Railway tunnel. Railway tunnel Tunnel under the railway

Construction of a tunnel under the railway has begun, which is the main element of the second stage of creating the “Western Bypass,” reports the press service of the Sergiev Posad region.

As Oleg Alekseev, project manager of the contractor company, reported, workers are now creating a subgrade and stormwater communications, and are beginning to build a retaining wall and protective screens for the future overpass.

“All communications located along railway, have been moved, and today nothing prevents us from building the tunnel. It will be built under traffic, and trains on the site will reduce speed. Neither the builders nor the trains will interfere with each other,” said Oleg Alekseev.

The width of the tunnel will be more than 30 meters, the length will be more than 50 meters. The roadway has two lanes in each direction. The length of the entire second stage of the Western Bypass will be almost two kilometers. It will end with a roundabout at the intersection with Zagorskogo Street. Construction is planned to be completed by autumn next year.



1 Vladimir Matveevich 10.12.2016 01:44

I quote A.S.:
Did you want the construction to be stopped, running into the railway and so that it would be impossible to get anywhere at all? Then you would have gloated and applauded along with Yuri Chernikov. He, too, sleeps and sees that only an interchange to nowhere has been built.

0 Yuri Chernikov v 12/10/2016 11:19

I quote Vladimir Matveevich:

I quote A.S.:

1 Yuri Chernikov v 12/10/2016 11:51

I quote Vladimir Matveevich:

And why do people have so much hatred for everything?

0 Vladimir Matveevich 10.12.2016 14:13

I quote Yuri Chernikov v:

I quote Vladimir Matveevich:

I quote A.S.:
Did you want the construction to be stopped, running into the railway and so that it would be impossible to get anywhere at all? Then you would have gloated and applauded along with Yuri Chernikov. He, too, sleeps and sees that only an interchange to nowhere has been built. And why do people have so much hatred for everything?

Well, well. Reveal the secret: where after f. d. will the transport get stuck? That's right - to Kirovka! So Trofimov wrote: it’s better to fix the roads in Kirovka! At least once in 50 years. And not in New Vasyuki to save money.

You can’t run into Kirovka, it’s not a dead end for your information. The roads in Kirovka undoubtedly need to be repaired, just like all the roads on which cars travel, but this will not solve the problem of bypassing the city; these roads still end at the Deulinsky crossing.

0 #10 Vladimir Matveevich 10.12.2016 14:20

I quote Yuri Chernikov v:

Construction is being carried out with money from the regional budget, as was the case with the bridge between Me and Pakhomov in an open field near Ivanovo. There they bought the land for the bridge from themselves for 100 million, although the land is still worth only 3 million! One of the participants in the scam has already been imprisoned there (for a bribe), the other has fled abroad. We have stolen 370 million just from the false bypass project! (The new general plan project cost only 50 million! And the Konkov Bridge was built for 104 million!) In both cases, the federal government refused to finance illegal construction that was unnecessary to anyone. A 5 km detour is being built in Ivanovo. instead of 42 km. Me. We will build a Western bypass behind Semkhoz - it is in all the plans of both the regional and federal governments! Therefore, the “third stage” will not even be considered before 2021! The current cutting is needed only by Pakhomov near New Vasyuki. He, as we have seen, doesn’t care about anything else! All we need are the rolls from new buildings. Goncharov paid 2 million euros for the house for the first time. It’s hard to even imagine how much will be rolled back for New Vasyuki!

I simply don’t have the strength to comment on this boring bridge in Konkovo. But the fact that no one will build any bypass beyond Semkhoz is as clear as two. Why him? If the third stage of the Western Bypass is postponed to 2021, then no one except Chernikov will remember about it. In our lifetime, Chernikov, this will not happen.

0 #11 Vladimir Matveevich 10.12.2016 14:28

I quote Yuri Chernikov v:

I quote Vladimir Matveevich:

And why do people have so much hatred for everything?

Matveich is lying! Hatred not “for everything,” but only for theft! Where? And from traffic jams in the city! I stand in the minibus for 20 minutes at the crossing and think how the swindlers spend 2.5 billion on New Vasyuki, instead of eliminating the crossing! And also hatred from the mind and from knowledge. And this haunts Matveich: in a fit of approval, he is covering up for thieves! But my conscience still remains, unlike the groin, it gnaws. Repent, sinner! Take the side of the forces of light led by Chernikov! Do not serve Satan with Pakhomov and Vorobyov!

It seems like winter has arrived, but for some, autumn problems won’t let go. No, Chernikov, you hate everything. Show me at least one comment of yours without hatred. This is your lifestyle - to hate everything because of your own disorder. I don't like stealing either. Let me remind you that they periodically talk about eliminating crossings. I wanted these to be more than just words. But on Betonka, as far as I understand, they are very close to eliminating the crossing. So everything is moving. To avoid standing at a crossing, I have long advised you to buy a car. I would go around Zheleznodorozhnaya via an overpass. But you’re lazy, you don’t like to work, that’s why you didn’t make money on the car, so these are all your own problems.

0 #14 Vladimir Matveevich 11.12.2016 14:04

To quote Grumpy:

It’s a good idea for all cars to travel along the Overpass, and leave the Fish Crossing for public transport, there will be no traffic jams on Zvezdochka, and a private owner of 3 kilometers is not a detour.
Everyone drives through the overpass, forgetting about the two crossings, MOSCOW will immediately stop on the Moscow highway (especially on weekends), then the authorities will take measures to eliminate congestion - the construction of the Rybnaya-Vifanskaya overpass. But in fact, now in the evening at about 9 I try to go from Rabochka to Simonenkova further through the overpass, but faster, but at 17-19 hours I don’t know where to go faster Skobyanoe highway is crawling, the overpass is standing, there is a traffic jam on Prospect, if from Moscow to Uglich or Remmash faster through Mostovik if you pass through Khotkovo

That's right. At 17-19 it is definitely better through the overpass. Sometimes you can stand on Rybnaya for half an hour or even more. The hardware is still crawling, and the Overpass is moving slightly. You keep going, not standing. Sometimes I go to Deulino through Mostovik or Skoropukha, at the same time you can unwind a little after a working day. Anything is better than being stuck in a traffic jam at a crossing.

0 #15 Yuri Chernikov v 12/11/2016 17:35

I quote Vladimir Matveevich:

I quote Yuri Chernikov v:

I quote Vladimir Matveevich:

And why do people have so much hatred for everything?

Matveich is lying! Hatred not “for everything,” but only for theft! Where? And from traffic jams in the city! I stand in the minibus for 20 minutes at the crossing and think how the swindlers spend 2.5 billion on New Vasyuki, instead of eliminating the crossing! And also hatred from the mind and from knowledge. And this haunts Matveich: in a fit of approval, he is covering up for thieves! But my conscience still remains, unlike the groin, it gnaws. Repent, sinner! Take the side of the forces of light led by Chernikov! Do not serve Satan with Pakhomov and Vorobyov!

No, Chernikov, you hate everything. Show me at least one comment of yours without hatred. This is your lifestyle - to hate everything because of your own disorder.
Let us once again put to shame the servant of the Devil and the thieving officials.
A wonderful film about Russian nature was made by photographer Gennady Mikheev. And this is a logical step for a photographer - to shoot video: cameras can already cope with this, and everyone has hundreds of their own photographs of nature and it is not clear how to show them. Before, I always thought that it was difficult for photographs to compete with painting; they do not have an original texture - just paper made at a factory. But even individual fragments of the master’s painting are unique and interesting: traces of brush movement, layers of paint, varnish - how gems often shine. The painter himself can correct the landscape - remove the ugly, correct the composition of what the ordinary eye sees. A photographer rarely manages to find an ideal, harmonious look. But photography has its own advantages: he can report a series of photographs of rapidly changing events, facial expressions, but for a painter this is an almost impossible task. This is where cinema has this advantage. Plus a sound picture, a musical one, plus the magic of motion transfer. Even a simple shot of spikelets against the sky in a movie takes on many meanings, when the spikelets are swayed by the wind and its noise is heard, and the singing of birds, it is noticeable that the clouds are floating... Magic is captured time, as Tarkovsky said. This is the kind of magic we see in Gennady Mikheev’s film about Russian summer. Everything beautiful, everything we love, was captured on video by a photographer over three summer weeks - 120 scenes! It’s not easy to edit them harmoniously and select music - it’s a lot of work, and not everyone can do it, but Gennady is an extraordinary person, he’s an excellent journalist, my favorite. His notes about the Russian province, photos are a balm for the soul. They contain something that is dear to any Russian person. Anyone who loves Russia. In general, if you want to be transported to summer, then turn off the lights in the room and watch a movie on the big screen.
Cm: www.youtube.com/.../
How is this on topic!!!??? Tired of talking to yourself and carrying everything everywhere? It is irrelevant here who is hurting what. We're talking about something else here. Add a comment

A tunnel on a railway used to overcome a high-altitude or contour obstacle: a mountain range, a landslide area, a watercourse, etc. Based on the number of tracks, railway tunnels are divided into single-track and double-track. Depending on their location on the route, there are mountain, flat, and underwater tunnels. Mountain railway tunnels cross mountain ranges, watersheds, etc. hills, bypass areas of scree, landslides, avalanches and drifts. Mountain railway tunnels can be pass (base and summit), slope (loop and spiral), cape. Lowland railway tunnels are mainly constructed in urban areas (for example, deep tunnels connecting open sections of railways with underground stations in the central part of the city). Underwater railway tunnels are located under river beds, the bottom of reservoirs, canals, straits or bays.
The construction of mountain railway tunnels has received the greatest development. The first domestic railway tunnels are Kovensky dl. 1280 m and Vilensky length. 430 m - built in 1859-62 on the Petersburg-Warsaw railway. Then railway tunnels were built in the mountainous regions of Crimea, the Urals, the Caucasus, Siberia, and the Far East. A large number of railway tunnels were built during the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway: in the mountain spurs of the Eastern Sayans, along the shore of Lake Baikal (39 tunnels on the Circum-Baikal Railway). In 1890, the construction of the largest double-track Suramsky tunnel in Russia was completed. 3998 m in the Caucasus.
The construction of railway tunnels in the USSR received especially great development after the Great Patriotic War. In con. 40's - 50's railway tunnels were built on the Armavir-Tuapse and Black Sea railways, on the Abakan - Taishet line (5 tunnels with a total length of 8640 m), and the Rosvumchorsky tunnel. The volume of railways has increased significantly. tunnel construction in connection with the construction of the Baikal-Amur Railway, on the route of which there are 9 railway tunnels, including the two longest ones - Baikal (6.7 km) and Severo-Muiskin (15.3 km).
Abroad, the first railway tunnel was built in Great Britain in 1826-30 on the Liverpool - Manchester line (length 1190 m). Those built at the end have the greatest extent. 19 - beginning 20th centuries single-track railway tunnels in the Alps: the longest in the world for that time, Simplonsky (19,780 m), Saint Gotthard (14,984 m), Mont Senissky (12,850 m), etc., as well as the double-track Great Apennine (18,510 m ). One of the largest railway tunnels in the United States is the double-track Moffat tunnel (9920 m). The railway industry has reached significant proportions. tunneling in Japan; in the 1970s 32 tunnels were built on the Osaka - Okayama railway line, including the double-track Rokko tunnel (16,200 m). The longest underwater railway tunnel under the Tsugaru Strait between the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido (36,400 m) has been completed.
Options and geometric characteristics railway tunnel - depth, length, longitudinal profile, plan outline, shape and cross-sectional dimensions - are determined by operational requirements (category of railways, number of tracks, location of the route, type of traction, etc.), natural factors (topographic, geological , hydrogeological and climatic conditions), builds. requirements (methods of work, used mining equipment, etc.).
The cross-section of a railway tunnel, as a rule, has a horseshoe shape, and its dimensions are determined by the number of tracks and the clearance of the passage in the tunnel. On double-track railways there is one double-track or two single-track railway tunnels. In favorable engineering and geological conditions, it is preferable to lay double-track tunnels on straight sections. The route and terrain often dictate the need to bend the tunnel axis, which leads to an increase in its cross-sectional area, greater consumption of materials, higher costs of construction and work, worsening ventilation and increased resistance to train movement. The requirements for curved sections of railway tunnels are similar to those for open areas railways The longitudinal profile of a railway tunnel can be single- or double-slope. Horizontal dividers and platforms long are allowed. 200-400 m. Slopes in residential areas. and in the approach sections no more than the guide slope of the longitudinal profile of the railway line is taken, and for a tunnel length of more than 300 m they are reduced by multiplying the guide slope by a coefficient.
When tracing a railway, geodetic and surveying work is carried out, during which the direction and length of the tunnel axis are determined, it is transferred inside the tunnel, and the longitudinal profile and cross sections are laid out. The design of a railway tunnel is preceded by engineering-geological surveys along the route, as a result of which the geological and tectonic structure of the mountain massif, the composition and properties of rocks, the stability of rocks in the outcrop and the expected rock pressure, the presence of aquifers, the expected water inflows and hydrostatic pressure, temperature and compound groundwater, presence and composition of underground gases, rock temperature, seismicity of the construction area, presence of permafrost. Engineering-geological surveys are carried out at the stage of reconnaissance surveys in the main ones using pits, and at the stage of detailed surveys - by drilling exploration wells, geophysics. methods, drilling exploratory wells, sinking exploratory adits.
Components railway tunnel - tunnel structures, which include tunnel lining, waterproofing, drainage devices (see), lower and upper track structures, portals, chambers and niches, as well as lighting and power supply systems, ventilation devices (if necessary), alarm devices, interlocks and connections ensuring uninterrupted and safe movement of trains. At the entrances to the railway tunnel, the lining is mated with portals that strengthen the frontal slopes and architecturally design the tunnel. For the safe maintenance and maintenance of the railway tunnel, chambers are built in it for storing and covering equipment used during operation and repair, as well as niches for temporary shelter for personnel.
Great value has protection of the railway tunnel from the entry of surface and groundwater into them. To do this, drainage of the mountain range, compaction of surrounding rocks, and waterproofing are used. When draining the massif, surface drainage and drainage of groundwater are organized (through drainage adits, wells, lining slots). Compaction of rocks in the vicinity of a railway tunnel leads to the formation of a water-resistant cement layer around the tunnel opening. To do this, cementation, clayization, silicatization or bituminization of rocks is carried out, and solutions are injected directly behind the lining.
Waterproofing monolithic tunnel linings ensures their complete sealing. External flexible waterproofing is placed between the lining and the excavation cavity, lined with a layer cement-sand mortar. Internal waterproofing, which, depending on the materials used, can be rigid or flexible, are arranged according to inner surface lining. Rigid waterproofing made from a layer of gunite mortar reinforced with steel mesh is advisable in crack-resistant lining structures. In other designs and at hydrostatic pressure St. 0.15 MPa provides flexible waterproofing, pressed against the reinforced concrete lining. a jacket that absorbs hydrostatic pressure. Rolled waterproofing and metal insulation are used as flexible waterproofing. bitumen mastic, hydroglass insulation, glued by melting a bitumen layer applied to a fiberglass base, and polymer films welded at the joints. When waterproofing prefabricated linings, the seams are stamped with expanding cement, and spherical washers and plugs with asbestos-bitumen or polyethylene seals are installed in the bolt holes and injection holes.
The upper structure of the track in a railway tunnel is designed as for open sections of the railway. d. However, due to the difficulty of maintaining repair work More durable ballast-free slab structures have been developed in the tunnel.
In the transport zone of the railway tunnel they accumulate harmful substances, emitted during the passage of trains, as well as sometimes toxic gases penetrating from surrounding rocks. In addition, air humidity and temperature are usually increased in tunnels. To create standards and operating conditions in the railway tunnel, natural or forced ventilation is carried out. If air exchange is required only to compensate for heat generation, then limit temperature air removed from the tunnel is assumed to be 35 °C. The ventilation system is selected depending on the length of the railway tunnel and the type of traction. Mechanical ventilation is prescribed: for diesel traction - with a tunnel length of 300-1000 m in the event that calculations show the need for art, ventilation, and without fail if the length of the tunnel is St. 1000 m; for electric locomotive traction - with a tunnel length of St. 1000 m and when justified by calculation. With a shorter tunnel length, natural ventilation is used, which is created under the influence of thermal, barometric and wind pressure. These natural factors fickle, therefore natural. ventilation is not always effective and noticeably deteriorates with the length of the tunnel. 1000 m. Natural ventilation also depends on the piston action of the train: when it moves in the direction of the air flow, it improves, and in the opposite direction, it worsens.
Electric stationary lighting with horizontal illumination at the level of the rail head of at least 1 lux is installed in the railway tunnel. Power and lighting networks in the railway tunnel are supplied with alternating current voltage 380/220 V from the nearest sources: traction substation, energy systems, industrial and other power plants, as well as from their own. power plants located near the railway tunnel.
The signaling, blocking and communication systems in the railway tunnel are of the same type as those adopted for the entire section of the railway line on which it is located.
The technology for constructing a railway tunnel is determined by Ch. arr. geological and hydrogeological conditions, as well as technical and economic factors. There are two main methods of performing work: mining and panel. When constructing underwater railway tunnels, it is also rational to use the method of lowering sections, and when arming deep entries within the city - open method. For information on the construction of a railway tunnel, see Art.

On the M-11 highway tunnel under construction under the railway (Warsaw direction) in St. Petersburg, work began on the construction of monolithic sections - the main load-bearing structure future building.

On the M-11 highway tunnel under construction under the railway (Warsaw direction) in St. Petersburg, work has begun on the installation of monolithic sections - the main supporting structure of the future structure. Ready four monolithic plot out of 44, five more sections are in operation, reports the press service of Magistral of Two Capitals LLC.

The tunnel is one of the most technically complex structures of sections 7-8 of the route. Its length is 74.9 meters, height - 5.52 meters (dimension 5.2 meters), it will have three lanes in each direction. During the course of the work, a tray, walls and a vault made of monolithic reinforced concrete are gradually installed, and as the monolithic sections are constructed, soil is removed. At the same time, train traffic is not interrupted, and to ensure safety, constant geodetic monitoring of track deformations is carried out.

The Moscow-St. Petersburg toll highway will mainly run parallel to the M-10 Rossiya road with an intersection at the 58th, 149th, 208th, 258th, 334th, 543rd kilometers. Construction of M-11 is carried out in several stages, each of which is independent investment project. Now two sections have been put into operation on a paid basis: from the 15th to the 58th kilometer in the Khimki and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region, bypassing Khimki, as well as from the 258th to the 334th kilometer in the Torzhoksky, Spirovsky and Vyshnevolotsky districts of the Tver region bypassing Vyshny Volochok.

Sections 7-8 are located throughout St. Petersburg, Leningrad and Novgorod regions. Construction of both sections is planned for 2015 - 2018, operation under the terms of a concession agreement - for 2018 - 2041. The road will be 4-6 lanes, with 18 bridges, three interchanges and one tunnel and will bypass all populated areas.
