150 flight hours Ulyanovsk State University. Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P.

Becoming a pilot is not easy. This profession requires complete dedication and special education. Before deciding to enroll in a particular educational institution, it is worth studying the list of flight schools in Russia. In the institutions presented below you can get high-quality and affordable education.

Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation

Higher flight schools in Russia are chosen by those applicants who want to receive the best education. Ulyanovsk VAU GA is one of the largest educational institutions in this category.

The school was founded in 1935. Initially it was a flight training course, which was based in different cities of Russia.

The Ulyanovsk VAU GA acquired its modern appearance in 1992 after the collapse of the USSR, and the new leadership of the country issued a decree on the creation of an aviation school of the highest category in Ulyanovsk on the basis of previously existing institutions.

Ulyanovsk VAU GA has three faculties and fourteen departments that train specialists in management and maintenance of various types.

Branches of Ulyanovsk VAU GA

Flight schools civil aviation Russia are branches of other educational institutions. The largest branches of the institution indicated in the subtitle are located in Sasovo, Krasny Kut and Omsk.

In the city of Sasovo there is one of the civil aviation schools, which trains specialists in flight operation of various aircraft. It also trains technical personnel for the repair and maintenance of flight equipment, flight and navigation systems, engines and electrified systems.

Krasnokutsk Flight School specializes in training civil aviation pilots. During its operation, it has produced many specialists, among whom are pilots awarded honorary state awards.

The Flight Technical College in Omsk is one of the few civil aviation flight schools in Russia that teach piloting MI-8 helicopters and prepare technical staff for their maintenance. The school's teachers also train aviation mechanics and aviation and radio-electronic equipment specialists.

The remaining flight schools in Russia are presented as branches of other universities, but also train specialists in different areas.

civil aviation (St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation)

In the post-war years, rapid development began air transport and increasing air transportation turnover. Existing training centers could not provide required quantity frames. In 1955, the leadership of the USSR decided to create a new educational institution that would train pilots. University status was assigned to the educational institution in 2004 after successfully completing accreditation.

The St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation trains specialists in several areas: pilots, technical personnel, dispatchers. The university has several faculties. There is a separate dean's office for work with foreign students, which specializes in helping foreign citizens obtain an education.

Some flight schools in Russia are branches of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation. They have narrower specializations, but also allow you to get a technical education.

Branches of the St. Petersburg State Administration of Civil Aviation

The flight school in Buguruslan trains qualified pilots for civil aviation. Personnel training is carried out only in full-time education, which ensures a sufficient level of qualifications.

Civil flight schools of Russia on the basis of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation are located in several other cities of the country: Vyborg, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Yakutsk.

The Yakut branch of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation is called the Aviation Technical School and is interesting in that since 2012 it has been training personnel in the specialty “Piloting the MI-8 helicopter.” There are few such institutions in Russia, so the institution is popular. The school also trains technical personnel for various types of maintenance.

The Krasnoyarsk branch of the St. Petersburg State Administration for Civil Aviation provides training for specialists in flight control and airport operation. At the same time, the school operates an aviation training center, which provides retraining of specialists in other areas and advanced training.

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation (Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation)

Higher flight schools of Russia are called upon to provide the country with the right amount aviation industry specialists. One of such institutions is the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation.

It was founded in 1971 as a response to the demand of domestic aviation and to this day it copes well with its tasks.

This educational institution trains operational specialists. All major civil aviation flight schools have branches in other cities of Russia. Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is no exception and has 2 branches and several colleges.

Branches of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation

The branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation in Irkutsk trains specialists in the field of maintenance of aviation systems, complexes and operation of aircraft. It includes the Center for Personnel Retraining.

The Rostov branch trains specialists in technical operation engines and aircraft, flight and navigation systems and aviation electrical systems, transport radio equipment.

The Aviation Technical College in Yegoryevsk trains technical personnel for civil aviation. On the basis of the college, a department for foreign students of a preparatory direction has been founded, where they can master the Russian language and some general disciplines.

The Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation also includes aviation colleges in Rylsk, Irkutsk, Kirsanov and Troitsk.

Flight schools in Russia

There are few educational institutions in Russia that train military pilots.

Applicants who wish to enroll in Russian military flight schools should first consider how military aviation differs from civil aviation.

Civil aviation is intended for transport of population and goods and is of a commercial nature. Military aviation is state-owned and is used for defensive purposes or to carry out combat missions and transport troops and technical weapons. Flight schools train personnel for transport, fighter, bomber and attack aircraft.

Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots in Krasnodar (Krasnodar VVAUL)

Krasnodar VVAUL is currently a branch of the Air Force Academy named after. Professors N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin. It was founded in 1938 as a school for military aviation pilots.

In the modern Krasnodar VVAUL, three faculties are fully functioning, which train specialists in several areas of military aviation. During its existence as a flight school, the school graduated many personnel who subsequently achieved high ranks in the military sphere.

Almost all flight schools in Russia during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War carried out training of military pilots. But at the end of it, most of them were transferred to the reserves or retrained as civil aviation pilots. In addition to the Krasnodar VVAUL, another educational institution is currently training military aircraft pilots.

Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots in Syzran (Syzran VVAUL)

The uniqueness of the Syzran VVAUL is that it is the only military school, which trains combat helicopter pilots. Currently, there is one helicopter regiment based at the school, based at the airfield in Syzran. Previously there were three. But the remaining regiments were disbanded.

Russian flight schools are popular among students from nearby countries. Foreign specialists who do not have the opportunity to train in their own state are also trained within the walls of the Syzran VVAUL.

Russian military flight schools, in their small numbers, currently meet the needs of the country’s military aviation and its closest neighbors. Over the years of their work, they have produced many specialists in their field.

Information taken from open sources. If you want to become a page moderator

Bachelor, postgraduate, specialist

Skill level:

full-time, correspondence

Form of study:

State diploma

Certificate of completion:



From 7750 to 129700 RUR per year

Tuition fee:

From 160 to 223

Passing score:

Quantity budget places:

General information

The Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (institute) is a worthy successor to the activities of training and flight teams: Higher Flight Training Courses of the Civil Air Fleet, Flight Center of the Civil Air Fleet, School of Higher Flight Training of Civil Aviation, Center of Civil Aviation of the CMEA member countries.

By order of the Civil Air Fleet Main Directorate No. 270 dated September 19, 1935, higher flight training courses were organized at the First United School of Pilots and Aircraft Technicians of the Civil Air Fleet in Bataysk. Initially they were headed by G. Pruzhinin.

In 1939, due to the aggravation of the international situation, VLP courses were transferred to the city Mineralnye Vody.

In November 1941, the Higher Flight Training Courses of the Civil Air Fleet were relocated from Mineralnye Vody to Tashkent. The main task task assigned to the staff of the educational institution was the retraining of crews for the Li-2 aircraft. Over the course of four war years, 4,568 pilots, 1,750 flight mechanics, 1,101 flight radio operators, 414 navigators - a total of about 8,000 aviation specialists - were trained here. During the war, enough aircrew personnel were retrained for 100 air regiments. Over 200 employees of the educational institution received government awards. Among them are attack pilots: twice Hero Soviet Union N.G. Stepanyan and five Heroes of the Soviet Union M.G. Klimenko, I.D. Pavlov, N.I. Martyanov, S.A. Ivanov, I.F. Yakurnov. This is one branch in the origin of the Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation.

The second branch is the creation in 1939 of the Flight Center in Moscow (order of the GUGVF No. 256 of June 16, 1939). During the war years, the Flight Center worked in Novosibirsk, then in Baku.

During the Great Patriotic War, the VLP Courses and the Flight Center sent 104 of their best instructors to the active army, of which 26 people died. In total, the VLP Courses and the Flight Center for the Front trained 7,833 flight specialists during the war. These two organizations worked independently until 1947.

By Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 2243-616 of July 27, 1947, the VLP courses and the Flight Center were reorganized into the School of Higher Flight Training of the Civil Air Fleet with a deployment in the city of Buguruslan. There, thousands of pilots, flight mechanics, navigators, and radio operators were retrained from small aviation to fly Li-2 and Il-12 aircraft.

Since 1950, the VLP School has been relocated to Ulyanovsk (order of the GUGVF No. 026 of February 6, 1950). Since 1956, ShVLP has been training crews for the Il-14, Il-18, Tu-104, Tu-124, Tu-134, Tu-154, An-10, An-12, Yak-42, Il-76 and IL-86.

In 1974, the Civil Aviation Training and Methodological Center was organized at the Ulyanovsk ShVLP (Order of the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR No. 238 of November 28, 1974).

In accordance with the General Agreement on Cooperation of the CMEA member countries and Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 754-248 of September 23, 1974, Order of the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR No. 118 of September 8, 1980, Ulyanovsk ShVLP and Educational and Methodological Center from January 1, 1981 were abolished and on their bases the Order of Lenin Center for joint training of flight, technical and dispatch personnel of the civil aviation of the CMEA member countries was organized.

During the existence of the VLP Courses, the Flight Center, the VLP School and the CMEA Civil Aviation Center, a total of more than 60,000 aviation specialists were trained for aviation enterprises of the USSR and foreign countries.

In the 80s, in Ulyanovsk, by decision of the USSR Government, a powerful training and production base and an airfield complex were built, which made it possible to master new aviation equipment and train flight personnel from many countries around the world.

Due to the collapse of the USSR, higher civil aviation flight schools based in the cities of Aktyubinsk and Kirovograd found themselves outside of Russia. As a result, the problem arose of training flight personnel with higher education for airlines Russian Federation.

By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1931-r of October 23, 1992 and by Order of the Ministry of Transport of December 18, 1992 No. 100, the Ulyanovsk Higher Educational Institution was created on the basis of the Center for Joint Training of Flight, Technical and Dispatch Personnel of Civil Aviation of the CMEA Member Countries and the Institute for Advanced Training aviation school of civil aviation.

Federal state budget educational institution higher vocational education Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (Institute) (hereinafter referred to as UVAU GA (I)) has:

State status of the certificate holder by type of educational institution of higher professional education type institute.

In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/04/2008 No. 109-r and the order of the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated 10/20/2008 No. 413 On measures to implement the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02/04/2008 No. 109- r on the reorganization of the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation (Institute) (Ulyanovsk) federal state educational institutions of secondary vocational education were annexed to the institute, with the formation on their basis of separate structural divisions (branches of the institute):

  • Sasovo named after Hero of the Soviet Union Taran G.A. civil aviation flight school (SLU GA), (Sasovo, Ryazan region). Type of educational institution - technical school (school);
  • Krasnokutsk Flight School of Civil Aviation (KKLU GA), (Krasny Kut, Saratov region). Type of educational institution - technical school (school);
  • Omsk Flight Technical College of Civil Aviation named after A.V. Lyapidevsky (OLTK GA), (Omsk). Type of educational institution - college.

UVAU GA (I) is a leading educational institution for training flight personnel for Russian civil aviation.

Currently the institute has three faculties:

  • Faculty of Flight Operations and Air Traffic Control;
  • Faculty of Aviation Specialists Training;
  • Faculty of continuous forms of education.

More than 3 thousand people study at 14 departments.

See all photos

1 of

Full-time education


  • specialization - Organization of flight work (aircraft co-pilot);

Bachelor's degree:

  • Profile 1 - Flight operation of civil aircraft (aircraft co-pilot);
  • Profile 4 - Aviation fuel supply for air transportation and aviation operations (airport fueling complex engineer).
  • Profile 2 - Security technological processes and production (engineer of the labor and environmental protection department).

Direction of training 03.27.02 - Quality management

Part-time study


  • Specialty 05.25.05 - Operation of aircraft and air traffic management
  • specialization - Organization of the use of airspace (air traffic control specialist).

Bachelor's degree:

Direction of training 03.25.03 - Air navigation

  • Profile 1 - Flight operation of civil aircraft work (aircraft co-pilot);
  • Profile 8 - Search and rescue support for aircraft flights (specialist in the field of search and rescue support for flights);
  • Profile 9 - Aviation security (specialist in the field of aviation security).

Direction of training 03/25/04 - Operation of airports and provision of aircraft flights

  • Profile 4 - Aviation fuel supply for air transportation and aviation work (airport fueling complex engineer)

Direction of training 03.20.01 - Technosphere safety

  • Profile 2 - Safety of technological processes and production (engineer of the labor and environmental protection department)

The postgraduate course of the institute carries out training of highly qualified personnel in the direction of 25.00.00 - Air navigation and operation of aviation and rocket and space technology.

About 1,700 people study in four specialties of secondary vocational education in the branches of the institute.

Admissions Committee Contacts

Admission conditions

Note: until July 15, 2016


Note: .



  • Letter of guarantee from the airline (for applicants for training in the “Organization of Flight Operations” specialization for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services).

Scroll necessary documents from applicants within the targeted admission quota for training:

  • Application for admission to study, completed in your own hand.

Note: If an applicant has the right to enroll in studies based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the institute independently, then the implementation of this right is possible only in the central admissions committee in Ulyanovsk upon submission of all required documents until July 15, 2015

  • A copy of a document proving identity and citizenship (passport).

Note: A copy of the passport is not certified by a notary.

  • Original or copy of a standard document on secondary general education (certificate), or a standard document on secondary vocational education, or a state document on primary vocational education received before 09/01/2013, which contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) education general education.

Note: If you provide a copy of your education document, please note that the original of this document must be submitted to the university until July 29, 2015

  • Photos of the applicant measuring 3x4 cm (8 pieces - for applicants based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the institute independently; 6 pieces - for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam).
  • A copy of the agreement on targeted training concluded between the applicant and the organization that has entered into an agreement on targeted admission with UVAU GA (I).
  • Medical certificate of suitability for training, issued by the medical flight expert commission (VLEK) (for those entering training in the specializations “Organization of flight work”, “Organization of the use of airspace”, training profile “Flight operation of civil aircraft”).

Note: The medical report must be accompanied by originals or copies of the results of laboratory and functional tests certified by VLEK.

  • Psychological examination card (PO) (for applicants for training in the specializations “Organization of flight work”, “Organization of the use of airspace”, training profile “Flight operation of civil aircraft”).

Note: the software map must contain a list of methods used, primary results for these methods and prognostic scores; it must be certified by the signature of the psychologist who conducted the examination and the seal of the VLEK.

  • A conclusion containing information on the results of a physical fitness test, certified by the seal of the central admissions or zonal selection committee of a civil aviation educational institution (for applicants for training in the specialization “Organization of Flight Work”, training profile “Flight Operation of Civil Aircraft”).

All of the above documents must be submitted to the admissions committee of the UVAU GA (I) from June 19 to July 24, 2016.

Part-time study

List of required documents for applicants for training under a general competition and for places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services

  • Application for admission to study, completed in your own hand.

Note: If an applicant has the right to enroll in studies based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the institute independently, then the exercise of this right is possible only at the central admissions committee in Ulyanovsk upon submission of all required documents until July 15, 2015

  • A copy of a document proving identity and citizenship (passport).

Note: A copy of the passport is not certified by a notary.

  • An original or a copy of a standard document on secondary general education (certificate), or a standard document on secondary vocational education, or a state document on primary vocational education received before 09/01/2013, which contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education, or a standard document on higher professional education.

Note: If you provide a copy of your education document, please note that the original of this document must be submitted to the university before the enrollment stage is completed.

  • Photos of the applicant measuring 3x4 cm (8 pieces - for applicants based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the institute independently; 6 pieces - for applicants based on the results of the Unified State Exam).
  • personal personnel record sheet, certified by the personnel department, or a certified copy work book(for applicants for training in the specialization “Organization of the use of airspace”, the training profile “Flight operation of civil aircraft”).
  • a copy of a commercial aviation pilot's certificate (line pilot), an air traffic controller's certificate (for applicants for training in the specialization "Organization of the use of airspace", the training profile "Flight operation of civil aircraft").

Note: The original commercial pilot (line pilot) certificate and air traffic controller certificate are provided to applicants in person.

  • A copy of the medical report on passing the VLEK (for applicants for training in the specialization “Organization of the use of airspace”, the training profile “Flight operation of civil aircraft”).

List of documents to be submitted at the discretion of the applicant

  • To use the benefits of the winners and prize-winners of the All-Russian Olympiad - a diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, received no earlier than 4 years before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, or a document confirming receipt of such a diploma during the specified period.
  • To use the right to admission within the quota for admission of persons with special rights, or the preferential right of enrollment - documents confirming that the applicant:

a) is a disabled child, a disabled person of groups I and II, a disabled person since childhood, a disabled person due to a military injury or illness received during military service, for whom, according to the conclusion of a federal medical and social examination institution, education in relevant educational organizations is not contraindicated;

b) refers to the number of orphans and children left without parental care until they reach the age of 23 years.

  • To use a special right or advantage by the winners and prize-winners of school Olympiads - a diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the School Olympiad, received no earlier than 1 year before the end of the acceptance of documents and entrance examinations, inclusive, or a document confirming receipt of such a diploma within the specified period.
  • To confirm the validity of the Unified State Examination results taken in 2011 before conscription military service, - a copy of the military ID.
  • Documents confirming the individual achievements of the applicant, the results of which are taken into account during admission to study at the institute.
  • Sport
  • Medicine
  • Creation
  • pre-flight (post-flight, pre-shift, post-shift) medical control;
  • preventive and periodic medical examination;
  • studying the causes of aviation accidents and their prerequisites related to personal factors, developing measures to prevent them;
  • sanitary and hygienic control over classrooms, study rooms, teaching load, regime and quality of food, recreation and accommodation;
  • carrying out sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures at the institute;
  • medical control over physical education and physical development;
  • training in the basics of aviation medicine, psychology, self- and mutual assistance;
  • promotion of general medical, hygienic knowledge and healthy image life.

The medical unit of the institute with the functions of VLEK is a structural subdivision of the institute and includes a polyclinic for 250 visits per shift, a medical-flight expert commission (VLEK), a therapeutic hospital with 40 beds, of which 15 are day-care beds, and a 24-hour paramedic health center. The clinic has: a department of functional diagnostics, where various studies(ECG, Holter monitoring of ECG and blood pressure, bicycle ergometry, REG, spirography), X-ray and fluorography rooms, clinical diagnostic laboratory, physiotherapy room (electrotherapy, phototherapy, ultrasonography, laser therapy are provided, there are dry carbon dioxide baths, etc.), dental and gynecological offices.


In February 2015, on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education UVAU GA (I) ( Since 2016 FSBEI HE UI GA) the Volunteer Center began its work. The Volunteer Center of the UI GA is a voluntary association of students that carries out activities to organize the volunteer movement at the institute. Its goal is to popularize volunteerism among the cadets of the institute, as well as to coordinate and support the activities of UI GA volunteers.

The Volunteer Center of the UI GA is intended for the activities of those people who have an active civic position and cannot stay away from the problems surrounding modern society. This association is capable of bringing to life ideas and ideas that make everything more beautiful and kinder, with the help of promising and comprehensive developed people. Work in the field of volunteering contributes to the development of such important qualities, such as tolerance, sociability, courage and determination, and there is also a great opportunity to gain experience in management and organizational activities. Each member of the center makes a special contribution to the work of the Volunteer Center, which will not go unnoticed by others. The cadets strive to make the world around them brighter, more sincere and kinder, and one of their main goals is to attract by their example as many caring people as possible to solve common problems.

The main branch museum of the history of civil aviation, which is a structural subdivision of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after Chief Marshal of Aviation B.P. Bugaev" (until 2016, UVAU GA (I)), formed in accordance with the order of the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR B.P. Bugaev dated 06/01/83 No. 97 in order to concentrate samples of aviation equipment in it and create an exhibition reflecting the glorious career of the country’s civil air fleet.

Since 1999, the museum has been a member of the Association of Technical Museums of the International Union ICOM. The museum was awarded the title "People's". The total number of exhibits is more than 4 000 storage units. Of this number 730 exhibits are authentic samples reflecting the history of civil aviation from its inception to the present day.

An integral part of the museum is a unique exhibition of domestic civil aviation aircraft and helicopters, deployed in the area of ​​the Ulyanovsk (Barataevka) airfield with an area of ​​about 18 hectares.

Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation named after B.P. Bugaev (UI GA) is an institute for future specialists in the field of aviation, which is also called a higher flight school. The main specialties of the institute are pilots and air traffic controllers. The Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation, whose official website is located at http://www.uvauga.ru/, is considered one of the first institutions for training pilots in the country.

Ulyanovsk Higher Aviation School of Civil Aviation

Ulyanovsk Aviation higher school Civil aviation dates back to 1935. Initially, it was a small pilot training center, which was later moved to Mineralnye Vody due to the outbreak of World War II.

In 1941, the retraining center was moved further from the front line, to Tashkent. It invests all its resources in training aircraft crew members and pilots. In three years, the center will be relocated to its previous location.

In 1947, the Higher Flight Training School was founded and, after several changes of location, moved to its current location. In subsequent years, everything will be mastered here larger number aircraft models, and since the mid-1950s, the institution has been training foreign crew representatives. For many years of contribution to the development of domestic and foreign aviation, the educational institution received honorary orders and awards.

In the early 1980s, a museum of the history of civil aviation was opened on the basis of the School, where a huge number of exhibits were collected, including documents and aircraft models.

After the collapse of the USSR, higher aviation educational institutions found themselves on the territory former republics, which now had no relation to Russia. In this regard, there was an urgent need to create our own institution for training qualified pilots. The educational institution in Ulyanovsk, which by that time had accumulated a wealth of experience, was ideally suited for this. Over time, training opportunities for the following professions were created:

  1. Aircraft flight engineers.
  2. Air traffic controllers.
  3. Pilot engineers.
  4. Onboard engineers.
  5. Managers.
  6. Rescuers.
  7. Aviation security specialists.

The school has a military department, graduate school and correspondence courses. Today, the UI GA is a large educational institution that provides training for various directions related to aviation. The Institute owns several branches and divisions that have earned good reputation both in Russia and abroad.

The long history of the school clearly demonstrates the improvement of the teaching system and the expansion of the scientific and technical potential of the institute. Former cadets of the Civil Aviation Institute can be found in all major airlines in Russia and the CIS countries, air hubs, aircraft manufacturing plants, aviation rescue services and other organizations whose activities are inextricably linked with aircraft.

Diamond Da-42 at the Barataevka airfield - graduation training aircraft

Training at the UI GA

Those wishing to obtain a specialized higher education can enter the Ulyanovsk Flight School of Civil Aviation, the official website of which has a list of data required for applicants and students. At the institute you can get education within the framework of a specialty, academic bachelor's degree, postgraduate and undergraduate studies, as well as undergo retraining based on an existing document of higher education.

The website reflects statistics on admission to the Ulyanovsk Aviation Institute of Civil Aviation, the passing score and the number of places for admission. Students can receive education on a budget and paid basis.

The duration of study at the Civil Aviation Institute is from 4 to 6 years, depending on the form of study and the chosen specialty. The institute has the following options for levels of study: specialist, bachelor's, master's, postgraduate.


At this level there are opportunities to obtain education in the maintenance of aircraft equipment and the organization of air traffic. A total of two specializations are offered. The duration of study is 5 or six years, depending on whether it is full-time or correspondence department the cadet will be trained.

Bachelor's degree

Future bachelors have a wide range of study specialties. These include navigation, flight and airport safety and production quality control. Full-time education lasts 4 years, and part-time education lasts 5 years.

Master's degree

Within the master's program, cadets are offered only one specialty, which is air navigation, as well as search and rescue. Masters study for 2 years full-time and 2.5 years part-time.

Postgraduate studies

Postgraduate studies at IUGA consist of studying navigation and the use of aviation, rocket and space technology. The duration of training in this industry is 4 or 5 years. The number of admitted students depends on the number of places declared by the institute and can vary from 15 to 250 people depending on the specialization.

Approximately two thirds of students study at the expense of the state budget, the rest receive education at their own expense. Cadets are provided with places in a dormitory and uniforms. Students in financial distress are provided with financial assistance.

About the quality of teaching and its compliance educational programs This is evidenced by the stable employment rates of school graduates. Almost all of them, after graduating from the Civil Aviation Administration, go to work at airports, airlines and specialized services of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. There is a special center for graduates of the institute, designed to help specialists find employment.

The school enters into targeted agreements with aviation enterprises, in accordance with which it recruits students for selected specialties. Enterprises provide data on the need for certain categories of workers, which can be found on the UI GA website.

Cadets of the civil aviation flight school regularly carry out training flights on various routes from two airfields located on the territory of the institute and beyond. The institute's management has developed many route options that fully allow future specialists to be trained in all the intricacies of flight.

Instructor's workplace

Admission to civil aviation flight school

Enrollment in the civil aviation flight school in Ulyanovs ke is carried out on the basis of generally accepted rules of admission and benefits.

Applicants with target direction, guaranteeing subsequent employment from an aviation enterprise. Depending on the specialization, priority is given to results in various introductory disciplines, flight hours in training center and flying club or skydiving.

Admission after general secondary education is based on the Unified State Examination, and the list of subjects is ranked depending on their importance in each specialty. Graduates of colleges and other secondary specialized educational institutions are required to pass an exam in the discipline and two Unified State Examinations.

An important factor is the health status of the applicant. His suitability for training is determined by a special flight medical commission, which places serious demands on the health of future cadets. Girls can enroll in all specialties of the institute, with the exception of the specialization “flight operation of civil aircraft.” Admission is carried out on a general basis.

Services of departments of the Civil Aviation Administration

Under the control of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation are units that provide paid services to guests of the school and city residents. Thus, on the territory of the UI GA there is located hotel complex first category called “Aviation”. The medical and sanitary part of the institute deals with issues of admission to flights and their medical support, medical care cadets and employees of the institute, as well as monitoring the hygiene and sanitary condition of the school.

There are three canteens on the territory of the institute, one of which is located near the airfield. Cadets and employees of the school and its departments can eat there. Students and employees of the UI GA are offered vouchers to the Polet health camp, which is located in a picturesque pine forest near the Volga River.

Hotel "Aviatsionnaya" - the main hostel of the Civil Aviation Institute

Branches of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation

There are several educational structures under the leadership of the UI GA. Among them there are flight schools in the cities of Krasny Kut and the city of Sasovo, as well as a flight technical college in Omsk. There is a training center in Samara, which is based at Kurumoch airport.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the Museum of Aviation History, located in the Civil Aviation Institute. More than 4,000 different exhibits are collected here, and on the site of the Barataevka airfield, measuring 18 hectares, you can see rare and key aircraft models in the history of the country. The exhibition is regularly updated with new documents and pieces of equipment operated by the institute.

Training units of the Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation

Aviation Training Center

More than 1,500 specialists from Russia and foreign countries are trained here annually. The center employs professional, experienced teachers and houses a large laboratory to ensure a comprehensive educational process.

The structure of the center has two departments: advanced training and special training aviation specialists. At the first department there are commissions for the comprehensive study of aircraft equipment.

The SPAS Department provides the opportunity to take courses on flight operations and ensuring their safety. Here private pilots for civil and commercial structures, as well as future civil aviation inspectors.

Center for training specialists in the field of fuel supply

At the center, workers involved in fuel and lubricants for aircraft can improve their qualifications or obtain the necessary specialty. The list of professions includes shift supervisors, technical engineers, laboratory assistants and other narrowly focused specialties.

Foreign Language Training Center

GA successfully operates on the basis of the UI modern school foreign languages. Schoolchildren, college cadets and any citizens who want to learn English can study here.

The training program includes the area of ​​spoken English and covers all levels of difficulty, from beginner to advanced. The course of study is designed for a year of classes twice or three times a week for one academic hour (90 minutes). Recruitment is made in groups of 6 to 12 people. Paid lessons are given in accordance with recognized teaching materials from the UK.

The instrument panel completely replicates the original panel of the aircraft

Prospects for getting an education at the University of Civil Aviation

Studying at a flight school is a rather difficult test for future graduates. Here you will need to pay maximum attention to complex disciplines and learn how to fly aircraft or the intricacies of aviation engineering. What result awaits the cadets? As mentioned above, most of the graduates, one way or another, find themselves connected with aviation.

Today's enterprises in this area complain about the lack of personnel and young specialists, so it is possible to obtain a document with a guarantee of employment even before starting school. This document, among other things, will increase the chance of admission to the school.

One of the most popular and highly paid professions is the profession of civil aviation pilots.

This job pays well and is considered prestigious. Many graduates of the Civil Aviation Institute have found their calling in piloting aircraft. A wide range of machines on which future specialists of the school are trained allows them to acquire a large amount of knowledge and skills in their future profession.

Other aviation workers are also highly valued: engineers, dispatchers and rescuers. The main thing is professionalism and the desire to improve your skills in the future.
