.

3. Collection of information for holding corporate events, improving the company’s microclimate, creating conditions for a favorable working environment.

Training objectives:
1. Reducing the level of emotional burnout of employees.

2. Planning, through brainstorming, activities to prevent emotional burnout.

3. Increasing the level of team cohesion.

The training consists of three parts.

The first (introductory) is aimed at getting to know each other, creating an atmosphere of trust, goodwill and acceptance of each other by the training participants.

The second (main) is aimed at finding opportunities, individual motivators and activities in the work of the team to reduce emotional stress and create a comfortable working environment.

The third (final) stage is to become familiar with methods of quickly relieving stress, emotional and physical tension, breathing and sound exercises.

Conducting training on “prevention of emotional burnout”

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During the entire training, it is advisable to have quiet, relaxing music playing in the room.

1. Start of the training. Greetings, rules, setting expectations and adjustments.

Greetings from the presenter.“I’m glad that we met, today we will try to relax a little, rest, play and most importantly, do something to prevent emotional burnout.”

During the introductory speech, the presenter talks about the goals of the training, briefly reveals the basic concepts used during the classes, and discusses with the participants the principles and mode of operation of the training group.

1. Establishing group rules.

The presenter explains that each participant must have rules for full and effective work.

The rules are up for discussion:
confidential communication
communication based on the “here and now” principle
sincerity in communication
definition strengths personalities
inadmissibility of direct assessments of a person;
introduction of sanctions for violation of basic rules.

2. Expectations and concerns.

Target: Identifying the expectations of training participants. Correction of the request.

When getting ready for today’s training, you may have asked yourself: “What kind of event will it be?”, “How will everything go?”, “Will this help me?”

You have your own expectations, and perhaps fears. It would be logical if we now talk about these EXPECTATIONS and FEARS. Try to briefly formulate your personal expectations and concerns, and we will write them down so that we can then voice what we can do today and what you need to be especially attentive to.

Think again, what are you willing to invest in the training?

Participants talk in a circle about their expectations from the training and their contributions.
Correction of requests.
Much will also depend on overall activity. At the end of the training, you and I will have the opportunity to review your expectations.

3. Description of the problem.

To begin with, it is necessary to define what “Emotional Burnout Syndrome” is.

Emotional burnout- this is a psychological defense mechanism developed by the individual in the form of complete or partial exclusion of emotions (decreasing their energy) in response to selected psycho-traumatic influences.

List of main and optional signs of this syndrome:
1) exhaustion, fatigue;
2) psychosomatic complications;
3) insomnia;
4) negative attitudes in relation to clients;
5) negative attitudes towards one’s work;
6) neglect to perform one’s duties;
7) increased intake of psychostimulants (tobacco, coffee, alcohol, medications);
8) decreased appetite or overeating;
9) negative self-esteem;
10) increased aggressiveness (irritability, anger, tension);
11) increased passivity (cynicism, pessimism, feeling of hopelessness, apathy);
12) feeling of guilt.

Procrastination is another employee problem.

Sometimes there is nothing wrong with putting things off until later.

But if you do this to many important matters, putting them off day after day, or replacing necessary activities with easy household chores or entertainment, then you are procrastinating.

Procrastination (from the English procrastination - delay, postponement)- a tendency to constantly postpone even important and urgent matters, leading to life problems and painful psychological effects.

Procrastination differs from laziness in that in case of laziness a person does not want to do anything and does not worry about it, and in a state of procrastination he realizes the importance and urgency of the work, but does not do it, finding one or another self-justification.

Self-motivation techniques.

This is unobtrusive programming of yourself for success and achieving goals. You don't have to wait until something changes or an opportunity arises. We need to work on ourselves here and now! However, such a process does not require special effort. It passes naturally and even unnoticed.

Tell us about self-motivation techniques

The main question of the training: how to deal with stress, procrastination and emotional burnout?

4. Introducing the group, establishing contact.

The specifics of the training are related to the features of the program, for the implementation of which it is necessary to create a friendly environment in the group from the very first steps - an environment that encourages manifestations creative thinking and behavior.

It is recommended to divide several exercises into three stages:
Stage 1: getting to know the group.
Stage 2 – exchange of information, raising the self-esteem of group members.
3 Stage - preparation to the main part of the training.

It is advisable to use 2-3 trainings to get to know each other and establish contact in the group. Some options for introducing training group participants.

Introducing the training group participants.


“Let’s start our work with introductions: everyone in turn will say their name and three inherent qualities beginning with the same letter as their name.”
Such a presentation requires participants to be inventive and flexible in their thinking, offering a somewhat unusual approach to considering their qualities and personality traits. The action that a task prompts group members to take is consistent with the characteristics of a creative environment.

The task requires significant effort to complete it informally, since it is tempting to name the first qualities that come to mind the desired letter sometimes it turns out to be stronger than the readiness to search for more accurate characteristics that correspond to one’s own ideas about oneself.

Group members sit in a circle.

“Let’s get acquainted and do it this way: everyone in turn, in a circle, clockwise, will say their name, as well as one of their real hobbies, interests, and one desired hobby, the one that you would like to have, but for now this for one reason or another did not materialize, the one who introduces himself as the second, before talking about himself, will repeat what the first says, and starting from the third, everything will repeat what the two previous people will tell about themselves. So, the name, the real hobby and the desired hobby...”
The coach pauses, giving everyone a chance to think. If someone expresses a desire to start, the trainer begins the training, but only after making sure that everyone is ready and invites the person who wants to start.
As a result of such acquaintance, a tangible change occurs in the emotional state of the group: everyone appears before everyone in a new capacity: the group learns that someone is jumping with a parachute, and someone is growing flowers.

Among the hobbies that have not yet been realized, there are often very unexpected, non-standard ones, which correspond to the content of the training and create an atmosphere consistent with the goals of the training.

Group members sit in a circle.

“Now we will get acquainted and do it like this. Each person in turn will name three words that are somehow related to his name. In this case, there is no need to mention the name itself. All of us, after three words are spoken that give information about the name of the one who named them, we will try to understand what this person’s name is and say his name.”

This task significantly increases the activity of the participants and the degree of their involvement in the work. In addition, the exercise provides material for discussing many phenomena related to the content of the training: associative thinking, barriers to creativity (in particular, stereotypical thinking), the influence of unlikely factors on people’s interaction, etc.

Completing the task has a motivating effect on the participants, since a comparison of representation options naturally occurs in the minds of each participant, based on the subjective criteria of standardness - non-standardity, adequacy - inadequacy.

Continuation of acquaintance, exchange of information, raising the self-esteem of participants.

This, as well as the next introduction option, is best used after the group members have introduced themselves and talked a little about themselves.

Group members sit in a circle.

“Let's continue our acquaintance. Imagine that a situation has arisen that you need to reincarnate into some object of the material world, an animal or a plant. Think and tell me which object, which animal and which plant you would choose.”

This version of the representation activates one of the mechanisms of the creative process, in which the problem is repeatedly elaborated by logical means (left-hemisphere processes) and translated into figurative form, associating emerging ideas with the content of experience (right-hemisphere mechanisms). Group members follow different strategies when completing this task. These strategies are not analyzed at this stage work, at the same time, the presenter records their manifestations. Subsequently, the experience gained is used to illustrate data about the stages and mechanisms of the creative process.

The most common are two strategies. In the first case, transformation occurs as if by itself, and then the participant strives to immediately speak out the images that have arisen, or thinks about it for some time and clarifies them. In another case, the participant identifies several of his characteristics and selects an object of the material world, an animal and a plant, to symbolize them.

Group members sit in a circle.

“Now we will get acquainted and do this a little in an unusual way. Think about what you can do other than your current profession and, using your name, list several options for these possible professional roles. At the same time, be attentive, try to remember what the rest of the group members say.”

Group members sit in a circle.
“Compliment to the participant sitting next to you” Participants need to think about a compliment to the participant sitting next to them, using the information received about the participants from previous exercises.

The group members stand in two lines, face to face. Each participant walks between the ranks. Everyone in the line pats the person passing on the head. You are encouraged to compliment those passing by.

Exercise from the theory of “stroking” by Eric Berne. The word "stroking" reflects a child's need for touch. Byrne noticed that as adults, people still tend to touch each other, as if confirming their physical existence. But after leaving childhood, people find themselves in a society where physical contact is strictly limited, so they have to be content with replacing this need with other forms of “stroking.” A smile, a short conversation or a compliment are all signs that you have been noticed, and this brings us joy.

Preparation and setup for the main part of the training.

Group members sit in a circle.
The coach stands in the center of the circle.

“Now we will have the opportunity to continue our acquaintance. Let's do it this way: the person standing in the center of the circle (for starters, it will be me) offers to change places (change seats) to all those who have some skill. He calls this skill. For example, I will say: “Change seats, all those who know how to drive a car,” and all those who know how to drive a car must change places. In this case, the one who stands in the center of the circle will try to take one of the vacant seats at the moment of changing seats, and the one who remains in the center of the circle without a seat will continue to work.

Let's use this situation to learn more about each other. In addition, you need to be very careful and try to remember who changed seats when this or that skill was called. During the exercise, the trainer encourages participants to name a variety of skills, noting those that are especially original and interesting.

Group members sit in a circle.

“Let’s get acquainted and do it this way: everyone will say their name and their 2-3 motivators that encourage them to be creative, create something new, to engage in non-standard, creative behavior.
These introduction options encourage participants to talk about themselves, which helps bring group members closer together and creates a more trusting atmosphere. In addition, many ideas emerge that may be useful in the future when discussing ways to combat burnout.

During the exercises occurs significant change group atmosphere, emotional freedom appears, and the tension that is so characteristic of the beginning of a group’s work decreases. Participants sometimes open up from unexpected, new sides.

5. Brainstorming “Emotional burnout. What to do?"

The main part of the training.

Purpose of the exercise: Increase motivation and degree of emotional involvement in the training. Formulate personal motivators and a list of activities that reduce emotional tension.

The results of the “brainstorming” should be included in the work to prevent emotional burnout of employees in the company.

I. Idea generation stage. “Emotional burnout. What to do?"

Participants are divided into several teams (3–5 people in each). Teams receive a stack of blank cards.

New ideas will be recorded on them - how to deal with emotional burnout. One idea, one card.

Suggestions for topics:
1. Methods individual work with stress.
2. Self-motivation.
3. Improved work environment.
4. Corporate culture.
5. Work-life balance.

The presenter informs about the mandatory rules of this stage:

Absolutely all ideas put forward are accepted and recorded. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the free flight of creative thought.
It is necessary to praise any thought expressed, even if it seems absurd. This demonstrative support and approval greatly stimulates and inspires our internal generator ideas.

The best ideas are the crazy ones. Give up templates and stereotypes, look at the problem from a different point of view.

We need to come up with as many ideas as possible and record everything. One idea per card.

The time for this stage is 30 minutes.

At the end of the allotted time, the facilitator asks to report the number of ideas put forward in each group.

II. Idea analysis stage.

The main task is deep processing and polishing of the proposals made.

Rules for this stage:

The best idea is the one you are considering now. Analyze it as if there are no other ideas at all. This rule implies an extremely attentive attitude to each idea. Although criticism is no longer forbidden, it should not be indiscriminate.

It is necessary to find a rational grain in every idea. This means that you need to focus on finding constructiveness in any idea, even a seemingly nonsense one.

You can't throw away ideas.

Completion time is approximately thirty minutes, sometimes it takes longer. If necessary, participants add their thoughts on cards to develop the idea expressed.

III. The stage of searching for implementation opportunities.

The best ideas will remain ideas if the steps to implement them are not thought out.

Participants are asked to review all proposals again in terms of their compliance with two criteria - originality and feasibility.

Each idea card should be marked with two types of icons:

+ + – very good, original idea;
+ – not a bad idea;
0 – the construct could not be found.

And regarding the feasibility of the idea:

PP – realistically implement;
TP - difficult to implement;
HP – impossible to implement.

Of course, the most possible different combinations these icons. After all, an idea can be brilliant, bright, unusual, but there are simply no opportunities for its implementation at the moment.

The time allotted for this stage is thirty minutes.

IV. The final stage.

Let's move on to the final stage of Brainstorming. Everyone gathers in a common circle.

Each representative of each group is invited to make a report on the results of the group's work.
The groups need to talk about those ideas that received either two pluses, an PP badge, or both of these badges.

The results obtained in the process are quite long work, “suffered” results, have great value. Therefore, it seems advisable to formalize the results of the “brainstorming” best ideas and present them as recommendations for staff and management.

Read cards are collected in envelopes according to categories:

1. Methods for individual work. Self-motivation.
2. Improving the organization of the working environment and office space.
3. Corporate culture.
4. Work-life balance.

Ideas with the “PP” (really implementable) icon should be included in the company’s work plan for the prevention of emotional state.

Discussion of the result of the brainstorming session.

An understanding is being developed that emotional burnout and stress are a serious problem in our lives, but they can be effectively dealt with.

During the discussion of the work done, the idea that is important for the training usually arises: to combat stress and emotional burnout, a general teamwork. Compliance with the rules of communication, politeness, mutual respect and mutual assistance, and for this you need to be attentive, observant, receptive and interested.

Participants in the training group talk more openly about what causes them discomfort in the work environment, express their pressing problems more sincerely, and resolve protracted conflicts.
New ways to combat stress, burnout and procrastination are being invented.

Management receives valuable feedback from employees about the company's work environment and suggestions for improvement.

6. Familiarization of training participants with techniques and exercises to relieve stress

The presenter suggests moving on to the next part of the training: “Everyone has worked very fruitfully, and now let’s move on to exercises and techniques for relieving stress.”

The presenter can choose to conduct several exercises with the group from those proposed. For other exercises, simply inform participants.

Breathing exercises to relieve stress

Exercise No. 1.

Slow inhale and exhale. To begin, take a slow breath, counting to 4, then when you count to 4, hold your breath for 5-6 seconds and exhale slowly. Repeat this exercise 5 - 6 times. You can also do this exercise before bed to make it easier to fall asleep later.

Exercise No. 2. “Breathing” with the stomach.”
The first thing to do is sit in a position that is comfortable for you. Straighten your back and lift your chin slightly up. Take a slow, full breath in through your nose so that you first fill your stomach with air, and then chest. Hold your breath for a moment. Then, as you exhale, first relax and lower your chest, and then slightly draw in your stomach. Perform 10–15 cycles, while trying to inhale as deeply as possible.

Psychological exercises to combat stress

Exercise No. 1 “Problem”.
To relieve emotional psychological state you should find out the problem that influenced its appearance. After eliminating or dulling the irritant, you need to take steps to help achieve inner peace: you should take a comfortable position, relax and imagine your problem from the outside. In an efficient way in this situation, it is to compare the pressing problem with more global catastrophes on a global scale, which will allow it to be minimized;

Exercise No. 2 “Inner Light”.
It takes 5 minutes to relieve stress in this way. This exercise uses a visualization technique aimed at imagining a light beam appearing at the top of the head and slowly moving from top to bottom, illuminating the face, arms, and shoulders with a pleasant warm glow. You should imagine not only the light, but also its beneficial effects: the disappearance of wrinkles, the fading of tension, charging with inner strength;

Exercise No. 3 “Mood.”
Helps cope with stress after quarrels for 15 minutes. To complete this, you need pencils or felt-tip pens, with the help of which you need to express your condition on paper, choosing the appropriate colors and images. After drawing, you can express your emotions in words by writing them on the back of the sheet. Having finished expressing your mood, the “masterpiece” should be torn up, getting rid of negative emotions.

Exercise No. 4 “Simple statements.”
Goal: increasing self-confidence, focusing on your strengths.

Repeating short, simple statements helps you cope with emotional stress and relieves anxiety. Such statements are also called “affirmations.”

Here are some examples:
I feel better now.
I can completely relax and then quickly get ready.
I can control my inner feelings.
I deal with stress whenever I want.
Life is too short to waste it worrying.
No matter what happens, I will try to do everything in my power to avoid stress.
Internally I feel that everything is fine.

Make up your own affirmations! You can repeat them whenever you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Important Rules making statements: they sound in the present tense; the particle “not” and the preposition “without” are missing.

Exercise No. 5 “Questions to yourself.”

Goal: rationalization of fears and anxieties, reduction of situational anxiety.

When you feel that you are faced with a problem, and even more so, that you are exaggerating its significance, ask yourself the following questions:
Is this really a big deal?
Is anything really important at risk right now?
Is it really worse than everything that came before?
Will it seem as important in 2 weeks, six months, a year, 10 years..?
Is it worth it to worry so much?
Is it worth dying for?
What could happen if I fail?
Can I handle this?

Remember that your nerves and mental health are more valuable than all the problems in the world!

Close your eyes so you can better identify what's going on in your body and mind.
Notice how you react during the first five seconds. What is happening in your body (breathing, heart rate and areas of muscle tension), what are your thoughts or images, your feelings? How do you talk to yourself?
Notice your reactions without making judgments or comparisons. Simply observe and then make notes of your automatic reactions to stress and confrontation. And write down again:
a) physical sensations;
b) thoughts or images;
c) internal dialogue.
Stay in these stressful conditions for 30 seconds (that's 5-6 deep breaths) and get a “vaccination” that will help you become less susceptible to fears and stress in the future. When you decide to be alone with something that you have previously avoided, you are telling your primal reflexes that “a leader solves a problem, not a

Exercise No. 6 “Laughter”.
Laughter helps relieve stress.

American psychologist Don Powell advises: “Find a reason to laugh a little every day.” The healing power of laughter is known to everyone: laughter improves blood circulation, digestion, laughter helps the brain release endorphins - natural substances that relieve pain. Remember, he who laughs lives long!

On the Internet, the presenter can select funny videos or coobs with a total duration of 5-10 minutes, and show them to the group using a projector.

Relaxation exercise (relaxation)

Exercise No. 1 “Relaxation”.

Goal: relieving mental stress, arousal, reducing feelings of anxiety, since stress and anxiety are associated with muscle tension.

To carry out the exercise yourself, you should record the instructions on a voice recorder in a calm, even voice, pausing in time with your breathing. It is recommended to do it daily.

Free yourself from tight clothing. Turn on calm music. Dim the lights. Lie on your back, close your eyes. Mentally give instructions to specific muscle groups.

“We start relaxation from the tips of our toes... We relax our feet... ankles... calf muscles... knee joints... thighs... We feel as if a warm wave is rising from the bottom up from the tips of our toes to the top of our head... The gluteal muscles and hip joints... Then the hands begin to relax... wrists... forearms... elbows... shoulders... shoulder joints... The back muscles relax from bottom to top (“fan”)... The body seems to go limp... has become heavy... motionless... There is no desire to raise either arms or legs... There is no desire utter not a single word... The muscles of the abdomen... chest begin to relax... The muscles relax internal organs, very deep... Breathing becomes even and calm... The air seems to penetrate into the chest without much effort... Very well, the muscles of the neck and tongue relax deeply... The eyeballs relax... all the muscles of the eyes and all the muscles of the face... All wrinkles are smoothed out... Face takes on a calm, peaceful expression... And finally, all the muscles of the head relax.”

Immerse yourself in a feeling of relaxation for 3 to 20 minutes.

Physical exercises for relaxation.

Goal: control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Exercise No. 1 “Ice cream.”
Stand up straight, raise your arms up. Stretch and tense so that you can feel it throughout your entire body. Stay in this state for a few minutes to get used to the tension and even get tired of it. Imagine being frozen like ice cream. Now imagine that the sun appeared above you, and its rays began to warm you. Begin to slowly “melt” under invisible rays. First relax your hands, then your forearms, then your shoulders, then your neck, then your body, and then your legs. Relax completely. You will see: there will be no trace of tension left.

Exercise No. 2 “Reach for the stars.”
Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, extend your arms up and stretch as if you are trying to reach the stars. As you exhale, release and shake your arms and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times. For greater effect from the exercise, try to breathe very deeply and spread your fingers at the moment when you reach up.

Exercise No. 3 “Tangle”.
Participants stand in a line and take each other’s hands, then the first one begins to twist around its axis and pulls the others along with it until a “spiral” is formed. In this position, participants must walk a certain distance. You can invite the group to carefully squat down at the end of their movement.

Exercise No. 4 “Lemon”.
Goal: control the state of muscle tension and relaxation.

Sit comfortably: place your hands loosely on your knees (palms up), shoulders and head down, eyes closed. Mentally imagine what you have in your right hand there is a lemon. Start squeezing it slowly until you feel that you have squeezed out all the juice. Relax. Remember how you feel. Now imagine that the lemon is in your left hand. Repeat the exercise. Relax again and remember your feelings. Then perform the exercise with both hands at the same time. Relax. Enjoy a state of peace.

Exercise No. 5 “Sound gymnastics”.
Goal: acquaintance with sound gymnastics, strengthening the mind and body.

Before starting sound gymnastics, the presenter talks about the rules of application: calm, relaxed state, sitting, with a straight back. First, we take a deep breath through our nose, and as we exhale, we pronounce the sound loudly and energetically.

We hum the following sounds for 30 seconds:
A – has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
E – affects the thyroid gland;
And - affects the brain, eyes, nose, ears;
O – affects the heart, lungs;
U - affects organs located in the abdominal area;
I – affects the functioning of the whole organism;
M – affects the functioning of the whole organism;
X – helps cleanse the body;
HA – helps improve mood.

Exercise No. 6 “Typewriter”.
Goal: attention is mobilized, mood improves, activity increases.
Let's imagine that we are all a big typewriter. Each of us is the letters on the keyboard (a little later we will distribute the letters, each of us will get two or three letters of the alphabet). Our machine can print different words and does it like this: I say a word, for example, “laughter”, and then the one who gets the letter “c” claps his hands, then we all clap our hands, then the one who gets the letter “c” claps his hands. someone with the letter “m”, and again a general clap, etc. A space between the words - everyone needs to stand up.

The coach distributes the letters in the alphabet in a circle.
If our machine makes a mistake, we will print from the very beginning.

And we will print the phrase: “Health is more valuable than gold” William Shakespeare.

Exercise No. 7 “Yoga.”

Yoga helps a lot with stress and various muscle stretching exercises. They allow a person to calm down and quickly come to their senses. You can do the following stretching exercise at home:
stand on your feet, keep your back straight;
take a deep breath and, as you exhale, stand on your toes;
As you inhale, simultaneously raise both arms up, and as you exhale, lower them down, while strongly tensing your muscles;
then bend forward, imagining that you are releasing all the tension;
stay in this position for about a minute, try to relax as much as possible at this moment;
then sharply return to the starting position and begin to shake your body, like animals after a bath.

Exercise #8

Show some videos from YouTube on relieving stress and tension. To highlight that there is a lot of material on stress relief on the Internet.
For example: Qigong Li Holden. Relieving stress and tension

End of the training

Target: establishment feedback, analysis of the experience gained in the group.

Each group member must complete the phrase: “Today I…”
What stress management tools can I use on my own?
How can I motivate myself?
Were your expectations met?
Summing up the lesson.

Have a nice day everyone!

The ideas of the training participants on the prevention of emotional burnout suggest further use of the recommendations in discussing and planning the company’s development strategy.

Key words: prevention of emotional burnout, emotional burnout syndrome, stress relief, relief of emotional and physical stress, exercises, self-motivation.

Mini-training For teachers of MKOU Novochanovskaya secondary school

« WITH concept emotional voltage"

Target: relief of psycho-emotional tension, harmonization internal state.

    Acquaintance with new ways and methods of self-regulation.

    Mastering the technique of self-regulation of emotional state and relaxation.

    Accumulation of new experience in relieving psycho-emotional stress.

Prepared And held: teacher-psychologist MCOU Novochanovskaya secondary school Kotlyarova A.P.

Date: _____________

Duration: 20-30 minutes

Quantity participants: 20 – 25 people.

Required materials: sheets of paper, colored pencils, music center, relaxation music.


Hello, dear colleagues.

Opening remarks:

A study of the problem of psychosocial well-being of teachers in the NSO and the city of Novosibirsk was conducted in 2006 by specialists from the Regional Education Monitoring Center, the Center for Conflictology and Research on Social Problems of NSTU within the framework of a grant from the administration of the NSO. Objective reasons for the negative dynamics of psychosocial health were identified. Psychosocial well-being of teachers influences quality educational services, accordingly, affects children (“Healthy teacher - healthy child”). Psychosocial health is the degree of adaptation, success and self-realization in the social space.

One of the factors of teachers’ psychosocial well-being is “Emotional burnout”.

    The work of a teacher requires great emotional, mental, and physical costs, after which it is necessary to recover.

Let's start with "acquaintance". Continue the phrase: “I am the one (the one) who (which) ...” (along the chain, optional)

Thank you!

Let's try to do an exercise called “Give the subconscious the floor.” You need to sit comfortably, relax, turn on your imagination and imagine everything that I will read in the smallest detail. After completing this exercise, I will explain what it means and talk about the capabilities of our subconscious.

Exercise "Give me word subconscious"

Instructions: Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Inhale, exhale...

    Imagine that you are walking through the forest. Describe what kind of forest this is. Is the sun shining? Are you walking along a path or through a thicket? Are you happy here?

    You need to climb over the fence. How do you do this? Will the obstacle be easy to overcome?

    You go to the river bank. Imagine it very clearly: what kind of water is there, the speed of the current, the bottom... are there any stones at the bottom? How will you get across to the other side?

    Having overcome the next obstacle, you see the house. What is it (size, decor, etc.)? You opened the door and entered the house. Look around. Do you feel comfortable here? Cleanliness or a terrible mess? How many rooms are there in this house? What are they? Name and describe them.

    There is a sign on the door. It says on it that the house belongs... to you. What is it made of and what is the inscription?

    You went up to the attic. What does he look like? What is stored there? Order or maybe full of junk?

    Seagulls fly over the sea. High or low, close to you or far away? Can you hear them? How do birds make you feel?

    You see a ship. What is it like, how far from the shore? Can you reach it? And in general, will you do this?


    1. The forest is a symbolic reflection of your childhood and children's ideas about life. The happier you are in the forest, the more positive your childhood memories; if your imagination painted a dark, frightening picture, then perhaps your childhood was quite difficult and your previous ideas are now affecting your life.

Key - your attitude towards everything new that life brings. If you picked up the key or were happy about it, then you are at least ready to accept change.

River - represents the course of your life. Remember how fast the stream seemed to you, how clean the water in it was. The stones at the bottom symbolize the difficulties you have overcome since childhood.

Fence - a symbol of obstacles that await a person on life path. Please note which fence is a symbolic fence or a great one Chinese wall.

Nora – your perception of hidden danger. If you boldly climbed into a hole, you are a reckless or overly inquisitive person.

House – it’s you. As much as you like it there, you feel as good as yourself. The rooms you saw are the most important aspects life. Everything is fine where you like it, but if one of the rooms is a mess, you may have problems in this area.

Tablet on the door says who you consider yourself to be (some have their name written on them, others have all their regalia and merits, some have it just scratched in chalk).

Attic - a metaphor for education, culture and the various skills instilled in you. If everything is neglected there, then you probably don’t know why you once put so much effort into getting a diploma.

Seagulls - these are your relatives. Ideally, there are quite a lot of them and they decorate the landscape. If they scream annoyingly and almost hit your face with their wings, you probably have tense relationships with your loved ones. The complete absence of seagulls on the horizon - alarm signal loneliness.

Sea your sensual side of personality. By how stormy it seems to you, you can judge what kind of relationships you like with people: quiet and calm or a surge of emotions and feelings.

Ship – the embodiment of your main dream today. How achievable and beautiful it is is determined by what kind of ship it is and how far from the shore it is.

And one more thing... The way you climbed over the fence and crossed the river shows how easily you overcome obstacles. If you answered honestly and you don’t have any special fears (water or heights), then the nature of overcoming both obstacles will be the same. If in your imagination, out of nowhere, an assistant appeared, a bridge, a boat or a person materialized, that means. You rely little on yourself.

Game« Magicalmorshchinki"

Remember:aftergraduationexercisesIneed towillpronounceaboutmyselforaloudapproximatelyHeresuchwords: Ibecame(A)young(th)Andstrong(th), calm(th)! IAllwilldoFine!

Inhale and exhale several times. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. And once again inhale and exhale. Great! Let's smile broadly at our neighbor on one side, and now at the neighbor on the other side. Wrinkle your forehead - you will be surprised, frown your eyebrows - you will get angry, wrinkle your nose - you don’t like something. Relax your facial muscles, your face is calm. Raise and lower your shoulders. Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale. Well done!

Say something like this to yourself or out loud:: “I have become(A)youngAndstrong, calm! I will do everything well!”

I suggest doing an exercise that will help relieve fatigue and gain inner stability. In order to perform the exercise, you will need to take a comfortable position, sitting or standing.

Relaxationeffectwilldependfromstrengthimagination.Need tointroducemyselftree(whatto youlike,Withwhatmyselfassociate).DetailsloseVconsciousnessimagethiswood:hispowerfulAndflexibletrunk,intertwinedbranches,swayingonthe windfoliage,opennesscrownstowardssunnyraysAndmoisturerain,circulationnutritiousjuicesBytrunk,roots,firmlyingrownVland.Importantfeelnutritiousjuices,whichrootspull outfromland.Earth- Thissymbollife,roots- Thissymbolstability, stabilitycommunicationspersonWithreality.

    Let's try it.

Exercise "Tree"

    Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Feel your feet, feel how firmly they stand on the ground. Imagine - you are a tree and your roots grow deep into the ground. Some of them are thick and strong, others are thin, they encircle the entire space of the earth around you. Imagine that these roots are firmly holding the trunk, and you are standing firmly and confidently on the ground. If you want, you can spread your arms and imagine that these are branches that also spread out in all directions. Leaves grow on the branches. A light breeze blows through your branches, they sway easily. Powerful roots feed and support the trunk, and no hurricane will harm you...

A terrible storm begins, shaking the trees. The trunk tilts from side to side, some branches may break, but you are so firmly rooted in the ground that the storm will not break you.

Feel your roots, trunk, branches, feel how strong and flexible you are. Let the wind blow - your branches bend under its force, but do not break...

Gradually the wind stops. The sun comes out from behind the clouds and you enjoy the tranquility. You become yourself again. Stretch, take a deep breath and open your eyes.

To achieve harmony of the internal state, you need to draw your tree, its roots, trunk, branches.

Followingexercise(called"Mood")Youyou canexecuteHouses.

U exercise"Mood"

If the guidelines for a calm and constructive conversation have been destroyed, then an unpleasant aftertaste remains after such a conversation. It needs to be "removed".

Take colored pencils (or crayons) and a blank sheet of paper. Relaxingly, with your left hand, draw an abstract plot - lines, color spots, shapes. It is important to completely immerse yourself in your experiences, choose a color and draw the lines the way you want, in full accordance with your mood. Try to imagine that you are transferring your sad mood onto paper, as if materializing it. Have you finished your drawing? Now turn the paper over and on the other side of the sheet write 5-7 words that reflect your mood. Don't think too long; it is necessary that words arise spontaneously, without special control on your part.

After this, look at your drawing again, as if reliving your state, re-read the words and with pleasure, emotionally tear up the piece of paper and throw it in the trash.

Let's try some relaxation exercises:

"Interiormassage": Imagine a black board. Then imagine how the letters of your name slowly appear, one at a time, in the upper left corner of the board. Then try to see the letters of the word “Relax” also appearing one at a time, but in the upper right corner. Pause for a moment and look at these words again. Then watch how they appear in the line below.


Target: complete relaxation, rhythmization of the breathing process, increasing internal stability, achieving harmony of emotional reactions. (3-5 min.)

Take a comfortable position. Relax your body. Direct your attention to your breathing. Try not to change natural type breathing, but just watch it. Tell yourself: “I feel my inhalation,... I feel my exhalation...”

After regular training, periods of distraction are reduced, and periods of concentration increase. Note: despite its simplicity, this exercise is one of the most effective breathing techniques.

"Deliverancefromalarms"(visualtechnique): Relax and imagine that you are sitting on a wonderful green lawn on a clear sunny day... The sky is illuminated by a rainbow and a particle of this radiance belongs to you... It is brighter than a thousand suns... Its rays gently and affectionately warm your head, penetrate your body, spread throughout it, all of it is filled with cleansing healing light, in which your sorrows and anxieties, all negative thoughts and feelings, fears and assumptions dissolve. All unhealthy particles leave your body, turning into dark smoke, which is quickly dissipated by a gentle wind. You are freed from worries, you are cleansed, you are light and joyful!


Goal: transforming negative experiences into positive ones, tuning the whole organism to a favorable perception of the upcoming event.

Within 5-10 minutes. Try not to be distracted by anything “yes-yes-yes” with different intervals, intonation and volume.


Goal: cleansing consciousness, relieving tension from the articulatory apparatus.

Speak, without thinking, any meaningless sound combinations that come to mind, imitating colloquial speech.

Note: during the exercise, a lot of things that bother you, hidden in the subconscious, are “blurted out.”


Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, open your mouth slightly and sing “A-U-M” with different intonations.


Goal: liberation of consciousness, release of negative experiences.

Sitting, relaxed, with your eyes closed, make a mooing sound.


Goal: relaxed state.

Take a comfortable position. Taking a deep breath, hold your breath. Exhale. Take a deep breath again and hold your breath. This time, accompany the exhalation with the sound “haaaaaaa”. Now breathe normally, focusing your attention on this. When you inhale, say to yourself: “I am”; when you exhale, say “relaxed.” Repeat the exercise 5 times.

During the day you expend a huge amount of energy. Give every muscle, every cell a chance to rest. Lie down, feel how your consciousness slows down, there is no rush, no fuss. You don't have to go anywhere, you don't have to do anything... Tension and grief gradually leave you. With each inhalation, imagine that you are absorbing the beauty of relaxation, and imagine each exhalation as getting rid of tension, fatigue, anxiety... You are washed by a feeling of peace and tranquility... Everything is so quiet, so calm. Silence gives rise to a feeling of warmth, confidence... You are relaxed, you are in complete agreement with yourself and the whole world around you... (The pulse rate before and after the exercise should differ by 10 beats)


Goal: relieving muscle tension in the shoulder girdle and back, controlling posture and self-confidence.

It can be done while standing or on the go. Raise your shoulders as sharply as possible, spread them wide back and lower. This should be your posture all the time.

    To restore your strength and energy after hard work, you need to be able to relax and rest. Simple tricks The relaxations we introduced today will help you relieve psycho-emotional stress. The recommendations I have prepared for maintaining psychological health will help, if necessary, improve your emotional state, maintain mental health.


    Fruitful cooperation.

Goal: reducing psycho-emotional stress, establishing emotional contact between all training participants.

Number of participants: 10-12.

Compiled by: educational psychologist Zumbadze Eteri Amiranovna.

Progress of the training:

Educational psychologist: I’m glad that we were able to meet and we had the opportunity to relax a little, rest, play and, along the way, learn something about ourselves and our colleagues, and most importantly, express to each other the joy of meeting.

Exercise No. 1. Relieving headaches


The teaching profession is stressful. He is forced to restrain his own emotions, control his actions and actions, as he must set an example for children. Therefore, teachers often complain of headaches. The proposed exercise will help relieve discomfort. Stand straight with your shoulders back and your head thrown back. Try to feel in which part of the head the feeling of heaviness is localized. Imagine wearing a heavy, uncomfortable hat on your head. Take it off and expressively, emotionally throw it on the floor. Shake your head, stroke it with your hands, with a sharp movement "give it up" hands down.

"My name"

Try writing your name in the air with your head. (This task improves brain performance).

Exercise No. 2. "Catch the Dragon's Tail"

Goal: to promote positive relationships between group members, unity of group members.

Teachers line up in a column, each holding the person in front by the belt. They represent a dragon. The first in the column is the dragon's head, the last is the tail. At the command of the leader, the dragon begins to move. The head's job is to catch the tail. And the task of the tail is to escape from the head. The dragon's body should not be torn, that is, players do not have the right to detach their hands. After catching the tail, you can choose a new head and a new tail.

Exercise No. 3. "Elephant"

Participants sit in a circle.

“The presenter hands out cards to the participants with the name of the animal written on them. The names are repeated on two cards. For example, if you get a card that says “elephant” on it, know that someone else has a card that also says “elephant” on it.” .

The presenter distributes cards (if there is not an even number of participants in the group, the coach also takes part in the exercise).

“Please read what is written on your card. Make it so that only you can see the inscription. Now the card can be removed. Everyone's task is to find their match. In this case, you can use any means of expression, you just can’t say anything or make characteristic sounds. “your animal.” In other words, everything we do, we will do silently.

4. Psycho-gymnastics "Forest"

Presenter - lie down more comfortably and close your eyes: imagine that you are in a forest, where there are many trees and bushes, and all possible beautiful plants and flowers

1. Contract and relax the muscles.

Presenter - in the thicket there is a beautiful white bench, let's sit down on it.

2. Raise your body and bend your knees, hug your legs with your arms.

Presenter - listen to the sounds. You hear the singing of birds, the rustling of grass.

3. Straighten your back and straighten your legs, lean on your hands from behind

Presenter - smell the smells: the wet earth smells, the wind carries the smell of pine trees, the smells of flowers and grass are mixed in the air.

4. repeat exercise No. 3

Presenter - there is a small river next to the forest, you approach the water and inhale the air.

5. As you inhale, bend your back, and as you exhale, straighten your back. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Presenter - you sit down on warm sand and run your hands along the sand. And you feel the sand crumble in your palms.

6. move their hands forward and backward along the floor, raise their hands up and down.

Leader - everything good that you felt will remain with you, positive emotions what you have experienced will become stronger and stronger.

Now, you can open your eyes and get up: let's take a deep breath and exhale slowly... stretch, smile... Everyone Thanks a lot for your attention.

5. Massage complex "Caravan" .

This is a complex for the back. Participants need to stand in a circle one after another and perform the actions that the leader reads out.

A caravan walked through the desert (we put the fingers of both hands into fists and use them to imitate steps along the back).

Padishah AH rode on one camel (stroke our fists strongly along the back, accompanying each movement with a deep sigh "OH" ) .

The beauty OH was riding on another camel (we lightly stroke our backs with our fists, accompanying each movement with a sigh "OH" ) .

And the beauty’s favorite dog ran after them - IH-IH (we imitate lungs with two fingers and quick steps, accompanying them with sounds "THE-THE" ) .

Suddenly a wind blew in the desert: first from top to bottom and from bottom to top, and then from left to right and from right to left. (we stroke the back with our hands in the indicated directions).

The wind has become so strong (movements become faster and more intense) that sand began to get into the riders' eyes (we apply point pressure on the back with our fingers).

And the caravan went faster, and then completely ran: first the padishah AH (with fists of both hands we imitate quick steps along the back), then beauty OH (we perform the same movements, but easier), then the beauty's dog IH-IH (we imitate light and quick steps with two fingers).

Sometimes because strong wind travelers collided with each other (we imitate collisions with fists of both hands).

The wind gradually died down (softly and smoothly stroke your back with your palms from left to right and right to left), but how, everyone is tired... (softly and smoothly stroke your back with your palms from top to bottom).

The caravan stopped and the travelers began to feel sorry for each other (we stroke our shoulders with our palms, and then our back from top to bottom).

After the rest, everyone cheered up and began to joke (tickle) and smile (smile).

6. Exercise "The Sage of the Temple" .

Instructions: Sit comfortably. Relax. Close your eyes.

Imagine yourself standing in a clearing in a summer forest. Thick grass rises to your knees and flower petals touch your feet. There are trees around, their leaves rustling in a warm breeze. sun rays create a bizarre mosaic of light and shadow. You can hear the whistling of birds, the chirping of grasshoppers, the crackling of branches. You enjoy the aroma of herbs and flowers. Curly lambs in the blue summer sky foretell excellent weather.

You cross the clearing and go deeper into the forest. There is a narrow path under your feet. She is barely noticeable in the grass. Apparently, it is not often walked on. You are slowly walking through the forest and suddenly see through the treetops the roof of a building of unusual architecture. You are heading towards this building. The trees recede and you find yourself in front of an amazing structure. This is a temple. He stands far from the bustle of cities and street crowds, from the pursuit of illusory happiness. This temple is a place of peace and tranquility, a place for reflection and deepening into oneself. Several wide steps lead up to a heavy oak door. The sun's rays play on the gilded patterns decorating the door. You go up the steps and, holding the golden handle, open the door. It gives in unexpectedly easily and silently. Inside the temple there is semi-darkness and pleasant coolness. All sounds remain outside. There are ancient paintings on the walls. There are shelves everywhere, on which there are many books, strange tomes, scrolls. Opposite the door through which you entered is a large oak table, behind whom sits an old man in snow-white clothes. His kind and wise eyes are fixed on you. A candle is burning in a candlestick right in front of him.

Come closer to the old man. This is a sage who knows all the innermost secrets of the world, events of the past and future. You can ask him about what worries you, and perhaps you will get the answer you have been looking for for so long... The sage points you to the candle. Take a closer look at this living flame, into its magical core. Look at him... Inside the flame, first a blurry, and now increasingly clear image appears... Turn your gaze to the sage. He is holding a calendar in his hands. The date is clearly highlighted on the calendar sheet, remember it...

The time for visiting the temple ends. Thank the wise man for meeting you...

You leave the temple and close the door behind you. It's still a sunny day here outside. You go down the steps and again emerge onto the forest path, along which you return to the clearing where your journey began. You stop, take one last look at the landscape around you... and are transported here again, to this room...

Psychologist: They say a pencil has qualities that we need if we want to live our lives in harmony with the whole world.

To write, you have to sharpen your pencil. This operation is a little painful for him, but after this the pencil writes more finely. Therefore, learn to endure pain, remembering that it ennobles us.

  • If you use a pencil, you can always erase with an eraser what you consider wrong. Remember that correcting yourself is not always a bad thing. Often this is the only way to stay on the right path.
  • What matters in a pencil is not the wood from which it is made or its shape, but the graphite inside. Therefore, always think about what is happening inside you.
  • A pencil always leaves a mark. We also leave traces with our actions.

Psychologist: What did you like most about our lesson?

What was difficult?

The profession of a teacher requires great endurance and self-control. From numerous contacts with other people, he experiences great neuropsychic stress, which manifests itself in strong emotional stress, frequent stress, and “emotional burnout.” Situations of extreme emotional stress lead to a progressive deterioration in the health of teachers, so they need psychological support and training in techniques for relieving emotional and muscle tension.



Training to relieve emotional stress

The purpose of the training: relieving emotional and muscle tension to strengthen the psychological health of teachers.


Create an atmosphere of emotional freedom, trust in each other, and cooperation in the group;

Introduce training participants to self-regulation techniques;

To teach teachers the skills to combat “emotional burnout syndrome.”

Organization of training: group of teachers from 10 to 15 people.

The form of the training is a circle, free movement around the room is possible.

Duration – 1 hour.

1. Preparation. Warm up. Say yes, uncle.

The group is divided into three or four subgroups. Each subgroup receives the same set of questions from the coach. Assignment: answer all the questions on the list as quickly and accurately as possible and give the answers to the coach. The team itself determines the tactics of the game: everything is done together, answers are sought in parallel in several directions, each is responsible for one of the questions. The coach should not suggest options for working on the task; it is enough to just note that the players are free to choose tactics for playing the game.

As a rule, the sheet handed over to the teams should contain the number of questions based on: a question - one minute of play. Giving 10 min. To find all the answers, the trainer must therefore prepare a list of 10 questions.

Sample questions:

1. How many training participants’ names begin with the letter “K” and contain the letter “k” in their full name?

2. How many windows are there in the corridor of the first floor of our building?

3. How many chairs are there in this room?

4. Find out from Natalya what city she was born in.

5. How many fluorescent lamps are there in the medical office? sisters?

6. Find out what Dmitry Bilan’s favorite dish is? (you can name the name of any other singer, artist, a TV show about which was possible this week).

7. How many pockets are there in the jacket that Elena wears?

8. What is (any participant's name)'s favorite joke?

Discussion. How did you feel when you received the assignment? Have your emotions and feelings changed by the end of the task? Yes? No? Why?

2. Introduction to the topic. K. Faupel's game "Rainbow".

During the game, participants are invited to use the colors of the rainbow so that their spirit becomes fresh and unclouded, free from everything unpleasant: from all worries, worries and unhappy thoughts. To do this, they need to get up and start moving around the room. At the beginning of the movement, participants should imagine that the entire room is filled with red air.

The trainer conducts the exercise according to the following instructions:

Look at this shining red air surrounding us and breathe in its freshness. If you want, you can even touch this wonderful red or smell its wonderful aroma. (15 seconds)

Continue moving around the room and now imagine that the entire room is filled with orange air. You can inhale this color, touch it... Don't you think that the orange air smells like oranges? (15 seconds)

Look, now the air around us has turned yellow! Enjoy the glowing yellow air. It's like you're bathing in the sun! Inhale this yellow glow, touch it. (15 seconds)

The color of the air around us has changed. It now emits green light. This is the color of spring leaves. It was as if we had plunged into spring. Feel its wonderful freshness and aroma... (15 seconds)

Miracles are coming! The air suddenly began to sparkle with all shades blue color. Touch the color of the bottomless morning sky! Enjoy the sparkling blue! Spread your arms like wings and slowly soar in the blue space... (15 seconds)

Look, the air around us is gradually condensing, and its color gradually turns from blue to blue. This is the color of the sea. It is impossible to take your eyes off him!

The blue air seems denser, you want to push it apart with your hands, like water. (15 seconds)

And finally, the air in our room turned purple. Touch it with your hands and feel its depth. Inhale the color of the evening coolness.,. (15 seconds)

Now imagine yourself leaving last color rainbows and see the light that fills our room now. Shake off all the remaining colors and feel how you feel them.

Now walk slowly and calmly to your seat.

Question: what color was nice? What color caused unpleasant emotions and why?

3. Exercise “Dancing-opposites”.

Participants are asked to split into pairs. In dance you must portray different feelings. The feelings you portray must be the opposite. For example, one of you pretends to be happy, and the other, respectively, portrays sadness. Say with your dance that we are sad and very sad or, on the contrary, happy and happy... When I clap my hands, switch roles (1-2 minutes). Then switch pairs.

4. Exercise “Painting on the back.”

Players are divided into pairs. The partners independently decide which of them will be A and which will be B. In the first round, B stands behind A and “draws” individual letters on his back with his finger. Player A must guess them. At the same time, A's eyes are closed. It is advisable that players wear thin clothing. If A guesses the letters, player B can write simple words and even phrases. You have 5 minutes to complete the task. In the next round, players switch roles. Reflection:

How pleased was everyone with the “artist”?

Were you able to get ready to work together?

Which role was more doable and more fun?

5. Exercise “Smile”.

A Japanese proverb says: “The strongest is the one who smiles.”

A smile is an effective tool for positively influencing yourself and others. If the facial muscles “work to smile,” then much more happens than you might imagine: the muscles activate the nerves located in them, and thereby a positive signal is “sent” to the brain. You can check it right now. Smile (it doesn’t matter if it’s a grimace, the point is that the right muscles are working). Maintain this position for approximately 30 seconds. If you honestly do this experiment, you will be able to clearly state that something is still “happening.” It would be good if you described your impressions without delay.

If this is your first time doing this exercise, then now you know that you always feel better after it, and you are ready to start regular training.

Smile training.

The essence of the training is that you learn to “keep a smile on your face” several times a day for about 1 minute. This exercise can be done anywhere: in the car, on a walk, in front of the TV. The following effect that occurs during this training is interesting. In the first seconds, instead of a smile, you may end up with a grimace, especially if you are in an irritated state. But after about 10 seconds you start to seem funny to yourself. This means that your grimace is already transforming into a smile. Then you start to slowly make fun of yourself. You are asking whether you really need to be annoyed in this situation. A few seconds later, you notice that there is relief. And from now on everything will go for the better.

6. Exercise “Rope”.

The presenter suggests imagining a rope that passes through the ears. Taking the “rope” by the ends, we slowly move our hands at ear level, imitating the movement of the “rope” from side to side. At the same time, we mentally imagine that with each movement, unpleasant thoughts, anxieties, and problems disappear from the head until the brain is completely “cleansed.”

7. Exercise “Write a fairy tale.”

The group is divided into subgroups of four to five people. The presenter offers the beginning of one of the fairy tales. He asks participants to imagine that the fairy tale represents in metaphorical form a problem that was solved with the help of love.

Participants must, first, select different problems; secondly, imagine what kind of person he is and in what life situations they were actualized in this problem; thirdly, to come up with a continuation of the fairy tale, which in metaphorical form would contain a way to overcome life's difficulties with the help of the emotion of love.

Participants work in subgroups for twenty minutes, after which they offer their fairy tale to the others. It is better to listen to the authors’ comments regarding the essence of the problem and the image of the “hero” after reading the fairy tale they created.


1. A Magic Book fell into the hands of the Writer. Its pages were empty. But as soon as some fictitious event was described in it, how it happened in reality. Even fictional creatures and entire nations could be born if they were written about in the Book. But the Book had one more feature: what was written on its pages (and there were exactly one hundred of them) could not be corrected - not even a single letter...

2. In the Magic Land he lived very beautiful flower. Many admired his visual appeal and wonderful aroma and wanted to make friends with him. But the Flower himself was so gentle and sensitive that he felt ill as soon as anyone tried to communicate with him: even the touch of insects brought him pain, and he did not like the smells of other flowers at all...

3. Lived in deep cave in the center of a huge mountain, a Dwarf who mined gold and gems. One day he was returning alone from work, carrying supplies of jewelry in a bag, and suddenly he heard something.

4. The wandering Prince was wandering through some distant country and came into a village with a very strange name - Big Vraki. He never expected that...

5. Once upon a time there was a Drum. He was cheerful and active and loved loud sounds - he rumbled always and everywhere, without even thinking about the fact that many people did not like it. He drummed loudly at breakfast and during playtime, at naptime and during his parents' conversations. Even when subtle lyrical music sounded, he continued to knock out his marches...

6. There lived a small Source in the mountains. His mother, the Underwater River, wanted the Source to flow into the waters of the beautiful mountain lake. Every day she was going to help him find the way to this mountain lake, but the Source began to worry so much that the water in it began to boil, and with such high temperature It was impossible to flow and fall into the lake...

7. Once upon a time there was a Football Ball. He had an unusual life: unlike others he knew, he only became useful when they started beating him. Yes, even with legs. In the end, this situation angered him...

8. Exercise “Drawing of the future.”

Pencils, paints, etc. are provided to training participants. paper. They are invited to sit comfortably where they will feel as free as possible. Without setting any restrictions, participants must draw their future life and professional activities the way they would like it to develop. It is necessary to indicate the roads leading to the peaks that the participants want to climb. At the end of the training participants’ work, an art gallery is compiled. All participants, walking along this gallery, discuss the images without mentioning the name of the author of the picture

9. Exercise “Ha!”

Participants form a circle holding hands. At the coach's command, they raise their hands up. Then, on the count of “three,” they sharply throw their hands down and exhale, saying “Ha!” (repeat 4 times).

10. Reflection.

What did you expect from the event? Were your expectations met?

Is the information received valuable to you? What is especially significant?

What is your mood for future work?
