The most accurate methods of divining the gender of an unborn child. Ancient fortune-telling of the sex of a child - a ritual or a way to find out the truth

Previously, people without modern technologies, could quite accurately determine the sex of the unborn child. Over hundreds of years, mothers began to notice certain “features” that indicate the birth of a girl or boy. And strangely enough, even now, with such methods as ultrasound, many women resort to fortune telling to determine the gender of the child, and the predictions are very accurate.

The thing is that you should not rely entirely on only one method described below. The most accurate result is shown by a combination of several fortune telling methods. Even if one of the signs turns out to be false, others will point out this error.

In this article, we have collected only truly working methods of divining the gender of an unborn child. This list includes methods such as: using a wedding ring, by blood type, using a sewing needle and many others. We have also collected the best folk signs that indicate the gender of the child; by the way, many of them have been proven by science. It is best to try several methods of fortune telling at once, this is how you will get the most accurate result!


The most common medical method, which helps determine gender is ultrasound, accessible, painless, harmless to the mother and fetus

  • All nations had various options Fortune telling to find out the gender of the unborn baby.
  • IN ancient Egypt To do this, they took the urine of a pregnant woman and poured it onto grains of wheat and barley. WITH
  • it was read that if wheat sprouted first, then the parents had to wait for a girl, but if barley sprouted first, then a boy would be born.
  • Some fortune tellers determined gender in the following way: they asked the pregnant woman to show them her hands.
  • If a woman held out her hands with her palms up, it meant that she would soon give birth to a girl; if her palms were pointing down, then she should expect the birth of a boy.

Based on some signs and ancient beliefs, it was possible to determine the gender of the unborn child based on the state of health of the pregnant woman. For example, if a woman is very nauseous in the first three months, then she should give birth to a boy. The pigmentation that appears on the face is an omen that the girl is expecting a girl.

People even have a definition for this phenomenon; it is believed that if during pregnancy a woman becomes less attractive in any form, it means that her unborn daughter takes away her beauty. The most interesting thing is that even modern doctors are in no hurry to refute this ancient theory; in their opinion, a girl in the womb can really “take away” her hormones, which in turn negatively affects her appearance.

Some peoples were able to determine the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. The so-called “acute” belly indicated that a boy would soon be born. A rounded and wide belly shape predicts the birth of a girl.

Fortune Telling by Wedding Ring

Nowadays, fortune telling the gender of the unborn child can be perceived as ancient folk ritual, acquaintance with the traditions of the people, fun, but not as a reliable source

This ancient look fortune telling, which was very popular among various peoples Europe, including the Slavs. To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you need to thread a thick wool thread and hang it in the form of a pendulum over the belly of a pregnant woman.

If the pendulum oscillates back and forth, it means you are having a boy; the circular movements of the ring indicate that a girl is waiting to be born in your stomach.

Another fortune-telling is carried out on the same principle, in which the pendulum must be held over the palm of the woman in labor, the only difference is that in this case the readings are interpreted exactly the opposite - circular movements indicate a boy, and from side to side - girls.


Modern women, like women of the past, want to know the duration of the expected pregnancy, the date of birth and the gender of the unborn child. In addition to various fortune telling about the gender of the child, there are also all kinds of rituals that allow you to conceive a child of the desired gender. Modern science allows such fertilization to be carried out; for this, doctors separate the sperm into male and female, and conceive. This method has many disadvantages, the most important of which is its high complexity, and therefore extremely high cost; not every couple can afford such a procedure.

The same technology is used in situations where one or both parents are carriers of hereditary diseases. Using this technology, it is possible to identify and remove diseased sperm and leave only healthy ones.

It is much easier to tell your fortune about the sex of your unborn child before pregnancy, find out who will be born to you, and if this does not bother you, make some changes.

Fortune telling with a needle

Pregnancy, especially the first, is a turning point in the life of every woman, therefore, among all types of predictions, fortune telling for children remains relevant. For this fortune telling you will need a new needle that has never been sewn before and a long white thread.

  • Thread the thread into the needle, thus making a kind of pendulum.
  • Grab the thread right hand, A left hand lift and hold with your palm facing up.
  • Now bring the needle over your left hand and lower and raise it three times so that it passes between your palm and thumb. After this, bring it to the center of your palm and watch the behavior of the pendulum.
  • Circular movements mean that you need to wait for a girl, movements from side to side predict the birth of a boy.

This method should only be used if you have not yet given birth, are not pregnant or have had an abortion, as it shows the gender of your first child.
You can also repeat this procedure in order to find out the gender of the second, third, etc. children.

If at any point the needle freezes and does not move over your hand, this means that the previous one was your last child.


You can find out the sex of the child by the date of ovulation and the date of conception of the child. It's no secret that a woman can become pregnant only during a certain period of her pregnancy. menstrual cycle. Based on knowledge about your physiology and your internal clock, you can easily predict the gender of your unborn baby. Moreover, you can calculate male and female days, with their help you will not only predict, but also be able to independently decide what gender your baby will be.

Modern science knows that male sperm are carriers of XY chromosomes and have a shorter activity time than female ones. That is why during ovulation the probability of conceiving a male child is maximum.

Fortune telling with a pendulum on the gender of a child

Working with a pendulum is a universal magical technique. This magical instrument easily picks up vibrations and communicates a truthful answer through vibrations. Of course, the fortuneteller must be very attentive and calm: watching the movement of the pendulum is sometimes quite tiring. At home, fortune telling can be performed in two types of predictive rituals of this type:

  1. Fortune telling the gender of a child using a needle is the most common ritual. You will need privacy, preferably in the evening. The thread should be threaded into a needle, the ends should be tied into a knot - the pendulum is ready. A woman needs to open her palm with the back side down, while sticking out her thumb. You need to “dip” the needle three times into the space between your hand and thumb, and then move the pendulum to the middle of your palm. If he walks around, a girl will be born. The back and forth movement foreshadows the birth of a boy. A frozen needle indicates that the woman will not have children.
  2. Fortune telling the gender of a child with a wedding ring is the second way to find out about future children. The ritual is identical to the previous one. The only difference is in the pendulum: not a needle is used, but a woman’s wedding ring (unmarried women can work with their mother’s ring or just their favorite jewelry). The number of times the pendulum changes the nature of its movements is the number of children we should expect in the future. Even little girls can make palm predictions. Sometimes it is practiced on men: the results are usually accurate.

But there is a method of working with a pendulum that is suitable only for pregnant women. Fortune telling is carried out on the child's gender over the stomach: you need to hold a ring or a needle suspended on a thread over it. The results in this case are exactly the opposite of those given above: circular movements indicate a boy, oscillations back and forth or left and right indicate a girl.

By urine and milk

The ritual is intended exclusively for pregnant women. Many women prefer to carry out the ritual when everyone in the household has gone to work: the required predictive actions are quite unusual and even somewhat intimate.

You will need:

  • a small old saucepan that you don’t mind;
  • milk;
  • own urine.

It is necessary to put the container on the fire, pouring both liquids into it. If the milk curdles, turning into a thick kefir-like mass, you should expect a girl. The absence of changes indicates the imminent birth of a boy. Fortune telling on the sex of the child using milk and urine is recommended to be carried out at 10-11 weeks of pregnancy: the results will be most accurate. Some women note that the ritual turns out to be false, while others say it is 100% successful.

Fortune telling using playing cards for the gender of a child

Performing predictive rituals on cards is a purely personal activity. The meanings are interpreted based on the experience of the fortuneteller, therefore there are no strict rules here. But if a woman has never performed serious layouts before, she can use in a simple way, allowing you to find out the gender of her unborn child.

You should concentrate on the question and take one card at a time from the shuffled deck until one of the following falls out:

  • eight of diamonds or hearts - predicts the appearance of a girl;
  • Eight of Clubs or Spades - indicates the birth of a male heir.

Winter fortune telling of a child's gender using a ring and a glass of water

The ritual can be performed by both pregnant women and girls who are just thinking about the possibility of having a child. You will need:

  • clean water;
  • voluminous glass without chips;
  • your own ring (if any, then an engagement ring).

You need to fill a glass with water, throw the decoration in there and leave the container in the cold. The results are seen in the morning. If there are more bumps and protrusions on the frozen surface, then the next child born to a woman will be male. And vice versa: notches and depressions indicate the appearance of a little heiress.

Any fortune telling about the sex of a child is just an attempt to lift the veil of secrecy over the miracle of childbirth. A new baby can always surprise its parents, disproving the results of not only predictive rituals, but even medical examinations. D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/%D0%B3%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F-% D0%BD%D0%B0-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB-%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0. html


This method of determining the sex of a child has come down to us from Ancient Egypt.

  • Local priestesses took two bowls.
  • Barley was poured into one of them, wheat into the other.
  • They took the urine of a pregnant woman and moistened the grains with it.
  • If the grains of wheat sprouted first, it was believed that a girl would be born, if barley, a boy would be born.

Some fortune tellers ask the pregnant woman to show them her hands to determine the sex of the baby. If a woman shows her hands with palms up, then a girl will be born. The outstretched palms with the backs indicate that you can wait for the boy.

Many people try to determine the sex of a child by the appearance of its mother. It is believed that if a woman is expecting a girl, her appearance deteriorates, age spots and pimples appear, her hair begins to fall out and quickly becomes dirty. They say that all beauty passes from mother to daughter. And if a woman becomes more beautiful during pregnancy, her skin becomes smooth and silky, her hair becomes thick, then most likely there will be a boy.

Even doctors do not deny this way of finding out who will be born. The whole point is to rearrange the hormonal background of a pregnant woman. The opinion of doctors is that a girl in the womb “takes” certain hormones for herself and this affects the woman’s appearance.

Many people try to determine whether they are born a boy or a girl based on the shape of their belly. If a woman’s belly is small, sharp, and when viewed from the back, her waist is visible, it will be a boy. If the belly is rounded and the waist line is not visible, then most likely the woman will give birth to a girl.

You can also tell how a woman’s pregnancy progresses and what gender the child will be born. Knowledgeable people claim that a woman who is expecting a boy suffers from toxicosis for the first three months. The rest of the pregnancy goes without any problems.

The old way

The sex of the child can be determined using a wedding ring. This type of fortune telling about the gender of the unborn baby has been known since ancient times. It was used not only by the Slavic peoples, but also by the peoples of European countries.

Its principle is quite simple. For fortune telling you will need a wedding ring and a thick thread. The thread is threaded through the wedding ring and suspended over the pregnant woman's belly. If the ring moves back and forth, it is believed that there will be a boy, if the ring makes circular movements over the woman’s stomach, then it is worth expecting a girl.

There is approximately the same fortune telling using a pendulum. It is also swung over the belly of a pregnant woman, only the results are interpreted in the opposite way. If the pendulum swings back and forth, then this means a girl will appear, and if it moves in a circle, expect a boy.

Using a sewing needle

Our ancestors were able to determine gender without born child using a simple sewing needle. They took a new needle, which they had never used, and an ordinary white thread. A kind of pendulum was made from a needle and thread. The needle was held motionless by the tip of the thread above the palm. Then it was lowered and raised three times between the palm and thumb. After which the pendulum was installed in the center of the palm and its movement was monitored.

The movement of the needle to the sides meant that we needed to prepare for the birth of a boy. If the needle makes circular movements, then there will be a girl. Only a woman who is expecting her first child, who has not had an abortion and has not had any pregnancies, can use this type of fortune telling for the gender of her unborn child.


This type of fortune telling was common in Rus' and Siberia. A woman went into the river and tried to catch a live fish with her hands. After she managed to do this, they looked at the brought catch on the shore. If the name of the fish was feminine, for example, trout or pike, then they were waiting for the birth of a girl. If a woman managed to catch a perch or crucian carp, they believed that a boy would be born.

Now, of course, such radical methods of determining the sex of a child are not used. But now they believe that before learning the news about pregnancy, a woman dreams that she is fishing. It is advisable to remember this dream. And from the name of the fish caught in a dream, you can expect either a girl or a boy.

Fortune Telling by Letters

The essence of this fortune telling is as follows. A pregnant woman approaches the first passerby and asks him to name any letter from the alphabet. If the letter in the alphabet is even, then it is possible to have a girl, if it is odd, it is a boy. Another type of fortune telling is that a pregnant woman is asked for a name. If she says a man's name, she is expecting a boy; if she says a woman's name, she is expecting a girl.


When it became possible to determine a person’s blood type, they began to notice that the sex of the unborn child could be determined by the blood type of the parents. But this theory was not confirmed. After all, very often children of different sexes are born from the same parents in a family.

There is also a well-known theory that female blood is renewed every three years, and male blood every four. In order to find out the gender of the unborn child, you need to divide the woman’s age by 3, and the man’s age by 4. If the result of the division is less for a woman, then the family will have a girl, if for a man, then a boy.

Many parents use this method to determine the sex of the child at conception. According to numerous reviews, this method of determining the sex of an unborn child has a high probability of coincidence.


  • If a pregnant woman spends her entire term eating meat, sausage and pickles, then she is expecting a boy; if a pregnant woman is surrounded by cakes, sweets and pastries all the time, there will be a girl;
  • If he starts eating bread from the crust, a boy will be born. Loves the crumb of bread - a girl should be born;
  • If the skin on the hands becomes rough and even cracks during pregnancy, then most likely a male child will be born, and if it becomes soft and tender, then there is a high probability of giving birth to a girl;
  • By the mood of a pregnant woman you can find out who she is expecting. If she is irritated and behaves nervously throughout the entire pregnancy, then it was believed that a girl would be born, and if the expectant mother was in an excellent mood for the entire nine months, then a girl would be born;
  • A girl's heart beats much faster than a boy's;
  • A woman pregnant with a girl usually sleeps on her right side, and with a boy - on her left.

You can believe in fortune telling and try to find out who will be born. But at the same time, I would like to advise not to take their results too seriously. After all, if you expect a child of a certain gender and all fortune-telling confirms that it will be a boy or a girl, and when a child of the wrong gender is born, emotional stress. It doesn’t matter who is born, a boy or a girl, it is important to love the child with all your heart and wait for his birth like a miracle.

Fortune telling boy or girl

Prepare a needle and thread a white thread into it. Take the thread with your right hand. Left palm point up, move your finger to the side. Pass the needle between your left palm and thumb three times in a row, and then lift the needle half a centimeter above your left palm. The needle will begin to swing like a pendulum, or move in a circle. If the needle spins, there will be a girl, but if it sways from side to side, then it will be a boy. This fortune telling will indicate the gender of the first child. Repeat the fortune telling and find out what gender the second child will be. When the needle stops moving and freezes in place, there will be no more children.

This fortune telling can also be carried out by those people who have children, but you just need to keep in mind what the needle will show, starting with the first child: having shown the one that is already there, the next time the needle will show the one who will be born.

For the number of children on stones

You can tell fortunes for future children using water and stones. This method Fortune telling will help you get answers to any questions, in particular about children.

  • To perform the ritual, you will need several pebbles and a black marker.
  • Label the stones with different numbers, from 0 to 5.
  • If the writing on the stones looks fuzzy, you can write it on tiny pieces of paper and then stick it on the stones.
  • Thus, you have stones with numbers, and now they need to be immersed in a bucket of cool water. Start observing the condition of the stones.

Over time, the numbers drawn with a marker will be erased, and the paper will peel off. You should concentrate on the last remaining number, which will indicate how many children you will have. For example, if from the available values ​​you can discern a single stone with a number, this number will tell you how many children you will have.

Water to the rescue

You will need a mug (cup, glass, glass, water container). A glass would be best.

  • In the evening, before going to bed, pour water into a glass, and then put a ring in it.
  • Then place the glass in the cold, maybe in the cold, outside.
  • As soon as the water in the glass turns to ice, have another person bring you a glass.
  • Consider the surface: it is from this that you can recognize the number of children.

Depending on how many tubercles and elevations there are on the surface, there will be so many sons, and how many dimples or depressions there will be, so many daughters.

Numerological fortune telling for the gender of a child

If you believe in numerology and you want to calculate whether you will have a boy or a girl, then this will be quite simple. To do this, you need to know the maiden name and first name of the expectant mother, the last name and first name of the child’s father, and the month of conception.
First, find the numerical value of the child's mother. To do this, write full name and the pregnant woman’s maiden name and add up the numbers corresponding to the letters using our table.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Kommersant Y b E Yu I

For example:

  • Elena Malkina – 6+4+6+6+1+5+1+4+3+1+6+1=44
  • Also find the numerical value of the father's first and last name.
  • For example:
  • GudkovBoris – 4+3+5+3+7+3+2+7+9+1+1 = 45
  • Now let's find the numerical value of the month. For example, the month of conception is March.
  • March – 5+1+9+2=17

For the final numerological calculation, we add the resulting three numbers 44+45+17=106, and divide the result by 7, we get 15.1428... Next, we round the number to an integer using the mathematical method; in our case, we get 15 integers.

The result of fortune telling is that if you succeed even number– you are expecting a girl, if it’s odd, then you will have a boy.

Advice: In any fortune-telling and situation, do not forget that even modern ultrasound examinations make mistakes. But just for fun, you can tell fortunes and then check how true the signs and fortune-telling of our ancestors are, because before there were no modern technologies, and midwives knew who the pregnant woman was expecting.

But in the life of every pregnant woman main task is to give birth to a healthy, strong and nice baby so that they bring you joy, happiness and love.

Colored braid

For this prediction you will need the help of the eldest woman in the family. Most likely, it will be a grandmother who must cut 15 woolen threads of red, blue and yellow 30 cm long and weave a braid out of them, without securing it either at the bottom or at the top, so that the thread can be easily pulled out. Now the expectant mother is blindfolded and given this braid - let her pull it. If she pulls out a red one, it will be a girl, if she pulls out a blue one, it will be a boy, and if she pulls out a yellow one, it will be twins.

Magic egg

You need to boil an egg and place it in the middle of the table, at the corners of which lay it out on a landscape sheet. On the first write - boy, on the second - girl, on the third - twins, on the fourth - Mr. X. Now spin the egg and see where its sharp side points, there will be an answer. If it stops between the corners, then the answer will be in the nearest corner clockwise.

Chain and ring

The pregnant woman should take her own chain, preferably gold, which she constantly wears (if she is not used to wearing it all the time, then she must not remove the chain from her chest for at least three days so that it is saturated with her energy). Now wrap the chain around the ring, saying boy-girl-boy-girl, etc., until everything is wrapped around the ring. Last word and it will be the answer who the woman is waiting for.

Truth pillow

This fortune-telling is reminiscent of Christmas, when girls put leaves with men's names written under their pillow. Now we need to prepare several notes that say boy, and several that say girl. Put them under your pillow at night, and in the morning, without getting out of bed, stick out the first one you come across, it will be the answer.

Puppet fortune telling

If your family already has an older child, but still plays with dolls, then you can ask him for help, otherwise look for a baby, and no matter what gender - boys will also help. Give your child a baby doll and two scraps - pink and blue. If it’s wrapped in blue, then you’re carrying a boy under your heart, if it’s pink, you’re carrying a girl, if it’s wrapped in two, then there may be twins.

Button Sorceress

We take five red and five blue buttons, as well as one yellow or green, but they must be the same in size and shape, mix them in a satin, self-sewn bag several times, now pull out the first one we come across, put it on the table, mix the bag again, pull it out , without looking, and also put it on the table, and in last time We carry out manipulations.

Now let’s see what happened: all three red ones are definitely a girl, all three blue ones are a boy, respectively, if there are several colors, then the answer is which color is greater. But if you get two blues and a green/yellow, then there will be two boys, two reds and a green/yellow will be girls, a red, blue and green/yellow will be a boy and a girl.

Card fortune telling

Shuffle the deck of cards, now place them face down, move them one at a time, if the king comes up first, it will be a boy, if the queen is a girl. The option is that you have twins if the cards followed each other, so after the first, look at the second - if the king is again, two sons will appear in your life in the near future, two queens are girls, and if there is a queen and a king, expect a son and a daughter .

Bowl of water

You need to pour water into a cup and drink from there, now hang your own wedding ring on a string. Hold it over a bowl of water and watch how the ring spins - circles - girl, pendulum - boy.

Of course, for some, fortune telling to determine the sex of a child is just entertainment, and others blindly believe in this prediction, but be that as it may, the most important thing is that your baby develops correctly and is healthy, regardless of his gender.

What can you inject yourself with?

Fortune telling the gender of a child using a needle can be called very effective and accurate. You need to thread a white or red thread into the needle, then grab the tip of the thread with your right hand, and place your left hand, palm up, under the point of the needle. The needle should not touch the palm, it should hang a couple of centimeters from it. At this time, you need to start thinking about the gender of the child, really want to know him.

The needle will begin to swing and by these swings you can find out what gender the child will be born. If the needle swings in a circular motion, then you should expect the birth of a girl, and if the needle moves in a pendulum type, then most likely a boy will be born.

With the help of your spouse

Any fortune telling about the sex of an unborn child is an interesting activity, but fortune telling using a ring is especially interesting and truthful. This kind of fortune telling about the gender of the child wedding ring has been known for a long time, it is used when a woman already has a tummy. The wedding ring is suspended by a thread and brought to the pregnant woman's belly.

If the ring begins to describe circles, there will be a girl, and if the ring moves back and forth, then you need to expect an heir.

Determining the sex of a child by the date of birth of the parents

There is fortune telling for the gender of a child based on the parents' date of birth, which is offered by many sites. There are special tables where the dates of birth of both parents are entered and then the result appears.

Determining the gender of a child is a difficult matter, but fortune telling can help here and very often it turns out that the results of such fortune telling are correct.

Baby to order

  • This is a modern method for determining the sex of children. It allows you to find out who will be born even before the child is conceived. The essence of this method is to reject sperm of the undesirable sex, as well as those who are sick or affected by hereditary diseases. The number of fertilized eggs can vary from one to four.
  • Therefore, with this method, a woman at the beginning of her pregnancy may not know how many children she will have during childbirth. After all, not all eggs survive with this method. It is used only for IVF fertilization.
  • This procedure is quite expensive due to the complexity of its implementation. It is not available to every married couple. But getting what you want in one try is quite difficult and cannot guarantee a 100% result.

By time of conception

The female body is designed in such a way that it cannot accept sperm to fertilize an egg on any day of the menstrual cycle. This is possible only on specially designated days. Each woman has them individually. They depend on the moment the mature egg is released, which is ready to meet the sperm.

By correctly calculating the day of possible conception, you can get pregnant and also find out the sex of the child. Scientific research showed: The closer the date of conception of a child to ovulation, the greater the likelihood of having a boy.

The sex of the child can be determined more accurately if the exact date and time of ovulation and conception is known. It can be recognized with a more detailed ultrasound examination.

With blood

  • The first method is as follows: It is based on periodic renewal of blood in future parents. Male blood is capable of renewal every four years, and female blood is renewed every three years. By calculating who has younger blood, you can find out the gender of the unborn baby. If the mother's blood is younger, the child will be a girl, and if the father's blood is younger, the child will be a boy.
  • The following blood method is not effective enough, but some people also use it. It is based on a specially designed table. It can be found in specialized literature or on Internet sites. It compares the blood type of both parents and determines the sex of the unborn child.

Gender of the child according to popular belief

  • In some sources you can find the following method: Determining the sex of the baby by the presence of toxicosis in the expectant mother at an early stage of pregnancy. They say that toxicosis accompanies a pregnant woman expecting a girl. She also takes away her mother’s attractiveness. Therefore, the expectant mother develops all sorts of rashes on her face, swelling all over her body, and so on. Those who love to eat salty foods and meat products were predicted to have a son, and those who love sweets are predicted to have a girl.
  • The shape of a pregnant woman's belly can also help determine the sex of the baby. A sharp belly, barely noticeable from the back, indicates that a boy will be born. A round belly spreading to the sides indicates that it will be a girl.
  • The boys in mom's belly behave violently, and the girls weakly give any signs.
  • Whichever spouse is older in age will have the baby of the same gender.

All these folk signs can tell you about your future baby. But they are inaccurate. If you look at them from a medical perspective, some of them can be explained from a scientific point of view. The sex of the child does not depend on the shape of the mother's abdomen. This is her anatomical structure of the body. And the presence of frequent fetal movements indicates a lack of oxygen or other pathology. It is likely that the woman does not have enough fresh air and it is enough to go outside or look out of an open window.

Diet affects the unborn baby

There is a way in which you can predict the birth of a son or daughter. It consists of feeding the expectant mother. If both parents adhere to special diet, you can achieve the birth of a child of the desired gender. Some sources say that this method is eighty percent reliable.

  • A boy's diet should consist of meat products, potatoes and citrus fruits. It should contain as little lactic acid products and cottage cheese as possible.
  • For the birth of a daughter, it is recommended to eat vegetables, dairy products and sweets. Meat products It is not advisable to eat.

The sex of the unborn baby can be determined with a needle. A thread is threaded through it and brought to the mother's belly. Hold the needle motionless. If the movement of the needle resembles a circle, a girl will be born, if up and down, a boy will be born. The needle will also predict the number of children you will have in your marriage.

Expectant mothers are trying in every possible way to find out who will be born to them, the number of children, and so on. Some of them also resort to fortune telling on cards and turn to fortune tellers for help.

Each to the expectant mother I wonder who will be born to her: a boy or a girl? To find this out I use .

Hello, dear reader of Lenormania!

First technique the simplest. To start fortune telling, shuffle the cards and let the fortuneteller move them once with his left hand. Now turn over the top card of the deck and place it on the table. It is by this that we will determine the sex of the child.

Example: card 14 (Fox) is drawn. According to the meaning of the card there will be a girl.

Second technique. It's a little more complicated. For this you need to know the date of birth of the expectant mother. First, add up all the digits of your date of birth and get a number from 1 to 36. If the sum of the numbers is greater than 36, then subtract the number 36 from it until you get a number from 1 to 36.

Example: a woman was born on April 15, 1984. Add up all the numbers: 1+5+4+1+9+8+4=32. We see that we immediately got a number up to 36. We count the 32nd card. Card 20 (Garden) came out. It will be a boy.

AND third technique. Need to know how much full years The expectant mother turned 10 at the time of the fortune telling. As in the second method, you need to get a number from 1 to 36.

Now we count the cards one at a time, starting from the first, until we reach the required card.

Example: at the time of fortune telling, the woman was 37 years old. We see that the resulting number is greater than 36. We subtract 36. We get 1. We count out 1 card. Card 9 (Bouquet) fell out. So it will be a boy.


The cards are interpreted very simply. If the picture shown on the card masculine- there will be a boy, if female - there will be a girl, if medium - there will be twins or twins.

If plural, then we do it in singular and determine the gender. For example, the stork card. In the singular, it is a stork. So it will be a boy.

The meaning of the cards.

1. Boy

2. Boy

3. Boy

4. Boy

5. Twins or twins

6. Girl

7. Girl

8. Boy

9. Boy

10. Girl

11. Girl

12. Girl

13. Boy

14. Girl

15. Boy

16. Girl

17. Boy

18. Girl

19. Girl

20. Boy

21. Girl

22. Girl

23. Girl

24. Twins or twins

25. Twins or twins

26. Girl

27. Twins or twins

28. Boy

29. Girl

30. Girl

31. Twins or twins

32. Girl

33. Boy

34. Girl

35. Boy

36. Boy

If we calculate the ratio of boy cards to girl cards, we will see that there are slightly more girls. But, according to our statistics, girls are born more often. Twins and twins are also sometimes born. There are five such cards in the deck.

I hope you like it.

The long-awaited event happened. A married couple found out that they would soon have a baby. Realization of what happened most often results in future parents wanting to find out the sex of the baby. And if dad is quite capable of restraining his curiosity in this regard, then the expectant mother thinks about it very often. Questions about this are asked not only by close relatives, but also by friends and work colleagues. A woman begins to listen to the observations and judgments of others based on folk beliefs and fortune telling.

Such methods of determining the sex of an unborn child existed many centuries ago and are preserved in popular memory to this day. Medicine was not yet able to answer this question. Now, fortunately, the expectant mother does not need to go to the bathhouse to meet the brownie and ask him to extend his little hand to her, hoping that she will be shaggy (which meant the birth of a little helper) or naked (which meant the birth of a successor to the family).

Currently, fortune telling the gender of an unborn child can be perceived as an ancient folk ritual, an acquaintance with the traditions of the people, fun, but not as a reliable source.

The most popular fortune telling for the sex of a child is fortune telling using a ring or a needle.

1. It’s better to take a wedding ring. Fill a glass with water and place the ring in it.

Then the ring must be taken out and hung on a thread, slowly lowered into the hands of the one to whom the fortune is told. Expect a girl; if the ring moves in a circle, if it moves like a pendulum, there will be a boy.

If for some reason there is no ring, you can use a needle according to this principle, only before hanging it on a thread, you should pierce a piece of woolen fabric with it.

2. The following fortune telling about the gender of the child is more likely to be available to a resident of a rural area. It is necessary to take grains of wheat and barley. A pregnant woman should wet them with her urine. A boy will be born if the barley grains sprout first.

3. Sometimes it is possible to carry out fortune telling on the gender of the child while eating. It happens that the expectant mother will choke. At this moment you should ask her to name any number. Count which letter in the alphabet it represents. Now all that remains is to ask the woman to name her name starting with this letter. A woman's given name means that a daughter is to be expected.

Regarding food, there is also the following observation: if a pregnant woman prefers the tops of bread rather than the middle, she will have a boy.

4. You can try to verify the correctness of the third method using a piece of bread. The pregnant woman should go outside and place it in the yard in a visible place. If the bread was eaten by a dog, a boy will be born, and if it went to a bird, a girl will be born.

5. There was also fortune telling about the sex of a child using candles, candlesticks and a vest. This was suitable for a woman if she already had one child.

The vest should be placed on the table, three candles should be placed next to it in candlesticks. When lighting candles, you should say the following words:

the first candle - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!”;
second candle - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Boy!”;
third candle - “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Girl!”

The first candle to go out indicates the gender of the baby. If the first candle goes out first, this woman will not have children.

6. An interesting ritual of fortune telling using stones. Names should be written on the stones using ink. Throw stones into the water. After a while, the inscriptions will begin to wash away. The stone on which the inscription with the name is best preserved will indicate the gender of the unborn child. This way you can find out the number of future children.

And finally, we will try to present to you a collective image of expectant mothers.
The boy's mother: walks along the road carelessly and stumbles every now and then; her legs swell; is most often in a good mood; loves to eat crusts of bread; the skin of her hands is dry and cracking; does not suffer from a lack of appetite, she almost never vomits; her stomach is sharp; complains of back pain.

The girl's mother: has a graceful gait; her legs do not know swelling; her mood is capricious; hands are soft and beautiful; moderate appetite; she often feels sick; the face becomes covered with acne from time to time; sleeps preferably on the right side; the belly is round; sometimes there is abdominal pain.

Now you have all the knowledge to check some fortune telling when the baby is born. You yourself can answer the question: is the ancient fortune-telling of the sex of a child a ritual or a way to find out the truth?

Pregnancy and the birth of a child are significant events for a married couple. The time of waiting for a child is filled with joy, anxiety and curiosity. Since ancient times, women have thought about the question of how to determine who will be born. To do this they turned to folk signs and fortune telling. Today, these methods of determining the gender of a child are more of an entertainment. Although many women note that these forecasts sometimes provide more accurate results than an ultrasound procedure.

Folk signs

​According to folk signs, which are based on observing the behavior of women during pregnancy, quite often they accurately determine what gender the baby will be born. Usually pay attention to the following signs:

The effect of pregnancy on appearance

Most folk signs are associated with observations of changes in the appearance of pregnant women. From generation to generation celebrated characteristic features, which eventually became signs.

The girl “eats” beauty

One of the most reliable signs that a girl will be born are negative changes in the mother’s appearance. Pigment spots appear on her face, and the condition of her skin and hair worsens. This observation is confirmed by modern doctors: girls take away some of the hormones from their mother, the lack of which affects appearance women in position.

Waiting for an heir to appear makes a pregnant woman more attractive in appearance. People say that her feminine beauty is blossoming.

The boy takes care of his mother

Even in ancient times, people determined whether a boy or a girl would be born by the shape of the belly. A small, neat, sharp-shaped belly most often indicates the birth of a male child. The heiress hides in her large, round belly, clearly visible from the back.

The belly of a pregnant woman is always asymmetrical. A popular belief states that an enlarged belly on the right side appears in mothers of boys. Girls are shifted to left side belly of a pregnant woman.

Dark stripe - for daughter, big breasts - for son

The stripe that appears on a woman’s stomach during pregnancy is also prescribed a certain meaning. A trail of hair indicates the imminent appearance of a boy. Pigmented stripe brown appears due to the effects of hormones while expecting a girl.

​A folk superstition, the validity of which is recognized by doctors, states that a woman’s nipple areolas remain light when pregnant with a boy. While expecting a girl, the areolas quickly darken in the first months of pregnancy.

If the breasts increase in the first months of expecting a child, then a boy will soon appear. While expecting a girl, a woman's breasts enlarge closer to her due date.

Fortune telling for the birth of children

​In the past, fortune telling the gender of a child could predict with great certainty the birth of a boy or girl. They were approached not only by pregnant women, but also by girls who wanted to know the number and gender of their future children.

Fortune telling for expectant mothers

Curiosity is characteristic of representatives of the fair half of humanity of any age. How to determine who will be born? Simple fortune telling with a ring or needle can help with this.

Fortune telling by ring​ goes back to the distant past. Fortune telling is carried out in the evening. At this time, nothing distracts from the process, which requires maximum concentration. To carry it out you will need

A fortune-telling girl must wear the ring without removing it from her finger for at least seven days. This important condition, since part of the fortuneteller’s energy should be fixed on the decoration. A thick thread is threaded through the ring and its ends are tied. The thread should be 25 centimeters long so that the ring on it can move freely.

You need to hold the ring in your palm for a few seconds and concentrate on the desire to find out the number of your future children. They begin to guess after the ring becomes warm.

The pendulum from the ring is placed for a few seconds above the center of the left palm, turned upward. Thumb should be set very far to the side. The ring is lowered into the space formed between the palm and thumb three times. Then the ring is returned to the center of the palm and its behavior is carefully observed. If the ring rotates in a circle, then the girl’s first child will be a boy. Movements from side to side mean that the housekeeper will appear in the family first. Fortune telling on the gender of a child using a wedding ring is carried out in a similar way.

To determine the number of children a girl will have in the future, it is necessary to wait until the ring moves completely. The number of children is determined by how many times the pattern of ring movements changes.

Sometimes it happens that the ring does not move and remains in place. This means that the girl will not have children. But this is no reason to despair. Perhaps the calmness of the ring is a hint of the need to change your lifestyle.

Rituals with needle and food

Rituals with a needle and water are performed in winter, during Christmastide. For it you will need a ring and a glass with clean water. You need to take a smooth gold ring that belongs to a fortune-telling girl. It is placed in a glass filled with clean water and placed in a frosty place overnight. In the morning the result is assessed. Irregularities protruding above the surface of frozen water indicate the birth of the first male child. The appearance of holes and bubbles on the ice is a sign of the appearance of a little beauty.

Fortune telling by needle​reminiscent of ring fortune telling, only a needle is used as a pendulum. To carry out the ceremony you will need an unused sewing needle, red or white thin thread.

Thread a thread into a needle and tie its ends. The fortune-telling girl holds the needle in her palm, filling it with her energy. The needle pendulum is held for several seconds over the center of the open palm, and then lowered three times between the thumb and index finger. Then the pendulum is moved again to the center of the palm and its movement is observed. Important! The fortune-telling girl's assistant should try not to move her hand so as not to affect the movements of the thread and needle. The results are evaluated in the same way as in fortune telling with a ring on a string.

Fortune telling by stones- this is very interesting way predict how many children a young woman will have. The same fortune telling can determine whether she will have a boy or a girl during her first pregnancy. For this type of prediction, you need to take a basin of clean water and smooth stones. They are written on by women and male names. Stones are thrown into the water. The names will begin to fade after a while. How many children a girl will give birth to in the future is determined by the number of most read inscriptions. And the last name to be erased will tell her who will be born to her first.

WITH simple fortune telling deal with each other Almost all fortune tellers started predicting the gender of the baby. They asked to show the pregnant woman's hands. The woman, showing her hands, palms up, was waiting for an assistant for herself. If a woman pointed her palms towards the floor, then she was carrying a boy under her heart.

​Divination by a wedding ring or needle​can be carried out both on the palm and over the emerging tummy. A pendulum made of a ring or needle is grasped in the palm of the hand, then held over the pregnant woman’s belly and its movements are observed. In fortune telling to determine gender on the stomach, the movement of the ring in a circle means that the baby will be female. The longitudinal movements of the ring predict the appearance of a male child. These types of fortune telling have received the largest number of positive reviews.

I have two children. At the beginning of each pregnancy, she determined the sex of the baby using fortune telling. I really wanted to understand whether it was a boy or a girl! Both times, fortune telling using a wedding ring was correct and accurately predicted the gender of the baby.

Even as a child, I dreamed that my first child would be a girl. But during the ultrasound procedure, the doctor saw the boy. I was even a little upset. But my friends suggested telling fortunes about the sex of the child. According to all popular signs, I was expecting a daughter. We used a wedding ring, a needle, and name stones to tell our fortunes. All three fortune tellings promised me a daughter. As a result, the fortune-telling predictions came true. I became a happy mother of a beautiful princess. Fortune telling does not always lie, and ultrasound is often wrong.

Fortune telling by milk and urine Suitable exclusively for pregnant women. It is better to spend it staying at home alone. Some of its stages, which are intimate in nature, may not be understood by household members. To carry out fortune telling you need:

  • an iron container that you won’t mind throwing away;
  • milk;
  • urine.

The container is placed on fire. Milk and urine are poured into it. If the milk curdles and begins to resemble kefir, then the woman is expecting a girl. Liquid that remains unchanged indicates the appearance of an heir.

​Divination by fish ​​is traditional for the peoples of Siberia. A woman went into the river and caught fish with her hands. By the name of the first fish caught, they determined what gender the baby would be.

Nowadays, this fortune telling has undergone some changes. People say that a dream in which a woman is fishing is always a dream for a pregnant woman. Some mothers claim that they learned the gender of their unborn baby by the name of the fish they caught in their dreams.

Even as a girl, I used a needle to tell fortunes about the number and gender of my future children. Several times the needle predicted one baby. I couldn't get pregnant for a long time, so prophetic dream about the fish is etched into my memory down to the smallest detail. The dream did not lie, predicting the pregnancy with the long-awaited girl. Everything came true and coincided.

How to find out who will be born soon to happy parents? in different ways. Telling fortunes for a boy or girl is good way have fun. There is no need to unconditionally trust the results of fortune-telling, because even modern methods can make mistakes in this matter. The birth of a healthy and strong baby is happiness. Does it matter whether he is a boy or a girl?

Attention, TODAY only!

In this article:

Fortune telling about the gender of an unborn child is an ancient divination that has been used by women for many years. Before the advent of technology that made it possible to accurately determine the gender of an unborn baby, only through fortune telling was it possible to find out who to expect, a boy or a girl.

Today, not every mother goes for an ultrasound to find out about her future baby; people still trust folk signs and all sorts of methods for determining gender.

How to determine the gender of the baby

All nations had various options for fortune telling, allowing one to find out the gender of the unborn baby. In ancient Egypt, this was done by taking the urine of a pregnant woman and pouring it onto grains of wheat and barley. It was believed that if wheat sprouted first, then the parents had to wait for a girl, but if barley sprouted first, then a boy would be born.

Some fortune tellers determined gender in the following way: they asked the pregnant woman to show them her hands. If a woman held out her hands with her palms up, it meant that she would soon give birth to a girl; if her palms were pointing down, then she should expect the birth of a boy.

Based on some signs and ancient beliefs, it was possible to determine the gender of the unborn child based on the state of health of the pregnant woman. For example, if a woman is very nauseous in the first three months, then she should give birth to a boy. The pigmentation that appears on the face is an omen that the girl is expecting a girl.

People even have a definition for this phenomenon; it is believed that if during pregnancy a woman becomes less attractive in any form, it means that her unborn daughter takes away her beauty. The most interesting thing is that even modern doctors are in no hurry to refute this ancient theory; in their opinion, a girl in the womb can really “take away” her hormones, which in turn negatively affects her appearance.

Some peoples were able to determine the sex of the unborn child by the shape of the pregnant woman’s belly. The so-called “acute” belly indicated that a boy would soon be born. A rounded and wide belly shape predicts the birth of a girl.

Fortune telling by a wedding ring

This is an ancient type of fortune telling, which was very popular among various peoples of Europe, including the Slavs. To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you need to thread a thick woolen thread through the ring and hang it in the form of a pendulum over the pregnant woman’s belly.

If the pendulum oscillates back and forth, it means you are having a boy; the circular movements of the ring indicate that a girl is waiting to be born in your stomach.

Another fortune-telling is carried out on the same principle, in which the pendulum must be held over the palm of the woman in labor, the only difference is that in this case the readings are interpreted exactly the opposite - circular movements indicate a boy, and from side to side - girls.

Fortune telling about the sex of a child is a very interesting way to work with your own intuition.

Fortune telling with a needle

For this fortune-telling, you will need a new needle that has never been sewn before and a long white thread. Thread the thread into the needle, thus making a kind of pendulum. Grasp the thread with your right hand and raise your left hand with your palm facing up.

Now bring the needle over your left hand and lower and raise it three times so that it passes between your palm and thumb. After this, bring it to the center of your palm and watch the behavior of the pendulum. Circular movements mean that you need to wait for a girl, movements from side to side predict the birth of a boy.

This method should only be used if you have not yet given birth, are not pregnant or have had an abortion, as it shows the gender of your first child.
You can also repeat this procedure in order to find out the gender of the second, third, etc. children. If at any point the needle freezes and does not move over your hand, this means that the previous one was your last child.

How to find out the gender of a child by date of conception

It's no secret that a woman can become pregnant only during a certain period of her own menstrual cycle. Based on knowledge about your physiology and your internal clock, you can easily predict the gender of your unborn baby. Moreover, you can calculate male and female days, with their help you will not only predict, but also be able to independently decide what gender your baby will be.

Modern science knows that male sperm are carriers of XY chromosomes and have a shorter activity time than female ones. That is why during ovulation the probability of conceiving a male child is maximum.
