Ways to improve NVP in life lessons. New approaches to teaching basic military training


1.2 Characteristics of middle school (adolescent) age (11-15 years)

1.3 Training first medical care in life safety lessons in modern conditions


2.1 Training in providing primary care for trauma

2.2 Modular training for intermediate first aid training

2.3 First aid lesson in 6th grade




Ensuring personal safety and maintaining one’s health is perhaps one of the most important aspects of the practical interests of mankind from ancient times to the present day. Man has always existed surrounded by various dangers. In the early stages of their development, these were mainly natural hazards. With the development of civilization, numerous dangers of a man-made and social nature were gradually added to them. In conditions modern society life safety issues have sharply escalated and taken characteristic features problems of human survival, i.e. “stay alive, survive, protect yourself from death.”

Not a day goes by without newspapers, radio and television bringing alarming messages about another accident, catastrophe, natural disaster, social conflict or criminal incident, resulting in the death of people and enormous material damage. So, in Russian Federation More than 300 thousand people die every year from social, man-made, natural and other hazards, 100 thousand become disabled, millions lose their health and are subjected to violence. The country suffers enormous moral and economic damage commensurate with its national income.

Now, when at any moment the question may arise: “To live or not to live?” main task life safety teachers see it as giving students specialized knowledge, skills and abilities to survive in various life situations, including the most unfavorable ones; right actions in case of natural and man-made disasters, adequate behavior in conditions of acute social, socio-political and military conflicts, internal readiness to act in extreme conditions, including with arms in hand, to defend their Fatherland. The school is called upon to become a key link in the formation of a safe type of person - a person who is safe for himself, others, and his living environment, focused on creation and development.

The object of the study is the process of developing knowledge and skills of first aid in middle school age during life safety lessons.

The subject of the study is the forms and methods used to develop theoretical knowledge and practical skills in providing first aid in middle school age during life safety lessons.

The purpose of the work is to consider modern pedagogical technologies and methods of teaching first aid in life safety lessons to secondary school students. school age.

This goal The research determined the following tasks:

1. Analyze the pedagogical and methodological literature on life safety.

2. Analyze and systematize methods and forms aimed at developing theoretical knowledge and practical skills in providing first aid in life safety lessons among middle school students.


1.1 The need for first aid training in modern conditions

Bad road network, use of dilapidated production base, outdated equipment, lack of culture safe behavior inevitably lead to a significant increase in accidents at home, in transport and at work. Minister for Civil Defense and Emergency Situations of Russia S.K. Shoigu has repeatedly emphasized that the country is literally “slipping” into a period of accidents and disasters. Every year, statistics show an increase in mortality in the country from injuries and incidents of all types, primarily of a social nature.

Therefore, every person, especially a graduate of a secondary educational institution, should be able to provide first aid. The main task of providing first aid in an accident is to save the life of the victim until rescue services arrive, and to use every chance to save him. This axiom is undeniable, but in practice we see the obvious helplessness of the majority of citizens who are eyewitnesses to incidents.

To reduce the number of deaths and the severity of injuries in our country, it is necessary to work more actively in several areas:

♦ begin the widespread elimination of the causes and conditions of injury and mortality (narrow roads, outdated equipment, lack of a culture of safe behavior, work and rest). This will take many, many years;

♦ train all citizens, especially staff dangerous species production and transport, skills (and not just knowledge) of providing first aid in extreme situations;

♦ equip all health centers of enterprises and institutions, means of transport, recreational facilities, etc. first aid kits and medical equipment that meet modern requirements for providing first aid at the scene of an incident.

The main thing that prevents solving the problem of quick and effective training is formalism and the predominance of verbalism in teaching first aid techniques, rather than practical classes.

Even studying anatomy, physiology, visiting intensive care units cannot give a person without medical education skills and psychological preparation professional physician. Knowing the theory and methodology of first aid does not mean being able to use this knowledge in an extreme situation.

To see a helpless, bloody victim, and even more so loved one, - enormous stress for everyone. Any person, and especially a child or teenager in this situation, experiences some confusion and a sense of fear, which interfere with the provision of assistance. A whole group of doubts, fears and arguments have been identified that prevent the rapid start of assistance. Here are the most common ones:

“I'm afraid of harm. He may die because of me."

“I’m afraid of contracting the flu (tuberculosis, hepatitis).”

“Why should I come up first, because I am the smartest? Then my actions will be discussed, it will be I who will have to make decisions and bear the full brunt of responsibility.”

“If I cannot save the victim, then I will have to justify that I did not kill him.”

In order for a potential rescuer (and everyone should become one) not to be hampered by these natural doubts and fears, it is necessary to impart into his hands sufficiently solid skills, and into his consciousness - confidence in the importance and correctness of his actions. But it is precisely the skills and development of an attitude towards the indispensable provision of assistance in the conditions of traditional schooling(information about knowledge) is given insufficient attention.

Thus, teaching first aid in life safety lessons plays a huge role. In modern conditions increased danger It is necessary to teach teenagers how to provide first aid.

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Ways to Improve NVP.

Increasing the effectiveness of the NVP primarily depends on improving its content, improving military-patriotic education and psychological preparation of conscripted youth for military service. Not only those who are knowledgeable and capable, but at the same time possessing a certain minimum of moral and psychological qualities, should enter the army. Further improvement is necessary in connection with the continuous change in weapons and military equipment, methods of performing combat missions with a tendency towards the division of military labor and differentiation along professional lines. An important factor improvement of teaching is the introduction of new didactic means of techniques and methods. The quality of specialist training increases when, along with frontal training, training is carried out according to individual plans based on tasks, which are determined depending on the level of development and cognitive capabilities of the students. Efficiency increases when peer teaching methods are used. In the interests of intensifying CEP and improving its quality, it is important to creatively use extracurricular forms, excursions, and competitions. Visiting military units with the organization of the shown classes in the military unit. In pedagogical skill, three structural elements can be distinguished: the skill of the methodologist and the skill of the educator, and pedagogical technique.

Skills and abilities to organize training sessions.

Ability to maintain contact with the audience.

Ability to debrief.

A combination of frontal training with an individual approach to each student.

An important means of developing young men’s interest in activities and activating their thinking is Novelty. Young people are especially interested in military equipment, weapons, and their direct use. Therefore, the reduction in provision educational institutions training weapons and weapons reduces the level of cognition and interest in studying the subject of CVP.

Preparing students for the patriotic education of younger schoolchildren.

In our opinion, in the concept of “patriotic education of junior schoolchildren” it is legitimate to include the education of the following feelings, beliefs and moral qualities of students: love for the land of their fathers and the nature of their native land, for their people and their Motherland: love for their native language, a noble sense of national pride; love for the culture of one’s people: literature, art, cultural monuments, the heroic past of the Motherland: the cause of one’s state, self-sacrifice in the struggle for the honor and independence of the Motherland; conscientious work for the benefit of society; fulfilling one's duties and highly moral patriotic behavior at school, at home, on the street and in public places; a sense of friendship and respect for peers and the older generation.

A great feeling of love for one’s Motherland manifests itself when the Fatherland becomes free, when people take its present and future into their own hands. The feeling of patriotism expresses a person’s desire to make the Motherland strong, prosperous, powerful; it predetermines the readiness to resolutely defend the Motherland from all kinds of attacks.

At the same time, patriotism- this is also a deep filial attachment to the native places where a person was born and where the graves of his ancestors are located. Patriotism is not only a moral feeling, but also a deeply conscious understanding of the idea of ​​love for the Motherland. This idea is one of the most important principles of Kazakhstani patriotism.

Kazakhstani patriotism- this is a deeply conscious love for the Motherland, for one’s people, an understanding of the inseparability of one’s interests with them, a feeling of pride in one’s country, its achievements and a constant readiness to give all one’s strength, and if necessary, one’s life for its good and its prosperity. A feeling of Motherland should live in every person. This word is associated not only with the endless expanses of the native land, the parental home, native songs and native customs, but also the names of her great sons, like Shokana Valikhanova. Kenesary Kasymov, Abai, Saken Seifulin, many others wonderful sons of the Fatherland. For many centuries, our ancestors, being in harsh conditions, defended their territories. Currently, in order to protect the unity and independence of our state, the younger generation needs to instill the spirit of heroism founded by our ancestors. Songs and legends about batyrs that have come down to us through the centuries play an important role in shaping our generation’s love for their people and land. The content of these works of the people is permeated with love for their people, for the land, for traditions. Love and devotion to the Motherland is not of a contemplative nature, but is a powerful driving force building a new society and protecting it.

What is life like for you, soldier?

This question worries many guys who in the near future will have to fulfill their military duty in the ranks of the Armed Forces. But not all of them and do not always find the correct and correct answer.

After all, conscripts and pre-conscripts often receive information about the army from incompetent sources and, as a rule, of a negative nature, which in itself affects the mood of future soldiers. This fact suggests that the guys are in CVP lessons. prepare themselves for military service with responsibility and seriousness. This requires soldiers to act without error in any extreme situation, to be able to use weapons correctly in accordance with the Charter of the Garrison and Guard Service, if necessary, to wield a bayonet and butt, to be strong and resilient. To prepare conscious, skillful and courageous defenders of our Fatherland.

Teacher-Organizer of the NVP: V.I. Potashin


Usage technical means in integrated life safety lessons and physical culture V secondary school.

Work completed:

Fazleev Marat Manafovich,

teacher-organizer of life safety,

MBOU "Lekarevskaya Secondary School"

Yelabuga, 2013


Goals and objectives of preparing young men for military service. 3

Technical means used in integrated life safety and physical education lessons..……………………………………...4


Appendix 1, Appendix 2 ……………………………………………………… 7

Bibliography………………………………….…..... 10


Our tasks in preparing young people for military service and military-patriotic education are clearly defined in the RF Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” as amended in 1998. At one time, in all schools, great attention was paid to the issues of preparing young people for military service and organizing military-patriotic education, which made it possible by the time the NVP was abolished, in educational institutions district to create one of the best educational and material bases for NVP. But, unfortunately, as elsewhere, in the wake of pseudo-democracy and cheap populism of individual politicians and public figures, the institution of preparing young people for military service and military-patriotic education in the country was destroyed. Under the slogan of the struggle for the demilitarization of schools, the NVP was practically abolished. But, as time has shown, our state gained absolutely nothing from this, and the country only lost more people in the first Chechen war than in 10 years of the Afghan war.

One of the important tasks of the state is the military-patriotic education of youth, which is based on preparing the country’s young people for service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, instilling love for the army, developing a high sense of pride in belonging to Russia, and constant readiness to defend the Motherland. School graduates, future defenders of the Motherland, must be highly educated, physically developed young people with high moral principles. The national doctrine of education in the Russian Federation, approved by federal law, which is a fundamental state document, aims us at this. It defines the goals of education and training, ways to achieve them through state policy in the field of education, and the expected results of the development of the education system for the period until 2025.

Considering the current situation, the country's leadership is taking drastic measures to improve the situation.
In March 1998 it was adopted new edition The Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”, which introduces in the country a compulsory and voluntary system of preparing young people for military service, military-patriotic education, as well as medical and health work, without which it is impossible to raise a healthy generation in Russia.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1441 dated December 31, 1999, signed by V.V. Putin, was adopted. It is called “On approval of the Regulations on the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service.”

The school should not pose the question: to prepare or not to prepare young people for military service in institutions of general and vocational education. It is quite obvious that the shorter the service life, the more complex the service itself, the better pre-military preparedness for it a pre-conscript should have.

Improving physical qualities, instilling skills and abilities in handling weapons, will allow, by the time the young man is called up for service, to give confidence, faith in his strength, his capabilities. Thanks to integrated classes in life safety lessons and physical education, extracurricular work in sections and clubs using technical means, students acquire the skills of accurate shooting, endurance, discipline, and the growth of sportsmanship. All these qualities are necessary while serving in the ranks armed forces. I consider the production of various devices to improve the quality of shooting from an air rifle with your own hands. For example, a target made by school students, used in biathlon, increased interest in shooting classes, especially in combination with cross-country skiing.

A device for teaching aiming rules allows you to, at the initial stage of learning to shoot, short term acquire strong aiming skills.

I think pre-conscription training is relevant

young men to serve in the army. I am deeply convinced that military-technical, sports training, preparing citizens to fulfill their constitutional duty is the most important direction in the education of rising youth , future defenders of the Fatherland.

2. Technical means used in integrated life safety and physical education lessons.

Shooting training for students is based on general provisions techniques for other types of sports shooting. However, in integrated lessons it has its own specific features, namely: shooting after intense skiing or cross-country running in conditions of high blood pressure and high emotional arousal. Currently in shooting training high demands are presented to the scientific and methodological support of the training process, the actual data of which create the prerequisites for managing the athlete’s training.

Life safety organizers working with young shooters understand that they are faced with a difficult task - to develop in young men the skill of stable, effective shooting. Therefore, it is necessary to lay the foundations of shooting training in initial period training. Depending on how the basis for shooting training is laid at the initial and subsequent stages of training, the overall result of the training will be determined.

When aiming, beginners usually make a serious mistake: they try to accurately place the front sight under the “eye” of the target and do not monitor the alignment of the top of the front sight in relation to the shoulders of the sight comb. An indispensable condition for correct aiming is this relative position sighting devices, which will maintain an “even front sight”. When aiming, you should always install only an even front sight.

A beginner most often makes such mistakes when aiming. The top of the front sight is located above the edges of the sight slot - hits will be higher. Even a slight deflection of the front sight in the sight slot results in a significant movement of the average point of impact (MIP), i.e. some central point around which the holes are located on the dispersion area. And if the top of the front sight is located below the edges of the sight slot, the STP will move down. If the top of the front sight, being level with the edges of the sight slot, is located closer to its right or left edge, the STP will move to the right or left.

1. A technical tool for acquiring the ability to set a “straight front sight” (Appendix No. 1) allows you to quickly teach a student how to aim correctly. The air rifle is installed in the machine, and the device is attached to the stop at a distance of 8-10 meters. One student sits at the rifle, the other moves the target on the sighting device on command. After pressing the trigger, a light comes on indicating the aiming result. In this device design, from 10( max) up to 5(min ).After several attempts, students change places, then the next pair begins the training. The teacher, depending on the result, makes corrections, notes inaccuracies in aiming, achieving solid knowledge and skills in this exercise.

2. The “biathlon” technical device (Appendix No. 2) is used in integrated life safety and physical education lessons, in extracurricular activities, and military-patriotic clubs. This product is of great interest to students, easy to manufacture (made by the students themselves), portable, used both indoors and on the ski slope, cross-country track. Shooting is carried out from 8-10 meters at 6 targets located on the biathlon device. The target is the size of a #8 air rifle target. When the target is hit, the target automatically closes and disappears on the white background of the device. Ease of use, clarity, safety, makes this device very effective means air rifle shooting training. Photos and a prefabricated drawing of the biathlon device are attached in Appendix No. 2.


If graduates master the basic skills of military service acquired at school, then serving in the army will be easier for them, and commanders will not have to start training soldiers from the basics. Consequently, the Russian army will effectively organize the training of military personnel. Graduates must have practical skills - in shooting, perform internal service, perform drill techniques, live in field conditions, participate in tactical exercises. Conducting preparatory work with pre-conscripts, in the teaching staff of the school, in conversations with parents, I emphasize and convince that it is necessary to prepare for military service and it cannot be canceled. And in the foreseeable future, service will be carried out not so much by contract, but by conscription, and therefore it is necessary to resolve the issue of how to ensure that our guys are prepared for military service.

Students are interested in military service. The students of our school serve with honor in the army, choose professions of the military and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

I believe that the work of the school in preparing for military service requires further improvement and deepening in all areas, the main result of which is that the school graduate is a morally and physically prepared, reliable future defender of the Motherland!


1. Vasnev V.A., Chinenny S.A. Fundamentals of preparation for military service: Book. for the teacher. - M. Education, 2002.2.Latchuk V.N., Lukyanova V.R., Mironov S.K.. Lifestyle: Didactic materials. !0-11 grades - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2001 - 160 p. 3. Bulletin of military information. – Agency “Voeninform” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and Russian information agency “Novosti”. – 2005 - No. 1-12. Military doctrine of the Russian Federation // Bulletin of military information. – 2004. - No. 5.4. Military psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. allowance / Under the general editorship. Colonel General V.F. Kulakov. - M.: Perfection, 1998.5. Military encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing House, 2003.6. Methods of shooting training. - M.: Military Publishing House, 2007.

Appendix No. 1

Device "flat front sight"

Appendix No. 2

Device for training in shooting "Biathlon"

Shooting from a prone position in the gym

Shooting from a kneeling position

Shooting from a standing position during biathlon classes during integrated life safety and physical education lessons.


, teacher-organizer of initial military training of the highest category of school-gymnasium No. 6 named after Abai Kunanbaev, Stepnogorsk, Akmola region

“The lesson should be permeated with creativity

and at the same time remain a lesson"

The school course of initial military training has been and remains an important component of the educational process. Like any other lesson, a CVP lesson should be modern, bright, rich, memorable for both the student and the teacher. When preparing for the next lesson, thinking through its stages, any teacher thinks in advance about the methods and forms of conducting the lesson, the elements of pedagogical technologies that he will use, what competencies he expects students to develop during the lesson (cycle of lessons), what will be the method of communication and classroom management during the lesson (classroom management) and so on. All these concepts are subordinate to the goals of the lesson and the resulting objectives of the lesson. A quality lesson is a well-thought-out lesson, organized into a lesson plan. The NVP lesson has its own special characteristics in comparison with other lessons in the school cycle, namely, unlike subjects such as mathematics, chemistry, it will be useful to the student not so much in his future profession, how much in everyday life, present and future. The NVP lesson is more of an applied nature. The objectives of the lesson will be based on its applied nature, and this feature is the connecting thread of the NVP lesson with all other subjects of the school cycle.

Modern methods of teaching CVP should include not only a non-standard, creative lesson, but also extensive extracurricular activities and club work. What, in my opinion, new approaches to teaching basic military training include:

7) Use of heuristic tasks in lessons.

I would like to dwell in more detail on conducting a creative CVP lesson and extracurricular activities. A little about the feasibility of introducing ICT in basic military training classes and their importance in developing student competencies. The use of ICT in teaching contributes to the discovery, preservation and development of individual abilities in schoolchildren, a unique combination of personal qualities inherent in each person; formation of students’ cognitive abilities, desire for improvement; ensuring the complexity of the study of the phenomena of reality, the inextricability of the relationship between various subjects - natural science, technology, humanities and art; constant dynamic updating of the content, forms and methods of the teaching and upbringing process.

The main results of the use of ICT in the educational process:

· Increasing the level of independence and initiative of students in the classroom;

· Positive attitude of students towards the subject of life safety, towards the teacher, towards each other;

· Designation of the objective focus of students’ activities on the development of their personality;

· The emergence and growth of cognitive interest among students;

· Educational and developmental progress of the individual that arose during the lesson.

From all of the above, one single conclusion can be drawn: the use of information and communication technologies in teaching CVP is not a tribute to fashion, but an urgent need. ICT is one of the essential means of realizing the goals and objectives of the learning process; mastery of information technology makes a teacher a CVP Masters with a capital letter.

In my lessons, I practice not only theoretical training, the use of practical skills, but also meetings with Afghan soldiers, who in our city provide effective practical assistance in educating the younger generation. I try to ensure that such lessons are held on a high emotional level, which gives the lesson special effectiveness and better impact. I use video clips, music, literary excerpts. And I do this with the aim of enriching inner world student. It is no secret that many students now read little, do not have information about the Second World War, Afghan war, many historical events, etc. You see an example of such a lesson on the screen, and I would like to give a small fragment of the lesson “Hours of the Motherland”.

Now a few words about the preparation of the YID detachment. In our school, as in all schools in the city, the Yuid movement is widely developed, which turns 30 this year in Stepnogorsk. Over the past eight years, our team has taken first places in city and zonal competitions and is a prize-winner in regional UID competitions. For two years in a row, the team took prizes at national competitions. The key to such success is the daily training of the team various directions: drill, medical and sanitary, traffic rules, etc., as well as continuity in the work of the detachment, which consists of participation in the preparation of a new detachment by older team members. For a long time we have been practicing squad training, starting from the first grade. Thus, we cultivate in the members of the squad such qualities as friendship, perseverance, the desire to win, cooperation, patriotism, leadership qualities. In addition, the team constantly participates in demonstration performances at events at various levels, in parades for Victory Day in the Second World War, etc. Every year we practice multi-day camping trips and trips to recreation areas.

All this, undoubtedly, requires a lot of preparation from the teacher, an investment of time, mental and physical strength. But the results of the work are worth all of the above. As part of the delegation of Kazakhstan, we participated in the International Children and Youth Rally “Empire of Friendship: Pechory – Border, Fortress and Soul”, where we were able to prove ourselves only with the best side. The program of the rally included a visit to the state border, a border outpost, ancient fortresses, etc. Naturally, military sports competitions were also taking place at this time.

Last year, for the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we were able to gather a group of 35 people and visit the hero cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg, visit the Eternal Flame, Poklonnaya Hill, the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War, etc.

It should also be said that in order to carry out such extensive work, the teacher himself must improve himself, participate in various creative competitions, events, professional skills competitions, improve his qualifications, including through distance courses, distance pedagogical conferences, which allows you to communicate with a huge number of colleagues, resolve many pedagogical problems, etc.

All this together makes it possible to more effectively carry out patriotic work among students of different ages, to instill in them a sense of pride in their school, their city, their Republic, and civic responsibility. This means that each of them will grow up to be a true patriot of their homeland.

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