Landscape design of a summer cottage. Do-it-yourself landscaping of a site: rules, ideas, photos Landscaping and landscaping of a summer cottage

In order to create a dream garden, you need to approach the process calmly and creatively, think through all the details and discuss it with your household. Everyone should feel comfortable at the dacha - this is the key to a friendly and happy family. Nothing brings household members closer together than disputes and discussions about which landscape design options for a summer cottage to prefer.

Great art begins with small things. So where to start planning.

Questions that need to be answered by all family members

We take pens and a piece of paper and begin to answer important issues and by the end of the test we have decided on the concept of garden design:

  • Do you plan to use the plot to replenish the family budget and grow vegetables? Or the country house will be used only as a place to relax. The choice of garden and berry crops, shrubs and flowers depends on the answer to this question;
  • Landscape design and the plan of the summer cottage should include a place for recreation. It can be a shady gazebo or for sunbathing;
  • How much time do you plan to spend outside the city? Not only the choice of plants, but also the equipment depends on this engineering communications– watering, lighting, greenhouses and conservatories;
  • The organization of a playground and a place for barbecue or shish kebab depends on the number and composition of the family;

  • Landscape design on summer cottage necessarily takes into account the type of fence and the owners’ desires for privacy or, conversely, openness to the whole world;
  • Organizing a pond, pool or fountain involves additional costs for their maintenance, the price of which is considerable. Think right away whether you have enough time and desire to care for and clean the ponds yourself.
  • Draw a plan of the site and place the proposed objects on it - a pond, outbuildings and houses for animals. The location of communications and lighting depends on the location of these objects.

Advice. When planning paths and paths, consider their lighting.
In some cases, renting a diesel generator for a summer residence can help out if there are problems with power outages.

If you use these simple recommendations, then you won’t have to replant plants a hundred times and remodel the garden:

  • Do-it-yourself landscape design ideas for a summer cottage do not have to be immediately translated into reality. It is enough to develop clear project plan which can be done in stages;
  • Creating a dream garden is quite an expensive undertaking.. Therefore, calculating the costs of purchasing seeds and seedlings, gardening tools and organizing utilities can immediately discourage the development. But don’t give up right away. After all, knowing the approximate cost of your dream, you can also realize it gradually, knowing what you are striving for;
  • The project plan must take into account the landscape of the summer cottage, elevation changes, shady and sunny areas, the location of buildings and tall trees.

Advice. The plan for creating utilities - water supply and lighting should be based on the location of the water source (well, borehole) and the source of electricity.
This will save significant costs in the future.

We cut costs

It is not difficult to correlate your dream with reality if you find the right approach to planning a landscape design scheme for a summer cottage:

  • The terrain dictates the concept. To significantly reduce costs in areas with sharp changes in elevation, it is better to arrange spectacular alpine slides with small bright flower beds in a picturesque style;

  • On a flat area, the strict geometry of an English garden with spectacular picturesque arcades and shady gazebos looks good;
  • The landscape design of a summer cottage must take into account the composition of the soil, the choice of green spaces depends on it;
  • The climatic conditions of the region influence the choice of plants and, as a result, the design style. In arid areas, it is advisable to design a garden in oriental style, V middle lane English gardens have become fashionable in Russia, and in the North the Scandinavian style looks harmonious;

Advice. Be sure to identify shady and sunny areas. Because the organization of ponds and fountains is usually carried out in an area hidden from direct sunlight.

  • When planting trees and shrubs, the principle is used - from largest to smallest. The most are landed first tall plants, which can no longer be moved and the rest of the design concept is built around them. The same requirement applies to gazebos, pergolas and sculptures.

Interesting practical advice. To make the paths on the site as convenient and functional as possible, they are paved every other year. Let your household choose the most convenient routes for the summer season. Then in the spring it will be much easier to plan the landscapes of summer cottages with your own hands.

Popular design styles

Of course, it all depends on personal tastes and preferences. But the most popular design styles this year country houses boil down to several trends:

  • Formal english style, characterized by a clear geometry of the layout of lawns, flower beds and recreation areas. This design will appeal to people who are planning all the main events of their lives several years in advance. It is natural that country houses Block containers do not fit well into such a regal design of the site;
  • Landscape style is characteristic of creative and dreamy people. Beautiful garden with plantings, arches and gazebos scattered in picturesque disorder, it invites peace and relaxation from the bustle of the city;

  • Japanese gardens, for all their simplicity, are quite difficult to harmoniously combine with the simple architecture of a country house. All details of the landscape must be thought out in the smallest detail. This design is ideal for arid areas with poor sandy soils.

Advice. The style can be different, the main thing is that it is combined with the architecture of the main building.


With proper planning, creating a unique landscape is not at all difficult, if only you have the desire and creative impulse. The video presented in this article will introduce you to the most interesting ideas For different styles design of the territories of country houses.

Unfortunately for country residents, weeds are an integral part of the site. You need to start improving the land by ridding the soil of weeds. Herbicides will help you in this matter - manually the fight will drag on for many months and even years. When the weeds have been eliminated, level the soil, get rid of stones and. It requires minimal care, but it creates a special comfort and hides the unevenness of the site. Almost no landscape today is complete without a green carpet of lawn.

What's an oasis without flowers? Smash beautiful flower beds extraordinary shape, plant bright flowers, which will replace each other throughout the warm period. You just need to think carefully in advance about where exactly you can lay out the flower beds on the site. It depends on the plants, sunlight, soil. If the area is small, use hanging baskets and vertical structures.

The design options for the site are very diverse. Here everything depends on preferences and taste, and only partly on financial capabilities. So, let's look at the most original, new ideas in landscape design. Various creative decorations will be a great addition to the planted flowers and lawn. It could be like garden figurines, and old wooden furniture, gazebo, beautiful arch, multi-colored lighting.

Look into the attic in search of interesting and forgotten things, but if there are none, try to make decorations with your own hands from scrap materials: branches, logs, moss. Win-win design solution there will be creation artificial pond on the site. It can be either regular, oval in shape, or completely arbitrary. But it is worth remembering that the pond needs regular care. You can build a small fountain in the center of the pond - such a move will not leave anyone indifferent. The edges of the pond can be lined with neat tiles or large boulders.

To make the area look great at night, you can install lamps on it. They can be either regular or solar battery. Place lamps along the path on both sides. IN dark time day, such a solution will look very impressive. You can also create pond lighting. There are special water lamps for this. They can be installed both along the edges of the pond and at its very bottom.

An interesting idea for landscape design would be one built independently. To do this, pour drainage from crushed stone, sand, and pebbles onto a previously prepared site. We create from them the shape of a low slide.

Then we place pre-prepared large stones of various shapes on top. Let's finish this work planting flowers on an alpine hill. Before planting flowers, you need to familiarize yourself with their preferences, because their conditions of existence and storage are different. The slide will certainly need constant care, so if you don't visit it often country house, create a rock garden - it’s both fashionable and maintenance-free.

To turn ideas and options for landscape design into reality with your own hands, you need a serious, systematic approach to this issue and, of course, a creative streak. And if you can’t cope on your own, you can always invite a specialist in this field to help you, who will help you realize all your plans.

In this article you can get acquainted with the main points of creating landscape design, as well as get acquainted with interesting examples and photographs of ready-made solutions.

Have country house the dream of any person who wants a little warmth and tranquility. And if you are no exception, then congratulations - your property can delight with its appearance. You can experiment by creating a design with my own hands. If you have excellent computer skills and want to work with 3D images, then there is no price for you. You can use or come up with your own. The most important thing is the process of work, which should give you pleasure.

The main options for decorating a site include the following:

  • Choosing a flower garden;
  • Organization of green spaces;
  • Buildings – gazebos, bathhouses;
  • Water;
  • Other decorative elements.

You can zoning the area of ​​your dacha. To do this, you need to visually estimate the location of the buildings. You also need to determine where the space will be allocated for the lawn, and where you need to plant a garden, create flower beds and make beds. Next, places for recreation and accommodation are determined decorative elements. You may want to make a pool and put sun loungers, but all this is possible.
The stages of decorating a summer cottage are as follows:

  1. Choosing a location and type for buildings;
  2. Creation of plantings;
  3. Organization of a reservoir;
  4. Construction of gazebos, decoration;
  5. Organization of flower beds.

We carry out construction

After zoning, you need to come to the second stage. This is a construction that can be done with your own hands. You can make a wonderful bathhouse, build a shower and a gazebo. If you have children/grandchildren, then excellent option There will be a playground for children. Landscape design of a summer cottage is presented on different photos people who made it with their own hands, so if you don’t have enough imagination, you can use ready-made solutions V .

When constructing buildings, you need imagination and, of course, strong male hands who took on heavy men's work. By doing construction together with your other half, this activity will become exciting and turn into a real family adventure. If you attract easy work children and grandchildren, then 100% rapprochement of your family is guaranteed! After all, in the process of such work you can get maximum pleasure.

Turn on your imagination

Before you start laying paths, you need to decide on the buildings and important elements plot. Next comes the construction of paths, and then plantings. Paths can also be made with your own hands, and imagination is your faithful assistant in this difficult task. In order to make a trail, you won’t need heavy or supernatural elements; it will be enough to include the work of your imagination.

If you had to dig a pit during the work process, then after it there was an embankment gray. You don’t even need to think about where to put it, it can turn into a real masterpiece, you just have to want it. For example, thanks to it, you can create an alpine slide, and if the terrain allows it, and there is water on the site, then you can put a slide with a pond, which will be designed at your discretion. Overall the spectacle should be very impressive. At the right approach the landscape design of a summer cottage will be like in a beautiful photo, taken in the most heavenly corners of the planet. Therefore, it is very important to approach its design correctly.

Creation of green spaces

Landscape design involves the construction of green spaces. They sit down having decided on the main aspects that play an important role in the design. To make the area as green as possible, it is necessary to prepare a site on which the lawn will be placed. Cleaning is carried out by removing weeds, grass, stones. Next, the area needs to be dug up. The dug up soil is compacted using a special compactor. Next, the plot must stand in this form for some time, the next stage is sowing.

Instructions for sequential actions when planting a lawn

If you want to make flower beds, rock gardens and microborders on your site, then we can congratulate you on the emergence of a flight of fancy. To receive beautiful picture It’s enough to use your imagination; perhaps you have items in your dacha that you will no longer use, and that can turn into a real miracle. These are plastic bottles, utensils, paints and old furniture, which is located in utility rooms. Perhaps what you were going to send to the landfill will be a great help in creating a unified style for the site.

Execution of a reservoir

It is difficult to imagine a good and high-quality landscape design in a country house without a pond. This could be a pond, a swimming pool or a small attractive garden fountain. You can make such a pond yourself. To make a pond, you need to dig a hole up to 1.5 meters deep in a low area and outline the contours of the pond using spray paint. The walls of the pond can be formed under a slope and laid with old linoleum. The edges of the pond can be decorated with stones or decorated with colored plastic bottles. The result will be a small pond, and original plants will be planted along the contour.
Of course, we can come up with something of our own, the main thing is to be guided by ingenuity and the characteristics of the site. A beautifully made landscape design of a summer cottage is presented in the photo, displaying all the originality and incredible beauty of your own imagination. Creating a design is not an easy task, but if you approach it correctly, we will achieve excellent results.

Choosing a flower garden

There are a variety of options for arranging flower beds. Beautiful flower garden bordered by an original border or other structure, it should look very original. If you want to plant flower beds bordered by borders, then for these purposes it is better to choose low crops, the height of which is no more than 40 cm. Flower and foliage ornamental crops are grown for such purposes. These can be hostas, coleus, Byzantine chistets and others. This option is advantageous in comparison with other crops.
The main function of the border is to frame landscape element, must have clear contours. If this kind of flower bed is used to decorate a lawn, its boundaries can be marked with a decorative border tape, which allows you to preserve the outline and does not allow the plant to grow. If you make the right choice, the landscape design of your summer cottage will show itself as the most beautiful photos made abroad.


The landscape design of a summer cottage, a photo of which can reflect any ideas, must have some special features. To give it such features, a mixborder is often used - one of the popular types of country flower gardens. It is a mixture composed of a wide variety of perennial and annual plants. And it is composed in such a way that its decorative properties are preserved throughout the entire season. This type the flower bed can be located along the fence, the wall of the house and along the hand-made sidewalk path, but there is no uniformity and strict geometric values, which, in fact, is the main feature of the mixborder.
As a rule, the width of a mixborder is from 1.5 to 4 meters. If it contains tall plants, then they are planted at the back. The basis of this flower garden is presented perennial plants. Grouping of flowering and deciduous plants carried out taking into account the timing of flowering, as well as the color of the flowers so that it is in harmony with the color of other flowers. The entire flower garden can either be contrasting or have some colors complemented by others.

rocky gardens

This type of flower garden is quite popular, and the creation options are endless. The owner of a summer cottage can make such a structure independently, choosing the most suitable option. In such a situation, you need to focus on the terrain and the style features of the garden. Of course, the personal preferences of the gardener do not go unnoticed, and it is important to pay special attention to them. If the entire plot is located on a slope, then practical solution will be the construction of retaining walls and arrangement of terraces. Sometimes you can combine these options with each other.
If you want to add something incredible and original to your rocky garden, you can make a stream or waterfall, and the combination of flower beds with such elements is common and beautiful. Running water will look very attractive against the background of boulders. For a rocky garden, you need to select stones wisely and carefully, otherwise it can become a pile of cobblestones. Therefore, it is better to give preference to the breeds most commonly found in your area. If you correctly combine stones with different sizes and shapes, this can make the composition more original.

Construction of a gazebo

Excellent and convenient presence of a gazebo on a summer cottage. It will be an excellent place to relax, and if you welcome guests, you can gather them at one table in the fresh air, treating them to delicious kebabs. The gazebo will be an excellent option for evening gatherings with the family. Imagine: after a hard day of work, you can dine in the fresh air, like in the best restaurant France. The painting will bring particular joy to the competent design of a gazebo for a summer cottage.
There are different photos, accompanied by the construction of a good gazebo. Made from wood or casting. Can have any color, depending on your preferences. You can always contact companies specializing in sales that will offer you ready-made gazebos high quality in a huge variety. The stage of constructing a gazebo is quite important and responsible, so it must be approached with caution.

The choice is yours

Bright and colorful garden with beautiful flowers, like from famous works of literature or art - now this is not a dream, but a real reality, the choice is always yours. Every owner of a summer cottage can turn his land into a nature reserve, you just have to have the desire, ingenuity and a vigorously working imagination. At making the right choice design option you will receive high-quality work that will not leave you indifferent.
You can choose from a huge variety of options, among which there are the simplest, and even more expensive ones, the most important thing is that your summer cottage not only pleases the eyes, but also the heart, and what could be even more beautiful. Do original design, as in the photo - quite simple, you just have to want it. You can build whatever you want to build gazebos, utility structures and other variants of elementary and original buildings, the most important thing is that both the process and the result bring a lot of pleasure.

Landscape design of a summer cottage - photo gallery

Landscape design of a garden or summer cottage on our own quite simple to do. Knowing certain rules, and with a little work, you can transform an ordinary area into an amazing vacation spot.

Beginning of the transformation process

About twenty years ago, the dacha was used as a garden for growing vegetables and berry bushes. They regularly went to the dacha to process it, water it, and at the end of the season harvest, which many preserved and stored there.

There were very few ornamental plants and, as a rule, they were planted near the house or along the paths. Almost no one was interested in decorative landscapes.

But still there were some amateur flower growers who did not strive to collect big harvest, but paid more attention to growing flowers and ornamental plants. They created small flower beds and flower beds, which delighted those around them.

Probably, it was precisely such summer residents who first began to create small design ideas on arranging the landscape of a summer cottage and bringing them to life.

Modern owners of dachas try to arrange as much as possible a recreation area on their dacha plot, regardless of its size, using it for landscape decoration. all kinds of plants, structural elements and even bodies of water.

Looking at the photo of the landscape design of a summer cottage, one gets the impression that it is impossible to create it with your own hands. But, as they say, even the impossible is possible, so everything is in your hands.

How to design a summer cottage?

The main thing is to have an accurate idea of ​​the final result in the chosen location, sow lawn grass in this area, purchase and plant the necessary plants.

The area of ​​the plot is also important, since large plot you can place a place for a barbecue, a decent gazebo, a pond with fountains and, of course, an alpine corner in the form of a slide.

In a small area you will have to be content with only a few elements.

Advice: creating a lawn is a prerequisite for landscaping; without it, landscape design cannot exist!

Landscape arrangement with coniferous trees

Coniferous trees are required for landscape decoration. It can be thuja, yew tree, juniper, cypress is suitable for warm regions. They are low growing, don't create much shade, and can be shaped into any shape with scissors and your hands.

Perfectly suitable as a hedge and decoration of an alpine hill. Thuja and juniper can be planted along the central path.

Coniferous trees are usually planted in autumn or early spring in soil favorable to them from peat, turf and sand. The distance between seedlings should be 150 cm and no less. They should be watered well and then fertilized. minerals. For wintering, all trees under 5 years old should be covered.

Landscape from scrap materials

To arrange a landscape with all sorts of old materials, literally anything will do: old furniture, ceramics, figurines made with your own hands, etc. Use your imagination, the Internet, or the recommendations of professionals for this.

Decoration of flower beds

Modern designers have tried their best here too, coming up with some options for decorating flower beds:

Rabatka. This is a strip of flowers on the lawn in the form of a border. This type of lawn design can be seen on lawns in parks. For a ridge, several colors of flowers are usually used, different in height, visually reminiscent of a staircase.

Pay attention!

Border. In this option, flowers are planted along the path above the border using various types flowers, but creeping varieties that grow very close to each other look ideal.

Mixborder. This is the name of a flower bed that combines groups on its surface various colors. The idea of ​​the combination is to combine not only different colors, but also different periods flowering.

The mixborder must be constantly blooming! To achieve this you will have to work hard:

  • plant flowers according to the order in which they bloom, taking into account seasonality,
  • divide the surface of the flowerbed into 3 parts: plants of 1 part should bloom in the spring, 2 parts - in the summer, 3 parts - almost in the fall.

Do-it-yourself lawn

The lawn is the main thing character in ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage. Currently, there are several types of lawns, but a universal type is suitable for beginners.

The unclogged soil on your site designated for a lawn must be dug up, leveled, lightly compacted and seeds sown, and covered with dry soil on top to protect the seeds from birds.

But for many, the desire to arrange a recreation area arises in areas with long-term buildings, so to speak, in familiar places where groups of friends or relatives usually gather.

Pay attention!

The ground in such places is usually heavily trampled with patches of grass. This is a rather difficult case for beginners to start landscaping.

First you need to get rid of weeds using special chemicals, following all recommendations for their use. But you can also uproot stumps and get rid of weeds yourself, although you will have to repeat this procedure more than once.

When the land is finally cleared, you need to fertilize it with mineral supplements so that the young grass grows to its full potential.

For sowing, we choose a universal lawn mix, since this mixture does not require special care, shade and drought-tolerant, resistant to low temperatures.

But be patient, from the first season perfect lawn If it doesn’t work out, you will need to wait and work hard, clearing it of weeds and regularly sowing seeds so that there are no bald spots.

Pay attention!

But, having gone through all the litigation, you will really enjoy the result, walking barefoot on the lawn you created yourself.

Content Features:

  • mow grass in dry weather conditions;
  • do not allow the grass to grow too much;
  • during dry periods, water abundantly, but not fanatically.

Design of the entire summer cottage

Arranging landscape design on the site with your own hands can be anything you want. You can arrange a small pond with decorative elements and place it near it. light gazebo and a barbecue area.

The surface of the ground should be sown with lawn grass. The borders of the paths can be decorated with flowers, a mixborder can be organized nearby and coniferous trees, but not near barbecues.

If you wish, you can decorate the fence climbing plants.

Landscape design for a mini recreation area

Even small plot it is possible to transform it by arranging its landscape. But under no circumstances put up a high fence, plant pine trees, or overdo it with decorative elements.

The fence will create the feeling of a cage; to avoid this, decorate it with climbing plants. A small area of ​​lawn with low-growing shrubs will add a special flavor to a small dacha plot.

Landscape design of a large summer cottage

In this case, you can show the whole flight of imagination: installing a bathhouse, parking lot, swimming pool, fountain and other structures. In addition to organizing a fruit and berry garden and vegetable garden, you can make greenhouses.

The main thing when designing is to correctly prioritize and use all zones correctly.

There are no restrictions on decorating the site: alpine slide, lawns, mixborders, coniferous trees, etc. You can place everything. But everything is good in moderation! Go ahead and be happy!

Photo of do-it-yourself summer cottage design
