How a work office should be. Creation of an energy center

In ancient China, it was considered extremely important to successfully locate the emperor's palace and his throne. These traditions have been preserved since ancient times, and it is still believed that the success of the company directly depends on the successful location of the manager’s office.

And in fact, there were cases when, after changing the location of the director’s desk, the company ended a long streak of failures, and the business began to develop rapidly.

And not only in China - in any office there are such enchanted places where employees work poorly, they constantly have headaches, and they try to quit. And those who come to their place also do not stay long.

The arrangement of desks in the office should follow the rules of Feng Shui. So, the desk of the head of the company should be located away from prying eyes, especially if he does not have to personally receive clients.

It will be better for the entire department if the manager works at a desk located in right angle room, away from the door, but so that the door is clearly visible to him. Far corners away from the entrance strengthen authority, give a sense of confidence and the ability to concentrate.

The table should not be in the middle of the room, with emptiness behind it. There should be a wall or at least a solid partition behind - this will provide a feeling of security. And a leader with a wall with a picture behind him is perceived as much more respectable than someone sitting in the middle of the room.

Working with clients with the correct arrangement of tables in the office

For your information! When working with a client and selling him your product, have him sit with his back to the door and facing you. This will lead to him losing control of the situation, and you will gain this control.

If the visitor's chair is soft, he will relax and lose his sharp thinking. Place the client at the side of the table and facing the door and the success of your negotiations is guaranteed, no matter whether you are buying or selling something.

If there are glass partitions, it is undesirable to sit with your back to them: the visitor should not see the boss before he saw him.

It is necessary for the visitor to form the correct opinion. If the manager's desk is close to the door, and the secretary's is far away, then the visitor may confuse them. Therefore, the secretary’s desk should come first, and then the boss’s.

The arrangement of desks in the office should promote harmonious relationships between boss and subordinate. The boss should not have his face or back turned to his subordinate, and if this is unavoidable, a vase or aquarium placed on the table will help.

In a large office space, the manager, sitting by the door, seems to be making sure that the workers do not run away. He provides himself with negative energy and harms the overall work.

This situation can be corrected by presenting a bouquet to the manager. bright colors– the boss will feel that his subordinates care about him.

Think about how to arrange desks in your office

Remember! You may or may not recognize the theory of Feng Shui, but in most cases its recommendations are truly rational advice. Therefore, it obviously doesn’t hurt to listen to them.

Wishes for how to arrange desks in the office will ultimately cause positive emotions And good mood, create an atmosphere of friendliness and optimism in the office. As a result, employee productivity will clearly increase, which can lead to rapid development of the entire company.

But when moving in new office space When thinking through options for arranging desks in the office, you should not forget about the design of the office as a whole: you need to think carefully color design interior and proper lighting.

Each of us at least once in our lives wants to rearrange furniture and objects, regardless of whether we are talking about a home or an office. After these manipulations are completed, many people notice that positive changes begin to occur in their lives - relationships in the family or with colleagues, bosses have improved, business has improved, and profits have increased.

Changes in your life can be replaced by placing your desktop according to Feng Shui. If you are planning to do a rearrangement, you should familiarize yourself not only with what kind of practice it is, which allows you to the right approach attract prosperity, luck, money, but also with the way you need to set the table to achieve such results.

Key Points of Feng Shui Practice

They learned about it in our latitudes relatively recently. However, over the past decades, we have heard more than once about what Feng Shui is, but everyone’s attitude towards this technique is different.

Some people practice it with pleasure, while others see in it something supernatural and therefore frightening. In fact, it is based on the interaction of the main elements. A person can “tune” it himself in order to achieve harmony and good luck.

To be more precise, Feng Shui is the practice of location, thanks to which it is possible to attract good luck and receive the favor of all the elements.

Many of the provisions of this practice are based not only on the interaction of the elements, but also on psychological aspects. If you do not pay attention to them, a person, without realizing it, may feel uncomfortable, which often becomes a source of trouble.

As a rule, objects are arranged according to Feng Shui home interior, but it has long been noted that the environment in the office is no less important. The arrangement of things and furniture plays a huge role in how quickly a person’s career will develop, whether he can get along well with colleagues, and find a common language with his superiors.

The location of the table also plays a significant role in all these issues.

Some of them will seem very simple to you, however, in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we do not always follow even simple rules.

Here's what you need to consider first when arranging your desk in the office:

  • You should not place it in such a way that you sit with your back to the entrance to the room. At the subconscious level, such an arrangement is perceived as potentially dangerous, and from the point of view of energy flows, such an arrangement can lead to betrayal. This is especially true when the door opens inward;
  • You should not sit with your back to the window, otherwise there is a risk that it will be difficult for you to enlist the support of not only your superiors, but also your colleagues;
  • Don't ignore the symbols of Water either. Don't position your desk so that they are behind you. Symbols of water, which include, for example, paintings depicting water, a fountain, an aquarium, etc., should be in front of you. Nothing bad will happen if these symbols are above you;
  • Pay attention to the top. There should be no overhanging structures above your head (air conditioners, beams, columns, shelves, etc.). When placing a desk in an office according to Feng Shui, this should be taken into account, since such designs not only create a feeling of pressure, but also block positive energies;
  • Hide the wires. Being in a visible place, they are a symbol of the outflow of finances, so telephone and computer wires should be removed behind racks or panels.

A successful table location is one in which a person sits facing the door, not directly opposite the entrance, but diagonally from it. At the same time, it is important that your place is clearly visible when entering the room and that no foreign objects block it.

Try to have a wall at the back of your workspace, and if this is not possible, hang thick curtains on the windows.

Correctly setting up a workplace in the office

Currently, in offices, places for each employee are often arranged in cubicles or behind partitions. Because of this, a person may feel that there is not enough space for him, and that interior items and equipment take up too much space. This is not a very favorable location according to Feng Shui, so in order to expand the space and make it more pleasant to perceive, you can use a painting near or above the desktop. It can depict a landscape, or better if it is some symbol of Water (lake, sea, river, etc.).

Having an item in your workplace that you really like will save you from feeling tired and routine. Looking at it, you will experience joy, and fatigue will recede. You can put a photo of someone close to you.

It is not recommended to work between racks, shelves, cabinets, and other furniture. All these office interior items limit career growth, interfere with the perception of new information and development. If there is no other option, clear out all those shelves and racks as much as possible.

According to Feng Shui of the workplace, a person needs protection. It can be provided by a large plant or other bright large object. This is especially true for those people who cannot afford to settle anywhere other than near large window. People who also work in an office located on high floors need even more protection.

Another recommendation on how to place your desk in an office according to Feng Shui concerns
lighting. It is desirable that, in addition to natural light, yours workplace illuminated by a lamp, which should be placed above the head or on the side opposite the working hand.

Often in offices, windows are covered with curtains or blinds, since bright sun rays may interfere with work.

You shouldn’t completely abandon natural lighting, because it is also necessary for harmony and helps attract money. When working in a room without windows, you need to place a picture in it that depicts a natural landscape. It can be replaced with a small aquarium, flowers in a vase, or a large plant on the table.

One of the main rules of this practice is that your desktop should always be clean and there should be no foreign objects, papers, or documents on it.

A cluttered environment makes it difficult for positive energy to circulate. The room must be regularly ventilated, cleaned, preventing dust from accumulating, and papers must be constantly sorted out and those that are not needed at a given time must be sent to the archive. All this is important for attracting good luck, money, and prosperity.

Feng Shui table sectors

Your desktop can be divided into three parts, each of which deserves attention.


This is the zone of luck, money, fame, aspirations and future achievements. This sector also symbolizes the successes of the past, and if you want to find incentive for achievements in the future, you can put your awards, framed certificates, cups, etc. in this part.

If there are none, it is better to leave the central part completely empty in order to open a free path to the future and bright prospects.

Left edge

It symbolizes prosperity, wealth. If you are looking for a good profit, you should bet on the left corner of the table farthest from you money tree, it's better if it's alive.

In this article you will learn:

Whatever field you lead, listen to Feng Shui recommendations for organizing your workplace. The ancient teaching is based on a simple common sense, its principles are understandable to people brought up in any culture, and do not contain anything magical. Proper organization Feng Shui workplace in the office– is to ensure harmony with nature and the free flow of cosmic energy Qi, which carries life force. Such a room has a special atmosphere in which it is easy to find a common language with clients and subordinates.

Feng Shui cabinet color

The color scheme of the office should set the mood for work - not irritate or tire. The walls are painted depending on the location of the office in the building. To enhance the influence of the elements, choose the following shades:

  • if the workroom is located on the south side - green;
  • in the north - white;
  • on the west - yellow;
  • in the east - gray-blue.

Color is especially important for the space around front door. In order to quickly tune in to work, hang a talisman on its handle that attracts Yang energy - any transparent stone or a piece of mahogany.

Feng Shui of the office excludes indigo, cornflower blue, cobalt and turquoise colors for walls, because they relax and lead to apathy. Cold colors are not suitable for an office - it means a stop in business, a cessation of development, but a large number of bright shades (red, pink) are also not suitable, because... they will soon lead to energy depletion.

The best Feng Shui colors for office walls are:

  • green (no shades of blue);
  • grey;
  • pale orange;
  • light beige.

The brightness of a particular shade is selected depending on the natural lighting of the room: the less it is, the lighter the walls should be.

The colors of the walls should smoothly transition from one to another; one shade or another can be used to highlight any area of ​​the office, sector, or part of the wall. Moderation and restraint of the general background is set off by brighter interior items.

Rules for arranging furniture

The main rule feng shui office– furniture should be arranged so that you do not sit with your back to the door. For calm, focused work, it is important to see who is entering the room and what they are doing. Otherwise, you will constantly experience tension. If there are 2 doors in the room, position your workspace so that you can see both. The layout of the furniture should resemble the outline of the Bagua octagon (“great symbol” in Feng Shui).

It is better to place the table not opposite the door, but a little away from it - against the wall, which will give confidence to the person sitting with his back to it. If the table faces east or southeast, it will attract wealth and popularity. You cannot place it in front of a window that faces west, and sit with your back to the west. If there is no other option, hang a mirror opposite the window.

To ensure that your office space complies with Feng Shui, do not purchase the following furniture:

The best time to sit at your desk is office chair or on a chair with a comfortable back, so that you can sometimes lean back and give your back a rest.

Doctor's office

It is better if the practitioner's office is located next to the entrance door to the building. The workplace is placed as described in the previous chapter: to sit with your back to the wall. The size of the table should be such that the specialist does not “get lost” behind it and does not feel cramped.

Patient chair should be comfortable, and the energy of the office is conducive to dialogue. Snow-white walls in a doctor's office will not look boring. And if you add shades to the decoration purple colors, patients will find it easier to relax - this color is associated with healing, meditation and introspection.

Items that are important attributes of the doctor should occupy the main places in the favorable zones of the Bagua, for example, in the health zone (to your left). In the sector of success and glory, place things that stimulate work - certificates, diplomas of competition laureates, thank you letters, confirming high level your professionalism and stimulating upward mobility.

Arrange your office so that when you are at your workplace, the background and all the objects around you are pleasant.

The success of the entire department depends on the work of the boss. That's why Feng Shui manager's office should be comfortable and at the same time strict and personable, but its atmosphere should not be overwhelming. A favorable environment in the workplace will bring success in your career.


The boss's office should have particularly strong energy, so it is better to place it in the northern part of the building: the north helps professional growth, the north-west - the ability to lead, and the north-east - the acquisition of knowledge. The worst option is to place the office in the west and southwest. This can lead to overload and reduced performance.

The Feng Shui director's office should not be located at the very end of the corridor. And if the boss works in the same office with his subordinates, his desk should be located as far as possible from the front door, otherwise his subordinates will control him.

Cabinet shape

The best shapes are square and non-elongated rectangle. It is recommended to divide the L-shaped room into 2 parts, for example, a working and a guest room, in order to avoid the influence of Sha on working in the office staff.

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui

In addition to the desk, the boss's office may have a conference table. According to Feng Shui, they are not connected in the form of the letter T, workplace location should be located away from the meeting area. It is better if the meeting table is round, oval or octagonal. The manager's chair should not be in the corner. According to Feng Shui, the triangle is a symbol of Fire, which can destroy health, success and prosperity.

If it is not possible to place the table in accordance with the cardinal directions, as required by Feng Shui, the desired effect is achieved by changing the color of the furniture or walls to a lighter one, for example, by replacing the tabletop with white.

The chief's office may contain cabinets, a sofa, chairs for visitors, coffee table and other office furniture that is not recommended to be placed in straight lines along the walls. Properly design an office with a hairdryer-Shui will help with the Bagua form.

If the boss and subordinates have a common office, tables are placed in rows, then during work the employees’ views will be directed in one direction, which will lead to coherence and success of the company.

Feng Shui home office

The office is placed near the front door or a separate entrance is made from the street. The home office is more closely connected with outside world, so it has more Yang energy. When registering, you must consider the following recommendations:

  • deflect the “sharp arrows” of furniture corners with the help of mirrors;
  • If the table is close to the door, place a low plant on its corner to protect against negative flow.

For greater focus on your work, paint your walls in neutral tones and use layered lighting. Luck, money, positive energy to your home office will bring the following items:

  • an expensive vase made of metal, stone or porcelain;
  • objects that enhance the element of Water are oval, round and hardware, for example, bells, an aquarium with fish;
  • flowering plants.

To implement the plans, it is necessary to stimulate the eastern sector of the cabinet.

Paintings in the office

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, most suitable for an office paintings and illustrations, depicting the following:

  • sea ​​and any bodies of water;
  • waterfall, rain;
  • flowering meadow;
  • open green field;
  • boats or ships on the water.

They are placed above the desktop, in the negotiation area. If your work desk is located so that you are sitting facing the wall, hang on it a portrait of the person from whom you are taking an example, and if your back is not protected by the wall, it is better to hang it in work area painting with a mountain landscape.

Paintings with negative energy, for example, depicting the following:

  • straight road;
  • desert;
  • bare trees.

Feng Shui cardinal directions in the office

To arrange your office harmoniously, you need to draw up a floor plan, noting which side of the world the door and window are facing. Separately, a little larger, draw a Bagua octagon, which represents 8 sectors corresponding to compass directions. Apply Bagua to your office plan and you will see how to better distribute zones. Each of them is responsible for the following areas of life:

  • south - for fame, fame and reputation;
  • southeast - money, wealth;
  • east - pleasure;
  • northeast - friends;
  • north – relatives;
  • northwest - children;
  • West – education;
  • southwest – happiness, relationships.

Chi energy enters the room with other energies, which it captures along the way from all directions. According to Feng Shui, different directions of the world are associated with animals that give Qi the following characteristics:

  • south – Red Phoenix – fun and good luck;
  • north – Black turtle – sleep and mystery;
  • West – White Tiger – unpredictability, destructive force;
  • East - Green or Golden Dragon - wisdom and culture.

Plants and flowers

The flow of Qi energy can be too fast - then it becomes destructive, carrying luck past, or too slow, which stagnates in the corners and does not have sufficient strength. The goal of Feng Shui is to fill the room with smoothly flowing energy as much as possible. Plants and flowers help regulate its flow.

The office should be dominated by plants with Yang energy - stretching upward - they accelerate the movement of positive energy, promote development, flexible solution of complex issues, success and creation, for example, such as:

  • fatsia;
  • lyre-shaped ficus;
  • philodendron;
  • Dieffenbachia.

Particularly important plants for office, located in the southwestern or southeastern part of the building.

Plants with thorns and hard leaves (for example, cacti, yucca, pike tail) carry heavy energy. But they can be grown in the office to block harmful Sha energy created by the corners of furniture, columns with a square section, ceiling beams and bulky wall shelves. Such plants should not be placed closer than 1 m from the workplace or relaxation area in the office.

To create a favorable climate, several female plants are needed - creeping, with rounded leaves. This is, for example, Hoya, Peperomia or Crassula (money tree), which is considered a symbol material well-being, so the pot with the fat plant is placed in the wealth zone.

Among flowering plants positive energy is inherent in the following:

  • Chinese rose;
  • amaryllis;
  • whole;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • cyclamen.

When choosing flowers for your office according to Feng Shui, consider their color. If you are not comfortable enough in some area of ​​the office, place it there white flower. Negative energy changes to positive, passing, for example, through a stem of bamboo - it is placed in the corner of the office. But it should be taken into account that excessive activation of Qi can lead to unreasonable expectations. Cut or dried flowers cannot correct the flow of Qi because... there is no life in them.

Indoor plants should not be placed in a draft, in 1 row, in a straight line between the window and the door.

The performance of employees depends on the arrangement of furniture in the office. everything needs to be done correctly. It is important to think about where the manager and staff will be located. can be picked up best option furniture arrangement that combines comfort and functionality. the choice will depend on the size of the room, its layout and the specifics of the work. important There are also feng shui rules. By following them, you can achieve a favorable atmosphere among employees. they won't accumulate negative emotions, and it will become a pleasure.


There are several options for how to arrange furniture in the office. everything will depend on the principle by which the workspace is divided. There are three options:

Open offices
places here are located on large space and do not close off from each other. This option is suitable when the activities of employees are aimed at jointly resolving issues. its use is ideal for collective discussions of issues or for a very large number of colleagues;

This is the separation of each zone using mobile partitions. the room in this case is divided into small zones, everyone can concentrate on their responsibilities;


So that people are provided with all the necessary items: cabinets, shelves. computer chair and other attributes. Depending on the type of activity, they may vary. open type involves the use of common attributes that everyone will use. cabinets and racks for folders, papers and other things are placed along the walls. in this case, every employee has access to them. There are drawers in the cabinets for personal documents.

The organization of the workplace also provides for the presence of hangers for outer things. install them near the door or select a small area in the form of a locker room. if these are mini-offices, then try using one small hanger for each. Depending on the type of organization, you may need a chair or armchair for a visitor.


The arrangement of tables depends entirely on the size and shape of the room, the location of the door and window. There is general rules that help you feel comfortable and not disturb your colleagues:

Arrangement of office space begins with. install it in a secluded place, preferably at the end of the hall. The boss should not sit with his back to the window or door. It's best when there is a wall behind. it provides a feeling of security and confidence. V open offices The place for the manager should be away from the door, but with the ability to see it. if this is a company with a visit, then it is worth placing a secretary near it.

In a large building, desks may be in parallel rows. this is the most convenient and rational. Only here it is advisable to install partitions to prevent sitting facing colleagues. if possible, do not put them in the middle empty room. when there is emptiness behind them, people feel insecure. It is possible to install a workplace in a corner. it is attractive due to some privacy and saves space. Only a person should not sit facing a corner or a wall.


There are several other main points that are taken into account when setting up an office. First of all, this concerns the width of the aisles that remain between the tables. it should be spacious enough. It’s inconvenient when a person squeezes between the rows and clings to the corners. The approach to cabinets with racks for documents should also be free. Folders usually take up a significant amount of space, so try to keep them organized at all times.

Another important point- this is a device for ventilation, heating and other communications. no one will feel comfortable being around hot battery or under air conditioning. this also applies to drafts that may exist in the building. try to arrange things in a way that does not affect your health. The boss must take care of his subordinates, so he should not be indifferent to their well-being.

It is worth considering a small rest area for the staff. it can be separated by a partition and consist of soft sofa or chairs. people need to take short breaks. For greater comfort, provide accessories. these could be carpets, curtains or green plants. These things make you feel more comfortable. Considering that you spend most of your time at work, create a favorable environment for yourself.

Furniture distribution in a small office

Pay special attention to the arrangement of furniture in small room. in this case, you need to try to use the space rationally and expand it visually. good decision- put all the tables in a circle. this way you can free up the middle part of the hall. This makes it possible to move freely and not disturb your friend. if the room has a rectangular shape, you can place the tables in the form of the letter p. so there will be sufficient passage between them.

If the company plans to receive visitors, then it is necessary to provide them with the necessary items to accommodate them. they are used compactly and conveniently for customers. a chair or armchair for them is placed facing the employee and with their back to the door. in this case, you can capture the person’s full attention and lead the conversation in the direction you want. You can place a small hanger near the entrance. all this affects a person’s mood.


  • Office workers spend a lot of time in their organizations. We must try to create for them good conditions that will contribute to productive activity. To do this, you should arrange the furniture in your office according to Feng Shui. This is the science of proper organization surrounding space in such a way as to attract positive energy. It will ensure favorable relationships in the team, good mood and career growth. There are several Feng Shui rules that should be followed.
  • You should not sit in a corner of the room or between cabinets in such a way that it will be difficult to approach. This inconvenience will affect the quality of service. There should be enough free space in front of the table. According to Feng Shui, it symbolizes promising development. This will help avoid unnecessary difficulties and problems. There is no need for wires and cables to be visible. This symbolizes the outflow of money. If the room has large sizes and many employees are forced to be nearby, a person can get tired of the bustle. You can put some bright or favorite object in front of you. It will allow you to be distracted for a while and protect your personal space.
  • Arrangement office furniture According to the rules of Feng Shui, it involves arranging a place with comfort. Try to choose a zone with good energy. You need to see those who walk into the room, and not sit with your back to it. The most unfavorable area is the area near the door. Visitors or employees will constantly pass by it, which will negatively affect your emotional state.
  • Thus, it has great value How exactly to arrange furniture in the office. This not only affects the convenience of staff, but also improves their performance. What matters is design features premises. The building may be non-standard shape. In this case, it may be necessary to manufacture custom-made cabinets and cabinets according to individual measurements. It will differ in unusual sizes and shapes. The distribution of seats must also correspond to the specifics of the personnel.

Although taking work home is considered taboo for many, today's fast pace of life sometimes forces us to do otherwise. Especially in the case when a person is a representative of free professions: notaries, lawyers, writers or freelancers. Such people are distinguished by the fact that they are more independent from their clients or employers compared to hired employees. That’s why they like to work in comfort.

Nothing ensures work comfort better than a properly positioned desktop. Following advice on desktop placement is necessary both from a practical point of view and from the point of view of more esoteric knowledge such as feng shui. As with any details of the house, Feng Shui also has recommendations regarding the desktop.

Practical side correct location the table should include:

Comfort. The table cannot be considered as a separate piece of furniture; it must be close to other objects that provide work: sockets, cabinets or bedside tables, a printer, etc.

Hygiene. The table must be positioned so as to provide optimal lighting, correct landing the person sitting behind him.

Optimality. The table should not interfere with movement around the room.

Aesthetics. The desktop must fit harmoniously into the interior of the room.

The table should not be facing the wall

Although a desk is a workplace that requires privacy, it does not at all require that the person working at it turn his face away from this world. This desk placement tip is especially valuable for those who don't like too much interaction with people.

However, the key to success, no matter how it is, is the ability to communicate correctly with people. After all, it is impossible to attract a client without inviting him to further conversation.

If you pay attention to the placement of desks in any business office, you can easily notice that they are all facing the entrance and their backs are to the wall. This means that all employees in such an office must be ready to receive a client. No one would want to communicate if they were met with their back.

Of course, if in your home the place near the wall is the most suitable for installing a table there, do not hesitate and feel free to place it there. However, in this case, it is recommended to place symbols around your workplace that remind you of your favorite places, hobbies, or simply photographs of people close to you.

Avoid the door behind you

Another tip regarding desk placement, which follows on from the first, is that you should not place the desk so that the person sitting at it has their back to the door. After all, it is impossible for a visitor to enter without using the doors.

According to the Feng Shui system, if a person sitting at a table sits with his back to the entrance, then someone may overtake him or betray him. The situation in this case can only be corrected by a mirror hung so as to reflect the image of the entrance.

In addition, such a requirement for desktop placement has a deeper and more reasonable meaning. This is safety. After all, if you were sitting with your back to the alleged offender, you would hardly be able to defend yourself in a timely manner. For example, a true Japanese samurai would never sit with his back to the door. On the contrary, he would take a position in which he could inspect the entire room.

Regarding the rules of military security tactics in this case, interesting facts can be highlighted. The medieval Japanese were so afraid of insidious murder that their martial arts schools accumulated many techniques for defending against an attacker from the back, including from a kneeling position. They always carried weapons with them and were on alert to repel attacks. It is also noteworthy that there were no tables in Japanese houses.

Be ready for the meeting

Another rule for placing a table is to have a place where a visitor and a colleague who needs to agree on necessary work issues could sit. This means that the desktop should not be squeezed into such a corner that it simply would not physically allow another person to sit on the opposite side.

In addition, it is important to take care of such an important accessory to the table as a chair for the visitor. It is often located opposite the recipient’s workplace. However, from the point of view of the psychology of working with a client, this is wrong. The opposite situation puts people against each other, programming them at a subconscious level for confrontation.

Positioning the visitor to sit slightly to the side of the recipient will create a friendly atmosphere and will not put them in a competitive position. This is justified by the fact that the person sitting on the side finds himself in a more intimate comfort zone of the person than the person sitting opposite. In addition, the words of the interlocutors will be better heard by each other, since they are sitting very close.

Correct lighting

The work desk should be positioned in such a way as to ensure proper lighting. It is important to remember that both too bright and too glimmer causes excessive eye fatigue, causing them to strain. But it has long been known that about 90% of a person’s overall fatigue comes from eye fatigue.

If possible, you should place your desk near a window to receive natural light during the day. At the same time, a person sitting at a table should not sit in such a way that his back blocks access to light.

It is preferable to have diffused background lighting around the work desk, but the work area itself has one direct light source. Lamps on the desktop should not be placed at eye level. They must be able to adjust the position of the lamp. The light should fall from the side where a person will not cover it for himself with his writing hand.

Workspace organization

The constant rule of desktop placement is to keep it as organized as possible. Documents and folders on the table should not be scattered. Pencils, pens and other office supplies should be collected in a specific place.

You should not clutter your desktop with many items that have no practical use. To somehow dilute the boring office desk environment, one or two of these things is enough. For example, it could be a figurine donated by colleagues in connection with a promotion, a paperweight, etc. A long-standing tip is to place cacti at the table, which supposedly remove radiation harmful to humans around them.

It is important to remember about shukhlyads, documents for which should also be laid out systematically.

Hospital for the mind

Someone said that it is a hospital for the mind. Indeed, there is something in these words, because reading books has always been directly related to a person’s education.

Although the workplace is not always a good place for reading, it is not a sin to turn over a page or two during your lunch break. After all, it is difficult for even the most able-bodied mind to concentrate its attention only on work issues, and such a switch of attention contributes to further normal productivity. Therefore, some book on the table outside working hours will not be superfluous.

At home, a table can generally be placed in a personal library, if the area of ​​​​the home allows it to contain one. Or, at least, not far from your desktop you can hang a small shelf on which a couple will always be at hand good books. This is another table placement tip.
