How to find water for your well. How to find water for a well: using different methods

Having received a plot for construction own home or a dacha, the owner first of all thinks about supplying water, because without it you can’t even fill the foundation. But if there is no central water supply nearby, and you don’t want to carry it in barrels every time, then it makes sense to dig your own well. So you and your family clean water provide it, and you can start construction. But the question arises: how to find water for a well if you have never encountered this? Don't dig up the entire area!

In fact, the problem of finding water has long been solved, and there are many methods used to determine where the aquifer lies. Any owner can cope with this. For a more accurate analysis, it is better to try several options and make sure that the place to dig the well is chosen correctly.

At what depth should the aquifer vein be located?

Water in the ground is retained by water-resistant layers, which prevent veins from breaking through to the ground or going too deep. Such layers, as a rule, consist of clay, but there are also stone ones.

Between them is aquifer sand, saturated with clean water, which is what you need to look for. Since the waterproof layers are not located strictly horizontally, but with all sorts of bends, niches with a high level of humidity are formed in places of curvature, which are called underground lakes.

There may be several aquifers in the ground, but the best ones are those located below 15 m in depth

When searching for water for a well, you can get to a lake that is very close to the surface - only 2.5 m deep. The water in it is called perched water, because it is replenished by precipitation, melting snow, which carries with it dirt and many harmful substances. Such an aquifer vein is not suitable for a well, both in terms of liquid quality and quantity. During a drought, your well will simply dry up, because an underground lake with high water holds a small volume of water, and if it is a hot summer, it will leave it altogether and will not return until late autumn.

The well requires water from lakes, which are located approximately 15 m deep into the earth. There lie aquifers of continental sands, the thickness of which is so great that it can feed a huge number of cubic meters of water. And these sands serve as excellent filters, thanks to which the water is maximally purified from impurities and debris and becomes suitable for drinking.

"Old-fashioned" methods of finding water

Wells have been dug since ancient times, so the most successful methods used by our ancestors have been preserved to this day.

Analysis of plants growing on the site

Plants can tell you whether there is an aquifer on your site and at what depth it is located. If coltsfoot and sedge feel good on the ground, alders and birches grow, then there is water under you, and not deep. But the pine trees, which root system is capable of “burrowing” to great depths in search of water, they say that the distance to the aquifer is considerable.

About the level of occurrence groundwater plants growing in the area can tell you (click on the image to enlarge)

Pet observations

Observe how your dog behaves on hot days. Usually dogs begin to look for the most humid (and therefore cool!) places, dig a hole in them and lie down. This means that there is an aquifer in this place.

For example, a horse that is tormented by thirst will begin to beat its hoof in the place where it senses close water. Also, in the evening, pay attention to where the midges “hustle” in the area. They choose a place with high humidity.

Study of weather phenomena

In the evening after the summer heat or early in the morning they monitor the territory. In places where the water is close to the surface, the humidity level will manifest itself as fog, which will spread along the ground or come out in clouds. Moreover, by the density of the fog, you can determine the depth of groundwater: the denser it is, the closer the vein.

Weighing desiccant

You can also find out about the saturation of the earth with water by weighing desiccant absorbers - materials that can absorb moisture. Previously, only red brick played this role, but today silica gel has been added to it.


  1. Find an unglazed clay pot.
  2. Break the red brick into pieces and dry it thoroughly in the oven. If you use silica gel, you no longer need to crush it, but you must dry it.
  3. Pour the prepared moisture accumulator into the pot and weigh it.
  4. Twist non-woven material and bury it 0.5 m into the ground.
  5. After a day, take it out and weigh it again. The greater the difference in mass, the closer the water.

It is best to use several pots of silica gel at once different places to determine in which zone the aquifer is closest to the ground

For the purity of the experiment, remember that in the previous days, before looking for water for the well, there should not have been precipitation, otherwise the ground will be wet and the pot will absorb water that comes from the surface. The desiccant is buried only in dry soil.

Professional water search methods

Testing with a rod or electrodes

More in a professional way is considered dowsing.

But not everyone manages to “make friends” with such a device.

Search order:

  • First, two branches are found on the willow, coming out of the same trunk and located at an angle to each other.
  • This “fork” is cut off and dried thoroughly.
  • The finished frame is brought to the site, taken by the edges of the branches, spreading them approximately 150˚ so that the trunk looks up.
  • They slowly walk around the area with the vine.
  • In places where there is an aquifer, the trunk will begin to tilt towards the ground.
  • The frame gives the most accurate readings in the morning (from 6.00 to 7.00), in the afternoon (from 16.00 to 17.00) and in the evening (from 20.00 to 21.00).

The vine frame will begin to tilt in a place where there is increased humidity

Devices made from electrodes have a similar effect. 2 rods must be bent into the letter “G” and carried in your hands so that the free part is horizontal. At the location of the aquifer vein, the electrodes will begin to spin and cross.

The disadvantage of such a study is that the frames react not only to deep layers, but also to high water. The laid underground communications can also “confuse” them.

Drill exploration

Exploratory drilling is considered the most accurate of all methods. To do this, you need to drill a hole six or more meters deep into the ground with an ordinary garden drill. If you come across a vein, do not rush to dig a well right away. First, have your water tested at a sanitation station to ensure its quality.

Only after positive results start digging a well.

By drilling into the ground in several places on the site, you will find the strongest aquifer

Combining several methods will increase your chances of finding the best water.

(20 ratings, average: 4,20 out of 5)

Water is the basis of the life force of humans, animals, plants, along with food and air. Every day, humanity uses tons of this invaluable substance for various needs. Today it is very important to find sources of clean water.

The best and most reliable source is a well. It will help solve the problem of water supply to your home and site. Wells are especially in demand among owners of private houses. However, every land owner asks a number of questions before starting construction of a well. How to find a suitable place for a well on a site? What should be the depth of the well? How to understand where to dig a well on a site?

Today the problem of finding water for a well is solved! There are many ways by which it is very easy to determine exactly where groundwater flows on a site. It is worth noting that any owner can cope with this matter, but an error in the search can lead to financial losses - the well will not provide water, and you will have to dig a new one. It may be worth considering inviting a specialist to help you find the right location. However, this can be quite costly, so the preferred option for many is finding water yourself. How to find a spring for a well?

So, as for finding an aquifer vein. Only when you find it can you be sure that the location for the source was found correctly. But the question arises: how to determine where to dig a well? The answer is very simple. Anyone who is going to build a well must know at what depth the spring should be located.

Well spring depth

In search of the location of water for a future source , you can discover the lake, which is close to the surface. And the depth of such a lake can vary from 2.5 meters. The water in it is called perched water. And such a source is not suitable for a well, because it accumulates precipitation, melting snow, dirt and harmful substances, which cause devastating harm to human health.

Still for good and quality well necessary drinking water from lakes located at least 15 m deep into the earth. It is important to note that groundwater can be easily found without significant costs.

There are several methods for finding water:

  1. Observing the behavior of animals, insects and plants
  2. Using desiccant
  3. Condensate detection
  4. With plant forks or aluminum frame
  5. Meteorological
  6. Drilling

Now let's look at each of the methods separately.

Behavior of animals, insects and plants

For example, you may discover an aquifer vein With using traditional methods. Monitoring your horse or dog in dry weather can help you with this. A horse may hit the ground with its hoof in search of moisture. Any dog, trying to escape the heat, digs a hole and lies down in it. Dogs try to find the coolest area. And such a location can only be located next to the sources groundwater. These animals have the ability to sense the proximity of underground springs.

And the last helpers in the search for water - ordinary midge. These insects live in places where humidity is high. Interesting fact that insects gather in one specific area. And this can only mean one thing - the water is very close.

Weather conditions and plants can play an important role in determining a good location for a spring in the country. For example, fog can indicate where in an area there is more high level humidity. It is worth noting that the denser the fog, the closer the underground water sources flow. Sedge, birch, and coltsfoot can become your helpers. These plants will tell you the nearby location of underground currents. These devices will help you find water in the area. various types, which you can easily build yourself.


In order to look for sources, desiccant can be used. For example, sorbent or ordinary red brick, which usually splits into many small pieces. These parts must then be placed in a pot made of clay and weighed. Next, place it in dry soil to a depth of 0.5 meters. After 24 hours, the pot needs to be dug up and weighed again. Determining the difference when re-weighing makes it possible to establish the close location of underground sources.

Condensation detection

There is another great way to determine the location of an aquifer. And this the simplest glass jars. It is important that the sizes of the cans are identical. At dawn, the device must be stuck into the soil at intervals of 5 meters. After a day, you need to turn the vessels over and look at the condensation. The location of the vessel with the largest amount of condensate is most likely where groundwater flows.

Finding water using a frame

However, in addition to traditional methods, there are many modern and more accurate ones. And people prefer to look for springs using more modern methods, which, for example, includes a method of searching for underground water using dowsing, which is implemented in reality using forks made from natural raw materials, an aluminum frame, and the like. A very interesting method is to use a willow fork or grapevine. To try this method, find a twig with two knots. Then cut and dry it, take the ends of the branch in both hands and boldly begin the search process. It is important that the stem points upward. If it begins to sink to the ground, then the most suitable place for the future well has been found.

Another very effective way- This is the use of an aluminum frame.

Frame manufacturing and operation diagram:

  1. In order to make this device you will need 2 pieces of aluminum wire, approximately 35 centimeters long, on which you need to bend the sections at right angles.
  2. The bent sections are taken in such a way that the remaining parts are parallel to the soil. If the ends of the wire begin to cross and twist, this means that groundwater sources are located quite close. And this is the place that is most suitable for your well.


And there is also meteorological method, which is one of the most productive. Eighty percent of the time, it accurately points to an underground source. The method is observation. If after a hot day the soil in the area is wet, it means there is underground water there.


We can highlight another of the most accurate methods of searching for water on the site. This exploration drilling. Exploration drilling is one of the the most accurate methods, but at the same time - one of the most labor-intensive. Using this method, the depth of underground sources can be determined 100 percent. You can also resort to the barometric method, which allows you to accurately determine the depth of groundwater. The effectiveness of this method is 85 percent.

And finally, to make your search as easy as possible, you can use geological and groundwater maps. Of course, such maps will not point you to the correct location for the spring, partly because environmental conditions are constantly changing, but they can only indicate the approximate location of the spring, its depth and the amount of water in it. The accuracy of such maps is approximately 15-30 percent.

A combination of several methods can significantly increase the chances of quickly finding suitable place. Is it justified that in order to accurately search for the location of groundwater it would be best to invite professional specialist in this area, who knows exactly how to find a spring on the site? Of course, you can rely on your experience and luck, or you can entrust the search to a professional, the choice is up to you.

A well is the simplest hydraulic structure. This profitable option organizing water supply if there is no centralized mains nearby. Minimum expenses for construction, convenient operation, constant access to water - there are many advantages. But how to find water on site for a well in order to build a productive source? We learned how to solve this problem a long time ago.

The proven “old-fashioned methods” are still successfully used, and in recent decades even more reliable methods and even special devices for searching for water have appeared. Each site owner can choose an acceptable method or use several. This will help you determine with absolute accuracy where it is best to dig a well.

Framework for finding underground water

Classification and properties of aquifers

There may be 2-3 aquifers on the site. They are loose rocks that bind and retain moisture that seeps from the surface during rains, floods, and snow melting. Aquifers are located on impermeable rocks and may have different sources nutrition. The deeper the horizon lies, the cleaner and better quality the water is.

There are several types of groundwater:

  • Soil. This is the most top layer(usually 4-6 m). It accumulates atmospheric moisture. Sources of power for the horizon are precipitation, floods, and river floods.
  • Ground. The horizon lies at the depth of the first layer of waterproof rock - 9-18 m, suitable for the construction of a drinking well.
  • Interlayer. Wells are drilled into this horizon. The depth ranges from 20 to 40-50 m.
  • Artesian. The aquifer is the cleanest and most abundant, but it is not suitable for building a well, because... its depth can reach 40-200 m.

Information about the depth of aquifers is necessary to determine water quality. Shallow layers are often contaminated with pesticides, human waste products, and pathogenic bacteria. Such water is used only for technical purposes. For drinking and cooking, it must be carefully filtered and boiled.

Sometimes the first aquifer lies very shallow - 2-2.5 m from the surface. If the future well is intended for watering the garden, then this great option, however, you cannot drink from it. Even for domestic and economic needs, it is advisable to pass water from such a source through a coarse filter.

Layout of aquifers

How to find a place for a well using folk methods

How to find a place to dig a well? Most reliable way– turn to specialists who will find a suitable aquifer for relatively little money. This is desirable, but not at all necessary, because you can do it yourself.

There are several folk signs, which can be used to find an aquifer lying close to the surface. Some plant species indicate the proximity of moisture. They also often use a vine or special frames. You can make these devices yourself.

Choosing a location for a well using a vine

How to determine the depth of a vein

Places where moisture comes very close to the surface can be identified by simple signs:

  • Fog. If there is an area on the site where fog appears, then this is a sure sign high humidity. It is worth observing either in the evening before sunset or in the early morning. It is best to inspect the area at dawn, when the foggy haze is most clearly visible. If the fog is thick, it means the aquifer is not deep at all.
  • Midge. Small midges swarm where they sense moisture. If they are noticed to have a preference for one specific place on the site, it’s worth digging a well here.
  • Herbs. Moisture-loving plants They grow only where they can get enough water from the soil. It is worth paying attention to whether there are nettles, coltsfoot, and wild sorrel on the site.
  • Trees. Some types of trees can also be reliable indicators: alder, beech, willow, birch. But apple and cherry trees, on the contrary, do not do well in places where aquifers are close.

Scheme: how to find water for a well by plants

Animals are helpers in the search for underground water

If field mice live on the site, the location of their nests can help with finding a place for a well. For example, if voles settle directly on the ground, it means that the aquifers are deep in the soil. These animals avoid high humidity. If they build nests on the lower branches of trees and bushes, it means the moisture is close to the surface.

Poultry can also indicate where to dig a well. Thus, chickens never lay eggs in damp places, but geese specifically look for the wettest areas to build their nests. If a domestic goose lays eggs in the same place, this is a sure signal that at least one aquifer lies nearby. Most often, geese look for intersections of veins.

In the summer heat, animals try to find the coolest areas. If the horse starts pawing and the dog digs a hole, this is probably the wettest place on the property. If animals dig small depressions in the soil and lie down in them, then a well can be built here. The water in it will be of poor quality, but it will be suitable for watering the garden and technical needs.

Dogs look for cool places

Dowsing method: vine and aluminum frames

The vine or frame will tell you how to choose a place for a well on your property. Dowsing is considered one of the oldest methods of searching for aquifers. It cannot be called 100% reliable, but in many cases this method turns out to be effective. For dowsing, either tree branches or aluminum frames.

Production and use of dowsing frames

How to make frames for finding water? They are easy to make with your own hands. To do this, you will need two pieces of aluminum wire of the same length (about 40 cm each) and a tube cut from elderberry or other suitable material.

Work order:

  • The pieces of wire are bent at right angles so that one side is 15 and the other 25 cm.
  • The short ends insert a tube cut from a tree or bush branch. The ideal option is elderberry, but variations are possible. Also suitable metal tube.
  • The wire does not need to be secured; it should rotate freely in the tube, but not fall out of it.

Using this device is very simple. The frames are taken in both hands and slowly passed across the area. If both frames turn in one direction, then you should turn there. In a place where the aquifer is close to the surface, the frames will come together. As soon as the vein is passed, they will again move apart. This way you can determine the area suitable for constructing a well.

Video: how to make a frame for searching for water

How to choose a place for a well: modern methods

To find water, use the most different ways- from digging salt into the ground to using devices. They make it possible to determine not only the presence of an aquifer, but sometimes even the depth at which it may lie.

Option #1: glassware

Soil moisture can be determined using glassware. A regular three-liter jar will do. It is placed with its neck on the ground in a place where the presence of a nearby vein is suspected, and left overnight. If condensation appears on the glass in the morning, you can dig a well.

The method will be effective only if there has been no rain for several days before and the ground has dried well. It can be used during periods of extreme heat and drought. Based on the amount of condensate, assumptions are made about the depth of the water.

Option #2: moisture-absorbing materials

You can use substances that absorb moisture well. Most often chosen rock salt, building red brick or silica gel. Before use, the brick is crushed to a crumb state. Silica gel is further dried in the oven. The total volume of the desiccant should be about two liters. It is poured into an open clay pot.

The vessel and its contents are weighed on high-precision scales, after which they are wrapped in several layers of gauze and buried in the soil to a depth of about 0.5 m. It must remain underground for at least a day. After the required period has passed, the pot is carefully dug up, the gauze is removed and weighed again.

If the weight of the vessel is different, it means that the moisture-absorbing materials have absorbed moisture from the soil. The greater the difference between the indicators, the closer to the surface the spring vein is located. It is believed that the effectiveness of this method reaches 60-65%.

Option #3: barometer readings

If there is an open body of water near the site, then a barometer can be used to determine the depth of underground layers. With its help, they determine the pressure on the shore of a reservoir, and then move to a place where they suspect the presence of a nearby aquifer, and take measurements again.

Each 0.1 mm of mercury column indicates 1 m of formation depth. For example, if the first measurement gave 545.5 mm, and the second 545.1 mm, then the spring vein is located approximately 4 m from the surface of the earth. Searching for water using instruments gives best results than “old-fashioned” methods.

Schematic diagram of the aneroid barometer

Option #4: a device for finding groundwater

There are special devices for searching for water underground. The domestically produced device “Pulse” has proven itself well, measuring electric field, which is created by groundwater. Using “Pulse” you can even determine the potential productivity of a future source.

The water search device is easy to use. Its electrodes are buried 10 cm into the ground in the place where the presence of a vein is suspected. If the readings on the device change, it means there is water nearby. The higher the indicators, the more powerful the aquifer.

The owners themselves determine how to find a place for a well on the site, choosing the most affordable way. All methods have their drawbacks, and they are not always reliable. If you want to ensure that the location for the well is chosen correctly, carry out exploratory drilling with a regular garden drill. Better yet, contact a specialist. They will help you choose the ideal location for the well.

Having rummaged around on the Internet, I managed to find enough complete guide according to popular search for water ().

Famous traditional methods water searches are conventionally divided into four groups:
- determination by indication (this method is also known as the “dowsing method”);
- using indicator plants;
- on the behavior of animals, birds, insects;
- other signs of a natural nature.

1. Search for water using the frame indication.
When using an indication, use pieces of aluminum wire or a fork wooden branch hazel, willow or viburnum.

1 way. In the first case, take two aluminum wires 30-40 centimeters long, each with ends bent at right angles (10-15 cm). It is better to insert these ends into tubes of tree-like elderberry, removing the core. The wires should turn freely in the tubes.

The starting position is as follows: the indicator wires are rotated horizontally by 180°. When a person, walking along the site, comes across an aquifer, the wires close forward, to the right or to the left (along the flow of water). Having passed this place, the indicators again diverge to the sides by 180°.

Now, having marked the place where the wires meet, you should walk with the indicators apart in a perpendicular direction. If the wires came together from the very beginning and stayed that way for some time, then this was the direction of the aquifer. If the rods deviate to the right or left, again look for the place of their contact. It will be the center of the future water source.

Method 2. You can search for water using one frame. A wire 30 centimeters long is bent at approximately a distance of 10 cm. The short end is taken into a fist so that long end was horizontal. Forward direction. There is no need to clamp the wire too tightly. All. We walk around the site. In some places the end of the wire will deviate to the side as if from a single-pole magnet. We keep the direction towards the greatest resistance. The place we need is where the wire will rotate.

3 way. A similar way to search for a water-bearing ball is using a wooden fork (two branches that grew close to each other, connected by a piece of trunk). They are first unbent and dried, the angle between the ends must be at least 150°. Take the fork in two hands, extend them horizontally in front of you and walk through the surveyed area. In the place where the aquifer is located, the section of the trunk will noticeably tilt towards the ground. Often, during an inspection of the territory, the indicators do not respond: they do not close anywhere and do not tilt. This means there is no water-bearing sphere here. Water should be looked for elsewhere.

2. Finding water using indicator plants.
At all times peoples different countries when searching for groundwater they gave great value plants. The close occurrence of water is evidenced by moisture-loving vegetation, colored with bright and lush greenery. The more abundant, dense and green the vegetation, the more water there is.

If wild currants have grown greatly, seemingly in a dry place, you can be sure that there is groundwater close to the surface.
The willow has long been used in Rus' as an indicator of water sources. They said about her: “Where there is water there is a willow; where there is a willow, there is water.”
A good indicator of shallow waters in the temperate zone is meadowsweet, or meadowsweet. Meadowsweet can be found in damp meadows, ravines, swamps, river banks and ponds.
Forest reeds indicate the close occurrence of groundwater.
If the plant community is dominated by forest reed and meadowsweet (meadowsweet), and gray and black alder are also present in them, this indicates that the water lies at a depth of up to 3 m.
The Chuvash used sorrel as an indicator of nearby groundwater: “Dig a well in sorrel places - water will appear.”
The ancient explorer Vitruvius Pollio, who lived in the 1st century BC, attached exceptional importance to vegetation when searching for underground water: “The signs of water in the earth rocks described above are as follows: thin reeds, reeds, willows, alder, vitex, twigs grow there, ivy and others, which have the property that they cannot germinate without moisture."
Where groundwater is located close to the surface of the earth, plants grow best: cinquefoil, hemlock, foxglove, autumn colchicum, coltsfoot, horse sorrel, reed, sedge, nettle, horsetail.
If alder, maple, weeping willow, birch are all leaning in one direction, this is a sign that there is a water vein nearby.
Willow and alder grow well above the aquifers, leaning towards the flow.
In places with high standing waters, single oaks may be found. They grow as if at the intersection of water veins.
If a plane tree grows far from an open source, it means that an underground river flows under it. The location of the trees indicates the direction of the flow.
Licorice glabra grows strongly in places where groundwater is located at a depth of up to 2 meters.
In places where groundwater is close, apple, cherry and plum trees grow poorly, get sick and dry out.
Table of groundwater occurrence, depending on growing plants:

Plants Groundwater depth, (m)
Rogoza 0 - 1
Sandy reeds 1 - 3
Black poplar 0.5 - 3
Reed 0 - 1.5 (up to 3 - 5)
Loch 1 - 3 (up to 5)
Sarsazan 0.5 - 3 (up to 5)
Wormwood paniculata 3 - 5 (up to 7)
Chiy brilliant 1.5 - 5 (up to 8)
Licorice naked 1.5 - 5 (up to 10)
Sandy wormwood 3 - 5 (up to 10)
Yellow alfalfa 1.4 - 2 (up to 10 - 15)

3. Finding aquifers by observing the behavior of animals, birds, insects
When a horse wants water, it sniffs the ground and hits with its hooves where it senses the presence of moisture.
The dog, feeling thirsty, begins to dig the ground where it senses water.
The dog avoids lying over the water veins, but the cat does the opposite.
A hen will not sit and lay eggs in a place where the waters are high; Geese lay eggs at the intersection of water veins.
Red ants build their heaps taking into account the location of the water: where it is close, they are not there.
The curling columns of mosquitoes and midges after sunset indicate that there must be water nearby here, underground.
In damp places, mice make nests on tree branches or in weeds, but not in the ground.

4. Search for water using natural signs.
The fog spreading after sunset is a sign of close groundwater in this place.
In the morning dew falls - there is more where the water comes closer to the ground. Dew is formed because the closer the water comes to the ground, the better it cools, and when cooling, condensation forms from the air on the surface of the earth.
An overturned jar or pot above the aquifer will certainly become covered with dew, and a bunch of salt will get wet in dry weather.

Arranging your own water source suburban area will significantly increase the degree of comfort. Agree, bringing sufficient quantities of water to the dacha is an expensive undertaking, especially since some areas are significantly removed from the city. Have you decided to build a water intake, but don’t know how to find water for the well?

We will help you understand the intricacies of the search - the article provides various ways and methods that are in demand among owners suburban areas. There are also video recommendations and colorful photos that clearly demonstrate the material presented.

There is water underground, but it is not so easy to find. You can, of course, dig a hole at random in the hope of accidentally stumbling upon an aquifer, but the result will most likely be disappointing.

Meanwhile, it happens that if you had not missed by literally two meters, the desired goal would have been achieved. After all, water in the ground is located between layers of soil, which it is not able to erode due to its water-resistant composition, which is based on clay and rocks.

Clay layers alternate with sandy layers, gravel and pebble deposits. They contain clean water. It is precisely this aquifer that those who decide to dig a well on their site need to get to.

The most expensive and, at the same time, the most reliable method is to drill holes and punch holes using professional equipment.

Using it, we will obtain the following information:

  • thickness of the soil on the site;
  • quantity and quality of detected water;
  • depth of the aquifer;
  • location of quicksand, stone blocks and slabs;
  • the approximate amount we will need to build a well.

It is not at all a fact that the place you are scouting will be conveniently located relative to the proposed buildings on your site, but sometimes the owners are lucky.

Finding the right place five meters from your home is considered a great success. In this case, when installing an independent water supply system with automatic water supply, the section of pipes laid in the ground will be minimal. This means it will require less investment.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Watch the video below, it will introduce you to dowsing methods. You will see practical application dowsing method. Geologists do not recommend using this method, considering it pseudoscientific. If the method itself is controversial, then the manipulations with the ring that you see in this video are more than questionable.

In our article, dowsing is mentioned solely for the purpose of providing the most complete information about all the methods of searching for water that are actually used in practice.

The next video will present the principle of studying soils and their condition using drilling methods. This video clearly demonstrates the work of reconnaissance digging using a probe (bailer). This is a rather labor-intensive process that is difficult to perform alone, without using either a tripod or a gate.

In addition, there is a real danger of the well collapsing if casing is not used to secure it.

If you are looking for water for a well, you need to have an understanding of aquifers, how they are located underground and the influence of water depth on its quality characteristics.

Be observant during your search. Look after the plants natural phenomena and animals. Their behavior will help you determine if there is water in your area.

It will not be superfluous folk remedies searching for water, as well as information received from neighbors. In addition, they search for water using the dowsing method. The drilling method is considered the most effective, although labor-intensive. Armed with the information you have received, you can begin your search. If there is water in your area, you will definitely find it.

Please write comments in the block below. Please ask questions if you have any questions while reading the information we provide. Tell us and site visitors about your own experience in determining the location for a well on a suburban area.
