What are the benefits of sunbathing? When and how is the best time to sunbathe? Sunbathing for children

Federal agency on education of the Russian Federation

State educational institution

Higher professional education

"South Ural State University"


Department of "Adaptive physical culture and medical and biological training"



in the discipline "Non-traditional methods of rehabilitation"

SUSU - 050720.2009.284. PZ KR

Standard controller, associate professor Head, associate professor

Student of ZFKiS-532 group

Yu.V. Sosova

Chelyabinsk 2011


1. What is sunbathing

1.1 The effect of sunbathing on a child’s body

2. Sun treatment

2.1 Artificial sources of ultraviolet rays




Name of sections course work Deadline for completing work sections Supervisor's progress note
Selection, approval of the topic (viewing literary sources, viewing special periodicals, etc.). January 2011 Done
Adjustment of the work plan. January 2011 Done
Selection of literary sources (determining the search order, selection of literary sources). January 2011 Done
Determination of the methodological basis of the work. Adjustment of goals, setting tasks, choosing an object and subject of research, choosing research methods. January 2011 Done
Primary processing of collected materials and their scientific interpretation. January 2011 Done
Presentation of the course work in a formalized form to the department. January 2011 Done
Defense of course work January 2011 Done

Head of work V.D. Ivanov

Student Yu.V. Sosova


Without sun rays Life on the planet would be impossible. After all, the Sun is the main source of energy for all processes occurring on earth. Since ancient times, people have highly valued the healing properties of the Sun and perceived it as a reliable ally in the fight against disease. Thanks to the sun's rays, you can improve your health and prolong your life. The sun's rays on their own, without any additional funds, destroy many pathogenic microorganisms. Under the influence of sunlight, fats are intensively burned in the body, metabolism improves, blood sugar levels decrease, and blood quality improves, as hemoglobin increases in the blood. Ultraviolet rays promote the production of vitamin D and calcium in the body, which enriches the blood composition and allows the body to cope with all diseases. Even severe wounds heal more easily.

The effectiveness of sunbathing depends on the amount of ultraviolet rays emitted, which constantly changes throughout the year. The sun is a powerful, potent factor, and therefore some caution should be exercised when using its radiant energy. The healing properties of sunbathing begin to appear at lower doses than at doses that cause intense pigmentation.

In mid-latitudes, not to mention the northern regions of our country, the human body lacks ultraviolet rays. But, fortunately, scientists managed to solve this problem: they created artificial sources ultraviolet rays, which have found widespread use during the period of decline in natural ultraviolet radiation.

1.What is sunbathing

Sunbathing in the warm season, especially in summer, has such beneficial benefits healing properties that no one else has natural factor recovery. Professor I.M. Sarkizov-Serazini said: “Where the sun often shines, there is nothing for a doctor to do.” “The sun is in the same inextricable connection with our nature as blood is with our body,” wrote the prominent Soviet physiotherapist Professor P.G. Mezernitsky. Solar energy is a constantly operating factor in the human external environment and has a decisive influence on the vital functions of the human body.

Scientists have noticed that a person isolated from the sun for a long time ceases to receive vitamin D, which is formed when the skin is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, which inevitably results in disturbances in the normal functioning of various organs, the amount of lime in the bones decreases, and therefore their mechanical strength, the healing time of wounds is significantly slowed down, and the susceptibility to colds increases. Therefore, preventing “sun starvation” is a prerequisite for hardening.

Thanks to the sun's rays, life is generally possible for all living beings, including humans. Thanks to the sun's rays, you can improve your health and prolong your life. People who avoid sunlight look pale and unhealthy. By nature, we are designed in such a way that it is quite natural for people to be covered with a light tan; the skin is adapted for exposure to the sun and should be slightly dark. The cause of many diseases is that a person spends little time in the sun.

The sun's rays by themselves, without any additional means, destroy many pathogens. The more the skin absorbs sun rays, the more it accumulates in the human body. protective forces, the more energy it stores that can resist disease. The sun's rays kill microbes, neutralize their poisons, and increase the body's defenses. The golden-brown color of the skin occurs due to subcutaneous pigment, which is a special biological product designed to protect the body. Under the influence of sunlight, fats are intensively burned in the body, metabolism improves, blood sugar levels decrease, and blood quality improves, as hemoglobin increases in the blood. Ultraviolet rays promote the production of vitamin D and calcium in the body, which enriches the blood composition and allows the body to cope with all diseases. Even severe wounds heal more easily.

The effectiveness of sunbathing depends on the amount of ultraviolet rays emitted, which constantly changes throughout the year: in winter there are negligible amounts of them, in summer there are extremely many; in spring and autumn less than in summer, but more than in winter; at noon more than in the morning and evening.

The intensity of sunbathing also depends on the purity and humidity of the air, the terrain, the location of nearby industrial facilities, etc. In the highlands, on the banks of rivers, lakes, and seas, there are more ultraviolet rays than in the valleys, in industrial areas, and cities. Smoke and dust reduce their intensity by 20-25 percent.

The sun's rays, affecting the naked body, cause complex physiological processes: an increase in body temperature, a decrease in blood pressure as a result of dilation of blood vessels, increased metabolism and sweating, an increase in the number of red blood cells, and an increase in hemoglobin. However, these positive phenomena occur only if the correct dose of radiation is observed. If overheated, a number of opposite negative processes can occur with the appearance of headaches, fatigue, drowsiness, irritability, burns, loss of appetite. Elderly people with fragile blood vessels should take special care .

When hardening with sunlight, you need to ensure that the load increases gradually. They begin sunbathing with reflected solar radiation, then gradually move on to diffused light baths and, finally, use direct solar radiation. This sequence is especially necessary for children and people who do not tolerate the sun well.

Start hardening with the sun from the very first warm days and continue it regularly throughout the summer and early autumn. If sunbathing begins late - in the middle of summer - then increase its duration especially carefully.

It is best to sunbathe on the seashore - sea breezes will protect the body from overheating. The most favorable time for sunbathing - morning from 8 to 11 o'clock and afternoon from 16 to 17 o'clock. You should not be in the sun between 11 and 16 o'clock - at this time the sun's rays are very hot and carry a lot of solar radiation. During the first few days, the body should not be exposed to direct sunlight; it is better to be in a place where the sunlight is diffused by the light shade of a tree. The head must be protected by an awning, umbrella or headdress. It is best to sunbathe while lying down. In this case, the body is irradiated with sunlight evenly. It is recommended to turn over every five minutes. After sunbathing, it is advisable to take a swim.

The first sun hardening session for people with fair skin should not last more than 5 minutes, for dark skinned people 10 minutes. Subsequent sessions can be increased by 5-10 minutes, and so on up to an hour and a half. Healthy people can take sunbathing in fractional doses for a total duration of up to 2-3 hours a day.

If you have not taken special sunbathing in winter, the first procedure should not last more than 20 minutes. It is necessary to remember about the uniform distribution of exposure to sunlight on the body, that is, you should alternately irradiate the front, back and side surfaces bodies. With this distribution of time in the afternoon hours, each square centimeter of the skin surface absorbs 0.25 of the biological dose of ultraviolet radiation. In the future, with good tolerance, the time of sunbathing is increased daily by 5-10 minutes. The total duration of irradiation is 100-120 minutes or 5-6 ultraviolet biodoses per 1 square meter. m of body per day.

When it is cloudy and the solstice is low, the sunbathing time can be increased, but not by more than 50% of the midday dose. It is advisable to take sunbathing not lying down, at rest, but with moderate motor activity(while walking, outdoor games). By moving, you can achieve an even distribution of light exposure on the body and, therefore, an optimal healing effect.

Why sunbathing remains one of the most effective ways health promotion? The sun is the source of life on earth. Plants, animals, people need the beneficial rays of the sun. Residents of the North suffer from its shortage. On gloomy winter evenings, all living things look forward to spring warmth, wild flowering of gardens, revival of joy and hope in hearts.

How you want to bask in the intoxicating bliss of the sun's rays, exposing your tired bodies to the golden rain. But sunbathing can become an insidious enemy, turning a wonderful holiday into a serious illness. It is necessary to know the whole truth about them so that joy does not turn into disaster. Read the article about how and when is the best time to sunbathe.

All about the benefits of sunbathing. You can enjoy sunbathing at any time of the year, without waiting for the scorching rays in the July heat. And the good May sun will gently and gradually help a person’s skin become friends with its touch. What are the benefits of sunbathing and why are they so necessary?

Infrared rays visible to the eye give the earth warmth, warm the bodies and souls of people, and bestow joy and positive thoughts. Autumn depression awaits many sensitive hearts due to a lack of solar energy. The sun is nature's excellent antidepressant. The lack of sunny days in winter takes away activity and enthusiasm, the desire to think and create, and increases fatigue and drowsiness.

Under the influence of solar energy, the body produces serotonin, which is called the “hormone of happiness.” It gives its owner joy and lightness, wonderful emotions, and strengthens willpower.

Invisible but invaluable, ultraviolet rays have excellent antibacterial properties. They destroy germs and viruses of colds and many infectious diseases. They increase the body's resistance, strengthening immunity, to harmful environmental factors.

UV rays produce vitamin D, vital for adults and children. Without vitamin D, the body cannot absorb calcium and phosphorus. Only in such a community will strong bones and teeth be formed. And only this trinity saves children from developing rickets, and protects older people from osteoporosis and severe fractures. The latest research by scientists has proven that vitamin D suppresses the development of cancer cells, helps in the treatment of psoriasis and is necessary in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Sunbathing, warming the body, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and increases hemoglobin levels. Sweating increases and releases toxins and poisonous salts. A person experiences a surge of vigor and activity. Under the influence of the sun, dry and dull skin is filled with energy, becomes elastic and silky. Solar rain heals problematic skin, drying out acne and degreasing foci of infection.

How to sunbathe?

It is advisable to start getting acquainted with solar currents after a long winter in the spring, away from the polluted areas of the metropolis and closer to nature. A May picnic on the banks of a river, lake or on the seashore is a wonderful holiday for adults and children.

The May sun is safe and pleasant, so sunbathing can be taken at noon and not limited to 10-15 minutes. Gentle heat can warm the skin for 3-4 hours. Sunbathing is most beneficial if taken while moving, playing ball or badminton. Ultraviolet radiation during this period will give a lasting tan without harm to health.

The most “ruthless” months for tanning are July and August. For a joyful holiday, you need to go to nature at dawn and enjoy the sun from 8 to 10 am. Fans of evening baths will be able to soak up the beach after 16-17 hours.

Before leaving the house, you should protect yourself with sunscreen with a sun filter (SPF30 for fair skin and SPF15 for dark skin). In addition to fruits and vegetables, you should put a bottle of still water in your bag and grab an umbrella to protect you from the sun's rays. A bucket hat and sunglasses complete the fun, easy-to-wear outfit.

Children under 3 years of age and older people will receive more benefits and pleasure when staying under diffused sunlight, under the canopy of trees or in the shade of an umbrella. The first sunbath should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Daily contact with the sun is extended by 10 minutes. You should not go into nature after a hearty breakfast in order to get maximum joy, health and not fall asleep in the direct rays of the sun.

Those who fight for a healthy lifestyle will be interested in the information that at dawn the sun's rays have a tonic and invigorating effect on the body. At sunset, the sun relaxes and relieves nervous tension, and UV rays have the longest wavelength and actively produce vitamin D.

Possible side effects and contraindications. Excessive sun rain can ruin your vacation and reward you with unpleasant and serious complications. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the skin turns red, touching these areas causes sharp pain and burning. A sunbathing enthusiast gets a burn that gives him a sleepless night. Underwear and careless movement cause pain. Later, the burnt skin begins to peel off or hang in shreds. In addition to burns, dry skin ages quickly. Solar radiation destroys collagen fibers and the epidermis loses its elasticity.

Excessive recreation under the scorching rays can lead to sunstroke. This serious condition is accompanied by a sharp increase in body temperature, tachycardia, nausea, and weakness. The patient is worried about severe dizziness, headache, darkening of the eyes. Sometimes loss of consciousness occurs.

The possibility of the formation of moles and age spots is especially dangerous for those with light, thin skin. These “decorations” can develop into skin cancer and be fatal. Excessive heat can result in rupture of the walls of the subcutaneous vessels and the formation of a red mesh. The sun's rays reflected from the water surface blind the eyes and affect the quality of vision. It is important to know that UV rays penetrate underwater to a depth of 2 meters and can be harmful to health during a long swim.

Without the sun, our Earth would be a dark place, shrouded in cold and darkness. The sun gives light and warmth to all living things. Thanks to him magical influence Flowers are blooming, birds are singing, children are laughing. But it provides not only light and warmth, its energy helps people significantly improve their health. All you need to do is just accept sunbath!

Ancient people knew a lot about magical power sun, the “father” of medicine, Hippocrates, said that the sun is a cure for many diseases, and people with pale skin without a tan were considered completely sick. Lack of sun has a bad effect on overall well-being and is especially detrimental to the health of children, who may develop rickets.

But man and animals receive solar energy not only from light rays, but also from plants. Therefore, if your diet consists of sixty percent plant foods, and you take sunbathing, you will certainly achieve excellent health!

Who will benefit most from sunbathing?

Currently, heliotherapy - sun treatment - has become widespread. But when carrying it out, you need to observe the measure, since human body must learn to correctly perceive the energy of the sun.

The sun's rays are a fairly strong irritant.

Influencing human body, they achieve changes in many physiological indicators:

  • increase body temperature;
  • influence the frequency and depth of breathing;
  • dilate blood vessels, increase blood circulation;
  • strengthen the work of the sweat glands;
  • activate metabolic processes.

The result of heliotherapy will be an improvement in the condition nervous system and metabolism. In turn, this will stimulate work internal organs, muscle performance and improve immunity.

Air and sun baths are recommended for people with diseases respiratory system, including as a rehabilitation therapy after pneumonia. They are also useful for people with blood diseases, metabolic disorders - obesity, etc., with neurological diseases and many others.

Men may be interested to know that the energy of the daytime celestial body affects the production of sperm and increases sexual activity. That is why in the summer, especially on a beach holiday, the number of holiday romances is so high.

In addition, the rays of the sun charge you with vigor and improve your mood. In summer, a person rarely gives in to despondency and becomes depressed, but smiles and a cheerful mood appear more often.

In Switzerland there are hospitals that are ready all year round accept patients with tuberculosis, asthma, anemia, gout and other diseases that can be successfully treated only with the help of air baths and herbs infused with the energy of the sun.

ABC of Zagara

Many people confuse sunbathing and tanning. The desire to stay in the sun for a long time in order to get a beautiful tan can result in overheating of the body, thermal and sunstroke and burns.

Excessive use of tanning can lead to such sad consequences as blood diseases - anemia and leukemia, weakening of the body's defenses, and endocrine diseases.

Tanning is prohibited:

  • people with thyroid disease;
  • with an active form of tuberculosis;
  • with heart disease;
  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the central nervous system, migraine.

Therefore, those who want to benefit from sunbathing should first visit their doctor and gradually increase the dosage of radiation. It is also worth paying attention to climatic conditions area, radiation intensity and your age.

For healthy people Sunbathing should be taken for 10 minutes, increasing the dose by 5 minutes daily, up to three hours throughout the day. In this case, you should go to rest in the shade for fifteen minutes every hour. Well, for those who are contraindicated in the sun, an air bath is perfect.

The best time for heliotherapy is in the summer from 8 to 11 o'clock in the afternoon, and in the fall from 11 to 14 o'clock.

The organisms of people living in the north and south react differently to the rays of the sun. Northerners are more susceptible to them, so they should be more careful about their exposure to the sun. People with blond hair and very pale skin also need to be careful with the sun.

In order for the benefits of taking air baths to be more tangible, you should follow some simple rules:

  • heliotherapy is carried out before water procedures;
  • while staying under the sun, eliminate cologne and alkaline soap from your daily routine;
  • do not take a tan hungry or with a full stomach; at least thirty minutes should pass after breakfast;
  • the head should be in the shade;
  • Do not smoke or sleep while sunbathing;
  • Use suntan oils and creams, but do not try to use them to increase your time in the sun.

When taking baths, you should constantly perform self-diagnosis. Refusal to tan can result in unpleasant sensations such as severe redness of the skin and a burning sensation. In this case, it is necessary to immediately apply kefir or yogurt, or panthenol-based products used after sunbathing, to the affected areas.

Women should additionally moisturize their skin generously, as the sun can quickly cause dryness and dehydration, and lead to premature aging.

Sunbathing for young children

Staying in the sun is an excellent prevention of many diseases in children. They prevent the development of such dangerous disease like rickets. But children should approach sunbathing with extreme caution, this is especially true for newborns.

Children under the first year are not exposed to direct rays; they are shown only chiaroscuro. At the same time, for a comfortable stay in the air, the temperature must be at least 23 degrees.

The duration of such baths for newborns and children up to six months, from 3 minutes with a gradual increase to 10. From six months and older, the duration increases to half an hour. The recommended course is 25-30 procedures.



Where the sun often shines, there is nothing for the doctor to do
THEM. Sarkizov-Serazini

Summer is almost coming to an end, gray and rainy days await us soon, so while there is time, we advise everyone to take sunbathing as often as possible. Even in Ancient Hellas, the rays of the sun were used as a tonic. And the largest sports competitions of antiquity - the Olympic Games - were held, as a rule, in the hottest summer months. Exactly at noon, when the sun was unbearably hot, tanned athletes went to the start. They performed naked and did not have the right to cover their heads to protect them from the scorching rays of the sun. Sun hardening has become even more widespread in Ancient Rome. As excavations of Roman cities have shown, solariums were installed literally everywhere: on the roofs of houses, in baths, in gladiator schools - places for sunbathing. In the Roman Empire, special climate stations were created for sun treatment. Patients were sent here to receive the necessary healing procedures.

Who needs sunbathing?

Sunbathing is used as prescribed by a doctor for a number of diseases of the skin, joints, radiculitis, neuritis, tuberculosis of bones and joints, etc. They are used as hardening procedures to prevent diseases of influenza, sore throat, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, etc.
Under the influence of UV rays, the formation of vitamin D is activated, which is necessary for the body to absorb calcium and phosphorus, which are “responsible” for strengthening muscles and bones and for healing wounds. To maintain the required level of vitamin D in the body, it is enough to expose your hands and face to the sun 2-3 times a week for 5-15 minutes during the summer months. UV rays activate most of the processes occurring in the body - respiration, metabolism, blood circulation and the activity of the endocrine system.
UV rays affect mood, mental balance and fight stress.

Sunbathing is contraindicated in acute diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the lungs, gall-intestinal tract, etc.

What is sunbathing

Sunbathing can be general (irradiation of the whole body) and local (irradiation of a part of the body). During irradiation, the total radiation of the Sun is used, which consists of direct impact sunlight, scattered radiation (in the shade, without exposure to direct sunlight), reflected from the walls of a building, the surface of the earth, water, etc. Scattered radiation (from the blue sky) contains less ultraviolet rays than direct radiation and is more gentle. Sun exposure (direct radiation) of healthy adults begins with 5 minutes. and, gradually adding 5 minutes at a time, bring it to 40 minutes, taking into account general condition, training and degree of hardening. For diffuse radiation, baths are taken initially for 10 minutes, increasing the duration of the procedure to 1-2 hours. in warm weather.

How to sunbathe correctly

Sunbathing should be done while lying on a couch or sitting in a chaise longue, exposing different sides of the body to the sun. It is advisable to take an air bath before sunbathing. In case of direct radiation, it is necessary to cover your head with an umbrella or shield. To protect your eyes, you should use dark glasses (the mucous membrane of the eyes - the conjunctiva, which does not have a protective stratum corneum, is more sensitive to radiation than the skin, and inflammation may occur). It is not recommended to sunbathe on an empty stomach, immediately before or after meals. Finish your sunbathing with a rest in the shade, after which you can swim or take a shower. Sunbathing immediately after swimming is not recommended. In people weakened after necrosis diseases, skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays is increased. Often such increased sensitivity is observed in northerners, people forced to spend most of the day indoors, in adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and especially in young children.

It is best to sunbathe in the summer - from 8 to 11 am, in spring and autumn - from 11 to 15 am. In winter, it is best to take sun mini-baths starting from February, on fine midday hours, in places protected from the wind, starting from two to three minutes. The best way to sunbathe is on the move. It is advisable to take sunbathing only 1.5-2 hours after eating. It is also not recommended to carry out irradiation on an empty stomach and immediately before meals. You should not take procedures if you are very tired, before strenuous physical work, sports training or immediately after them.

It is a mistaken belief that sunbathing can only be done in summer. In autumn, when it seems there is no time to tan, it is useful to use the generous gift of the sun. At the end of summer, in August, at the height of Indian summer, do not miss the slightest opportunity for hardening. And during this period, the sun, although the incidence of its rays is less steep than in July, contains in its spectrum the power of ultraviolet rays quite sufficient for health purposes. In addition, in August and September the sun is not too hot, so there is no danger of radiation overdose. So now is the most fertile time for sunbathing.

Photo: Depositphotos.com/@ Syda_Productions

“The sun, like a dear mother, will never offend you.” This saying puts the sun and mother on the same level, and one cannot but agree with this. The sun, really, like a mother, will both praise us and scold us. Will render beneficial properties on our body, but also, when strong love- cause harm. The sun always makes us happy, we miss it on winter days, we wait for spring to come, then summer. The holidays will come, and it will be possible to sunbathe a little under the bright and warm sun.

Doctors do not advise spending a lot of time under the bright sun, especially in the afternoon. All these walks can result in a burn or heatstroke. Children suffer more severely from such complications. But this does not mean at all that you need to give up sun exposure. So that our joy is not darkened, we need to know what pros and cons we gain from our love for this “hot” planet.

The benefits of the sun and sunbathing

The most noticeable benefit from the sun is the regulation of our daylight hours, or in scientific terms - the sleep cycle. Sunbathing gives us vitamin D. It is known that this component comes to us through food ( chicken eggs, butter, Cheddar cheese, cream, whole milk powder), but for it to transform, chemical transformations are needed. Under the influence of our skin ultraviolet radiation, a group of vitamins - ferols - is activated, as a result of which calciferol is produced, familiar to us under the name vitamin D. This useful element regulates the absorption of many minerals, participates in the metabolism of phosphates and calcium. All these actions normalize the functioning of the kidneys, intestines, parathyroid glands, stabilize the skeletal system, skeleton, prevent osteoporosis, and have an antibacterial effect on us.

Ultraviolet radiation itself also helps us and, when used in small doses, can be beneficial. It heals small wounds, dilates blood vessels, which leads to high-quality blood circulation. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin - acne disappears, becomes elastic and healthy. Do not avoid sun rays, because every time you expose your skin, you receive ultraviolet radiation, thereby producing a pigment in the body that can scatter and absorb these rays. And by getting a tan, your skin shows that you are provided with protection from radiation.

The radiation cannot be seen with the ordinary eye; it is outside the range of the spectrum we can see. But science has proven that it has three divisions - A, B and C. Two of them act harshly on us and can harm us. These are rays B - they “work” in the middle of the day, so it is not advisable to walk between 12 o’clock and 15-16 o’clock; group C - mostly climbers are familiar with it - it acts high on mountain tops and is considered very harmful; Ray A, which occurs in the evening, is considered the softest and most harmless. In this regard, it is best, and healthier, to sunbathe in the evening, after 18 hours, less problems and the skin color turns out beautiful and even.

In medicine, this ultraviolet light is used in cosmetology (note that during frequent drying with a UV device, when doing nail extensions, you can get skin cancer), dentistry (it is harmless for the patient, but doctors need to be careful), and dermatology. The device created by physicists uses light to treat severe forms of tuberculosis, psoriasis, and pustular diseases.

Harm from excess sun

As a rule, the damage from sun rays that we encounter most often is burns on our body. They appear because we forget ourselves and for a long time We spend time under the sun, and then pain and burning sets in, and we notice redness. Areas of skin begin to peel off. These are all signs sunburn. Our skin is divided into five phototypes, and each of them has its own perception of ultraviolet radiation. Light-colored people are at risk. They have skin phototypes 1 and 2 and the sun's rays are the most dangerous for them, it dries out their skin, signs of premature aging appear, and they are destroyed. useful substances, proteins. Staying in the sun puts them at risk of developing diseases such as melanoma and skin cancer. These are blondes, they can also include redheads, light-eyed, often with freckles.

Also, the sun may cause harm to the eyes and brain. In the first case, from exposure to sunlight on our vision, we can get a burn to the retina. Best protection- These are sunglasses, which are an important accessory in winter and summer. The cause of heatstroke is exposure to the scorching sun with your head uncovered. Symptoms - high temperature(40-41 g), nausea, headache, possible loss of consciousness. Sometimes, heat stroke can be fatal.

From all of the above, we see that vitamin D plays a significant role in many processes in our body. By avoiding the sun and hiding from ultraviolet rays, we may experience a lack of this vitamin, which will lead to a decrease in immunity.

We all dream about summer, plan trips to the sea... So that a walk on the beach will bring you good mood, the editors of the website www.site advise you to drink more fluids, avoid standing in the sun, apply sunscreen to your skin, determine your skin phototype, use a hat and an umbrella. Do not forget that sunbathing is best taken in moderation, but we have just discussed the benefits and harms of the Sun! Remember that during treatment and when taking medications, a drop can be medicine, and a spoon can be poison? This is exactly what happens with sunbathing!
