Installing a siphon on a bathtub: how to properly assemble and install the siphon. How to connect a bathtub to the sewer How to connect a bathtub to the sewer

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Having carried out the above supports or supports, make test measurements of the resulting heights: a) from the clean floor to the outlet, b) from the clean floor to the top of the side of the bowl at four points at its corners. The latest data should not differ from each other by more than 4 mm.
Next, set the slope of the bottom of the bath towards the outlet through which the bath is connected to the sewer. This slope is set at the rate of 2 cm per 1 m of bathtub length.
After the work on its installation and adjustment is completed and the bowl is finally fixed vertically and horizontally, you can begin connecting its drain to the sewer.

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Selecting a siphon to connect the bathtub drain to the sewer system

It is recommended to connect the bathtub to the sewer pipe using an appropriate siphon - a special fitting that contains components that provide connection to the drain hole and overflow hole (photo 1).

  • have high hydraulic resistance;
  • quickly become clogged with dirt;
  • poorly cleaned.

The best choice would be one structurally consisting of a rigid or flexible, but smooth plastic pipe. If the configuration of existing sewer pipes allows the use of drain device, consisting of two bends of rigid pipes, with the required turns, this will be the optimal solution.
But if the situation does not allow the use of any of the recommended options, then all that remains is to use a structure made of corrugated plastic pipes.

Connecting a bathtub is not so much a complicated process as it is labor-intensive. Firstly, this is a very bulky piece of plumbing. However, it requires careful attitude, since when tilting an acrylic or steel bathtub, its coating can be easily damaged. The surface of a cast iron bathtub is more durable, but its mass is very large.

Installing a bathtub with your own hands is complicated by the fact that all work takes place in a limited, cramped space. In addition, some actions cannot be performed alone, which is why most often you have to attract an assistant.

Connecting a bathtub to water supply and sewerage is also not the most difficult work, however, it must be done practically by touch, and this requires experience. Simply put, you must clearly know the procedure.

Accuracy and attentiveness are the main components of success. If you accidentally drop a heavy tool into the bowl of a steel or cast iron bathtub, you can cause irreparable damage to the enamel, and in order to connect an acrylic bathtub, you need to drill blind holes, which should be done with extreme caution. However, even an amateur can independently cope with this, at first glance, difficult task. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and have minimal skills in working with plumbing devices or deep theoretical knowledge.

Which bath is better to choose?

So, if you decide to replace the bathtub rather than move the existing one to another location, then you first need to decide what it will be like. This primarily depends on your taste, preferences and size of the room. Let's look at the most popular options today.

Steel bath. Such models are the most inexpensive and easiest to install. A thrifty and skillful man can easily figure out how to connect a bathtub, especially since the instructions must include detailed diagram bathroom connections. Main disadvantage steel product - fragility, since due to frequent contact with water, mechanical deformation of the surface occurs, so cracks and then chips very soon appear on the enamel. However, this can be avoided if you install the bath between three walls. As for thermal characteristics, this is not the most best option. Such a bathtub warms up quickly, but also quickly releases heat through the walls, so it is usually additionally insulated.

Cast iron bath. These are practically eternal baths, but they are not cheap. In addition, installing a bathtub with your own hands is impossible alone, and this is not only due to the large mass of the product. The fact is that the siphon for water drainage is attached before installation, then extreme caution must be taken when moving the bath so as not to accidentally damage it when tilting.

Another difficulty is the open decorative legs: they easily break under lateral load, for example, if someone falls in the bathroom. Therefore, this option, again, is best used when the bath is located between three walls.

In addition, you should be aware that the heat transfer of a cast iron product is slightly lower than that of a steel bath. Its walls take a long time to warm up, so the temperature of the poured water should be quite high.

Acrylic or plastic bath. This category includes lightweight and very durable models with average price(cheaper than cast iron, but more expensive than steel). The connection diagram for a plastic bathtub is generally simple, but when installing it, it is also recommended to work with an assistant.

Damage caused to the plastic surface can be easily repaired. In general, we can say that this is an ideal option, you just need to remember that the coating is “afraid” of aggressive detergents Therefore, only water and soap are used for care. By the way, in terms of heat preservation, such a bath has best performance: Plastic heats up quickly and takes a long time to cool down.

How to install a bath yourself: work order

Let's look at the stages installation work, which are the same for any type of bath.

1.Assembling drain fittings. The bath connection diagram is usually supplied by the manufacturer. All parts of any model are connected using nuts, and rubber rings are used for sealing. The joints do not need to be sealed additionally unless this is stated in the instructions.

2. Installation of the bathtub on a support. Some experts do not recognize the legs included in the kit at all, but prefer brick pillows. Perhaps they are right, especially when it comes to cast iron products. However, it is up to you to decide how to install your bathtub.

3.Heat and sound insulation. This stage applies exclusively to plastic and steel baths, since cast iron ones themselves retain heat well and do not make unnecessary noise when filled with water. To make thermal insulation, you will need 4-5 cans of polyurethane foam.

4. Alignment. Before connecting the bathtub, it must be set strictly to the level. It is better to do this using a rule (a narrow, rigid bar): it is placed diagonally, and a level is set on top. There are special adjustment screws on the legs; by unscrewing or tightening them, you can quickly put the bathtub in the required position.

5. Fastening. This stage also applies only to the installation of steel or acrylic bathtub. The fact is that cast iron products have an impressive own weight, and, filled with water, they will not budge or bend. Plastic or steel bath when using steel hooks or brackets, it is attached to the wall, which eliminates the appearance of cracks in the sealing layer.

6. Waterproofing of joints. This is the last stage, which involves general scheme bathroom connections. There are several in various ways, and which one is more correct cannot be said with certainty. It all depends on specific situation and your preferences. This could be a regular white corner, tile, self-adhesive border, or just silicone. The main thing is to achieve the effect of complete sealing of the joints.

Preparing the bathroom

If the installation of a new bath occurs along with the renovation of the room, then you need to start from the floor. It must be smooth and durable. The tiles are laid on a continuous layer of mortar with extrusion, and not on a “comb”, since the foot of the bathtub, standing above the cavity, can break the coating. If replacement floor tiles is not provided, then it is advisable to place 40 mm thick larch boards under the legs. Wall cladding is carried out after the bath has been connected to the water supply and sewerage system. In this case, the likelihood of the formation and spread of fungus and mold drops sharply, since first the gap between the bathtub and the bare wall is sealed, and then the gap between the bathtub and the tiles.

Bath installation height and choice of drain fittings

In order to properly connect the bathtub, you need to select the height of its installation. Based on hygiene reasons, the distance from the bottom to the floor should be such that a siphon with a deep elbow can be easily placed there, which will prevent water from flowing back from the sewer. This is especially important if other plumbing equipment is connected to the same drain in front of the bathroom, for example, a kitchen sink, dishwasher or washing machine. In addition, the higher the bathtub is installed, the greater the water flow. This is not about saving time. With a high rate of emptying of the drain fittings, hair and other debris do not have time to catch on uneven surfaces or settle to the bottom of the pipe, which prevents the formation of a blockage.

Installing a bathtub yourself involves purchasing all the consumables and plumbing fixtures, and for this you need to know some subtleties. To new bath hasn't given you any trouble for many years, you need to buy a quality drain fittings. It is mainly made of PVC or polyisopropylene. The second one is more expensive, but it has a number of undeniable advantages compared to PVC:

Strength is several times higher;

Greater stability in aggressive environments;

Smoother surface, less likely to clog pipes.

A few words about the drain, which is necessary to connect the bath to the sewer. Experts do not advise purchasing a Chinese product, since it is assembled using a bolt, which very quickly rusts and sticks. If the need arises, it is almost impossible to disassemble such a drain, so you have to break it and install a new one. It makes no sense to order a bolt made of bronze, brass or stainless steel, since you do not know the grade of steel from which the mesh is made. If the material is incorrectly selected, galvanic couples may form, which will also lead to corrosion and sticking of the bolt.

The choice of mesh design also needs to be taken seriously. For example, if it consists of two crossed bars, then hair clings to it, which then needs to be removed, and this is inconvenient and not very pleasant. Therefore, it is better to choose a drain with a mesh in the form round holes or cracks. Of course, connecting a bathtub using such a drain will cost a little more, but it will look more aesthetically pleasing and will be easier to maintain.

DIY bath installation: necessary tools and materials

How to connect a bathtub so that it lasts as long as possible, what tools are needed for this and consumables? These are the main questions that arise for a person who is faced with a similar problem for the first time. In principle, a business man will most likely have the basic tools in stock, however, we will list them so that in the midst of work you do not have to run to the nearest store.

1.Rule. Its length should be no shorter than the diagonal of the bathtub, but not much longer. It is used to accurately align the bathtub horizontally.

2.Fork key. You will need it to tighten the nuts on the fittings. Please note that in this case, an adjustable wrench is useless, since access to the drain is limited, and pliers are also ineffective here.

3. A small hammer with a rubber striker. They tap the legs when planting. A metal hammer is unsuitable, as microcracks may appear on the enamel; a wooden hammer is ineffective due to low impact force and accuracy. Tip: you can use a hammer for embossing, just pull a piece of hose onto the butt.

4. Silicone sealant. Necessary for sealing joints.

5. Fabric-based electrical tape. It is wound around the drill to limit the depth of the hole. This will only be needed if you need to connect an acrylic bathtub.

Scheme of connecting the bathroom to the sewer

For correct connection bathtub to the drain pipe, it must first be aligned. The basic rule of alignment is this: you need to lift the lowered side, not lower the raised side. Remember we previously mentioned that the higher the bathtub is, the better and cleaner the water drains? So, if you use a rubber collar to connect the exhaust pipe and the sewer, then the final connection must be made after the alignment has been completed. Otherwise, the cuff will not fit into place, or the drain may fail. It is better to buy a soft cuff, made of neoprene or micropore. Instead, you can also use rubber sealant or raw rubber: such a connection will be almost eternal. However, if you are looking for a way to connect a bathtub faster and easier, you can buy a drain with a wide pipe and fill the gap with silicone. Polyurethane foam in this case it is not suitable, since it expands greatly when it hardens and can clog the drain hole from the inside. In this case, all the work will have to be redone.

Now a few words about how to install a bath evenly using the rule. It needs to be positioned diagonally, and a level should be placed on it and an ideal horizontal position should be achieved by unscrewing or tightening the mounting bolts of the legs. Do the same with the second diagonal. After installing the second diagonal, you need to check whether the first one has gone astray. You can do without the rule by aligning the bathtub along the sides, but this procedure is more labor-intensive.

Advice: there is no need to tilt towards the drain, because it is already provided for by the design of the bowl.

The sewer pipe and pipe also require preliminary preparation. For a more reliable seal internal surfaces You need to wipe it dry, or better yet, dry it with hot air using a hairdryer. After this, you can safely connect the bath to the sewer.

Of course, each type of product has its own characteristics, so before installation, you must thoroughly study the attached instructions, in particular, the section: “Bathtub connection diagram.”

Installing and connecting a bathtub is not a very complicated matter, however, there are a number of nuances that must be taken into account both during preparation and during installation.

Bath installation

Much depends on the material from which the bath is made:

  1. Acrylic bathtubs are very popular because they come in a variety of shapes and colors. But they can sag and therefore you will need to install a strong backing. Brick is used for this foam concrete blocks or timber. However, if the kit is provided metal frame And various elements finishing, only proper adjustment will be needed.
  2. Steel bathtubs are also subject to deformation and require construction frame structure using polyurethane foam.
  3. The most reliable are cast iron baths on legs that are easy to adjust.

Selection of location and materials

Along with purchasing a bathtub, it is important to choose the appropriate siphon. This device has the necessary holes for draining and overflowing.

You should pay attention to the drain pipe, which is connected to the siphon. It is better to abandon the corrugated one, since it has a number of disadvantages. And this is due not only to high hydraulic resistance, but also to the ability to quickly accumulate dirt. In addition, it is difficult to clean.

If the diameter is standard drain pipe will be smaller than the sewer one, then you will need an adapter that allows you to switch from standard 40 to 50 mm.

After choosing a location for the bathroom, you should pay attention to the height difference. The exit from the bath should be at least 10–20 centimeters higher than the entrance to the sewer. Otherwise, the water will stagnate, so it is important to check the height of the siphon.

Pay attention! It is advisable that when further exploitation access to the siphon was always free. It may need cleaning from time to time.

A rigid pipe made of two elbows with turns is better suited for connection. But if it cannot be installed, then you can also use corrugated pipe. If the sewer system consists of cast iron pipes, you will have to purchase a 73/40 rubber coupling.

A sewer system made of plastic pipes requires the connection of a separate pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. It can be either flexible or rigid, but must also be made of plastic.

Connection procedure

Pay attention! When assembling the siphon, care should be taken special attention sealing gaskets. It is very important not to forget about the washer, which should be placed between the overflow body and the bathtub. Before installation, it must be lubricated with sealant.

Since many fastener parts have recently been made of plastic, you should work more with your hands, without using tools. After all, strong constriction will simply break the desired part. The fork wrench is only needed to tighten the main outlet neck and overflow.

One end of the mounted siphon is connected to the pipeline, and the other to the sewer drain hole.

Pay attention! It is very important to constantly check the tightness and tightness of the connection. It is better to fix problems immediately to avoid water leaks.

If the bathtub is installed literally flush against the wall, you will have to use sealant. They need to seal the joint between the side and the wall. It is undesirable for water to constantly get under the bathtub.

After connecting to the sewer hole, you should once again check everything for leaks and proceed to the next step.

The arrangement of the bathroom involves connecting the bathtub to engineering communications. These works are usually carried out after the renovation of the room is completed and the plumbing has been purchased. Almost anyone can cope with this task, even those without special knowledge and practical skills. The instructions and tips below will help you connect your bathtub to the water supply and sewer system efficiently and quickly.

Preparing to connect the bath

Before connecting the plumbing product to the bowl, it is necessary to select the right materials and determine where to fix the bowl. The difficulty lies in establishing the installation height, which would allow the siphon to be attached. In addition, you need to guess about the placement of the mixer if you purchased a model with fixation on the wall above the bathtub. You should pay attention to the following points:

  • When connected to a sewer, it must be used for baths. Its design contains components that allow you to connect the device to the overflow and drain.
  • It is better not to use corrugated tubes when installing a structure with your own hands, as they have significant disadvantages:
  • All kinds of contaminants quickly accumulate;
  • Clean with great difficulty;
  • They have too high hydraulic resistance.
  • Before connecting to the sewer, it is necessary to ensure the proper height difference between the drain pipe and the connection point. Of no small importance is the height of the siphon outlet, which determines the completeness and speed of draining water from the bath.

Attention! The height difference between the sewer drain and the pipe must be at least 4-6 cm. Water can drain quickly only if there is a slope of the pipe in the area from the siphon to the riser. To avoid coming out of the drain unpleasant odors, sufficient siphon depth is required. The distance from the bottom of the bowl to the sewer outlet can be about 15-25 cm.

Selection of pipes and siphon

Connecting to the sewer requires the use of a rigid or flexible (plastic) pipe. In this case, the following steps must be performed:

  1. If possible, it is better to choose a rigid pipe (for example, consisting of two elbows with the necessary turns).
  2. If a hard pipe does not meet your needs, then you should choose a soft corrugated one for connection.
  3. If the sewer pipe is plastic, then the siphon connection is made using flexible tube, the diameter of which is 40 mm. A rigid plastic pipe of the same diameter can also be selected.
  4. If the pipe diameter is 50 mm, then you need to use an adapter.
  5. If you have a cast iron sewer pipe, you should buy a special rubber coupling in advance (parameters - 73/40).

There are several types of siphons used for connection:

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer

All work on connecting a bathtub to a sewer in a private house must be performed sequentially:

  • Based on the manual for the device, assemble the siphon, using high-quality gaskets to seal the connections.
  • Hand tighten all plastic fasteners. To avoid breaking the siphon, you need to perform this task carefully and not resort to using special tools.
  • Attach the assembled device to one end of the pipe, and bring its second end to the drain hole and also attach it. Pay special attention to the tightness of the joints to achieve maximum tightness.

Attention! During the connection, any problems detected must be corrected immediately. Otherwise, during operation you will need to replace faulty parts of the system.

  • Ensure the tightness of the joints between the wall and the sides of the bathtub (if they fit closely) so that water cannot spill under the sanitary ware.

Connecting the bathtub to the plumbing system

Installing a faucet and connecting a bathtub in a private home is a relatively easy task that you can do yourself without the help of specialists. To do this, you need to follow the following sequence of actions:

Attention! After completing all work on connecting to the water supply, you need to check their quality. If leaks are detected in the mixer, then you should check the quality of the gasket and its fixation.

In general, connecting the bathtub to utilities is relatively simple. The developed rules help to qualitatively connect the plumbing product with the sewerage system and water supply system, prevent leaks, and then use the bathroom for many years.

Video: Connecting the bathtub to the sewer

Purchasing a bathtub and installing it in the designated place is only half the battle. Main task– connect it correctly to sewer system. This is not difficult to do: no special skills are required for the job. You can solve the problem yourself. But connecting the bathtub to the sewer requires compliance with certain rules. The following instructions will help you understand the nuances of this matter.

  • To connect the bathtub to the sewer pipe, you should purchase a special siphon. This device is equipped with devices designed to seal plumbing fixtures to the drain.
  • Corrugated pipes should only be used when absolutely necessary. This connection of the bathtub with the sewerage system is not ideal for the following reasons: the folds trap debris and, as a result, dirt accumulates; it is very difficult to clean such pipes, and during operation they exhibit increased hydraulic resistance.

A corrugated pipe for connecting the bathtub to the sewer should be used as a last resort

Connecting the bathtub to the sewer will be correct if the siphon outlet is located above the sewer pipe. The height difference should ensure rapid and unhindered water flow. Violation of this rule will lead to stagnation of water and blockages.

  • The system needs to be cleaned periodically. To access the siphon, you should purchase an inspection hatch and install it on the screen.

Access to the siphon will be provided by an inspection hatch

Pipes for supplying sewerage to the bathtub are selected according to the following principle:

  • It is advisable to install the sewerage system in the bathroom using rigid plastic pipes, even if you have to use several knee elements;
  • if the sewerage system in the bathroom has a complex configuration and does not connect to the siphon outlet, you will have to use corrugation.

The correct choice of siphon is the key to system reliability

Pipes for connecting the siphon to the sewer pipe can be as follows:

  • made of flexible smooth (pipe diameter - 40 mm) or hard plastic;
  • if the sewerage system is made with pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, it is necessary to use a special rubber adapter 50/40 mm;
  • if the drainage system in the bathroom is made of cast iron, you will need a 73/40 mm adapter.

Bath installation position

How to connect a bathtub to a sewer: sequence of actions

The process can be divided into several stages.

  • Study the instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the siphon and, according to the recommendations, assemble it. All rubber or silicone gaskets must take their place.

Connection of siphon parts

  • All parts of the siphon, made of plastic, are connected exclusively by hand. The use of gas and open-end wrenches is unacceptable. Plastic threads require careful handling.
  • After mounting the device, its corresponding end is inserted into sewer pipe, and the other part is connected to the bathroom drain hole, not forgetting to use sealing gaskets. The overflow pipe must also be connected to the bathtub.

Installing a gasket on a siphon to a bathtub

  • The sewage system in the bathroom is assembled with your own hands in such a way that all joints are airtight. Silicone cannot replace sealing gaskets: it can only additionally protect connections.

How to connect a bathtub to the water supply and check the tightness of the connections

After the bath has been connected to the sewer, it is necessary to check the tightness of the connections and the quality of the drain. To do this, you need to connect the plumbing to the water supply. The process technology is as follows.

  1. In front of the connecting fittings on cold and hot water pipes there should be stopcock: it is necessary to repair or replace the mixer.
  2. Eccentrics are attached to the fittings. To make the connections airtight, use tow with paint (the “old-fashioned” method) or fum tape. Eccentrics are useful for correctly joining water pipes with connecting nuts.
  3. Decorative chrome-plated attachments will help hide unpresentable-looking eccentrics.
  4. Place in the middle of the connecting nuts rubber gaskets. They will ensure the tightness of the system (fum tape in in this case not used).
  5. Screw the mixer: both nuts must be tightened to prevent distortion. Under spanner you need to put a rag down so as not to damage the chrome surface. There is no need to put in excessive effort.
  6. After connection, it is necessary to check the system for leaks: open both taps and check for leaks. It is necessary to monitor the junctions of pipes and plumbing even after the water is turned off with the mixer tap: a leak may form under pressure.
  7. If leaks are detected, the leaking unit should be redone. The cause may be a poor-quality or incorrectly laid gasket.

After connecting the bathtub to the sewer, you need to connect the water supply and check the system for leaks

It is highly undesirable to use it for water supply reinforced hoses- they are unreliable. It is better to use corrugated stainless steel tubes.

Video: two important points when installing a bathroom

At the end of the work, you need to open the taps and check the tightness of the connection between the bath and the sewer. If no problems are identified within a few minutes, then everything was done correctly. If you doubt that you can cope with the task yourself, invite an experienced specialist to help. The payment for his labor will be several times less than the compensation to neighbors in the event of an accident.
