Elex Guide - a complete guide for all factions. Selecting a faction in Elex


If you don't like modern weapons and technology, but want to use spells, swords and bows, then we advise you to choose Berserkers. They are fluent in magic, so they can, for example, summon spirits, heal their wounds, or increase damage done. In addition, members of this faction are able to enchant equipment (but only from past eras, that is, axes, swords, hammers, and so on) and shoot several arrows from a bow at once. Berserkers allow you to create a hero who fights primarily in close combat, but can also support himself with spells or attack from afar with a bow if necessary.

  • Faction Capital: Goliet
  • Faction Leader: Ragnar
  • Unique Weapons: Axe, Warrior Sword, Ripblade
  • Unique armor: Cultivator set, Warrior set, Paladin set

Faction abilities

  • Berserk is a faction's base ability that gives you access to other abilities of that faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment and use mana, and also gives you the ability to upgrade magic weapons and increases resistance to poison.
  • Magic - the next level increases the duration or damage of spells.
  • Mana – the next level increases the amount of available mana (which is used to cast spells).
  • Weapon Enchant – Allows you to enchant a weapon, which increases its damage.
  • Scatter Shot – allows you to fire multiple arrows at the same time.
  • Seeker Shot - Allows you to shoot homing arrows.
  • Camouflage Spell – Unlocks a spell that reduces the chance of being detected by enemies.
  • Leather Armor Spell - Unlocks a spell that increases armor.
  • Warrior Spell Aspect - Unlocks a spell that increases melee damage.
  • Blood Transfer Spell - Unlocks a spell that allows you to turn part of your life into mana.
  • Ghost Wolf Spell - Unlocks a spell that summons ghosts that can help you during battles.
  • Spell Sense of Life - unlocks a spell that highlights all living beings.
  • Poison Aura Spell - Unlocks a spell that deals poison damage to all enemies around the character.
  • Healing Spell - Unlocks a spell that allows you to heal your character and his companion.


The skills of the Exiles allow you to create a character who perfectly wields rifles (they shoot with simple bullets, not plasma). They also spend a lot of time crafting items while sitting at workbenches. Exiles can offer many useful abilities for creating various things, that is, you can independently craft ammunition, weapons and stimulants for yourself, providing various bonuses. In addition, you will learn how to dismantle your equipment, thereby obtaining new parts that you can then sell or use in crafting other items.

  • Faction capital: Fort
  • Faction Leader: William
  • Unique Weapons: Harpoon, Scarpshotgun, Reaperblade
  • Unique armor: Runner set, Enforcer set, Captain set

Faction abilities

  • Exile is the main ability of the Exiles, which gives you access to other skills of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, and also allows you to buy their equipment and upgrade mechanical weapons. In addition, your resistance to radiation increases. Additionally, it removes debuffs when you use Stimpaks and allows you to use multiple Stimpaks at once.
  • Unscrew - Unlocks the ability that allows you to dismantle the weapon (thanks to which you can get additional parts).
  • Body Chemistry - the next level increases the duration and effects of stimulants.
  • Chem. Chem Capacity – the next level increases the number of stimulants that can be used by the character at the same time.
  • Tonic (Pick-me-up Stim) – allows you to craft stimulants that temporarily increase your attack and blocking speed.
  • Chemistry Scrap Scanner Chem – makes it possible to craft stimulants that improve the search for common objects.
  • Chemistry Immune Booster Chem – makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase resistance to all types of effects (radiation, fire, frost, poison).
  • Chemistry Tough Guy Chem - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase damage resistance.
  • Animal Lover Chem - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily scare away weak animals from the player.


Clerics – perfect choice for players who like to use long-range weapons (especially when it comes to plasma or energy rifles) and support themselves with skills reminiscent of magic. The fact is that members of this faction have access to PSI skills that resemble spells: they make it possible to create powerful energy waves, move short distances, or create holograms.

  • Faction capital: Hort
  • Faction Leader: Reinhold
  • Unique Weapons: Acolyte Sword, Regent Sword, Laser Rifle, Energy Shield, Type A Flamethrower, PSI Booster
  • Unique armor: Acolyte set, Legate set, Regent set

Faction abilities

  • Cleric is a basic Cleric ability that gives you access to other abilities of that faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment and use PSI abilities, as well as upgrade energy weapons. In addition, it increases fire resistance.
  • PSI – everyone new level Increases the duration or damage of PSI skills.
  • Battery – each new level increases the amount of energy that is used to use PSI skills.
  • High-Tech Weaponsmith - Unlocks the ability that allows you to create Cleric weapons using a workbench.
  • One Man Army - Increases your damage when traveling without a companion.
  • Suggestion – Unlocks new dialogue options that can influence other characters during certain conversations.
  • Technophile - Unlocks the PSI ability, which highlights all synthetic creatures and high-tech equipment.
  • Cleansing Ability – Unlocks the PSI ability, which removes all negative effects from the character.
  • Power Shield - Unlocks the PSI ability, which creates a force field that protects from damage.
  • Weapon Unity skill – unlocks the PSI ability, which increases damage from ranged weapons.
  • Phasing Ability - Unlocks the PSI ability, which allows you to teleport a short distance and leave a hologram of the hero in the place where he stood.
  • Power Wave Ability – Unlocks the PSI ability, which creates a powerful energy wave that deals area damage.
  • Skill The Last Battle(The Last Stand Ability) – unlocks the PSI ability, which revives the hero with half his health.
  • Hologram Projection Ability – Unlocks the PSI ability, which allows you to create holograms that distract the attention of enemies.



The fighter or warrior is one of the most common archetypes that can be found in almost any RPG. In Elex, this class also has the right to life. If you decide to play as a fighter, then you should definitely choose the Berserkers faction. Still, the warrior specializes in striking at close range, and therefore the magic of supporting berserkers will be very useful for him. In addition, you can enchant your weapon, increasing its parameters for a specific period of time.


If you want to play for this class, then you should focus your attention on two parameters of the main character: Strength and Toughness. The first stat increases the damage you deal, and the other increases the amount of life. Both play a big role in close-range battles. Agility is also useful (but not as much as the above parameters), because it expands the range of your attacks.

If there is a constant lack of mana required to cast spells, we recommend adding a couple of points to the Intelligence parameter. The trick will be useless for most heroes, since many characters in the game can be convinced with a few Elixit Shards, so you don't have to spend points on it.


When playing as a fighter, you should spend skill points on abilities that can be effective at close range. It is worth developing them first. We are talking about the following skills:

  • Melee Weapons - The next level increases the amount of damage done by swords, axes, hammers, and so on. This is the most important skill for a warrior.
  • This is the second most important skill for a fighter.
  • Powerful Strike - the next level increases the damage dealt when using special attacks (they are charged when performing special combinations during battle).
  • Weapon enchantment – ​​makes it possible to enchant a weapon, which increases its parameters.
  • Leather Armor - Unlocks a spell that improves armor.
  • Warrior particle - unlocks a spell that increases melee damage.
  • Heal – unlocks a spell that allows you to heal your character and his companion.

Don't know where to spend your skill points? Then invest them in the following abilities:

  • Jetpack Attack - Unlocks an air attack that uses your jetpack on your back.
  • Weapon modification - gives you the opportunity to improve your weapon using a workbench.


You probably already guessed that the sniper prefers ranged weapons, but at the first stage of the game you will have to use standard melee weapons, because the initial guns and bows will cause too little damage, so you will have to spend a lot of money on ammunition. For this reason, at first you should always keep a simple sword or ax with you. Then you will need to select the appropriate faction. If you prefer the classics and like to shoot with a bow, then you have a direct path to the Berserkers, and if you want to shoot with stylish energy rifles, then you can go to the Clerics.

You'll also need to use your jetpack a lot, but remember that if you fly into a building that's out of range of your enemies, they'll run back to find cover. In battle, you will need to frequently change your position and throw grenades in order to inflict huge damage on several enemies at once. Sometimes you will have to fight indoors - we recommend using sprint in them and having a melee weapon at the ready.


The most important parameter for a sniper is Dexterity. The fact is that the range of your attacks depends on it. Next important characteristic can be either Strength (if you prefer bows) or Intelligence (if you prefer plasma rifles). Resilience increases hit points - this is a fairly useful parameter, but you should not overdo it, because the sniper mainly attacks from afar, and therefore is less likely to receive damage from opponents.

Leveling up Cunning mainly depends on your preferences. If you want to persuade everyone, it's worth spending a few points on it, but many characters can be persuaded with Elexit.


When playing as a sniper, you first need to develop those skills that are responsible for long-range combat, namely:

  • Ranged Weapon – Increases damage from ranged weapons. Considered the most important skill for a sniper.
  • Grenades can also be of great help in battles at a distance.
  • One with the Weapon (Cleric) – Unlocks a skill that increases the damage done by ranged weapons.
  • Scattered Shot (Berserker) – makes it possible to simultaneously shoot several arrows.
  • Seeking Shot (Berserker) – allows you to shoot homing arrows.

There are not very many skills in the game aimed only at ranged combat, so the remaining skill points should be spent on the following abilities:

  • Extra Health Points – Increases the amount of health you receive at the next level. We advise you to develop it as early as possible in order to get maximum hit points.
  • Armor – The next level increases the protection that armor provides.
  • Melee Weapons - The next level increases the amount of damage done by swords, axes, hammers, and so on. It's worth adding at least a couple of points.

If you have a lot of extra points, you can spend them on the following skills:

  • Mutant Killer and Machine Killer - these skills increase the damage done to mutants and machines.
  • High-Tech Weapon Maker (Cleric) – Unlocks the ability that allows you to craft Cleric guns using a workbench.
  • Phase Movement (Cleric) - Unlocks the PSI ability, which allows you to move short distances and leave a hologram of the character in the place where he stood.
  • Healing Spell (Berserker) – unlocks a spell that allows you to heal your character and his companion.
  • Spectral Wolf Spell (Berserker) - Unlocks a spell that summons ghosts that can help you during battles. They will be able to distract opponents in close combat while you shoot at them from afar.


The attack aircraft is in many ways similar to the sniper, but often fights with opponents at a higher level. close range, using weapons such as flamethrowers, rocket launchers, shotguns and grenades. They are not as accurate as plasma rifles or bows, but they do more damage. In addition, you will need to know how to fight in close combat, since the enemy can always get too close to you.

The best faction for of this class are the Exiles. It is located in the Tavar Desert and can offer extremely useful crafting skills, meaning you can create your own firearms and ammunition. In addition, you will be able to use special stimulants that increase damage or resistance to various types damage.


The most important parameters for a stormtrooper are Dexterity and Strength, as they are necessary for the effective use of heavy weapons. In addition, Strength increases damage when using melee weapons. You should also not forget about increasing your Fortitude, since you will often receive blows from opponents. Subterfuge can be useful for convincing some characters, but most of them can be persuaded without this parameter, simply by using money. You don't have to upgrade your intelligence at all.


Considering that at the beginning of the game you will have to go mainly with swords and axes, we advise you to first upgrade skills that help in close combat:

  • Melee Weapons - The next level increases the amount of damage done by swords, axes, hammers, and so on.
  • Extra Health Points – Increases the amount of health you receive at the next level. We advise you to develop it as early as possible in order to get maximum hit points.
  • Armor – The next level increases the protection that armor provides.
  • Endurance – the next level increases your endurance, which is spent when performing strikes, that is, the higher this parameter is, the more attacks you can make.

As soon as you get your first more or less normal heavy weapon (mostly you can buy it or find it in Tavar), you will need to start leveling up skills that increase its effectiveness in battle:

  • Heavy Weapons - The next level increases the damage dealt by heavy weapons. For attack aircraft this is one of the most important skills.
  • Grenades can also be of great help in battles at a distance. Plus, they will most likely appear in your pockets before heavy weapons, so you can start developing this skill first.
  • Low Tech Weaponsmith - Unlocks the ability to create Exile weapons using a workbench.
  • Crafting ammunition - makes it possible to craft ammunition for Exile weapons.

If you have extra skill points left, you can spend them on the following skills:

  • Overdrive Stim – makes it possible to craft stimulants that speed up health recovery.
  • Chemistry Steel Skin Chem - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase your resistance to all types of damage.
  • Mind Changer Stim – allows you to craft stimulants that temporarily double your damage.

ELEX has three main factions that you can choose from at the start of the game. In this guide, I will provide information about all the factions in the ELEX game, including their advantages and features.

Berserkers faction from Edan in ELEX


By clearing the planet, the meteorite gave the people of Magalan a chance. The world can be reborn. Having discovered a way to transmute Elex into pure Mana, the Berserkers transform the planet's barren deserts into lush, living forests. Where Albs bring destruction, Berserkers offer hope. By replacing technology with magic, Magalan will give people a new future.

  • Faction Capital: Goliet
  • Faction Leader: Ragnar
Why choose Berserkers

If you don't like modern weapons and technology, but want to use spells, swords and bows, then we advise you to choose Berserkers. They are fluent in magic, so they can, for example, summon spirits, heal their wounds, or increase damage done. In addition, members of this faction are able to enchant equipment (but only from past eras, that is, axes, swords, hammers, and so on) and shoot several arrows from a bow at once. Berserkers allow you to create a hero who fights primarily in close combat, but can also support himself with spells or attack from afar with a bow if necessary.

  • Unique Weapons: Axe, Warrior Sword, Ripblade
  • Unique armor: Cultivator set, Warrior set, Paladin set

Berserker faction abilities

  • Berserk is a faction's base ability that gives you access to other abilities of that faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment and use mana, and also gives you the ability to upgrade magic weapons and increases resistance to poison.
  • Magic - the next level increases the duration or damage of spells.
  • Mana – the next level increases the amount of available mana (which is used to cast spells).
  • Weapon Enchant – Allows you to enchant a weapon, which increases its damage.
  • Scatter Shot – allows you to fire multiple arrows at the same time.
  • Seeker Shot - Allows you to shoot homing arrows.
  • Camouflage Spell – Unlocks a spell that reduces the chance of being detected by enemies.
  • Leather Armor Spell - Unlocks a spell that increases armor.
  • Warrior Spell Aspect - Unlocks a spell that increases melee damage.
  • Blood Transfer Spell - Unlocks a spell that allows you to turn part of your life into mana.
  • Ghost Wolf Spell - Unlocks a spell that summons ghosts that can help you during battles.
  • Spell Sense of Life - unlocks a spell that highlights all living beings.
  • Poison Aura Spell - Unlocks a spell that deals poison damage to all enemies around the character.
  • Healing Spell - Unlocks a spell that allows you to heal your character and his companion.

Faction Exiles from Tavar in ELEX


The rocky wasteland of Tavar is home to the Exiles. Scouring ruins for weapons and equipment, they do not recognize gods, do not limit themselves to strict laws like Berserkers, or surrender to life without emotion. With the fall of the meteorite there appeared a chance for freedom, choice, a world where everyone can rise to the top. The Exiles live by the motto that life may be cruel, but it is free and easy, and that everyone should be rewarded for their strengths.

  • Faction capital: Fort
  • Faction Leader: William
Why choose Exiles

The skills of the Exiles allow you to create a character who perfectly wields rifles (they shoot with simple bullets, not plasma). They also spend a lot of time crafting items while sitting at workbenches. Exiles can offer many useful abilities for creating various things, that is, you can independently craft ammunition, weapons and stimulants for yourself, providing various bonuses. In addition, you will learn how to dismantle your equipment, thereby obtaining new parts that you can then sell or use in crafting other items.

  • Unique Weapons: Harpoon, Scarpshotgun, Reaperblade
  • Unique armor: Runner set, Enforcer set, Captain set

Exile Faction Abilities

  • Exile is the main ability of the Exiles, which gives you access to other skills of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, and also allows you to buy their equipment and upgrade mechanical weapons. In addition, your resistance to radiation increases. Additionally, it removes debuffs when you use Stimpaks and allows you to use multiple Stimpaks at once.
  • Unscrew – Unlocks an ability that allows you to dismantle the weapon (which allows you to obtain additional parts).
  • Crafting ammunition - makes it possible to craft ammunition for Exile weapons.
  • Body Chemistry - The next level increases the duration and effects of stimulants.
  • Low-Tech Weapon Maker - Unlocks the ability to create Exile weapons using a workbench.
  • Chem. capacity – the next level increases the number of stimulants that can be used by the character at the same time.
  • Acceleration stimulator - makes it possible to craft stimulants that speed up health recovery.
  • Chemistry Steel Skin - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase your resistance to all types of damage.
  • Tonic – allows you to craft stimulants that temporarily increase your attack and blocking speed.
  • Chemistry Scrap Scanner - makes it possible to craft stimulants that improve the search for common objects.
  • Chemistry Immunity booster - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase resistance to all types of effects (radiation, fire, frost, poison).
  • Chemistry Tough Guy - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase damage resistance.
  • Stimulant Mind Switch - allows you to craft stimulants that temporarily double your damage.
  • Chemistry Animal Lover - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily scare away weak animals from the player.

Clerics of Ignadon faction in ELEX


After a meteorite falls, Ignadon is torn apart by constant volcanic activity. Seemingly lifeless, it became an ideal refuge for the Clerics and allowed them to quietly grow in strength. Worshiping the god Kalaan, they regard the use of Elex in any form as a sin. Instead, they use the element to power their machines. The guardians of Magalan's technology, the Clerics, relied on Kalaan, plasma weapons, mechs and the power of industry. From the ashes a new Magalan will rise, even more advanced than before.

  • Faction capital: Hort
  • Faction Leader: Reinhold
Why you should choose the Clerics faction

Clerics are an ideal choice for players who like to use long-range weapons (especially when it comes to plasma or energy rifles) and support themselves with skills reminiscent of magic. The fact is that members of this faction have access to PSI skills that resemble spells: they make it possible to create powerful energy waves, move short distances, or create holograms.

  • Unique Weapons: Acolyte Sword, Regent Sword, Laser Rifle, Energy Shield, Type A Flamethrower, PSI Booster
  • Unique armor: Acolyte set, Legate set, Regent set

Alba's faction of Xacor in ELEX


Where the meteorite brought destruction, it also gave the people of Magalan their future - Elex. Harnessing its power to advance technology is just the beginning. By consuming pure Elex, the entire population of the planet will be able to become stronger, think more clearly and free from emotions. Focused on their base in Xacor, the Albs seek to conquer all of Magalan. They claim that all of Elex is rightfully theirs. The Albs are confident that only strength can save the planet, and the weak must be sacrificed.

It seems that this faction cannot be selected...

Meet our Guide to the game Elex - All factions, which is the best and who to play for. Those who have played games like Skyrim and Fallout know that you have to think long and hard about which faction to join in these games. Now the Elex game has joined the list of RPG games with difficult faction selection. After all, factions play an important role in choosing key points for story and world building in the Elex game.

And that's why you need to do from the very beginning right choice. Perhaps for you important point It is not that a huge number of users have joined one faction or another, but it is still important to weigh all the options and choose the best one. We spent a lot of time in the Elex game and thoroughly studied each of the three main factions in it, so you don’t have to waste your time and energy on this.

Elex – exiled faction

The Exiles look like they just finished filming a Mad Max movie. They come from the barren Magalan desert. This group of warriors, dressed in rags, has little interaction with other social classes. In this society, where complete anarchy reigns, each person is busy with his own own business. Drug use and other crimes are encouraged here.

The Exiles are very well armed. Those players who like to use a wide arsenal of weapons will want to join this faction. Guns, grenades, medicine, whatever you want, you will have it. The biggest advantage of the exile faction is that it is the only faction that can create various items.

Yes, of course, joining them sounds cool, but they have one significant drawback - they are weak in battle. They lack the strength and power of other factions, and given the completely unfriendly Elex element, we conclude that this faction should be the last to join. We're not saying it's impossible to beat the game as exiles, we're saying it'll be very difficult for you to do so. And yet, if you love anarchy or you just like exiles, then do not hesitate and join their ranks.

Elex – berserker faction

Unlike the Exiles, the name Berserkers is completely inappropriate for this faction. You think that since it has such a name, it means that strange people come here, but this is absolutely not the case. Berserkers are the very first faction that you will meet in the Elex game; they are more reminiscent of medieval fantasy characters.

Unlike exiles, berserkers live in beautiful and peaceful forests. They have created a tribal community that, of course, can engage in battle if necessary, but they still prefer to negotiate with the enemy. They despise Elex and will do everything possible to rid Magalan of this disease.

Since they do not use Elex technologies, they use more primitive weapons: knives, swords, and so on. Their greatest asset is that they can use magic. Berserkers are the only faction that can shoot fireballs, use summons and much more. Their magic is powerful, and anyone who prefers the traditional fantasy style of RPG games should join this faction.

Elex – cleric faction

Clerics live in colder climates, they live in a world of technology and the Elex element. Using these technologies, they were able to create laser and plasma weapons, which they use to brutally deal with their enemies. They love technology so much that they have elevated it to the level of a religion.

Clerics worship technology, it is their god. They built machines and androids that became a huge part of their army and cities. They also have access to Psi powers (think of it as spiritual powers), which is sort of the equivalent of berserker magic. It is because of their technology and powers that clerics are considered the most beneficial faction you can join.

Their powers, weapons and armor give you a clear advantage over other factions in the game. Their armor and weapons are reminiscent of the Mass Effect games, so anyone who loves sci-fi and space adventures should join this faction. Considering the unstable nature of the Elex element, this is probably the most profitable faction of all the ones presented in this game.

In ELEX, players can join one of three factions. Each of them has its own own goals and values. Therefore, it is important to know the differences between them before choosing a specific group. After making a decision, players must then speak with the faction leader and complete quests to join. This guide will tell you how to become a faction member in ELEX and who you should talk to first.

How to join the Berserker faction

To select the Berserker faction in ELEX, players must complete the "Allies from the Middle Ages" quest, which involves gaining reputation for the faction. This is done by performing other tasks for them.

Before you can do this, first talk to Warlord Ragnar. It is located inside the ruins of the Golit Hotel. Have a conversation with him about joining the Berserkers and he will send you on a new quest called "Departure to Foreign Lands" where you must go to various cities, and get information about other factions.

For the most part, you'll be able to join the Berserkers once you've completed enough side quests for them. However, if you act to the detriment of their society, Ragnar will become disillusioned with you, refuse you to join the faction, and will not allow Jax to deal with them.

If this happens, ask the warlord for a second chance to prove himself. This will open a quest called "Doing Things Right", where you must gain the favor of three specific Berserkers: Cormag, Angrim, and Ragnar. Cormag is simple because he agrees to help you right away. Angrim will only agree to help if you return his favor when he becomes a warrior. As for Ragnar, just pay him 2000 Elexit and you will receive his favor.

Once you have gained enough reputation with the Berserkers, Ragnar will allow you to join his faction. You'll also receive the Cultivator armor and unlock the first Berserker skill point, allowing Cormag to teach you new skills. The magic fist will also become available, as well as the ability to achieve Warrior status.

How to join the Spiritual faction

To join the Spiritual faction in ELEX, players must complete the High-Tech Allies quest to gain trust and demonstrate their loyalty.

If you want to join the Spirituals, you must first talk to Reinhold. He is located in the cathedral in the city of Hort, where he gives you various quests, including one called Subversive Elements, where you must find a specific merchant, Elex. Continue completing quests for the Spirituals until you are considered a worthy member of the faction. Check in with Reinhold periodically so you will know your status and whether you have completed enough quests to gain membership.

Once you are accepted into the ranks, you will receive the rank of Servant, granting you armor and a PSI boost. The Spirituals skill tree will be unlocked and you will receive one skill point. New goods will become available from merchants in the city of Hort.

How to join the Criminals faction

To join the Outlaws faction, players must complete a quest called Desert Predators.

As with other factions, there is a specific person who decides whether you can join the Outlaws, and that person is William. You can find it by going to Tavar and finding the Fort. These territories are ruled by the Duke, and William is his cousin. So you need to impress him in order to gain the Duke's favor.

Complete quests for William and other Outlaws such as Mad Bob and Chloe to gain the approval of key faction members. When you complete enough tasks, William will allow you to join and you will earn the title of Runner. You will also unlock the Criminal skill tree and gain one skill point. You can use it by asking the Rat or William to teach you. New items will become available for purchase through the Fort.

ELEX is a third-person action RPG game developed by the creators of the legendary Gothic series, the German studio Piranha Bytes. The plot takes place in a dark post-apocalyptic universe, combining elements science fiction and fantasy. Mechanically, the game is similar to other modern action-RPGs. You can explore a large open world, begin a series of story missions as well as side quests, encountering numerous NPCs along the way and, of course, killing many monsters.

Choosing the right faction will allow you to develop your character the way you want. It is still worth understanding that these groups differ from each other not only in ideology and appearance armor, but also abilities and skills, and therefore certain playstyles are combined only with specific factions. Therefore, you should take seriously the choice of grouping in Elex.

Let us add that it is not necessary to make a decision at the very beginning of the game. At first, you can help all 3 factions to try out all the passing styles. However, in the end you will still have to make a choice, that is, you will not be able to remain neutral.

We advise you to definitely read our guide to completing faction quests to find out what you need to do to join a particular faction and how to get new ranks in them.


If you don't like modern weapons and technology, but want to use spells, swords and bows, then we advise you to choose Berserkers. They are fluent in magic, so they can, for example, summon spirits, heal their wounds, or increase damage done. In addition, members of this faction are able to enchant equipment (but only from past eras, that is, axes, swords, hammers, and so on) and shoot several arrows from a bow at once. Berserkers allow you to create a hero who fights primarily in close combat, but can also support himself with spells or attack from afar with a bow if necessary.

  • Faction Capital: Goliet
  • Faction Leader: Ragnar
  • Unique Weapons: Axe, Warrior Sword, Ripblade
  • Unique armor: Cultivator set, Warrior set, Paladin set

Faction abilities

  • Berserk is a faction's base ability that gives you access to other abilities of that faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment and use mana, and also gives you the ability to upgrade magic weapons and increases resistance to poison.
  • Magic - the next level increases the duration or damage of spells.
  • Mana – the next level increases the amount of available mana (which is used to cast spells).
  • Weapon Enchant – Allows you to enchant a weapon, which increases its damage.
  • Scatter Shot – allows you to fire multiple arrows at the same time.
  • Seeker Shot - Allows you to shoot homing arrows.
  • Camouflage Spell – Unlocks a spell that reduces the chance of being detected by enemies.
  • Leather Armor Spell - Unlocks a spell that increases armor.
  • Warrior Spell Aspect - Unlocks a spell that increases melee damage.
  • Blood Transfer Spell - Unlocks a spell that allows you to turn part of your life into mana.
  • Ghost Wolf Spell - Unlocks a spell that summons ghosts that can help you during battles.
  • Spell Sense of Life - unlocks a spell that highlights all living beings.
  • Poison Aura Spell - Unlocks a spell that deals poison damage to all enemies around the character.
  • Healing Spell - Unlocks a spell that allows you to heal your character and his companion.


The skills of the Outcasts allow you to create a character who perfectly wields rifles (they shoot with simple bullets, not plasma). They also spend a lot of time crafting items while sitting at workbenches. Exiles can offer many useful abilities for creating various things, that is, you can independently craft ammunition, weapons and stimulants for yourself, providing various bonuses. In addition, you will learn how to dismantle your equipment, thereby obtaining new parts that you can then sell or use in crafting other items.

  • Faction capital: Fort
  • Faction Leader: William
  • Unique Weapons: Harpoon, Scarpshotgun, Reaperblade
  • Unique armor: Runner set, Enforcer set, Captain set

Faction abilities

  • Outcast is the main ability of the Outcasts, which gives you access to other skills of this faction. Unlocks faction trainers, and also allows you to buy their equipment and upgrade mechanical weapons. In addition, your resistance to radiation increases. Additionally, it removes debuffs when you use Stimpaks and allows you to use multiple Stimpaks at once.
  • Unscrew - Unlocks the ability that allows you to dismantle the weapon (thanks to which you can get additional parts).
  • Crafting Ammunition – makes it possible to craft ammunition for Forsworn weapons.
  • Body Chemistry - the next level increases the duration and effects of stimulants.
  • Low Tech Weaponsmith - Unlocks the ability to create Forsworn weapons using a workbench.
  • Chem. Chem Capacity – the next level increases the number of stimulants that can be used by the character at the same time.
  • Overdrive Stim – makes it possible to craft stimulants that speed up health recovery.
  • Chemistry Steel Skin Chem - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase your resistance to all types of damage.
  • Tonic (Pick-me-up Stim) – allows you to craft stimulants that temporarily increase your attack and blocking speed.
  • Chemistry Scrap Scanner Chem – makes it possible to craft stimulants that improve the search for common objects.
  • Chemistry Immune Booster Chem – makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase resistance to all types of effects (radiation, fire, frost, poison).
  • Chemistry Tough Guy Chem - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily increase damage resistance.
  • Mind Changer Stim – allows you to craft stimulants that temporarily double your damage.
  • Animal Lover Chem - makes it possible to craft stimulants that temporarily scare away weak animals from the player.


Clerics are an ideal choice for players who like to use long-range weapons (especially when it comes to plasma or energy rifles) and support themselves with skills reminiscent of magic. The fact is that members of this faction have access to PSI skills that resemble spells: they make it possible to create powerful energy waves, move short distances, or create holograms.

  • Faction capital: Hort
  • Faction Leader: Reinhold
  • Unique Weapons: Acolyte Sword, Regent Sword, Laser Rifle, Energy Shield, Type A Flamethrower, PSI Booster
  • Unique armor: Acolyte set, Legate set, Regent set

Faction abilities

  • Cleric is a basic Cleric ability that gives you access to other abilities of that faction. Unlocks faction trainers, allows you to buy their equipment and use PSI abilities, as well as upgrade energy weapons. In addition, it increases fire resistance.
  • PSI – each new level increases the duration or damage of PSI skills.
  • Battery – each new level increases the amount of energy that is used to use PSI skills.
  • High-Tech Weaponsmith - Unlocks the ability that allows you to create Cleric weapons using a workbench.
  • One Man Army - Increases your damage when traveling without a companion.
  • Suggestion – Unlocks new dialogue options that can influence other characters during certain conversations.
  • Technophile - Unlocks the PSI ability, which highlights all synthetic creatures and high-tech equipment.
  • Cleansing Ability – Unlocks the PSI ability, which removes all negative effects from the character.
  • Power Shield - Unlocks the PSI ability, which creates a force field that protects from damage.
  • Weapon Unity skill – unlocks the PSI ability, which increases damage from ranged weapons.
  • Phasing Ability - Unlocks the PSI ability, which allows you to teleport a short distance and leave a hologram of the hero in the place where he stood.
  • Power Wave Ability – Unlocks the PSI ability, which creates a powerful energy wave that deals area damage.
  • The Last Stand Ability - unlocks the PSI ability, which revives the hero with half his health.
  • Hologram Projection Ability – Unlocks the PSI ability, which allows you to create holograms that distract the attention of enemies.