"Good afternoon. How can I find out at home if I have damage or a curse? How to find out if you have a curse

The portal presents direct contacts of the proven strongest, best black and white magicians, sorcerers, witches, witches, shamans of Yekaterinburg, the region and the Urals, who, with the help of black or white magic, will help remove and restore damage, the evil eye, love spells, generational curse, the crown of celibacy, the seal of loneliness, will attract love, happiness, health, luck, money and provide protection, and you can also cast a love spell on your loved one. Contacting our specialist is an opportunity for you to choose a real professional who will help you!

Signs of damage, signs of a curse:

Unreasonable frequent headaches, pain in the back of the head, dizziness - this is the first sign of damage(strong negative magical influence), as well as severe health problems, for no reason. Let's say severe damage usually accompanied by kidney problems. Gray face, earthy (dark) skin color is secondary symptom old damage or strong curse , as well as complete or partial lack of personal life or frequent quarrels with a new darling.

The presence of incomprehensible objects in your home, car, lining in the house, clothes, on the threshold - this indicates elements of ritual magic. Usually, various damages are done in this way. Unfortunately, there are many more people who like to practice black magic than one might think.

Signs of connection with the lower astral (world of the dead):

Cold feet or aching feet - this is one of the signs of connection with the worlds of the dead(lower astral). These attachments are negative for a person. Through the legs, energy leaves a person to the lower worlds. A frosty state is a sign of a relationship with foreign energy.

If dead relatives or friends come to you in a dream, this is also a sign of a connection with the world of the dead.

Thoughts about suicide (suicide) - can speak of damage or a curse, or serve as a link to world of the dead. Such desires are not characteristic of a normal person and indicate signs of major disturbances in human energy.

Voices in the head, sounds, spontaneous exits to the astral plane - astral entities can signal various things to a person, including coming during sleep or provoking spontaneous exits to the astral plane.

Signs of damage, large karmic load:

If you have similar events and problems repeating at a certain time interval, this indicates a karmic knot that you are unable to untie, and you often come to this point by “standing in one place.”

This indicates that you are repeating or are likely to repeat the fate of your parents (older relatives), or if you have similar health problems similar to those of your parents. This indicates severe ancestral karma and needs to be adjusted.

If in your family (generation) there were black magicians, witches or sorcerers who used black magic or various magical rituals, then subsequent generations of this magician pay for such acts and the retribution extends to the entire human race.

If there were murderers or seriously ill people in the family, this is also passed down through the family in the future. For example, if your parents are often sick, and you are likely to get sick frequently.

If on your life path there are many obstacles, this also indicates the presence of karmic knots in life that do not allow free movement

Signs of possession by entities, demons:

Frequent negative emotions, inappropriate actions, causeless and frequent aggression, short temper, etc., indicate the presence of entities (demons) in the human body. This behavior is provoked by entities, since entities feed on the emotions that are released during such behavior. Most often these are emotions of anger, malice, aggression - such emotions are the most “tasty” for entities.

Entities can tell a person what to do, subjugate them, or push them to the desire to destroy and destroy, they can dream bad dreams(horror) - this is manifested by the presence of extraneous voices in the head. This happens when the essence has taken root well enough in a person

A person’s reluctance to attend church, “taking” a person away from church in any way (on the way to church, unforeseen circumstances may occur that will prevent him from going to church) also serves as a sign of the presence of an entity (demon) in a person’s body, since systematic attendance at church cleanses a person .

Signs of chakra problems:

Heaviness in the chest or tingling indicates a disturbance in the heart center (Anahata).

Problems with the reproductive and reproductive systems, heaviness in the lower abdomen, complete or partial lack of personal life, indicate deformation of the sex chakra.

The sex chakra is responsible for the sexual and reproductive system. Often gynecological problems in women are associated with deformation or blockage of this chakra. Problems with the opposite sex are also possible if there is a block of this chakra. This may manifest itself in the fact that the opposite sex does not seem to “notice” you and is not attracted to you. For example, an inconspicuous girl or guy has a lot of fans - in this case, the sex chakra is open and it works well. And it happens that a very handsome guy or crazy beautiful girl, in addition, the opposite sex does not look at a smart and successful woman - this is one of the signs of the crown of celibacy or a closed sex chakra.

Is it possible to independently determine the presence of damage or a curse?

A person can independently determine the presence of damage or a curse. Damage is usually aimed at the destruction of personal and family life, for health and the worst thing is for death. Usually a person feels that something wrong is happening to him: his health deteriorates sharply, family problems, quarrels, scandals begin. It’s worse if the damage is done to death. Damage to death is done in two ways: first, by closing vital channels. For a person, everything suddenly begins to collapse and life ends gradually; the second way to spoil death is to perform a direct ritual of “damage to death.” Each method has its own timing of results. At first, a person does not feel anything and no problems arise, just at one moment a cardiac arrest, an accident, etc. occurs.

If you find similar signs or one of the signs on yourself, you must contact a trusted specialist, an experienced magician or witch as quickly as possible and under no circumstances try to remove them yourself, so as not to worsen the situation. Only an experienced professional can fully remove damage or a curse!

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Before you begin to break a spell, it is very important to find clear evidence that proves that you have indeed been cursed. By constantly thinking that a curse exists, although in reality there is nothing of the kind, you yourself can create a negative effect with your suspicions, and the countermeasures you take can further increase its impact. It turns out that you can curse yourself Therefore, any signs of a curse should be treated with skepticism and caution. When considering these signs, first of all, use your logic, since you must understand that a real curse is quite rare. Below I will give examples of indestructible evidence that can clearly point to a curse. If you only have one piece of evidence, then it may be a coincidence or a mistake, but if you have identified several facts, then your suspicions may be reality.

You were told that you were cursed by a real person - your detractor. If you are sure that trouble can happen to you, your subconscious will act as effectively as magic. This placebo effect means that your enemy does not lose, but only gains, when he says that he has cast a spell on you. If he or she is a powerful magician, these people can make you lose your peace and thereby harm your health.

Remember, even if someone tells you that you are cursed, this does not mean that a spell has actually been cast on you. If someone knows that you have a fear of the occult, or someone has become aware of your interest in black magic, they can do a lot to unsettle you.

You recently visited a country where curses are common and were studying its culture. As mentioned earlier, they resort to relatively rarely. However, if you have recently traveled to a country where magic is a religious tradition or integral part, or it is used in medicine, then perhaps you have disturbed a person who practices black magic and is capable of casting spells.

You found damaged photographs of yourself, a tied or mutilated doll, or a dead animal, bird, or insect. . When casting a curse, magicians often use the semblance effect. They can pierce a photograph of a person with needles, tie a rope or mutilate a doll, torture a living creature so that the person experiences similar suffering in reality. However, what is more likely is that the jilted lover or husband will break up old photograph, but will not store it, and, in addition, we should not forget that animals often die for completely natural reasons.

Your cheap jewelry was stolen . To cast a curse, sorcerers and witches also use - for this they need objects that are emotionally or physically connected to you. If a thief broke into your house, turned everything upside down and stole only a comb, nail scissors, a pillowcase or a hat that you wear every day, but left an expensive TV and jewelry, then this really looks very suspicious.

Your ill-wisher suffers misfortunes similar to yours, or he suddenly achieves success in life, and you only lose everything . There are several magical laws according to which every magical effect, undertaken by a person, causes a similar reaction in his life. It's called karma. So, if you fall ill with an unknown and rare disease, then your enemy or his child can expect the same suffering, that is, he will experience the consequences of his bad karma.

The action of other magical systems is based on “pulling” the energy and strength of other people, which is called energetic or mental vampirism.

When I use the term " energy”, then I mean spiritual energy, not physical. Spiritual Energy, which is sometimes called Qi, is the life force that nourishes the entire Universe and all living beings. This is an inexhaustible source of magic. If you begin to lose all sources of income in your life while your enemy continues to get rich, this will correspond and indicate a magical connection. But such coincidences can occur in the physical world for completely natural reasons, and such evidence is not so convincing. However, when considering such indications, other supporting facts and evidence should be taken into account.

Family curses are not a myth. Sometimes people live with it all their lives and don’t notice anything, but it happens that even a weak curse or evil eye radically changes the life of the whole family.

There are well-known methods of how to determine damage and even return it to the enemy, however, when a person is dealing with a family curse, even fire protection does not always work. You need to understand the root of the evil that haunts your family.

How to determine the presence of a curse

As mentioned above, it is not always possible to determine a curse by observation alone. One way or another, you need to first understand if the problem is with you? Maybe your endless problems are caused by personal reasons, or you're dealing with depression and just see the negative in everything.

There are good and time-tested ways to accurately determine the damage that has been imposed on a specific person. To check on your home and family, you will need to carefully observe what is happening in your home. There are many signs of the presence of damage, but if, for example, one or two appear, this does not always mean the presence of something dark in your home.

So, here are the main signs of a curse on a family:

  • Constant quarrels. Pay attention to this fact. If you and your loved ones often lose your temper, then this is a wake-up call. Either you all have a bad character, or someone has worked on your aura. Quarrels usually occur spontaneously and for no particular reason. Think about what it looks like from the outside. If there are no compelling reasons, then most likely you have been cursed or damaged the whole family at once.
  • Diseases. Constant quarrels lead to illness, as low energy and nerves take their toll. If you continuously remain negative, it will definitely affect your health. Also, a long-lasting curse on your family or home usually gets stronger. You seem to dress warmly, take care of yourself, but you constantly catch a cold and feel unwell. Sometimes curses are expressed in serious illnesses. When the curse is lifted, the disease goes away with it. Very often it happens that it is simply impossible to make a diagnosis: in these situations it is almost 100% possible to say that there is a curse on you and your family.
  • Accidents. All of the above can lead to an accident. It’s not so rare that they turn out to be the result of some kind of curse or a strong family evil eye.
  • Money leakage. A sick, unhappy and sad family will have little money. Inventories decrease, expenses increase. Usually, if there is a curse on a family, the money goes somewhere by itself. You're left wondering what you could have spent a certain amount of money on while you lose wallets, forget money, or buy unnecessary things.
  • It usually ends either in divorce or even more negative problems. This is the purpose of family curses - to destroy the connection between people and alienate them from each other. You should not allow serious problems to arise and wait until negative energy will manifest itself in full force.

    What to do if you suspect a curse

    This could be a generational curse. Abort negative program It is possible by working on yourself and on the problems of your family. Perhaps one of your great-grandfather's or great-grandmother's enemies got angry at him and created such a strong energy curse that it is very difficult to get rid of. Or someone in the last generation did something wrong and brought upon themselves evil words that become attached to your entire blood family. Family history helps to shed light on dark energy and overcome the negative program of the family.

    But if the curse is not generic (there are no misfortunes or ominous legends in the family that are repeated from generation to generation), then someone sent it to you. To remove it, you first need to calm down and get rid of negative thoughts. The worst-case scenario would be the path of revenge. If you are filled with anger and look for a way to take revenge, you can spoil your energy even more.

    Calm down and try to find traces of what can be called lining. The lining is what is the source of the curse. This is a thing or some object that emits negativity. It could be a handful of earth, a ball of thread, or something similar. Remember if any of your friends came to your home recently or before a dark streak began in the life of the family. Inspect the threshold, the doormat, and secluded places. What you find must be burned and the ashes buried.

    Regardless of whether you found the lining or not, you can and even need to take protective measures:

To check whether there is damage or a curse on you, you need to pour water into a transparent glass and carefully break it there raw egg without damaging the yolk.

Move this glass over your head for one or two minutes. If white threads, as if a boiled egg, go from the white to the surface of the water, it means that your fears are not in vain, you have been damaged or cursed.

If you are still convinced that there is a curse on you or your family, and you do not have the opportunity to immediately turn to people who understand this issue, you can use the old folk conspiracies to remove damage, curses.

A conspiracy is a kind of spell. Every nation has a great variety of them, for almost any occasion. The mechanism of action of conspiracies is unknown, but some believe that it is similar to the principle of action of mantras. A mantra is a combination of transcendental sounds with which adherents of the Buddhist religion address the Lord, believing that this ritual frees the mind from worries. But, no matter what conspiracies actually are, practice shows that their use often has a positive effect.

Before any conspiracy, you must read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

An example of a generational curse

Several decades ago, a girl from a Tatar family fell in love with a Russian guy and was going to marry him. The girl's parents, naturally, are against it - they want to see only a purebred Tatar as a son-in-law. The girl is stubborn and still gets married without her parents' blessing. Her mother was so angry and offended that she cursed her own daughter, and at the same time her new husband.

Some time passed, the girl had children: two daughters and a favorite son. By that time, the Tatar grandmother had already resigned herself to her bitter fate and was doing her best to babysit her grandchildren. But, as one famous mystical writer said, a curse is like a born child, it cannot simply be canceled, it can only be transferred, and this, in turn, is a process that is practically uncontrollable.

However, let's return to our story. The youngest daughter turned out to be mentally disabled - the first blow. The three-year-old, plump and healthy little boy died suddenly of intestinal cancer. My father started drinking out of grief. Some more time passed, and eldest daughter After numerous failures, she got married. Her long-awaited son was born. After some time without visible reasons her husband also began to drink too much. The eldest daughter herself died under the wheels of a car, leaving her fourteen-year-old son in the care of his alcoholic father. A year later he died of intestinal cancer. The boy was left alone, apart from his sick grandmother and his drinking grandfather. The continuation of this story will most likely be as sad as its beginning.

Misfortune can happen to every person, one of these unpleasant incidents, perhaps there will be damage or the evil eye. Absolutely all people can be influenced by the forces of evil. Everything that was planned begins to go wrong, relationships do not work out either in the family or at work. Just a streak of bad luck? Or the evil eye? We need to recognize what is really going on.

How to recognize damage or the evil eye

If there are any doubts or suspicions about a possible curse, then you should immediately deal with it. There are signs inherent in a person on whom a spell has been cast.

The basis for such thoughts may be

  1. Drowsiness. When you wake up, you always want to go back to sleep. Having gotten out of bed, a person longs to lie down and lie there all day.
  2. Lethargy and chronic fatigue. Very similar to the first point, but still different.
  3. Irritability. For no particular reason, the individual becomes furious and angry. He is irritated by everything that happens around him.
  4. Loss of interest in life. There is no incentive to do your favorite things or work. Nothing motivates me at all. I don’t want to start work, I don’t want to eat/drink either.
  5. Constant colds feeling unwell. Following all the rules healthy image life, a person is still constantly sick.
  6. Constant conflicts with colleagues, in the family, with loved ones and friends. Love for them never disappears, but quarrels are inevitable. They sometimes appear out of nowhere, but they flare up as quickly as a fire in a forest.
  7. Feeling short of air.
  8. Insects, rodents and other signs of evil spirits appeared in the house.

There are many ways to find out about damage. If at least three of the above signs are present, then you should proceed to any of several rituals.

Definition of damage by a gold ring

For the simplest things you will need a few items: gold wedding ring, water. Let the ring sit in the water for about five minutes. Right hand The end of the ring must be passed along the cheek from the earlobe to the tip of the nose. If a white line remains after the ring, then there is no evil eye. If a black line remains, then a curse is present and you need to start fighting it.

Determining spoilage using a chicken egg

Fortune telling with chicken egg also very effective. It must be fresh and not cooked. The egg needs to be twisted at each temple, held from the chin to the middle of the ribs, and applied to the forehead.

Determining damage using St. John's wort

The well-known herb, St. John's wort, has magical properties, our grandmothers knew about this from childhood, they used it for fortune-telling during Christmas time. A bunch of this grass should be divided into as many equal parts as there are corners in the house, counting each room.

Place fresh grass in each room and pay attention to the degree of drying. If the greenery has dried out in the bedroom earlier than in other rooms, it means that someone has harmed the aura. The removal of this scourge should not keep you waiting.

A piece of coal can help you quickly identify damage. Take three small coals and throw them into the water; if they drown, there is an evil eye.

Why do you need to know who did the damage?

If you already know that the evil eye has cursed you, then you need to “know the enemy by sight.” This is very important. There are for all people various reasons to find out who their enemy is. Some “thirst” for revenge, others want to protect themselves from contact with the person, and others dream of finding out why the person harmed them.

You should immediately warn that taking revenge on a sorcerer is stupid and useless, since it consumes energy and can make things worse for yourself. The sorcerer can have magical protection, everything that is sent to him from you will simply return like a boomerang.

The only sure way is to simply protect the magician from yourself. It is important to sever all ties and stop any communication. Don't ask for an apology and leave without explanation.

It is important and necessary to do this, because if you hesitate, the magic will intensify and cause even more harm.

Ways to determine who cursed

There are a lot of such methods. They all differ in technique and performance characteristics. The complexity can vary from the simplest rite to the most complex ritual.

You can choose absolutely any option, but you must proceed from your skills and talents. There are many ways to open the veil of secrets.

What methods exist?

  1. Appeal to the Higher Powers. This requires a lot of energy and strength, and an unprepared person may find himself devastated at the end of the action.
  2. Meeting an offender in a dream. The simplest and least expensive methods. It is important to tune your brain to the “wave” you need and get ready to receive a flow of information.
  3. Rituals with magical attributes.
  4. Rituals coming from religion. Many different nationalities and gods, it is possible to overcome the slander with the help of these higher powers.

Ritual to see the offender in a dream

Before going to bed, take a cool shower, relax, massage the back of your head to relax the tension of your whole body. It would also be a good idea to do a little warm-up before going to bed, stretching your lower back, for example.

It is advisable to change the bed linen and night clothes in which you sleep, so that the old energy does not interfere with sleep. Before you go to sleep, don’t guess who your offender might be. It is important to fall asleep without unnecessary thoughts, completely relaxed and calm, then you will be able to see the outlines of the face or the entire face of the enemy.

It is important to say the following words before going to bed:

“I walk among people, their eyes devour me,

I understand that they don't know anything.

I see the blessed holy face in the crowd,

Points to that old man who is faceless.

It is important to open your heart and let it out

The one who sent the cold into my soul.

May I see your face. Amen".

Now you can fall asleep, in the morning, if everything is done correctly, you will remember the face of this person who wishes you harm.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

Turning to such forces can be dangerous both for health and for the spiritual world, but if there are no options left, you should proceed to just such a ritual. The result, as mentioned above, depends on your skills.

Using black magic

Appeal to higher powers using black magic is quite easy but dangerous. It is strictly prohibited for those who are completely unfamiliar with it. If you still decide to take on this method, then you should close all the windows in the house, turn off the lights and light the candles, animals should be removed from the room in which the ceremony will be held.

No strangers should be present in the house. This ritual is similar to fortune telling for the betrothed. Sitting in front of the mirror, you need to hold the second counterpart to the first. The candle should be lit between the mirrors.

Sentencing the words:

“Come and show yourself. Open my eyes to your image. Envy brought you to me, and it will drive you away.”

Repeat this phrase three times. Later, in complete silence and silence, peer into the mirror opposite. The main thing is not to make sudden movements and just watch. For an unprepared person, this can affect his mental state, so you should be careful.

Ritual on an iron nail

If it doesn’t help, then you need to go to the cemetery. The hardest thing to do there is to find an old nail; at night this is not an easy task. It is strictly forbidden to touch this iron with bare hands.

Go home, drive a nail into the door frame of your house, saying the spell:

“If you don’t come in three days, that means you’ll die in six months. Come and show yourself, I’m waiting for you here.”

Soon this person should appear on the threshold of your home. It happens that the person you suspect will call or somehow reveal himself in an unexpected way. If you suspect a certain person, you should say his name, but if he does not come, then he will not be the enemy.

Fortune telling on a candle

You will need: church candle, cut glass with water, half full. Place a candle there and light it, sprinkle it with salt and say:

“Don’t forgive me, only come for selfish purposes.”

Say three times. Let the candle burn out in a glass of water so that the fire goes out upon contact with the water.

During the week, carefully monitor your guests; the enemy will not be able to apologize for a spilled mug of tea, for example. He will only make any requests, feel uncomfortable with you, but still communicate, as he is subject to conspiracy.

Using natural wax

For this ritual you will need a tall, white, wax candle and a small container of water. room temperature. Pour wax from a candle burning at an angle into the container, whispering the cherished words:

“Wax knows the whole secret, he your name will read it."

Then start looking at the figures.


Letters - initials of the conspirator

The numbers are his approximate age

Flowers, sun, heart - your enemy is a woman

Pets (cat, dog, chickens) - your ex-lover, the person with whom you had a relationship

Wild animals (wolf, fox, elk, lion) – man

Using the energy of the offender

This method requires certain skills. An individual must distinguish between his own energy and foreign energy. To do this, you need to properly deal with your thoughts, meditate every day, and find balance with yourself. Doing yoga helps a lot.

If these skills are well mastered, then it will be very easy to identify someone else's energy and begin to weaken it.

Any witchcraft blow of a black magician, be it bad thoughts or spells, is reflected in a person’s karma. He feels this burden and heaviness. Heaviness, density, temperature, color all begin to change in your aura. Usually pain and swelling begin in the part where the “edge of the curse” hit the most.

A very strong stone, known to all magicians, is black tourmaline. Attach it to a silver chain and keep it separate from everything else. Having identified and tuned in to the energy of the black magician, ask questions that interest you.

Indicate the sides of the stone, for example, right - yes, left - no. Ask the man or woman whether you know this person, whether you have a close relationship, how long ago you saw each other, whether you will see him tomorrow. With the right questions, you can easily understand who your enemy is.

Don't try to call the curse back on the magician, just protect yourself from the person.

Christian ritual

It is only suitable for baptized and believing people. The ritual includes the following steps:

  1. The cross is worn on the neck. In a church or temple we buy seven tall candles and an image of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, if desired, one more saint.
  2. Take holy water, cross yourself and leave.
  3. At midnight, light the purchased candles in front of the images of the saints and place water in a container in front of the icons.
  4. Say the well-known prayer “Our Father”

And then the following words:

"All saints, listen,

Our Father will help me

I believe all the forces of evil will not be able to resist.

And I will stand against my enemies, against myself.

Couldn't be stronger in spirit..."

Drink three sips of holy water.

Before the candles, start saying:

“Not wanting harm to anyone and redemption, I ask one thing, your servant of God (servant of God), after the time of candles, to see the one who doomed me to loneliness. Amen".

Drink water again.

In complete silence, concentrate on the flames of the candles, wait until they go out, and go to bed. Throw away the cinders before doing this. The guest will arrive to you in the coming days.

Ritual with keys

It couldn't be simpler. Very unusual, but effective. Seven rusty keys and a pot of boiling water are all you need. They must be thrown into boiling water with the following sayings:

“Whoever wants to harm me, God’s servant (name), will have no peace. Before death, you won’t know peace until you show yourself.”

The next day, wait for the conspirator on the doorstep, as he will be completely deprived of peace and cannot help but think about you.

Identifying an enemy using an egg

An egg helps not only to find out whether there is damage to a person, but can also give an answer to an exciting question: who wishes evil, who ordered death? Ask the egg itself about this, and then break it into a container of water. Sit down and press your chin to your chest, place a glass of water on the crown of your head. After 8 minutes, carefully study the contents.

  • Nothing has changed - you are not haunted by the evil eye, no one is jealous, everything is fine.
  • The protein threads appeared - damage or the evil eye, the more threads, the stronger.
  • Strings of protein at the very bottom - the enemy is hiding, hiding from prying eyes, including yours.
  • There are air bubbles in the threads - a conspiracy for money, financial well-being.
  • A boiled yolk is a sign of loneliness or the crown of celibacy, the inability to have children.
  • Air bubbles in the yolk - addiction to alcohol will intensify, with possible serious consequences.
  • The yolk is not fully cooked - long agony, illness, bad weather in the soul.
  • Black specks indicate sudden death of one’s own or a loved one.

Ritual with oil

Essential oils will be required. Each spoilage has its own smell, temperature and color. Essential oils are also used in meditation, so if a person does it, it will be very good. You can use “Rose”, “Saffron”, “Tea Tree” and “Fir” for the ritual.

Before meditating, put on an aroma lamp, light a candle, and calm down. There should be no foreign animals in the room. You need to spend 30–40 minutes alone with yourself.

This will help you not only recognize the face of the offender, but also improve your health, cleanse your aura, and find peace in this activity. The position should be as comfortable as possible, but at the same time you need to ensure that your back is straight, your arms are relaxed, and your legs are obedient.

Close your eyes and try to relax your body from head to toe. Direct your attention to tense areas of the body. If you can't do this, it's okay, leave everything as it is. Inhale the aromas of oils deeply.

Attune your attention to the mantra OM. You can also choose any other mantra that you like best. And when you notice that you have started to think about something else, just calmly return your attention to the starting point.

Beware of attempts to reflect emotions (sensations), desires that arise in the soul. Accept these things without getting involved in them.

Now concentrate, listen to your body, your mind, someone else’s energy will show you its owner, reveal this secret to you, the main thing is to do everything correctly and not burden yourself with unnecessary thoughts. Don't try to compare your "suspects" in your head, nothing good will come of it.

Ritual with needles and candles

Candles (2 pieces) should be purchased only in the church and nowhere else. Light one with a match, break the second into two parts. Melt the broken piece in a small container over a burning candle. Pour the melted wax into a bowl with a watery liquid. The second candle should burn out quietly. The resulting image may resemble the image of a sorcerer who has caused damage.

Three needles will help now. Thread your hair into them. Stick them into the resulting image and say the spell:

“The tip is in the water, and I’m in trouble. Come and show yourself, spellcaster. The needles hurt, but you remember me.”

We should wait for news. The used container is placed at the doorstep all night, in the morning the water is placed at the window, and so on until the guest arrives or calls.

Using coal

This method is practiced in Eastern Europe and is very powerful and simple. All you need is water and coal or a burnt candle, but preferably the first, of course. State your name, which was given to you at baptism.

This is very important, since often the names do not match, for example, Oksana, and at baptism Ksenia. Dip the coal into the water. If he drowned, this is a bad omen. But you shouldn’t be afraid; damage has been caused that does not lead to death. It is also possible that it could be directed at a child or husband.

The very last piece of advice is to turn to a witch or fortune teller. Having spread out the cards and looked at the photograph, it will give answers to all the questions that worry you. Main - . She will also help remove damage and determine its type, danger to life and family, and provide the assistance necessary for any person.
