Red strawberry. Strawberry variety black prince


Internet users are divided into two camps, some say they see the red tint of the strawberry in the picture, while others do not.

This image was shared on Twitter by Japanese "experimental psychologist" and psychology professor Akiyoshi Kitaoka.

The photo shows strawberries on a plate, and it looks like the picture was treated with a blue filter to make the strawberries look less red. And yet the red color is not much muted, is it?

In fact, there is not a single red pixel in this image.

Optical illusions and optical illusions

"The illusion of strawberries is created using a two-color method. Even though all the pixels in this photo are green-blue, the strawberries appear red," Professor Kitaoka tweeted.

National Eye Institute visual perception specialist Bevil Conway described the image as an example of how our brains adjust the color of the world around us when another color is superimposed on it.

"If you imagine walking down the street under a blue sky, that blueness, in a sense, 'infects' everything you see around you," the professor said.

The light is electromagnetic wave, which can be of different lengths (depending on color), frequency and have different propagation speeds.

“If you take a red apple and look at the sky under a blue sky, more blue waves will still enter your eye,” he added.

Other Twitter users proved that there is no red in the picture. They isolated some colors that appeared to be red and looked at them against a white background. As a result, they saw only shades of gray and blue.

Pictures with optical illusions

This is not the first illusion presented by the Japanese professor. Here's another optical illusion where flower-like shapes appear to expand in size as you look at them.

And in this illusion, the circles appear to be spinning left and right when you look at them.

Black Prince is an excellent variety of Italian selection. Ten years of hard work by the breeders of the New fruitis company made it possible to develop a new variety with increased frost resistance, designed for cultivation in areas with moderately cold winters and rainy summers.

In the article:

Description of the variety with photo

The variety belongs to the group of medium-early ripening. The first fruits ripen on the 20th of June, fruiting continues until the beginning of autumn. The fruits retain their size throughout the season; in early varieties, the size of the berries noticeably decreases by the end of summer.

The Black Prince's bushes have original look, from a distance they can be mistaken for a potato bush, they are so big.

The advantage of the variety is that the pulp is high-density; this quality ensures the possibility of long-term storage of berries. The period is impressive - two weeks. The black prince's harvest does not deteriorate when transported over long distances.

The variety is high-yielding. From one powerful tall bush You can get up to a kilogram of berries per season. When grown on a farm on an industrial scale, the average yield will be 20 tons. summer cottage One hundred square meters of land planted with black prince strawberries will yield about 200 kg.

The good thing about this variety is that it can bear fruit in one place for up to seven years. Productivity usually increases from year to year, this is especially noticeable with proper care.

The name of the variety Black Prince is due to the fact that when the berries ripen they acquire a very dark red color, appearing almost black at dusk. The color of the seeds is also black. The fruits are rather large and can weigh up to 50 g. The shape resembles a truncated cone.

The variety claims to tolerate well low temperatures in winter, the lower threshold is -20 C. In spring, plantings are not afraid of nighttime drops in temperature. In summer it does not tolerate drought well. The main emphasis in summer care is timely watering.

Features of cultivation and care

Best soil options:

  • The soil is sandy loam.
  • Forest gray soil;
  • Loam is light;

Strawberry Black Prince prefers to grow on loose, breathable soils. Clay and peaty soils are not suitable; plants begin to rot on them root system, the plant dies.

There should be enough sun on the site. Constant north and northwest winds are contraindicated. In winter, snow cover on the ridges is necessary, only in this case it will survive the winter with twenty-degree frosts well.

If the groundwater level is closer than 0.6 m, the site is not suitable; strawberries should not be planted in lowlands, where soil moisture is always high; mountain slopes are also not suitable.

To improve the structure of the soil and disinfect it, green manure is used. Sow the area a year before planting; mature plants are not removed; they are embedded in the soil when digging.

The bushes are large, so plants should be planted at a distance of 0.4 m in a row. Make row spacing 0.6 m wider, ventilation improves, it is more convenient to process bushes,

Variety value

  • Nousually delicious berries, beautiful color.
  • Maintaining large fruit size throughout the season.
  • Increased pulp density, good keeping quality, transportability.
  • Large harvest from one bush.
  • Possibility of growing in one place for many years.
  • Tolerates frosts well down to - 20 C
  • Good resistance to pathogens.

Reviews from gardeners

Good reviews. The harvest is praised when planted with wide row spacing. Thickening of plantings leads to a decrease in yield, since the berries are smaller.

Greater productivity of the variety is noted in the second year of fruiting. Resistance to tick damage. Possibility of propagation by mustache, dividing the bush.

Farmers praise the Black Prince variety; they are satisfied with the possibility of growing in one place long time, keeping quality, frost resistance, good taste. Buyers at the market love this berry.

Photos of berries of the variety

Garden strawberry Black Prince appeared in gardening farms recently, but has already received good reviews and enjoys deserved popularity. Being of Italian origin, it not only has an original appearance, but also contains many useful qualities. Every year, breeders develop new varieties of strawberries. Diversity is noted in the taste and properties of the berries. At the same time, the Black Prince is exotic; the fruits have dark color. The variety is considered not only unusual, but also very promising.

History of the variety's creation

Dark strawberries, belonging to the Black Prince variety, appeared in the nursery of the Italian agricultural company New Fruits. This company is different high quality produced planting material. Breeders worked for a whole decade. The variety was tested in Europe and Ukraine, where it received good recommendations. Russia and Kazakhstan also respond well to this variety of almost black strawberries. But a number of sources describe it under this name early variety Polish berries, called Kama, which for some reason was renamed Black Prince.

Although such strawberries have appeared recently, and not all gardeners know about them, they receive good reviews for their early ripening and excellent taste. The varietal crop is suitable not only for the garden, but also as an industrial crop grown in large enterprises agriculture. The harvest is harvested before the onset of autumn.

Strawberry harvest

Characteristics and features of the variety

Main distinguishing characteristic varieties - dark red color of berries. This is a very aromatic crop with a rich smell. garden strawberries with juicy pulp. The taste is sweet, somewhat sour, appearance very attractive. The fruits are quite large, fruiting continues for a long period. Description of the bushes - spreading and powerful, with rapid growth. At the age of 4 or 5 years the plant is quite tall, comparable to a potato or tomato. The peduncles are tall, with numerous ovaries that turn into green fruits. When they mature en masse, they bend down to the ground under the weight.

The medium-sized leaves have a green color and a glossy, somewhat corrugated surface. Strong shoots bear many ovaries, which fill with maturity, bending towards the ground. The mustache is formed with average intensity, but its thickness decreases every year. From this we must draw a conclusion regarding the timely provision of planting material for crop propagation.

The berries have the following characteristics:

  • Richly dark color, almost black.
  • Weight – up to 50 g.
  • Glossy surface.
  • The shape of the fruit is similar to a truncated cone.
  • The berries do not become small throughout the season.
  • The pulp is red, rich color. Qualities – juiciness, density, absence of voids.
  • The variety is suitable for transportation, which it tolerates well and does not deform for up to 2 weeks.
  • The taste is very pleasant, there is a slight sourness.

The harvest ripens in medium terms, but fruiting is long-lasting. Green berries can be seen in early June. By the middle of the month they ripen. So the bushes bear fruit throughout the summer. Up to 1.2 kg of large berries are harvested from one plant, and up to 20 tons per hectare using the farm method.

Attention! An increase in fruiting is observed in the bush with age, with increasing age the indicators become higher.

The ability to bear fruit lasts up to 7 years, which distinguishes this variety, as twice the norm. It can increase by 2 years if the care was correct.

Attention! Whiskers appear on the bush only in the first few years.

Winter hardiness indicators are good, the plant tolerates -20 °C. It is also not afraid of frost in the spring. But drought is highly undesirable. The varietal trait is versatility. The berries are eaten fresh, strawberry jam and preserves are prepared. The variety is also used for liqueur and is suitable for sale.

Agricultural technology

Planting strawberries begins with choosing a location. It should be well lit. Best moment time - the beginning of autumn, as well as April and May, in case of favorable climatic conditions. From the north it is necessary to protect the beds from the winds. Otherwise, the roots will freeze even at -10°C, as the layer of snow will be blown away. If there is no draft, the plant can withstand temperatures down to -20°C.

Planting strawberries

Fruiting depends on the location and soil, which must be loose and permeable to air. Light loam or sandy loam soils, gray soil are quite suitable. Chernozem is diluted using river sand. A heavy type of soil will not lead to fruiting, as it is unfavorable for root development. Poor soil is mixed with compost. It is also important to ensure that moisture does not stagnate. To do this, you need to exclude the location of the beds in the lowlands. Groundwater must be located at least 70 cm from the surface.

A good neighborhood for the Black Prince are legumes, onions, carrots, cereals, garlic. But not cabbage, eggplants and potatoes. Prepare the beds in advance by digging them 30 cm deep. At the same time, humus, manure, and peat are added. Weeds are removed and soil treatment with herbicide is recommended. Soil acidity is also important. A slightly acidic and neutral environment is favorable for the variety.

Advice. Before planting, it is advisable to soak strawberry roots in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and to stimulate growth - in Epina.

To place the bushes, dig holes with a distance of 40 cm and 50 cm between the rows. The plant quickly grows greenery; it is not recommended to thicken the plantings. Half a liter of water is poured into the holes, the growing point is left 1 or 2 cm above the soil. After compacting the soil, water it again. It is advisable to finish with mulching with straw, sawdust or pine needles. Up to 3 weeks, you need to water the seedlings regularly. Favorable time for landing - evening.

Care includes the following activities:

  • Water the seedlings daily, taking into account that the plant loves moisture (especially during flowering). Water stagnation is eliminated. Adult bushes are watered weekly using a sprinkler and ditches.
  • After moistening, the soil is loosened to prevent crust formation.
  • Fertilizing with solutions or bulk fertilizers. This is ammonium nitrate, urea. During budding, phosphorus fertilizers (superphosphate) are applied. When ripening, a complex composition is used. The first time they fertilize is when planting.
  • Post-harvest actions: removing mulch, removing old leaves. You need to watch the roots, which should not be exposed.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The disadvantage is considered to be the noticeable seeds, which give the berries a “prickly” feel to the touch. According to reviews, they note stable yields, as well as resistance to mite damage. Spotting may appear in late fall. Taste and transportability are considered advantages.

Garden strawberries or strawberries come in a wide variety. There are also unusual varieties, one of which recently appeared in the Russian Federation. Black Prince, with its large dark berries, is a promising plant that brings something new to the development of horticulture. If you follow simple care rules, it will delight the gardener with a harvest for quite a long period of time.

Illustration copyright Matt Lieberman/Twitter

This photo of strawberry cake is being actively discussed on the Internet. Why?

At first glance, this is just a photo of poor quality - perhaps the author went too far with the filters.

In fact, everything is somewhat more complicated: the fact is that there are no red pixels in the picture - which does not prevent us from seeing red berries.

The red color of strawberries exists only in our imagination: our reason deceives us, since the berries are depicted on a blue background.

Things and colors look different in different lighting - for example, under office fluorescent fluorescent lamps or in the soft lighting of a living room.

However, our brain independently makes corrections to the image so that we still see strawberries as red, regardless of where and under what circumstances we eat them.

This feature of human perception is called “color constancy”.

"Your brain says, 'The light source in which I see these strawberries is adding some blue to them, so I'll automatically remove the blue component from every pixel,'" explains color vision expert Bevil Conway in an interview with Motherboard.

"And when you take the gray pixels and remove the blue, the result is that the image appears red to you," Conway explains.

Of course, we know that strawberries should be red. And it also helps the mind to correct the color of the image.

Illustration copyright Akiyoshi Kitaoka/Twitter

Matt Lieberman then joined the discussion by tweeting a slightly modified image, which, however, also did not contain red pixels.

Illustration copyright Matt Lieberman/Twitter

Many responded to Matt's post by adding gray rectangles to his picture for comparison. Carson Mall took color samples from several places that appear red to us and placed them on white background.

Illustration copyright Carson Mell/Twitter Image caption “I took some of the flowers that seemed to be the reddest parts of the strawberries and layered them on the white background on the right.” Illustration copyright Tim Hutton/Twitter

Gray It becomes more obvious if you look at each berry separately from the rest of the picture (for example, covering the background in the photo with your hands).

Many people remember how in 2015 the Internet was divided into two camps, fiercely arguing among themselves.

The red-looking gray strawberries have a slightly different explanation, but in both cases we are talking about color correction, which our mind resorts to depending on the type of lighting.

Today, the popularity of such a variety of strawberries as the Black Prince is growing rapidly. And this is not surprising, since the variety is quite promising in terms of yield. To obtain juicy and sweet berries you do not need any special skills or knowledge. It is important to simply follow the simple rules of agricultural technology and the desire to care for berry bushes.

Description and photo of the strawberry variety Black Prince

The foliage is dense and medium in size. An average number of thickened mustaches are formed on the bush. At the same time, their number decreases every year. But fruiting only increases with each one. Moreover, the number of collected berries does not decrease even with prolonged cultivation.

Strawberry black prince

The foliage is medium in size, dark green in color and glossy surface. The fruits of the Black Prince variety are also large in size, since the weight of one reaches 50 g. They have a conical shape and a dark red color. All of them are sweet, juicy and have a rich strawberry aroma.

The peculiarity of the variety is that the berries do not become smaller when harvested. This allows you to get tasty and large fruits throughout the season. In addition, berry bushes tolerate drought well and can also bear fruit throughout the season, because the Black Prince is remontant.

If you follow all the rules for caring and planting the plant, then harvested can be stored for a long time and not lose its appearance. From one bush you can collect about 1 kg of berries. And from 1 hectare to 20 tons of ripe berries. Or you can read information about the Festivalnaya variety.

How and when to plant

When planting Black Prince strawberries, it is important to choose the right location. It should be well lit sun rays and protected from the wind. Groundwater should be located below 60 cm. Otherwise, the root system will rot. It is for this reason that strawberries should not be planted in lowlands. In addition, you should not choose a place located on steep slope. The fact is that the water will flow down, and the plant will not be able to absorb required quantity moisture.

On video - correct landing strawberries:

Soil preparation

The Black Prince variety is picky about the type of soil. Sandy loam, gray forest lands and light loams are perfect for it. But growing strawberries on heavy clay and peat soils no use. Even with good drainage, the roots will rot. If you grow berry bushes on black soil, you will need to use sand.

Excellent predecessors for the Black Prince will be cereals and legumes, as well as onions and carrots. You should not plant seedlings where eggplants, cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes previously grew.

Before sending the plants into the ground, it is worth planting the selected area with green manure. This will saturate the soil with essential microelements. Soil preparation occurs 3-4 weeks before planting. You can still carry out preparatory activities in the fall. But you can see in the photo how to plant the variety.

It is necessary to add humus in an amount of 5 kg per 1 m2. Be sure to dig up the area, removing all weeds and plant debris. Also, for the Black Prince variety, soil acidity is of particular importance.

Berry bushes grow best in neutral or slightly acidic soil. if the acidity level is exceeded, then dolomite flour should be used. It accounts for 300 g per 1 m2.

Planting dates and scheme

It is best to plant in early autumn. But if you live in a region with hot summers, then you can start planting in May. For these purposes, a 40x50 cm planting pattern is used. It is excellent for strawberry bushes, which tend to grow green mass.

Strawberry planting scheme

Before planting, moisten the holes using 1 liter of water for each hole. Next, take the seedlings and place their roots in the hole. The heart should be concentrated 1-2 cm above the ground. If the bushes are large, then they should be planted at a distance of 400 cm in a row.

But between the rows a distance of 0.6 m must be maintained. This distance will be enough for proper care of strawberries.

How to care


Strawberry Black Prince is a moisture-loving crop. It is necessary to moisten the soil during flowering and after planting every day.

But during the fruiting period, daily irrigation will lead to the fact that the fruits will become watery and unsuitable for storage and consumption. In this case, watering will be done once a week. For 1 m2 you will need 10-20 liters of water.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizing is an important component of caring for berry bushes. Root and foliar compounds are used for this. 30 minutes before applying fertilizer, you need to water the bushes, but moisture should not get on the leaves. When processing strawberries, due attention is paid to the underside, which will absorb all the substances.

In early spring, before active growing season, ammonium nitrate or urea is used. Apply it at the root or spray the leaves. There are 15 g of substance per 10 liters of water.

At the bud formation stage it is necessary to use foliar feeding. For this, superphosphate or double superphosphate is used. There are 30-40 g or 15-20 g of substance per 1 m2.

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