Ryazan Suvorov Military School. Ryazan Airborne School: admission, oath, faculties, address

“In the event of a military conflict, men in blue berets will go into the enemy’s mouth with one goal - to tear this mouth apart.”
V.F. Margelov

94 years ago, on November 13, the glorious military institute of the armed forces of our Motherland was organized - the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (RVVDKU) named after Army General Vasily Filippovich Margelov.

This institution began in August 1918, when it was decided to form the first infantry courses in Ryazan to replenish the command staff of the young workers' and peasants' Red Army. On their base, they later organized first an infantry school, and later an airborne school. The birthday of the RVVDKU was November 13, 1918 - the first day when the courses began. Colonel Ivan Aleksandrovich Troitsky was appointed head of the school. It was a wartime, turbulent time, classes took place at an accelerated pace. The students were given only the very basics of military wisdom, taught to work with subordinates, to handle. The first red commanders were graduated on March 15 of the following year. Every last person was immediately sent to various fronts of the civil war. In just the time it lasted civil war, seven graduates or 499 people passed through the school.

In 1920, these infantry courses were renamed the fifteenth Ryazan School of Infantry. The duration of training immediately increased to three years. And at the end of the autumn of 1921, the infantry school was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR for the bravery and courage shown by its personnel. In 1937 the school was transformed into the infantry school of Kliment Voroshilov, one of the first Marshals Soviet Union. And on August 2, 1941, a military parachute school was urgently created on the basis of this school in Samara for the education and training of airborne forces. In all the papers, the new part was hidden behind the number 75021.

In November 1943, RVVDKU turned 25 years old. On the anniversary day, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR training center was awarded the honorary Order of the Red Banner. The document read: “For military services to the Fatherland and great success in the training and education of officers.” During the Great Patriotic War, ten valiant graduates of the school were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In the summer of 1958, by decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ryazan Secondary Infantry School was reformed into a higher command combined arms school. The duration of training has increased again, now to four years. Graduates of this institution could receive diplomas of higher education, but military training hasn't changed at all. Then V.F. Margelov, who headed the airborne troops, proposed to the top leadership of our country to merge this school with the Alma-Ata Airborne School to train airborne officers. In 1959, the two educational institutions merged. On May 1 of the same year, the first group of cadets under the leadership of Colonel Leontyev arrived from Kazakhstan. The school received its name - Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School - only at the end of their training on April 4, 1964. The Alma-Ata Military Parachute School, having become part of the Ryazan School, also trained airborne officers of our country.

V.F. Margelov carefully watched the work of the establishment. Under his sensitive leadership, the school grew and acquired an excellent educational base, and was transformed beyond recognition. Much later, in 1995, a monument to the famous general would be erected at the school as a sign of gratitude for the services of the founder of the airborne service.

Margelov Vasily Filippovich was born in 1908 in the city of Dnepropetrovsk into a working-class family. IN Soviet Army arrived in 1928. Graduated from the Belarusian military school. He served in the army as a platoon commander, then a company and a battalion. To the Great Patriotic War became commander of a rifle regiment, chief of staff, deputy commander of a rifle division, commander of a guards rifle division. He took part in the battles during the crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of the city of Kherson. He was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Later he was commander of the Airborne Forces. Among other awards, Vasily Margelov is an honorary citizen of Kherson, an honorary soldier of the Airborne Forces military unit, a laureate of the State Prize of the Soviet Union, a gentleman of over 60! Soviet and foreign medals and orders. Died in 1990. Under his auspices, the Airborne Forces achieved great results in the development of means for landing, training troops and their weapons, organizing units, and combat use capabilities.

In 1962, knowledge of foreign languages ​​was placed at the forefront of the training process. At the same time, the school began to accept and train foreigners. The first of them were the Vietnamese, then the Indonesians appeared. Today, children from thirty-two countries of the world study at RVVDKU! In 1968, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the second time, and in 1989 it received the “Commander’s Cross” of the Order of Merit of Poland for excellent preparation within the walls of the military training center of this country. On July 9, 2004, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation under number 937-R, the school was for the last time renamed to the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command (Military Institute) named after Army General Vasily Margelov. There are rumors that this was done based on numerous requests from veterans and school personnel. For excellent combat training, the school was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense of our country in 2006.

This educational institution never rests on its laurels. Since 2008, the RVVDKU began training girls in a military profession called “Use of Airborne Support Units.” Women officers will command squads of parachute handlers, helping to drop paratroopers as well as military equipment on special platforms or complex multi-dome systems. Since 2011, courses for training military chaplains, as well as rabbis, imams and lamas for the navy and land army have been opened at the training center.

Today, the institution includes the school itself, a training center sixty kilometers from the city, an aviation squadron and a parachute club. On the basis of the school, dormitories were built to accommodate students, laboratories and educational buildings where classes are held, a shooting range, sports halls, gyms, for training in martial arts, airborne training, a stadium, a canteen, a cafe, a post office, a club, a public service facility, medical center On the territory of the school there is Orthodox church Elijah the Prophet and the Airborne Forces History Museum.

The school trains cadets in two specialties. The commander of a parachute landing platoon of the Airborne Forces with the additional qualification of a manager and the commander of a reconnaissance platoon of parachute landing units of the Airborne Forces with the qualification of a linguist-translator. The military institute has nine military departments (arms and shooting, tactical and special training, humanitarian and economic disciplines, materiel and repair, airborne training, command and control in peacetime, operation and driving, physical training, tactics) and three civilian departments (mathematics and physics, foreign languages, Russian language). They employ about a dozen doctors of science and several dozen candidates. The military education system is constantly being improved. Candidates undergo a rigorous multi-stage selection process, during which a conclusion is formed about the degree of suitability of a particular individual for the needs of the chosen profession. Training at the Ryazan Airborne Institute for all five years is based on a close combination of practice and theory. Any independent work by cadets to improve personal skills is welcomed and encouraged. During their training, cadets spend more than a year in field conditions. And those who graduate from an educational institution with honors are given the right to choose their place of further service (unfortunately, so far within the limits of the assignment designated for the school).

Among the honorary graduates are forty-five Heroes of the Soviet Union, sixty-nine Heroes of Russia, hundreds of holders of military orders, more than sixty record holders of our country and the world in parachute jumping. This school was graduated by: former Russian Defense Minister P.S. Grachev, former commander of the Airborne Forces A.P. Kolmakov, Honored Artist of Russia, singer, actor O.V. Kukhta, former army commander, governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory A.I. Lebed, mixed martial arts fighter S.V. Kharitonov, advisor to the Minister of Defense, former army commander, head of the Ulyanovsk region, hero of Russia V.A. Shamanov, governor of the Ryazan region, former commander of the Airborne Forces G.I. Shpak, governor of the Tver region A.V. Shevelev and many others. From other countries studied at RVVDKU: former leader of Poland V.V. Jaruzelski, President of Mali A.T. Toure, former boss Defense Ministry of Georgia L.L. Sharashenidze.

Today, the main goal of the RVVDKU is to educate a qualitatively new generation of military leadership personnel at any level, capable not of coercion, but only of personal conviction, to serve their Fatherland, ready at any moment to defend the independence, sovereignty and state interests of our great country.

Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School. Part two. Professional Sergeants

  • Part two. Professional Sergeants

Who are the current sergeants? What does their training look like? Having visited RVVDKU , I received an answer to these questions by communicating with teachers and cadets for two days, observing their everyday life and studies. In this part we will talk about contract cadets studying sergeant training for 2 years and 10 months, the so-called. professional sergeants.

Faculty of Secondary vocational education Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (military institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelova (branch) of the Federal State Military educational institution higher professional education "military training and scientific center Ground Forces"Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces Russian Federation» in Ryazan was created in accordance with the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 No. D-112 and on the basis of the staff approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2009 No. 17\269 .

At the faculty, cadets are trained in the following specialties:

Speciality " Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" qualification "technician", in nine military specialties:

Combined arms specialists intended to fill military positions as deputy commander of a motorized rifle platoon (rifle platoon, security platoon).

Specialists of parachute units intended to fill military positions - deputy commander of a parachute platoon;

Airborne service specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy commander (squad commander) of an airborne support platoon.

Military intelligence specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy commander of a reconnaissance platoon.

Intelligence specialists ( military units special purpose) intended to fill the vacant position of group commander.

Combined arms specialists intended to fill military positions: commander of a repair platoon; deputy commander of a repair platoon; commander of an automobile platoon, support platoon.

Specialty "Communication networks and switching systems" qualification "technician"

Communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of senior technician.

Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.

Specialty "Multichannel telecommunication systems" qualification "technician"

Communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of station manager, department head, senior technician.

Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.

Specialty "Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television" qualification "technician"

Communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy platoon commander.

Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.

Total for studying at the Faculty of Open Secondary Education in 2009-2010. 448 people were enrolled, 343 people remain to serve at the moment. Several hundred people were screened out before admission because... they showed no desire to study, but simply hoped to receive a 10-20 thousand scholarship, eat for free and have a roof over their heads. There is evidence of poor performance by military registration and enlistment offices and unit commands in selecting candidates.

During the training, another 105 people dropped out for the following reasons:

Cadets who pass the entrance examination “satisfactorily” receive a salary in the amount of 7,000 rubles, this amount does not satisfy them;

During service (by conscription or under contract) in other troops there were no strict requirements regarding service, and when entering for training they were faced with strict requirements, the need to comply established rules behavior, comply with the prescribed standards of military service;

They made a mistake in choosing their future profession and realized that military service was not their calling;

Close relatives and family members are not happy with the choice made and do not agree that training takes place in isolation from families.

Initially, C grade students received 7,000 rubles each, but at the moment the situation regarding payments with all bonuses looks like this:

if there is at least one C grade in any of the subjects - 10 thousand;

if there is at least one B in any of the subjects - 15 thousand;

if all grades are A - 20 thousand.

Those who fail are simply expelled. The teachers very much approve of this decision, because... There is no need to drag out outright incompetents and quitters.

The training program is as follows:

At the end of the training, final state certification of graduates is carried out:

1. Final interdisciplinary exam in the specialty

General tactics

Specific tactics

Control and communications

Engineering support

RCB protection

Military topography

2. State exam in the discipline “Physical education (preparation)”

The working time schedule looks like this:

...after morning activities (getting up, exercise, washing, examination, breakfast, training), the FSF cadets leave for scheduled classes. From 9.00 to 14.00, in accordance with the class schedule, cadets are in class. After scheduled classes and lunch, they are given time to self-study for classes the next day. After completing independent training, from 18.40 to 19.20, planned activities are carried out with the cadets: sports work and educational work.

After completing independent training and carrying out mandatory activities, from 19.30 cadets are given personal time with the right to leave the faculty territory (departure for the city).

Since all cadets of the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education are military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, then in accordance with Art. 244 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces is allowed to stay outside the school for up to 24 hours, and for family cadets (whose families live with them) until 7.30 the next day. Control of personnel departing from the territory of the faculty is carried out by the unit commander, the officer who controls the daily routine and the company duty officer.

At the moment, first-year (193 people) and second-year (150 people) cadets are studying. We can confidently say that only those who really want to study and serve as sergeants remain, the rest have dropped out, for example, now 43 cadets are excellent students, 128 are studying for four and five, the rest have a range of grades from "3" to "5" . I talked to the guys about why they decided to become sergeants. Many are motivated by a good salary and social package promised upon admission, which adds up to the desire to be a military man. There are some cadets who were unsure that they would complete the training program higher education for an officer, so we chose something simpler - a medium-professional sergeant. The contract is signed for 8 years at once - 2 years and 10 months of training, then 5 years in the military. Recently an order was issued according to which a person who refused further studies at will the cadet must return to the state the money spent on his training; up to this point, he could quit without any consequences.

Sergeant cadets and officer cadets undergo training in the military directly at the school, commanding platoons of three-month conscript cadets. The guys’ vision of their future is very interesting: "We are sergeants new army! We are the best! We will change the armed forces! We will train soldiers in a new way!". Moreover, they say this without any bragging, but as a matter of course.

I'll move on to photos and videos. On the day of my arrival, the Faculty of Special Education was supposed to have parachute jumps. During a year of training, future sergeants make four jumps, and the fourth is necessarily from an Il-76.

I'll move on to photos and videos. On the day of my arrival, the Faculty of Special Education was supposed to have parachute jumps. During a year of training, future sergeants make four jumps, and the fourth is necessarily from an Il-76.

Snow fell every now and then, so the flight was postponed and postponed. In order not to stand on their feet, the cadets rested their legs

I took a photo of one of those landing in a circle

I took a photo of one of those landing in a circle

Sling cutter

Sling cutter

This is a mechanical safety device designed to open a parachute after a specified time interval (using a clock mechanism) if the parachutist for some reason did not do this on his own.

Shoes for jumping were clearly chosen democratically - some in felt boots, some in high boots, some in sneakers

Shoes for jumping were clearly chosen democratically - some in felt boots, some in high boots, some in sneakers

When the sky brightened a little and the snow stopped, several people boarded the An-2 for a test jump

When the sky brightened a little and the snow stopped, several people boarded the An-2 for a test jump

The first one is gone!

The first one is gone!

The next group is getting ready

The next group is getting ready



Equipment inspection

As you can see, the gloves are quite a free sample

As you can see, the gloves are quite a free sample

School emblem. Unfortunately, as soon as the An-2 landed after the second batch, it started snowing again and the jumps were finally canceled that day.

School emblem. Unfortunately, as soon as the An-2 landed after the second batch, it started snowing again and the jumps were finally canceled that day.

I took these photos and videos during classes:

One of the teachers. Currently 60% teaching staff The school is under staff, awaiting either appointment or dismissal, while the prospects are not very clear. The school needs to reach a full intake of three-year sergeants (according to the plan, 1,615 people) in order to retain all the teachers, but so far there are not so many candidates recruited. Real solution the problem can only be achieved next year, when the pay for military personnel is increased, and military service will regain its former prestige.

One of the teachers. At the moment, 60% of the school’s teaching staff is on staff, awaiting either appointment or dismissal, while the prospects are not very clear. The school needs to reach a full recruitment of three-year sergeants (according to the plan, 1,615 people) in order to retain all the teachers, but so far there are not so many candidates recruited. A real solution to the problem can only be achieved next year, when pay for military personnel is increased, and military service will regain its former prestige.

Stowing parachutes

Stowing parachutes


to the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command Order of Suvorov twice Red Banner School

named after Army General V.F. Margelov in 2019

1. These Rules regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov for training in basic educational programs of higher and secondary vocational education in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 185 dated April 7, 2015 of the year “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for admission to educational organizations of higher education, which are under the jurisdiction of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.”

The number of candidates to be enrolled as cadets in the first courses in each military specialty (specialization) is determined by the annual calculations of staffing the first courses of universities with a variable composition, developed by the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Full information about admission is contained on the school’s website: rvvdku.mil.ru, email address: [email protected].

2. Admission to RVVDKU for the first year is carried out on on a competitive basis With July 1. Citizens accepted to study at the school are: fit for health reasons to serve in Airborne troops Oh:

those who have not undergone military service - up to 22 years of age;

those who have completed military service, conscripted military personnel - under the age of 24;

contract military personnel - up to 27 years of age (age is determined as of August 1 of the year of admission).

Citizens until they reach age are considered as candidates for admission to higher military educational institutions to study as cadets in programs with secondary military special training. 30 years old.

Conditions for admission to higher education programs

3. For citizens with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education, the conditions for admission to study in higher education programs include:

1) assessment of the level of general education training (based on the results of the Unified State Exam):

“Human Resource Management”, Unified State Examination: mathematics, Russian language, social studies. ( YOUTHS );

“Translation and Translation Studies”, Unified State Examination: foreign language (English, German), Russian language, history. ( YOUTHS );

“Infocommunication technologies and special communication systems”, Unified State Examination: physics, mathematics, Russian language. ( YOUTHS , GIRLS ).

2) determination of fitness for health reasons;

3) assessment of the level of physical fitness;

In accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, admission to 2019 year is allowed based on the results of the Unified State Examination, confirmed by certificates of Unified State Examination issued in 2015 , 2016 , 2017 And 2018 years and valid for 4 years.

Conditions for admission to secondary education programs

4. For citizens with secondary (complete) general or primary vocational education, the conditions for admission to study in secondary education programs include:

1) determination of fitness for health reasons;

2) assessment of the level of physical fitness;

4) without assessing the level of general education training.

Procedure for submitting documents

5. To enter the school, candidates submit an application to the military commissariat at their place of residence before April 1 (military personnel - report on command) and fill out documents. The school accepts documents until May 20 (and for military candidates - until May 15). After consideration admissions committee documents of candidates are sent through regional military commissariats.

6. Candidates with secondary vocational education, as well as certain categories of candidates, can enroll in studies based on the results of general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently:

on the basis of secondary vocational or higher education;

on the basis of the Federal Law of October 27, 2015, NR 293-FZ, the assessment of the level of general educational preparedness of candidates from among Crimean residents entering higher education programs is carried out at the choice of candidates based on the results of the unified state exam and (or) based on the results of entrance tests, conducted by military educational organization higher education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation independently.

7. The candidates specified in paragraph 6 of these Methodological Recommendations, at their own discretion, pass all general education entrance tests conducted by the university independently, or pass one or more of these entrance tests along with the presentation of the Unified State Examination results as the results of other general education entrance tests.

8. Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science, changes were made to the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam in 2019 (instructions dated September 16, 2014 No. 02-624). It is not envisaged to conduct the Unified State Examination during the period of entrance examinations to universities in July 2019.

In 2019, the results of the Unified State Exam 2015-2018 are valid. Graduates of previous years who do not have valid Unified State Exam results submit applications to regional education departments before February 1, 2019 and take the Unified State Exam in April or May-June 2019 at their place of residence.

Military personnel, graduates of previous years, submit applications to take the Unified State Exam at the RVVDKU by email: [email protected]

To apply for the Unified State Exam, the following documents are required:

application to the chairman of the State Examination Committee of the Ryazan region;

consent to the processing of personal data (to the Department of Education and Youth Policy of the Ryazan City Administration);

a copy of the certificate (grade 11) or diploma of secondary vocational (higher) education;

copy of passport;

a certificate from a military unit confirming conscription service (under contract);

a copy of the report with the permitting visa from the commander of the military unit;

copy of military ID;

power of attorney.

In Ryazan, documents are submitted to the address: Ryazan, st. Lenina 45a, office. 307. (working hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00).

Without the results of the Unified State Exam, candidates who need to apply for the Unified State Exam will not be considered for participation in the professional selection!

9. Applicants to the first year of training in specialist training programs have the right to submit an application for participation in the competition at the same time in three areas of training.

When submitting an application for admission to a higher education institution, the applicant submits:

original or photocopy of documents proving his identity and citizenship;

original or photocopy of a state-issued education document;

information about passing the Unified State Exam.

Original documents must be submitted before the start of the credentials committee. Candidates who do not submit original documents will not be admitted to the credentials committee.

Determination of fitness for health reasons

10. Determination of the suitability of candidates for admission for health reasons is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on military medical examination, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 2013 No. 565, Instructions on the procedure for conducting military medical examination and medical examination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, approved by order Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated August 20, 2003 No. 200.

For successful completion medical commission At the school you must have a citizen’s medical examination card. The card must contain the conclusion of the military medical commission, certified by a seal, and all the necessary test results.

Military personnel must additionally submit a medical record, which reflects the results of annual in-depth and control examinations and requests for medical help.

Military personnel and citizens in the reserve who have tattoos of a criminal, nationalist or anti-Russian nature, as well as with profanity, are not allowed to enroll in the school.

Assessment of physical fitness level

11. Checking the level of physical fitness is carried out in accordance with the Manual on physical training of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces and Methodological recommendations Physical Training Directorate of the RF Armed Forces for three exercises (minimum threshold):

in higher education:

exercise No. 4 - pull-ups on the bar (10 times);
exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (13.9 s);
exercise No. 46 - 3 km run (12.25 min);

Girls at VPO:

Exercise No. 1 - flexion and extension of the arms while lying down (12 times);
exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (17.2 s);
Exercise No. 45 - 1 km run (4.27 min.);
Exercise No. 57 - 100 m swimming (3.53 min) (Subject to conditions).

on SPO:

exercise No. 4 - pull-ups on the bar (8 times);
exercise No. 41 - 100 m run (14.4 s);
exercise No. 46 - 3 km run (14.00 min);
Exercise No. 57 - 100 m swimming (2.24 min).

To perform physical exercise one attempt is given. Testing the physical fitness of candidates is carried out in sportswear.

The results of candidates’ physical fitness are included in the competition lists along with the results passing the Unified State Exam. For enrollment, a table is used to convert the amount of physical fitness points scored into a 100-point scale.

12. Determining the category of professional suitability in the Armed Forces is one of the main types of professional selection and is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality staffing of military positions.

13. The main stage of work on professional psychological selection is carried out after the candidates arrive at the school.

During testing, the main components are examined:

Smart Features

Personal qualities

Degree of military professional motivation

Study of individual professionally important qualities

Testing the level of knowledge in general education subjects

Completed forms are processed electronically and are the source material for conducting interviews and identifying motives for admission. During the conversation with the candidate it is established:

what attracted him to the profession of an officer;

how he prepared himself for it;

what idea does he have about the conditions and procedure of training at the school, what does he know about the service and activities of the school’s graduates.

Supervision by commanders is carried out during the entire time candidates are in the unit. Observation is a purposeful recording of the candidate’s personality traits being studied and an analysis of their manifestation. The observation results are summarized by commanders and the professional selection subcommittee is taken into account when making a final conclusion.

14. Individual achievements of candidates are taken into account when making a conclusion about the category of professional suitability of candidates as part of their socio-psychological study.

15. At the final stage of the work, final recommendations are made for each candidate, and the professional psychological selection group formulates final conclusions.

Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made about the candidate’s professional suitability for studying at the school:

Professional psychological selection is one of the main exams for which you need to seriously prepare!

Procedure for enrolling candidates

16. Candidates who did not pass the professional selection, who did not appear for the professional selection without a good reason, who refused to enter the school after the start of the professional selection, as well as candidates who were denied further professional selection due to lack of discipline, are excluded from the competition and are not admitted to the school are credited.

If there are vacancies in the 2nd year of the school, citizens who have completed the first years of educational institutions of higher professional education and are enrolled as cadets for training in the field of training (specialty) in which they studied, have the right to transfer to the 2nd year, after completing combined arms training and acceptance them the Military Oath, taking into account the re-crediting of academic disciplines.

Candidates who did not arrive at set time to the place of professional selection at the school for a valid reason, are allowed to participate in the professional selection only if they can pass the professional selection in accordance with its schedule.

Repeated professional selection events with a candidate are not allowed.

Conditions of accommodation, regulations of working time

17. Cadets who have not completed military service enter into a contract from their second year. Cadets who are undergoing and have completed military service enter into a contract from the moment of admission. In case of expulsion due to reluctance to study, indiscipline or poor academic performance, payment for the military component of training is reimbursed.

Service time regulations are in accordance with the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces. Accommodation for military personnel is in barracks and cockpit-type dormitories, depending on the course of study.

Meals for personnel are provided three times a day, in one shift, in the cadet canteen using the in-line method, according to Airborne Forces standards.

The personnel are provided with clothing in accordance with the supply standards of the Airborne Forces.

Who are the current sergeants? What does their training look like? Having visited the RVVDKU, I received an answer to these questions, communicating with teachers and cadets for two days, observing their life and studies. In this part we will talk about contract cadets studying sergeant training for 2 years and 10 months, the so-called. professional sergeants.

Faculty of Secondary Professional Education of the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (Military Institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelov (branch) of the Federal State Military Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces “Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” in Ryazan was created in accordance with the directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2008 No. D-112 and on the basis of the staff approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated September 25, 2009 No. 17\269.

At the faculty, cadets are trained in the following specialties:
Specialty "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles" qualification "technician", in nine military specialties:
- combined arms specialists intended to fill military positions as deputy commander of a motorized rifle platoon (rifle platoon, security platoon).
- specialists of parachute units intended to fill military positions - deputy commander of a parachute platoon;
- airborne service specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy commander (squad commander) of an airborne support platoon.
- military intelligence specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy commander of a reconnaissance platoon.
- intelligence specialists (special purpose military units) intended to fill the vacant position of group commander.
- general-arms specialists intended to fill military positions: commander of a repair platoon; deputy commander of a repair platoon; commander of an automobile platoon, support platoon.

Specialty "Communication networks and switching systems" qualification "technician"
- communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of senior technician.
Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.
Specialty "Multichannel telecommunication systems" qualification "technician"
- communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of station manager, department head, senior technician.
Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.
Specialty "Radio communications, radio broadcasting and television" qualification "technician"
- communications specialists intended to fill the vacant position of deputy platoon commander.
Duration of training is 2 years and 10 months.

Total for studying at the Faculty of Open Secondary Education in 2009-2010. 448 people were enrolled, 343 people remain to serve at the moment.
Several hundred people were screened out before admission because... they showed no desire to study, but simply hoped to receive a 10-20 thousand scholarship, eat for free and have a roof over their heads. There is evidence of poor performance by military registration and enlistment offices and unit commands in selecting candidates.
During the training, another 105 people dropped out for the following reasons:
Cadets who pass the entrance examination “satisfactorily” receive a salary in the amount of 7,000 rubles, this amount does not satisfy them;
During service (by conscription or contract) in other troops there were no strict requirements regarding service, but when entering for training they were faced with demands, the need to comply with established rules of behavior, and fulfill the prescribed norms of military service;
They made a mistake in choosing their future profession and realized that military service was not their calling;
Close relatives and family members are not happy with the choice made and do not agree that training takes place in isolation from families.

Initially, C grade students received 7,000 rubles each, but at the moment the situation regarding payments with all bonuses looks like this:
if there is at least one C grade in any of the subjects - 10 thousand;
if there is at least one B in any of the subjects - 15 thousand;
if all grades are A - 20 thousand.
Those who fail are simply expelled. The teachers very much approve of this decision, because... There is no need to drag out outright incompetents and quitters.

The training program is as follows:

At the end of the training, final state certification of graduates is carried out:
1. Final interdisciplinary exam in the specialty
- General tactics
- Specific tactics
- Management and communications
- Engineering support
- RCB protection
- Military topography
2. State exam in the discipline “Physical education (preparation)”

The working time schedule looks like this:
...after morning activities (getting up, exercise, washing, examination, breakfast, training), the FSF cadets leave for scheduled classes. From 9.00 to 14.00, in accordance with the class schedule, cadets are in class. After scheduled classes and lunch, they are given time to independently prepare for classes the next day. After completing independent training, from 18.40 to 19.20, planned activities are carried out with the cadets: sports work and educational work.
After completing independent training and carrying out mandatory activities, from 19.30 cadets are given personal time with the right to leave the faculty territory (departure for the city).
Since all cadets of the Faculty of Secondary Professional Education are military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, then in accordance with Art. 244 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the RF Armed Forces is allowed to stay outside the school for up to 24 hours, and for family cadets (whose families live with them) until 7.30 the next day.
Control of personnel departing from the territory of the faculty is carried out by the unit commander, the officer who controls the daily routine and the company duty officer.

At the moment, first-year (193 people) and second-year (150 people) cadets are studying. We can confidently say that only those who really want to study and serve as a sergeant remain, the rest have dropped out, for example, now 43 cadets are excellent students, 128 are studying for four and five, the rest have a range of grades from “3” to “5”. I talked to the guys about why they decided to become sergeants. Many are motivated by a good salary and social package promised upon admission, which adds up to the desire to be a military man. There are some cadets who were unsure that they would be able to study under a higher education program to become an officer, so they chose something simpler - a secondary vocational sergeant. The contract is signed for 8 years at once - 2 years and 10 months of training, then 5 years in the military. Recently an order was issued according to which a cadet who refused further studies of his own free will must return to the state the money spent on his education; until this moment it was possible to quit without any consequences.
Sergeant cadets and officer cadets undergo training in the military directly at the school, commanding platoons of three-month conscript cadets.
The guys’ vision of their future is very interesting: “We are sergeants of the new army! We are the best! We will change the armed forces! We will train soldiers in a new way!” Moreover, they say this without any bragging, but as a matter of course.

I'll move on to photos and videos. On the day of my arrival, the Faculty of Special Education was supposed to have parachute jumps. During a year of training, future sergeants make four jumps, and the fourth is necessarily from an Il-76.

Snow fell every now and then, so the flight was postponed and postponed. In order not to stand on their feet, the cadets rested their legs

I took a photo of one of those landing in a circle

Sling cutter

This is a mechanical safety device designed to open a parachute after a specified time interval (using a clock mechanism) if the parachutist for some reason did not do this on his own.

Shoes for jumping were clearly chosen democratically - some in felt boots, some in high boots, some in sneakers

When the sky brightened a little and the snow stopped, several people boarded the An-2 for a test jump

The first one is gone!

The next group is getting ready


Equipment inspection

As you can see, the gloves are quite a free sample

School emblem

Unfortunately, as soon as the An-2 landed after the second batch, it started snowing again and the jumps were finally canceled that day.

I took these photos and videos during classes

One of the teachers. At the moment, 60% of the school’s teaching staff is on staff, awaiting either appointment or dismissal, while the prospects are not very clear. The school needs to reach a full recruitment of three-year sergeants (according to the plan, 1,615 people) in order to retain all the teachers, but so far there are not so many candidates recruited. A real solution to the problem can only be achieved next year, when pay for military personnel is increased, and military service will regain its former prestige.

Stowing parachutes

The Ryazan Infantry Courses were formed.


  • In November 1921, the Ryazan Infantry School was awarded the Revolutionary Red Banner of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee for the courage and bravery of its personnel.
  • 1941 (August 2) - in Kuibyshev (now Samara), on the basis of an infantry school, a military parachute school was secretly created to train military personnel of the Airborne Forces, which was carefully hidden behind the number of military unit No. 75021.
  • By the beginning of the war, the school had two battalions of cadets. They were commanded by Colonel P.D. Golovlev and Major L.I. Yagudin. The school personnel learned about the beginning of the war in the Seletsky camp during the next opening of this camp. Company demonstrations and sporting events were stopped. A rally took place at which many cadets, Red Army soldiers and commanders spoke. They vowed to give all their strength and knowledge to defeat the enemy, to defend the Motherland and asked to be sent to the active Army. After about half a month, the school switched to shortened training periods. Classes were scheduled not for 8 hours a day, but for 10–12 hours, not counting self-training and equipment maintenance. The number of night classes has increased. New cadets selected by military registration and enlistment offices arrived at the school, most of whom had previously served in the Red Army. There were three battalions of cadets and several units of political fighters. The battalions were commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Golovlev P.D., Major Yagudin L.I., Major Bogdanov N.N. On July 20, 1941, senior cadets were released early from the school. The graduation was carried out without examinations based on the average annual assessment, and everyone issued by order of the military council of the district was awarded the military rank of “lieutenant”. Graduates were primarily sent to staff the newly formed first-priority rifle units, to subsequent formations and to reserve units to train Red Army soldiers and gain practical skills. Instead of graduates, the school was quickly staffed with cadets to full staff taking into account the upcoming expansion. The quality of the recruitment can be partially assessed from the book by Viktor Aleksandrovich Titov, a cadet of the school graduating in March 1942: “1000 days and nights at gunpoint” “...In 1941, from Belev I went under my own power to Ryazan, to the Infantry School named after. Voroshilov. The selection was varied, mainly from higher educational institutions in Moscow. Nobody wanted to be a military man; they thought that the war would not detain them for long. To enroll as a cadet at the school, personal consent was required, but no one wanted to agree to become a cadet. When, at a reception with the head of the school, Colonel Garussky, they asked my consent, I replied that I wanted to be an artist, and that I was ready to fulfill my duty to the Motherland as a private. The head of the school replied that the Motherland demands it, and I have already been enrolled as a cadet at the school...” On October 25, 1941, the school was relocated from Ryazan to the city of Ivanovo, and on February 15, 1942 it returned from Ivanovo to Ryazan. Carrying out an operational task on the basis of NKO order No. 02011 dated October 20, 1941 on the relocation of the school to the city of Ivanovo, the personnel successfully completed a pedestrian transition over a distance of 470 km - a transition at a high disciplinary level within the specified period. Heavy property was transported on board along the Oka River to the city of Gorky
  • On November 12, 1943, in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of its formation, the Ryazan Infantry School was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for military services to the Motherland and outstanding success in officer training by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.
  • From 1946 to September 1947, the parachute school was located in the city of Frunze, the capital of the Kyrgyz SSR.
  • 1958 (June) - By decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Ryazan Red Banner Infantry School (secondary) was transformed into a Higher Combined Arms Command School with a four-year training period. Graduates called it RKPU and received diplomas of higher civilian education, while military training remained at the same level. These transformations did not in any way affect the Alma-Ata Airborne School, and the Commander of the Airborne Forces V.F. Margelov proposed to the country's leadership the merger of the two schools.
  • 1959 (May 1) - the first echelon of paratrooper cadets departed from Kazakhstan to Ryazan, headed by Colonel A. S. Leontyev, appointed commander of the Ryazan Higher Combined Arms Command Red Banner School. Only after the completion of all graduations of infantry cadets on April 4, 1964, the school replaced its sign with the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Red Banner School. Since 1959, when the Alma-Ata Military Parachute School became part of the RKPU, the school began to “forge” officer cadres for the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces. V. F. Margelov constantly kept the school in sight and took care of it like a father. The school has grown and acquired excellent training base both in Ryazan and in the Seletsky camps, which have been transformed beyond recognition since the war.
  • 1962 - the school switched to a new profile of education, and knowledge of one of the foreign languages ​​was put at the forefront. The admission and training of foreigners at the school began (the fourth platoon, consisting of Vietnamese, joined the 4th cadet company, and in subsequent years the company was replenished with Indonesians; cadets from 32 countries are currently training).
  • 1964 (April 4) - by the end of all graduations of infantry cadets, the school was renamed the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Red Banner School and transformed beyond recognition.

  • On February 22, 1968, in connection with the 50th anniversary of the Armed Forces of the USSR, the school was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for the second time for its great merits in officer training. He is given the honorary name “named after the Lenin Komsomol”.
  • In 1989, for its great contribution to the training of Polish military personnel, the school was awarded the "Commander's Cross" of the Order of Merit of the Polish People's Republic.
  • On November 13, 1995, a monument to the founder of the airborne service, Army General Vasily Margelov, was unveiled on the territory of the institute.
  • On November 12, 1996, taking into account numerous requests from personnel and veterans of the airborne service, the President of Russia awarded the school a new honorary name, as a result of which it became known as the “Ryazan Higher Airborne Command Twice Red Banner School named after Army General V.F. Margelov.”
  • On August 29, 1998, in connection with the reorganization of military educational institutions and in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 417 dated September 16, 1998, the Ryazan Higher Airborne School named after Army General V. F. Margelov was renamed the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces troops."
  • On November 11, 2002, by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 807, the name “named after Army General V.F. Margelov” was returned to the institute.
  • 2004 (July 9) - taking into account numerous requests from the personnel and veterans of the school, it was again renamed the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School (military institute) named after Army General V.F. Margelov (Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 937-R dated 07/09/2004 year).
  • 2006 - By order of the Russian Minister of Defense, the school was awarded the Pennant of the Minister of Defense for courage, military valor and high combat skills.
  • 2008 - for the first time, the Ryazan Airborne Command School began accepting female cadets (20 people) for training in the military specialization “Use of Airborne Support Units.” These will be female officers, commanders of platoons of parachute handlers, who ensure that military personnel perform parachute jumps, as well as the release of military equipment using special platforms and multi-dome systems.
  • At the beginning of 2011, they plan to open a center for training military priests, imams, rabbis and lamas for the army and navy on the basis of the school. On the territory of the training center there is a temple of Elijah the Prophet of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • By decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 14, 2013, the school was awarded the Order of Suvorov. President Putin personally attached the badge and ribbon of the order to the military banner of the school during a visit to it on November 15, 2013.
  • In August 2013, a special reconnaissance battalion was returned from the Novosibirsk Military Military Command. From that moment on, the RVVDKU resumed training officers for special forces units.
  • In the summer of 2015, the SPO intelligence faculty was transferred from the Novosibirsk Higher Educational Institution, which became part of the SPO faculty.


The educational institution includes the school itself, a training center located 60 km from Ryazan in the vicinity of the village of Seltsy, an aviation military transport squadron and the Central Parachute Club of the Airborne Forces.

On the territory of the school there are barracks-type dormitories to accommodate cadets, educational buildings and laboratories for conducting classes (including fire and technical complexes), shooting range, airborne training complex, sports and gyms for classes various types martial arts, a stadium with a sports town, a canteen, a cadet cafe, a club, a post office, a medical center, a consumer services plant.

The school fulfills the state personnel order for the training of certified higher professional specialists in three military specialties: “Use of airborne units”, “Use of special reconnaissance units”, “Use of airborne communications units” and two specializations: “Use of airborne support units” and “Use of airborne support units” Marine Corps» with a training period of 5 years, including two platoons of girls undergoing training in 4-5 courses.

The main divisions of the institute are: departments, companies and platoons of cadets. The institute trains and educates cadets from 17 military and 4 civilian departments:

  • combat support;
  • weapons and shooting;
  • humanities and natural sciences;
  • airborne training;
  • armored vehicles;
  • operation of weapons and military equipment;
  • department management;
  • special forces units;
  • engineering training;
  • physical training;
  • Russian and foreign languages;
  • mathematical and natural science disciplines;
  • encryption and data transmission complexes;
  • radio, radio relay, tropospheric, satellite and wire communications;
  • organization of communications and military telecommunication systems;
  • general professional disciplines;
  • automotive technology;
  • automobile service;
  • restoration of military equipment;
  • engines and electrical equipment.

Currently [When?] The school employs 21 doctors of science and 170 candidates.

On the territory of the RVVDKU there is a museum of the history of the Airborne Forces.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu at the RVVDKU,
In the sports complex RVVDKU Aerodynamic installation for training cadets of the RVVDKU Deep-sea pool for training divers RVVDKU

Since 2013, a large-scale reconstruction of the school has been underway. In Ryazan and Seltsy, over 150 different facilities were built, repaired and reconstructed, gasification was carried out, roads were reconstructed, and engineering infrastructure was replaced. As of March 2016, an aerodynamic installation for the training and training of parachutists, a deep-sea pool for training divers, and sports complex“Fighter” and the “Landing” ice sports palace.

The Automotive Faculty of RVVDKU takes the place of the disbanded campus. In 2009, the disbanded Ryazan Higher Military Command School of Communications became part of the RVVDK as a communications department.


The educational process at the Ryazan Institute of Airborne Forces differs from educational process V higher school. Education at the university is based on a close combination of theory and practice, its duration is 5 years, for officer courses (training commanders of parachute companies (battalions) and airborne service specialists) - 5 - 10 months. The entire period of study is divided into 10 academic semesters - two semesters per academic year. At the end of each semester and academic year An examination session is held in accordance with the curriculum. Main forms theoretical work students are: listening to lectures, working at seminars and extracurricular consultations; To test and consolidate the knowledge acquired during the learning process, laboratory and tests. Within the course practical classes With a platoon of cadets, group exercises, tactical classes and exercises, and internships are provided. At the end of each course, starting from the second year of study, cadets are required to submit personal course projects; any independent work cadets to improve personal skills.

During training, cadets spend more than a year on field trips. Every year, cadets are given a winter vacation of 2 weeks and a main summer vacation of 30 days.

Cadets who graduate from the school with a diploma with honors have a preferential right to choose a place of service after graduation within the limits established for the school.

Heads of the school

  • 08/28/1918-04/01/1919 - Troitsky, Ivan Alexandrovich
  • 04/01/1919-12/10/1919 - Oraevsky, Ivan Fedorovich
  • 12/16/1919-05/24/1920 - Domozhirov, Nikolai Nikolaevich
  • 05/24/1920-07/29/1920 - Troitsky, Ivan Alexandrovich (second time)
  • 09/10/1920-10/19/1921 - Oraevsky, Ivan Fedorovich (second time)
  • 10/19/1921-1922 - Pinaev, Georgy Andreevich
  • 1922-1926 - Goryachko, Alexander Ignatievich
  • 10.1926-1929 - Semashko, Valentin Vladislavovich
  • 01/10/1929-1931 - Tikhomirov, Pyotr Pavlovich
  • 1931-1932 - Podshivalov, Ivan Martemyanovich
  • 04.1932-1939 - Vinogradov, Vasily Ivanovich, brigade commander
  • 03/11/1940-05/31/1946 - Garussky, Mikhail Petrovich, major general
  • 01.06.1946-10.01.1950 - Lashchenko, Pyotr Nikolaevich, Major General
  • 01/10/1950-04/25/1952 - Vizzhilin, Viktor Alekseevich, major general
  • 04/25/1952-05/1959 - Savchenko, Sergei Stepanovich, major general
  • 06/10/1959-11/30/1965 - Leontiev, Alexander Stepanovich, major general
  • 11/30/1965-06/1968 - Popov, Alexander Mikhailovich, major general
  • 07/27/1968-06/1970 - Kulishev, Oleg Fedorovich, major general
  • 07/02/1970-03/1984 - Chikrizov, Alexey Vasilievich, Lieutenant General
  • 15.03.1984-17.12.1995 - Slyusar, Albert Evdokimovich, lieutenant general
  • 12/17/1995-12/17/2001 - Shcherbak, Valery Vitalievich, major general
  • 12/17/2001-02/10/2008 - Krymsky, Vladimir Yakovlevich, major general
  • 05/06/2008-12/2009 - Lugovoy, Vladimir Nikolaevich, colonel
  • 01/01/2010-01/27/2012 - Krasov, Andrey Leonidovich, Hero of Russia, colonel
  • 09.14.2012 - present time - Kontsevoy, Anatoly Georgievich, Major General

College graduates

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An excerpt characterizing the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School

“I don’t understand,” said Pierre, fearfully feeling the doubt rising within himself. He was afraid of the ambiguity and weakness of his interlocutor's arguments, he was afraid not to believe him. “I don’t understand,” he said, “how the human mind cannot comprehend the knowledge you are talking about.”
The Mason smiled his gentle, fatherly smile.
“The highest wisdom and truth are like the purest moisture that we want to absorb into ourselves,” he said. – Can I receive this pure moisture into an unclean vessel and judge its purity? Only by internal purification of myself can I bring the perceived moisture to a certain purity.
- Yes, yes, that's true! – Pierre said joyfully.
– The highest wisdom is not based on reason alone, not on those secular sciences of physics, history, chemistry, etc., into which mental knowledge is divided. There is only one highest wisdom. The highest wisdom has one science - the science of everything, the science that explains the entire universe and the place of man in it. In order to embrace this science, it is necessary to purify and renew one’s inner man, and therefore, before knowing, one must believe and improve. And to achieve these goals, the light of God, called conscience, is embedded in our soul.
“Yes, yes,” Pierre confirmed.
– Look with spiritual eyes at your inner man and ask yourself if you are satisfied with yourself. What have you achieved with your mind alone? What are you? You are young, you are rich, you are smart, educated, my sir. What have you made of all these blessings given to you? Are you satisfied with yourself and your life?
“No, I hate my life,” Pierre said, wincing.
“You hate it, so change it, cleanse yourself, and as you cleanse yourself you will learn wisdom.” Look at your life, my lord. How did you spend it? In violent orgies and debauchery, receiving everything from society and giving nothing to it. You have received wealth. How did you use it? What have you done for your neighbor? Have you thought about the tens of thousands of your slaves, have you helped them physically and morally? No. You used their works to lead a dissolute life. That's what you did. Have you chosen a place of service where you can benefit your neighbor? No. You spent your life in idleness. Then you got married, my lord, took on the responsibility of leading a young woman, and what did you do? You did not help her, my sir, to find the path of truth, but plunged her into the abyss of lies and misfortune. A man insulted you and you killed him, and you say that you don't know God and that you hate your life. There is nothing fancy here, my sir! - After these words, the Mason, as if tired from a long conversation, again leaned his elbows on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. Pierre looked at this stern, motionless, senile, almost dead face, and silently moved his lips. He wanted to say: yes, a vile, idle, depraved life - and did not dare to break the silence.
The Mason cleared his throat hoarsely and senilely and called to the servant.
- What about horses? – he asked, without looking at Pierre.
“They brought the change,” answered the servant. -Aren't you going to rest?
- No, they told me to lay it down.
“Will he really leave and leave me alone, without finishing everything and without promising me help?” thought Pierre, standing up and lowering his head, occasionally glancing at the Freemason, and starting to walk around the room. “Yes, I didn’t think so, but I led a despicable, depraved life, but I didn’t love it and didn’t want it,” thought Pierre, “but this man knows the truth, and if he wanted, he could reveal it to me.” . Pierre wanted and did not dare to tell this to the Mason. The person passing by, having packed his things with his usual, senile hands, was fastening his sheepskin coat. Having finished these matters, he turned to Bezukhoy and indifferently, in a polite tone, told him:
-Where do you want to go now, my sir?
“Me?... I’m going to St. Petersburg,” Pierre answered in a childish, hesitant voice. - I thank you. I agree with you on everything. But don't think I'm so stupid. I wished with all my soul to be what you would have me to be; but I never found help in anyone... However, I myself am primarily to blame for everything. Help me, teach me and maybe I will... - Pierre could not speak further; he sniffed and turned away.
The Mason was silent for a long time, apparently thinking about something.
“Help is given only from God,” he said, “but the measure of help that our order has the power to give, he will give to you, my lord.” You are going to St. Petersburg, tell this to Count Villarsky (he took out his wallet and wrote a few words on a large sheet of paper folded in four). Let me give you one piece of advice. Having arrived in the capital, devote the first time to solitude, discussing yourself, and do not take the old path of life. Then I wish you a happy journey, my lord,” he said, noticing that his servant had entered the room, “and success...
The person passing was Osip Alekseevich Bazdeev, as Pierre learned from the caretaker’s book. Bazdeev was one of the most famous Freemasons and Martinists back in Novikov’s time. Long after his departure, Pierre, without going to bed and without asking for horses, walked around the station room, pondering his vicious past and, with the delight of renewal, imagining his blissful, impeccable and virtuous future, which seemed so easy to him. He was, it seemed to him, vicious only because he had somehow accidentally forgotten how good it was to be virtuous. There was no trace of the former doubts left in his soul. He firmly believed in the possibility of a brotherhood of men united for the purpose of supporting each other in the path of virtue, and this was how Freemasonry seemed to him.

Arriving in St. Petersburg, Pierre did not notify anyone of his arrival, did not go anywhere, and began to spend whole days reading Thomas a à Kempis, a book that was delivered to him by an unknown person. Pierre understood one thing and one thing while reading this book; he understood the still unknown pleasure of believing in the possibility of achieving perfection and in the possibility of brotherly and active love between people, opened to him by Osip Alekseevich. A week after his arrival, the young Polish Count Villarsky, whom Pierre knew superficially from the St. Petersburg world, entered his room in the evening with the official and solemn air with which Dolokhov’s second entered his room and, closing the door behind him and making sure that there was no one in the room There was no one except Pierre, he turned to him:
“I came to you with an order and a proposal, Count,” he told him without sitting down. – A person very highly placed in our brotherhood petitioned for you to be accepted into the brotherhood ahead of schedule, and invited me to be your guarantor. I consider it a sacred duty to fulfill the will of this person. Do you wish to join the brotherhood of free stonemasons on my guarantee?
The cold and stern tone of the man whom Pierre almost always saw at balls with an amiable smile, in the company of the most brilliant women, struck Pierre.
“Yes, I wish,” said Pierre.
Villarsky bowed his head. “One more question, Count,” he said, to which I ask you not as a future Freemason, but as an honest man (galant homme) to answer me with all sincerity: have you renounced your previous convictions, do you believe in God?
Pierre thought about it. “Yes... yes, I believe in God,” he said.
“In that case...” Villarsky began, but Pierre interrupted him. “Yes, I believe in God,” he said again.
“In that case, we can go,” said Villarsky. - My carriage is at your service.
Villarsky was silent the whole way. To Pierre's questions about what he needed to do and how to answer, Villarsky only said that brothers more worthy of him would test him, and that Pierre needed nothing more than to tell the truth.
Entering the gate big house, where the lodge was located, and walking along a dark staircase, they entered a lighted, small hallway, where, without the help of servants, they took off their fur coats. From the hall they went into another room. Some man in a strange attire appeared at the door. Villarsky, coming out to meet him, said something quietly to him in French and went to a small closet, in which Pierre noticed clothes he had never seen before. Taking a handkerchief from the closet, Villarsky placed it over Pierre's eyes and tied it in a knot from behind, painfully catching his hair in the knot. Then he bent him towards him, kissed him and, taking him by the hand, led him somewhere. Pierre was in pain from the hair being pulled in by the knot; he winced in pain and smiled from shame for something. His huge figure with his arms hanging down, with a wrinkled and smiling face, moved with uncertain timid steps behind Villarsky.
After walking him ten steps, Villarsky stopped.
“No matter what happens to you,” he said, “you must endure everything with courage if you firmly decide to join our brotherhood.” (Pierre answered in the affirmative by bowing his head.) When you hear a knock on the door, you will untie your eyes,” Villarsky added; – I wish you courage and success. And, shaking Pierre’s hand, Villarsky left.
Left alone, Pierre continued to smile the same way. Once or twice he shrugged his shoulders, raised his hand to the handkerchief, as if wanting to take it off, and lowered it again. The five minutes he spent with his eyes tied seemed like an hour. His hands were swollen, his legs were giving way; he thought he was tired. He experienced the most complex and varied feelings. He was afraid of what would happen to him, and even more afraid of not showing fear. He was curious to know what would happen to him, what would be revealed to him; but most of all he was joyful that the moment had come when he would finally embark on that path of renewal and actively virtuous life, which he had dreamed of since his meeting with Osip Alekseevich. Strong knocks were heard on the door. Pierre took off the bandage and looked around him. The room was black and dark: only in one place was a lamp burning, in something white. Pierre came closer and saw that the lamp stood on a black table, on which lay one open book. The book was the Gospel; that white thing in which the lamp was burning was a human skull with its holes and teeth. Having read the first words of the Gospel: “In the beginning was the word and the word was to God,” Pierre walked around the table and saw a large open box filled with something. It was a coffin with bones. He was not at all surprised by what he saw. Hoping to enter into a completely new life completely different from the previous one, he expected everything extraordinary, even more extraordinary than what he saw. The skull, the coffin, the Gospel - it seemed to him that he expected all this, expected even more. Trying to evoke a feeling of tenderness in himself, he looked around him. “God, death, love, brotherhood of people,” he said to himself, associating with these words vague but joyful ideas of something. The door opened and someone entered.
In the dim light, which Pierre had already managed to take a closer look at, a short man entered. Apparently entering the darkness from the light, this man stopped; then, with careful steps, he moved towards the table and placed his small hands, covered with leather gloves, on it.
This short man was dressed in a white leather apron that covered his chest and part of his legs, he had something like a necklace on his neck, and from behind the necklace protruded a tall, white frill that framed his elongated face, lit from below.
– Why did you come here? - asked the newcomer, following the rustle made by Pierre, turning in his direction. - Why do you, who do not believe in the truths of the light and do not see the light, why did you come here, what do you want from us? Wisdom, virtue, enlightenment?
At that moment the door opened and an unknown man entered, Pierre experienced a feeling of fear and reverence, similar to the one he experienced in confession as a child: he felt face to face with a complete stranger in terms of living conditions and with someone close to him, in the brotherhood of people, person. Pierre, with a breathless heartbeat, moved towards the rhetorician (that was the name in Freemasonry for the brother who prepares the seeker for entry into the brotherhood). Pierre, coming closer, recognized in the rhetorician a familiar person, Smolyaninov, but it was insulting to him to think that the person who entered was a familiar person: the person who entered was only a brother and a virtuous mentor. Pierre could not utter the words for a long time, so the rhetorician had to repeat his question.
“Yes, I... I... want an update,” Pierre said with difficulty.
“Okay,” said Smolyaninov, and immediately continued: “Do you have any idea about the means by which our holy order will help you achieve your goal?...” said the rhetorician calmly and quickly.
“I... hope... guidance... help... in renewal,” said Pierre with a trembling voice and difficulty in speaking, arising both from excitement and from the unfamiliarity of speaking in Russian about abstract subjects.
– What concept do you have about Freemasonry?
– I mean that Frank Freemasonry is a fraterienité [brotherhood]; and the equality of people with virtuous goals,” said Pierre, ashamed as he spoke of the inconsistency of his words with the solemnity of the moment. I mean...
“Okay,” the rhetorician said hastily, apparently quite satisfied with this answer. – Have you been looking for means to achieve your goal in religion?
“No, I considered it unfair and did not follow it,” Pierre said so quietly that the rhetorician did not hear him and asked what he was saying. “I was an atheist,” answered Pierre.
– You are looking for truth in order to follow its laws in life; therefore, you are seeking wisdom and virtue, are you not? - said the rhetorician after a minute of silence.
“Yes, yes,” Pierre confirmed.
The rhetorician cleared his throat, folded his gloved hands on his chest and began to speak:
“Now I must reveal to you the main goal of our order,” he said, “and if this goal coincides with yours, then you will benefit from joining our brotherhood.” The first most important goal and overall foundation of our order, on which it is established, and which no human power can overthrow, is the preservation and transmission to posterity of some important sacrament... from the most ancient centuries and even from the first person who came down to us, from whom the sacraments can perhaps, the fate of the human race depends. But since this sacrament is of such a nature that no one can know it or use it unless one has prepared oneself through long-term and diligent purification, not everyone can hope to find it soon. Therefore, we have a second goal, which is to prepare our members as much as possible, correct their hearts, purify and enlighten their minds with those means that have been revealed to us by tradition from men who have labored in seeking this sacrament, and thereby make them capable of the perception of it. By purifying and correcting our members, we try, thirdly, to correct the entire human race, offering it in our members an example of piety and virtue, and thereby trying with all our might to resist the evil that reigns in the world. Think about this, and I will come to you again,” he said and left the room.
“To resist the evil that reigns in the world...” Pierre repeated, and he imagined his future activities in this field. He imagined the same people as he himself was two weeks ago, and he mentally addressed them with an instructive and mentoring speech. He imagined vicious and unhappy people whom he helped in word and deed; imagined the oppressors from whom he saved their victims. Of the three goals named by the rhetorician, this last one - the correction of the human race - was especially close to Pierre. Some important sacrament mentioned by the rhetorician, although it incited his curiosity, did not seem significant to him; and the second goal, cleansing and correcting himself, occupied him little, because at that moment he felt with pleasure that he was already completely corrected from his previous vices and ready for only one good thing.
Half an hour later, the rhetorician returned to convey to the seeker those seven virtues corresponding to the seven steps of the Temple of Solomon, which every Mason had to cultivate in himself. These virtues were: 1) modesty, respect for the secrets of the order, 2) obedience to the highest ranks of the order, 3) good morals, 4) love of humanity, 5) courage, 6) generosity and 7) love of death.
“Seventhly, try,” said the rhetorician, “by frequently thinking about death to bring yourself to the point that it no longer seems to you a terrible enemy, but a friend... who frees the languishing soul from this miserable life in the works of virtue, to introduce it to a place of reward and reassurance.
“Yes, this must be so,” thought Pierre, when after these words the rhetorician left him again, leaving him to solitary reflection. “This should be so, but I am still so weak that I love my life, the meaning of which is only now gradually revealed to me.” But the other five virtues, which Pierre remembered as he ran through his fingers, he felt in his soul: courage, generosity, kindness, love for humanity, and especially obedience, which did not even seem to him to be a virtue, but happiness. (He was so happy now to get rid of his arbitrariness and subordinate his will to those and those who knew the undoubted truth.) Pierre forgot the seventh virtue and could not remember it.
The third time, the rhetorician returned quickly and asked Pierre if he was still firm in his intentions, and whether he dared to subject himself to everything that was required of him.
“I’m ready for anything,” said Pierre.
“I must also tell you,” said the rhetorician, “that our order teaches its teaching not only in words, but by other means, which, perhaps, have a stronger effect on the true seeker of wisdom and virtue than verbal explanations alone.” This temple, with its decoration, which you see, should have already explained to your heart, if it is sincere, more than words; You will see, perhaps, with your further acceptance, a similar image of explanation. Our Order imitates ancient societies that revealed their teachings in hieroglyphs. A hieroglyph, said the rhetorician, is the name of some thing not subject to feelings, which contains qualities similar to the one depicted.
Pierre knew very well what a hieroglyph was, but did not dare to speak. He listened silently to the rhetorician, feeling from everything that the tests would begin immediately.
“If you are firm, then I must begin introducing you,” said the rhetorician, approaching Pierre closer. “As a sign of generosity, I ask you to give me all your precious things.”
“But I have nothing with me,” said Pierre, who believed that they were demanding that he give up everything he had.
– What you have on: watches, money, rings...
Pierre hastily took out his wallet and watch, and for a long time could not remove the wedding ring from his fat finger. When this was done, the Mason said:
– As a sign of obedience, I ask you to undress. - Pierre took off his tailcoat, vest and left boot as directed by the rhetorician. The Mason opened the shirt on his left chest, and, bending down, lifted his trouser leg on his left leg above the knee. Pierre hastily wanted to take off his right boot and roll up his trousers in order to save a stranger from this labor, but the Mason told him that this was not necessary - and handed him a shoe on his left foot. With a childish smile of modesty, doubt and self-mockery, which appeared on his face against his will, Pierre stood, with his arms down and his legs apart, in front of his brother the rhetorician, awaiting his new orders.
“And finally, as a sign of sincerity, I ask you to reveal to me your main passion,” he said.
- My passion! “I had so many,” Pierre said.
“That passion which, more than any other, made you hesitate on the path of virtue,” said the Mason.
Pierre paused, searching.
"Wine? Consolidation? Idleness? Laziness? Hotness? Anger? Women?" He went over his vices, mentally weighing them and not knowing which to give priority to.
“Women,” Pierre said in a quiet, barely audible voice. The Mason did not move or speak for a long time after this answer. Finally he moved towards Pierre, took the handkerchief lying on the table and again blindfolded him.
Last time I tell you: turn all your attention to yourself, put chains on your feelings and look for bliss not in passions, but in your heart. The source of bliss is not outside, but within us...
Pierre already felt within himself this refreshing source of bliss, now filling his soul with joy and tenderness.

Soon after this, it was no longer the former rhetorician who came for Pierre into the dark temple, but the guarantor Villarsky, whom he recognized by his voice. To new questions about the firmness of his intentions, Pierre answered: “Yes, yes, I agree,” and with a radiant childish smile, with an open, fat chest, unevenly and timidly walking with one barefoot and one shod foot, he went forward with Villarsky placed at his side. bare chest with a sword. From the room he was led along corridors, turning back and forth, and finally led to the doors of the box. Villarsky coughed, he was answered with Masonic knocks of hammers, the door opened in front of them. Someone's bass voice (Pierre's eyes were still blindfolded) asked him questions about who he was, where, when he was born? etc. Then they took him somewhere again, without untying his eyes, and while he walked they told him allegories about the labors of his journey, about sacred friendship, about the eternal Builder of the world, about the courage with which he must endure labor and danger . During this journey, Pierre noticed that he was called either a seeker, or a sufferer, or a demander, and at the same time they knocked him with hammers and swords in different ways. While he was being led to some subject, he noticed that there was confusion and confusion between his leaders. He heard how the surrounding people argued among themselves in whispers and how one insisted that he be led along some kind of carpet. After that they took him right hand, they laid it on something, and with their left they ordered him to put a compass to his left chest, and forced him, repeating the words that the other was reading, to read the oath of allegiance to the laws of the order. Then they put out the candles, lit alcohol, as Pierre heard by the smell, and said that he would see a small light. The bandage was removed from him, and Pierre, as if in a dream, saw, in the faint light of the alcohol fire, several people who, wearing the same aprons as the rhetorician, stood opposite him and held swords pointed at his chest. Between them stood a man in a white, bloody shirt. Seeing this, Pierre moved his chest forward towards the swords, wanting them to stick into him. But the swords pulled away from him and the bandage was immediately put on him again. “Now you have seen a small light,” someone’s voice told him. Then they lit the candles again and told him what he needed to see full light, and again they took off the bandage and more than ten voices suddenly said: sic transit gloria mundi. [this is how worldly glory passes.]
