What ritual to perform? A few simple rituals to attract money

For some reason, reading this question, you immediately think that we are talking about help in something good. About some good deed. I mean, helping your neighbor.

And, starting to write this article, like all the previous ones, I would like to motivate you, my dear readers, to have Faith in God. Perform a ritual for your neighbor. How exactly? Very simple.

About the Church

Going to church. Go to church, order a prayer for Health for your family and friends. Light the candles. An ordinary prayer for health for your neighbor. Isn't this a ritual? And what is a ritual anyway? What is a conspiracy? I consider it appropriate to say that prayer is also a conspiracy. Yes! Yes, exactly - a conspiracy.

When reading the prayer correctly, with correct positioning emphasis, when choosing the right reading pace, voice intonation, and most importantly - with a strong desire to help, necessary energies are also collected and sent to work. Thoughts are material. That is, everything we think in our heads sooner or later turns into matter. And the speed of transformation depends on the immediate strength of what is desired.

Archimandrite Raphael (Karelin) said a good phrase:

“When a person prays from the heart for others, the Guardian Angels of these people pray for him.
Your prayer, like reflected light, strengthened by the prayers of the Angels, returns to you.”

Why have you, seekers of miraculous help in magic, forgotten about the most important magic on our planet, about the Highest Power that has ever existed, about the Divine Power?

And it is this magic that has so much evidence of its existence: myrrh-streaming icons, holy relics. And the fire, the same one that descends on our Orthodox Easter? Forgot? Isn't this proof of this very strong magic- Faith in God?

In search of the Truth, during the period of my development as a witch in search of solutions and ways to help those who turned to me, nothing helped me more than prayer. Personally, besides the Lord's Prayer, I do not use any other spells.

And, lo and behold! Works! I drive away demons with prayer! They run great! They snarl, but they come out looking cute! And all our holy fathers say that the heart should be kind, the soul should be sincere, not plunge into despondency, and there is always help from Above.

God's help can come to us through the prayers of friends (Archpriest Sergius Nikolaev). Even the saints asked to pray for them. If several friends say at least one word to God, then their requests will definitely reach the Lord.

One person said:

“Sometimes it gets so bad it’s just hard to bear.
And suddenly - once, and everything worked out, it means someone prayed for me.”

Well, consider this the cry of my soul in the shadow of the unbelief that surrounds us.

Is it possible or not?

I'll start my answer with the essence of the question. You may well perform the ceremony both for yourself and for your loved ones and distant relatives, friends, everyone. Don't be afraid. Everything will work out. The main thing is to remember that you must think carefully about your ritual. What exactly, or more precisely, for what purposes are you conducting it? Think through what you want from the ceremony, down to the smallest detail. Choose the correct lunar day and hour. Remember that you must be in good physical shape at the time of the ritual.

Your thoughts and feelings should be appropriate. No extraneous noise should distract you. Refrain from performing rituals in companies. It is better to do the ritual completely alone. Remember that you are launching energy that will then be difficult to stop, especially if you are not particularly knowledgeable and savvy in magical matters.

Very effective and efficient are those methods and means for improving one’s financial situation in which a person sincerely believes. There are a lot of ways to attract and preserve wealth: these can be simple words spoken in a good hour, or they can be magical rituals with long texts and the use of additional items. However, it is important to take into account that the person reading the prayer or performing the ritual must have bright thoughts.

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    Necessary conditions for the ceremony

    Every person must remember the great responsibility before the Lord for the well-being provided in life. It is important to read prayers of gratitude and help not only yourself, but also everyone around you.

    Conditions that a person needs to think about when reading a prayer or performing a ritual to gain wealth:

      • Good intentions. To get help in finding wealth at home, you need to have an open heart. Under no circumstances should you disturb higher powers with the aim of taking revenge on someone, getting someone else’s property, or spending money on illegal acquisitions. To get what you want, it is recommended to mentally formulate your request taking into account the specific goals for further spending of funds. An example would be investing money in housing, treatment, education, etc.
      • Spiritual cleansing. Before starting the ritual, you should spiritually cleanse yourself. Three days before it, it is advisable to get rid of negative thoughts and actions, make peace with everyone, fast for three days, go to church and repent of your sins. In this life you have to pay for everything, so it is recommended to pay voluntarily, by correcting and realizing your actions. If you don't do this, when you gain wealth, you can lose something more valuable.
      • Pure thoughts. To gain cash It is recommended to contact only the ancients strong spells white magic. Her magical power does not bring harm to other people, it is aimed only at bright, pure deeds that can improve people's lives. This white magic differs from black, which can quickly help in achieving one dream, but at the same time make the life of a person and his close relatives and friends almost unbearable. For example, if you resort to black magic to quick receipt a large amount, the payback will be health, happiness in your personal life, or possible subsequent poverty and complete bankruptcy.
      • Consistent adherence to ritual conditions. To attract good luck and gain wealth, you need to choose the most effective way, which will be most trusted. To determine it, you should listen to your intuition. It is recommended to perform the ritual accurately, strictly adhering to the given text, acquiring the necessary attributes and carrying out all the necessary manipulations with them. It is worth paying attention to a certain phase of the moon, day of the week, time of day and execution system (if such points are explained in the ritual manual).
      • Strict secret. In order to correctly carry out the ritual to attract money and do everything possible to make your desire come true, you need to keep all your actions in complete secret. It should not be revealed even to the closest people. Magical manifestations operate according to the principle: the told secret is no longer a secret. That is why all actions and even incredible efforts will be useless if someone else finds out about them.
      • Execution speed. The most important aspect in trying to quickly change your financial situation is the desire to do it instantly. It is worth constantly remembering that this ritual is only a request from the Lord for help in achieving a goal and in no case a guarantee of unquestioning fulfillment of desires. Therefore, you should not complain every day that everything was done correctly, but nothing has changed. Even the fastest-acting plot may come true later or not come true at all. IN in this case There are no definite guarantees, but it is recommended not to lose hope and, if desired, try the actions of other rituals.

      Black magic can lead to unpredictable consequences for a person and his loved ones. To avoid using a black spell by mistake, you should pay attention to the text of the prayer or spell. In the white version, the appeal will be directed to the Lord, the Saints, as well as to nature, but with a positive connotation. It is strictly not recommended to appeal to dark forces, or to use blood, dead creatures, or soil from graves when performing the ritual. Cemeteries should also be avoided.

      Effective ways to attract money

      Ancient conspiracies, prayers, effective rituals and rituals. The most effective ones will be those that make the strongest impression.

      Money can be attracted in simple words, spoken from the heart and with a cherished desire to receive them. For example, following a flock of migratory birds, you can say: “How many feathers are born on them, so much money is not transferred to my wallet.” The words spoken when looking at heavy rain will be effective: “As you sow richly, so I will be rich.” You can say similar words that come from the heart, looking at a large number of leaves on a tree, needles on a pine tree, sand in the sea, etc. - that is, at objects that allow you to associate them with the amount of money.

      Orthodox prayers addressed to Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos, and John of Sochava with all the soul, with mandatory preparation for 3 days, have enormous power in attracting wealth and good luck. If there is absolutely not enough time for a three-day fast, repentance and truce, and money is needed urgently, you can begin the ritual without this preparation. Such an action will be perceived by higher powers as a loan. To pay for it, you need to read the prayers “Our Father”, “Virgin Mary, Hail” and other favorite prayers to choose from. Then fast not for 3 days, but more, be sure to visit church, give alms and ask for forgiveness from all those offended.

      The texts of conspiracies can be aimed at attracting material wealth with the help of amulets and amulets. Objects are charmed with certain words, after which they are constantly worn by the owner or folded into certain places. The amulet or talisman can be a coin, a pebble, a small souvenir or another small object. There may also be a ceremony with bay leaves. Amulets are carried in a bag, wallet, placed on workplace and serve to attract money. The amulets can be located in the same places, but their functions include not so much attracting money as protection from external attacks. They protect existing income from envy, the evil eye and damage.

      Rituals for substantial enrichment

      There are situations that require the availability of a certain amount almost immediately. These include sudden illness, debt resolution and other emergency situations when loss of time threatens negative consequences. For this situation, you will need a ritual that works within a day; after the words spoken, actions immediately follow that entail money. It is necessary to make every effort to achieve what you want.

      This ritual is one of the least complicated, but at the same time it allows you to get a fairly decent amount of money. To carry it out you will need three green candles and an icon of Jesus Christ or the Holy Trinity. At noon of any day you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, put candles and an icon. Light the candles, read the prayer three times in front of the icon and wait until the candles burn out to small cinders. The wax from them can be carried in a wallet, bag, money storage place, on your desk, etc.

      Text of the prayer:

      To become the happy owner of a large sum of money, it is recommended to use an ancient, proven Romanian magic ritual. This ritual has helped several generations and has proven itself to be the best.

      To perform this ritual you will need a small clay pot and three coins of any denomination. During the new moon, you need to put coins in a pot placed in a place of honor and say a simple prayer three times:

      For nine days, the pot should be replenished daily with three coins, while reading the same words. Then it is enough to replenish it once a week until the desire is completely fulfilled.

      Bulgarian money ritual from Vanga

      In the case when money is needed not urgently, but for the implementation of global plans (for example, for the purchase of real estate in the future, for education, travel, acquisition of cherished vehicles, clothes, jewelry, furniture, etc.), it is recommended to conduct a Bulgarian money ritual.

      The famous Bulgarian healer Vanga is known for her predictions throughout the world. Her plot to gain money is very popular and has miraculous powers. To carry it out, you need to take a piece of sheep fur or wool, read a prayer over it three times and hide it in a secluded place. The money will be available for a year, then it is recommended to repeat the plot.

      The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

      Powerful conspiracies

      In case of general material unsettlement, it is worth paying attention to periodic rituals that should be carried out constantly throughout life. These include prayers on the new moon, on the waxing moon, and on the full moon.

      This magical ritual is performed on odd days of the waxing moon from midnight to 3 am. A banknote or gold coin is prayed three times and hidden in the south-eastern corner of the house for 12 days. At the end of this period, the money must be spent.

      Text of the prayer:

      A full moon spell is also effective. Magic actions should be performed on a moonlit night, when the sky is not covered with clouds and the moon illuminates the earth like a huge lantern. It is precisely this kind of moonlight that must be shown twelve coins, a prayer must be said seven times, and the enchanted objects must be placed in the wallet. After the ritual, the coins can be spent along with the rest of the money.

      The text of the prayer that must be said seven times:

      Another way to attract wealth into life is to perform a ritual for the new moon. In the first days of the new month, you need to take spring water (if you don’t have it, you can use poured tap water), say a prayer over it three times and sprinkle your wallet, piggy bank or other place to store money with this water. This is a very powerful Slavic spell that is many years old.

      Money conspiracies And magical rituals They will definitely help people who really need money or are pursuing good goals for which the required amount is not enough. For actions to be effective, you must sincerely believe in your dream, try to mentally imagine its complete fulfillment and make every effort to concentrate while performing the ritual. Then the angels will pick up the request and bring it to higher powers, A material well-being will come much faster than expected.

We often pay attention to people who are doing well, considering them lucky. We compare with ourselves and sulk at fate, thinking about its injustice. The results of such behavior are sad, since happiness will not come on its own. There are ways to lure him, push him into your arms, and it would be a shame not to use them. This refers to a ritual for good luck and luck, helping to avoid potholes and potholes on the road of life. This magic is simple and natural, it works for anyone, but you need to know a few secrets. Let's figure out how to do it effective ritual for good luck and luck at home.

Secrets of magic

We started with the fact that there are secrets that are carefully hidden by specialists. Or rather, they are talked about so often that people stop taking the information seriously, but in vain. A ritual for good luck and luck is a way to change not external circumstances, as many believe, but your perception of reality. “What’s in the head is in life,” so magicians rightly believe. Therefore, you should think positively. Experts in the field of magic describe this law somewhat differently. They recommend believing in the effectiveness of the chosen ritual, convincing yourself that the ritual will definitely work. The deeper the confidence, the more effective the magical effort. The second secret is that the ritual for good luck and luck should be carried out only in a good mood. Magic works on the energy of the magician, the higher it is, the faster the result. Therefore, you must either learn to create good mood, or take advantage of moments of inspiration. Dear wizards, try to cast spells on the rise, then you will be able to avoid disappointments! Remember: the power is within, it attracts the capricious and simple and complex at the same time. But practice will tell you that this wisdom is not hidden from the people in vain.

How to choose your ritual

Knowing how to use any tool is half the battle. In magic, this rule also works, but somewhat differently than in a regular profession. In order for everything to work out the first time, you need to choose the right ritual. Experts recommend paying attention to intuition. She is the one who tells you what conspiracies to read. Please read the description of the rituals carefully. Listen to the sensations. The one that caused a feeling of lightness or even joy in the soul is yours. You know, in the old days they selected a saber according to the hand so that it would seem neither light nor heavy. So, they choose. It must be fit for purpose. If you want good luck, the text of the conspiracy must encourage you to achieve it. Therefore, you need to get as much information as possible and be interested in innovations. After all, over time, a person’s condition changes, he grows and develops. Then it is recommended to change the ritual to a more effective or suitable one. That's it with theory, let's move on to practice.

Ritual to attract good luck and luck

Let's start with a universal ritual. It is ideal for people who don’t stick to anything at all. This ritual for good luck and luck is based on the fact that the magician creates a talisman for himself. It will be a small mirror packed in a bag blue color. Both attributes should be acquired on Friday during the waxing moon. Remember that you will sometimes have to carry the talisman with you, so buy small things. By the way, you can sew the bag yourself if your hands grow from the right place. The ritual itself is carried out at noon on Friday, preferably the same. Take a mirror, catch the sun. Play with its rays a little. Say this: “The mirror is a bright window. Be nicer to me. Light up destiny with the sun, remove all darkness from it. Show luck the way, attract luck to the doorstep. Amen!" Place the mirror in a bag and carry it with you for a week. Afterwards, take it only on those days when protection or special luck is needed.

Rituals for good luck and luck on Pokrov

In the old days they cast spells on major holidays. And don't miss days like these. Such a ritual was performed on the veil. We must get up before dawn and go to the temple of God. There, stand near the doors so you can see those entering. Follow the third man inside. While everyone is praying, you must light a candle from the lamp. Wait until it burns completely. There will be a small piece left. Say this to him: “The Mother of God on the Intercession wished well to everyone three times. And she gave me good luck, she gave me luck today. As people light candles in church, the Mother of God remembers me. Amen!". Now you can go home. put it so that you always have it with you, in your wallet, for example. This is a very strong ritual for good luck and luck. Reviews about it are only positive. The wizards noticed: the smaller the cinder, the better the ritual works.

For students and pupils

In the old days they believed that good luck could be obtained from living grains, that is, plant seeds. Once in the ground, they survive, develop, transform, and become beautiful fruit-bearing herbs. Rituals for good luck and success in studies are recommended to be carried out with grains of barley, wheat and coffee. Although here the restrictions for wizards are minimal. You can choose your combination of seeds in accordance with what abilities you want to reveal. Mustard seeds are good for getting rid of laziness; flax reveals talents. One thing is important: the grains must be alive, not treated with heat or chemicals. At dawn on the day of the new moon, sprinkle yourself with the prepared mixture, loudly calling for good luck. You are allowed to speak any positive words.

Money magic

Financial issues concern almost every person. Wizards are also not against using talents to increase the chances of a prosperous life. A ritual for good luck and luck in money is used much more often than any other. Practitioners chose one of the most effective. This is with an onion. Need to prepare flower pot, land, seven yellow coins. At the hour when the moon appears in the sky, plant a regular bulb. Place coins at the bottom of the pot. Water the onion and cast a spell. His words are: “Grow not small, but great, shoot arrows into the clouds. I water fate with onion juice and lure luck with money into it. I will send a green arrow into the future to remove obstacles and create wealth for me!” Watch how the bulb grows. If it begins to rot and does not sprout a single arrow, it means you have damage. Need to get rid of negative program. Onions don't grow long. When he “gets old”, it is necessary to bewitch him again in order to reactivate the energy, to tune it to the dacha. This is the meaning of magic. It needs to be fueled with new portions of your intentions so that there is no failure.

Ritual for quick money

If finances are needed urgently, then it is recommended to perform a different ritual. It is built on different principles. In the previous one, the wizard relies on the energy of nature. She is slow, but very strong. When a problem needs to be solved quickly, this approach will not work. A powerful energy burst should be used. For example, the flow of a wide river, a hurricane, or wind in the mountains are good for this. Some magicians rely on their own emotions. They are no less powerful than the forces of nature. The ritual is performed on any day. It is necessary to prepare herbs: basil, linden flowers, rose petals. You will find something in a pharmacy, a flower in a shop. Herbs can be dry or fresh. Make a mixture of them. There should be a handful of herbs and petals in total. Add a pinch of black pepper. This mixture must be sprayed onto strong wind. To do this, use or natural phenomena, or mechanisms (fan). Open your palm to the wind while reading the plot. His words are as follows: “As trees bend under hurricanes, as mountains are swept away by gusts, so my poverty and need fly away forever and ever! Amen!" Please note: if you decide to cast a spell indoors, you should open the windows. Pepper in the air will cause sneezing attacks. Such an event in itself increases the energy level, but can irritate an unprepared magician. The results of the divination will appear within 24 hours if everything was done correctly.

For help in business

Rituals for quick money are not the kind of magic you can rely on in life. These rituals exist to solve a specific problem, but are not able to help change the quality of life. If you want to achieve serious success, then you should approach fortune telling differently. Perform a ritual for good luck and fortune in a business that helps create or activate a permanent source of income. It is equally good for business people, and for ordinary housewives. The point is that sources of enrichment are opening up, and they can be anything. For the ritual you need a horseshoe. The best has long been considered to be the one that fell from a horse’s hoof and was found by accident. Not everyone is so lucky. For the ceremony, purchase a horseshoe at the gift shop. The magic attribute must be selected based on natural material manufacturing. If not a real horseshoe, then it is better to take a wooden or stone one.

How to perform a ritual for good luck in business

Prepare ribbons of red and yellow, cut a strand of hair from your head. During the waxing moon, light the candles in the room. Take the horseshoe in your hands and feel it. Decorate it with ribbons, weaving your hair into them. The left horn of the horseshoe should be yellow, and the right horn should be red. While working with ribbons, say the following words: “For good luck, for wealth, for happiness!” When finished, you must leave the magical attribute in the moonlight. Leave the horseshoe on the windowsill. It should be placed nearby, but out of sight of other people. This talisman needs to be recharged regularly with the growing moon; do not forget to place it on the windowsill at least once a month.

1. Think again about what you are taking on and how it might turn out. If you’re not sure you need this, don’t do anything so you don’t end up biting your elbows later.

2. Before you start, set yourself strong defenses and carefully prepare for the ritual itself. Everything must be carried out exactly as described (if you are confident in the correctness and authenticity of the ritual)! If a replacement is possible, this will be stated. If you do not have the opportunity to use some item described in the ritual, it is better to choose another ritual.

3. Do everything alone, unless you need another person for the ritual. Banish all extraneous thoughts. You should only think about what you want. It’s better not to think, but just to know. (Doubt is collapse).

4. Reading all white magic conspiracies requires preliminary reading of the basic prayers “Creed”, “Our Father”, “Hail to the Virgin Mary”, “Jesus Prayer”, you need to memorize these prayers. For spell rituals, the forces of one or all elements of the universe can be called upon: Fire, earth, Water, Air, as well as say a prayer - an appeal to an angel of a given day weeks.

5. Conspiracies are read - in the morning at dawn, facing east, unless otherwise stated, in the afternoon or at sunset.

6. Drying oneself from a mistress or other lapel rituals should be performed at sunset - facing west, towards the setting sun, when the patroness of the offended and abandoned - the evening dawn - comes into force. At this moment, such conspiracies receive much greater power, a stronger magical effect.

7. In the middle of the day, you should perform all kinds of strengthening rituals aimed at getting rid of quarrels and conflicts between loving people, to enhance existing feelings. Such prayers and incantations should also be said while facing the sun, at the moment when it is high in the sky, i.e. exactly at noon. Black rituals are performed after sunset, facing west. Such a love spell (including payoffs) must be completed before dawn the next day, or better yet, immediately after the ritual.

8. Conspiracies must be read in a sober state in a whisper, unless the preface to the conspiracy says otherwise (sometimes some conspiracies are read silently to oneself, or very loudly out loud, in a chant). Whispers are spoken in a low voice into the patient's ear, which at the same time must be lightly stroked clockwise with your palm. The patient does not need to hear all the words, but here are the key ones: “Go away the pain,” “Disappear,” “Get lost,” “So be it,” “Truly,” “Amen,” etc. - certainly.

9. If there are no special instructions, then conspiracies should be read for women on women's days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, for men - on men's days Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.

10. Before the conspiracy you can’t eat for three hours, you can only drink clean water. All actions related to magic are performed only on an empty stomach. Because a full stomach dulls the senses necessary to take effect, makes the magician weaker, and therefore reduces the likelihood of a successful result. (Sometimes the post is specified)

11. All words of incantations, spells, etc. must be repeated exactly as written. It is better to learn conspiracies by heart (reading from a sheet of paper written in your own hand is allowed). If you make a mistake when reading the text, it is better to start reading the plot from the very beginning. Or postpone it for another lesson day.

12. Most conspiracies are universal, that is, you can read them for both men and women, changing the words “servant of God (name)” to “servant of God (name).” If a person is baptized with a different name, then the spell reads exactly that name, and not the one written in the passport. Sometimes a worldly name is used.

13. Each conspiracy is read at least three times, and as a rule, at least three days in a row. Until you are strong in magic, read the plot 3, 6, 9, 12, 21, 27, 40 times. In order not to lose count, after each reading, put aside one coin or match, you can sort out the rosary. This does not mean anything magically, but it will help to carry out the ritual correctly. When you see what works well, you can reduce the number of times to three. (There are recommendations to calculate the time so that Saturday does not fall on these days, probably because among our ancestors, “Sobotka” Saturday had a meaning as a free day, free for Mother Earth).

14. No cosmetics on the face are allowed. Your clothes should be plain (or better yet, carry out the rituals in a long shirt of unbleached linen). The main requirement for clothing is its simplicity and lack of unnecessary details. It is advisable that clothing completely cover the arms and legs (to the toes for women, to the knees for men). Although now both women and men are allowed to wear trousers, the clothes of a person who decides to resort to love spells should not have belts, ties or metal fasteners. Everything is done barefoot; take off not only your shoes or slippers, but also your stockings. There should be no jewelry on the hands or ears. In general, remove any jewelry. You need to let your hair down and not comb it in the morning. A man must have his head uncovered.

15. No bright, catchy designs are allowed on clothing. Black clothing is suitable for performing black rituals. White symbolizes the purity of not only a person, but also his intentions, and also personifies all the forces of light. If you commit white love spell, then it should be performed in white clothes.

16. If you appeal to the spirits of the deceased, the windows should be closed.

17. If you call your loved one over, open the windows.

18. Rituals aimed at forgetting the past (or aimed at making another person forget the past) must be done at sunrise (or before sunrise). And if your goal is to influence your future, conspiracies should be read at sunset.

19. If you speak against yourself, then before that you need to fast for three days. You can’t eat fast food: meat, milk, eggs. You can eat fish - but only if these days do not fall on Wednesday and Friday. The one who is being spoken against must also keep a fast.

20. Rituals and spells must be done while absolutely healthy. You cannot work during your period. Pregnant women should not read conspiracies (except for those conspiracies with which a mother treats her child or puts a talisman on him). The fact is that the child at this time is still very weak, so he easily takes on all the maternal negativity, and if, after reading this or that conspiracy, you receive a backlash, in this case, with a hundred percent probability, your child will suffer from it. You should remember that an unborn child is very vulnerable and can be seriously harmed by things that an adult may not even notice.

21. Be sure to put up “protection” when performing any ritual. Best ways the protections are as follows: cut off a small strand of hair from your head after performing the ritual and burn it on a church candle; before performing the ritual, go outside, hug the tree that grows closest to your door, and after the ritual, pierce the ring finger on your left hand with a steel pin, return to the same tree and squeeze seven drops of blood under its roots; immediately after performing the ritual, go for a minor poop and pour it into the snow behind the house (this protection only works in winter, when there is snow). Be sure to read the “Our Father” nine times after each ritual.

22. Never tell anyone about what you did and what you achieved with it.

23. Seal any conspiracy with the words “key, lock, tongue”, “key in the sky, castle in the sea”, etc. There are also generic ones.

24. It is mandatory to have several icons in the house: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Kazan Mother of God, saints in whose honor all family members are named or baptized, Saint Panteleimon (healer), St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov, Spiridonius of Trimifunt (helps with all matters related to the house), all saints.

25. There should always be red, yellow and brown in the house church candles, holy water, silver objects.

26. Have it on hand lunar calendar, because some conspiracies need to be done on certain lunar days.

27. Conspiracies cannot be read on Sunday - this is the time for prayer. I don’t read conspiracies on Easter and in the twelfths. church holidays: Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Exaltation of the Cross, Presentation into the Temple Holy Mother of God, Nativity of Christ, Epiphany, Presentation, Annunciation, Transfiguration, Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Palm Sunday, Ascension, Trinity. Also, conspiracies are not read on Holy Week, on Forgiveness Sunday. Except for those conspiracies and rituals that are done only on these days.

28. If you make a conspiracy to someone, then be sure to take something from him in payment.

29. After they have made a spell for you, go to church and give generous alms to the poor. If money is short, it is better to give one person, but a lot, than a penny to everyone. Give some amount to the candle box. (Unless otherwise stated).

Purely theoretically, everyone needs money. But sometimes, they are simply desperately needed, and to find them as quickly as possible, you can do a powerful money ritual that will attract Lady Luck and the necessary financial resources to you.

There are a huge number of rituals for money and many of them can be done at home. Some are held on the full moon, some on church and pagan holidays, but there are magical rituals and conspiracies that can be performed just like that.

We will give you various conspiracies so that you have money, and you will choose for yourself which of them will be the most powerful and effective for you.

Rituals that attract money

Six coins

This is the most powerful ritual aimed at receiving money in the near future. It is carried out only on the new moon, but if you decide to do it on the waning moon, you can even lose what you already have. The “advantages” of the ritual include the fact that it can be performed at home.

  • Buy 5 large candles on Monday in three different churches located far from each other.
  • Take 6 coins with a face value of 10 kopecks (it is best to use some old coins for the ritual) and a 10 ruble banknote.
  • On the night between Monday, which symbolizes the beginning of something new, and Tuesday, close yourself in a room (no one should disturb you during the ceremony) and place candles in a neat row.
  • Place the coins in a neat pile in front of the candles (“tails” up).
  • Light the banknote and light the candles from it, one after the other, from left to right. Condition of the ritual: candles must be lit until the banknote burns. If it stops burning, end the ritual; you shouldn’t carry it out this time.
  • As soon as the candles light up, read the following spell on the coins 3 times and let them burn to the ground (you cannot light the candles a second time).

    “Illuminated by the holy fire of money, implored by the holy prayer. Give me countless, endless amounts of wealth. Let everything be better with me than with my neighbors, and let everything be very good with them. Amen, amen, amen."

Then you need to collect the coins to carry with you all the time. Do not separate the coins, as they will need to be counted exactly 3 times every morning.

2-3 weeks after the ritual, you will notice that there is much more money in your wallet.

In order for money to appear in the family in the shortest possible time, literally “for yesterday”, do not be lazy and perform the following ritual:

  • Completely disinfect the 1 ruble coin.
  • Pour drinking water in a glass and put a coin in it for a day.
  • A day later, read the spell below 3 times over the water, moving the index finger of your left hand across the water, trying to draw a “Star of David”, highlighting the vowels highlighted in capital letters:

    “Am sirIm gal ira Zil hamis ri bina Li midra hamin lizat Abi ami gza.”

  • Drink the charmed water with everyone who lives in your house to attract money luck to yourself.
  • Hide the coin away.

This is a very powerful ritual, thanks to which within a couple of days the financial situation, if not completely resolved, will certainly improve.

Magic wick

To help you manage your finances, perform a ritual on the new moon. This is the only condition for this ritual.

  • Take the wick out of the new thick candle, hold it in the center with two fingers and light it at both ends at the same time.
  • Cast a spell on the wick. Your task is to cast it before the thread burns out.

    “Fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and all good things. Amen".

  • Extinguish the rest of the wick and hide it in your wallet so that it is always with you.

This way you can attract money luck to your wallet.

Linen scarf

This ritual can be performed on any day, but preferably on a waxing moon, so that capital grows along with the celestial body.

  • Take a linen scarf and place a 10 kopeck coin in its corners and a “paper” 10 ruble coin in the center.
  • Light a candle and draw a circle over the scarf three times, repeating:

    “Handkerchief, handkerchief, take the money.”

  • After 3 repetitions, fold the upper left corner of the scarf so that its end touches the bill and the coin is inside the “pocket”.
  • Repeat the spell 3 more times and lay the same “makar” on the second corner (upper right).
  • Repeat the ritual phrase 3 more times and place it in the lower left corner.
  • Repeat 3 more times and add the last corner.
  • Take the handkerchief by the four edges so that it sag and the coins themselves slide towards the bill.
  • Fold the ends that you hold together and tie with thread, making a “bag”.
  • Hide the “bag” somewhere far away.

The main condition of the ritual is that you should not touch the money after you have laid it out on the scarf, otherwise the spells will not work. All actions must be done by the “handkerchief”, and not you, because the money has been transferred to him for safekeeping.

In order to perform this ritual correctly, wait until midnight or noon (it is important that there is a “borderline”, “half” time of day), having prepared a pot, soil, and some ornamental plant, as well as 3 bills and 3 coins (the denomination of neither one nor the other matters).

  • Take a pot, throw in three handfuls of earth and put 1 bill and 1 coin (with the “portrait” on the banknote and the “numbers” on the coin facing up).
  • Place the roots of the plant on it and cover it with soil so that it stands without your help.
  • Place a banknote on the left and a coin on the right (down with the “portrait” on the banknote and the “numbers” on the coin).
  • Add a layer of soil again.
  • Now place a coin on the left and a banknote on the right (again with the “portrait” up) and add the last layer of earth so that your “lining” is not noticeable through it.
  • Water clean water and say simple incantations:

    “The tree grows upward, the wallet grows wider.”

Don't forget to water your " money tree", it will grow, and along with it your profits will increase. When you have to replant the plant, the “linings” will need to be changed and the above-described actions and spells repeated.

To prevent financial problems in your family, make spells for your piggy bank.

  • Take your piggy bank (the container in which you keep money at home), put two silver coins (white) in it and say:

    “Silver is good!”

  • Now put three gold coins (yellow) in it and say:

    “And gold is even better.”

  • Light a candle bought in the church and tilt it over the piggy bank so that the melted wax falls on it, and count 7 drops, repeating:

    “Silver to gold, gold to silver, I seal money so that it can be multiplied and not spent.”

  • Having “sealed” your piggy bank with wax, put it in its usual place.

This way, you can attract money to it (that is, the desire to save will increase and spend will decrease).

Spells for money

To have money in the family, perform the following ritual:

  • Take the water blessed for Epiphany, put a coin in it and say the following phrase 7 times:

    “As water flows and rises into the seas, so profit fills my pockets.”

  • After each spoken spell, throw a coin into a bowl of water (except last time, so there will be exactly 7 coins).
  • Now wash your face with this water, and pour the rest at dawn under any tree growing under the window (except aspen - this is an “unclean” tree in the Christian world).
  • Place coins in the pockets and purses of family members.

These conspiracies can attract finance only if the ritual is performed with “holy” water and during the young moon.

Spell for financial success

You can attract good luck in all financial endeavors, which will ultimately bring large amounts of money to your family, in the following way:

gold coin

To perform this ritual, you will need a coin with a hole (you can take a Korean one), or you can drill a hole yourself and a wax candle (not necessarily from the church).

  • At dawn, sit facing the sun, take a coin in your hands and, turning it towards the sun with numbers, say:

    “Yarilo, Yarilo, your child glorifies you good afternoon wishes."

  • Turn the coin face value towards you and say:

    “Yarilo, Yarilo, give the child happiness and good luck in money.”

  • Then take a candle, light it, drop wax on the hole and say:

    “I plug the hole, I attract money luck.”

These spells will help make you more successful in finances. From now on, your money transactions will be more successful.

In order for money to be found not only in your wallet, but also in all household members, perform simple spells over the water that the family drinks.

  • Pour water from a bottle (jug, kettle) into a glass or cup, place a sheet of paper on it, and a large banknote on the sheet.
  • Repeat the following words 7 times:

    “Water, water, take the money from me and bring it to my family.”

  • Pour the water back into the drinking container, or better yet, let your household drink it right away.

Take away the failure

To have money in your wallet, you just need to avoid financial failure.

  • To do this, take 2 handfuls of rice, 2 handfuls of grain and 2 coins - 1 white, 1 yellow.
  • On a full moon or waning moon, sit in front of the piles of grain and say:

    “Just as I sweep away grain, so I drive away the money demon!”

  • Pour the grain into a bag made of natural fabric, tie it with thread and say:

    “I will bandage up the demons and let them go from me.”

  • Place a white coin in place of rice, and a yellow coin in place of grain. Then say:

    “I lay out coins, I beg my angel to help me, to lure money into the house.”

  • Put the coins in your wallet so that you can keep your finances in it.
  • Go out to the crossroads at dawn and pour the grain out of the bag and burn the bag.

In order to have money, in addition to performing ceremonies and rituals, do not forget the following:

  • money “loves” respect, so it should be stored flat and stacked in descending order;
  • Don’t rush to grab your change and stuff it anywhere. Immediately carefully place the money in the compartments in your wallet, and never put it in your pockets;
  • always carry a coin “at random”;
  • store under a rug front door(or under the gate in the village) three coins, no matter what their denomination is.

This is not difficult, so you will be surprised to notice that within a few weeks your business has become more successful, and there is more money in the family.
