What is the best bed. How to choose a good bed

In the interior of any home, the bed plays a big role. According to statistics, a person spends almost a third of his life sleeping. Exactly good sleep is the key to performance and excellent well-being. And if you want to buy a new bed for your home, then you need to approach this issue more than seriously, because along with the bed you choose your future health. Qualified experts say that almost all diseases associated with the back arise precisely because of poor-quality beds. Let's figure out how to choose a great bed for your bedroom.


The main thing you should pay attention to is the frame of the sleeping bed itself; the length of its service life depends on it. If the design is flimsy, then it is better not to buy such a bed, for short time it can easily fail. The frame can rest on the backs or legs. It is believed that the bed is stronger if the support is on the backrests, but this also largely depends on the manufacturer. In principle, it does not matter what design you choose if it is expensive furniture. A bed is exactly that thing, the cost of which increases in proportion to its quality. A good bed cannot be cheap. Carved wooden beds and forged metal beds are very popular not only due to their presentable appearance, but also their durability. But beds made from chipboard, laminated chipboard, MDF are no longer so durable, although again it all depends on the design and manufacturer. In addition, it is worth considering that the mattress will be placed on the frame in the future, which means its size must match the size of the mattress.


It is best to choose a bed with an orthopedic base. It consists of wooden planks - slats, thanks to which the mattress adapts to the contours of the person lying on it. They bend under load, while adjacent lamellas are independent of each other. The standard distance between the slats is 6 cm; in a reinforced base, the slats are spaced at a distance of 3 cm. In cheap beds, plywood can be used instead of an orthopedic base. Such a foundation, as is not difficult to understand, will be static. A shield assembled from ordinary straight planks can also be used; such a base will also not be flexible enough.

Storage location

The bed is a great storage space that should not be overlooked. In principle, you can store any seasonal items, for example, boxes of shoes, inside any bed where the design allows it, but this is not always convenient. It is better to pay attention to those beds that have drawers.

Better yet, buy a bed with lifting mechanism. It will be possible to place large items here, and thereby free up significant space in closets and other storage areas. For the manufacture of the lifting mechanism, metal guides and pneumatic shock absorbers are used, thanks to which lifting the lamella block together with the mattress is possible without special effort even with one hand.


The frame and base have been decided, but the choice of mattress is no less important. Many people say that you need to sleep on a hard mattress, but you can argue with that. In general, the mattress should be neither soft nor hard, the hardness should be moderate. The best choice, of course, is an orthopedic mattress, which can be of two types: with a spring base and springless. The ideal option is latex springless mattresses, because they can completely follow the shape of the body, preventing tissue compression. It is recommended to sleep on them even for those people who have spinal diseases.

With spring models the situation is more complicated. Spring mattresses can be of two types:

  • With Bonel continuous weave springs. This mattress has main drawback: one spring is pressed through - the neighboring ones are pressed through.
  • With independent spring block. Such a mattress will cost much more, but this particular mattress has an orthopedic effect. Best option– choosing an orthopedic mattress in combination with a bed with an orthopedic base.

There is a filler between the spring block and the upholstery. Can also be used here various materials. The best are latex and coconut.

Pay attention! Mattresses are double-sided with seasonal upholstery. One side - summer - is made of cotton, the other is made of wool.


There are certain standards for sleeping beds. The length of the bed is usually 1.9 or 2 m. To determine the desired length of the bed, you need to add 25–40 cm to your height. People of short and average height do not need to worry about this. And those who are above average should choose a bed of increased length or order the selected model, specifying special parameters.

As for the width, the beds can be single, single and double. Within each segment, the width also varies. For a child or a miniature girl, a bed with a width of 70 to 90 cm is suitable. For men, it is better to look towards options with a width of 90–100 cm. If you like to sleep spread out on a bed, then one and a half beds will seem especially comfortable to you. People of any weight category can comfortably sit on them alone. A semi-bed can also be used for sleeping together, but you need to take into account that this is more likely an option for young people who like to sleep in an embrace; there is not much privacy on a bed 140 cm wide. Double beds have a size exceeding 140 cm. The standard is 160 cm, but there are beds two meters wide.

Pay attention! With age, the need for free space during sleep increases.

When choosing a bed by width, you need to take into account not only the comfort of sleep, but also the size of the bedroom. If wide bed installed in a small bedroom, it will occupy half the room. In general, it is customary to install a bed so that there is free space on both sides, although some people do not adhere to this rule. If the bed is wide and its side is placed against the wall, be prepared for the fact that cleaning and making the bed will be inconvenient.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about the height of the bed. It is generally accepted that the older a person gets, the higher the bed should be. Ideally, you should focus on knee level.

If you decide in advance what parameters your new bed should have, then do right choice it will be much easier, and you will be satisfied with your purchase.

Good sleep is the key to health, and as you know, you can’t skimp on health. Doctors have long proven that in almost half of cases the cause of back pain is the wrong bed. On the contrary, if the purchase is made correctly, taking into account all the rules and recommendations, then sleep will bring real rest and relaxation, and the morning will always be good, even despite the alarm clock ringing. How to choose the right bed and not lose your head huge assortment? Let's look at the type of construction, preferred materials, size, style and other features that are important to consider when purchasing.

No. 1. Bed size and shape

When choosing a bed, you need to focus on the height of those who will rest on it, as well as the size of the room. The rule is simple: buy biggest bed that can fit in the bedroom without interfering with free movement. When asking the parameters of a specific model in a store, you can hear the answer that the size of the bed is standard, but it is better to clarify and ask again for the exact data in centimeters, since the standards are different countries may differ:

Standard bed length – 190 cm, models with a length of 200 cm are less common. If you search, you can find a bed 218 cm in length, and if you need an even larger sleeping place, you will have to make a bed to order.

When choosing the optimal bed size, consider the following recommendations:

As for forms, then it’s better to stick to the traditional rectangular one, and realize your design fantasies in unusual decor and bright textiles. Bed round, oval, arc-shaped or heart-shaped It looks impressive, but can cause a lot of problems: from inconvenience during sleep to difficulties with the selection of bed linen and blankets. Everything will have to be sewn individually.

No. 2. Bed frame design

The bed consists of a base where the mattress is placed, and a frame on which the base rests. The frame may include backrests headboards and footboards, supports(legs, podium) and kings(these are the side panels of the bed).

The frame can be one of these two types:

It is difficult to say for sure which type of frame is better. If the bed is made of high quality, then it will in any case be durable, and low-quality specimens will soon begin to creak. However, samples with supporting backs perform slightly better than models with legs. Supports of a larger area break much less often than legs, but a bed with legs looks more airy and weightless.

No. 3. Bed material

High-quality bed material is the key to the durability of the product. There may be several options:

  • solid wood- the most preferred material. Such beds have maximum durability and strength, they are environmentally friendly and safe. The most durable frames will be those made of oak, ash and beech, but find good option it is possible in a more accessible category;
  • metal also shows record durability, has a high service life and is durable. welded and forged beds. The second option, naturally, looks more sophisticated and elegant and today, by the way, is at the peak of popularity;
  • MDF bed will cost less, but is in many ways inferior to wood and metal. Such products look good and do not cause harm to health, but their service life before the first breakdown is somewhat lower than that of their wooden counterparts. In terms of price/quality ratio, this is the most attractive option on the market, which is why such beds are very popular;
  • beds made of fiberboard and chipboard They are the cheapest, do not last long, quickly begin to creak, and then completely fall apart. Buying a bed made of chipboard – forced measure, when the budget is very limited, but even in this case it is necessary to look at safety certificates and pay attention to the level of formaldehyde emission (in residential premises you can use products of level E0 and E1).

MDF, chipboard and fiberboard can be laminated and repeat the pattern of any type of wood or stone, they can be painted or veneered, so in appearance such beds look very attractive. Manufacturers often use upholstery in fabric, leather and eco-leather. Make sure that the fabric is dense and wear-resistant.

Today it is fashionable to use . Not only are they used to make country furniture and cozy sofas with tables for summer cafe areas. Several of these drawers can serve as an excellent base for a bed in a city apartment. This solution will fit, however, not into any interior.

No. 4. Bed base

The bed base is firmly attached to the frame and becomes a support for the mattress. The base can be of the following types:

It is best when there is nothing under the slatted base (this is the preferred choice). In this case, the mattress will be perfectly ventilated and will last a very long time. Beds with storage compartments under the bed. These can be drawers, which is not very convenient, or a large storage area, accessed thanks to a lifting mechanism.

No. 5. Bed with lifting mechanism

Under a large double bed there is as much space as an average or. If the apartment is small, it would be stupid not to use this space. Of course, you can take a model where there is a some drawers , but this approach does not allow for maximum use of the under-bed space. It will not be possible to open such drawers in every bedroom, and finding such an option is not so easy.

It is better to take a bed with a lifting mechanism: once you lift the base with the mattress, a huge (about 1.8 * 1.9 m and 25-40 cm deep) storage space appears in front of you. You can store both bedding and out-of-season clothes there - there is enough space for everything.

Depending on what load is expected, choose one or another lifting mechanism:

No. 6. Folding bed or transforming bed

It is clear that not every apartment can accommodate a large stationary bed. Often you have to be content with the quality sleeping place, but there are alternatives. These are the so-called transforming beds or wardrobe beds. During the day they are kept near the wall and do not interfere with free movement, and at night, thanks to the folding mechanism, they turn into a full-fledged sleeping place. During the day, such a bed can serve as a prop cabinet, be decorated with a nice painting, or even turn into a small sofa.

There are transforming beds that recline during the day and provide access to the table, and the mechanism is designed so that all objects on the tabletop remain in place when the bed moves.

No. 7. Headboard

Availability depends on where it will be located. If you are going to place the head of the bed against the wall, then you can easily do without a separate backrest. The wall near the head can be highlighted, for example, paint or wallpaper of a different color. There are more bold decisions: boards, tree cuts, etc. Above the headboard you can organize a shelf for storing necessary or purely decorative items. Sometimes such a shelf smoothly flows into a storage system that continues on the sides of the bed.

If you plan to place the bed not flush against the wall, then it is better to take model with her own headboard. It should be reliable and comfortable so that you can safely lean on it while reading or watching TV. In some beds, the headboard is located at a slight angle - this is the most ergonomic option.

No. 8. Bed style

The material and design of the bed must not only meet ergonomic requirements, but also meet. Therefore, when deciding which bed to choose, you need to take into account its design: it will decorate the interior in ethnic, modern, minimalist and classic style;

  • beds with carved wooden backs, gilded, decorative overlays and inlays will be used in interiors in classical and rococo styles.
  • No. 9. Mattress

    The comfort of sleeping on a bed greatly depends on the chosen mattress. Generally high quality orthopedic mattresses are already included with the bed, but often you have to purchase this product yourself. It is better to take a medium-hard or hard mattress, unless this is prohibited for you for medical reasons.

    Springs, latex, polyurethane and even cotton wool can be used as filler. There is still no consensus among experts about which mattress is better: some say that those filled with latex or polyurethane are ideal, others advise taking combined mattresses. Best advice– rely on your own feelings and test the mattress in the store. The topic of choosing a suitable mattress for beds No. 11. What else to consider when choosing a bed?

    In pursuit of a large spacious bed, do not forget that space in the bedroom is limited, and in addition to the bed, it is often necessary to place a wardrobe or chest of drawers, leaving a free passage to the sleeping area and the window.

    On sale you can find beds very original design . For example, in the form of a boat, a nest, there are even swing beds, but trying to add variety to home interior, do not forget that the bed, first of all, should be comfortable.

    As for bed manufacturers, then you can pay attention to Dream Line (beds made of solid ash and beech), Olimp, Horizont, Fratelli Barri (expensive designer Italian beds), as well as more affordable products from SMK, Vasko, Triya and Lonax.

    Finally, we note that it is better to buy a bed, like a mattress, only after a personal inspection and short testing: an uncomfortable product will give itself away almost immediately.

    The main criterion by which a bed is usually chosen is, of course, design. First of all, the buyer chooses a bed so that it matches the interior of the apartment and harmoniously combines both in style and color scheme.

    What should you pay attention to when choosing a bed? Of course, depending on the size of the bed. The most common sizes are the following: 120x200, 140x200, 160x200 and 180x200 cm. Select the size of the bed so that you feel comfortable and comfortable on the bed. Most specialized stores provide the opportunity to lie on the bed before purchasing in order to determine exactly what size bed will be optimal for you. Do not ignore this opportunity, because the bed is purchased for a long time and you should be comfortable on it for many years.

    When purchasing a bed, it is important to pay attention to the mattress base. Beds can be equipped with an orthopedic or rigid base, or they can be sold without a base. If the bed is sold without a base, it must be purchased separately - this additional costs for the buyer.

    It is recommended to purchase beds with a reinforced orthopedic base based on a durable metal frame with wooden slats. This base allows you to fully reveal the orthopedic properties of the mattress and ensures its ventilation. Pay attention to the quality of the lamellas themselves - they must be sufficiently strong and elastic, at least 50 mm wide, and the distance between the lamellas is no more than 70 mm, and the smaller this distance, the better. The bases are available with a different number of support legs (from 4 to 9), the more legs at the base, the better.
    Beds with a rigid base are also common. The base is solid metal structure with laminated MDF sheets laid on top. This base is characterized by high load characteristics and has excellent reliability. They are recommended for people with heavy weight.

    Recently, orthopedic bases with a lifting mechanism and a niche for linen have become very popular. Thanks to special gas shock absorbers, the mattress along with the orthopedic lattice can be easily raised, and bed linen and other things can be folded into a spacious niche at the base of the bed. This solution allows you to increase the functional properties of the bed and rationally use the free space in the bedroom.

    What material should I buy a bed from?, leather, eco-leather, wood or metal? IN in this case, when choosing a bed there are no special recommendations, the choice depends solely on your personal preferences, choose the bed that you like best and suits your interior. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the selected model, touch the backrest, check the strength of the backrest and other parts of the bed.

    What types of beds are there? Beds are distinguished by the material from which they are made or finished. The most popular beds are made of MDF, solid wood, metal, beds trimmed with leather, eco-leather, vinyl leather. Each of these materials has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

    Solid wood beds. Solid wood is considered a prestigious and environmentally friendly material for making furniture. The undoubted advantage of the array is its naturalness. A solid wood bed looks beautiful and creates a positive feeling when touched - the wood is warm and pleasant to the touch. Wooden furniture will last for decades. Disadvantages - sensitivity to temperature changes, high or low humidity.

    Metal beds. Main characteristics metal beds is their high strength and reliability in operation, as well as brilliant appearance. The metal is not subject to change in shape and can withstand high mechanical loads. And among other things, elegant wrought iron beds will become an exquisite decoration of your bedroom interior. Cons: the metal is cold to the touch, a forged bed does not suit every interior.

    Beds made of wood and metal. Good decision For modern bedroom, this bed combines the strength of metal, warmth natural wood and low cost.

    Beds decorated with genuine leather. Genuine leather is a high-quality and durable material; it has high breathability, allowing furniture to “breathe”. Leather trim has long term service, does not absorb dirt, is resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Since leather is an expensive material, usually only the headboard of the bed is made from it, and the sides are finished with artificial leather, which completely matches the color and texture of the headboard. You should know that genuine leather products must be properly cared for - wiped 2-3 times a year. by special means, which moisturize and preserve the skin, which will avoid premature wear and aging.

    Beds with eco-leather trim. Eco-leather is a modern eco-friendly material, which in its consumer properties is close to natural leather, but at the same time much more affordable. Unlike vinyl artificial leather, eco-leather is environmentally friendly, harmless to health, odorless, highly wear-resistant, and does not fade. It is made by applying a polyurethane coating to a natural fabric base. Eco-leather trim can imitate the texture of natural leather, or it can have an unusual corrugated texture. Eco-leather is available in pearl, gold, bronze and other unusual colors. The material does not require any special care, unlike genuine leather. Today, many buyers prefer eco-leather beds.

    Beds made of vinyl leatherette (PVC leatherette). Vinyl leather is produced by applying PVC to a fabric base. The quality, hardness and appearance of leatherette may vary. Vinyl leather is a fairly durable and weather-resistant material. In terms of wear resistance, it is somewhat inferior to eco-leather based on polyurethane, but at the same time it is cheaper than the latter. Typically, vinyl artificial leather is used in inexpensive bed models in order to reduce their cost as much as possible.

    MDF beds. MDF is durable material made from fine wood shavings at high blood pressure and temperature. Due to the fact that the material is well processed, it is used to make beautiful furniture various shapes with elegant milling and various finishes. It can be varnished, veneered, laminated, etc. Such furniture is more affordable than solid wood furniture.

    Happy shopping and sweet dreams!
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    Hard or soft? Spring, latex or polyurethane? The choice of mattresses is huge. The main thing is to decide on the budget and basic requirements. A soft mattress is not best choice for your back. Unless this option is due to medical reasons or your personal urgent need. It is best to choose a medium-firm or firm mattress. Polyurethane and latex – synthetic fibers, which are great for filling a mattress. At the same time, they provide good support and comfort during sleep. High-quality polyurethane mattresses have a memory effect, that is, they “remember” the curves of your body and provide maximum support while you sleep.

    Spring mattresses also come with a filling made of synthetic materials, as well as a layer of fiber coconut tree, which ensures the best air circulation. It is better to choose pocket type springs. In this case, even if your bedmate likes to toss and turn in his sleep, this will not bother you at all. And of course, don’t forget about buying a mattress cover - it’s hygienic and convenient: washing a mattress cover is much easier than having a mattress dry cleaned.
