How can you get a target referral for admission? Admission to a university in the target field

It may be useful for future applicants preparing to leave school, as well as their parents, to learn about the target direction of study: how to get it and what it gives.

It turns out that the Soviet distribution system, which representatives of the older generation remember with nostalgia, has not completely sunk into oblivion. On the contrary, it turned out to be so mutually beneficial for the state and citizens that it survived the change of system.

What is a target direction to a university?

For the applicant this is alternative view admission to an educational institution, for enterprises - an opportunity to acquire scarce specialists on more favorable terms, and for a university - a chance to get a mandatory student and be known as a supplier of valuable personnel.

It is an agreement between three parties: the applicant, the university and the customer. Last to speak:

  • federal structures (ministries);
  • subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • local government departments;
  • enterprises with state participation.

Customers submit applications to the university for allocation required quantity places in the required specialty. The educational institution reviews them and forms a target admission quota based on the results.

The target, getting involved in the admissions company and successfully completing it, acquires a number of advantages for himself:

  • entrance exams for a special competition - low, relative to the general flow: chances of getting into budget place more;
  • the opportunity to continue studying in graduate school;
  • full-fledged practice of all types at the selected enterprise;
  • the ability to combine study and work in your specialty on a flexible schedule;
  • payment for studies and housing by the future employer or from federal budget, payment of an increased stipend;
  • albeit not 100 percent, but still a guarantee of employment.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • the competition for targeted workers sometimes begins already in the search for a referring employer (especially when they try to get a referral from giants like Gazprom or Aeroflot);
  • the conditions specified in the contract will have to be observed (including working for at least 3 years in the organization called by the document, even with a meager salary);
  • you cannot afford to miss lectures and seminars;
  • academic performance must be at its best (the level of which is specified in the contract);
  • violation of duties threatens termination of the contract and reimbursement of training costs;
  • one person takes a single direction, with which he can enter only one selected university.

Please note: For minor agreement concluded by his legal representative.

How to take a targeted direction to a medical school

The procedure for customers to select candidates for positions among their employees is not established in federal legislation.

Each municipality and region selects differently.

In the capital, a special commission of the Moscow Health Department is responsible for processing referrals to a medical university. On the institution's website you can find a sample application for obtaining a document.

Prospective students interested in becoming a doctor can contact their local department or department of health administration. They will provide contact information for an employer interested in training a young specialist.

Or you can talk directly with the head of a medical institution at the district or, better yet, regional level, and agree on the possibilities of internship and residency. The school director can also represent the interests of the future student.

A potential future employer will be interested in the following information about a possible young employee:

  • achievements in the study of subjects important for medicine (biology, chemistry);
  • prizes at the Olympics;
  • participation in volunteer projects;
  • visiting thematic clubs and courses;
  • letter of recommendation from the director of the school or training center.

A statement of desire to study in a targeted area, together with a petition from the educational institution graduating the student, is submitted to the municipality in advance, in winter. The document on the target direction must be in the hands of the applicant before the start of admission.

How to get a targeted referral to a pedagogical university

You should establish contact with the director of the graduating school and contact the local government or department of education.

Schools have the right to send their graduates to study at a pedagogical university.

They will tell you what documents you need to collect.

Targeted direction for training in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In the period from January to March, anyone can contact the personnel department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of permanent registration.

An application is written addressed to the head of the receiving institution and a personal file is drawn up. It is better to clarify the list of documents required for this in advance by phone.

Typically this is:

  • applicant's passport details, address permanent residence and education;
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
  • the name of the institution where the applicant intends to undergo training;
  • desired faculty and specialty;
  • high school diploma or college diploma.

How to find an employer

In every school, someone is responsible for career guidance for graduates - together with class teacher and the director, they can help the graduate find his future colleagues.

Often, a future applicant applies for an application to his parents’ employers - employees with a good reputation.

You can contact the customer at the local administration or employment center.

You can contact an educational institution specializing in your chosen profession. For example, future workers for Russian Railways and the Metro are trained at the Moscow University of Transport.

How to apply for targeted training, sample application

At the selected university, for example, Polytechnic University or some other, the applicant, along with personal data and a certificate, provides admissions committee application for targeted training and referral from the organization.

If the number of applicants exceeds the established quota, then competitive admission begins based on the results of the Unified State Exam.

Those who fail this test can try to earn a passing grade again - this time under the usual conditions for everyone. But only if such an option was specified in the target agreement.


The algorithm for targeted reception is a complex and not fully developed thing. Before signing the contract, the future student needs to carefully study all its terms. The document does not provide 100% guarantee for admission and employment. The graduate needs to try to ensure that the Unified State Examination results exceed the passing minimum score.

Possible customers of the target set.

Below is information about where you can take a target direction for admission to a university for full-time study.

Possible algorithm of actions.
Step #1:
Decide on the choice of enterprises in the specialty that interests you.

Step #2:
Analyze the list received, familiarize yourself with the websites of enterprises and determine the intended place of work after completion of training.

Step #3:
Contact the personnel service of the selected enterprise and express your desire to become a target student from this enterprise. Pass an interview or competitive selection.

Step #4:
Conclude a targeted training agreement with the enterprise, providing for an obligation to work at this enterprise for a certain number of years after completing the training.

We remind you of the benefits of targeted training.
1. A separate competition at the university.
2. Enrollment into target places occurs before the enrollment of “first wave” applicants.
3. Possibility of receiving an increased scholarship during the period of study.
4. Guaranteed place for industrial and pre-diploma internship during the training period.
5. Guaranteed employment upon graduation.

Please note:
1. Targeted recruitment (including in technical universities) does not take place in all areas of training (specialties) for which admission to studies is carried out.
2. In technical universities, the absolute numbers of admission to targeted training are, as a rule, significantly higher than in universities with an economic and humanitarian orientation.
3. Get a targeted direction for studying technical specialty easier than others.
4. The target direction received within the framework of the state order will be 100% accepted by the university, unlike other directions that may not be taken into account.
5. As a rule, each university has its own list of organizations with which they cooperate within the framework of targeted recruitment, and any changes to this list are not fundamental.
6. A targeted direction is not a guarantee of admission, but only an opportunity to increase your chances in exchange for commitment.

Name of the university List of customers
Moscow Automobile and Highway State technical university(MADI)
Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) Moscow
Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman (MSTU named after N.E. Bauman)
Moscow State Technical University civil aviation(MGTUGA)
Moscow state university geodesy and cartography (MIIGAiK)
National Research university of technology"MISiS" (MISiS)
National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (MEPhI)
National research university"MIET" (MIET)
Moscow Polytechnic University (Moscow Polytechnic)
Russian state agricultural university(Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev)
Moscow State University of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
National Research University "MPEI" (MPEI)
First Moscow State medical university named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University)
Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze (RGGRU)
Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin (RSU of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin)
Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (RNRMU named after N.I. Pirogov)
MIREA - Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA)
Russian Chemical-Technological University named after D.I. Mendeleev (RHTU)
Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" (Stankin)
Baltic State Technical University "Voenmekh" named after. D.F. Ustinova (Voenmekh)

Targeted training in Russian universities– this is not only an opportunity to get into a top university on a budget, without chasing 90-100 points (the average score here is always slightly lower), but also a chance to study for free at the commercial departments of many higher education institutions educational institutions our country. In the second case, your education will be paid for by the state or a commercial enterprise. Now it becomes clear why targeted admission is called a “loophole to a university,” because you get several advantages at once:

1. Admission to the university a week earlier than the main flow of applicants

2. Preferential competition for Unified State Examination points, because the competition lists will be separate for you - only among “target students” like you

3. Opportunity to study for free even at the commercial department

4. Guaranteed employment after receiving a diploma, because according to the contract you are obliged in this case to work at an enterprise or institution for 3 years

Which institutions or enterprises in the Russian Federation can conclude a targeted training agreement with you?

By law, this list includes:

Federal government agencies;

State authorities;

Local government bodies;

State municipal institutions;

State corporations;

Unitary enterprises;

State companies and business companies, in the authorized capital of which there is a share of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipalities.

You can get a target direction only to one university and one specialty. Typically, 11th grade students must declare their intention to be admitted to a particular university by mid-April (the timing must be clarified with the university). That is why now we need to decide and act. Be sure to tell your school administration about your desire to attend targeted training; they can help you choose a university and collect all the necessary documents.

What steps does a graduate need to take to enroll in targeted studies at a university?

Step 1. Go to the website of the university you are interested in and read all the information about the target admission.

Step 2. If on the site you do not find information about specific enterprises, government agencies and state-owned companies, do not be discouraged, in this case you need to contact the university admissions office yourself and ask whether they have an agreement with the above institutions.

Step 3. If the university provides a list of specific institutions or enterprises, then you need to contact the personnel department of these institutions with a request to give you information about the possibility of receiving a targeted referral to the university.

Step 4. If the university does not name specific institutions, then you need to independently look for those enterprises and organizations that could give you the target direction. Here a lot depends on your activity and perseverance.

Step 5. If you managed to get the target referral, then you need to bring it to the university admissions office. If you find yourself in the target position of this higher education institution and everything goes well, all you have to do is conclude a tripartite agreement on targeted training (a sample of this agreement is usually available on the university’s website).

To make your search easier, we have compiled a list of the 20 most popular universities in the country that have officially announced the possibility of targeted training in 2018.

1. Moscow State University named after. M. V. Lomonosova

Targeted admission to the Faculty of Physics

Targeted admission to the Faculty of Economics

2. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

3. National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

4. National Research University " graduate School economics"

5. Moscow State Technical University named after N. E. Bauman

6. National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

7. Russian Academy national economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation

8. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

9. National Research Tomsk State University

10. Kazan (Volga region) Federal University

11. Siberian Federal University

12. Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) named after I.M. Gubkin

13. ITMO University

14. National Research University "MPEI"

15. Southern Federal University

16. Belgorod National Research University

17. Far Eastern Federal University

18. St. Petersburg mining university(Mining University)

19. Altai State University

20. Bashkir State University

We wish you good luck in receiving referrals for targeted training at Russian universities. Go for it, and you will succeed!

Studying in a targeted area means getting an education at a university absolutely free, and also with a guaranteed job. If in the USSR people ran away from such a good, then in the current living conditions they need to fight for it with competitors.

1) This kind of direction to some extent solves the most important personnel problem in the country. The state or a private company pays for the citizen’s education, and upon graduation, the specialist begins his career at the enterprise that gave him a start in life, committing to work there for 3-5 years.
2) Refusal to work out means returning to the company the amount spent on training.
3) Preferential education makes it easier to enter the desired university, because passing score on the Unified State Exam in in this case is decreasing
4) The destination destination is issued in the name of a specific person, so transferring the trip to another applicant is prohibited.
5) You cannot use the target direction for admission to several universities in the country.
6) To train a student in the target area, an agreement is drawn up between a representative of the university and

A) Federal. government agency:
- Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation
- Ch. Department of the RF IC
b) State authority of a constituent entity of Russia
- municipal body of a constituent entity of Russia for studying at medical universities
c) State municipal institution
- schools
- gymnasiums to pedagogical universities
d) A state-owned company or organization with a share of state funds in its charter. capital
- Rosneft
- Gazprom, etc.
d) Commercial organization

7) The Education Law allows for targeted education for those who completed school not in the current year, but in previous years. Such applicants should add information about work/study for the time since receiving the average to the general package of documents. education before entering a university in the target field.

Where can I get a targeted referral to a university?

Institute of the Prosecutor's Office

1) Taking into account future work The selection here is carried out based on the following qualities:
- resistance to stress
- dedication to work
- high moral principles
- excellent knowledge of Russian language and history
2) Contact the Moscow prosecutor's office
3) During the period specified on the website, approximately until June 20, 2018, submit an application for a targeted direction for study
4) Collect the following package of documents:
- certificate or transcript of academic performance for the 1st half of the year
- your voluntary consent to work in the ranks of the prosecutor’s office employees
- autobiography
- personal sheet for personnel records
- copies of all pages of the Russian passport
- reference from school or lyceum
- a copy of the military ID
- certificate f.086
5) You will need to undergo testing for psychological suitability for your chosen profession.
6) Next, the documents will be sent to Ch. Directorate of the Prosecutor General's Office of Russia.
7) If a place for your targeted training is available, the HR department will issue you a permit in writing.
8) Reasons for refusal may be:
- you and your close relatives have a criminal record
- psycho. character traits
- severe diseases of the nervous system, visual impairment, cancer, etc.

Study requirements for applicants for targeted training at the Prosecutor's Office

1) Good and excellent results Unified State Examination in history, Russian and literature.
2) Overcoming the average score for admission established for applicants for targeted training (approximately 230).
3) If several applicants receive the same number of points, admission to the university is based on additional information (olympiads, awards, etc.)

Where will the training for the targeted direction to the Prosecutor's Office take place?

You will study full-time at the faculty of the "Institute of Prosecutor's Office"

Medical universities in Moscow

1) A special commission of the Moscow Department of Health is responsible for issuing targeted referrals to medical universities
2) List of documents for admission to the departments of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the First Moscow. Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov, GBOU VPO Russian national. Pirogov Research Medical University, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Moscow. state Medical and Dental University named after Evdokimov, GBOU DPO Russian. Medical academies of postgraduate education can be found on the websites of universities.
3) To enroll in targeted places, a letter of guarantee from a medical organization of the Moscow state health care system is required.