Money trees for prosperity. Money trees in the house according to Feng Shui

According to ancient teaching, the presence of plants in the house has a beneficial effect on the entire atmosphere. This is not just a decorative element, it is an invisible protection that prevents the spread of negative energy.

What properties does wood have according to Feng Shui?

By placing a living symbol of good luck in a living room, you can achieve different effects, depending on the type of plant.

In Feng Shui traditions, the orange tree is considered a symbol of gold. It can stimulate cash flows, providing wealth and stability to the home in which it grows. It is advisable to plant an orange in the garden, on the southeast side.

According to Feng Shui, tangerine trees are an unchanging symbol of happiness. A bush given as a gift has special power. Of course, you can be happy in poverty, but the mandarin, at the same time as happiness, attracts prosperity to your home. The tangerine plant is placed on the eastern side, since in this case not only the financial situation will improve, but also the health of family members.

Sakura is a traditional plant for followers of ancient eastern teachings. Its task is renewal, providing youth, love and beauty. Sakura placed in the southwestern sector of the garden will ensure marriage harmony.

Myrtle is a symbol of prosperity family life. According to Feng Shui, the myrtle tree blesses a couple who have recently entered into a legal marriage. This is a great gift for the bride, as the myrtle tree prevents conflicts and makes life unusually calm, while strengthening the relationship between lovers.

According to Feng Shui, the peach tree symbolizes eternal life. Most often, peach is planted in an area with excellent natural light. In this case, you don’t have to worry about your own health, since longevity is considered assured. The wood of the plant is capable of driving away evil spirits from the house. A peach tree planted in the central part of a living space attracts prosperity.

Of course, in a city apartment it is difficult to ensure the correct growth of the bush so as not to scare away luck. Therefore, they became very popular artificial compositions as decorative element and a way to get to know fortune better.

How to create a dollar tree using feng shui

Artificial decorative figurines with an abundance of coins on the branches really attract good luck.

But only if all conditions are met:

  • it is necessary to provide constant care by wiping the decorative composition from dust;
  • The surrounding area must also be clean;
  • you should communicate daily with the symbol of good luck, entrusting your hopes to him and thanking him for the mercy shown;
  • set the composition in the south-eastern sector, in the so-called “wealth zone”.

Today you can purchase a similar item in almost any souvenir shop. However greater efficiency created is different with my own hands an artificial plant in which a piece of the soul was invested.

It’s easy to make a money tree using Feng Shui:

  • The branches of the future talisman are made of thick twisted wire. To make the composition look presentable, it is recommended to wrap each “branch” with brown or green floral tape;
  • The branches are twisted into a trunk, which is plastered and painted with acrylic compounds;
  • A neat pot is filled with plaster or alabaster, into which the trunk of an improvised plant is placed;
  • When the filler has hardened, you can begin the most important part - decorating the branches with coins;
  • The money tree is traditionally decorated with Chinese coins, in the center of which there is a square hole. The more coins are used in the composition, the faster luck will turn to its owner;
  • If it is not possible to purchase Chinese coins, you can use any coins by drilling holes in their central part yourself;
  • Additional energy can be given to the figurine if you place a dragon figurine nearby or on the eve of a new lunar year hang red lanterns on branches.

The Feng Shui lucky tree is ready and you can enjoy the fruits of your own handicraft. However, some people believe that such a craft is a dummy and only living things can attract good luck. dollar tree.

What plants can attract good luck?

It is not necessary to plant an orange tree or tangerine to attract wealth and good luck. Most often, the common crassula, otherwise known as crassula, is used as a money plant, which must be planted with your own hands.

By the way, it is advisable to use a stolen sprout for planting. It is believed that in this case, a person, along with part of the krasula, takes away a piece of good luck from the house of his acquaintances.

Of course, this is a bit of a cruel rule, but you need your own well-being and rarely can anyone resist the temptation. However, it is not only theft that ensures the effectiveness of the money plant.

It should be planted according to all the rules of Feng Shui:

  • The pot is filled with drainage and a few coins are placed on top of it. The coins are covered with earth;
  • A pre-slightly dried crassula sprout is planted in the ground;
  • When the sprout takes root, a small ritual is performed by tying a red ribbon to the tree.

Every day you should talk to the symbol of attracting good luck, ventilate the room. Water needs to be provided room temperature when the soil in the pot dries out. If there is water in the pan, it is not advisable to water it. By the way, the talisman not only attracts money, but also predicts how financial affairs will go in the near future.

If happiness has not turned away from home, the fat woman quickly gains height and grows rapidly. If a streak of failures is expected ahead, the growth of the fat woman stops. On the eve of a major purchase, crassula may shed its leaves. In this case, you should support the talisman by providing proper care.

The dollar tree, a guarantor of happiness and financial stability, is slightly different from the fat tree. Zamioculcas has oblong, fleshy leaves. Crassula is capable of attracting financial success, Zamioculcas provides foreign exchange flow.

In addition, Zamioculcas is considered a symbol female happiness, since during the flowering period it produces a sprout that is very reminiscent of a phallus in outline. Also, unlike Krasula, the Zamioculcas sprout must be given as a gift. Only in this case does cultivation make sense.

The main effect of the dollar talisman appears during the flowering period. It was at this time that a stream of dollars literally poured onto the owner of the Zamioculcas. The problem is that not even all flower growers succeed in achieving flowering. Zamioculcas does not tolerate bright sunlight, so it should be placed in the shade.

If a person truly has “golden hands” and finds a common language with the plant, you can achieve the effectiveness of the dollar symbol by placing several coins of foreign origin under the pot.

You can also tie dollar bills, rolled into tubes or pound sticks, to the plant itself. It is important that the pyramid depicted on the dollar must be directed upward.

Money trees for well-being

Money trees - Crassula, geranium, wheat and dollar tree, prosperity bamboo, linden tree, money decor

A talisman for increasing prosperity can be a plant in a pot, a sheaf of wheat, twigs, or a drawing!
Surely everyone knows that wealth is attracted by such indoor plants as crassula and geranium (pelargonium), especially if coins are buried in the ground in which they grow.

Crassula for wealth

On the full moon, before planting the plant, sprinkle the pot with holy water. Take in right hand lit church candle and swipe over the pot 3 times with the words:
“Mother Earth, accept my tree, give it juice, give it your strength, reveal your riches to it! Father sun, warm my tree with your rays, give it warmth, light and life, so that its leaves fill up and bring prosperity to the house! Water-water, wash my tree with your streams, give it dew, give it gold and silver drops, let silver and gold remain in my house! Brother wind, fan my tree with your living breath, drive away misfortunes and illnesses from it, bring wealth and prosperity into my home! And let my wealth increase with every new leaf, with every new twig! So be it. Amen!"

Pour some soil, put three 50-kopeck coins and plant a sprout. Water it with the words: “Little fat sister, grow up, be a man, give me your monetary power: for trade, for income, for a tight bag, for full bins! Just as your foliage is growing every day, my money is not transferred!”
If you purchased a fat plant growing in a pot, you will not need the first spell, but repeat the second every time you water the plant. It would be nice to place the pot on a red napkin, under which there should be three bills.

Money geranium

While watering the geranium, repeat the following words many times: “Grow, flower, grow, curl. Come, money, accumulate, multiply.” Or say three times: “You grow, and I bloom in wealth.” This is my will. So be it!”

wheat tree

To grow an original wheat tree that attracts the energy of wealth, you will need:
six grains of wheat, preferably durum varieties (such varieties germinate best);
new ceramic flower pot light color volume liter or more;
land from a wheat field, from a vegetable garden or from a large and well-groomed flower bed, on which white flowers grow (avoid taking soil from flower beds with red, burgundy and purple flowers);
coins yellow- 30 pieces (plus another 3-7 coins, which will be needed for decoration later);
water that has been standing for 24 hours (the ideal option is considered rainwater mixed with morning dew: add a few drops of dew to a glass of water - and you will get miraculous moisture; however, regular water will do just fine).

Plant each seed separately with your left hand. Planting depth is two to three centimeters. All grains should be located close to each other, almost in the same place, so that when they emerge, they merge into one massive trunk. Water the soil immediately after sowing. IN further watering should be done once every three days. While growing wheat, talk to it - this important rule. Fill your magic tree with the energy of your desires. Love it so that it feels your care and warmth.
Place the pot on a windowsill on the sunny side (can be in the living room, kitchen or bedroom). The plant must be given the opportunity to bathe in sunlight. Protect the tree from prying eyes and under no circumstances allow strangers to touch it.

When the sprouts reach a length of approximately 10-15 centimeters, place six yellow coins at the bottom of the vessel where the irrigation water settles. Let the coins remain there until the entire growing process is completed. This water is an excellent fertilizer for a growing money tree.
When the wheat gains strength and ripens, very carefully remove it from the pot along with the rhizome. Tie the stems together with yellow (golden) thread or decorative thin rope and place in a vase without water. First place a few yellow coins at the bottom of the vase (the amount must be even). The first six grains that fall from the ears of wheat can be used to grow the next money tree.

dollar tree

Powerful magical power The so-called dollar tree is used for enrichment, attracting good luck in the financial sphere and activating monetary energy. His scientific name- zamioculcas. It's unpretentious exotic plant sold in almost all flower shops. Unlike the wheat tree described above, it attracts only dollars to its owner. By the way, they say: the faster the tree grows, the sooner things will get better. By the way, it can reach a height of a whole meter!

It is better to choose a pot for zamioculcas that is wide and not too high, the soil is moisture-absorbing and breathable. It is not at all necessary to place the dollar tree in the southeast of the house (that is, in the Wealth sector). It will show its power in any part of the room. The plant does not like bright light, so it needs to be placed at some distance from the window, but in no case on the windowsill.
To activate the tree and charge it to work, you need to attach one dollar to the flowerpot, and it doesn’t really matter whether it is unfolded or rolled up into a tube (bow). But it is important that the pyramid depicted on the bill is visible. It is desirable that its tip is directed upward.

One cent should be placed under the pot or hidden in the ground. Such a coin will feed the flowerpot with energy, which it will give through its leaves to you and your home. This, in turn, will affect the enrichment of all residents of the house.
You need to water Zamioculcas not with plain water, but with money. It’s quite simple to prepare: put a few cents in plain water for 15-20 minutes. Water the plant immediately afterwards.

Bamboo prosperity

An excellent money tree is obtained from the “lucky bamboo” (Dracaena sanderiana). This plant attracts good luck in all areas of life, including material ones. Strengthens the movement of positive energy, harmonizes space. Place five zigzag stems in a tall vase and they will increase your financial flow many times over.

And if you attach Chinese coins on red strings or bells to the stems, there will be even more money. In addition, to enhance magical properties, the stems are tied with golden yellow ribbons. The main thing is to avoid direct contact with the dracaena. sun rays, otherwise it will quickly turn yellow and wither. Useful advice: change the water in the vase more often - every other day, or even every day.

linden tree
On the young moon, go to the linden tree and ask it for permission to take three branches to improve your well-being. If the wind does not rise and the leaves do not rustle, this means the tree agrees to help you. Otherwise, find another linden tree.

Pluck the branches, thank the linden tree for its help and leave some sweets (candy, cookies) on the ground as a gift. Bring the branches home and place them in water. Meditate on the linden tree in the first half of the day (before noon), whisper or mentally talk about your desire to get rich. After 10 days, the branches can be dried, stored for a year, then burned.

Money decor

In principle, you can make a money tree from almost any plant with green leaves growing in your home. There are a great many ways, the main thing is the right attitude and the belief that everything will work out for you. For example, on a waxing moon, roll three real or printed banknotes into a tube and simply stick them into the ground with the plant. Another option is to cover the pot with banknotes or with their imitation. Third - throw a few coins on the ground in the pot.

If you are not an amateur indoor plants, take a photograph or image of a tree and stick or attach coins in any other way (for example, using plasticine) on its branches. Hang this picture in the far left front door corner of the room.

Each tree has its own abilities and energy. This energy can be used for your own benefit, but this must be done in accordance with certain rules.

Poplar. A mighty tree with very strong and heavy energy. If you need support to understand yourself, stay close to the poplar. He opens people's eyes so that they can look at themselves, know their fears and unlearn being afraid. If you have a phobia, then poplar can cure that too.

Apple. This is the tree of luck. It is universal in application, so if you feel that your confidence has evaporated somewhere, look for it next to the apple tree. This plant also provides a lot of energy. An apple eaten at breakfast invigorates better than coffee.

Oak. The tree of philosophers, it is the patron of elderly and experienced people. If you have experienced something bad or something that has left a scar on your soul, come to the oak tree to heal those wounds. He will take your sadness for himself.

Each tree is unique, so bioenergy experts advise not to confuse their properties. Use nature's gifts wisely and respectfully, taking her energy carefully.

We also recommend using house plants to maintain the body in good energy condition. Previously, we wrote about how to attract good luck, love and happiness according to Feng Shui using indoor flowers. Choose your pet friend wisely. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2016 03:58

The famous clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva shared her knowledge in the field of Feng Shui. Her recommendations will help you choose the perfect...

A widespread type of feng shui money tree is a symbol stylized as a tree. A small tree is mounted on a kind of pedestal. The branches of such a plant are made of wire, and the leaves are Chinese coins with holes made in the center. You can purchase such a talisman at any souvenir store or create it yourself.

There is an opinion that a Feng Shui money tree made by yourself will certainly bring good luck to its owner, because he has endowed the created talisman with his energy and thoughts about future prosperity. To make such a tree, you need to arm yourself with wire, coins (preferably Chinese coins with a square hole), red ribbons and beads to decorate the plant. The tree must contain at least one hundred coins. It can be assembled from ten branches, with ten coins attached to each of them. Only in this case will the talisman symbolize wealth and prosperity. You can create a money tree according to Feng Shui of any size - as much as the available materials and wealth of imagination allow you.

The location of the money tree plays a huge role. The best option is the southeastern sector, symbolizing material well-being. Your care for your talisman is extremely important. Despite the fact that the Feng Shui money tree is symbolic, it requires careful care like a real living plant. It is worth showing your attention to it through frequent wet cleaning, providing it with good lighting, placing an image of water next to it - a symbol of “irrigation” of the soil and improving the “growth” of the money tree.

Money tree in nature - Crassula arborescens

Since time immemorial, people have nicknamed the money tree. The reason for this was the small fleshy leaves of the plant, reminiscent of coins. Being a fan of the home greenhouse, you can choose the Crassula as your money talisman. This is an unpretentious light-loving plant. Such properties are quite consistent with the wealth sector in the home, which, following the science of Feng Shui, needs good lighting.

If you decide to keep it in your home as a symbol material well-being Crassula, you should buy it in a store or, what is even more effective, cut off the shoot while visiting someone. There is an opinion that a gifted money tree will turn away luck from both the donor and its new owner. Breeding and growing Crassula will not create problems for you - the plant is short terms takes root and does not require special preparation before planting in a pot. Choose a pot for it that is not too large in diameter. It is more appropriate to subsequently replant the grown plant. Its owners traditionally drop a few small coins into the pot. Thus, the fat woman once again justifies the name given to it as a money tree. Since it has very dense branches, it is necessary to change its position in relation to the light from time to time. This contributes to the uniform development of the money tree. If you want to give the fat plant a beautiful shape, attach its branches to a wooden peg, which will help align the shoots and give them the right direction. So that your fat woman becomes a true symbol of good luck and prosperity, a real money talisman for the whole family, decorate its branches with coins and red ribbons.

Where to place a money tree according to Feng Shui

The correct location of the money tree in the house according to Feng Shui is a guarantee of its effectiveness. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the wealth sector, responsible for the well-being in the house, is the southeast side. This is where it makes sense to place a money tree. Use a compass to determine the southeast direction in your apartment. Take the entrance to the room as your starting point. You can use the traditional compass determination of cardinal directions. Use the method that seems more comfortable to you. Keep in mind that when defining zones in an apartment or on a site, you should adhere to one method.

Rules for registering a wealth zone

Having determined the well-being zone in your home, you can start decorating it. Remove old unnecessary things from there. It is advisable to get rid of them in general, and especially in this sector, because they do harm by impeding free movement energy flow. Install a live or artificially created money tree in this sector. Since like attracts like, it makes sense to place a few bills under the pot or pedestal with the money tree. Tie the plant itself with red ribbons, and place a red napkin under the pot with it. To enhance the positive effect, embroider a Feng Shui symbol of wealth on a napkin. Feng Shui masters recommend decorating the interior of the selected area in shades of blue, light blue or green. Be sure to take care of your money tree, be it living plant or symbolic. The latter also needs good lighting, so you need to take the time to wipe it free of dust.

The fact that trees can have a beneficial effect on our body and mood has been known since ancient times. There is even a direction dendrotherapy— treatment using trees of various species. The ancient Egyptians had wooden amulets that were worn around the neck and protected their owners from misfortune. According to Indian yogis, trees seem to absorb prana coming from the Cosmos, and then feed a person with it. Different breeds trees have different energetic properties: nourishes with energy, relieves inflammation, promotes mutual feelings, protects. It is not for nothing that at all times people gained strength from oak, spruce gave off “bad” energy, and drew “good” energy from pine. The impact of wood bioenergy can be quite strong. Even a small piece of wood of one type or another has a beneficial effect on the human body and improves its well-being.
The Celtic priests, the Druids, attached particular importance to the mysticism of the tree. It was believed that each person corresponds to a certain type of tree. If such a correspondence is correctly established, it is possible to correct a person’s fate and effectively carry out his healing. Exists Druid horoscope, where trees correspond to calendar periods:

In addition, there is a correspondence between the energy of trees and planets solar system, and accordingly the signs of the zodiac:

Here are the magical bioenergetic properties some trees and shrubs:

Apricot is a tree - a donor with feeding energy. Protects against infidelity and unnecessary stress in love relationships.

Acacia- a donor tree with powerful feeding energy. Acacia is a tree that gives birth to life. It is she who is asked to give birth to a child.

Bamboo controls outbursts of aggression in a person, influences the meaningfulness of actions, the sequence of actions and events in people’s lives.

Birch-female tree. Symbol of fertility. Helps improve vision, normalizes water balance and has a beneficial effect on the lymphatic system, activates kidney function. Constant communication with her relieves anxiety, fears and nightmares. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes negative consequences everyday stress, helps restore mental harmony. Birch is considered a sunny, pure tree that brings happiness, light, and joy to any home.

Hawthorn has a powerful protective effect. Relieves anxiety, improves appetite and blood circulation. Hawthorn is considered a symbol of hope and marriage. Hawthorn is especially useful in protective and love magic.

Elder. Our ancestors believed that the elderberry contains a large magical power, and of a different nature. She has active protective properties. Elderberry has a calming effect.

Beech-symbol of knowledge. Helps broaden your horizons by learning from others. Will help you be more tolerant of others, allowing them to live their own lives. Increases resistance to stress and the ability to concentrate, and also improves blood circulation.

Cherry is a talisman of magical meetings, contacts, and romantic adventures.

Elm- a tree for active people, but who rely too much on their own strength. Elm teaches its owner to find like-minded people who will be happy to help him in all his endeavors and lead him to victory. Protects against rash actions that may be tempted by envious people and ill-wishers.

Hornbeam has the ability to dispel illusions. This tree is perfect for people who are very exhausted at work or at home. Hornbeam promotes a real look at the world around us and your abilities. The hornbeam will help you coordinate your actions and understand the illusory nature of some plans about the future. Gives strength in everyday life, helps to part with ridiculous ideas, prejudices and fantasies. Hornbeam has a beneficial effect on dreamers and romantics who lack the strength and desire to act.

Pear- a talisman of luck, the favor of fortune, providing many pleasant and useful opportunities. It adds charm to the owner, the ability to please even those who do not tolerate him very well.

Oak- a sign of hardness, power, masculine strength. It is an anti-stress agent, which, in addition, activates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and shortens the recovery period from illness. Oak stands out among other plants as generators of positive energy. Oak - treats the liver, genitourinary system, helps eliminate congestion in many organs. Relieves toothache. Communication with him is more indicated for men than for women.

Spruce- like the oak, a sacred tree, it is also a symbol of longevity and health. Its effect is indicated for swelling and pain syndromes, nervous disorders and depression.

Jasmine- a talisman against sudden, unexpected bad meetings, incidents and acquaintances. A guide in love affairs, bringing success to the opposite sex.

Willow. This tree has enormous magical powers. This is more of a female tree. Slavic girls used willow as a love spell. This is a symbol of weakness, tenderness, girlish grace, tranquility, the need for constancy and connection. Relieves melancholy and sadness.

Figs- a talisman against wrong decisions and incorrect, unreliable information. Teaches attentiveness, analysis, the ability to compare facts, and draw the right conclusions. It protects against rash statements and forces you to pay attention to the form of your manifestation.

Elm- returns the meaning of life and restores strength. There are moments when the goal of our life loses all its charm, reality seems meaningless, and the dream seems unattainable. Elm will help cope with this problem. It has the ability to restore strength and confidence. Elm will ease the oncoming depression.

Chestnut treats rheumatic diseases and insomnia, relieves nervous tension and, according to ancient wisdom, even drives away fears. Normalizes cardiovascular activity, has the ability to strengthen the body’s overall immunity and nervous system.

Cedar has a beneficial effect on any person and, in particular, on people susceptible to nervous disorders, stress and insomnia, as well as people suffering from disorders of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system. Cedar lives for five hundred and fifty years, accumulating the light energy of the Cosmos and at the right moment gives it to a person.

Cypress– a predominantly male tree, affects the sexual power of men, sexual activity and not only enhances potency in healthy men, but heals the weak. Cypress does not perceive the female body, but through a man it brings harmony and novelty to family relationships.

Maple protects against harshness, relieves stress, helps to find common ground with other people. Gives strength, peace, balance, liberates from boiling passions. Protects the owner from unfair attacks and unnecessary claims from others. In addition, it can very actively correct the owner’s bad character, if, of course, he believes that he has one.

Buckthorn symbolizes humility, purity and innocence. Protects against negative energy. In magic it is used to remove spells and conspiracies.

Hazel (hazel) warns against rash actions and deeds, teaches insight and subtlety of perception. Helps get rid of excess authoritarianism. Promotes rapid recovery of strength.

Linden relieves stress, prevents unnecessary energy expenditure and protects against uninvited intrusions. In addition, it will help with inflammation of the pelvic organs and stomach disorders.

Larch. It is called a calming tree, or more precisely, a tree of enlightenment of the mind. If fears, doubts, and causeless anxiety stubbornly haunt you, contact with larch will bring relief, which will help you understand the true nature of human actions, especially those close to you. It fills a person with optimism. Eliminates melancholy and depression. Larch is a good anti-inflammatory tree. Recommended for people with respiratory diseases: such as bronchitis, asthma, etc. Helps with women's diseases.

Olive is a talisman against stress, overexertion, wrong actions, as well as the inability to quickly and clearly accept the right solution. Helps you achieve harmony with yourself and satisfaction with your own destiny.

Juniper has strong cleansing potential. But its power is mainly directed not at people, but at the objects around us. It can cleanse an unfavorable aura in an apartment; it has a great effect on “evil” things, even jewelry. For a person, juniper can also be a great help in removing the evil eye or damage, and helps to get rid of the effects of a love spell.

Alder. It helps especially well as a talisman for women, making them graceful and charming. It strengthens family ties, unites all family members, and tends to unite people into a clan. This is a tree for women who are guardians of the hearth, a tree “ big house" Alder will help you “tie” your husband to your home.

Nut- tree of victory over external circumstances. Helps to quickly restore strength. Provides many loyal companions. Makes a person resilient in the most unexpected situations.

Aspen– a tree that absorbs negative energy. It has the ability to relieve various pains (headache, dental pain, radiculitis, osteochondrosis) and cure various tumors. Will clear your aura of harmful influences. Communication with aspen helps with nervous conditions, obsessive thoughts, and causeless fear. But don't be too zealous about using it. healing properties. Aspen also has powerful vampiric abilities, sucking energy during long contacts.

Fir eliminates depressed mood, helps to calmly survive the “dark streak” of life, increases endurance and vitality. It has a healing effect on the respiratory system, increases immunity, enhances visual acuity, and increases blood pressure during hypotension.

Rowan protects from the evil eye and damage, evil will. It is believed that rowan sharpens perception and develops the gift of foresight. Effectively cleanses the body of waste and toxins. For people who are easily excitable and nervous, it can be a soft source of energy. Contact with rowan can awaken the sexuality dormant in a woman. For mountain ash, the favorite female age is about 40 years. She gives such women a particularly warm autumn in love, full of strength.

Boxwood- an unusual tree. Strict and strong, wise and impetuous at the same time. Boxwood is used to make protective amulets against evil forces. It protects sleep and protects against energy vampirism.

Plum- This is an excellent talisman against accidents and against attacks on property. Teaches its owner not to get hung up on situations that disturb his vanity and not to be aggressive towards those who wish them well, but for this he chooses an emotional form of influence, forcing him to react with both reason and emotions.

Pine calms, relieves mental stress. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and respiratory organs, normalizes blood composition, and gives vigor. A great helper for those who want to lose weight overweight. Pine can cleanse a person’s aura from outside influences and partially remove damage. In the old days, it was believed that the smell of pine helped to get rid of feelings of guilt.

Rose hip responsible for the emotional side of love. Brings tenderness, spiritual passion, unity of souls into relationships. If you often fail, he will help you.

Apple-tree feminine power, female sexuality, awakens the sensual side of nature in a woman. She is more willing to share her powers with young girls. Under the influence of the energy of the apple tree, a girl can imagine the image of an ideal man suitable for her, and in a dream see her betrothed. The influence of the apple tree is very necessary for young, inexperienced and insecure girls. The apple tree is a tree with powerful nourishing energy.

Ash helps to achieve crystal clarity of consciousness and accept right decision in a difficult situation. Ash personifies the connection between what is above and what is below, that is, the connection between the world of gods and the world of people or the spiritual world and the material world. It helps to understand our purpose, sometimes its energy awakens the ability to clairvoyance, allows us to know the future, but it helps only those who are sincere in their desire for knowledge. Ash - will help you find inspiration.
