What does it mean when you dream about a lot of money? Why do you dream about money, large paper bills according to other dream books?

In a dream about money, a lot depends on additional factors. For example, a dream about finances in the summer or spring - fortunately, good luck. And in winter or autumn - unfortunately, losses.

The metal from which money is made also has its own symbolic meaning. Silver ones promise tears, copper ones promise sadness. Gold coins will bring grief, and paper bills will bring news.

Excessive emotional coloring of sleep (strong excitement, vivid emotions) characterizes empty dream. This is just an echo of the day's problems.

A painful mood and a bad feeling in a dream signify negative events in reality: financial losses, old quarrels, illnesses. Negative emotions in a dream about money will bring problems in life.

Experiences and grief at the moment of counting money promise mistakes and carelessness in reality. This means that mistakes made can lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to put things in order in personal and work affairs. Otherwise, conflicts, demotion, grief, and health problems will accompany the sleeper in the near future.

Money is just a pack of paper with paint or a handful of round pieces with different numbers, but modern world It’s impossible to imagine without them. So why do you dream about money in a dream, how do dream books interpret a dream with a similar plot? It happens that they capture the hearts of people and make them greedy. But it also happens that rich people donate huge sums of money to charity. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether money can spoil people. Likewise, with the money you dreamed about, it is difficult to give an unambiguous interpretation. Very often they have nothing to do with profit in reality, but are connected with the inner world of a person and his relationships with people around him.

Why do you dream about money in a dream? Interpretation of the meaning of dreams about bills and coins.

In most cases, seeing money in a dream means upcoming changes in life. Moreover, they can be both financial and personal.

If you see money in a dream, it means that you need to manage your finances more carefully, plan your expenses and attach more importance to your financial well-being.

And when you pay for some purchase in a dream, you are about to waste. But not at all monetary, but rather intellectual. Be careful when sharing your plans and ideas with others, especially if they relate to business. Your friends may steal an idea and implement it without your participation.

Almost all people would like to have a lot of money?

If you find money, then changes for the better await you in life. It is not known whether these will be financial improvements or some other plan, but what is certain is that they will be significant and you cannot help but participate in them.

If in a dream you cannot control waste, you understand that money is being spent in the wrong places; in reality, you must consider all proposals very carefully. Perhaps you will get involved in an adventure that will lead to a deterioration in your condition. Do not rush headlong into the pool, carefully double-check all the information that comes to you.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the type of money

A lot depends on what kind of money you saw in your dream, paper money or coins? Was it rubles or foreign currency?

  • Why do you dream about paper money?

If in a dream you see paper money literally falling from the sky on you, paper rain, financial losses await you in life, money will literally fly apart and slip through your fingers. Try to do something to prevent this from happening. Forewarned is forearmed.

If you see a huge bag of paper money, it means that you will live a long life full of interesting events. The bag seems to symbolize your essence, filled to the brim.

If paper money turned out to be counterfeit and you determined this in a dream, in life it has nothing to do with money. Rather, it will mean a loss of strength, in vain work, you will take some actions that will not bring results.

Finding forgotten paper money in your pocket means that you will receive some news.

  • Why do you dream of large bills in bundles?

Stacks of money do not always mean great financial well-being and wealth. The interpretation of these again can also be different, so you should always look carefully at the details.

If in a dream you see how you are laying out bundles of money somewhere, for example, putting them in a safe, in a suitcase for carrying further, this means that nothing threatens your financial well-being. This means that you are an orderly and organized person, and money loves such people.

Giving large sums of money, folded in bundles, to a good cause means stability and prosperity in financial matters and in family life. This is the very case when spending in a dream does not mean waste in life.

You are counting the stacks of money and notice that some part is missing. This means that in real life there will be some slight confusion in regular payments. For example, by mistake you will receive the same invoice twice. Or they will include some item in the cafe bill twice. Try to be more careful, so you can avoid unnecessary costs.

  • Why do you dream about a lot of money?

The amount of money seen in a dream also matters.

If you have earned a lot of money legally, or won the lottery, or received an inheritance, this means something very positive. Love victory, promotion or getting rich in real life.

If in a dream you realize that you had a lot of money, and then you somehow spent it stupidly - you skipped, lost in a casino, or it was stolen from you, in real life this means that some losses await you, for which you yourself are to blame. You were inattentive, neglected safety rules, and did not listen to the advice of others about your finances. Try to follow the recommendations to minimize or avoid losses.

If you dreamed of a small thing in a dream, then it’s not very good sign. Large bills in a dream most often symbolize profit and prosperity

  • Why do you dream of finding a lot of money?

If the money was acquired honestly and not stolen, and especially a lot of money, then in life this can mean an uplift, an improvement in the circumstances in which you find yourself.

If a lot of coins spill out of a leaky wallet or bag, you will shed a lot of tears.

  • Why do you dream about lots of money in bundles?

Finding a lot of money in bundles and counting the amount means that you don’t know how to be happy in life simple things. Instead of just collecting money and being happy that there is a lot of it, you decided to find out the exact amount. It's the same in life. Instead of being grateful to fate for what it gives you, you start digging into the reasons, looking for a catch, and so on. Just accept what is given to you from above. It can also mean digging too much into your loved one. Don't try to find flaws in him, find his virtues and love them.

  • Why do you dream about coins?

It turns out interesting. It would seem that coins are the same money. But the interpretation of dreams is completely different for them! If banknotes are mainly perceived as something positive, stable, then coins are more often interpreted as losses. They can slip through your fingers, crumble, and are difficult to collect.

A large mountain of coins very often means nothing in its total. Little children do not understand when their mothers try to explain to them that their entire piggy bank cannot buy that same toy in the store. And instead of one piece of paper from my mother’s wallet, the seller gives away a toy and several more paper money other colors.

That is why, while paper money, in bundles or not, is more regarded as something positive or neutral, coins usually mean something negative, some kind of waste.

Coins fall out and fall to the floor - in life you will not be able to keep something important with you. Something will try to escape, most likely it is not a person, but some kind of business. A promotion will be given to someone else; a colleague will go on an interesting business trip, not you.

As you walk, you hear the clink of coins, but do not hold them in your hands. Perhaps they are somewhere in your pocket - in life you will hear unpleasant gossip about yourself or about someone you care about, but you will not be able to influence the situation.

Money in a dream: interpretation of the meaning of sleep various dream books peace

How do the most popular dream books interpret such a dream?

Miller's Dream Book

If you count large sums of money that you have no intention of spending, it means that you often think about your inner world, try to engage in self-education, development and use the acquired knowledge for its intended purpose.

The dream in which you found money has a positive connotation. You will receive pleasant news, some not very large, but good event that is important to you will happen. However, it is possible that you will have to face minor troubles before this, which are more likely to only slightly irritate you rather than cause any inconvenience.

Freud's Dream Book

An elderly man, having a dream in which he spends money, should think about buying drugs that will help him keep himself in good shape and not fall flat on his face in a situation where he should be in full combat readiness.

If in a dream you realize that the money turned out to be counterfeit, this means that you do not understand your partner. You don’t see his betrayal or disdain for you. Partner is unhappy sex life with you. Try to figure out what the reason is. Is it worth maintaining this relationship or is it better to end it and open up to new ones?

In Freud's dream book there is an interesting meaning of sleep, which, although it does not directly include the concept of money, is directly related to it. Playing on the stock exchange is like playing on the love front. If the price of your shares goes up, then success in love awaits you. If you play short, if nothing works, then you will be disappointed. But remember that the situation on the stock exchange changes very quickly and, sometimes, a temporary decrease leads to a rapid jump up.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga's dream book interprets money seen in a dream, rather, with negative side. You pick up a small coin or small bill from the ground. A small find, but in life it can mean a very big danger. There is a person near you who wishes you harm, maybe even resorted to black magic to harm you. Try not to accept any gifts from people you don't know.

Ladies' dream book

Profit in a dream means expenses in reality and vice versa. Stealing money in a dream means becoming a victim of a thief or losing money. A dream about losing a large sum means large incomes in life. Counting money is an unexpected expense.

Symbolic dream book

Small money dreams of worrying about trifles, about which you worry too much. Big money is a sign that you will soon receive a decent reward or otherwise improve your financial situation.

Dream book of the 21st century

A lot of paper money - make supplies for the coming year. A lot of coins - you will be respected among the younger generation of the family. If you find a banknote or coin, you should have your heart checked by a doctor; need, hunger in the near future.

Damaged money, crumpled, torn, means that you may be attacked or theft may be committed. Try to take care of your safety, do not go to dark time days alone and on not busy streets.

New dream book 1918

In dreams about money, everything should be interpreted in the opposite sense: if you lose money, it means profit, if you give it away, it means success and prosperity, if you receive it, it means spending, if you win or find it, it means big losses and debts.

A lot of money in coins - you should think about how justified your efforts are. A lot of bills that you hold in your hands or in your wallet - you will soon receive a reward for a job well done. This dream may also mean concern about your financial situation.

Troubles and problems related to money. Expenses, debts, absence necessary funds to existence. Rain of banknotes means bankruptcy. Losing or giving away large sums - on the contrary, leads to significant prosperity.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

Holding large bills in your hands means improving your financial situation, getting a promotion, and obtaining additional sources of income. If you see a lot of large bills in a respectable wallet, then you should take care of your image - and then an increase in income will not keep you waiting.

A lot of paper money - frustration will capture your attention. You are throwing money away - to understand something new about those closest to you. Draw money - you are in uncomfortable climatic conditions, you should think about a vacation in warmer climes.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing paper money means you feel that you are not working for your dream. Seeing coins means you are in great need of money, looking for all possible ways to get rich. Throwing away money means it's time to let the kids leave home.

Conclusion - money can mean both wealth and its loss. Paper money is valued more than coins, therefore, in a dream, paper money promises much more good than change.

Published: 2017-02-12, Modified: 2018-02-22,

Why do you dream about a lot of money? Contrary to all expectations, this image can have a negative interpretation in a dream and promise financial or other problems in reality. Popular dream books will help you get the most accurate interpretation depending on the details of the plot.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

Why do you dream about a lot of money? If you are lucky enough to count them in a dream, then in reality prosperity and prosperity are already very close. But if you spent a lot of other people's money, then get ready to lose a friend because of your stupid trick.

Did you dream that you borrowed a lot of money? You are trying to seem better than you really are, and this situation gives you a lot of worries. If you manage to steal a bunch of banknotes at night, then the dream book warns: you are in great danger. Try not to make a mistake and think about what you are doing.

Decoding according to Aesop's dream book

Why do you dream that your friend asked to borrow a lot of money? Due to excessive frankness, you risk quarreling and completely losing loved one. I dreamed about how we managed to lose at cards or something else gambling a lot of money? Be careful when communicating with unfamiliar people.

What does it mean if in a dream you risk your life because they promised to pay you a lot of money? You will be greatly disappointed, so talk less about your problems.

Opinion of the dream book of spouses Winter

To get the most exact interpretation dream in which a lot of money appeared, the dream book advises you to remember your own emotions. Did you dream about a lot of money, but were you calm and reasonably happy? In reality you will make a profit or make a successful acquisition.

Why do you dream of an overly joyful or excited reaction to money? It is pointless to interpret such a plot, since in a dream it only reflects the desire to improve the current situation.

Painful impressions in dreams foreshadow decline, financial difficulties, losses, or reflect a reluctance to understand long-standing problems.

Full interpretation according to D. Loff's dream book

Dreams in which banknotes appear are a reflection of the dreamer's vitality. They symbolize the ability to control a situation and even control others.

But if in the real world you have a lot of debt and you literally cannot make ends meet, then the vision has no meaning and only reflects what you want. In any other situation, such dreams can and even need to be interpreted taking into account their main nuances.

If you dreamed that someone gave you a lot of money, then follow the advice of the dream book and remember this person. There is a possibility that in the real world this particular person will help achieve the goal. Moreover, the goal itself may not concern material assets and be exclusively spiritual. The same plot indicates the receipt of energy and personal strength in a dream, and emotional renewal.

Did you happen to see that you have a lot of money and you generously distribute it to everyone? The plot has nothing to do with the material sphere of existence, and hints at the desire or need to convey something to others or help them. If you managed to lose a lot of money during the night, then you are clearly not able to control yourself either in showing emotions or in spending money.

Why do you dream about a lot of paper money, large bills, change?

Metal money in large quantities truly symbolizes quick profits. But seeing paper money can mean a successful purchase.

Did you dream about a little thing? You will cry. At the same time, coins made of silver or gold mark a rise in strength, a surge of creative energy and good luck. Why do you dream about currency? In a dream, this is a warning about failures in commercial affairs due to the fault of a loved one.

Why in a dream win a lot of money in the lottery or find

Did you dream that you managed to win a lot of money in the lottery? In reality you will make a discovery that will radically change your future life. Happened to see other characters winning a lot of money in a game or lottery? Have a good rest with your friends.

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to find a lot of money? You can increase your income or make a long-awaited acquisition if you implement an idea that you recently dismissed as untenable.

What does it mean - a lot of money in your hands, in your pocket?

Did you manage to hold a lot of money in your hands in a dream? Such a plot symbolizes personal achievements and the fruits of efforts. A lot of money in a bag or wallet marks a comfortable period. Did you dream that you were surprised to find a lot of money in your pocket? Expect good changes. Maybe. real wealth will unexpectedly come your way.

A lot of money in a dream - other options

Remember: money in a dream reflects the presence of personal strength, and also symbolizes such qualities as generosity, mercy, the ability to make friends, hard work and others. Did you dream that you gave away a lot of money? In this unusual way in the dream world you manifest the most best features character. Besides:

  • giving a lot of money is a dream come true
  • to lose - failure at work, in relationships
  • find - possible loss
  • count – poverty, need to save
  • rake with hands, shovel - bankruptcy, poverty
  • receive – profit, addition to the family
  • to pay - grief, official misunderstandings
  • stolen - danger
  • a lot of gold money - prospects, incredible luck
  • copper - troubles, tears
  • silver - useless troubles
  • fake - loss of inheritance, profit

Why do you dream that someone gave you a lot of money? Actually get support. The interpretation of a dream is especially relevant if the money was put directly into your hands.

I dream about large sums, what does this mean? Various actions with banknotes in a dream. Different meaning dreams, if money: received from someone, counted in a dream, found by accident, given to a stranger, stolen, collected from the ground, given as a gift. Coincidences and non-coincidences of explanations in different dream books.

Paper banknotes that you dream about are basically an auspicious symbol. Receiving new banknotes means an improvement in your financial condition, the approach of great success, and a change in your life situation for the better. If you dream of small coins, this means poverty, losses, and failures. The meaning of the dream depends on how the banknotes were dreamed about.

Dreams about big money are directly related to finances in real life, which is why all interpretations in dream books agree on this. However, different actions with banknotes, their quantity and type mean completely different things. Why do you dream of money, large paper bills in bundles? You can dream about different banknotes: large, small, old, foreign currency.

The best collections of dreams decipher it this way:

  • hold large bills in your hands - means that they will definitely come and fall into your hands;
  • money is on the table, and there is a lot of it - therefore, it will come to your house, wealth awaits your family, perhaps a big purchase;
  • there are much more small coins than paper money, and old and crumpled banknotes in a wallet or pocket mean minor difficulties, tears, quarrels;
  • dreaming of cash in your bag - you are living beyond your means;
  • you are looking at old money - it will probably be an expensive gift in reality;
  • small bills, even old ones - there will probably be a very small salary, which will barely be enough for food;
  • torn - means great disappointment in life, work, love;
  • foreign currency - achieving a goal, business success;
  • counterfeit cash - means a bad outcome, failure;

Action with large banknotes

Why do you dream about large paper bills? If you perform any actions with cash in a dream, then they are also interpreted completely differently:

  • accidentally found money - a happy change. Soon the failures will end, they will be replaced by wealth, peace, joy;
  • gifted - also a good sign, it will appear new opportunity in life for work or a new position that will lead to success;
  • counting money in a dream means that for some time you don’t have to worry about its quantity;
  • saving or collecting money for something is also good. In all likelihood, the planned trip will take place, and in the near future.
  • give away paper banknotes to a stranger - loss of money, repayment of debt, failure;
  • collect scattered items from the floor - unnecessary spending on unnecessary things, negative events;
  • lost – big problems in a family circle or in a team;
  • stealing money - getting into big trouble;
  • if you give away a lot of cash, you will receive real profit, in gratitude for your kindness or good deed;
  • exchange large papers for small coins - you can become a victim of a scam;
  • giving your money to a dead person - you cannot forgive him, but you need to do this and forget him;

The interpretation of the dream also depends on the type and amount of money. Clean, new, uncrumpled paper banknotes are obviously a good sign of money and an indicator of good luck in life. Torn, wrinkled, frayed banknotes are obviously a problem.

Various banknote amounts

If the denomination of a banknote is clearly visible in a dream, then this also turns out to be for good reason and has its own special interpretation:

  • if you see 100, 1000 and more money with numbers 1 and 0 - there will be a new one promising work or new purchase;
  • numbers 2 and 0 - mean obstacles to success, and a waiting period from 2 months to 2 years;
  • 3 and 0 occur - meet a debtor who will repay the debt;
  • numbers 4 and 0 - expect troubles from your environment or colleagues;
  • I dreamed of 50 hryvnia or 500 dollars, and the rest with 5 and 0 - after a while, failure in business will appear, in about 5 weeks;
  • 600, 6000, 60000 - don’t expect gifts, this only means minor troubles and humiliation in the team, a remark from the boss;
  • if I met lucky seven with zero - good luck, but if after 7 days you take the decisive step;
  • dreaming of 8 with 0 - there will be a new better position at work in 8 weeks, or 8 months;
  • 90, 900,9000 - means that you need to make peace with friends, then financial affairs will improve;

Each symbol, of course, stands for something. Psychologists say that this is a reason for internal introspection.

Interpretation of the best dream books

Money is a powerful incentive, an object of desire that everyone strives for. Therefore, when money appears in dreams, everyone is immediately sure that this is a sign of wealth. But that's not always the case. Many dream books agree that this is good, but not always. The best dream books of humanity interpret dreams differently:

Maly Velesov dream book

In Veles’s collection, the decoding of dreams agrees with the main interpretations:

  • counting money in a dream means wealth will appear soon;
  • pay at the cash register - good luck in business;
  • stolen cash - be careful, the same thing can happen in real life;
  • to give to the unknown - to lose yours;
  • fakes - to illnesses of relatives;

The dream also carries psychological experiences that spill out in it.

Miller's Dream Book

American psychologist Gustav Hindman Miller believed that a set of symbols denotes an encrypted code, which, if solved, can predict events in the future.

He draws attention to the number and denomination of banknotes:

  • dreamed of large banknotes - to prosperity;
  • handing them out means failure;
  • to find big paper money - to find yourself a failure;
  • losing cash means life will get better after troubles;
  • pick up someone else's - take on someone else's worries;
  • counterfeit banknote bad sign, not good;

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream book of the Bulgarian seer is not so large, but is characterized by amazing accuracy in explaining the events and things that were dreamed.

Vanga interprets dreams about money as follows:

  • to see paper money in a dream - tears, troubles from others;
  • pick up strangers - they can also damage one of the relatives;
  • torn - mean hungry times, a great lack of money;
  • counting in a dream means great dependence on money, greed;

Until now, this dream book inspires the complete trust of people

Gypsy dream book

Created by an Englishman who had gypsy roots. He has some pretty plausible explanations for dreams:

  • decrepit money - get unpaid, unnecessary work;
  • a lot of money that belongs to others - you will experience disappointment;
  • your own cash - there will be happiness;
  • when they tell you how to earn money, they want to lead you astray, distract you from the real goal;

Gypsies have always been famous for their forecasts; they had a special relationship with dreams about money.

Aesop's Dream Book

The ancient Greek writer believed that money is not the main goal, but just a tool to achieve it.

  • count it many times - there will not be enough cash;
  • denomination of a thousand in a bag - a promise that will not be fulfilled;
  • give cash to someone - quarrel with him;
  • banknotes disappearing from the wallet - the planned business will be a losing one;

Aesop was sure that money is not the most important thing, and we need to strive for higher goals. Dreams can talk about this.

Loff's Dream Book

The dream book of dream predictor David Loff talks about money as a change in life:

  • in a dream, counting means significant waste;
  • gifted - great success, for which retribution will come;
  • wallet filled with money - calm happy life, welfare;
  • a deceased acquaintance returned the money - receive it from the debtor;
  • If you find a wad of money, you will lose the same amount;
  • give it to someone - you will find the same amount;

What's happening important events have great value in life, not banknotes, Loff believed.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

According to the dream book of the sorceress Medea, dreams about banknotes are explained as follows:

  • money that was found - to poverty;
  • found banknotes mean that they will be lost in reality;
  • gave banknotes - friends will help in difficult times;
  • if they gave it as a gift, and then they disappeared - the illusion of wealth;

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Miss Hasse's collection represents folk observations, ancient and new esoteric works:

  • a large pile of money means very large expenses;
  • put paper money in your hands - you will receive a reward for your work;
  • it turns out to be a money transaction - a child will be born soon;

The medium explains that the likelihood of a dream coming true depends on the date, month and phase of the moon.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

He interprets a dream about money as clearly a good one, which means good luck, and explains why money is dreamed of - paper bills in stacks:

  • dream of money - a wish will come true;
  • a wad of big money - you will make an important purchase;
  • if they were given as a gift, you will be very happy;
  • if there is a shortage in the pack, one of your friends will deceive you;

Unpleasant feelings in a dream associated with cash lead to the same thing in real life.

Modern dream book

Analyzing everything famous dream books Why do you dream of large paper bills? You can highlight the fact that such dreams generally portend material well-being and happiness:

  • seeing paper money means trouble;
  • giving away cash is good luck attracted by generosity;
  • cash received from stranger– addition to the family;
  • a lot of small paper money - sadness that will soon pass;
  • a lot of money in large denominations - very good news, wealth;

Perhaps you also dream about money because you constantly think about it, dream about it, and worry about its lack. These may also be subconscious fears associated with poverty, loss, or hard, low-paid work.


When trying to explain the meaning of certain dreams using dream books, you need to understand that none of them can be absolutely correct. Need to analyze psychological state each individual person in order to draw conclusions about the causes of sleep. However, you still need to decipher dreams. They can warn or warn against rash actions.


Why do you dream about big money? The dream book indicates: well-deserved rewards, financial well-being, profitable deals, and excellent prospects lie ahead. But the plot in a dream also warns of unsuccessful investments, collapse of plans, and difficulties at work.

Increased well-being

A dreamed vision promises in reality: the well-being of the sleeping person will unexpectedly increase. Perhaps he will receive an inheritance.

To dream that you are counting large amounts of money means that your financial well-being will become significantly stronger.

Achieve stability and get rewards

Why do you dream of holding big money in your hands? There will be promising opportunities to make good money. You need to act actively - then you will achieve stability.

Did you dream of a large sum in your hands? Receive a well-deserved reward for your efforts and efforts.

False news, unseemly plans of loved ones

In the dream they were in packs? Receive news, but it may be false. Don't trust them too much, beware of deception.

Found big money in bundles? Vanga's dream book considers this a warning: someone close to you is up to something bad.

Unexpected news, good omens

Have you seen paper bills in a dream? You will learn unexpected news that will affect events and circumstances.

Why do you dream that someone is giving you paper money? Meet a person who will help you regain faith in your strength and restore inner harmony.

Have you seen how they give you large paper money for the work done? The dream book promises: this is a harbinger of the appearance of a child or winning a case in court.

Collapse of plans, unsuccessful investments

But if they are fake, your plans will fail due to your mistakes. You need to try to abstract yourself from failures and tune in to new projects taking into account mistakes.

Did you dream of stealing big money? The dream book warns about unsuccessful investments or investments in obscene or semi-legal business. Such an investment will not bring the expected joy.

Why dream of losing and looking for them? The deal on which the dreamer had high hopes will fall through.

Instead of the expected large banknotes, did you see small change in your dream? In reality, plans will collapse. Perhaps you did not take into account some little things.

Implement your projects, make a profitable deal

Have you seen a wallet in a dream where small and large money coexist? The dream book tells you: you will soon be able to realize your wildest dreams.

Did you dream that your late mother was holding them out? If she did it right hand- ensure material well-being not only for yourself, but also for your children. If she gave them with her left hand, you will soon receive an inheritance.

Why dream of unexpectedly finding thousands of rubles? Make a very profitable deal with your partners, or an offer for a higher-paying job will appear.

What did you do?

The interpretation of the dream takes into account what happened to them:

  • receive - there are excellent prospects ahead thanks to a bet on something progressive;
  • earn money - success in love;
  • find - winning the lottery;
  • change - complications at work;
  • to give is punishment for something done earlier;
  • hide - due to fear of showing emotions, getting closer to someone, you may miss love;
  • spend - failures are coming;
  • to steal is the undeserved receipt of some benefits or privileges.

A profitable project, the favor of others

Did you dream of finding big money? The dream book explains: a profitable offer will appear to participate in a project that can bring good profit.
