How to calculate 9 days after death. Funeral home "Grail"

The first nine days are very important both for the soul of the deceased and for the living. We will tell you what path a person’s soul takes, what it experiences, and whether the relatives of the deceased can alleviate its fate.

When a person dies, his soul overcomes certain boundaries. And this happens after 3, 9, 40 days after death. Despite the fact that everyone knows that these days it is necessary to organize funeral meals, order services in churches and pray intensely, few people understand why. In this article we will tell you about what happens on the 9th day to a person’s soul, why this day is so important and how the living can help the soul of the deceased.

By Orthodox tradition the person is buried on the third day. In the first days after death, the soul has enormous freedom. She is not yet fully aware of the fact of death, so she carries all the “baggage of life knowledge” with her. All the hopes, attachments, fears and aspirations of the soul pull it towards certain places and people. It is believed that these days the soul wants to be near its body, as well as near people close to it. Even if a person died far from home, the soul longs to be with loved ones. The soul may also be drawn to places that meant a lot to it during life. This time is given to the soul so that it gets used to and adapts to incorporeal existence.

As soon as the third day arrives, the soul no longer has the freedom it once possessed. She is taken by angels and escorted to heaven to worship God. For this reason, a memorial service is held - living people say goodbye to a person and his soul completely.

After worshiping God, the soul is shown Paradise and the righteous who live in it. This “excursion” lasts for six days. During this time, according to the Fathers of the Church, the soul begins to be tormented: on the one hand, it sees how beautiful this place is and that Paradise is the main goal of human existence. On the other hand, the soul understands that it is unworthy to be among the saints, since it has many vices and sins. On the ninth day, the angels return for the soul and accompany the soul to the Lord.

What do you need to do these days alive?

We should not hope that the walk of the soul is an otherworldly matter that does not concern us. On the contrary, the soul needs our support and all possible help for 9 days. At this time, the living can hope more than ever for the relief of the suffering of the soul and its salvation. This can be done through prayer in church and at home. After all, even if a person was a sinner, they pray for him, this means that there is something good in him, something because of which the soul deserves a better fate. Of course, it is advisable to order a service in a temple, but prayers for the 9th day should also be personal, from yourself. In addition, you can help the soul of a loved one with good deeds, such as donation and alms.

This may seem strange, but the ninth day in Orthodoxy even has some festive connotations. And all because people believe that after staying in Paradise, even as a guest, the soul will be able to adequately praise God. And if the person was completely righteous, he led godly life, it is believed that after 9 days the soul can be transferred to the Holy Place.

A special place in Orthodox rites is occupied by the remembrance of the dead. The most important days are considered to be from 1 to 40 days; 9 days after death have their own significance. What do relatives need to do, what does this date mean?

A worthy send-off

The passing of a loved one is always a shock, even if he was old, had been ill for a long time and was preparing to move on to another world. Faced with the fact that only a motionless shell remains of a loved one, many think that they themselves are mortal. Existence beyond the border seems frightening. After all, on this side we can only guess about what awaits us there. But thanks to the teaching of the Church, we are still in general outline we know what happens on the 9th day after death. On this day the air ordeals begin.

What is it? It is believed that the soul goes through all the sins committed during life. It is especially important in the period from 9 to 40 days after death to support a loved one with intense prayer. Many important things need to be done, the main thing is that earthly concerns do not overshadow the care of the soul. For her, prayers are like passing marks on an exam, only it can be retaken, and the transition to another world is carried out only once.

If the death occurred on the 1st, the 9th day will come on the 9th (and not the 10th, if ordinary addition were used). Perhaps this rule is due to the fact that in the spiritual world our usual measures of things do not apply.

What needs to be done?

The most hectic days are over, the funeral service, burial, and first wake took place. For 9 days after death, you can take up worthy Christian remembrance with great zeal. It consists of two parts - church and private prayer, everything else has less important, although the table must be organized if necessary.

  • Church remembrance: magpie (if not ordered earlier), Psalter for the repose (in monasteries you can order an option that is read around the clock), requiem service.
  • Private prayer: reading the Psalter, this can be any kathisma, but in general it is customary to read the 17th for repose. Personal presence at the Liturgy, memorial service. You can read the memorial service over the grave, take an abbreviated text for the laity.

Giving alms is considered very beneficial for the soul. You can take food to a church house, donate clothes that are no longer needed (sometimes things of the deceased are also distributed). At the same time, people must be asked to pray for the remembrance of the soul of the deceased.


After completing the prayers that should be offered 9 days after death, the remaining time can be spent at the funeral meal. Real Christian funerals not only exclude vodka, alcohol is not allowed at all. This order is due to the fact that prayers should be continued even at the table. The topic of conversation should be the good qualities of the deceased, the good deeds that he did during his lifetime. You shouldn’t be too upset or cry. This won't make things any easier.

You can organize a wake anywhere - in a cafe or in an apartment, it doesn’t matter. Tables can be decorated with mourning ribbons. However, artificial jewelry should be avoided. Christians both in churches and on funeral tables Only arrangements of fresh flowers are placed. They symbolize life that is not interrupted.

The dishes should be simple. Required dishes:

  • sweet rice or wheat porridge (kolivo);
  • pancakes (also sweet);
  • jelly.

Sweetness symbolizes the pleasures in paradise that the righteous enjoy. Also, during the wake on the 9th day after death, you can serve a dish that the deceased loved.

Pointless activities in the cemetery should be avoided:

  • place a glass of vodka on the grave or on the table, even if the deceased liked to drink;
  • pouring alcohol on the grave;
  • leaving money and things in the cemetery - it is better to donate them to the poor, who will be able to gratefully remember the deceased in their prayers.

You need to know that church commemoration is performed only for the baptized; you must try to find out this fact. People born before the 2nd World War, as a rule, are all baptized. If a person wore a cross but did not go to church, prayers should be intensified. After all, a Christian who has not gone to church for more than a month is already considered an apostate.

Candles can be lit for those who died as a result of the sin of suicide. But you can no longer submit notes. This should not be done with the help of deception - this can even harm the deceased. By consciously rejecting the church during life, refusing God's gifts, a person makes his own choice, no matter how sad it is to realize this. At 9 days after death, intensive prayers should begin, which will continue until the very day of the preliminary judgment of the soul.

The Importance of Spiritual Life

Many holy fathers were awarded various revelations, about which they compiled special works. From there it is known exactly how the soul ascends to the heavenly abodes. How more people will sincerely ask for the deceased, the easier it will be for her to be on the other side.

On the 9th day after death, the soul begins to undergo tests of all possible passions. There are 20 species in total. Here there is theft, and carnal pleasures, even such a seemingly insignificant sin as idle talk, slander, and swearing. Various written works and icons are dedicated to the ordeals. Horrifying images of pain and torment evoke rather unpleasant feelings.

But it is quite possible that demons will not frighten, but, on the contrary, seduce the soul flying by. Trying to detain her, to lure her with what she loved very much during her life. A very important lesson here is that the sinful soul independently chooses the path to hell, not to God. The Lord is not angry with people - they themselves turn away from Him by submitting to their passions.

Passion differs from sin in that it can enslave a person, force him to strive at any cost to satisfy his destructive desires. No wonder this word is translated as “suffering.” After all, getting what you really wanted does not make a person happy. He only rejects rewards beyond the grave, because there too he will be subject to evil influence. Only it will be a thousand times stronger.

When 9 days come after death, this means that the spirit ascends to worship the Lord. After this, until the forties, the soul is shown the hellish abyss and it is tormented by those evil deeds that you have done during your life. The fervent prayer of your neighbors can ease these wanderings, which can plunge you into horror and despair. While on earth, a person can educate his soul. There are proven means for this - fasting, prayer, different types abstinence. It will no longer be possible to resort to them for the coffin.

Being in the body, a Christian can get a respite from the feelings that overwhelm him - be it anger or lust. Simple sleep or a change in activity helps. Freed from the body, he will perceive spiritual reality much more acutely. On the other side, the soul is attracted to what it wanted here on earth. So she can fall into the clutches of demons. Prayers and fasting can get rid of them, which loved ones must undertake if they want to alleviate the fate of the deceased.

It is very important to understand that simply by submitting a note and standing at the Liturgy, you are only performing a ritual. It will be filled with meaning and become effective only when a person forces himself to put his whole soul into prayer.

Why is it necessary to remember the dead on day 9?

The wake (9 days) is the next obligatory stage after the burial. Although it originated in the Christian religion, everyone adheres to this tradition. So how to spend a wake for 9 days? What are the features of the ritual?

Memorial service

If the deceased was a Christian, then you definitely need to go to church. It is believed that

at this time the soul can still visit the places of its earthly habitat. She completes the work that a person did not have time to do during his lifetime. He says goodbye to someone, asks for forgiveness from someone. A prayer service held at this time according to all church traditions helps to calm the soul and unite it with God.

It is advisable that the wake (9 days) and relatives begin with an appeal to the Lord. In a short prayer, you should ask the Almighty to forgive all the sins of the deceased and place him in the Kingdom of Heaven. This has always been part of the ritual. In the temple they light candles for the remembrance of the soul. There is a special place for this. If you don’t know, then consult a temple minister. But usually you can determine it yourself. The platform for has a rectangular shape (all others are round). Nearby there is a printed text of the prayer. Don't be lazy, read it.

What do 9 days of commemoration mean?

In Christianity, the path of the soul to the Lord is described in sufficient detail. So, in the first days, the Angels show her what life is like in Paradise. The ninth is the time, so to speak, of the exam. The soul appears before the Lord, who determines its future fate. It is believed that sinners are afraid and tormented, finally realizing how incompetently they

wasted their energy. The righteous may also suffer from not knowing whether they will be life path approved by the Lord. Help for the soul of the deceased is extremely necessary during this period. Relatives with their prayers can help her cleanse herself and receive a “pass” to Paradise.

IN Christian traditions The 9-day wake is considered very important, since it is the last duty, the final stage of the earthly existence of the soul. After the Lord assigns her to Heaven or Hell, the living will be practically unable to help her. The clergy say that 9 days is almost a holiday! Because at this time the soul finds its shelter. It is imperative to pray that her stay in that world will be comfortable.

Funeral dinner

A trip to a cemetery is mainly for those closest to you. And those who want to express their respect to the deceased and his family members are invited to see him off modestly. The first, second and compote are prepared. IN

In Christianity, neither all kinds of snacks and salads, nor alcohol are accepted. Traditions with a hundred grams and a piece of bread arose in very difficult times, when there was no other way to relieve stress. Now there is no need to drink alcohol at funerals, and it is not encouraged.

Of the “excesses,” only baking is allowed. So, they usually make pies or buns and serve them to the table. Everything should take place calmly and modestly. This is not an indicator of poverty. Rather, this demonstrates the recognition of the frailty of everything physical before the spiritual. At the table, everyone is given the floor to express their grief, share the confidence that the soul will go to Heaven, and simply remember the person who recently left this world.

Funeral feast

But not everyone has lunch these days. Some people don’t have enough time, others don’t want the extra hassle. The Church does not insist on strict adherence to this particular tradition.

It is quite permissible to replace a shared meal with a treat. What is it? You need to prepare such food that it is appropriate and convenient to serve to people without an invitation to the house, and so hold the funeral for 9 days. What are they giving away? Usually cookies and sweets. The easiest option is to buy what you need in a store. It is recommended to bake pies or cookies yourself. It is believed that by such actions you express greater respect to the deceased. You can distribute what you have prepared at work, in the yard to grandmothers and children.

How to calculate the required period?

People often get confused with this. It is best to contact Father, who will help you figure out the deadlines and tell you on what day to celebrate what. Due to its importance to the soul, you need to know exactly when to hold a wake for 9 days. How to count on your own? The first day is the day the person died. It is from this that we must count. From the moment of death, the soul begins its journey through the Kingdom of Angels. She needs help precisely on the ninth day (and before that). Do not miss any deadlines, even if the death occurred before midnight. The first day is the date of death. The third, ninth and fortieth days are then important. You need to calculate them immediately and write them down so as not to forget. These are the dates that definitely need to be celebrated.

Who is invited to the funeral?

Family members and friends are the people who should be included in the sad meal. They themselves know this. Souls demand to meet and support

each other in grief. But a wake 9 days after death is an event to which people come without an invitation. It is not customary to drive away someone who wanted to take part in it, even if they are complete strangers. The logic is this: the more people pray for the salvation of the soul of the deceased, the easier it is for it to get to Heaven. Therefore, driving someone away is unacceptable, even sinful.

Try to treat as many people as possible. And if it is not necessary to invite everyone to the funeral dinner, then you can give out sweets to everyone you meet on this day. Strictly speaking, it is not accepted to invite people to the event. People themselves should ask when it will take place (and in general, whether it is planned or not). For convenience, organizers most often take responsibility themselves and call everyone who has expressed a desire to remember the deceased.

Is it necessary to go to the cemetery?

Strictly speaking, a 9-day funeral does not include such a trip in the list of essential events. The Church believes that the graveyard contains mortal remains that have no special significance. Going to church and praying are welcome. But usually people themselves want to visit the final resting place of a dear person. They bring flowers and sweets there. Thus, as it were, a tribute is paid to the deceased. But this is more important for

living than for the deceased.

Under no circumstances should you bring alcohol to the cemetery. This is strictly prohibited by the Church! If you decide that you definitely need to visit the cemetery on this day, then take care of the appropriate clothing. Outfits should be modest and not flashy. The presence of mourning symbols is also desirable. Women tie mourning scarves. Men can wear dark jackets. If it is hot, then black scarves are tied to the left forearm.

How to prepare a house for a funeral?

On this day, lamps are lit and a photograph of the deceased with a mourning ribbon is placed in a prominent place. There is no need to cover mirrors anymore. This is done only while the body is in the house. Naturally, on this day it is not customary to turn on music or watch funny films and programs.

You can place a glass of water and bread in front of the icon as a sign of help to a soul traveling through an as yet unknown world. It is desirable that an atmosphere of severity reign in the house. If you invite people to dinner, then worry about their comfort. Usually carpets are removed from the floor so that you can walk around the house in shoes. You also need to place a small vase or plate near the photograph of the deceased. This is where the money will be put. This is done when many people come, including strangers to the household. They may express a desire to donate some amount to the monument. And giving money to relatives is not always convenient.

How to remember for 9 days? What should you do and what shouldn't you do? This is discussed in detail in the article. Body, soul and spirit are all creations of God. If the first is of a temporary nature, then the rest live forever. Today we will talk about why they commemorate on the 9th day, why they do it. The basic rules of this event will also be presented, it will be described how to organize everything correctly, when and where.

Of course, an important ritual that helps the dead pass on to another world is the wake on the 9th day.

Where is the soul after a person has died?

According to Orthodox canons, it is believed that the soul of the newly deceased is not sent on the day of death as intended by God. For another 40 days after it leaves the body, the soul remains on earth. During this period, relatives pray for the deceased. The 3rd, 9th and 40th days are celebrated in a special way.

Why do this? Why are they commemorated on the 9th and 40th days? The meaning of commemorations these days is to pray for the deceased before God. Note that 9 is a sacred number. After a person has died, his body rests covered with earth. At the same time, the soul continues to wander around the Earth.

What happens on the 9th day? The afterlife begins from the first day. On the 3rd day, the soul of the deceased leaves his native walls. During this period, she goes on a 9-day walk. During these six days she goes through a special journey. IN given time she is preparing for a personal meeting with the Almighty. On the 40th day the journey ends.

Why is it remembered on the 9th day after death? These events help the deceased to stand before the throne of God, the Judge, with fear and trembling. Let us note that in God's hierarchy the angels have their own ranks. After a 9-day stay on the posthumous path, the choice of angels ends. They act as defenders (lawyers) in God's court. Each of them will ask God for mercy. At the same time, he will be provided with evidence of the righteous life of a person who died 9 days ago.

The first three days after death, when the soul is still near the living, a guardian angel stays next to it. The soul enters heaven for dating on the fourth day. While the verdict has not yet been pronounced, everyone finds themselves in heavenly spaces. This is done so that the soul has the opportunity to rest from the pain that haunted it on earth. All the sins of the deceased are also shown.

Meaning of 9 days

As you understand, angels bring the deceased to the throne of God. After a conversation with the Almighty, the soul goes to hell. This decision is not final. We can say that the soul goes there for acquaintance. During such a journey, various difficult obstacles arise in front of the deceased (more precisely, his soul). He must pass all the tests. Their difficulty depends entirely on the temptations encountered along the way.

Those souls who have been able to show that good triumphs over evil can expect a change of heart at God's judgment. It is very likely that they can count on forgiveness.

What is the importance of the 9th day? The fact is that the deceased has not yet been determined on his path. The memories of relatives, as well as their prayers, will provide undeniable help to the deceased. The memory of good deeds the deceased, about his life and forgiveness of the offended.

According to Orthodox canons, it is believed that one cannot constantly mourn the deceased. This is how you keep him on the ground by your behavior. When family and friends find peace, they give peace to the departed person.

When the soul goes through the journey in hell, then sinners have the opportunity to repent. At the moment, it is the prayers of the living that provide strong support for the dead on this difficult path.

It is very important to order a prayer service on the 9th day. After which, of course, you must definitely end the day with a wake. The prayer that sounds during commemoration helps the deceased to pass these difficult hellish trials.

The prayers of living people are filled with requests for the deceased to join the angels. If the Almighty wills, then the deceased will become a guardian angel for one of his relatives.

How to count the 9th day correctly?

When calculating, you need to take into account not only the day, but also the time. The funeral must be held no later than the ninth day. Usually they are even done earlier. There is no way to organize a wake later.

For example, if a person died after lunch, then a wake should be held eight days later. Please note that the date of death and the time of the funeral are in no way related to each other. According to Orthodox customs, it is believed that the body is buried on the second or third day. But it also happened that the date of burial was postponed even to the sixth and seventh day. Based on this, the date of the funeral is calculated only from the time of death.

Funeral according to traditions

How to remember for 9 days after death? Now we will tell you in detail. Let us note that a wake is a necessary, but not very simple, ritual in order to pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. At the same time, leaving in his mind all the best from his life.

Funerals on the 9th day are not usually held in a cemetery. You can simply come to the grave of the deceased for your loved ones. You can arrange a funeral at home. If it is not possible to do this there, then you can hold the event in a cafe.

It is customary that people are not invited to the funeral dinner. They must come on their own. Of course, you need to tell them when and where the event will take place. It is also necessary to express the desire for these people to be present at the funeral dinner, which begins and ends with the Lord's Prayer.

We set the table correctly for a funeral dinner. What dishes can you cook?

How to remember correctly for 9 days? We need to arrange a special lunch. Just remember that it has nothing to do with celebration. During this dinner there can be no laughter, fun and songs.

The Church does not recommend placing on the table and consuming alcoholic beverages that cause inappropriate behavior. In general, drunkenness is a great sin. And, as you know, during wakes people pray for the forgiveness of sins, not only of the dead, but also of the living. During lunch on the 9th day, if you indulge in drunkenness, you can harm the deceased.

How to remember for 9 days after people have prayed? Then each of those present puts on a kutya, which was specially prepared and consecrated in the church. Note that if it was not possible to consecrate the food, then it can be sprinkled with holy water three times.

Funeral kutia

As has already become clear, the main dish, that is, what is remembered for 9 days, is kutia. Each region has its own unique food preparation traditions. But the main components are grain and honey. The following cereals can be used in cooking:

  • millet;
  • corn;
  • wheat.

Let us note that it is not by chance that grain is chosen to prepare this dish. It has a sacred meaning. What is meant here is that the seed dies when cooked, just like a person dies. The latter can be reborn in the Kingdom of Heaven in a new appearance. To wish the deceased a heavenly life, poppy seeds and honey are added to kutya.

Raisins and nuts are not always added to this lean dish. This is because they symbolize healthy life and well-being. Symbols of heaven are sweets such as honey and sugar. They are also added to kutya. Don't turn a funeral dinner into a waste of time. This time is reserved for consoling loved ones and remembering the deceased.

Funeral lunch. Basic rules of behavior

How to remember the dead for 9 days? Lunch should start with the first course. Usually it is borscht. Also on the funeral menu there is porridge, often pea. This dish is served with cutlets, fish or poultry.

Many people are interested in how to remember for 9 days and what should be served? Now let's try to understand this issue. The menu at a wake must include porridge (often pea), accompanied by cutlets, fried fish or a bird.

The receiving party chooses the cold appetizers themselves. As for drinks, there should be either compote or uzvar on the table. At the end of lunch, thin pancakes (with cottage cheese or poppy seeds) or pies with sweet filling are served.

The purpose of a wake is not the consumption of food!

Note that you don’t need to prepare a lot of food so as not to fall into gluttony. In general, rituals during the taking of funeral food are an invention of people. The meal is not the main event of the day. People should just quietly remember the deceased. Don't talk bad about him. This is necessary in order not to harm him during his journey through hell.

If you talk negatively about the deceased on the 9th day, then there is a chance that he will receive a terrible sentence. Let us note that all the food left after the funeral dinner must be distributed to the needy and the poor.

Wake clothes

At the funeral dinner, prayers are read, so women cover their heads with scarves. On the 9th day, only loved ones can have black scarves, as a symbol of special sadness. If we talk about men, then in this case everything is different. They take off their hats and present themselves before God in prayer with their heads uncovered.

Behavior in church

We have already figured out how to remember for 9 days. For Orthodox loved ones it is prerequisite their presence at the service on the occasion of 9 days.

All people light candles for the repose of the deceased according to this plan:

  1. First, go to the icon, near which there are candles for the repose. It usually depicts the crucifixion of Jesus. Cross yourself.
  2. Light the previously purchased candle from other burning ones. If they are not there, then you can use the fire from the lamp. Under no circumstances should you use matches or lighters in this matter.
  3. Place a lit candle in an empty space.
  4. Next, ask God to rest the soul of the deceased, be sure to call full name(the one with whom they were baptized).
  5. Cross yourself, bow, move away from the lamp.

The candles that are placed in the church symbolize a collective request for the deceased. When praying for the soul of the deceased, send requests to God for the mercy of a sinful person. The more people who plead for his forgiveness, the more likely he will be forgiven. You can ask both from the Holy Saints, and from the angels and God.

Please explain what the 3rd, 9th and 40th days after the death of a person mean. What is the soul of the deceased experiencing and where is it these days?

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

Our earthly existence is a preparation for the future life: “it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Heb. 9:27). Posthumous experiences indicate that, freed from bodily fatness, the soul becomes more active. The tests that she undergoes immediately after separation from the body are of a spiritual and moral nature. Everything she did, good and bad, remains. Therefore, for the soul, from the very beginning of the afterlife (even before the Judgment), joys or suffering begin, depending on how it lived on earth. St. John Cassian writes: “the souls of the dead not only do not lose their feelings, but do not lose their dispositions, i.e. They are already beginning to anticipate hope and fear, joy and sorrow, and something of what they expect for themselves at the general judgment, contrary to the opinion of some infidels, that after leaving this life they are destroyed into nothing; they become even more alive and cleave more zealously to the glorification of God” (Conversation 1, chapter 14). In the first two days, freed from the mortal body, the soul enjoys freedom and can visit those places on earth that were dear to it. But on the third day she ends up in other areas. The revelation given by an angel to Saint Macarius of Alexandria (who died in 395) is known: “When on the third day there is an offering in the Church, the soul of the deceased receives from the angel guarding it relief from the grief that it feels from separation from the body; receives because praise and offerings in the Church of God have been made for her, which is why good hope is born in her. For for two days the soul, together with the angels who are with it, is allowed to walk on the earth wherever it wants. Therefore, the soul that loves the body sometimes wanders around the house in which it was separated from the body, sometimes around the coffin in which the body is laid<...>And a virtuous soul goes to those places in which it used to create the truth. On the third day, He who rose from the dead on the third day - the God of all - commands, in imitation of His Resurrection, every Christian soul to ascend to heaven to worship the God of all. So, the good Church is in the habit of making an offering and prayer for the soul on the third day. After worshiping God, He is commanded to show the soul the various and pleasant abodes of the saints and the beauty of paradise. The soul considers all this for six days, marveling and glorifying the Creator of all this - God. Contemplating all this, she changes and forgets the sorrow that she had while in the body. But if she is guilty of sins, then at the sight of the pleasures of the saints she begins to grieve and reproach herself, saying: “Alas” for me! How I fussed in that world! Carried away by the satisfaction of lusts, I spent most of my life in carelessness and did not serve God as I should, so that I too could be rewarded with this goodness<...>After considering all the joys of the righteous for six days, she is again lifted up by the angels to worship God. So, the Church does well by performing services and offerings for the deceased on the ninth day. After the second worship, the Lord of all again commands to take the soul to hell and show it the places of torment located there, the different sections of hell and the various torments of the wicked.<...>Through these various places of torment the soul rushes for thirty days, trembling, so as not to be condemned to imprisonment in them. On the fortieth day she again ascends to worship God; and then the Judge determines the proper place for her affairs<...>So, the Church acts correctly by making remembrances of the departed and those who have received Baptism” (St. Macarius of Alexandria. The Sermon on the Exodus of the Souls of the Righteous and Sinners..., - “Christian Reading”, 1831, part 43, pp. 123-31; “How to conduct soul for the first forty days after leaving the body, M., 1999, pp. 13-19).
