How to determine a person's character by the color of his clothes. Your favorite color to wear is brown

According to stylist David Zile, who is also the author of The Color of Your Style, even if you have a lot of clothes in your closet different colors, there is always one that a person prefers because he feels comfortable and confident in it. This color is a reflection of a person’s character. But how does the color you prefer describe your personality?

1. Black

Fashion and style expert Karen Haller says many people take black seriously. The same is confirmed by research in psychology. For others, black color is an indicator of strength, prestige, seriousness and intelligence. This is why many European universities issue black robes to their graduates.

Black clothes are chosen by ambitious, purposeful, but at the same time sensitive people. In addition, they are very emotional, although they often hide it. For such people, the personal qualities of a person are more important than his appearance, and with the help of black clothes they try to divert the attention of others from their own appearance to the individual.

2. Brown

It is the color of the earth, so it is associated with reliability, strength and stability. But how are people who prefer clothes of brown and its shades perceived by others?

It turns out that these people are a little conservative, respect their elders and always give preference to peace, stability and strength. A brown dress on a girl or a suit on a man gives the impression that this is a reliable and intelligent person.

3. Blue

Psychologist and journalist Lisa Johnson Mundell writes: “Blue is the best color to wear for an interview, as it conveys confidence and reliability. That is why blue is chosen for work uniforms and business suits.”

Researchers at the University of British Columbia were trying to figure out how color affects people. It has been found that the darker the shade of blue, the more calming it is. People associate the color blue with intelligence, trust, calmness and efficiency.

Blue shades in clothes are often preferred by kind, nice, polite and even shy people. Psychologists say that a person who chooses blue clothes can achieve success both in raising children and at work. The most common qualities of such people are calmness and poise.

4. Green

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam say that green gives good mood both to the person himself and to his environment. Many people associate green with nature and therefore evoke a feeling of satisfaction and peace.

By paying attention to what color a man prefers, you can understand his character and decide whether it is worth developing a relationship.

One nuance - you need to pay attention to the things that he uses for himself and his convenience. If he always wears gray or blue jackets to work because that’s the dress code, look at his favorite sweater at home or his favorite cup, pen, tie, watch, car, finally. You can also check yourself(?!), because not all “colors” go well together...

This color has become synonymous with beauty since ancient times. The main heraldic color, on banners it symbolizes rebellion, revolution and independence. Red has always been credited with the ability to protect against black magic and witchcraft. Color vital energy, activity and passion are usually loved by brave, strong-willed and inquisitive people who live full and eventful lives. Red color in clothes is a kind of indicator of “energy consumption”. By the way, many psychologists note that a woman in red is easy to seduce.

The color of infantility is usually popular with romantic and gentle people who lack tenderness. Pink lovers are often overly emotional and selfish.

Most bright color, closest to white, has always been a sign of noble persons and upper classes. On the other hand, yellow is a symbol of illness and death. In Europe, a yellow flag meant quarantine, and a yellow cross meant plague. It’s not entirely clear why, but yellow is considered the color of jealousy and betrayal. Yellow symbolizes intelligence and intuition and is preferred by people with high self-esteem. This color is the hope and expectation of greater happiness in all its countless forms, from sex to philosophical or religious views.

The color of the foliage has become a symbol of youth and hope. It is chosen by people who are persistent, sometimes even stubborn, neat, and somewhat secretive. At times they can be overly critical and overwhelming with their authority, but, nevertheless, such people are able to help others to the detriment of themselves. Green is concentrated tension, potential energy.

The color of the sky and water in many cultures symbolizes eternity, fidelity, and deep feelings. In Christian symbolism it has always meant some incomprehensible divine truth. Blue in clothing speaks of the ability to empathize. This is the color of unity with the world and others, which is perhaps why this season’s fashion chose it, which adopted the phrase “towards nature” as its motto. At the same time, people who are somewhat reserved and shy, prone to reflection, love him. "Lust for blue" usually means a need for trust and companionship.

The color of wish fulfillment, which is especially liked by emotional people. Lovers of purple have a special aesthetic sense and often create an atmosphere of harmony and agreement around themselves. This color in most cases means a subconscious desire to please and escape from reality into the world of dreams.

Emotionally connected with the creation of comfort, home, company of friends, family, security. People like brown when they are in a state of conflict or discomfort. Often it is chosen by those who are deprived home comfort, feeling of safety. How stronger man feels illness or psychological stress, the more important this color becomes for him. Brown lovers are conservative and strive for a quiet life; most of all they value home, family and friends.

Traditionally symbolizes purity, innocence and virtue. However, it can also have the meaning of emptiness, incorporeality and death. White is usually associated with radiant coolness. People who constantly dress in white can be a little stiff and boring, but strive for lightness and liberation. Sometimes a white suit indicates its owner’s desire for renewal and reveals a desire to “start a new life.”

The color of grief and mourning, a symbol of the unknown and beyond in modern culture, has become the color of sophistication and elegance. Black lovers are prone to a negative perception of reality and nonconformism. Their usually increased need for independence manifests itself in resistance to other people's influence. The choice of black in clothes indicates that a person lacks something important to him. With this color, people seem to fence themselves off, protect themselves from the outside world.

The color of neutrality, facelessness. Neither dark nor light, it is absolutely devoid of any stimulating or psychological tendencies. Its lovers are secretive, prudent, cautious, preferring to remain in the shadows and keep the situation under control.

It’s no longer a secret to anyone that the color a person chooses can say something about his character or mood at the moment. at this stage life.
Also, with the help of colors in clothes, you can “send signals” to others in a certain way, cause fire on yourself, attract attention, or, conversely, close yourself off from negative energy and become more invisible. Do you believe the conclusions of psychologists, do you agree with psychological characteristics, given by them to lovers of one color or another, in in this case- you? Let's check how well the color of the clothes and character match!
Red. The color of love, passion, victory, vitality, activity. Psychologists consider this color to be more masculine than feminine. So women who choose red are endowed with “masculine” qualities: determination, will, hot temper, sociability, energy, charisma. Although why are these qualities specifically masculine? Not clear.
Red is passionate, who doesn’t know that? Therefore, it is believed that a woman who wears a fiery red dress to a party dreams of only one thing - to be seduced as soon as possible. Perhaps so. Especially if a lady wears things in completely different colors throughout her life. If she prefers red for any occasion, this is simply a reflection of her nature, bright, slightly self-centered, and carried away.
Brown. In essence, it’s a boring color, but what shades! Cappuccino, shortbread, camel hair, dark wood, milk chocolate! Warm, cozy, soft variations on the theme of brown are preferred by women who are calm or striving for peace, who are guardians of the family hearth or who only dream about this hearth. They are slightly conservative, respectful of elders, and seek peace and stability in everything that surrounds them. It is not surprising that love for traditions and certain rules sometimes develops into teachings from family and friends.
Black. Psychologists have differing opinions about this color. Some attribute to black lovers a tendency towards a negative perception of reality, gloominess, self-doubt, a desire to isolate themselves from the whole world, and a tendency to depression. Other psychologists are less categorical and call those who prefer the color black stubborn and uncompromising people of hidden passions who do not want to let any outsiders into their inner world.
On the one hand, indeed, most of us adolescence passed a period of “mourning” in clothing. We were insecure, angry, uptight and aggressive, hoping in our hearts that someone would someday appreciate us and understand how white and fluffy we really are.
On the other hand, what about Kristina Orbakaite, whose entire wardrobe is filled with clothes in her favorite black color? But what about Christina’s mother, whom we can no longer imagine otherwise than in a black robe? Perhaps the public life of many stars makes them prefer black to all others, and the color of their clothes and character have nothing to do with it. After all, black will not let negative energy through and will hide your own true feelings.

Grey.“Gray mice” on the outside often turn out to be boiling volcanoes on the inside. For those around them, they created one image - calm, reasonable, strict, and only alone with themselves or those closest to them can they reveal a completely different one - painfully proud and even extravagant. Such women are reasonable, distrustful and indecisive, but if they are carried away by some business or person, then passionately and for life.
Sometimes even opponents of gray in one situation or another prefer clothes in “mouse” tones. For example, to better adapt to a new environment, to feel protected and not attract much attention. As did my friend Katya, who, having got a job, felt uncomfortable in the new team. Colleagues either pretended not to notice her, or laughed and looked skeptically. So at first Katya was haunted by an irresistible desire to give up everything, quit, leave. It's hard to feel confident when you're treated like you're undeservingly taking someone else's place. But the situation changed somewhat when Katya showed up at work in a new suit. The fitted jacket and straight-leg trousers in gray with a thin check fit perfectly. Thin brown stripes ran along the sleeves. The suit and Katya in it looked elegant, stylish, respectable, but at the same time not defiant. And something clicked, something changed, either in Katya herself, or in the people around her. “The suit protects me! - she has maintained since then. - I know that I always look cool and businesslike in it, but I’m not an eyesore to anyone. So my new work colleagues seemed to understand that I wasn't simple thing. I will try to prove this not only with my appearance, but also with my further work.”
White. Of course, lovers of white are, first and foremost, neat ladies. But, unfortunately, nothing more can be said about them. This color can be preferred by a person with any character. White doesn't repel anyone. True, it has been noticed that pessimists and skeptics avoid this color. And also, having decided to start life “from scratch,” we often buy ourselves something white, which symbolizes this very clean sheet.
Orange color is chosen by optimistic, energetic, cheerful people who strive for change. Fun parties (for example? look at orange juice advertisements!), communication, flirting, jealousy, showdown, more fun, and so on in a circle. “Orange” girls are friendly, but unreliable and flighty. Although at the same time they are ambitious and calculating. Most likely, they will not have problems with marriage, but it is not a fact that the marriage will not crack due to their own infidelity.
If there is a clear excess of orange in clothes, this is a sign of vanity and a desire to put all of oneself on display. Why exhibit it when cars are already driving around for a kilometer, and sleeper workers in branded vests, passing by, say hello as if they were family?

Yellow Dreamers and adventurers use color in their clothing. Even if you don’t wander around the exotic places of our planet, don’t jump with a parachute and don’t celebrate your birthday in a spacesuit at a depth of two hundred meters under water, but just sit in your yellow kitchenette in a yellow blouse and leaf through the magazine “Around the World”, the above-mentioned qualities are still inherent in you. You are also not very practical and reasonable, you tend to change your beliefs often, but you don’t stress about it at all. After all, your self-esteem at the moment (while you adore the color yellow) is at a significant height. You know how to get along with people, you adore your girlfriends, you don’t mind gossiping and dreaming. If you're not creative yet, try it! Perhaps you will do it better than others!
Greens The tones prevailing in clothing speak of perseverance, the desire to assert oneself, and energy. A woman in green is usually pedantic, secretive, and at times overly critical of others, but sometimes she can help even to her own detriment. If she rises through the ranks and becomes a boss, her subordinates will forever end the sweet life of leaving work early, taking time off, smoking breaks and lunch breaks longer than the allotted forty minutes. Thanks to perseverance and mastery of her own feelings, she can achieve significant success in business. Alas, her personal life is much more complicated. It’s not easy to get along with the “green” one, because she’s not used to being weak even at home, revealing her secrets, speaking out loud to close people about how dear they really are to her.
Blue The color in clothes will most likely be chosen by a woman who is kind, soft, empathetic, moderate in passions, courteous, shy and prone to reflection. She is surrounded by kind, sweet people, slowly and steadily tightening the ring. This, of course, is an artistic exaggeration, but lovers of blue are sometimes too dependent on the opinions of others, who can take advantage of their goodwill, sit on their necks and dangle their legs. With a successful combination of circumstances, the “woman in blue” will become an ideal mother and housewife, as well as an exemplary worker. Calmness, balance, and a philosophical attitude towards life will help her overcome almost all obstacles.
Violet Especially liked by emotional, sensitive and easily suggestible natures. Admirers of this color want to please everyone, everyone, everyone, and if this does not happen, then real life they can say: “And I’m purple!” and go into the world of dreams and your own fantasies. It’s good if this world contains brushes, paints, poetry, prose, and, at worst, a jigsaw for cutting wood. Then your fantasies will not be in vain. “Violet” girls are delicate violet flowers that will wither without the attention, care and support of loved ones. They are dreamy and passionate, intuitive and mystical. They are easy and difficult at the same time. But it's definitely not boring.

Pink. Hot pink is the color of a little flirty girl's imagination. It’s not for nothing that the creators of Barbie dolls have been selling their dolls in bright pink boxes for many years, accompanied by furniture and “clothes” preferably in the same pink tones. If an adult woman makes pink the main color in her wardrobe, it means that she is romantic, optimistic and proud. She is not too responsible and can shift her responsibilities onto the shoulders of other people, for example, lovers of blue or green. Feels like a defenseless girl or wants to seem like one. Blonde in short pink dress- a favorite image of many men. True, it is not easy to convince the latter that such a girl also has brains. Stereotypes, however.
Delicate tones. All delicate and dim colors - light pink, sky blue, pale green, soft lilac - are attributed the main defining feature - infantility. At the dawn of life, each of us was surrounded by diapers-vests-bibs of such pale, blurry tones, dim, timid, defenseless. But still, it would be stupid to say that adults who prefer such color scheme, only with the effort of the remnants of will do they not allow themselves to put the pacifier in their mouth, lie down in the cradle and grab the rattle. In fact, they are romantic, sensitive, vulnerable and, perhaps, are still finding their life path. They retain childish character traits, and in moderate doses this is very cute.
Many of us wear a variety of clothes color combinations and tones. How to deal with such a combination of clothing color and character: today beige trousers and a green jacket, tomorrow a red jumper and a black skirt, the day after tomorrow a blue dress with a blue collar. And sometimes, once you fit into a brown suit, you can’t get it out with any tricks, it’s comfortable and that’s it. Because our character, and with it feelings, emotions, moods, are not static. We can change every day, become a little different, and clothes only emphasize these changes, and with them our individuality.

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London-based stylist and author of The Color of Your Style, David Zyla, says: “Even if your closet is filled with clothes in a variety of colors and shades, there is always one color that you prefer, that makes you feel comfortable and confident. It is this color that reflects your character.”

Having studied the opinions of various experts, website I found out how our favorite color characterizes us in the eyes of others and reflects our character.

1. Black

"Black is a color that's taken seriously," says fashion and style expert Karen Haller.

Indeed, according to psychological research, black is perceived by others as an indicator of prestige, power, seriousness, and also intelligence. Therefore, in many European universities the graduation gown is black.

Those who prefer black in clothes are ambitious, purposeful, but also sensitive people. Which, as a rule, are emotional and easily excitable, although they often try to hide it. The color black helps them switch the attention of others from appearance to personality, because it is the internal qualities of a person that are most important to them.

2. Brown

Brown- this is the color of the earth. The color of something reliable, strong and stable. This is exactly what people who often wear brown and its shades appear to be.

These are slightly conservative people who respect their elders and always seek peace, stability and strength in everything. A girl in a brown dress or a man in a brown jacket will give the impression of a reliable, intelligent and rational person. In fact, this is true.

3. Blue

Journalist and psychologist Lisa Johnson Mandell writes: “Blue is best color to wear to an interview because it exudes confidence and reliability. Therefore, many work uniforms or business suits blue».

Scientists from the University of British Columbia conducted a study and found that dark shades Blues tend to calm down. Others associate blue with intelligence, trust, efficiency and calm.

Often, shades of blue in clothes are chosen by a person who is kind, empathetic, courteous, and even a little shy. As psychologists say, a person in blue will become an ideal parent or an exemplary employee. Calmness and poise are the main qualities of such people.

4. Green

Scientists from the University of Amsterdam say that green and its shades keep you and those around you in a good mood. “The pleasantness of green comes from its affinity with nature, which evokes feelings of peace and contentment,” says Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute and author of Living With Color.

Those who prefer green are active in social activities, live in a good area, and have a stable financial situation. Often these are caring and good people with a soft heart.

5. Purple

In the past purple talked about belonging to high society. It meant sophistication, wealth and luxury. It is known that Cleopatra was simply crazy about this color. Only the rich could afford to wear such shades in those days.

Today, the color purple in clothing indicates creativity, insight and a love of art.

According to experts, people in purple are emotional and sensitive people. They are dreamy, passionate and love mysticism. We can say that the person in purple is an unpredictable person, with whom it is easy and difficult at the same time.

6. Red

Red is the color of passion and strength. It's the color to choose if you're trying to persuade or impress someone, says Kenny Frimpong, brand manager for the Italian men's clothing Eredi Pisano.

Any bright shades of red attract all the attention. Others associate it with energy, movement and excitement. Psychologists from the University of Rochester have found that men are more attracted to women wearing ruby ​​shades. "Red is a stimulant for men," says Abby Calisch, professor of psychology at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia.

Someone who often wears red is a bright, excitable, slightly self-centered and enthusiastic person.

7. Yellow

8. White

White is a symbol of freedom, purity, innocence and simplicity. That is why, having decided to start life from scratch, we often buy ourselves something white.

White attracts reliable people, they love freedom and have an optimistic outlook on life. These are individuals who are careful in everything, who love fresh beginnings and strive for excellence. In general, people with any character can wear white. It is a neutral color that is rarely off-putting.

9. Pink

Hot pink is the color of a flirty girl and can often be seen in children's wardrobes or on Barbie dolls. However, as adults the choice falls to more delicate shades that are associated with femininity.

Neatness or sloppiness speak for themselves: a person either takes care of himself, or is absent-minded or lazy. A significant source of information is the predominance of a particular color in clothing.

White. The color of philosophers and dreamers. Distinctive Features: gentleness, cordiality, purity of thoughts, truthfulness. White lovers are distinguished by their fidelity to word and deed. They value and cherish friendship. They usually say about such people: “the soul is wide open.” By choosing white, a person subconsciously strives to cleanse himself of everything bad and change his life radically. Cons: pedantry, desire to live by the rules.

Red. The color of passion, love, cordiality. Distinctive features: ambition, power, impulsiveness, love of luxury. Red color is chosen by leaders who are able to challenge the world around them. As a rule, such people are successful in many ways. Cons: jealousy, aggressiveness, desire for total control.

Blue. Calmness, peace of mind. Blue color is preferred by people with a strong will and strong character. They live in their deepest inner world, the concerns of those around them do not affect them much. It is not easy to unbalance blue lovers, but if you do succeed, expect a disaster. Distinctive Features: developed logic. Cons: weak emotionality.

Green. Possessing powerful energy, these people happily take on all things at once, but rarely bring anything to its logical conclusion, because they quickly get carried away by new ideas. They have many acquaintances, but practically no close friends. Distinctive features: subtle sense of humor, selflessness, desire to help others, endurance. Cons: superficiality, some naivety.

Yellow. Connoisseurs yellow, How sunbeams, give a good mood. Distinctive features: positive attitude towards life, kindness. Such people are driven, like children, and need increased attention and affection. They do not tolerate rudeness and betrayal, but often do not know how to stand up for themselves, so they often end up in unpleasant situations.

Black. The color of mystery and darkness. Such people have a changeable temperament, are secretive, and somewhat conservative. Sexy and relaxed in bed. Often, lovers of black live under the motto: “all or nothing”, rush from one extreme to another and believe in fate. They value justice and always protect those who are weaker. They are leaders by nature, but do not want to prove anything to anyone. Cons: inability to compromise, pride.

Brown. Distinctive features: reliability in friendship, desire for financial stability and independence, independence, ability to set clear goals and achieve results. They are leisurely and like to prolong the pleasure. Moderately selfish. They don’t do anything for nothing, they look for profit everywhere. Cons: ambition, cynicism.

Grey. Distinctive features: modesty, inner nobility, accuracy, prudence. People who prefer gray rejoice simple things and get irritated when they see falsehood and pretense. They can be skillful seducers when the mood is appropriate, but in general the world of violent passions is alien to them. Knowing how to calculate everything in advance, lovers of gray are excellent partners and allies in work, but in their personal lives they lack self-confidence.

Violet. They are multifaceted, artistic, charming, and have unconventional thinking. At the same time, they suffer from narcissism and a tendency to hysterics. They like to do what they like, not what they need. Playful and loving, not averse to flirting with different people simultaneously.

Pink. Connoisseurs pink color They are a little childish, but they know how to use it perfectly. They live for show, preferring noisy companies and parties until the morning. Vulnerable and vengeful, they do not forgive insults. In love they are sacrificial, they give more than they demand.

Orange. Distinctive features: cheerfulness, activity, determination. They know how to get out of any situation, literally being reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix bird. They don’t regret the past, they believe in the impossible. Dreamers and visionaries. Cons: often wishful thinking.

The severity of certain character traits is also determined by the intensity of the color. Muted light colors they speak of gentleness and trustfulness, bright and rich - of passion and strength. The tendency to mix colors and change images means that a person does not have strict life priorities and is ready to adapt to specific situation.

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the “language of color”. This was reflected in the myths, legends, symbols, and traditions of mankind. Just like in forgotten times, modern man has its own color preferences and everyone has their own. Therefore, what color scheme is present in everyday life, one can judge the character, mood and mental health of its wearer.


White color symbolizes peace of mind, tranquility and spirituality. People who prefer white colors are romantic and dreamy. It costs them nothing to start life from scratch, change their place of residence, work, or study. Such people are easy-going, sociable and friendly.

Black color symbolizes denial, stiffness and constriction. Black lovers are hidden from passions, thoughtful and resilient. Such a person does not allow strangers into his personal space, does not like to reveal his soul, and is very secretive. Behind the apparent severity, black lovers have powerful energy and determination.

Gray prevails in the lives of distrustful and reasonable people. Lovers of gray are realists, standing firmly on their feet and knowing their worth. Such people actively advance in their careers due to their analytical mind and innate need for justice. The downside of gray lovers is their frequent lack of initiative; such people do not like to be the center of attention, but they perform well in the field.

Red is a powerful emotional stimulant. Since ancient times, it has been revered and praised as the color of courage, will and courage. In many countries, red symbolizes passion and has erotic overtones. Red lovers are most often optimistic, goal-oriented people who love to be the center of attention. Excellent speakers and leaders. Subject to frequent mood swings, maximalists with a sense of self-esteem.

The color brown symbolizes a sincere person who leads a measured life and does not like experiments. Such people are prone to fear and mental anguish, melancholic. The color cinnamon traditionally symbolizes “earth,” so such people most often stand on their own two feet, value family values, and are very religious.

Yellow is one of the most cheerful colors in color palette. Yellow lovers are sociable, curious and peace-loving people. Most often they have a rich imagination and creativity. Yellow people are capable of adventure, flirtatious and easily suggestible.
