Miller's dream book wedding dress. Interpretation of different dream books

The event is very joyful. The newlyweds accept congratulations and good wishes from family and friends. Only people dear to the couple gather at the holiday. Seeing yourself in a dream wedding dress- means a pleasant and exciting dream.

Perhaps the girl dreams of finding a soul mate, or maybe the date has already been set, and she imagines a future celebration. From that day on, she is no longer alone, she has a husband and protector. It’s easier to start any business together, be it building a new house or raising children.

Being a bride in a dream is a wonderful sign for a woman. She expects to meet interesting people, have adventures, and fulfill her plans. All this is true if the dress is snow-white and sparkling. As soon as you notice stains or dirt on it, the dream loses its positive interpretation.

The most likely outcome in reality will be a break with your lover. It happens that a girl intuitively senses discord in a relationship, but drives away such thoughts. However, the subconscious in night visions shows the true state of affairs.

When deciphering a dream, they also pay attention to the image of the groom: is he desired by the sleeping woman, like a husband, or is a stranger playing his role. The details of the dream and the feeling left after it will give an accurate description of future events.

A dream that allows a girl to see herself in a wedding dress foreshadows imminent changes in her way of life. Whether they are good or unsuccessful depends on the beauty of the outfit. Psychiatrists and seers had their own views on the meaning of dreams. Almost all of them agreed in estimating the duration of events following sleep, based on the length of the dress. A skirt covering the legs meant long period, and mini is short-term.

According to Miller

A wedding dress hanging on a hanger promises leisure in pleasant company and meeting future friends. Once you receive it as a gift, you will soon meet with a wealthy admirer.

If a girl buys a dress herself, she is ready to change her destiny, and she will not need other people's advice. An outfit chosen but left in the store promises troubles before the wedding in reality.

It’s wonderful when in a dream a girl, in addition to a dress, tries on a veil and jewelry. This means that everything will work out successfully in her life, and her marriage will be happy. The bouquet, on the contrary, carries negative consequences. The choice of husband may be unsuccessful.

The blue color of the dress speaks of disappointment in fans. Celebrating a wedding in such an outfit in a dream will lead to loneliness and reluctance to start a relationship. serious relationship. A torn hem predicts a streak of bad luck or illness.

According to Vanga

Vanga promised the married woman, dressed in a wedding dress in a dream, a meeting with an old acquaintance. If a girl sees herself as a bride, she will have to work hard to real life.

Celebrating a wedding shows sympathy for the person who will become a close friend or lover. He is the dreamer’s real other half.

According to Freud

Sigmund Freud interpreted a wedding dress as a subconscious idea of ​​a woman's naked body. A confident lady will boldly show off her dress in a dream and receive well-deserved compliments.

Dissatisfaction with family life, especially its intimate side, causes a dream with crumpled and abandoned clothes. If the bride is dressed in a dirty dress, in reality the girl is embarrassed and ashamed of her actions. The search for wedding attire marks a decision to forget about everyday problems and the desire for change.

By Longo

The magician and clairvoyant explained the dream in which a girl sees herself in a wedding dress as a mass of unresolved matters and complicated relationships. The sleeper is looking for a way out of the impasse, but is not able to make a choice or commit a responsible act.

Mental suffering will be brought by a dream where a blood stain appears on a white outfit. Parting with your lover will happen soon and it will be difficult to get over it.

Taking someone else's wedding dress to try on means participating in the fate of another person and preserving his secrets. Sometimes this action represents envy of a friend's success.

Wedding dress color

In the East white considered mourning. Girls get married in richly decorated red dresses. In Europe and America, white symbolizes the innocence and purity of the bride. Extremely eccentric personalities appear at celebrations in a black dress, but usually this color is not for a wedding. Dream books interpret differently a dream where a girl sees herself in a wedding dress, depending on its color.

White dress

White attire is most common among brides in Christian countries. In a dream, wearing such a dress promises a girl respect and attention from friends and colleagues. If the sleeper is comfortable in it, she is on the right path to fulfilling her desires. In reality, she considers herself lucky and interesting to communicate with. Golden tone promises success in any endeavor.

A new, impeccable dress predicts a happy event. Lace decor further enhances the positive meaning of the dream. The dreamer should attend events and see friends more often. There is a high chance of meeting a wonderful person.

An unkempt outfit can mean loss of reputation and a quarrel with your loved one. The more damaged the fabric, the worse the relationship will become. If the dirty dress belongs to someone else, the sleeping woman takes on her problems. You should be more careful in reality and not give in to persuasion to participate in a dubious enterprise.

The interpretation of the dream is a little gloomy, just like the dream itself dark color. Best interpretation the dream book characterizes the dreamer as a businesslike and enterprising lady who has certain goals and confidently moves towards them. Other sources promise the sleeping person health problems and quarrels with people close to her. It's time to reduce the intensity of passions in reality and calm down a little. Anxiety and negative emotions will not bring you any good.

A gift of a black wedding dress speaks of improper business management and false aspirations. By taking a break, you will be able to reconsider your attitude to what is happening. If the groom insists on wearing a black outfit in a dream, his attitude towards the sleeping woman is unkind. Most likely, the wedding will not take place on his initiative.

If the dreamer puts her dark outfit on her friend, misfortune will happen to her. Dreamed black dress just before the ceremony, he promises to make a big profit, but all the money will slip through his fingers.

Red dress

Often a dream projects the anxiety experienced by the sleeping person. She is annoyed about something and is trying to calm the situation before it turns into open confrontation. For an adult woman, a dark scarlet dress shows tension due to love relationship with an unfree man. She may also be married.

If a girl embroiders a pattern on red fabric for a wedding dress, she is proud of her achievements and happy with her career. There is no point in boasting about them to others; few people are inspired by someone else’s success.

An unmarried girl sees herself in red if she is in love and hopes for vivid impressions from the affair. She does not know any calculations, she lives only by feelings. Miller believed that thanks to this approach, all obstacles along the way would be eliminated by themselves.

A girl’s status, her marital status and aspirations are key parameters when deciphering different situations where she sees herself in a wedding dress. Not the best best option take someone else's dress. With it, a person transfers accumulated negativity to the sleeping person.

A chic, flawless outfit, on the contrary, speaks of a good period when lucrative offers and useful contacts will follow on your heels. Using the opportunities provided, you will be able to achieve a lot.

Seeing yourself in a dress at someone else's wedding

If this is a marriage of an unfamiliar couple, the dream speaks of illness in the near future. The sleeping woman already feels “out of place” due to decreased immunity.

The negative meaning of the dream is weakened when friends or relatives enter into an alliance. Appearing in a wedding dress at their holiday in a dream is also inappropriate, but they will treat this more leniently than strangers. The consequences of the dream will be awkward moments and minor disagreements in the family.

Seeing yourself in a dress at your wedding

A snow-white dress in size means profit and joy. Narrow and uncomfortable dreams mean failure and disappointed expectations. A yellow outfit indicates the groom's possible infidelity. He does not feel love for the bride; for him it is a marriage of convenience. A colorful wedding dress portends entertainment and fun leisure. Untidy - means meeting an ungracious person. Very bad sign there will be patches on the skirt. The dreamer is in danger of losing property or losing a large sum of money.

A velvet dress characterizes a girl as a coquette. She has a lot of fans and she is very happy about it. Dreaming of sewing sequins onto an outfit signifies a date with a smug womanizer. As a result, he will be rejected, but the lost time will not be returned.

Dream for an unmarried woman

The girl is very much in love or will very soon meet the man of her dreams. It is possible that she is already preparing for the wedding, and the dream reflects her concern about the celebration.

In a dream, sewing a wedding dress yourself means the hostility and envy of your friends. You should not discuss the upcoming holiday with them; they are not able to be happy for the sleeping woman.

Dream for a married woman

A married lady sees herself as a bride again when she is dissatisfied with her husband and has conflicts with him. She is thinking about divorce, but memories of the period of her life spent with her husband stop her.

A red dress means the appearance of a homewrecker trying to take a man away from the family. White foretells tears and losses. If a married woman tries on someone else's outfit, she dreams of having an affair on the side.


Many couples these days various reasons postpone the wedding, preferring not to celebrate the conclusion of the union. The choice remains with the newlyweds, but loved ones would be happy to congratulate the newly-made spouses. Marriage is an important milestone in life and deserves a memorable celebration. A girl in a wedding dress becomes the queen of the holiday and forever retains pleasant memories of the significant day.

The color of the dress is not particularly important. Of course, white is always relevant and leads among the colors of wedding dresses. Other accessories and decorations are also important. It’s nice to choose them together with your family or friends, so you don’t need to deny yourself this pleasure. A wedding dress will make a girl charming and gorgeous, and a dream about it the night before a joyful event will mark a long and happy marriage.

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Dreams in which a girl sees herself in a wedding dress, or as a bride, or perhaps sees someone other than herself as a bride, always predict quick changes in fate.

A wedding dress in a dream can foreshadow various events and fateful changes

However, it all depends on in what form and on whom this outfit appears, what additional events the dream describes.

Why do you dream about a wedding dress?

In the overwhelming majority, a wedding dress in a dream signals future positive moments in life:

  • important upcoming changes in life;
  • the opportunity to make new friends;
  • a new stage in life (possibly with a change in status);
  • bringing to life a dream associated with a certain acquisition;
  • a secret sign formed by the subconscious, which you can try to unravel using dream interpretations.

Why does a woman dream about a bride?

An unmarried, lonely girl saw a bride in a dream - this hints at a quick acquaintance with the person who will become her beloved. And this relationship will be strong and bring a lot of joy.

If such a dream occurs to an unmarried person whose heart is already occupied, then perhaps she herself will soon walk down the aisle, or the relationship will become more reverent and sensitive.

It is important to pay attention to the weather in your dreams. Sunny, warm weather means improved relationships with your loved one. Rain or clouds mean disagreements, quarrels, misunderstandings. They can lead to a major scandal or even a breakup if you don't make an effort and try to improve the relationship.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in a dream

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in a dream, according to dream books, has an ambiguous interpretation. The age and status of the person must be taken into account. For a married woman, such a dream promises a return of former feelings for her husband, an improvement in relationships, and a new “honeymoon.”

When choosing a dress for the celebration, the lady apparently experienced extremely positive feelings, which were reflected in the dream.

However, if a woman sees herself not just in a dress, but as a bride at a wedding, this signals imminent disagreements, quarrels, and possibly an affair or even divorce.

But what does it mean if an unmarried young lady sees herself in a wedding dress in a dream? For a girl who has a boyfriend, such dreams often predict a new union and happiness, but with a different gentleman. Moreover, the previous relationship will end easily and without problems.

If the dress is incredibly beautiful, and the wedding setting is very delicate, then in life there may be a danger of getting into a disaster. The least that such a dream threatens is severe disappointment. But without a threat to life and health.

An unmarried girl, but a bride in a dream - you should expect positive changes in life: surprises, joys, attention from men.

Seeing not only yourself in a wedding dress, but also another woman, no matter whether you know her or not, means the appearance of a rival, a quarrel over a man.

It is important to note that if a person sees herself in a wedding dress before an important life event for her, then, with a high probability, this dream should not be interpreted, since experiences and nervous tension have a similar effect.

Trying on a wedding dress in a dream

Trying on a wedding dress in a dream means receiving some news in reality or becoming a participant in unexpected events that can change your life. If the dress is dirty, this is a bad sign. Trying on something clean - there is nothing to fear, the changes will be positive.

Those who are in a couple can expect a change in their relationship better side(not necessarily engagement or marriage), reaching a new, higher level.

In a dream, a woman is trying to try on a wedding dress, but it is too small, which means that in reality troubles will overtake her and plans will collapse. If the outfit is large, this indicates that in reality not enough effort is being made to implement some important plans.

When trying on a dress, you don’t like it – excessive self-criticism is evident. It is this that prevents you from fully enjoying life and finding happiness.

The rush during this important moment threatens with rash actions that can lead to negative consequences. You should seriously think about your actions in reality.

If the dress is worn through the legs, then there is a possibility of losing the man you love. Over the head, on the contrary, a new acquaintance with a romantic continuation. If you try it on inside out, you should be prepared to be deceived.

A non-standard outfit (in color or style) prepares you for something new in life, usually something good: acquaintances or a surprise from friends.

If, in addition to trying on, you dream of looking in the mirror, then a promotion at work or an increase in salary is soon possible.

An abundance of frills or ruffles - you should expect a romantic date.

A belt on a wedding dress is a harbinger of deterioration in material well-being.

Trying on a wedding dress in a dream of an unmarried woman

If a girl who does not intend to get married tries on a wedding dress in a dream, then she should prepare for the fact that she will be involved in public affairs.

Why does a married woman dream of a wedding dress?

It’s wonderful if a married lady sees a wedding dress in a dream. Unprecedented luck and great news await her. It is also possible to improve your relationship with your spouse.

Seeing a clean, beautiful dress is also a good sign, promising good changes. Wedding attire in a store or on display - you can expect a promotion.

But seeing yourself in a dream in a wedding dress when you are already married is not good. This indicates problems with your spouse. To prevent things from breaking up, you need to avoid inciting quarrels and try to smooth out conflicts. The exception is to see yourself wearing the same dress in which you got married. Such a dream symbolizes that the woman is happy in her choice and loves her husband.

A dirty dress promises quarrels with your significant other. The dirtier it is, the more serious the problems are.

Repairing or altering an outfit - you need to be prepared for the fact that ill-wishers will start spreading gossip.

Self-washing is an attempt in life to independently solve certain problems. After washing the dress is clean - the problems will be solved.

An attempt to decorate a ready-made dress is a sign of a possible connection with another man.

Choose and buy a wedding dress

Choosing a wedding dress in a dream speaks of the difficulty of choosing in reality. Often, a woman who sees such a dream at a crossroads is afraid to choose the right decision.

Choosing but not buying a dress is a sign that indecision in reality will bring problems. If, after choosing, the dress was purchased, this is good luck. To choose and buy not for yourself is envy of someone.

For a free woman - a quick marriage if she saw herself in a dream in an ideal wedding dress. For someone who is not free, there are several interpretations: luck, great news, quarrels in the family, an important and difficult choice.

Why do you dream of a sister, friend, acquaintance in a dress?

If you see a friend, sister or acquaintance wearing wedding paraphernalia in a dream, then in reality she will soon provide serious help in life and contribute to changes. For all women, this dream carries a positive connotation: positive changes in life.

Seeing your daughter in a wedding dress

If a mother sees her daughter in a wedding dress, then the following interpretations are possible:

  • daughter in tears - family debts or expenses;
  • the daughter smiles or laughs - good changes are coming;
  • daughter taking off her dress - departure, travel or separation from loved ones;
  • a daughter's outfit in mud is deception or betrayal;
  • daughter in wedding dress is dead - good sign: healthy children or positive changes;
  • a daughter’s luxurious dress promises an increase in income in her family;
  • a daughter’s magnificent dress promises absolute happiness and prosperity in life;
  • daughter's colored dress - gossip around the mother, the appearance of ill-wishers;
  • white dress- a white streak comes in life.

It is important to pay attention to the emotions that a mother experiences when looking at her daughter in a wedding dress.

Pride and joy promise good luck, discontent or worries - the possibility of conflicts. If you don’t like the dress itself, then life with your existing husband or fiancé will not be happy.

Dreaming of a wife in a wedding dress

A new stage in relationships is promised for men who see their wife in a wedding dress. If a couple is in a state of conflict in life, such a dream predicts reconciliation.

If in a dream the wife was not sober or in high spirits, you can expect profit. But anger and discontent, on the contrary, lead to losses.

Dreaming about mom in a wedding dress

It’s impossible to say for sure why you dream about your mother in a wedding dress. You need to look at the situation:

  • mom smiles or in a great mood– you can expect well-being in the family;
  • if in a dream the mother does not experience vivid emotions, then soon separation from loved ones will come in life;
  • tears predict debts;
  • sadness - a quarrel with one of the family members;
  • a mother dancing in a wedding dress - a holiday in the family and joyful meetings;
  • a dirty dress is a betrayal of one of your loved ones;
  • mother's funeral in a wedding dress - healthy family members.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend in a wedding dress?

To see in a dream not yourself, but ex-wife or your man’s girlfriend in a wedding dress is not scary. Rather, we are talking about jealousy, which is formulated in such an unpleasant way in a dream.

But jealousy itself can contribute to conflicts. Therefore, one should think about whether such mistrust will lead to a break. It is necessary to control your emotions and not provoke scandals.

Wedding dress and veil

A veil in a dream is extremely good sign for women: failures, illnesses and financial difficulties are very likely. For an unmarried girl, but in a relationship, this may signal the cancellation of the wedding.

If the young lady is single, then seeing this accessory in a dream, she will not get married for a very long time. For a married lady, a dream with a veil will indicate imminent changes. There are also possible regrets and disappointments.

White wedding dress

There is no clear answer to this question. You need to concentrate on the details. We can only note that this is a good sign, bringing change and well-being.

If a woman sews her own wedding dress in a dream, then she is rushing some very desired events, thereby making their fulfillment impossible.

If you dream of a long dress, something you have long dreamed about will finally come true. Achievements will become significant. It is also possible to receive great news.

A very beautiful dress is a sign of cordiality and hospitality, admiration and increased attention to the one who sees such an outfit in a dream.

White lace dress - there will be a holiday soon, a reason for great joy: a meeting, a long-awaited date.

If the fabric of the dress is very expensive, then this means a sincere meeting with friends, which will go perfectly.

Red wedding dress

Red color is a symbol of passion. For a young girl, this means that her intimate life does not suit her. Perhaps the relationship is unstable or short-term.

For a married woman, it is also a lack of passion: monotony and boredom in the intimate sphere.

Black wedding dress

A dream with a black wedding dress appearing in it suggests that It's time to reconsider your life positions.

There are several interpretations, but they all bring serious changes:

  • illness (for married people - possible ill health of the spouse);
  • soon sad news;
  • tears;
  • disappointments;
  • collapse of plans;
  • Seeing yourself in a black wedding dress in a dream means excessive uncertainty or shyness that interferes with productive activity in any area.

Why does a man dream about a wedding dress?

To correctly interpret such a dream for a man, it is necessary to take into account his age and social status:

  • for an unmarried person - changes in your personal life will happen soon;
  • For a married person, there are also changes: divorce or separation from your spouse;
  • for a young person - a new acquaintance, a relationship that may end in a wedding;
  • for age – well-being, changes for the better.

Seeing many brides in a dream

What does it mean if you see many brides in a dream? For a man, this means communicating with a large number of women. As an option, get a job in a women's team.

For a woman, such a dream promises serious changes in life.

Wedding in a dream

If a man dreams of his own wedding, it means success at work, good luck in business. Wedding for a woman with her lover or colleague, new successful beginnings, with stranger- loss of authority. But an unmarried girl, having seen a wedding in a dream, is unlikely to get married in the next year.

Why do you dream about a lot of wedding dresses?

If you see wedding dresses in poor condition: not new, dirty, wrinkled, you should expect a “black streak”.

Very bad changes threaten if you dream of long black dresses.

If the outfits are new and chic, then the changes will be for the better. Long-awaited meetings with family or friends are likely.

Someone else's wedding dress

Someone else's wedding attire in a dream signals a girl who is unmarried, but in a relationship, about a dangerous rival. A rental dress - the girl herself will become a rival.

For a married lady, such a dream predicts a quarrel with her husband and the possibility of a lover appearing.

Seeing yourself in someone else's wedding dress in a dream means difficulties at work: increased workload, responsibilities.

If you dream of a bride without a groom

If in a dream a woman is at her wedding without a groom, then you should expect failures that will affect your whole life. For a married person, such failures will be associated with her husband. If the bride is not familiar, then only minor failures are possible, which are annoying, but not fateful.

Wedding dress in blood

A dream has several interpretations if the wedding dress is in the blood. A lot of pure blood - to wealth or success in business. A meeting with relatives is possible. A woman in a bloody dress may be slandered or suspected of something in reality. You should be careful.

There may also be health complications. To exclude them, it is better to conduct a full examination of the body.

Dirty wedding dress

Such a dream is a bad sign. Girls without relationships will probably have to take part in community service that is unpleasant for them. Those in a relationship may soon break up with their partner.

In general, dirt on a wedding dress in a dream speaks of possible betrayal loved one, tarnished reputation. You should be careful with any dubious activities.

Wedding dress according to the Muslim dream book

According to Muslim dream book, a clean wedding dress means a good and faithful husband, and a dirty one means a wicked one. If you dream of a dress flying away, you will be surrounded by lies and slander.

Beautiful wedding dresses

The dream in which wedding dresses are beautiful has different meanings. If there are many of them, then success in business is guaranteed.

Decoration options:

  • dress with pearls - to tears;
  • Gemstones on a dress mean prosperity or an upcoming holiday;
  • a chic dress - a very successful acquaintance, perhaps it will end in a strong marriage;
  • an outfit with embroidery - there will soon be a pleasant meeting with a loved one;
  • a long trail of deception.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

In a dream, to see a beautiful, neat wedding dress on the night from Thursday to Friday - there will soon be a meeting with old friends: classmates, classmates.

Also It is believed that such dreams are prophetic, therefore, a dream in which a wedding dress is dreamed can mean a quick marriage.

Wedding dress and bouquet

See wedding bouquetauspicious sign : luck will accompany you in all matters, even the most difficult ones. Things already started will be completed without problems.

If there are roses in the bouquet, then family life will be long and cloudless. Colorful colors - pleasant acquaintances with interesting people. Bright flowers– possible unexpected cash receipts.

A caught bouquet speaks of the loyalty of a companion. If a girl is lonely, she will soon find a loved one.

Wedding dress in a pregnant woman's dream

A pregnant woman dreams of a wedding dress on the eve of a festive or special event, or any positive changes in life (related not only to the birth of a baby).

Another interpretation option: possible ambulances and safe birth if the pregnancy is long. It is also possible to receive unexpected profits.

If in a dream a pregnant woman wears red, then this means good changes. Most likely, to fame or receiving a decent amount of money.

A black wedding dress on a pregnant woman does not threaten anything bad. Such a dream indicates that expectant mother too worried.

Don't be afraid to see yourself in a wedding dress in a dream. Even if a dream promises some troubles, you can always try to correct them in reality, because dreams warn a person so that he knows what to prepare for. This means that you can always influence fate, no matter what “gift” it promises.

Video clip with the interpretation of a dream with a wedding dress:

Why dream of seeing yourself as a bride:

Our dreams are great secret, which carries a lot of interesting and unusual things. Even everyday objects and phenomena seen by a woman in a dream carry within them important information, not to mention such an attribute as a wedding dress.

Every woman can see this object in a dream, so you should start from the situation.

Married woman

The opinions of experts have divided them into two large camps: those who believe that seeing a wedding dress in a dream, a married woman is prone to cheating, and also those who believe that a wedding dress symbolizes envy of one of her close friends.

So go differently, but for married woman seeing a wedding dress in a dream is a bad sign, which indicates that the woman may make a mistake in the future or has already made one.

Unmarried woman

A logical continuation of the dream book about a wedding dress is a situation where the dress was dreamed of by someone who has not yet gotten married. This is a very good sign that predicts a successful future marriage.

Dream before the wedding

If a lady dreamed of a wedding dress before the wedding ceremony, then expect minor problems of a domestic nature. This doesn't bode well. Many experts interpret this dream very negatively, but we assure you that there is no reason for concern. Minor problems will tickle your nerves, but nothing more.

Dirty or clean dress

All the situations described above refer to the case when the dress was clean. If you dreamed of a dirty or worn wedding dress, then you should be as careful as possible - you may lose your lover. This dream does not bode well, only problems in your personal life. If it became dirty right on you, then these troubles can be avoided in the future, but you should beware of rumors and fake friends or girlfriends.

Dress on a friend or relative

If the wedding attire was not on you, but on a friend, sister, mother or other relative, then it is quite possible that this person will turn to you in the near future for help or advice. Troubles, conflicts and quarrels await this person. Dream interpreters advise warning these people about possible dangers.

Meaning for men

If a man dreams of a wedding dress, then this is a good sign that speaks of future victories in all areas of life. In this case, you need to show strength of character and believe in yourself more than ever.

If the dress was on your spouse, beloved woman or future spouse, then this indicates that in the near future you and your lady will have a warm and pleasant period of time, which promises a lot of positive emotions.

Dreams can be different, and their meaning is also not the same. Both women and men can dream of a wedding dress. The interpretation of this dream is extremely simple - you just need to know some details. A wedding dress will help you see the future or learn about an important warning. In any case, we wish you only pleasant dreams. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.04.2016 00:30

Sometimes our dreams are so realistic and vivid that when we wake up, we involuntarily wonder: will it come true...

Dreams are one of the most mysterious phenomena. Very often they warn about important events, which...

A woman may have a dream where she has to cry, dance in a red (beige) wedding dress, a black veil and black shoes, in a beautiful short dress, and a wedding (getting married), with the groom, menstruation with blood, with long hair and all this can be explained as written in this article. Sometimes a dream of seeing a bride in a dress crying, looking in the mirror, in a photograph and seeing the dress on another person is a sign of death or pregnancy.

The article also discusses such dreams as running away during a wedding in your daughter’s chic dress, choosing it in a store or it is too big, in the dirt, hanging in the closet, received as a gift, on fire, or you have to iron it. You will find any interpretation only here.

To dream of yourself in a wedding dress without a veil, without a groom, while being married, pregnant, with a groom

In most cases, a veil or wedding dress seen in a dream will lead to trouble, including causing a series of accidents or indicating a serious illness. If there are none, but there is a wedding, we can say that serious troubles in life will be avoided.

If there is no groom at the wedding, then in reality an event will happen that you may remember for a long time. It is recommended to pay attention to similar dream, because he does not speak in favor of the relationships on the side that you may dream of. In the case when we are talking about good news, and the presence of a groom means that you can soon find yourself a good husband.

Dream of a white wedding dress, in a mirror, in a church, in blood, in a coffin, your wedding

If in a dream there is a white wedding dress that a friend is wearing, then for several days you can expect good luck in all endeavors and this is worth taking advantage of. Seeing yourself in the mirror means abandoning previously planned plans.

Church promises disappointment, and a funeral suggests that your affairs cannot be completed in the coming days. If there is blood on the wedding dress, then in reality your enemies will do everything possible to interfere with previously planned plans. The bride in the coffin suggests that in reality you can meet your soulmate or get acquainted with interesting person. Watching your wedding for an unmarried person is a desire to make it happen in reality.

Wedding dress Islamic dream book

The presence of a black dress in a dream predicts a short-sighted or completely bankrupt husband. If the dress has flown away, it means that there is a bad rumor about you or someone is trying to slander you. If it is pure, then the husband will be pious.

Why is it sleeping in a wedding dress?

If it is tight, this is a warning about major troubles at home or in school.

Why dream of washing a wedding dress by hand or in a machine? This definitely promises problems with money.

If you dream of yourself in a wedding dress at your (someone else’s) wedding, in a cemetery

If there is a cemetery in a dream, then bad news may come, and someone else's wedding with the bride and groom may foreshadow fun or an invitation to a holiday.

What will happen if in a dream you see yourself in a wedding dress in church, getting married, in a coffin, in dirty, blue (blue)

The presence of a church suggests that you should expect your own wedding. A young girl who dreams of a wedding receives an interesting offer at work or from someone she likes. If there is a coffin, then you will not be able to cope with any of your endeavors.

Having a dirty wedding dress in a dream promises a pleasant relationship with someone you like, including this person who will reciprocate. A blue dress encourages a new acquaintance that is just around the corner.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in a dream according to Miller’s dream book

A girl trying on a dress can relax, because everything in her life will begin to improve, and new friends or pleasant acquaintances will appear. When it is on a hanger, it means expect trouble in your family or personal life. The fitting speaks about the immediate and quite successful marriage. If it is dirty, then you will not be able to maintain a relationship with your lover for a long time.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress in a dream - Muslim dream book

In such a situation, the dream book predicts punishment for past deeds.

Dreaming of being a bride in a wedding dress, in pink, someone else's, torn

Being in your wedding dress can mean illness or family troubles. If it is pink, it means there is a chance to find someone pleasant in every way. young man. A red wedding dress speaks of several weddings.

If you wear someone else's outfit, then in the near future you will be invited to a wedding, for example, by friends. If it is dirty or torn (torn), you will not be able to save your existing or future relationships.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Every girl dreams of getting married, and from an early age little fashionistas imagine what they will look like at the “main celebration of life.” That’s why you shouldn’t be surprised if you happened to buy a wedding dress in a dream: for some, these are echoes of past events, for others, dreams of happiness. But why the bride’s outfit is dreamed of, as well as its choice and purchase, only dream books can answer for sure.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream book is quite categorical and simple in its interpretations famous psychologist Gustav Miller. In his opinion, if a girl dreamed that she was buying a wedding dress, then this prophecy would definitely come true in reality.

You just need to take into account some of the nuances of the vision: a beautiful and stylish dress means pleasant meetings, but if in a dream you see that you have acquired a tasteless or spoiled thing, then such dreams may mean a break in relationships.

An exclusive item as a symbol of pleasant moments

The interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed of buying an expensive wedding wardrobe will please the dreamer: joy and happiness await you. If you dream that you and your friend went to a fashion boutique to buy an outfit for a wedding, this means a pleasant meeting with an intelligent and smart person.

But why you dream of buying wedding decorations not only for yourself, but also for a friend who is invited to be a witness, Pastor Loff’s dream book will tell you. If you see yourself and your friend looking for and buying a wedding dress and accessories, especially expensive ones, you can completely trust her in real life - she will not betray you or let you down.

A thing in the “Second hand” style, or Don’t make a mistake with your choice!

Did you dream that you were going to buy a used wedding dress? Be sure to take a closer look at your chosen one, the Wanderer’s dream book recommends. It is likely that you have not fully studied your future spouse.

A simple and understandable interpretation of sleep offers Spring dream book, explaining why you dream of purchasing clothes for a wedding from a friend: pay attention, if the suit does not delight you, then you will have a quarrel with this girl because of her envy.

The original “outfit” is a sign of surprises

If you dreamed that you bought a little black Chanel dress and a veil of the same color for your own wedding, this means unpleasant surprises. Did the groom insist on such a toilet? He will upset you with his behavior, prophesies the Gypsy Dream Book.

To dream that you have chosen a swimsuit for your wedding is a sign of new discoveries and hobbies. And if, going to the altar, you put on a bathrobe, be prepared for the vagaries of fate, especially if the robe was brightly colored.
